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87 lines (57 loc) · 2.79 KB

File metadata and controls

87 lines (57 loc) · 2.79 KB


  • Style for Apache's mod_autoindex
  • mobile friendly
  • CSS/HTML only, no JS, no PHP
  • matching error page included
  • icons for many files extensions (see LICENSE for their source)

How to deploy


Of course, they're many ways to deploy such a style.

The following procedure will place the theme outside your DocumentRoot.

While more convenient for some (no need to hide the style's folder with IndexIgnore, lower the network load if DocumentRoot is a NFS mount), this may not be suited for ones using a shared hosting, where only .htaccess are allowed.


Ensure that mod_autoindex and mod_include are enabled.

  • On Ubuntu: a2enmod autoindex include
  • Or uncomment these line on your httpd.conf/apache2.conf:
LoadModule autoindex_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule include_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

Copy the contents of the dist folder from this repo to a directory on your server. In this example, we'll use /home/user/polyfonia. Be sure that Apache has read permissions on it.

Copy polyfonia.conf from the conf folder from this repo to a directory on your server. In this example, we'll use /home/user/polyfonia.conf. Be sure that Apache has read permissions on it.

In /home/user/polyfonia, replace logo.png by the logo you want to use in the header.

In /home/user/polyfonia/header.shtml, replace ###TITLE### by the title that will be displayed in your browser tabs.

In /home/user/polyfonia/footer.shtml, replace ###COPYRIGHT### by the copyright text that will be displayed in the footer.

Edit your Apache configuration :

  • Add +Indexes to your DocumentRoot options
  • Include the style configuration file
  • Configure options for the directory where you uploaded the style (+Includes and Require all granted)
  • In your VirtualHost, add the /.polyfonia alias pointing to the style directory
  • In your VirtualHost, you may also add the optional ErrorDocument

Your configuration should look like this:

<Directory /var/www>
    Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks

<Directory /home/user/polyfonia>
    Options +Includes
    Require all granted

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www

	Alias "/.polyfonia" "/home/user/polyfonia"
	ErrorDocument 400 /.polyfonia/404.shtml
	ErrorDocument 401 /.polyfonia/404.shtml
	ErrorDocument 403 /.polyfonia/404.shtml
	ErrorDocument 404 /.polyfonia/404.shtml
	ErrorDocument 408 /.polyfonia/404.shtml
	ErrorDocument 500 /.polyfonia/404.shtml
	ErrorDocument 502 /.polyfonia/404.shtml
	ErrorDocument 503 /.polyfonia/404.shtml
	ErrorDocument 504 /.polyfonia/404.shtml
	Include /home/user/polyfonia.conf


Restart Apache and voilà !