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TOPS Engagement Strategy

TOPS is made up of a small and passionate team that uses inreach and outreach strategies to create community and spark positive change towards open science. We are raising awareness, generating excitement, and creating buy-in with stakeholders every day as we move closer to The Year of Open Science kickoff in 2023.

We know that Open Science creates a more equitable system and broadens participation in science. Reducing barriers to entry for excluded, disenfranchised, and marginalized communities enables more diverse voices and areas of expertise to engage in scientific debate and take part in discovery and innovation. Leveraging more researchers will advance discovery, increase collaboration, and create new knowledge. All these things are essential for scientific discovery in the 21st century.

The bottom line is that we have ambitious goals and need YOU and your organization to help make a transformation to open science a reality. We have many ways you can get involved with TOPS and we can help bring you tools and resources that will help create an open science infrastructure within your own organization.

Here are some quick links that can help you get started:

Community Meetings

Recurring TOPS Meetings

  1. TOPS Community Forums
    • When: September 08, 1PM EDT (UTC -4)
    • Description: This month we will be discussing open science within two NASA Divisions: Biological and Physical Sciences and Heliophysics with [Dr. Sam Gebre]( and [Dr. Ryan McGranaghan]( We will be asking for feedback on related open science activities in the other areas and looking at points where different domains' efforts could benefit and augment one another.
    • Registration Link
    • Submit Questions here

Upcoming Conferences and Workshops

  1. AGU Fall Meeting
    • When: Dec 12-16
    • Description: TOPS and AGU will be cohosting workshops on OpenCore curricula, will be available in the NASA booth. We will host an open science help desk and more. Join us!
    • More Information

Meetings Calendar

A Google Calendar has been setup with these reoccurring times [GCAL, ICAL].