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Dominic Ward, Qiuqiang Kong

CVSSP, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK



Additional Info

  • is_blind: no
  • additional_training_data: no

Supplementary Material

Please also see the python library untwist where most of this work will be incorporated for others to use in a more flexible manner.


This method is based on techniques given in the references, with some experimentation. We used a bidirectional gated recurrent unit (BGRU) neural network (one model per source) to estimate a time-frequency mask for each source.

To obtain the accompaniment, the estimated bass, drums and other sources were summed.

Specific steps are summarised below.

Pre-Processing / Feature Derivation

  1. Resample audio from 44.1 kHz to 32 kHz

  2. Compute stereo STFT:

    • Window: Hamming
    • Window size: 1024
    • Hop size: 512
  3. Convert stereo STFT to mono magnitude spectrogram

  4. Apply a mel-frequency filter bank (128 bands)

  5. Take the log of the mel-magnitude spectrogram

  6. Standardise each mel band using the means and standard deviations computed from the training data

Model and Training

The model is a BGRU with 3 layers and 512 units per layer. The input to the model is a standardised log mel-magnitude spectrogram whose number of time frames are determined by a context window. Each context window consists of several stacked frames, which was chosen to be 11 for drums and 101 for bass, other and vocals. Given these stacked frames, the model predicts a single mel-frequency mask of length 128, corresponding to the centre frame of the context window. That is, the output of the model is a mel mask.

The loss function is defined as the absolute difference (L1-norm loss) between the mel-magnitude spectrum (not log) of the target, and the element-wise multiplication of the predicted mel mask and the mel-magnitude spectrum of the mixture. Or, because that's a mouth full:

loss = sum(| target_mel - predited_mel_mask * mixture_mel |)

We used the Adam optimisation algorithm with a learning rate of 0.0001 to minimise the loss function.

Four models were trained (one per source), using batches of 100 mini-spectrograms (determined by context window) which were drawn from the shuffled dataset (shuffling every epoch). We used a hop size of 1 frame when drawing mini-spectrograms from the training data. There were roughly 12500 iterations of these batches per epoch.

We used the last 10 songs from the training set (100 songs) as our validation set.

To apply the model after training, the mel-mask is interpolated to a linear-frequency mask (see intro of [2]), which can then be multiplied with the complex spectrum of the mixture to obtain the complex spectrum of a given source.


  • For each source, we averaged the output of four models from the latter half of the training session. Specifically, we averaged models saved at iterations 15, 20, 25 and 30 thousand. This was done to reduce variance in the estimated mask.

  • Single-channel Wiener filter (see [1])

Inverse STFT

  • We applied the inverse STFT on each of the four separated complex spectra with overlap-add to recover the waveforms.

Model Selection and Observations

After training the models, we computed BSS Eval measures on the validation test to estimate performance and compare models. Although not scientifically rigorous, we made some observations based on our validation set:

  • Stacking more frames (longer context window) had a negative effect on the performance for drums.

  • Stacking more frames had a positive effect on the remaining sources in terms of SDR, most notably for the vocals.

  • For a low number of stacked frames, e.g. up to 11, it was hard to make a case for a 3-layer network given the variance in the BSS Eval measures.

  • Surprisingly, Mel or ERB-inspired compressed spectra performed on par with raw linear magnitude spectrum. This means that the complexity of the model can be significantly reduced by simplifying the input representation (as discussed in [2]).

  • Minimising the loss in linear magnitude domain (after interpolating the mel-mask) didn't seem to make much difference, but we didn't test extensively (see Eq. 6 of [2]).

  • From listening, Wiener filtering improves general suppression of unwanted sources, but distorts the bass. We did experiment with multi-channel filtering and various smoothing techniques, but didn't manage to make significant improvements and ran out of time!

  • Within-source model fusion is a must.


  1. Uhlich, S., Porcu, M., Giron, F., Enenkl, M., Kemp, T., Takahashi, N., & Mitsufuji, Y. (2017). Improving music source separation based on deep neural networks through data augmentation and network blending. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 261-265.

  2. Weninger, F., Hershey, J.R., Roux, J.L., & Schuller, B.W. (2014). Discriminatively trained recurrent neural networks for single-channel speech separation. 2014 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 577-581.