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Ansible role slapd

The best Ansible Role ;-) for installing and configuring OpenLDAP slapd with multiple backends.


  • Idempotent (but see Notes).
  • Multiple backends.
  • Modules management.
  • Schemas management.
  • Overlay management.
  • SSL activation.
  • Monitor backend activation.
  • Apparmor aware (for Ubuntu).
  • Debian and Ubuntu friendly (anyone for Redhat likes and other platforms?).
  • A developer/maintainer willing to receive feedback and bug reports.


community.general.json_query needs jmespath:

pip3 install jmespath

This role must be run as root (for EXTERNAL authentification mechanism) but will not become by itself.

Role Variables

Name Default Description
slapd_user "openldap" System user for slapd.
slapd_group "{{ slapd_user }}" Group user for slapd.
slapd_ssl false Activate SSL (ldaps:///).
slapd_ssl_group "ssl-cert" Group slapd will be added to if slapd_ssl (to access keys in /etc/ssl/private).
slapd_monitor false Activate monitor backend (cn=Monitor).
slapd_monitor_admin required if slapd_monitor DN that will have read access to cn=Monitor.
slapd_modules [] List of modules to add.
slapd_module_path "/usr/lib/ldap" Path to the directory of modules.
slapd_schemas [] List of schemas to add (.ldiff or .schema format).
slapd_schema_path "/etc/ldap/schema" Path to the directory of schemas.
slapd_apparmor_file "/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.slapd" Path to slapd apparmor profile file.
slapd_config_olc {} Any parameter recognized by slapd in cn=config.
slapd_config_frontend {} Any parameter recognized by slapd in olcDatabase={-1}frontend,cn=config.
slapd_config_config {} Any parameter recognized by slapd in olcDatabase={0}config,cn=config.
slapd_config_backends {} Description of backends to configure.


If slapd_ssl is true:

  • slapd system user (slapd_user) will be added to group slapd_ssl_group;
  • SLAPD_SERVICES variable will be set to "ldap:/// ldaps:/// ldapi:///" in /etc/defaults/slapd file;
  • slapd service will be restarted.

At least, these parameters must be set in slapd_config_olc:

  • olcTLSCertificateFile (name of a file that should be under /etc/ssl/certs);
  • olcTLSCertificateKeyFile (name of a file that should be under /etc/ssl/private, owner root, group ssl-cert, mode 0640);


slapd_config_backends is the list of backends to be in slapd configuration (except olcDatabase={-1}frontend,cn=config and olcDatabase={0}config,cn=config that will always exist).

Each entry in this array is a dictionary with two or three members:

  • db_type: type of backend;
  • overlays: overlays for this backend (optional), must have name and attributes attributes;
  • attributes: configuration attributes and values for this backend.

Corresponding modules must be loaded for each overlay used (supported overlays are: accesslog, auditlog, autogroup, collect, constraint, dds, dyngroup, dynlist, homedir, lastbind, memberof, pcache, ppolicy, refint, remoteauth, retcode, rwm, sssvlv, syncprov, translucent, unique, valsort).

Corresponding modules must be loaded for each db_type used:

  • asyncmeta: module back_asyncmeta;
  • dnssrv: module back_dnssrv;
  • ldap: module back_ldap;
  • mdb: module back_mdb;
  • meta: module back_meta;
  • null: module back_null;
  • passwd: module back_passwd;
  • perl: module back_perl;
  • relay: module back_relay;
  • sock: module back_sock;
  • sql: module back_sql.

Note: Only these backend types have been tested: ldap, mdb.


Collection community.general.


This role will not create the root DN entry for backends.

For adding the schema my-schema, the file my-schema.ldif or my-schema.schema must exist in /etc/ldap/schema (or whatever {{slapd_schema_path}} is).

Due to OpenLDAP slapd limitations, it's not possible to dynamically remove modules and schemas. So, even if you remove a module from slapd_modules or a schema from slapd_schemas, this role will not try to remove them from the slapd configuration.

Removing configuration attributes from slapd_config_olc, slapd_config_frontend, slapd_config_config, slapd_config_backends[*].attributes, and slapd_config_backends[*].overlays.attributes will not remove them from slapdconfiguration. See this bug report for community.general.ldap_attrs

The workaround for removing an attribute is to use []. Exemple:

      olcLogLevel: []

Example Playbooks

Minimal playbook:

- name: Minimal playbook for role seb4itik.slapd
  hosts: ldap
      - "back_mdb"
      - db_type: "mdb"
          olcSuffix: "dc=test,dc=me"
          olcDbDirectory: "/var/lib/ldap-test-me"
          olcRootDN: "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=me"
          olcRootPW: "{{ vault.ldap.admin_dn_password }}"
    - "seb4itik.slapd"

More complete example:

- name: Example playbook for role seb4itik.slapd
  hosts: ldap
    slapd_ssl: true
    slapd_monitor: true
    slapd_monitor_admin: "gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth"
      - "back_ldap"
      - "back_mdb"
      - "constraint"
      - "misc"
      olcLogLevel: 64
      olcTLSCertificateFile: "/etc/ssl/certs/"
      olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: "/etc/ssl/private/"
      - db_type: "ldap"
          olcSuffix: "dc=another,dc=me"
          olcDbURI: "ldaps:///"
      - db_type: "mdb"
          - name: "constraint"
                - "mail regex ^[[:alnum:]]$"
          olcSuffix: "dc=test,dc=me"
          olcDbDirectory: "/var/lib/ldap-test-me"
          olcRootDN: "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=me"
          olcRootPW: "{{ vault.ldap.admin_dn_password }}"
          olcDbCheckpoint: "512 30"
          olcDbMaxSize: 2147483648  # 2 Go
          olcLastMod: "TRUE"
          olcSizeLimit: 1500
            - '{0}dn.base="cn=SyncRepl,ou=DIT Roles,dc=test,dc=me" size=unlimited time=unlimited'
            - "objectClass eq"
            - "cn,uid eq"
            - "uidNumber,gidNumber eq"
            - "member,uniqueMember,memberUid eq"
            - "sn eq,sub"
            - "givenName eq,sub"
            - "mail eq"
            - '{0}to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange
              by dn.base="cn=admin,ou=DIT Roles,dc=test,dc=me" write
              by dn.base="cn=pwadmin,ou=DIT Roles,dc=test,dc=me" write
              by anonymous auth
              by self write
              by * none'
            - '{1}to dn.base=""
              by * read'
            - '{2}to *
              by dn.base="cn=admin,ou=DIT Roles,dc=test,dc=me" write
              by * read'
    - "seb4itik.slapd"

Tips & Tricks

  • For parameters such as olcAccess, olcSyncrepl, olcLimits, ... that are ordered lists, you should prefix each item with {N}.
  • Be careful with the case of olcSyncrepl parameter!


  • Write tests (but problem between Docker and systemd).
  • Other platforms (Redhat, ...).
  • Optimisation: set_fact (all modules, all schemas, all suffixes...)
  • Idempotency in attributes (for replacing "state: exact")



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