$ ./run stories15M.bin -n 256 -i "Hello my name is" -t 1.0 -p 0.9 Hello my name is Sally. I am three years old and I like to sleep. But Sally is scared of the night. She doesn't like the night. She says to herself, "I don't want to sleep in night". Suddenly, Sally heard a voice. "I'm here. I'm a ghost. Please don't be scared." Sally looked around. "Oh, I'm scared. I don't know what to do." Then she heard a voice. It was her mom. "My daughter, it's okay. Let's go together. Ready, alooey!" Sally smiled. She followed her mom's voice. They walked through the night until they reached a bright, sunny spot. Sally said, "Mom, I'm so happy. Thank you for protecting me." Her mom hugged her tightly. "You're welcome. Now it's time to sleep in bed". Sally was so happy. She hopped into her bed and snuggled up. She was no longer a scared girl. achieved tok/s: 55.296469