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Secure genotype imputation using homomorphic encryption - iDASH 2019 track 2


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Secure genome imputation using homomorphic encryption

Genome imputation allows to predict missing variant genotypes (target SNPs) from available genotypes (tag SNPs). In this project, the imputation is performed using multi-output logistic regression models. The models are build upon one-hot-encoded tag SNPs and are trained to predict target SNP variants (probabilities). The vowpal-wabbit framework is used for model training.

In a typical use case of secure genome imputation, we have 2 parties A and B. Party A have genome data with missing SNPs and party B has the imputation model. The secure genome imputation consists of 3 steps:

  1. Encode/encrypt tag SNPs
  2. Secure impute target SNPs
  3. Decrypt/decode target SNPs imputed probabilities

Here, steps 1 and 3 are executed by party A and step 2 is executed by party B.

The encryption, decryption and imputation use the homomorphic encryption library TFHE. The tag SNPs and the resulting probabilities for target SNPs are encrypted throughout the whole process. Only party A has access to tag and target SNPs in clear. The imputation models are available to the evaluation party B only.

This code is an open-source software distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

In what follows we describe how to learn imputation models and how to perform secure genome imputation.

Learn imputation models

Input genome data files, downloaded from here, must be located in the folder orig_data (relative to repository root). The orig_data folder should look like:

# ls ../orig_data | head

In case stratified population is used the orig_data folder will have additional *_AFR.list, *_AMR.list and *_EUR.list files with indices of the respective population in the dataset.

The obtained models will be placed under folder models/hr/neighbors=<neighbors><population> where <neighbors> and <population> are model configuration parameters.


First of all clone repository and navitage into it:

git clone --recursive
cd idash2019_2

You can either install the needed packages on your machine or use a docker container. Please refer to respective section.

Machine configuration (ubuntu 18.04)

Install required packages:

apt-get install vowpal-wabbit python3 python3-pip parallel
pip3 install numpy pandas scikit-learn

Use docker container

You can build a docker image having the needed configuration and packages. Execute the following command in the root folder:

docker build -t idash_2019_chimera:train -f Dockerfile.train .

Start docker container using:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/idash idash_2019_chimera:train bash

Input data preprocessing

Next instructions are relative to train folder (docker container starts automatically in this folder).

Transform the format of input data and obtain auxiliary data configuration files.

python3 ../orig_data ../data

If all went well you should obtain something like this in the output data folder:

# ls ../data | head

If stratified population indices are available in the orig_data folder the output data will contain *.pickle files for each population.

Logistic regression models for genome imputation

Logistic regression models for imputing target SNPs are created using script For example, in order to build the models using 5 nearest tag SNP neighbors (variable neighbors) for all population (variable population) use:


bash $neighbors $population

Once the learning process is finished folder ../models/vw/neighbors=$neighbors$population/ will contain about 240k model files. The total number of obtained models is 3 times the number of target SNPs (3 models are built for each target SNP because of the one-hot-encoding).

# ls ../models/vw/neighbors=$neighbors$population | wc -l

The number of neighboring tag SNPs to use in each model training is configurable (we have tested from 5 to 50 neighbors). For the population stratification you can choose one of the following values: _AFR, _AMR, _EUR or empty value for no stratification.

The micro-AUC score for the predictions obtained by these models is computed with command (keep double quotation marks around *.hr otherwise the 242646 model files will overflow the command line buffer 😄):

python3 -m ../models/vw/neighbors=$neighbors$population/"*.hr" --tag_file ../data/tag_test$population.pickle --target_file ../data/target_test$population.pickle

The output shall look like:

Micro-AUC score: 0.98147822 pred max-min 89.093671 (../models/vw/neighbors=5/*.hr)

Here, value 89.093671 is the absolute norm of the obtained predictions and is used for model coefficient discretization (rescaling and mapping coefficients to integers). This operation is performed using the same python script as before but with additional arguments:

model_scale=$(python3 -c "print(16384 / $range / 2)") # leave a 100% margin (by 2 division)

python3 -m ../models/vw/neighbors=$neighbors$population/"*.hr" --tag_file ../data/tag_test$population.pickle --target_file ../data/target_test$population.pickle --model_scale $model_scale --out_dir ../models/hr/neighbors=$neighbors$population

The output shall look like (observe that the accuracy is somewhat worse when compared to the accuracy of the non-discretized model):

Micro-AUC score: 0.98147786 pred max-min 8191.0 (../models/vw/neighbors=5/*.hr)

Discretized genome imputation models which will be used in the secure imputation phase (described in next section) are placed in folder ../models/hr/neighbors=$neighbors$population:

>> ls ../models/hr/neighbors=$neighbors$population | head

Secure evaluation of imputation models

Once the desired logistic regression models are obtained we can proceed to the imputation on encrypted tag SNPs.


Firstly, we need to clone the TFHE library as a submodule and apply a patch to it. Run the following instruction from the root folder of the repository:

git submodule update --init

cd tfhe
git apply ../eval/thread_local_rand_gen.patch
cd ..

As previously, we can either configure the host machine or use a docker container.

Machine configuration (ubuntu 18.04)

Python packages installed previously and usual C++ build tools (cmake, make, g++) are sufficient to build the project.

Use docker container

Execute the following command in the root folder of the repository:

docker build -t idash_2019_chimera:eval -f Dockerfile.eval .

Start docker container:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/idash idash_2019_chimera:eval bash

Compile project

Instructions in following sections are relative to folder eval/run (automatically set in docker container).

Start by compiling the TFHE library and the secure genome imputation project:

make build

Number of threads

The secure imputation binaries can use parallelization in order to increase execution performance. The default number of threads is set to 4 and can be changed (see line 37 of file idash.h). The project must be re-compiled in this case.

Execute secure imputation

Makefile target auc executes the key generation, encryption, missing SNPs imputation and decryption steps. Besides, accuracy scores (micro-AUC, macro and macro non-reference accuracies) for the imputed target SNPs in output file result_bypos.csv are computed also.

make auc

The typical output on a mid-end laptop shall look like:

./bin/keygen "../../orig_data/target_geno_model_coordinates.txt" "../../orig_data/tag_testing.txt" 1
using target file (headers): ../../orig_data/target_geno_model_coordinates.txt (only positions)
using tag file (challenge): ../../orig_data/tag_testing.txt
target_file (headers): ../../orig_data/target_geno_model_coordinates.txt
tag_file: ../../orig_data/tag_testing.txt
----------------- BENCHMARK -----------------
Number of threads ...............: 4
Keygen time (seconds)............: 5.19753e-05
Total wall time (seconds)........: 0.200243
RAM usage (MB)...................: 12.996
./bin/encrypt "../../orig_data/tag_testing.txt"
using tag file (challenge): ../../orig_data/tag_testing.txt
----------------- BENCHMARK -----------------
encrypt wall time (seconds)......: 4.62767
serialization wall time (seconds): 2.10074
total wall time (seconds)........: 6.72841
RAM usage (MB)...................: 441.484
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 397185128 Jun 15 14:45 encrypted_data.bin
./bin/cloud "../../models/hr/neighbors=5"
using model dir: ../../models/hr/neighbors=5
----------------- BENCHMARK -----------------
fhe wall time (seconds)..........: 3.06433
serialization wall time (seconds): 26.6188
total wall time (seconds)........: 29.6832
RAM usage (MB)...................: 2735.53
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1991638376 Jun 15 14:46 encrypted_prediction.bin
./bin/decrypt bypos
----------------- BENCHMARK -----------------
decrypt wall time (seconds)......: 2.54242
serialization wall time (seconds): 395.26
total wall time (seconds)........: 397.802
RAM usage (MB)...................: 2957.85
python3 ../ --pred_file result_bypos.csv --target_file "../../orig_data/target_testing.txt"
Micro-AUC score: 0.9814777758605334
MAP score: 0.8956327825366766
MAP non-ref score: 0.7289859822447496

The imputation model to use is set in the file (variable MODEL_FILE). The default value of this variable corresponds to the model learned earlier (5 neighbors and no population stratification).

Paper experiments

All the experiments performed for paper are grouped in the bash script for model learning phase and bash script for model evaluation phase.