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Variables and style rules

Will Holmgren edited this page Jun 25, 2015 · 28 revisions

Bold variables need to be discussed.

variable description comment
tz timezone
latitude latitude
longitude longitude
dni direct normal irradiance
dni_extra direct normal irradiance at top of atmosphere (extraterrestrial)
dhi diffuse horizontal irradiance
ghi global horizontal irradiance
aoi angle of incidence
aoi_projection cos(aoi)
airmass airmass
airmass_relative relative airmass
airmass_absolute absolute airmass
zenith solar zenith angle in degrees
apparent_zenith refraction-corrected solar zenith angle in degrees
azimuth solar azimuth angle in degrees East of North
poa_ground_diffuse in plane ground reflected irradiation
poa_direct direct/beam irradiation in plane
poa_diffuse total diffuse irradiation in plane. sum of ground and sky diffuse.
poa_global global irradiation in plane. sum of diffuse and beam projection.
poa_sky_diffuse diffuse irradiation in plane from scattered light in the atmosphere (without ground reflected irradiation)
surface_tilt tilt angle of the surface
surface_azimuth azimuth angle of the surface
solar_zenith zenith angle of the sun
solar_azimuth azimuth angle of the sun
temp_cell temperature of the cell
temp_module temperature of the module
temp_air temperature of the air
temp_dew dewpoint temperature
relative_humidity relative humidity
v_mp, i_mp, p_mp module voltage, current, power at the maximum power point
v_oc open circuit module voltage
i_sc short circuit module current
i_x, i_xx Sandia Array Performance Model IV curve parameters
effective_irradiance effective irradiance
photocurrent photocurrent
saturation_current diode saturation current
resistance_series series resistance
resistance_shunt shunt resistance