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fastai & Deep Learning & Other Terms

fastai Terms

arch architecture (such as resnet18, resnet34, resnext50)
aug_tfms = transforms_side_on data augmentation using flipping image on its side (horizontal, flip right to left)
aug_tfms = transforms_top_down data augmentation (flipping image top down)
do_scale=True scaling - neural nets really like input data to be ~N(0, 1)
bptt back propagation through time (Backpropagation is the same as "apply the chain rule to all the layers")
bs = batch size
.cuda() we tell it manually to use the (default number of) GPUs
.cuda(2) specify number of GPUs to use is 2
emb_szs builds an embedding matrix for each categorical feature of the datad
learn.bn_freeze Batch Norm Unfreeze
lo = layer optimizer
lr learning rate
lr_find() learning rate finder
md.nt = number of unique tokens
nas handles missing values; continuous - replace missing with median
n_fac = size of embedding
n_factors=50 how big an embedding matrix we are choosing
opt_fn=optim.Adam what optimizer to use
precompute=True we actually precalculate how much does this image have the features such as eyeballs, face, etc.
proc_df process dataframe
ps = p's (percents for dropouts)
sz = size (of photo)
tfms = transformations
.TTA() Test Time Augmentation
val_idxs what validation set indices to use
wds = weight decays
wd=2e-4 weight decays; in ML, it is L2 Regularization

Other Terms

cardinality: number of levels of a categorical variable

Deep Learning Terms

ADAM (Adaptive Moment Estimation)

  • Adam is a stochastic gradient descent algorithm based on estimation of 1st and 2nd-order moments. The algorithm estimates 1st-order moment (the gradient mean) and 2nd-order moment (element-wise squared gradient) of the gradient using exponential moving average, and corrects its bias. The final weight update is proportional to learning rate times 1st-order moment divided by the square root of 2nd-order moment.
  • Adam takes 3 hyperparameters: the learning rate, the decay rate of 1st-order moment, and the decay rate of 2nd-order moment
  • ADAM: A Method for Stochastic Optimization


Backpropagation is the same as "apply the chain rule to all the layers"


Back propagation through time

SoTA (State-of-the-Art)

TTA (Test Time Augmentation)


An epoch is a complete pass through a given dataset.

FC (Fully Connected)

fully connected neural network layer

Learning Rate Annealing

Learning rate schedules try to adjust the learning rate during training by e.g. annealing, i.e. reducing the learning rate according to a pre-defined schedule or when the change in objective between epochs falls below a threshold. These schedules and thresholds, however, have to be defined in advance and are thus unable to adapt to a dataset's characteristics

ref: An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms

NLP (Natural Language Processing)

NLP is the science of teaching machines how to understand the language we humans speak and write.

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)

Stochastic gradient descent (often shortened to SGD), also known as incremental gradient descent, is a stochastic approximation of the gradient descent optimization and iterative method for minimizing an objective function that is written as a sum of differentiable functions. In other words, SGD tries to find minima or maxima by iteration.

SGDR (Stochastic Gradient Descent with Restart)

Restart techniques are common in gradient-free optimization to deal with multimodal functions. Partial restarts are also gaining popularity in gradient-based optimization to improve the rate of convergence in accelerated gradient schemes to deal with ill-conditioned functions. In this paper, we propose a simple restart technique for stochastic gradient descent to improve its anytime performance when training deep neural networks. We empirically study its performance on CIFAR- 10 and CIFAR-100 datasets where we demonstrate new state-of-the-art results below 4% and 19%, respectively. Our source code is available at

ANN (Artificial Neural Network)

CNN / ConvNet (Convolutional Neural Network)

is a type of feed-forward artificial neural network in which the connectivity pattern between its neurons is inspired by the organization of the animal visual cortex


CUDA is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model created by Nvidia. ... When it was first introduced by Nvidia, the name CUDA was an acronym for Compute Unified Device Architecture, but Nvidia subsequently dropped the use of the acronym.

DNN (Deep Neural Networks)


  • Regularization technique in neural networks to prevent overfitting
  • dropping some neurons in a layer

Gradient Boosting

Gradient boosting is a machine learning technique for regression and classification problems, which produces a prediction model in the form of an ensemble of weak prediction models, typically decision trees.

GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)

A graphics processing unit (GPU) is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display device. GPUs are used in embedded systems, mobile phones, personal computers, workstations, and game consoles. Modern GPUs are very efficient at manipulating computer graphics and image processing, and their highly parallel structure makes them more efficient than general-purpose CPUs for algorithms where the processing of large blocks of data is done in parallel. In a personal computer, a GPU can be present on a video card, or it can be embedded on the motherboard or—in certain CPUs—on the CPU die.

GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit)

LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory-Networks)

  • An LSTM unit is a recurrent network unit that excels at remembering values for either long or short durations of time. The key to this ability is that it uses no activation function within its recurrent components. Thus, the stored value is not iteratively squashed over time, and the gradient or blame term does not tend to vanish when Backpropagation through time is applied to train it.

MSE (Mean Squared Error)

QRNNs (Quasi-Recurrent Neural Networks)

an approach to neural sequence modeling that alternates convolutional layers, which apply in parallel across timesteps, and a minimalist recurrent pooling function that applies in parallel across channels. Despite lacking trainable recurrent layers, stacked QRNNs have better predictive accuracy than stacked LSTMs of the same hidden size. Due to their increased parallelism, they are up to 16 times faster at train and test time. Experiments on language modeling, sentiment classification, and character-level neural machine translation demonstrate these advantages and underline the viability of QRNNs as a basic building block for a variety of sequence tasks.

RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)

a class of artificial neural network where connections between units form a directed cycle. This creates an internal state of the network which allows it to exhibit dynamic temporal behavior. Unlike feedforward neural networks, RNNs can use their internal memory to process arbitrary sequences of inputs.

Reinforcement Learning

ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)

ReLU is an activation function, which is zero when x &lt 0 and then linear with slope 1 when x &gt 0.

SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector)

t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding)

is a (prize-winning) technique for dimensionality reduction that is particularly well suited for the visualization of high-dimensional datasets. The technique can be implemented via Barnes-Hut approximations, allowing it to be applied on large real-world datasets. We applied it on data sets with up to 30 million examples.

YOLO (You Only Look Once)