diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 66d2a676053..1b6ea320271 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ *~ *.swp *.un~ + + + + + .DS_Store .vscode/ diff --git a/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/design.md b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/design.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7f06f5f667d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/design.md @@ -0,0 +1,397 @@ +# Distributed Data Plane Verification +# High Level Design Document +#### Rev 0.2 + +# Table of Contents +TBD in Markdown with links + +# Revision + +| Rev | Date | Author | Change Description | +| ---- | ---------- | -----------| ------------------| +| v0.1 | 02/24/2022 | Qiao Xiang, Chenyang Huang, Ridi Wen, Yuxin Wang, Jiwu Shu@Xiamen University, China| Initial version | +| v0.2 | 09/09/2022 | Qiao Xiang, Chenyang Huang, Ridi Wen, Yuxin Wang, Jiwu Shu@Xiamen University, China| Add details | + + +# Scope +This document describes the high-level design of the distributed data plane verification feature. + + + + +# Definitions/Abbreviations +###### Table 1: Abbreviations +| Abbreviation | Full form | +| ------------ | --------------------------- | +| FIB | Forwarding Information Base | +| CLI | Command Line Interface | +| LEC | Local Equivalence Class | +| DPV | Data plane verification | + +# Overview + + + + + + +In this HLD, we propose a distributed +data plane verification feature, which allows devices equipped with SONiC to verify their data planes efficiently and enable fast in-network verification. Instead of doing verification at the centralized server, we offload verification tasks to SONiC switches and thus provide good scalibility. Not only can a scalable DPV +tool quickly find network errors in large networks, it can +also support novel services such as fast rollback and switching +among multiple data planes [1], and data plane +verification across administrative domains [2]. + +Our key insight is that DPV can be transformed into a counting problem on a directed acyclic graph called DVNet, which can be naturally decomposed into lightweight +tasks executed at network devices, enabling scalability. + +To be concrete, this +feature provides: + + +* A declarative requirement specification language that allows operators to + flexibly specify common requirements studied by existing DPV tools (e.g., +reachability, blackhole free, waypoint and isolation), and more advanced, yet +understudied requirements (e.g., multicast, anycast, no-redundant-delivery and +all-shortest-path availability). +* A verification planner that takes the operator specified requirement as input, + and systematically decomposes the global verification into lightweight, +on-device computation tasks. +* A distributed verification (DV) protocol that specifies how on-device + verifiers communicate task results efficiently to collaboratively verify the +requirements. + + + +The picture below demonstrates the architecture and workflow of distributed data plane verification. + + +![system](img/system-diagram-v5.jpg) + + + +A series of demos of the proposed feature can be found at [distributeddpvdemo.tech](DDPV-Demos). All demos are conducted on a small testbed of commodity switches installed with SONiC or ONL. A technical report of the detailed design of DDPV can be found at [https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.07808](arXiv). + +# Requirements +* The ddpv container needs to have access to the device data plane (i.e., FIB and ACL) stored in the database container. +* The ddpv container at neighboring switches needs to use sockets to exchange verification messages. +* The ddpv container will be developed in Java, and will need a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). +* New CLI commands need to be added to allow the ddpv container to receive the counting tasks from the verification planner and show related information, e.g., verification results, counting numbers, and status. +* For devices without an on-device verifier, off-device instance (e.g., VM) can be assigned that plays as a verifier to collect the data plane from the +device and exchange messages with other verifiers based on DVNet. +* A computing device (e.g., a server) is needed to serve as a planner, which is responsible for managing devices,inputting topologies, distrbuting tasks and getting verification results. This is similar as the process of configuring routing protocols. + + + + +# Functionality +## Functionality Description +Distributed data plane verification detects a wide range of network errors (e.g., switch operating system errors) by checking the actual +data plane on the network device, so that the operator can detect the network error in time, take relevant +measures to correct the error, and reduce the loss as much as possible. Distributed data plane verification can efficiently validate a +wide range of network forwarding requirements of operators in different scenarios. If the current network +status does not meet the operator's network forwarding requirements, then prompt the operator network error. +Distributed data plane verification generates a directed acyclic graph called DVnet based on the network topology and requirements, +and performs a reverse counting process on DVnet, finally determines whether the network is wrong. + + + + + + +# Design + +The ddpv container runs two daemon processes: lecbuilderd and vagentd. We give a +brief view of the key classes and the main functionalities of each process. + +## lecbuilderd +The core of lecbuilderd is the LECBuilder class. + +- LECBuilder + + This class is responsible for converting the data plane (e.g., FIB and ACL) of the residing device to local equivalence classes (LECs). LECBuilder needs to have **READ** access to the Application-DB table[5] (APPL_DB) which stores FIB and ACL, and seats within the redis-engine of the database container. + Given a device X, a local equivalence class is a set of packets whose actions are identical at X. + LECBuilder stores the LECs of its residing device using a data structure called binary decision diagram (BDD). + The major methods in LECBuilder are: + + - `buildLEC()`: read the database container to get the data plane of the device, + and build the LECs. + - `updateLEC()`: get the updates of data plane from the database container and update the LECs incrementally. + + + +## vagentd +The vagentd process uses a dispatch-worker thread pool design. + +### Dispatcher + + Each SONiC device is connected to a planner who sends verification tasks through sockets using TCP protocol with port 5108. The Dispatcher class receives the computation task configurations from the planner and spawns +Worker threads correspondingly. It also establishes socket connections with neighboring devices using TCP protocol with port 5109, dispatches received messages to corresponding Worker threads and sends the messages from Worker threads to corresponding neighbor devices. Both port 5108 and port 5109 are unused ports according to IETF documentation. + +The main methods in Dispatcher include: + + - `receiveInstruction()`: receive instructions on computation tasks from the planner, and spawn corresponding Worker threads. This method is only invoked when the system starts or the planner updates the computation tasks based on operators' instructions. + - `receiveMessage()`: receive the verification messages from neighboring devices and dispatch them to the corresponding workers. + - `receiveLECUpdate()`: receive the updates of LECs from lecbuilderd and dispatch them to corresponding workers. + - `sendMessage()`: receive the sendResult requests + from workers and send them to corresponding devices. + - `sendAlert()`: if a worker specifies in its sendResult request that the result indicates a violation of an +operator-specified requirement, the dispatcher sends an alert to the operators. + + +### Worker + +This class executes the lightweight computation tasks specified by the planner. + Each node in DVNet corresponds to a worker thread. + The running state of workers is controlled by the thread pool. + The main methods in Worker include: + - `receiveMessage()`: receive the verification message from the dispatcher, and execute the computation task incrementally. + - `receiveLECUpdate()`: receive the updates of LECs from the dispatcher, and execute the computation task incrementally. + - `sendResult()`: send the result of the computation task to the dispatcher, which either forwards it to a corresponding neighbor device or sends an alert to the operators, depending on whether a violation of an operator-specified requirement is found by the worker. + +# Use Case Examples + +We use two examples to demonstrates how the DDPV feature works. More +illustrations can be found at [distributeddpvdemo.tech](DDPV-Demos). The first +example is in a network in Figure 2. + +
+tore +
+Figure 2. An example topology and requirement. +
+ + +After the operator specifies the requirement in Figure 2, the verification +planner decides the on-device tasks for each device in the network by +constructing a data structure called DVNet. Informally, DVNet is a DAG that +compactly represents all valid paths in the topology that satisfy an +operator-specified requirement, and is independent of the actual data plane of +the network. Figure 3 gives the computed DVNet of the example in Figure 2. + +
+dvnet +
+Figure 3. The DVNet and the counting process. +
+ + + +Note the devices in the network and the nodes in DVNet have a +1-to-many mapping. For each node u in DVNet, we assign a unique identifier, which is a concatenation of u.dev and an integer. +For example, device W in the network is mapped to two nodes B1 and B2 in DVNet, because the regular expression +allows packets to reach D via [B,W,D] or [W,B,D]. + +### Example 1-1: Green Start + +
+dataplane +
+Figure 4. The network data plane. +
+ + + +We first show how DDPV works in the scenario of green start, i.e., all forwarding rules are +installed to corresponding switches all at once. Consider the network data plane +in Figure 4. For simplicity, we use P1, P2, P3 to represent the packet spaces with destination IP +prefixes of,, and, respectively. Note that P2 ∩ P3 = ∅ and P1 = P2 ∪ P3. Each u in DVNet +initializes a packet space → count mapping, (P1, 0), except for D1 that initializes the mapping as (P1, 1) (i.e., one copy of +any packet in P1 will be sent to the correct external ports). Afterwards, we traverse all the nodes in DVNet in reverse topological +order to update their mappings. Each node u checks the data plane of u.dev to find the set of next-hop devices +u.dev will forward P1 to. If the action of forwarding to this next-hop set is of ALL-type, the mapping at u can be updated by adding up the +count of all downstream neighbors of u whose corresponding device belongs to the set of next-hops of u.dev for forwarding P1. For example, +node W1 updates its mapping to (P1, 1) and node W2 updates its mapping to (P1, 1) because device W forwards to D, but node B1’s mapping +is still (P1, 0) because B does not forward P1 to W. Similarly, although W1 has two downstream neighbors B2 and D1, each with an updated +mapping (P1, 1). At its turn, we update its mapping to (P1, 1) instead of (P1, 2), because device W only forwards P1 to D, not B. + +Consider the mapping update at A1. A would forward P2 to either B or W. A forwards P2 to B, the mapping at A1 is (P2, 0), because +B1’s updated mapping is (P1, 0) and P2 ⊂ P1. A forwards P2 to W , the mapping at A1 is (P2, 1) because W1’s updated mapping is (P1, 1). +Therefore, the updated mapping for P2 at A1 is (P2, [0, 1]). In the end, the updated mapping of S1 [(P2, [0, 1]), (P3, 1)] reflects the final +counting results, indicating that the data plane in Figure 3 does not satisfy the requirements in Figure 2. In other words, the network +data plane is erroneous. +### Example 1-2: Incremental Update +Consider another scenario in Figure 2, where B updates its data plane to forward P1 to W , instead of to D. The changed mappings of different +nodes are circled with boxes in Figure 4. In this case, device B locally updates the task results of B1 and B2 to [(P1, 1)] and [(P1, 0)], +respectively, and sends corresponding updates to the devices of their upstream neighbors, i.e., [(P1, 1)] sent to A following the opposite +of (A1, B1) and [(P1, 0)] sent to W following the opposite of (W 1, B2). + +Upon receiving the update, W does not need to update its mapping for node W1, +because W does not forward any packet to B. As such, W does not need to send any update to A along the opposite of (A1,W1). In contrast, +A needs to update its task result for node A1 to [(P1, 1)] because (1) no matter whether A forwards packets in P2 to B or W , 1 copy of +each packet will be sent to D, and (2) P2 ∪ P3 = P1. After +updating its local result, A sends the update to S along the opposite of (S1,A1). Finally, S updates its local result for S1 to [(P1, 1)], +i.e., the requirement is satisfied after the update. + +### Example 2: Verifying RCDC Local Contracts +In the second example, we show how DDPV verifies the local contracts of the +all-shortest-path availability in Azure RCDC [4]. All-shortest-path availability +requires all pairs of ToR devices in a Clos-based data center should reach each +other along a shortest path, and all ToR-to-ToR shortest paths should be +available in the data plane. + + + +
+dc +
+Figure 5: An example datacenter. +
+ +We first explain what ToR contracts are using the example in Figure 5, we show that +RCDC is a special case of DDPV.. Each ToR has a default contract with next +hops set to its neighboring leaf devices. For example, the default +contract for ToR1 specifies {A1,A2,A3,A4} as the next hops. +Each ToR has a specific contract for every prefix hosted in the +datacenter besides the prefix that it is configured to announce, and +the next hops are set to its neighboring leaf devices. For example, +ToR1 has specific contracts for Prefix_B, Prefix_C +, and Prefix_D with next hops set to {A1,A2,A3,A4}. +Aggregation contracts and core contracts are similar to ToR contracts. + + + +
+rcdc +
+Figure 6: Example illustrating local contracts. +
+ + + + + + +# Evaluation on commodity switches + +We run extensive microbenchmarks to measure the overhead of distributed data plane verifiers. The datasets contain 13 networks, which are of different types, such as LAN, WAN and datacenter network. The information about these datasets is shown in the chart below. The first four are public datasets and the others are synthesized with public topologies. Fattree is a 48-ary fattree. NGClos is a real, large, Clos-based DC. + +
+rcdc +
+Figure 7: Datasets statistics +
+ +We use switches from four vendors. Mellanox, Edgecore and Centec switches run SONiC , while the Barefoot switch runs ONL. The information about these switches is shown in the chart below. + +
+rcdc +
+Figure 8: Devices in the testbed. +
+ +### Initialization overhead + + +
+rcdc +
+Figure 9: Initialization overhead. +
+ +For each of 414 devices from WAN +/ LAN and 6 devices from NGClos/Fattree (one edge, aggregation and core switch, respectively), we measure the overhead +of its initialization phase in burst update (i.e., computing +the initial LEC and CIB), in terms of total time, maximal +memory and CPU load, on the three switch models in our +testbed. The CPU load is computed as CPU time /(total time +× number of cores). Figure 7 plots their CDFs. On all three +switches, all devices in the datasets complete initialization +in ≤ 1.5s, with a CPU load ≤ 0.48, and a maximal memory +≤ 19.6MB. + +### DV UPDATE message processing overhead + + +
+rcdc +
+Figure 10: DV UPDATE message processing overhead. +
+ +For each of +the same set of devices in the datasets, we collect the trace +of their received DV UPDATE messages during burst update +and incremental update experiments, replay the traces consecutively on each of the three switches, and measure the +message processing overhead in terms of total time, maximal memory, CPU load and per message processing time. +Figure 8 shows their CDFs. For 90% of devices, all three +switches process all UPDATE messages in ≤ 2.29s, with a +maximal memory ≤ 32.08MB, and a CPU load ≤ 0.20. And +for 90% of all 835.2k UPDATE messages, the switches can +process it in ≤ 4ms. + + + + +# References +[1] S. Choi, B. Burkov, A. Eckert, T. Fang, S. Kazemkhani, +R. Sherwood, Y. Zhang, and H. Zeng. Fboss: Building switch +software at scale. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the ACM +Special Interest Group on Data Communication, pages 342–356, +2018. + +[2]A. Dhamdhere, D. D. Clark, A. Gamero-Garrido, M. Luckie, R. K. +Mok, G. Akiwate, K. Gogia, V. Bajpai, A. C. Snoeren, and K. Claffy. +Inferring persistent interdomain congestion. In Proceedings of the +2018 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data +Communication, pages 1–15, 2018. + +[3] Karthick Jayaraman, Nikolaj Bjørner, Jitu Padhye, Amar Agrawal, +Ashish Bhargava, Paul-Andre C Bissonnette, Shane Foster, Andrew +Helwer, Mark Kasten, Ivan Lee, et al. 2019. Validating Datacenters +at Scale. In Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data +Communication. 200–213. + +[4] Qiao Xiang, Ridi Wen, Chenyang Huang, Yuxin Wang, Jiwu Shu, Franck Le, 2022. Switch as a +Verifier: Toward Scalable Data Plane Checking via Distributed, On-Device +Verification. (A shorter version has been accepted by HotNets'22.) https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.07808 + +[5] SONiC architecture. https://github.com/sonic-net/SONiC/wiki/Architecture + + + + diff --git a/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/architecture.png b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/architecture.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..742ed07f3e9 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/architecture.png differ diff --git a/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/dataplane.png b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/dataplane.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cc549fdb931 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/dataplane.png differ diff --git a/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/datasets.jpg b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/datasets.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0bc53ecb9f6 Binary files /dev/null and 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b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/dc_total_time.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6de9ed4bf8a Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/dc_total_time.png differ diff --git a/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/device.jpg b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/device.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..139f4ac9987 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/device.jpg differ diff --git a/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/dvnet.png b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/dvnet.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9e0eb2f5d22 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/dvnet.png differ diff --git a/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/evaluation-incremental-v2.jpg b/doc/distributed-data-plane-verification/img/evaluation-incremental-v2.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d4bf10ba5fc Binary files /dev/null and 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