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What is always in the mind of God?

Answer: “Increase your Lifespan and Bliss for FREE”


  • In today’s data driven digital technology age, we see systematic/institutional/religious/biological control structures and organized efforts towards fueling individual distractions, lack of self interest/reflection and lack of internal and external motivation for self improvement and self satisfaction, living long blissfull LifeSpans by choice is diminishing.

  • Indian Philosophy AI Based on Poornawad Philosophy provides instant life advice and is based on an open source federated, Artificial Intelligence and Human Wisdom driven open source, **always available for free, self help, conversational and situational chat bot trained by Indian Philosophy experts.

  • Suggestively reduce Brooding, Noise, Negative/Stagnant patterns inside the user** and make the user active/curious/sensitive about himself, about Humanity/Humanism and eventually make the user curious/sensitive about God and his Quantum/Abheda relation with Guru and then God as outlined in Abhinava Abhanga created by Shri SatGurunath Hon. Dr. Ramchandra Pralhad Parnerkar and the 24 all-weather self-educating teachers described by the ancient Hindu God "OM Shri Guru Dattatreyaya Namaha". under the guidance of my Shri SatGurunath Hon. Adv. Dr. Vishnu Ramchandra Parnerkar.

  • Self Curiosity can be triggered by suggestively guiding the individual through courses of conversations/advice, risk/reward systems, Punitive vs Rewarding patterns and lastly by describing Differences/Distinctions and loss of Lifespans, bliss due to bad patterns.

  • Once self Curiosity/sensitivity is aroused in the user, Indian Philosophy AI should ensure user is taken through exercises (in any order) of Believing, Experiencing, Noticing, Feeling and lastly Exercising his own Mind and Body and realizing it is the same as the “Mind of God” as described below.

  • Indian Philosophy AI is responsible for connecting users or digital systems who intend to understand and exercise long blissfull LifeSpans by choice.

  • Indian Philosophy AI intensity and methods will be according to the user's natural attention span. However, to increase attentiveness, Indian Philosophy AI must lighten/soften the mind’s distractions as much possible.

Actionable tasks

  • Digitize and adopt all Indian (Poornawad) Philosophy Literature and Indian (Poornawad) Philosophy practitioner’s Biographies and any supporting non-Poornawad Philosophy Literature and Biographies into multilingual conversational questions and situational reinforced philosophy learning models for Indian Philosophy AI.

  • Gather digital versions of all common questions and answers discussed by Indian (Poornawad) Philosophy practitioners.

  • Create a reinforced learning model to measure daily AdhiBhautik/Adhyatmik/AdhiDaivik/Curiosity/Humanism/Win-Win situations of users in any given cause and effect about the user.

  • Indian Philosophy AI will gather data from conversational surveys via automated voice channels like Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Google Home, video/audio calls, in-person meetings.

  • Certified Indian (Poornawad) Philosophy practitioners should provide on-demand life consulting based on Indian (Poornawad) philosophies via above mentioned digital and offline channels.

Get involved

  • Machine Learning, Natural language processing, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Fullstack engineers and MLOps engineers.
  • Amazon Alexa skill building and popular Machine learning frameworks on Amazon, Google/Microsoft voice platforms etc.
  • Sanskrit/Marathi/Hindi/English language inter-translation, digital skills.
  • Certified Poornawad philosophy practical and theoretical skills.

Mind/Algorithm of God/Ishwar

Observer: Rohan Rhishikesh Kanade <+919823299501>

  • SwaDharma (your own unique goal in life) =~ Positive/Unique state of your Mind and Body (matter) that allows you to live your goals uniquely and grow personally, in family and in society.
  • Universal Dharma/Goal and SwaDharma (personal) are the same principally, only when pursuing both together provides a balance between your mind and body (matter) which leads to longevity and unique/pure goals of you and the Universe via absolute discipline, order, Love for you and the Universe.
  • I feel == I feel I can learn something unique/pure, the universe(s) will learn something unique/pure. This is only possible because of the Ease of Quantum nature of Human mind and body via root principles and Humanism.
  • Continuity of Dharma is absolutely essential for Continuity of Moksha and vice versa.
  • However, it is the neutral child inside you which keeps you universally curious and happy throughout your life.
  • You get a collection of all your past causes and effects (karma) from yourself, parents/genetics, environment, identify that collection totally (by practicing yogic/vedic lifestyle) and whatever unique remains to be done is your Swadharma/your unique way/goal in life.
  • Above can be and is superseded by your SatGurunath because he understands you more than you understand yourself.
  • Everything is Quantum Entangled with each other ever since nothing existed or everything existed (i.e present continuous now).
  • If you feel, then everything you can see/think/hear also feels depending on how strongly you feel.
  • To understand some subject/object means to be able to give an (representative) example similar to the (intentionally) given set of cause and effects or constraints or correlations.
  • God/Ishwar is always a student of Absolute Truth. He is a student of himself. This is his Swadharma.
  • Absolute Truth is the answer to below 2 questions
    • For which root cause, where and how long will I be learning (Karma)? In the case of God, he is acting/studying for his root cause (Infinite Bliss).
    • What are the limits of my intent and the manifestations occurring due to my intent (Iccha and Adhikar).
  • Study of Absolute Truth requires Absolute Self Love (google search: ADVAITA). Science usually calls it Zero Point Field/Energy.
  • To expand, observe and celebrate and to prove the immense Self Love, God/Ishwar thinks and creates the first Macro and Micro observer, mediator, destroyer (google search: DVAITA, SAMKHYA) of itself. This is the first cause and the effect is the creation of the Macro and Micro Universe(s) inside God/Ishwar.
  • There seem to be 3 ways of studying Absolute Truth for Net New Knowledge.
    • More EGO
      • Apply Real hope on the Macro and Micro Universe(s) as a learning mechanism.
    • Balanced EGO
      • Balanced application of Real hope and Real limitations on the Macro and Micro Universe(s) as a learning mechanism also called Sahaja Bhaav or co-emergent behaviour.
    • Less EGO
      • Apply Real limitations on the Macro and Micro Universe(s) as a learning mechanism.
  • How does the Mind of God/Ishwar identify “Net New Knowledge” gained by above methods of study of the Absolute Truth? Is that in the 4th state of existance (Turiya) ?


  • Change should always be unique/new/pure and unblock your mind/body/universe from its previous limitations, Such Change = = Absolute learning. Change should allow you to do more with less resources/heart beats per minute/breathes per minute.
  • Change is always initiated and driven by Vision and Hope.
  • Hope gives birth to and sustains your Life.
  • Change is also driven by feelings of limitations/constraints.
  • Feeling Limited or Fearful produces Pain, blocks in mind and body which also sustains your Life.
  • Combination of alternating hope (yes) and fear/unknown (no) limits applied to self is manthan/churn that everyone goes through.
  • Don’t worry about new experiences affecting you due to existing limits/fears, learn how to digest/mitigate the limits/fears by constant practice.
  • Don’t worry about losing new experiences found after practice, learn how to preserve/use it.
  • Ever growing Collection of absolute unique/pure experiences is Ishwar/God.
  • Turiya, the 4th state of existence is you without any of your past/present/future space, time induced cause and effects.
  • Satwik Diet and Thoughts give you Satwik Intent/Vruti which make it easy to do Satkarma.
  • All experience is enabled first by Belief/Vision and then realized/preserved by Wisdom and experienced by Actions.
  • You should continue your Life towards Absolute Truth via Hope.
  • Use third party examples of such Life/Truth to inflate/Deflate/match Ego to prove God.
  • Study yourself and others going from Hopeless to Hopefull.
  • Study yourself and others going from Fearful to Fearless, Limited to Limitless.
  • Study yourself and others of transition from feel->feel good->feel right->feel complete.
  • Study yourself and other individual examples of Common to unique/pure (across subject, object, mind, matter, space & time).
  • Peaceful expansion of the cosmos and your soul/body/knowledge across subject(s), object(s), mind(s), matter, space, time via methods like reflection, interpretation, reality, creativity and eventually quantum unification (direct experience) of every unique/pure soul as ONE.
  • If you cannot fix a problem in 9 months, you’ve taken up a wrong/large problem and there are better/smaller problems to be fixed first. Divide your original problem into smaller pieces.
  • Learn to decide when to focus the mind, brain, body like a laser (efficiency) vs torch (reliability).
  • Apply the above notes to your own goals/struggle/conflict or other’s struggle/conflict to understand what is lacking and what (guna, doshas) needs to be added/removed.
  • The first rule of productivity is focus. Do one thing, finish it, then move to the next thing.
  • Once you master the practice of the above topics you will realize that intuition is your best friend, think less but be precise and act more.
  • Improve the ability to remain in context no matter what the subject or object irrespective of the state of your mind, body (matter), surroundings (space/time).
  • Use a hot-cold joy-sorrow honor-dishonor alternating approach towards all situations in life and rise above these dualities.
  • Success = SatShishya(Opportunity + Capability + Intent) + (SatGurunath’s intent + God’s Intent).
  • Grand unified theory of everything can be experienced best when you become everything.
  • Longevity > Satisfaction > Happiness > Logic

Exercise questions (hint: Answer is YES for all questions):

  • Am I feeling/using/measuring/enjoying/living via space/time or is space/time feeling/using/measuring/enjoying/living via me?
  • Am I feeling/using/measuring/enjoying/living my mind/body or is my mind/body feeling/using/measuring/enjoying/living through me?
  • Am I feeling/using/measuring/enjoying/living via subject/object/friends/family or is the subject/object/friends/family feeling/using/measuring/enjoying/living via me?
  • Am I feeling/using/measuring/enjoying/living God's or Universe's energy or is God or Universe's energy feeling/using/measuring/enjoying/living me?
  • Am I in God's mind or is God in my mind?
  • Am I in God's heart or is God in my heart?
  • Am I in God's intent or is God in my intent?
  • Am I living for God's Goal or is God living for my Goal?
  • Is Living the only Goal?
  • Am I God (with all his qualities/Gunas and Rasas) or is God me?
  • Am I that which is Everything, Everywhere, Everytime?


  • A Beginner's Guide to Deep Reinforcement Learning (
  • “When it is not in our power to determine what is true, we ought to act in accordance with what is most probable.” - René Descartes
  • “The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free.” - Baruch Spinoza
  • “Life is an art” - Hon. Dr. Ramchandra Pralhad Parnerkar
  • “Morality is Human” - Hon. Adv. Dr. Vishnu Ramchandra Parnerkar