diff --git a/doc/related-projects.rst b/doc/related-projects.rst index 647db5fd8e4..fd77ce56a0a 100644 --- a/doc/related-projects.rst +++ b/doc/related-projects.rst @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Geosciences - `aospy `_: Automated analysis and management of gridded climate data. - `climpred `_: Analysis of ensemble forecast models for climate prediction. +- `geocube `_: Tool to convert geopandas vector data into rasterized xarray data. - `infinite-diff `_: xarray-based finite-differencing, focused on gridded climate/meterology data - `marc_analysis `_: Analysis package for CESM/MARC experiments and output. - `MetPy `_: A collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing, and performing calculations with weather data. @@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ Geosciences accessing data stored in GAMS Data eXchange (GDX) files. Also uses a custom subclass. - `Regionmask `_: plotting and creation of masks of spatial regions +- `rioxarray `_: geospatial xarray extension powered by rasterio - `salem `_: Adds geolocalised subsetting, masking, and plotting operations to xarray's data structures via accessors. - `SatPy `_ : Library for reading and manipulating meteorological remote sensing data and writing it to various image and data file formats. - `Spyfit `_: FTIR spectroscopy of the atmosphere