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MATSim-Extensions by SBB

The following extensions for MATSim are provided by the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB, Schweizerische Bundesbahnen):

To use the extensions along your MATSim code, follow these two steps:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your pom.xml.


Step 2. Add the dependency


The SwissRailRaptor is a fast public transport router. It is based on the RAPTOR algorithm (Delling et al, 2012, Round-Based Public Transit Routing), and applies several optimizations, namely in the selection which transfers need to be added and which transfers can be left out without influencing the outcome of the routing-process.

Actual performance gains vary by scenario, but are typically in the order of one to two magnitudes compared to the default pt router in MATSim. When applied to the complete public transport schedule of Switzerland (including trains, buses, trams, ships, cable-cars, ...), SwissRailRaptor was 95 times faster than MATSim's default pt router. In smaller scenarios, SwissRailRaptor was measured to be between 20 - 30 times faster. Memory consumption of SwissRailRaptor should also be at least one magnitude lower when compared to MATSim's default router, as should be the pre-processing time to initialize the router.

SwissRailRaptor can act as a drop-in replacement for the pt router included in MATSim by default when it is used without further configuration, re-using the configuration parameters from the default transitRouter config group. A special config group is available that allows to configure advanced features of the SwissRailRaptor not available in MATSim's default pt router (see below).

A major difference to the default transit router in MATSim is the fact that SwissRailRaptor does not repeat the transit schedule after 24 hours when searching for a route, but only takes the actual departure times as specified in the schedule into account. This is due to the fact that not all schedules have a periodicity of 24 hours. When applied in MATSim, it can result in agents no longer finding a route when departing late at night. Considering such agents would have gotten stuck in the simulation anyway due to no scheduled pt vehicles running at that time the next day, this should not pose any real problem.

Have a look at the class ch.sbb.matsim.RunSBBExtension included in the repository to see how to enable SwissRailRaptor when running MATSim.

Configuration of Advanced Features

Besides acting as a drop-in replacement for MATSim's default pt router, SwissRailRaptor provides additional features that need special configuration to be activated.

Intermodal Access and Egress

By default, all legs leading from the start coordinate to the first transit stop, or leading from the last transit stop to the destination coordinate, are assumed to be undertaken by walking. But SwissRailRaptor also support choosing different modes for these access and egress legs.

Other modes, e.g. bike, usually have a higher speed, and thus transit stops with a larger distance to the start or destination coordinate should be taken into account than just those reachable by a sensible walking duration. In order to reduce the number of potential start and destination stops when increasing the search radius, SwissRailRouter allows to filter the stops based on stops' attributes.

To use intermodal access and egress legs and configure the allowed modes and stops, add the following config module to your config.xml:

<module name="swissRailRaptor">
  <param name="useIntermodalAccessEgress" value="true" />
  <paramset type="intermodalAccessEgress">
    <param name="mode" value="walk" />
    <param name="radius" value="1000" />
  <paramset type="intermodalAccessEgress">
    <param name="mode" value="bike" />
    <param name="radius" value="3000" />
    <param name="linkIdAttribute" value="accessLinkId_bike" />
    <param name="personFilterAttribute" value="hasBike" />
    <param name="personFilterValue" value="true" />
    <param name="stopFilterAttribute" value="bikeAccessible" />
    <param name="stopFilterValue" value="true" />

In the above example, intermodal access and egress is enabled (useIntermodalAccessEgress=true) and two modes are configured for it: walk and bike. Walk can be used by all agents (no personFilterAttribute defined) and uses all transit stops (no stopFilterAttribute defined) within a radius of 1000 around the start or destination coordinates. Bike can only be used by agents having a person attribute hasBike with the value of true, and uses only transit stops that have an attribute named bikeAccessible with the value true. If bike is routed on the network, it's possible that no route can be calculated from an activity's link to the transit stop links, e.g. if the transit stop is a train station and the assigned link refers to a "rail"-link which is not connected to the bike-network. In such cases, a transit stop attribute can be specified that contains the linkId to (or from) which a route with the given mode should be routed (linkIdAttribute).

Additional modes could be configured by adding corresponding parameter sets of type intermodalAccessEgress.

Note that when intermodal access and egress is enabled in SwissRailRaptor, walk must be configured as well, as the settings from the default transitRouter config group will be ignored.

If intermodal access and egress legs are created, the default MainModeIdentifier might not recognize such trips as pt trips. Therefore, an adapted MainModeIdentifier must be used. SwissRailRaptorModule enables such an adapted one, so it should work out of the box. If you combine the intermodal SwissRailRaptor with other MATSim extensions, also requiring custom MainModeIdentifiers, make sure to provide an implementation combining the different requirements correctly.

Range Queries

Range queries, sometimes also named profile queries, search for possible connections within a time window instead of finding only one connection that arrives with least cost based on a fixed departure time. As MATSim still requires a single route in the end to be assigned to the agent, a route must be selected from the returned route set to be assigned to the agent.

To configure SwissRailRaptor to first search for a pt route within a time window, and then select a matching route, use the following configuration parameters:

<module name="swissRailRaptor">
  <param name="useRangeQuery" value="true" />

  <paramset type="rangeQuerySettings">
    <param name="maxEarlierDeparture_sec" value="600" />
    <param name="maxLaterDeparture_sec" value="900" />
    <param name="subpopulations" value="" /> <!-- an empty value applies to every agent, comma-separated list of multiple subpopulations possible -->
  <paramset type="routeSelector">
    <param name="betaTravelTime" value="1" />
    <param name="betaDepartureTime" value="1" />
    <param name="betaTransferCount" value="300" />
    <param name="subpopulations" value="" /> <!-- an empty value applies to every agent, comma-separated list of multiple subpopulations possible -->

The default route selection algorithm ( supports selecting a route based on a calculated score that depends on the total travel time, the number of transfers, and the deviation from the desired departure time:

score = betaDepartureTime * abs(desiredDepartureTime - effectiveDepartureTime)
        + betaTravelTime * totalTravelTime
        + betaTransfer * transferCount

The route with the best (lowest) score will be chosen and returned as a series of legs, to be integrated into the agents plan. If multiple routes share the same best score, a random one of this set will be selected.

Once a route was selected from the calculated choice set, the end time of the previous activity is adapted to ensure an optimal departure time for the chosen connection. It is possible to provide multiple settings for different subpopulations. This allows to have one group of agents to be flexible in their departure time choice, while others are not.

Be aware that range queries infer a large performance penalty!

Note that the original departure time for this trip will not be adapted! It may thus happen that an agent misses the planned pt departure if it departs earlier than the desired departure time, or that the agents waits too long at a stop. This is currently due to some limitations in MATSim and we hope to be able to optimally adjust the previous activity's end time (and thus the departure time) in the future.

Instead of using the built-in, configurable route selection algorithm, a custom implementation of the interface can be provided:

// somewhere in your main method, where you set up your controler:
controler.addOverridingModule(new AbstractModule() {
    public void install() {
        install(new SwissRailRaptorModule());

This allows one to implement more complex choice behaviors.

Differentiating PT Sub-Modes

By default, the pt router creates legs with mode pt. In some cases, it is necessary to sub-divide the public transport services. This might be the case when some services operate at special (or strongly different) prices or speeds. For example, slow but luxury class tourist trains, high-speed trains that require a special ticket, or long distance coaches that are cheaper but slower than a comparable train service. In all such cases it might be necessary to apply different costs to the different services in order to find realistic routes. Also, to stay consistent, the different costs should be used for the scoring of the executed plans.

SwissRailRaptor supports differentiating pt sub-modes by mapping the transportMode of transit lines and routes (in the following referred as "route mode") to "passenger modes". The costs for using such passenger modes can then be configured in the normal planCalcScore configuration group.

To configure the passenger mode mappings, add the following section to your config.xml:

<module name="swissRailRaptor">
  <param name="useModeMappingForPassengers" value="true" />
  <paramset type="modeMapping">
    <param name="routeMode" value="train" />
    <param name="passengerMode" value="rail" />
  <paramset type="modeMapping">
    <param name="routeMode" value="tram" />
    <param name="passengerMode" value="rail" />
  <paramset type="modeMapping">
    <param name="routeMode" value="bus" />
    <param name="passengerMode" value="road" />

In the example above, it is assumed that in transitSchedule.xml the modes train, tram and bus are used as transport modes for the operating services. During route search, the scoring parameters for the modes rail and road are used to calculate the costs of using the respective lines. In the resulting legs that make up the found route, the modes rail and road will be used as well instead of the default pt that is used by MATSim's default pt router to describe public transport legs. This implies that next to providing the scoring parameters for the passenger modes (in the example above rail and road), these passenger modes must also be listed as transit modes in the transit configuration, so they will be correctly recognized and handled as pt passenger legs:

 <module name="transit">
   <param name="transitModes" value="rail,road" />

Person-specific routing-costs

In some scenarios, costs to use public transport may differ from agent to agent. The most likely application is the combination with pt sub-modes described above: Some agents might have a season ticket that only applies to certain lines, while other agents don't have such a season ticket. Or agents might have different values of travel time based on their income, and thus prefer different services of competing ones.

In order to support such scenarios, SwissRailRaptor provides the interface which allows to specify the parameters used for each routing request depending on the agent requesting a route. By default, a simple implementation is used that returns the same parameters for every request. In order to use a more specialized implementation, bind your implementation of the RaptorParametersForPerson interface as follows:

// somewhere in your main method, where you set up your controler:
controler.addOverridingModule(new AbstractModule() {
    public void install() {
        install(new SwissRailRaptorModule());

Make sure to bind your implementation after installing the SwissRailRaptorModule in order to actually overwrite the default binding for RaptorParametersForPerson.

Improved Cost-Calculation for Transfers

The default pt router in MATSim applies a fixed cost term for each transfer during route search. This can lead to problems, as empirical data shows that perceived costs for transfers depend the total travel time: A transfer during an urban commute of a total of 15 minutes is perceived with a lower disutility than a transfer during a long-distance journey of 2 hours.

SwissRailRaptor supports transfer costs based on the total travel of a route:

 <module name="swissRailRaptor">
   <param name="transferPenaltyTravelTimeToCostFactor" value="0.0003" />

If the transferPenaltyTravelTimeToCostFactor is configured differently from 0.0, transfer costs during route search are calculated as:

singleTransferCost = fixedTransferCost + totalTravelTime * transferPenaltyTravelTimeToCostFactor;
totalTransferCost = numberOfTransfers * singleTransferCost

The fixed transfer cost is taken from the planCalcScore's utilityOfLineSwitch, while the transferPenaltyTravelTimetoCostFactor is taken from the SwissRailRaptor's configuration.

Assuming a travel time disutility of 6 utils per hour, combined with opportunity costs of another 6 utils per hour would result in a total travel time disutility of 0.00333 utils per second ((6+6)/3600=0.00333). The configured value of 0.0003 in the example above would thus correspond to a single transfer having a (non-fixed) cost comparable to 9% of the total travel time.

PT Least Cost Path Tree (one-to-all routing)

In some cases, one might be interested in the travel times not only between two coordinates, but from one (or a few) stop to all others. SwissRailRaptor provides the method SwissRailRaptor.calcTree(...) for this purpose which returns a map containing for each transit stop a number of inicators like travel time or number of transfers to reach that stop from the originating stop.

If you plan to use this method, make sure to set RaptorStaticConfig.setOptimization(RaptorOptimization.OneToAllRouting) before calling SwissRailRaptorData.create(...).

The deterministic pt simulation is a QSim engine, handling the movement of public transport vehicles in MATSim. The default TransitQSimEngine simulates all pt vehicles on the queue-based network. While this works well for buses that share the road-infrastructure with private car traffic, it has some drawbacks when simulating railway transportation. Most notably, trains don't always run at the highest speed allowed on links (rails) in reality, often resulting in early arrivals when being simulated.

The deterministic pt simulation does not simulate the pt vehicles on the queue network, but uses its own data structure and "teleports" the vehicles from stop to stop according to the departure and arrival times specified in the schedule. Thus, the vehicles operate strictly according to the transit schedule, hence the name "deterministic" pt simulation.

It is possible to configure the deterministic pt simulation in a way that not all pt vehicles are simulated deterministically, but that some (e.g. buses) are still simulated on the queue network and are thus able to interact with private car traffic.


To use the deterministic pt simulation, a few things need to be taken into account:

  • transportMode of TransitRoutes

    When specifying TransitRoutes in a transit schedule, provide a meaningful transportMode to the routes:

    <transitLine id="1">
      <transitRoute id="1">

    The transportMode specified in the transit routes is used to determine whether the vehicles serving that route should be simulated using the deterministic pt simulation, or on the queue network. By using modes like train, bus, metro you can specify which of those should be simulated deterministically (e.g. train and metro), and which should be simulated on the network (e.g. bus).

    Do not use pt as a transportMode in transit routes. This interferes with the mode pt that passengers use to specify that they want to use a public transport service. The deterministic simulation will throw an exception if a transit route with mode pt should be simulated deterministically.

  • config.xml

    You need an additional config module in your config.xml:

    <module name="SBBPt" >
      <param name="deterministicServiceModes" value="train,metro" />
      <param name="createLinkEventsInterval" value="10" />

    The first parameter deterministicServiceModes lists all transportModes of transit routes that should be simulated deterministically. Multiple modes are separated by a comma in the parameter's value. All transportModes of transit routes not specified in this list will be simulated on the queue network as usual.

    The second parameter createLinkEventsInterval specifies in which iteration LinkEnter- and LinkLeave-events should be generated for vehicles simulated by the deterministic pt engine. As pt vehicles are teleported between stops by the deterministic pt simulation, they do not create any Link-events by default. But for visualization or analysis purposes it might still be useful to have such events as if the vehicles were actually driving along the links. Set the parameter to 0 to disable the creation of link-events. If the parameter is set to a value >0, the deterministic pt simulation will create appropriate Link-events every n-th iteration, similar to the controller's writeEventsInterval.

Have a look at the class ch.sbb.matsim.RunSBBExtension included in the repository to see how to enable the deterministic pt simulation when running MATSim. If you already have your own QSimModule, have a look at ch.sbb.matsim.mobsim.qsim.SBBQSimModule to see how you can integrate just the deterministic pt simulation in your own QSim setup.