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383 lines (270 loc) · 13.5 KB

File metadata and controls

383 lines (270 loc) · 13.5 KB


Version 3.3.0-alpha.X

  • Add alternate interaction callback onViewStateChange

Version 3.3.0-alpha.4

  • Fix bug in handling style viewState prop
  • Automatically load missing Mapbox stylesheet

Version 3.3.0-alpha.3

  • reuseMap prop now respects mapStyles
  • Update main example to babel-loader@8 (#503)
  • upgrade to latest dependencies (#505)
  • code style (#502)
  • add transition props to map state (#500)
  • handle source removal without layer removal (#477)
  • Fix source options comparison (#501)

Version 3.3.0-alpha.2

  • Move mapbox-gl import from mapbox wrapper to StaticMap

Version 3.3.0-alpha.1

  • Remove import of external 'assert' module
  • Upgraded build system, webpack 4 and bundle size instrumentation
  • New es6 dist

Version 3.2.5 (Mar 13, 2018)

Version 3.2.4 (Feb 21, 2018)

  • mapbox-gl 0.44.0
  • Fix reuseMap option
  • Add showZoom and showCompass options (#448)

3.2.0 (January 10, 2018)

  • mapbox-gl 0.42.2
  • Viewport transition: feature equivalent to Mapbox's flyTo and easeTo; smooth transition when using keyboard navigation or the NavigationControl. Add new props transitionDuration, transitionInterpolator, transitionEasing, transitionInterruption, onTransitionStart, onTransitionInterrupt, onTransitionEnd
  • Navigation using keyboard and the navigation control matches Mapbox behavior, including smooth transition when zooming and panning.
  • Touch rotate support: new props of InteractiveMap touchZoom and touchRotate
  • Expose Mapbox's transformRequest API
  • Map Reuse (experimental): A new property reuseMaps is provided for applications that create and destroy maps, to help work around a mapbox-gl resource leak issue that can lead to a browser crash in certain situations.

Version 3.1

3.1.1 (October 20, 2017)

  • FIX: custom events in MapControls

3.1.0 (October 19, 2017)

  • Add right mouse button click & drag to rotate
  • Allow controls and overlays to block map interactions
  • Extend control elements with custom classNames
  • Bump Mapbox to 0.40.1
  • StaticMap: Based on new Mapbox wrapper that supports reuse of mapbox maps
  • StaticMap: Renders HTML mapbox token warning if no token supplied
  • StaticMap: Remaining style diffing utils broken out

Version 3.0

Version 3.0.5 (October 03, 2017)

  • FIX: missing babel-runtime module at runtime
  • FIX: interaction when map is scaled by CSS transform

Version 3.0.4 (August 08, 2017)

Add babel transform-runtime to es5 build for IE11 support.

Version 3.0.3 (August 01, 2017)

  • v3.0.2 skipped because of faulty publish
  • FIX: unbound this in ref callback for canvas-overlay (#337)

Version 3.0.1 (July 27, 2017)

  • FIX: pinch zoom
  • FIX: wheel scrolling is blocked when onViewportChange is null

Version 3.0.0 (July 27, 2017)

This is a major release of the library. For more information, please see What's new in latest documentation.

Version 2.0.2 (Feb 09, 2017)

Minor Fixes

  • Changed postinstall script again to use postinstall.js to run flow-remove-types. This attempts to resolve cross-platform issues. (#192)

Version 2.0.1 (Jan 24, 2017)

Minor Fixes

  • Fixed calculation of map pitch during interaction
  • Changed postinstall script

Version 2.0.0 (Jan 17, 2017)

Reasons for the major version bump

  • We updated to mapbox-gl 0.31.0 which introduced flow types as well as having a hard dependency on Node >= v4. We now assume that you are on Node >= v4 and npm >= v3.
  • We want >= v2.0.0 of react-map-gl to continue tracking mapbox-gl updates as closely as possible. This means minor / patch updates will be published more frequently.
  • This also marks the start of more aggressive development on react-map-gl and we will start rolling out bigger updates in the coming months.

New Features & Updates

  • Bump mapbox-gl to v0.31.0
  • Add maxZoom prop and defaults to 20
  • Add onLoad event handler
  • Add onClick prop handler (#140)


  • Ensure fitBounds doesn't return NaN zoom value (#159)
  • Use 'changedTouches' for 'touchend' / 'touchcancel' events (#164)
  • Typo fix in draggable-points overlay (#178)
  • Remove mapbox-gl's Point dependency from map-interactions. (#161)


  • Added more info about usage with Webpack in README

Version 1.X Series Releases

Version 1.7.2

  • Use any one of the function keys {command, shift, ctrl, alt} to enable the perspective mode.

Version 1.7.1

  • Bump Mapbox version to 0.26

Version 1.7.0

  • Provide a way to control per-layer interactivity - onClickFeatures and onHoverFeatures have the option to only query selected layers. Enabled by setting the interactive property to true in layer styles. (#131)

  • Fix bug where onClickFeatures is fired after panning/rotating (#133)

Version 1.6.1

  • Hotfix: GeoJSON style support issue with mapbox-gl 0.24.0

Version 1.6.0

  • Reduced flicker when updating GeoJSON sources in styles - (Thanks @tsemerad) Covers certain cases, for more info see #124)
  • MapGL.supported() - New function which calls mapbox-gl's supported(). Enables applications to detect unsupported browsers and avoid rendering the react-map-gl, for graceful recovery or error handling.
  • Bumps mapbox-gl dependency to 0.24.0.
  • Cursor now changes to pointer over interactive features
  • Fix grab cursor in recent Chrome browsers

Version 1.5.0

  • Add touch support (Thanks @cammanderson)

Version 1.4.2

  • Remove alphaify dependency due to peerDependency issues

Version 1.4.1

  • Bumped alphaify dependency to avoid pulling in d3 v3 as sub-dependency
  • Added test case for fitBounds

Version 1.4.0

  • Bump d3 to v4, replaces monolithic d3 dependency with specific d3 submodules.

Version 1.3.0

  • Added clickRadius prop to allow for customization of hitbox around clicked point

Version 1.2.0

  • Add fitBounds

Version 1.1.1

  • Update mapbox-gl from v0.21.0 (from v0.20.0)

Version 1.0.0

New Feature: Perspective Mode

  • Now supports bearing and pitch properties, per mapbox-gl-js api documentation. These props default to 0 which means that maps will still be rendered in flat/ortographic mode when they are not provided.
  • Setting the perspectiveEnabled prop to true enables a perspective control mode (Command-Drag) allowing the user to change perspective.

Limitations: The existing overlays (HTMLOverlay, CanvasOverlay, SVGOverlay etc) do not currently support perspective mode. For a set of overlays that do support perspective mode, see

Note: The map state reported by onViewportChanged may now contain additional state fields (tracking not only pitch and bearing, but also transient information about how the projection is being changed by the user). To simplify and future proof applications, it is recommended to simply save the entire mapState in your app store whenever it changes and then pass it back to the component rather than trying to keep track of individual fields (More info in

Note 2: A utility for calculating projections and projection matrices based on props that include pitch and bearing will be provided separately. In the mean-time, ViewportMercatorProject still works for non-perspective maps.

Internal change: Transpiled ES6 code base

  • The code base has been updated to ES6+ and is now transpiled back to ES5 before being published on npm.

Breaking Change: Layer Imports

  • The map overlay components (HTMLOverlay, CanvasOverlay, SVGOverlay etc) previously had to be imported via their relative source paths (e.g. import SVGOverlay from 'react-map-gl/src/overlays/svg-overlays';). These files still exist, but have now be rewritten in ES6+ which will not work for most applications. Instead the various Layers components are now exported as additional named exports from the module, and can be accessed using "desctructuring" imports:
import MapGL, {SVGOverlay} from 'react-map-gl';


var MapGL = require(`react-map-gl`);
var SVGOverlay = MapGL.SVGOverlay;

Breaking Change: fitBounds has been removed

The previously exported fitbounds function will be made available as part of the separate package of utilities that handles coordinate projections in perspective mode.

Beta Releases

v3.1 Beta Releases

Version 3.1.0-alpha.1

  • React 16 preliminary integration.

v3.0 Beta Releases

Version 3.0.0-beta.3

  • Fix: viewport misalignment with Mapbox at low zoom levels

Version 3.0.0-beta.2

  • Fix: scroll zoom with touch does not block page scrolling
  • Fix: feature lookup error when child components are rendered with error

Version 3.0.0-beta.1

  • WEBSITE: Polish docs
  • WEBSITE: Add links to other libraries
  • WEBSITE: babel config fix

Version 3.0.0-alpha.15

  • update event manager (#283)
  • Fix: Event Manager update fixes an issue where scrollZoom disabled will also consume the scroll event preventing the page from scrolling.
  • Fix: breakage on node (#292)
  • BREAKING: fitBounds is now accessed through the PerspectiveMercatorViewport class
  • BREAKING: react-map-gl now requires at least Node >=v6.4 in development
  • New: SVGOverlay CanvasOverlay and HTMLOverlay supports perspective mode; no longer requires viewport props

Version 3.0.0-alpha.14

  • BREAKING: Remove fitBounds util (#278)
  • Updated to mapbox-gl-js version 0.38.0 (#285)
  • Update overlays code and documentation (#282)
  • Fix: Compass arrow in navigation control (#277)

Version 3.0.0-alpha.13

  • New: Add new examples (#270)
  • Fix: Add onLoad callback to static map props and componentDidMount (#269)
  • Fix: Change pan event listener to move specific panmove (#272)

Version 3.0.0-alpha.12

  • Bump mapbox-gl to 0.37.0
  • New: fitBounds util function
  • Fix: Map flickering when drag over popups
  • BREAKING: onChangeViewport is now onViewportChange

Version 3.0.0-alpha.11

  • New event management system based on hammer.js
  • FIX: Touch interaction
  • Remove MapControls React component
  • Remove ControllerClass prop from InteractiveMap
  • Add mapControls prop to InteractiveMap
  • Add visibility prop to StaticMap for showing/hiding the map
  • Rename _getMap method to getMap
  • Add queryRenderedFeatures method that exposes the MapboxGL API with the same name
  • Remove all interactivity related props from StaticMap
  • Remove intermediate state props from InteractiveMap: startPanLngLat, startZoomLngLat, startBearing, startPitch, startZoom.
  • InteractiveMap is now stateful (isDragging and isHover)
  • Rename onClickFeatures and onHoverFeatures to onClick and onHover. Remove ignoreEmptyFeatures prop. The callbacks are invoked with an event object with features and lngLat fields.
  • New getCursor prop of InteractiveMap: returns cursor style from the current map state
  • Rename displayConstraints to visibilityConstraints
  • Remove perspectiveEnabled prop. Add scrollZoom, dragPan, dragRotate, doubleClickZoom, touchZoomRotate props.

Version 3.0.0-alpha.10 - Add ControllerClass prop to InteractiveMap

Version 3.0.0-alpha.9

  • NEW: Marker component
  • NEW: Popup component
  • FIX: attributeControl prop
  • NEW: NavigationControl component

Version 3.0.0-alpha.8 - Fix server side rendering of InteractiveMap

Version 3.0.0-alpha.7 - Bug fixes

  • FIX: Prop comparison bug in static map
  • FIX: Children get unmounted/re-mounted when the map is shown/hidden

Version 3.0.0-alpha.6 - Bug fixes

  • FIX: Viewport jump at start of rotation with pitch
  • FIX: Viewport jump at start of pan with pitch
  • FIX: Zoom around mouse position

Version 3.0.0-alpha.5 - Add pressKeyToRotate prop on MapControls

Version 3.0.0-alpha.4 - More transpile/export fixes

Version 3.0.0-alpha.3 - Transpile/export fixes

Version 3.0.0-alpha.3 - Remove JSX from overlays

Version 3.0.0-alpha.2 - Hide map when pitch > 60.

Version 3.0.0-alpha.1 - Major New Rlease

  • NEW: Supports "tree-shaking" in Webpack2 and Rollup - adds new package.json module field that points to files with preserved ES6 import/exports.

  • NEW: Significant reduction in number of npm dependencies.

  • NEW: Setting the new pressKeyToRotate prop to false will make rotation rather than pan the default operation, requiring a function key to be pressed for pan.

  • BREAKING: The ChoroplethOverlay React component is no longer part of the exported library. It has been moved to examples folder, applications that still need it can copy it from there instead of importing it directly. Removing ChoroplethOverlay eliminated a number of big D3 dependencies from react-map-gl, which seemed like the right tradeoff since most users are using mapbox styles or layers for Choropleths.

Event Handling Refactor

  • Event handling (Pan/Zoom/Tilt) has been significantly refactored, and is now handled by a separate component (MapControls).
  • A new StaticMap component is the actual mapbox-gl wrapper. It only handles click and hover events.
  • The separation of event handling from the map component opens up some interesting use cases, including creating apps that can modify viewports beyond mapbox' rendering limits and using the MapControls with non-mapbox maps.

Compatibility with v1

  • A new InteractiveMap is provided, that uses the MapControls component to add pan/zoom/title to StaticMap. InteractiveMap closely resembles the original MapGL component from version 1 and is the default export of react-map-gl in v2. react-map-gl should thus be API compatible with v1 in most cases, although there might be subtle differences in how events are handled.