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File metadata and controls

473 lines (302 loc) · 19 KB


Install OpenShift client tools

Download the oc client binary:

Extract the client, for example:

tar -xvf openshift-client-linux-4.2.7.tar.gz

You can now move the client into your $PATH, for example:

mv oc /home/$USER/bin (you may need to create the directory)

or you can use the client with a relative path: ./oc

For the rest of the tutorial we will assume the oc client is in your path.

Get code

Fork this repository ( and clone it to your machine

Login to the OpenShift cluster

We will use a 4.2 OpenShift cluster from the Red Hat Product Demo System for this workshop.

You can either use your username and password:

oc login https://<CLUSTER_URL>:6443 -u <USERNAME>

or you can use authentication token. To get a token, go to OpenShift Console, login, click your username in the top right corner and click Copy Login Command.

The whole command will be copied and you only need to paste it in the terminal and run it.

Install Python ecosystem specific packaging tools

To be able to install pre-commit package bellow, you will need a tool pip

dnf install python-pip

Configure pre-commit

Pre-commit is a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. The tool is useful when you are submitting changes as it helps you keep code clean and prevent potential issues which might be noticed during review or not at all.

To install pre-commit, run:

pip install --user pre-commit

Take a look at the file .pre-commit-config.yaml which contains configuration for pre-commit used in this repository.

To install the pre-commit hooks to your git repository run

pre-commit install

Now, when you git commit a set of checks will be run against your changes and errors will be reported or even fixed automatically.

Deploy the application

We need to deploy our application now. To verify you are successfully logged into OpenShift, you can run the following command:

oc project

If there is no project you could use, create a new one:

oc new-project <YOUR_NAME>-intern-workshop

OpenShift/Kubernetes uses JSON and YAML format to describe the deployment artifacts. You can find all the manifests in YAML format in openshift/ directory

To deploy the whole application, you can pass a directory to the oc apply command:

oc apply -f openshift/

Go to the OpenShift Console and you should see a build running. Wait for the build to finish and for the deployment to proceed. Then try to access the route URL. You can get the URL under HOST/PORT by:

$ oc get route

Fix the port

If you tried to access the application URL you were probably presented with Application is not available error. This could happen for various reasons, but the first thing we can check is whether our hostname and port in the Flask application are configured properly.

Look at the last line in file - you'll see we load the port from environment variable or use port 5000 as a default. Also look at the deployment config in openshift/app.deploymentconfig.yaml and focus on 2 things:

  • a field containerPort in containers section
  • an environment variabe PORT

As you can see these do not match. As changing containerPort would also require changing the service ports definition, we'll go for the envirnment variable.

Go ahead and change the 5000 to 8080 to match the exposed port in the openshift/app.deploymentconfig.yaml file. We will then need to update the deployment config in the cluster by running

oc apply -f openshift/app.deploymentconfig.yaml

Once the application is redeployed, try to access the route URL again. You should get response like this:


Service account & roles

To get through the authentication you need to provide the URL with a secret in a query parameter, so try to append the following to your route URL:


Internal server error - that does not look good - what have we missed? Let's investigate logs again - go to OpenShift Console > Workloads > Pods and view the pod logs.

You will see something like the following error among the log messages:

HTTP response body: b'{"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"pods is forbidden: User \\"system:serviceaccount:vpavlin-os-ws:default\\" cannot list pods in the namespace \\"vpavlin-os-ws\\": no RBAC policy matched","reason":"Forbidden","details":{"kind":"pods"},"code":403}\n'

Our application is trying to access OpenShift API without proper authorization (you can see authentication is ok - OpenShift recognized the provided service account, but it does not have the correct rights to access resources it is trying to access).

We need to add a correct role to our service account. You can see the error mentions service account (or SA) default- The best practice would be to create a separate SA for this use case, but let's just change the default one for now.

We will need to add a view role for the SA and we can do this by running the following command

oc adm policy add-role-to-user view -z default

If the command succeeded, you will be able to reload the app URL and get back a JSON response such as:


Change default secret

Let's look at secrets now. Secrets and Config Maps are resources used for app configuration. Our application uses one secret as well - openshift/app.secret.yaml. Take a look at it.

The interesting part is in section data, but you cannot easily read it. The secret is obfuscated by base64 encoding to make it slightly harder to leak it by showing to someone. If we want to read it, we can copy the value and pass it through the base64 decoder

echo "c2VjcmV0" | base64 -d

So the actual value is secret. Let's change it now! Pick a new secret and use it in following command

echo -n "<MYNEWSECRET>" | base64

Now copy the value and edit the secret in OpenShift

oc edit secret openshift-intern-workshop

Look at the file openshift/app.deploymentconfig.yaml and try to find how the secret is used there.

As secrets and config maps are mainly used in environment variables (which cannot be changed dynamically at runtime from outside of the container), we need to re-deploy our application to pick up the new secret.

oc rollout latest openshift-intern-workshop

Once the deployment is finished, you will need to provide the new secret in the URL to be able to access the application by attaching ?secret=<MYNEWSECRET> to the route URL.

Health Checks: Liveness & Readiness Probe

Health checks are an important tool for the lifecycle management of an application. Readiness and liveness probes can be used to determine that a container is functioning properly.

A readiness probe is a check which verifies if your application is fully up and running and ready to accept requests. When readiness probes fail the container will not be assigned an ip address.

Liveness probes are subsequently used to repeatedly verify the application is up. If a liveness probe fails, the container will be restarted (based on the restart policy).

For our application, look at and you will see a path called "health" which we can use in our health check.

Let's create a liveness probe.

Go OpenShift Console > Workloads > Deployment Configs > openshift-intern-workshop and click YAML.

You will see a section that looks like this:

  - resources: {}
    terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
    name: openshift-intern-workshop
      - name: PORT
        value: '8080'

We need to add a livenessProbe to our openshift-intern-workshop container. Please note that the ordering of the fields below are not important but the livenessProbe section has to indented correctly.

  - resources: {}
    terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
    name: openshift-intern-workshop
        path: /health
        port: 8080
      initialDelaySeconds: 15
      timeoutSeconds: 1
      - name: PORT
        value: '8080'

Click Save and wait for a new deployment. If you click Pods, open the latest openshift-intern-workshop pod and select the openshift-intern-workshop container, you should see the liveness probe registered on the left hand side.

Readiness probes can be created in the same way by replacing livenessProbe with readinessProbe.

Resource limits

Another important feature of OpenShift and Kubernetes is to make sure your application has enough resources, but at the same time does not consume more than an administrator allows. For this, we use resource requests and limits in the pod specification.


Limits ensure that your application does not consume too many resources and the OpenShift controller will kill the container if it does.

We have already edited Kubernetes objects using two methods: oc edit and editing YAML through the console. We will change the limits of our application by editing the DeploymentConfig but let's do it in yet another way, the oc patch command:

oc patch deploymentconfig openshift-intern-workshop -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"openshift-intern-workshop", "resources": {"limits": {"memory": "600Mi", "cpu":"200m"}}}]}}}}'

This limits our application to 200 millicores and 600 megabytes of RAM.


Requests make sure your application has sufficient resources.

oc patch dc openshift-intern-workshop -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"openshift-intern-workshop", "resources": {"requests": {"memory": "300Mi", "cpu":"100m"}}}]}}}}'

Our application now has between 300-600 megabytes of memory and 100-200 millicores of CPU. With oc describe pod we can see that our pod now has a Quality of Service of burstable:

QoS Class:       Burstable


Now that we have set our memory and CPU requests, we can attempt to scale our application.

As we are loading the information about running pods directly from OpenShift API, we can change the number of pods and see if the API response changes

oc scale --replicas=5 dc openshift-intern-workshop

Go to your app URL and reload it couple times - you will see the list of pods is longer now.

Now that the application is running in multiple replicas, we would like to see some load balancing. Look at the name in the me field - take that value and use it in next command to kill that container

oc delete pod <CONTENT_OF_ME_FIELD>

Now if you reload your browser tab, you will see the value in me field changed - i.e. the traffic goes to a different pod as the original one no longer exists.

Let's scale our deployment down again to make sure we don't disrupt the cluster and that redeployment does not take unnecessarily long time

oc scale --replicas=1 dc openshift-intern-workshop

Changing the code

Our application uses Source-To-Image (or S2I). S2I is a smart tool which makes it easy to build application container images. Look at the openshift/app.buildconfig.yaml to see how the S2I strategy is configured.

You can notice we need to provide 3 pieces of information

  • Source image
  • Source repository
  • Output image

Source image is a container image which was designed for working with S2I - apart from other features it contains assemble and run scripts - you can see an example here: - which are used during build and start of the container.

Source repository is a git repository containing application in a language matching the one of a source container image, so that the tools in the source image know how to install the application.

Output image is a name of an image stream where the resulting container image will be pushed.

To be able to successfully build from your own repository, do not forget to change the build config source repository to your own!

Building from local directory

When you develop your code you will need to rebuild the container image for your application. Our application was originally built and deployed from a git repository. To be able to quickly rebuild your new changes you might want to skip the step of pushing your code to a repository and then kicking off the build.

To do that, you can use (make sure you are in the root of the repository)

oc start-build openshift-intern-workshop --from-dir=. -F

Start build command will start new build in OpenShift and --from-dir will collect contents of a given directory, compress it and send it to OpenShift as a context directory for the new build. Parameter -F fill redirect logs from the build to the terminal, so that you can easily look at how the build progresses.

Once the build is finished, OpenShift will automatically redeploy our application - this happens based on triggers defined in openshift/app.deploymentconfig.yaml

Setting up webhooks

Webhooks are a powerful automation feature provided by both OpenShift and Github. OpenShift will act as a receiver of a webhook request and Github will produce webhook calls when we push to the repository.

First go to OpenShift Console > Builds > Build Configs > openshift-intern-workshop > Configuration and Copy with Secret the Github Webhook URL.

Next go to your Github workshop repository and click Setting > Webhooks > Add webhook. Paste the copied URL in Payload URL, change Content type to application/json and disable SSL verification and confirm by clicking Add webhook.

Add services to response

Create a new branch in your repository

git checkout -b feature/services

Look at the code in workshop/ and try to implement a method similar to get_pods, but instead of a list of Pod names, make it to return list of Service names


File workshop/

    def get_services(self):
        services_api = self.oapi_client.resources.get(
        service_list = services_api.get(namespace=self.namespace)
        return self._get_names(service_list)

Configure a build config to pull from a branch

You are now making changes to your code in a new branch, but the build config is pulling from master. To make sure you build from the latest changes, we will need to add ref to our build config.

oc edit bc openshift-intern-workshop

Find a section source and in there find uri, which should point to your repository fork (Make sure it has correct value too!). Add the following line right under the uri field and make sure the indentation is the same

ref: feature/services

To verify the change, go to OpenShift Console > Builds > Build Configs > openshift-intern-workshop > Configuration and check the value of Source Ref:

You can now commit and push your changes

git commit -a -m "Add service list to API"
git push --set-upstream origin feature/services

Look at the OpenShift Console > Builds > Builds > openshift-intern-workshop > History - you will see a new build running, if your webhook is configured correctly. Wait for the build and following deployment to finish and reload your application - you should see a service listed there as well now.

Adding persistent volumes

Sometimes an application needs some persistency. The most classic example are databases - without a persistent volume all the data you store would be lost on container restart - and restarts happen a lot in a distributed cloud environment.

To simulate this situation, we have an endpoint in our app which stores a value in a file. First get the route of the app and store it in an environment variable

APP_URL=$(oc get route openshift-intern-workshop -o jsonpath='{}')

Next try to query the /iam endpoint

curl $APP_URL/iam

You will see a message: Could not find the 'iam' file

We need to set the value first by doing a POST request to the endpoint


If this succeeded, you should get your name back when you do the GET request on the endpoint again

curl $APP_URL/iam

Now let's delete/restart the pod and see that the value is gone

POD=$(oc get pods | grep Running | awk '{print $1}')
oc delete pod $POD

Hit the endpoint again when the pod comes back up

curl $APP_URL/iam

As you can see, the value is gone. So let's make sure it gets properly persisted next time - let's add a persistent volume to our application. OpenShift uses something called dynamic provisioning to generate persistent volume based on persistent volume claims (or PVCs). Our task is only to create a PVC artifact and attach it to the pod and OpenShift will handle the rest.

Ideally you would do this by adding another YAML files to your git repository, but for the sake of simplicity, let's do it manually form the OpenShift Console. Go to the console > Workloads > Deployment Configs > openshift-intern-workshop > Actions > Add storage.

Click Create storage. Give your new PVC a name and size (e.g. 1 GB). Click Create. Then provide a mount path - if you look into file, you'll notice that the value submitted to the /iam endpoint is stored in a file ./iam. The full path to the file is /opt/app-root/src/iam. As the /opt/app-root/src directory contains our application, we will want to persist the file in a subdirectory. For that set the Mount Path to


and click Add.

We need to change the path in the source code as well - edit the file and set the IAM_FILE value to /opt/app-root/src/data/iam - the line will now look like this:

IAM_FILE = "/opt/app-root/src/data/iam"

To get the change in we need to rebuild the container image - you can push the change to your repository, or use the build from a local dir - you have tried both before.

 oc start-build openshift-intern-workshop --from-dir=. -F

Once the image is rebuilt and the application redeployed, we can send the POST request again


Then check the value is set properly

curl $APP_URL/iam

Delete (restart) the pod

POD=$(oc get pods | grep Running | awk '{print $1}')
oc delete pod $POD

and when it comes back up, see that the value is still there

curl $APP_URL/iam

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