diff --git a/articles/intraprocess_communication.md b/articles/intraprocess_communication.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0835a240d --- /dev/null +++ b/articles/intraprocess_communication.md @@ -0,0 +1,498 @@ +--- +layout: default +title: Intra-process Communications in ROS 2 +permalink: articles/intraprocess_communications.html +abstract: Description of the current intra-process communication mechanism in ROS 2 and of its drawbacks. Design proposal for an improved implementation. Experimental results. +published: true +author: '[Alberto Soragna](https://github.com/alsora) [Juan Oxoby](https://github.com/joxoby) [Dhiraj Goel](https://github.com/dgoel)' +--- + +{:toc} + +# {{ page.title }} + +
+{{ page.abstract }} +
+ +Original Author: {{ page.author }} + +## Introduction + +The subscriptions and publications mechanisms in ROS 2 fall in two categories: + +* intra-process: messages are sent from a publisher to subscriptions via in-process memory. +* inter-process: messages are sent via the underlying ROS 2 middleware layer. +The specifics of how this happens depend on the chosen middleware implementation and may involve serialization steps. + +This design document presents a new implementation for the intra-process communication. + +## Motivations for a new implementation + +Even if ROS 2 supports intra-process communication, the implementation of this mechanism has still much space for improvement. +Until ROS 2 Crystal, major performance issues and the lack of support for shared pointer messages were preventing the use of this feature in real applications. + +With the ROS 2 Dashing release, most of these issues have been addressed and the intra-process communication behavior has improved greatly ([see ticket](https://github.com/ros2/ros2/issues/649)). + +The current implementation is based on the creation of a ring buffer for each `Publisher` and on the publication of meta-messages through the middleware layer. +When a `Publisher` has to publish intra-process, it will pass the message to the `IntraProcessManager`. +Here the message will be stored in the ring buffer associated with the `Publisher`. +In order to extract a message from the `IntraProcessManager` two pieces of information are needed: the id of the `Publisher` (in order to select the correct ring buffer) and the position of the message within its ring buffer. +A meta-message with this information is created and sent through the ROS 2 middleware to all the `Subscription`s, which can then retrieve the original message from the `IntraProcessManager`. + +![Current IPC Block Diagram](../img/intraprocess_communication/old_ipc.png) + +Several shortcomings of the current implementation are listed below. + +### Incomplete Quality of Service support + +The current implementation can't be used when the QoS durability value is set to `Transient Local`. + +The current implementation does not enforce the depth of the QoS history in a correct way. +The reason is that there is a single ring buffer per `Publisher` and its size is equal to the depth of the `Publisher`'s history. +A `Publisher` stores a message in the ring buffer and then it sends a meta-message to allow a `Subscription` to retrieve it. +The `Subscription` correctly stores meta-messages up to the number indicated by its depth of the history, but, depending on the frequency at which messages are published and callbacks are triggered, it may happen that a meta-message processed from the `Subscription` does not correspond anymore to a valid message in the ring buffer, because it has been already overwritten. +This results in the loss of the message and it is also a difference in behavior between intra and inter-process communication, since, with the latter, the message would have been received. + +Moreover, even if the use of meta-messages allows to deleagate the enforcement of other QoS settings to the RMW layer, every time a message is added to the ring buffer the `IntraProcessManager` has to compute how many `Subscription`s will need it. +This potentially breaks the advantage of having the meta-messages. +For example, the `IntraProcessManager` has to take into account that potentially all the known `Subscription`s will take the message, regardless of their reliability QoS. +If a `Publisher` or a `Subscription` are best-effort, they may not receive the meta-message thus preventing the `IntraProcessManager` from releasing the memory in the buffer. + +More details [here](https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Concepts/About-Quality-of-Service-Settings/). + +**TODO:** take into account also new QoS: Deadline, Liveliness and Lifespan +[reference](https://github.com/ros2/design/pull/212). + +### Dependent on the RMW + +The current implementation of intra-process communication has to send meta-messages from the `Publisher` to the `Subscription`s. +This is done using the `rmw_publish` function, the implementation of which depends on the chosen middleware. +This results in the performance of a ROS 2 application with intra-process communication enabled being heavily dependent on the chosen RMW implementation. + +Given the fact that these meta-messages have only to be received from entities within the same process, there is space for optimizing how they are transmitted by each RMW. +However, at the moment none of the supported RMW is actively tackling this issue. +This results in that the performance of a single process ROS 2 application with intra-process communication enabled are still worst than what you could expect from a non-ROS application sharing memory between its components. + +In the following some experimental evidences are quickly presented. + +#### Memory requirement + +When a `Node` creates a `Publisher` or a `Subscription` to a topic `/MyTopic`, it will also create an additional one to the topic `/MyTopic/_intra`. +The second topic is the one where meta-messages travel. +Our [experimental results](https://github.com/irobot-ros/ros2-performance/tree/master/performances/experiments/crystal/pub_sub_memory#adding-more-nodes-x86_64) show that creating a `Publisher` or a `Subscription` has a non-negligible memory cost. +This is particularly true for the default RMW implementation, Fast-RTPS, where the memory requirement increases almost expontentially with the number of participants and entities. + +#### Latency and CPU utilization + +Publishing a meta-message has the same overhead as that of publishing a small inter-process message. + +However, comparing the publication/reception of an intra and an inter-process message, the former requires several additional operations: it has to store the message in the ring buffer, monitor the number of `Subscription`s, and extract the message. + +The result is that from the latency and CPU utilization point of view, it is convenient to use intra-process communication only when the message size is at least 5KB. + + +### Problems when both inter and intra-process communication are needed + +Currently, ROS 2 does not provide any API for making nodes or `Publisher` and `Subscription` to ignore each other. +This feature would be useful when both inter and intra-process communication are needed. + +The reason is that the current implementation of the ROS 2 middleware will try to deliver inter-process messages also to the nodes within the same process of the `Publisher`, even if they should have received an intra-process message. +Note that these messages will be discarded, but they will still cause an overhead. + +The DDS specification provides ways for potentially fixing this problem, i.e. with the `ignore_participant`, `ignore_publication` and `ignore_subscription`operations. +Each of these can be used to ignore a remote participant or entity, allowing to behave as that remote participant did not exist. + +The current intra-process communication uses meta-messages that are sent through the RMW between nodes in the same process. +This has two consequences: first it does not allow to directly "ignore" participants in the same process, because they still have to communicate in order to send and receive meta-messages, thus requiring a more fine-grained control ignoring specific `Publisher`s and `Subscription`s. + +Moreover, the meta-messages could be delivered also to nodes in different processes if they have intra-process communication enabled. +As before, the messages would be discarded immediately after being received, but they would still affect the performances. +The overhead caused by the additional publication of meta-messages can be potentially reduced by appending to the intra-process topic names a process specific identifier. + +## Proposed implementation + +### Overview + +The new proposal for intra-process communication addresses the issues previously mentioned. +It has been designed with performance in mind, so it avoids any communication through the middleware between nodes in the same process. + +Consider a simple scenario, consisting of `Publisher`s and `Subscription`s all in the same process and with the durability QoS set to `volatile`. +The proposed implementation creates one buffer per `Subscription`. +When a message is published to a topic, its `Publisher` pushes the message into the buffer of each of the `Subscription`s related to that topic and raises a notification, waking up the executor. +The executor can then pop the message from the buffer and trigger the callback of the `Subscription`. + +![Proposed IPC Block Diagram](../img/intraprocess_communication/new_ipc.png) + +The choice of having independent buffers for each `Subscription` leads to the following advantages: + + - It is easy to support different QoS for each `Subscription`, while, at the same time, simplifying the implementation. + - Multiple `Subscription`s can extract messages from their own buffer in parallel without blocking each other, thus providing an higher throughput. + +The only drawback is that the system is not reusing as much resources as possible, compared to sharing buffers between entities. +However, from a practical point of view, the memory overhead caused by the proposed implementation with respect to the current one, will always be only a tiny delta compared to the overall memory usage of the application. + +There are three possible data-types that can be stored in the buffer: + +- `MessageT` +- `shared_ptr` +- `unique_ptr` + +The choice of the buffer data-type is controlled through an additional field in the `SubscriptionOptions`. +The default value for this option is denominated `CallbackDefault`, which corresponds to selecting the type between `shared_ptr` and `unique_ptr` that better fits with its callback type. +This is deduced looking at the output of `AnySubscriptionCallback::use_take_shared_method()`. + +If the history QoS is set to `keep all`, the buffers are dynamically adjusted in size up to the maximum resource limits specified by the underlying middleware. +On the other hand, if the history QoS is set to `keep last`, the buffers have a size equal to the depth of the history and they act as ring buffers (overwriting the oldest data when trying to push while its full). + +Note that in case of publishers with `keep all` and `reliable` communication, the behavior can be different from the one of inter-process communication. +In the intra-process case, the middlewares use buffers in both publisher and subscription. +If the subscription queue is full, the publisher one would start to fill and then finally the publish call would block when that queue is full. +Since the intra-process communication uses a single queue on the subscription, this behavior can't be exactly emulated. + +Buffers are not only used in `Subscription`s but also in each `Publisher` with a durability QoS of type `transient local`. +The data-type stored in the `Publisher` buffer is always `shared_ptr`. + +A new class derived from `rclcpp::Waitable` is defined, which is named `SubscriptionIntraProcessWaitable`. +An object of this type is created by each `Subscription` with intra-process communication enabled and it is used to notify the `Subscription` that a new message has been pushed into its ring buffer and that it needs to be processed. + +The `IntraProcessManager` class stores information about each `Publisher` and each `Subscription`, together with pointers to these structures. +This allows the system to know which entities can communicate with each other and to have access to methods for pushing data into the buffers. + +The decision whether to publish inter-process, intra-process or both is made every time the `Publisher::publish()` method is called. +For example, if the `NodeOptions::use_intra_process_comms_` is enabled and all the known `Subscription`s are in the same process, then the message is only published intra-process. +This remains identical to the current implementation. + +### Creating a publisher + +1. User calls `Node::create_publisher(...)`. +2. This boils down to `NodeTopics::create_publisher(...)`, where a `Publisher` is created through the factory. +3. Here, if intra-process communication is enabled, eventual intra-process related variables are initialized through the `Publisher::SetupIntraProcess(...)` method. +4. Then the `IntraProcessManager` is notified about the existence of the new `Publisher` through the method `IntraProcessManager::add_publisher(PublisherBase::SharedPtr publisher, PublisherOptions options)`. +5. `IntraProcessManager::add_publisher(...)` stores the `Publisher` information in an internal structure of type `PublisherInfo`. +The structure contains information about the `Publisher`, such as its QoS and its topic name, and a weak pointer for the `Publisher` object. +An `uint64_t pub_id` unique within the `rclcpp::Context` is assigned to the `Publisher`. +The `IntraProcessManager` contains a `std::map` object where it is possible to retrieve the `PublisherInfo` of a specific `Publisher` given its id. +The function returns the `pub_id`, that is stored within the `Publisher`. + +If the `Publisher` QoS is set to `transient local`, then the `Publisher::SetupIntraProcess(...)` method will also create a ring buffer of the size specified by the depth from the QoS. + +### Creating a subscription + +1. User calls `Node::create_subscription(...)`. +2. This boils down to `NodeTopics::create_subscription(...)`, where a `Subscription` is created through the factory. +3. Here, if intra-process communication is enabled, intra-process related variables are initialized through the `Subscription::SetupIntraProcess(...)` method. +The most relevant ones being the ring buffer and the waitable object. +4. Then the `IntraProcessManager` is notified about the existence of the new `Subscription` through the method `IntraProcessManager::add_subscription(SubscriptionBase::SharedPtr subscription, SubscriptionOptions options)`. +5. `IntraProcessManager::add_subscription(...)` stores the `Subscription` information in an internal structure of type `SubscriptionInfo`. +The structure contains information about the `Subscription`, such as its QoS, its topic name and the type of its callback, and a weak pointer for the `Subscription` object. +An `uint64_t sub_id` unique within the `rclcpp::Context` is assigned to the `Subscription`. +The `IntraProcessManager` contains a `std::map` object where it is possible to retrieve the `SubscriptionInfo` of a specific `Subscription` given its id. +There is also an additional structure `std::map, std::set>>`. +The key of the map is the unique id of a `Publisher` and the value is a pair of sets of ids. +These sets contain the ids of the `Subscription`s that can communicate with the `Publisher`. +We have two different sets because we want to differentiate the `Subscription`s depending on whether they request ownership of the received messages or not (note that this decision is done looking at their buffer, since the `Publisher` does not have to interact with the `Subscription` callback). +6. The `SubscriptionIntraProcessWaitable` object is added to the list of Waitable interfaces of the node through `node_interfaces::NodeWaitablesInterface::add_waitable(...)`. +It is added to the same callback group used for the standard inter-process communication of that topic. + +### Publishing only intra-process + +#### Publishing unique_ptr + +1. User calls `Publisher::publish(std::unique_ptr msg)`. +2. `Publisher::publish(std::unique_ptr msg)` calls `IntraProcessManager::do_intra_process_publish(uint64_t pub_id, std::unique_ptr msg)`. +3. `IntraProcessManager::do_intra_process_publish(...)` uses the `uint64_t pub_id` to call `IntraProcessManager::get_subscription_ids_for_pub(uint64_t pub_id)`. +This returns the ids corresponding to `Subscription`s that have a QoS compatible for receiving the message. +These ids are divided into two sublists, according to the data-type that is stored in the buffer of each `Susbscription`: requesting ownership (`unique_ptr`) or accepting shared (`shared_ptr`, but also `MessageT` since it will copy data in any case). +4. The message is "added" to the ring buffer of all the items in the lists. +The `rcl_guard_condition_t` member of `SubscriptionIntraProcessWaitable` of each `Subscription` is triggered (this wakes up `rclcpp::spin`). + +The way in which the `std::unique_ptr` message is "added" to a buffer, depends on the type of the buffer. + + - `BufferT = unique_ptr` The buffer receives a copy of `MessageT` and has ownership on it; for the last buffer, a copy is not necessary as ownership can be transferred. + - `BufferT = shared_ptr` Every buffer receives a shared pointer of the same `MessageT`; no copies are required. + - `BufferT = MessageT` A copy of the message is added to every buffer. + +![Sequence UML diagram](../img/intraprocess_communication/intra_process_only.png) + +#### Publishing other message types + +The `Publisher::publish(...)` method is overloaded to support different message types: + + - `unique_ptr` + - `MessageT &` + - `MessageT*` + - `const shared_ptr` + +The last two of them are actually deprecated since ROS 2 Dashing. +All these methods are unchanged with respect to the current implementation: they end up creating a `unique_ptr` and calling the `Publisher::publish(std::unique_ptr msg)` described above. + +### Receiving intra-process messages + +As previously described, whenever messages are added to the ring buffer of a `Subscription`, a condition variable specific to the `Subscription` is triggered. +This condition variable has been added to the `Node` waitset so it is being monitored by the `rclcpp::spin`. + +Remember that the `SubscriptionIntraProcessWaitable` object has access to the ring buffer and to the callback function pointer of its related `Subscription`. + +1. The guard condition linked with the `SubscriptionIntraProcessWaitable` object awakes `rclcpp::spin`. +2. The `SubscriptionIntraProcessWaitable::is_ready()` condition is checked. +This has to ensure that the ring buffer is not empty. +3. The `SubscriptionIntraProcessWaitable::execute()` function is triggered. +Here the first message is extracted from the buffer and then the `SubscriptionIntraProcessWaitable` calls the `AnySubscriptionCallback::dispatch_intra_process(...)` method. +There are different implementations for this method, depending on the data-type stored in the buffer. +4. The `AnySubscriptionCallback::dispatch_intra_process(...)` method triggers the associated callback. +Note that in this step, if the type of the buffer is a smart pointer one, no message copies occurr, as ownership has been already taken into account when pushing a message into the queue. + + +### Publishing intra and inter-process + +1. User calls `Publisher::publish(std::unique_ptr msg)`. +2. The message is moved into a shared pointer `std::shared_ptr shared_msg = std::move(msg)`. +3. `Publisher::publish(std::unique_ptr msg)` calls `IntraProcessManager::do_intra_process_publish(uint64_t pub_id, std::shared_ptr shared_msg)`. + +The following steps are identical to steps 3, 4, and 5 applied when publishing only intra-process. + +4. `IntraProcessManager::do_intra_process_publish(...)` uses the `uint64_t pub_id` to call `IntraProcessManager::get_subscription_ids_for_pub(uint64_t pub_id)`. +Then it calls `IntraProcessManager::find_matching_subscriptions(PublisherInfo pub_info)`. +This returns the ids corresponding to `Subscription`s that have a QoS compatible for receiving the message. +These ids are divided into two sublists, according to the data-type that is stored in the buffer of each `Susbscription`: requesting ownership (`unique_ptr`) or accepting shared (`shared_ptr`, but also `MessageT` since it will copy data in any case). +5. The message is "added" to the ring buffer of all the items in the list. +The `rcl_guard_condition_t` member of `SubscriptionIntraProcessWaitable` of each `Subscription` is triggered (this wakes up `rclcpp::spin`). + +After the intra-process publication, the inter-process one takes place. + +6. `Publisher::publish(std::unique_ptr msg)` calls `Publisher::do_inter_process_publish(const MessageT & inter_process_msg)`, where `MessageT inter_process_msg = *shared_msg`. + +The difference from the previous case is that here a `std::shared_ptr` is being "added" to the buffers. +Note that this `std::shared_ptr` has been just created from a `std::unique_ptr` and it is only used by the `IntraProcessManager` and by the RMW, while the user application has no access to it. + + - `BufferT = unique_ptr` The buffer receives a copy of `MessageT` and has ownership on it. + - `BufferT = shared_ptr` Every buffer receives a shared pointer of the same `MessageT`, so no copies are required. + - `BufferT = MessageT` A copy of the message is added to every buffer. + +The difference with publishing a unique_ptr is that here it is not possible to save a copy. +If you move the ownership of the published message to one of the `Subscription` (so potentially saving a copy as done in the previous case), you will need to create a new copy of the message for inter-process publication. + +![Sequence UML diagram](../img/intraprocess_communication/intra_inter_process.png) + +### QoS features + +The proposed implementation can handle all the different QoS. + + - If the history is set to `keep_last`, then the depth of the history corresponds to the size of the ring buffer. + On the other hand, if the history is set to `keep_all`, the buffer becomes a standard FIFO queue with an unbounded size. + - The reliability is only checked by the `IntraProcessManager` in order to understand if a `Publisher` and a `Subscription` are compatible. + The use of buffers ensures that all the messages are delivered without the need to resend them. + Thus, both options, `reliable` and `best-effort`, are satisfied. + - The durability QoS is used to understand if a `Publisher` and a `Subscription` are compatible. + How this QoS is handled is described in details in the following paragraph. + +#### Handling Transient Local + +If the `Publisher` durability is set to `transient_local` an additional buffer on the `Publisher` side is used to store the sent intra-process messages. + +Late-joiner `Subscription`s will have to extract messages from this buffer once they are added to the `IntraProcessManager`. +In this case the `IntraProcessManager` has to check if the recently created `Subscription` is a late-joiner, and, if it is, it has to retrieve messages from the `Transient Local` `Publisher`s. + +1. Call `IntraProcessManager::find_matching_publishers(SubscriptionInfo sub_info)` that returns a list of stored `PublisherInfo` that have a QoS compatible for sending messages to this new `Subscription`. +These will be all `Transient Local` `Publisher`s, so they have a ring buffer. +2. Copy messages from all the ring buffers found into the ring buffer of the new `Subscription`. +**TODO:** are there any constraints on the order in which old messages have to be retrieved? (i.e. 1 publisher at the time; all the firsts of each publisher, then all the seconds ...). +3. If at least 1 message was present, trigger the `rcl_guard_condition_t` member of the `SubscriptionIntraProcessWaitable` associated with the new `Subscription`. + +However, this is not enough as it does not allow to handle the scenario in which a `transient local` `Publisher` has only intra-process `Subscription`s when it is created, but, eventually, a `transient local` `Subscription` in a different process joins. +Initially, published messages are not passed to the middleware, since all the `Subscription`s are in the same process. +This means that the middleware is not able to store old messages for eventual late-joiners. + +The solution to this issue consists in always publishing both intra and inter-process when a `Publisher` has `transient local` durability. +For this reason, when `transient local` is enabled, the `do_intra_process_publish(...)` function will always process a shared pointer. +This allows us to add the logic for storing the published messages into the buffers only in one of the two `do_intra_process_publish(...)` cases and also it allows to use buffers that have only to store shared pointers. + +### Number of message copies + +In the previous sections, it has been briefly described how a message can be added to a buffer, i.e. if it is necessary to copy it or not. + +Here some details about how this proposal adresses some more complex cases. + +As previously stated, regardless of the data-type published by the user, the flow always goes towards `Publisher::publish(std::unique_ptr msg)`. + +The `std::unique_ptr msg` is passed to the `IntraProcessManger` that decides how to add this message to the buffers. +The decision is taken looking at the number and the type, i.e. if they want ownership on messages or not, of the `Subscription`s. + +If all the `Subscription`s want ownership of the message, then a total of `N-1` copies of the message are required, where `N` is the number of `Subscription`s. +The last one will receive ownership of the published message, thus saving a copy. + +If none of the `Subscription`s want ownership of the message, `0` copies are required. +It is possible to convert the message into a `std::shared_ptr msg` and to add it to every buffer. + +If there is 1 `Subscription` that does not want ownership while the others want it, the situation is equivalent to the case of everyone requesting ownership:`N-1` copies of the message are required. +As before the last `Subscription` will receive ownership. + +If there is more than 1 `Subscription` that do not want ownership while the others want it, a total of `M` copies of the message are required, where `M` is the number of `Subscription`s that want ownership. +`1` copy will be shared among all the `Subscription`s that do not want ownership, while `M-1` copies are for the others. + +As in the current implementation, if both inter and intra-process communication are needed, the `std::unique_ptr msg` will be converted into a `std::shared_ptr msg` and passed respectively to the `do_intra_process_publish` and `do_inter_process_publish` functions. + +A copy of the message will be given to all the `Subscription`s requesting ownership, while the others can copy the published shared pointer. + +The following tables show a recap of when the proposed implementation has to create a new copy of a message. +The notation `@` indicates a memory address where the message is stored, different memory addresses correspond to different copies of the message. + +#### Publishing UniquePtr + + +| publish\ | BufferT | Results | +| ----------------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- | +| unique_ptr\ @1 | unique_ptr\ | @1 | +| unique_ptr\ @1 | unique_ptr\
unique_ptr\ | @1
@2 | +| unique_ptr\ @1 | shared_ptr\ | @1 | +| unique_ptr\ @1 | shared_ptr\
shared_ptr\ | @1
@1 | +| unique_ptr\ @1 | unique_ptr\
shared_ptr\ | @1
@2 | +| unique_ptr\ @1 | unique_ptr\
shared_ptr\ | @1
@2| +| unique_ptr\ @1 | unique_ptr\
shared_ptr\ | @1
@3| + +#### Publishing SharedPtr + +| publish\ | BufferT | Results | +| ----------------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- | +| shared_ptr\ @1 | unique_ptr\ | @2 | +| shared_ptr\ @1 | unique_ptr\
unique_ptr\ | @2
@3 | +| shared_ptr\ @1 | shared_ptr\ | @1 | +| shared_ptr\ @1 | shared_ptr\
shared_ptr\ | @1
@1 | +| shared_ptr\ @1 | unique_ptr\
shared_ptr\ | @2
@1 | +| shared_ptr\ @1 | unique_ptr\
shared_ptr\ | @2
@1| +| shared_ptr\ @1 | unique_ptr\
shared_ptr\ | @2
@1| + +The possibility of setting the data-type stored in each buffer becomes helpful when dealing with more particular scenarios. + +Considering a scenario with N `Subscription`s all taking a unique pointer. +If the `Subscription`s don't actually take the message (e.g. they are busy and the message is being overwritten due to QoS settings) the default buffer type (`unique_ptr` since the callbacks require ownership) would result in the copy taking place anyway. +By setting the buffer type to `shared_ptr`, no copies are needed when the `Publisher` pushes messages into the buffers. +Eventually, the `Subscription`s will copy the data only when they are ready to process it. + +On the other hand, if the published data are very small, it can be advantageous to do not use C++ smart pointers, but to directly store the data into the buffers. + +In all this situations, the number of copies is always smaller or equal than the one required for the current intra-process implementation. + +However, there is a particular scenario where having multiple buffers makes much more difficult saving a copy. +There are two `Subscription`s, one taking a shared pointer and the other taking a unique pointer. +With a more centralized system, if the first `Subscription` requests its shared pointer and then releases it before the second `Subscription` takes the message, it is potentially possible to optimize the system to manage this situation without requiring any copy. +On the other hand, the proposed implementation will immediately create one copy of the message for the `Subscription` requiring ownership. +Even in case of using a `shared_ptr` buffer as previously described, it becomes more difficult to ensure that the other `Subscription` is not using the pointer anymore. + +#### Where are these copies performed? + +The `IntraProcessManger::do_intra_process_publish(...)` function knows whether the intra-process buffer of each `Subscription` requires ownership or not. +For this reason it can perform the minimum number of copies required by looking at the total number of `Subscription`s and their types. +The buffer does not perform any copy when receiving a message, but directly stores it. + +When extracting a message from the buffer, the `Subscription` can require any particular data-type. +The intra-process buffer will perform a copy of the message whenever necessary, for example in the previously described cases where the data-type stored in the buffer is different from the callback one. + + +## Perfomance evaluation + +The implementation of the presented new intra-process communication mechanism is hosted on [GitHub here](https://github.com/alsora/rclcpp/tree/alsora/new_ipc_proposal). + +This section contains experimental results obtained comparing the current intra-process communication implementation with an initial implementation of the proposed one. +The tests span multiple ROS 2 applications and use-cases and have been validated on different machines. + +All the following experiments have been run using the ROS 2 Dashing and with `-O2` optimization enabled. + +``` +colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O2" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-O2" +``` + +The first test has been carried out using the `intra_process_demo` package contained in the [ROS 2 demos repository](https://github.com/ros2/demos). +A first application, called `image_pipeline_all_in_one`, is made of 3 nodes, where the fist one publishes a `unique_ptr` message. +A second node subscribes to the topic and republishes the image after modifying it on a new topic. +A third node subscribes to to this last topic. + +Also a variant of the application has been tested: it's `image_pipeline_with_two_image_view`, where there are 2 consumers at the end of the pipeline. + +In these tests the latency is computed as the total pipeline duration, i.e. the time from when the first node publishes the image to when the last node receives it. +The CPU usage and the latency have been obtained from `top` command and averaged over the experiment duration. + +Performance evaluation on a laptop computer with Intel i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz. + +| ROS 2 system | IPC | RMW | Latency [us] | CPU [%] | RAM [Mb] | +| ------------- | ----- | ------------- | ------------ | ------- | -------- | +| image_pipeline_all_in_one | off | Fast-RTPS | 1800 | 23 | 90 | +| image_pipeline_all_in_one | standard | Fast-RTPS | 920 | 20 | 90 | +| image_pipeline_all_in_one | new | Fast-RTPS | 350 | 15 | 90 | +| image_pipeline_with_two_image_view | off | Fast-RTPS | 2900 | 24 | 94 | +| image_pipeline_with_two_image_view | standard | Fast-RTPS | 2000 | 20 | 95 | +| image_pipeline_with_two_image_view | new | Fast-RTPS | 1400 | 16 | 94 | + +From this simple experiment is immediately possible to see the improvement in the latency when using the proposed intra-process communication. +However, an even bigger improvement is present when analyzing the results from more complex applications. + +The next results have been obtained running the iRobot benchmark application. +This allows the user to specify the topology of a ROS 2 graph that will be entirely run in a single process. + +The application has been run with the topologies Sierra Nevada and Mont Blanc. +Sierra Nevada is a 10-node topology and it contains 10 publishers and 13 subscriptions. +One topic has a message size of 10KB, while all the others have message sizes between 10 and 100 bytes. + +Mont Blanc is a bigger 20-node topology, containing 23 publishers and 35 subscriptions. +Two topics have a message size of 250KB, three topics have message sizes between 1KB and 25KB, and the rest of the topics have message sizes smaller than 1KB. + +A detailed description and the source code for these application and topologies can be found [here](https://github.com/irobot-ros/ros2-performance/tree/master/performances/benchmark). + +Note that, differently from the previous experiment where the ownership of the messages was moved from the publisher to the subscription, here nodes use `const std::shared_ptr` messages for the callbacks. + +Performance evaluation on a laptop computer with Intel i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz. + +| ROS 2 system | IPC | RMW | Latency [us] | CPU [%] | RAM [Mb] | +| ------------- | ----- | ------------- | ------------ | ------- | -------- | +| Sierra Nevada | off | Fast-RTPS | 600 | 14 | 63 | +| Sierra Nevada | standard | Fast-RTPS | 650 | 16 | 73->79 | +| Sierra Nevada | new | Fast-RTPS | 140 | 8 | 63 | +| Mont Blanc | off | Fast-RTPS | 1050 | 22 | 180 | +| Mont Blanc | standard | Fast-RTPS | 750 | 18 | 213->220 | +| Mont Blanc | new | Fast-RTPS | 160 | 8 | 180 | + +A similar behavior can be observed also running the application on resource constrained platforms. +The following results have been obtained on a RaspberryPi 2. + +| ROS 2 system | IPC | RMW | Latency [us] | CPU [%] | RAM [Mb] | +| ------------- | ----- | ------------- | ------------ | ------- | -------- | +| Sierra Nevada | off | Fast-RTPS | 800 | 18 | 47 | +| Sierra Nevada | standard | Fast-RTPS | 725 | 20 | 54->58 | +| Sierra Nevada | new | Fast-RTPS | 170 | 10 | 47 | +| Mont Blanc | off | Fast-RTPS | 1500 | 30 | 130 | +| Mont Blanc | standard | Fast-RTPS | 950 | 26 | 154->159 | +| Mont Blanc | new | Fast-RTPS | 220 | 14 | 130 | + +For what concerns latency and CPU usage, Sierra Nevada behaves almost the same regardless if standard IPC is enabled or not. +This is due to the fact that most of its messages are very small in size. +On the other hand, there are noticeable improvements in Mont Blanc, where several messages of non-negligible size are used. + +From the memory point of view, there is an almost constant increase in the utilization during the execution of the program when standard intra-process communication mechanism is used. +Since the experiments have been run for 120 seconds, there is an increase of approximately 60KB per second. +However, even considering the initial memory usage, it is possible to see how it is affected from the presence of the additional publishers and subscriptions needed for intra-process communication. +There is a difference of 10MB in Sierra Nevada and of 33MB in Mont Blanc between standard intra-process communication on and off. + +The last experiment show how the current implementation performs in the case that both intra and inter-process communication are needed. +The test consists of running Sierra Nevada on RaspberryPi 2, and, in a separate desktop machine, a single node subscribing to all the available topics coming from Sierra Nevada. +This use-case is common when using tools such as `rosbag` or `rviz`. + +| ROS 2 system | IPC | RMW | Latency [us] | CPU [%] | RAM [Mb] | +| ------------- | ----- | ------------- | ------------ | ------- | -------- | +| Sierra Nevada + debug node | off | Fast-RTPS | 800 | 22 | 50 | +| Sierra Nevada + debug node | standard | Fast-RTPS | 1100 | 35 | 60->65 | +| Sierra Nevada + debug node | new | Fast-RTPS | 180 | 15 | 32 | + + +These results show that if there is at least one node in a different process, with the current implementation it is better to keep intra-process communication disabled. +The proposed implementation does not require the ROS 2 middleware when publishing intra-process. +This allows to easily remove the connections between nodes in the same process when it is required to publish also inter process, potentially resulting in a very small overhead with respect to the only intra-process case. + + +## Open Issues + +There are some open issues that are not addressed neither on the current implementation nor on the proposed one. + + - The proposal does not take into account the problem of having a queue with twice the size when both inter and intra-process communication are used. + A `Publisher` or a `Subscription` with a history depth of 10 will be able to store up to 20 messages without processing them (10 intra-process and 10 inter-process). + This issue is also present in the current implementation, since each `Subscription` is doubled. diff --git a/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_inter_process.png b/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_inter_process.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3d3bf0e2 Binary files /dev/null and b/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_inter_process.png differ diff --git a/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_inter_process.txt b/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_inter_process.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c4c4db8a --- /dev/null +++ b/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_inter_process.txt @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +@startuml + +participant Publisher +participant IntraProcessManager +participant IntraProcessImpl +collections Subscriptions +participant ROS_Middleware + +[-> Publisher: publish(unique_msg) + +Publisher -> Publisher : promote unique_msg \nto shared_msg + +Publisher -> IntraProcessManager : do_intra_process_publish(\nid, shared_msg) + +IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessImpl : get_subscription_ids_for_pub(id) + +IntraProcessImpl --> IntraProcessManager : take_shared_ids, take_owned_ids + +note left + these are lists of subscriptions + with QoS compatible with publisher + divided according to the type + stored in their buffers +end note + +loop for id : take_shared_ids + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessImpl : get_subscription(id) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : add_message_to_buffer(shared_msg) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : trigger_guard_condition() +end + +alt take_ownership_ids.size() > 0 + + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessManager : copy shared_msg \n to unique_msg + + loop for id : take_owned_ids + + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessImpl : get_subscription(id) + + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessManager : Copy unique_msg\n (except last iter) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : add_message_to_buffer(unique_msg) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : trigger_guard_condition() + end + +end + +Publisher -> ROS_Middleware : do_inter_process_publish(shared_msg.get()) + +@enduml diff --git a/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_process_only.png b/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_process_only.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25ce77eba Binary files /dev/null and b/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_process_only.png differ diff --git a/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_process_only.txt b/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_process_only.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e2c7d81b --- /dev/null +++ b/img/intraprocess_communication/intra_process_only.txt @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +@startuml + +participant Publisher +participant IntraProcessManager +participant IntraProcessImpl +collections Subscriptions + +[-> Publisher: publish(unique_msg) + +Publisher -> IntraProcessManager : do_intra_process_publish(\nid, unique_msg) + +IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessImpl : get_subscription_ids_for_pub(id) + +IntraProcessImpl --> IntraProcessManager : take_shared_ids, take_owned_ids +note left + these are lists of subscriptions + with QoS compatible with publisher + divided according to the type + stored in their buffers +end note + +alt take_owned_ids.size() == 0 + + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessManager : promote unique_msg \nto shared_msg + + loop for id : take_shared_ids + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessImpl : get_subscription(id) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : add_message_to_buffer(shared_msg) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : trigger_guard_condition() + end + +else take_owned_ids.size() > 0 && take_shared_ids.size() <= 1 + + loop for id : (take_shared_ids + take_owned_ids) + + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessImpl : get_subscription(id) + + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessManager : Copy unique_msg\n (except last iter) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : add_message_to_buffer(unique_msg) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : trigger_guard_condition() + end + + +else take_owned_ids.size() > 0 && take_shared_ids.size() > 1 + + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessManager : copy unique_msg to shared_msg + + loop for id : take_shared_ids + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessImpl : get_subscription(id) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : add_message_to_buffer(shared_msg) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : trigger_guard_condition() + end + + loop for id : take_owned_ids + + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessImpl : get_subscription(id) + + IntraProcessManager -> IntraProcessManager : Copy unique_msg\n (except last iter) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : add_message_to_buffer(unique_msg) + + IntraProcessManager -> Subscriptions : trigger_guard_condition() + end + + +end + +@enduml diff --git a/img/intraprocess_communication/new_ipc.png b/img/intraprocess_communication/new_ipc.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..768e2fcd8 Binary files /dev/null and b/img/intraprocess_communication/new_ipc.png differ diff --git a/img/intraprocess_communication/old_ipc.png b/img/intraprocess_communication/old_ipc.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1aa58f7d1 Binary files /dev/null and b/img/intraprocess_communication/old_ipc.png differ