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For the zkevm we use the following dynamic and fixed tables for lookups to the EVM circuit. The validity of the dynamic tables contents is proved by their own associated circuit.

Code spec at

Note: After the transition from encoding words as RLC to high and low parts, all the columns that used to contain word_rlc have been doubled to contain word_lo and word_hi. To make this document more readable, we present words as a single markdown column (for example Value{Lo,Hi}), but they correspond to two circuit columns (for example ValueLo and ValueHi).


Proved by the tx circuit.

0 TxId 1 Tag 2 Index Value{Lo,Hi}
$TxID Nonce 0 $value,0
$TxID Gas 0 $value,0
$TxID GasPrice 0 $value{Lo,Hi}
$TxID CallerAddress 0 $value{Lo,Hi}
$TxID CalleeAddress 0 $value{Lo,Hi}
$TxID IsCreate 0 $value,0
$TxID Value 0 $value{Lo,Hi}
$TxID CallDataLength 0 $value,0
$TxID CallDataGasCost 0 $value,0
$TxID TxSignHash 0 $value{Lo,Hi}
$TxID TxInvalid 0 $value,0
$TxID AccessListGasCost 0 $value,0
$TxID CallData $ByteIndex $value,0
$TxID Pad 0 0,0


  • CallDataGasCost and TxSignHash are values calculated by the verifier and used to reduce the circuit complexity. They may be removed in the future.
  • TxInvalid is a flag to tell the circuit which tx is invalid and should not be executed. We check balance, nonce, and intrinsic gas within begin_tx, end_tx, and end_block steps to make sure all txs being processed are valid, and all others are invalid and not executed. Invalid transactions go from the begin_tx state directly to the end_tx state and do not have any side effects.
  • AccessListGasCost is the accessList gas cost of the tx, which equals to sum([G_accesslistaddress + G_accessliststorage * len(TA[j]) for j in len(TA)]) (EIP 2930).


Proved by the withdrawal circuit.

This circuit

0 Withdrawal ID 1 Validator ID 2 Address 3 Amount
$WithdrawalID $ValidatorID $value{Lo,Hi} $value


  • WithdrawalID is increased monotonically, 64 bits.
  • ValidatorID, 64 bits
  • Amount is in Gwei, 64 bits


There are 14 columns in rw_table.

  • col. 0 (Rwc) is the read-write counter. 32 bits, starts at 1.
  • col. 1 (IsWrite) specify this row is for read or write.
  • col. 2 (Tag) is a tag for different contexts. The content for different Tags are in col. 3 ~ col. 13.
  • col. 3 ~ 13 are the content for different Tag specified in col. 2 accordingly.
    • col. 3 Id
      • txID: 32 bits, starts at 1 (corresponds to txIndex + 1).
      • callID: 32 bits, starts at 1 (corresponds to rw_counter when the call begins).
    • col. 4 Address is the position to Stack, Memory, or account, where the read or write takes place, depending on the cell value of the Tag column.
      • If the Tag value is "Account", the cell represents 160 bits address.
      • If the Tag value is "Stack", the cell represents 10 bits stackPointer.
      • If the Tag value is "Memory", the cell represents 32 bits memoryAddress.
      • If the Tag value is "TxLog", then the cell represents the packing of 2 values:
        • logID: 32 bits, starts at 1 (corresponds to logIndex + 1), unique per tx/receipt.
        • topicIndex, byteIndex: 32 bits, indicates order in tx log topics or data.
    • col. 5 FieldTag
      • For Tag TxReceipt:
        • PostStateOrStatus: 8 bits
        • CumulativeGasUsed: 64 bits
    • cols. {6,7} StorageKey is a Word and reserved for values
    • cols. {8,9} value, {10,11} valuePrev, {12,13} initVal, variable size, depending on Tag (key0) and FieldTag (key3) where appropriate.
      • (value) For Tag Memory: 8 bits
      • (value) For Tag TxLog: 8 bits
        • For FieldTag Topic: field size.
        • For FieldTag Data: 8 bits.

The correctness of the rw_table is validated in the state circuit.

  • CallContext constant: read-only data in a call, usually checked with the caller before the beginning of a call.
  • CallContext state: used by caller to save its own CallState when it's going to dive into another call, and will be read out to restore caller's CallState in the end by callee.
  • CallContext last callee: read-only data inside a call like previous section for opcode RETURNDATASIZE and RETURNDATACOPY, except they will be updated when end of callee execution.

NOTE: kN means keyN

0 Rwc 1 IsWrite 2 Tag k0 3 Id k1 4 Address k2 5 FieldTag k3 6,7 StoKey{Lo,Hi} k4,k5 7,8 Val{Lo,Hi} 9,10 ValPrev{Lo,Hi} 11,12 InitVal{Lo,Hi}
$counter true TxAccessListAccount $txID $address $val,0 $valPrev,0
$counter true TxAccessListAccountStorage $txID $address $storageKey{Lo,Hi} $val,0 $valPrev,0
$counter $isWrite TxRefund $txID $val,0 $valPrev,0
$counter $isWrite Account $address Nonce $val,0 $valPrev,0 $committedValue,0
$counter $isWrite Account $address Balance $val{Lo,Hi} $valPrev{Lo,Hi} $committedValue{Lo,Hi}
$counter $isWrite Account $address CodeHash $val{Lo,Hi} $valPrev{Lo,Hi} $committedValue{Lo,Hi}
CallContext constant CallContextFieldTag (ro)
$counter false CallContext $callID RwCounterEndOfReversion $val,0
$counter false CallContext $callID CallerId $val,0
$counter false CallContext $callID TxId $val,0
$counter false CallContext $callID Depth $val,0
$counter false CallContext $callID CallerAddress $val{Lo,Hi}
$counter false CallContext $callID CalleeAddress $val{Lo,Hi}
$counter false CallContext $callID CallDataOffset $val,0
$counter false CallContext $callID CallDataLength $val,0
$counter false CallContext $callID ReturnDataOffset $val,0
$counter false CallContext $callID ReturnDataLength $val,0
$counter false CallContext $callID Value $val{Lo,Hi}
$counter false CallContext $callID IsSuccess $val,0
$counter false CallContext $callID IsPersistent $val,0
$counter false CallContext $callID IsStatic $val,0
CallContext last callee CallContextFieldTag (rw)
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID LastCalleeId $val,0
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID LastCalleeReturnDataOffset $val,0
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID LastCalleeReturnDataLength $val,0
CallContext state CallContextFieldTag (rw)
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID IsRoot $val,0
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID IsCreate $val,0
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID CodeHash $val{Lo,Hi}
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID ProgramCounter $val,0
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID StackPointer $val,0
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID GasLeft $val,0
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID MemorySize $val,0
$counter $isWrite CallContext $callID ReversibleWriteCounter $val,0
$counter $isWrite Stack $callID $stackPointer $val{Lo,Hi}
$counter $isWrite Memory $callID $memoryAddress $val,0
$counter $isWrite AccountStorage $txID $address $storageKey{Lo,Hi} $val{Lo,Hi} $valPrev{Lo,Hi} $committedValue{Lo,Hi}
$counter true TxLog $txID $logID,0 Address $val{Lo,Hi}
$counter true TxLog $txID $logID,$topicIndex Topic $val{Lo,Hi}
$counter true TxLog $txID $logID,$byteIndex Data $val,0
$counter true TxLog $txID $logID,0 TopicLength $val,0
$counter true TxLog $txID $logID,0 DataLength $val,0
$counter false TxReceipt $txID PostStateOrStatus $val,0
$counter false TxReceipt $txID CumulativeGasUsed $val,0
$counter false TxReceipt $txID LogLength $val,0


Proved by the bytecode circuit.

  • Tag: Tag whether the row represents the bytecode length or a byte in the bytecode.
  • isCode: A boolean value to specify if the value is executable opcode or the data portion of PUSH* operations.
0,1 CodeHash{Lo,Hi} 2 Tag 3 Index 4 IsCode 5 Value
$codeHash{Lo,Hi} Length 0 0 $value
$codeHash{Lo,Hi} Byte $index $isCode $value
... ... ... ... ...
$codeHash{Lo,Hi} Byte $index $isCode $value

In the case of an account without code, it can still have a row in the bytecode circuit to represent the BytecodeFieldTag::Length tag, with a value = 0 and codeHash = EMPTY_CODE_HASH.


Proved by the block circuit.

Note that a generalization is done by storing the ChainId field inside the block_table when it should indeed live inside of the chain configuration section (which we don't have). Hence the addition inside of the block_table.

0 Tag 1 Index 2 Value{Lo,Hi}
Coinbase 0 $value{Lo,Hi}
GasLimit 0 $value,0
BlockNumber 0 $value,0
Time 0 $value,0
PrevRandao 0 $value{Lo,Hi}
BaseFee 0 $value{Lo,Hi}
ChainID 0 $value,0
BlockHash 0..256 $value{Lo,Hi}


  • execution_state.responsible_opcode(): map execution_state (opcode's successful cases, where multiple similar opcodes may be merged into a single execution state, like LT, GT, EQ in CMP state) to opcode that can generate that execution state.
  • invalid_opcodes(): set of invalid opcodes
  • state_write_opcodes(): set of opcodes that write the state.
  • stack_underflow_pairs: set of opcodes and stack pointer value that causes underflow during execution.
  • stack_overflow_pairs: set of opcodes and stack pointer value that causes overflow during execution.
0 Tag 1 2 3
Range16 0..16 0 0
Range32 0..32 0 0
Range64 0..64 0 0
Range256 0..256 0 0
Range512 0..512 0 0
Range1024 0..1024 0 0
SignByte value=0..256 if (value as i8 < 0) 0xff else 0 0
BitwiseAnd lhs=0..256 rhs=0..256 $lhs AND $rhs
BitwiseOr lhs=0..256 rhs=0..256 $lhs OR $rhs
BitwiseXor lhs=0..256 rhs=0..256 $lhs XOR $rhs
ResponsibleOpcode $execution_state $responsible_opcode $auxiliary


Provided by the MPT (Merkle Patricia Trie) circuit.

The circuit can prove that updates to account nonces, balances, or storage slots are correct, or that an account's code hash is some particular value. Note that it is not possible to change the code hash for an account without deleting it and then recreating it.

Address MPTProofType Key{Lo,Hi} ValuePrev{Lo,Hi} Value{Lo,Hi} RootPrev{Lo,Hi} Root{Lo,Hi}
$addr NonceMod 0,0 $noncePrev,0 $nonceCur,0 $rootPrev{Lo,Hi} $root{Lo,Hi}
$addr BalanceMod 0,0 $balancePrev{Lo,Hi} $balanceCur{Lo,Hi} $rootPrev{Lo,Hi} $root{Lo,Hi}
$addr CodeHashMod 0,0 $codeHashPrev{Lo,Hi} $codeHashCur{Lo,Hi} $rootPrev{Lo,Hi} $root{Lo,Hi}
$addr NonExistingAccountProof 0,0 0,0 0,0 $rootPrev{Lo,Hi} $root{Lo,Hi}
$addr AccountDeleteMod 0,0 0,0 0,0 $rootPrev{Lo,Hi} $root{Lo,Hi}
$addr StorageMod $key{Lo,Hi} $valuePrev{Lo,Hi} $valueCur{Lo,Hi} $rootPrev{Lo,Hi} $root{Lo,Hi}
$addr NonExistingStorageProof $key{Lo,Hi} 0,0 0,0 $rootPrev{Lo,Hi} $root{Lo,Hi}

Keccak Table


IsEnabled InputRLC InputLen Output{Lo,Hi}
bool $input_rlc $input_length $output{Lo,Hi}

Column names in circuit:

  • IsEnabled: is_final
  • InputRLC: data_rlc
  • InputLen: length
  • OutputHi/Lo: hash_hi/lo


Proved by the copy circuit.

The copy table consists of 9 columns, described as follows:

  • is_first: a boolean value to indicate the first row in a copy event.
  • id: could be $txID, $callID, $codeHash (RLC encoded).
  • addr: indicates the address in the source data, could be memory address, byte index in the bytecode, tx call data, and tx log data. When the data type is TxLog, the address is the combination of byte index, TxLogFieldTag.Data tag, and LogID.
  • src_addr_end: indicates the address boundary of the source data. Any data read from address greater than or equal to AddressEnd should be 0. Note AddressEnd is only valid for read operations or q_step is 1.
  • bytes_left: indicates the number of bytes left to be copied.
  • rlc_acc: indicates the RLC representation of an accumulator value over all write values.
  • rw_counter: indicates the current RW counter at this row. This value will be used in the lookup to the rw_table when Type is Memory or TxLog.
  • rwc_inc_left: indicates how much the RW counter will increase in a copy event.
  • tag: indicates tag which row depends as in Bytecode, Memory, TxCalldata or TxLog.

Unlike other lookup tables, the copy table is a virtual table. The lookup entry is not a single row in the table, and not every row corresponds to a lookup entry. Instead, a lookup entry is constructed from the first two rows in each copy event as (is_first, id, addr, src_addr_end, bytes_left, rlc_acc, rw_counter, rwc_inc_left, tag), where is_first is 1 and Column[1] indicates the next row in the corresponding column.

The table below lists all of copy pairs supported in the copy table:

  • Copy from Tx call data to memory (CALLDATACOPY (root call)).
  • Copy from Tx call data to RlcAcc. begin_tx (create): We constrain the tx call data to initialization code.
  • Copy from caller/callee memory to callee/caller memory.
    • CALLDATACOPY (not root call): copy from caller's memory to callee's
    • RETURN (not create), REVERT, CALLOP (precompile return): copy from callee's memory to caller's
    • RETURNDATACOPY, MCOPY: copy memory within current context
  • Copy from bytecode to memory (CODECOPY, EXTCODECOPY).
  • Copy from memory to bytecode (CREATE, CREATE2, RETURN (create))
  • Copy from memory to TxLog in the rw_table (LOGX)
  • Copy between memory and RlcAcc.
    • SHA3: Constrain memory read to keccak lookup table input
    • CALLOP (precompile input): Constrain caller's memory read to precompile's input bytes
    • CALLOP (precompile output): Constrain precompile's output bytes to precompile's context memory
is_first id{Lo,Hi} addr src_addr_end bytes_left rlc_acc rw_counter rwc_inc_left tag
1 $txID,0 $byteIndex $cdLength $bytesLeft $rlcAcc - $rwcIncLeft TxCalldata
0 $callID,0 $memoryAddress - - $rlcAcc $counter $rwcIncLeft Memory
1 $callID,0 $memoryAddress $memoryAddress $bytesLeft $rlcAcc $counter $rwcIncLeft Memory
0 $callID,0 $memoryAddress - - $rlcAcc $counter $rwcIncLeft Memory
1 $callID,0 $memoryAddress $memoryAddress $bytesLeft $rlcAcc $counter $rwcIncLeft Memory
0 $codeHash{Lo,Hi} $byteIndex - - $rlcAcc - $rwcIncLeft Bytecode
1 $codeHash{Lo,Hi} $byteIndex $codeLength $bytesLeft $rlcAcc - $rwcIncLeft Bytecode
0 $callID,0 $memoryAddress - - $rlcAcc $counter $rwcIncLeft Memory
1 $callID,0 $memoryAddress $memoryAddress $bytesLeft $rlcAcc $counter $rwcIncLeft Memory
0 $txID,0 $logAddress - - $rlcAcc $counter $rwcIncLeft TxLog
  • $logAddress = $byteIndex || TxLogData || $logID

Exponentiation Table

Proved by the Exponentiation circuit.

The exponentiation table is a virtual table within the exponentiation circuit assignments. An exponentiation operation a ^ b == c (mod 2^256) is broken down into steps that perform the exponentiation by squaring.

The following algorithm is used for exponentiation by squaring:

Function exp_by_squaring(x, n)
    if n = 0  then return  1;
    if n = 1  then return  x;
    if n is odd:
	return x * exp_by_squaring(x, n - 1)
    if n is even:
	return (exp_by_squaring(x, n / 2))^2

Using the above algorithm, 3 ^ 13 == 1594323 (mod 2^256) is broken down into the following steps:

3      * 3   = 9
9      * 3   = 27
27     * 27  = 729
729    * 729 = 531441
531441 * 3   = 1594323

We assign the above steps to the exponentiation table in the reverse order, so that the first step is 531441 * 3 = 1594323. From here on, the RHS in the above steps is termed as intermediate_exponentiation. We define another term intermediate_exponent as a value that starts at the integer exponent of the operation, i.e. 13 in the above case, and reduces down to 2 such that:

if intermediate_exponent::cur is even:
	intermediate_exponent::next = intermediate_exponent::cur // 2
	intermediate_exponent::next == intermediate_exponent::cur - 1

The exponentiation table consist of 11 columns, namely:

  1. is_step: A boolean value to indicate whether or not the row is the start of a step representing the exponentiation trace.
  2. identifier: An identifier (currently read-write counter at which the exponentiation table is looked up) to uniquely identify an exponentiation trace.
  3. is_last: A boolean value to indicate the last row of the exponentiation trace's table assignments.
  4. base_limb[i]: Four 64-bit limbs representing the integer base of the exponentiation operation.
  5. exponent_lo_hi[i]: Two 128-bit low/high parts of an intermediate value that starts at the integer exponent.
  6. exponentiation_lo_hi[i]: Two 128-bit low/high parts of an intermediate value that starts at the result of the exponentiation operation.

The lookup entry is not a single row in the table, and not every row corresponds to a lookup entry. Instead, a lookup entry is constructed from the first 4 rows in each exponentiation event. For simplicity in the specs implementation, we combine all those rows into a single row. But in the circuits implementation, we try to lower the number of columns in exchange of increased number of rows.

Depending on the value of the exponent within the exponentiation operation, the EXP gadget will be handled by one of the below mentioned scenarios:

  1. Scenario #1 - Do no lookup if exponent == 0 since base ^ 0 == 1 (mod 2^256)
  2. Scenario #2 Do no lookup if exponent == 1 since base ^ 1 == base (mod 2^256)
  3. Scenario #3 Do 1 lookup to a row if exponent == 2 since there is a single step in the exponentiation trace, i.e. base ^ 2 == base * base (mod 2^256), implying that is_first == is_last == 1 for this row.
  4. Scenario #4 Do 2 lookups to 2 different rows if exponent > 2 since there are more than one steps in the exponentiation trace, i.e. a lookup to is_last == 0 and a lookup to is_last == 1.

Consider 3 ^ 13 == 1594323 (mod 2^256). The exponentiation table assignment looks as follows:

IsStep Identifier IsLast BaseLimb0 BaseLimb1 BaseLimb2 BaseLimb3 Exponent{Lo,Hi} Exponentiation{Lo,Hi}
1 $rwc 0 3 0 0 0 13,0 1594323,0
1 $rwc 0 3 0 0 0 12,0 531441,0
1 $rwc 0 3 0 0 0 6,0 729,0
1 $rwc 0 3 0 0 0 3,0 27,0
1 $rwc 1 3 0 0 0 2,0 9,0

For exponent == 13, i.e. Scenario #4 we do two lookups:

  1. Lookup to first row:
Row(is_step=1, identifier=rwc, is_last=0, base_limbs=[3, 0, 0, 0], exponent_lo_hi=[13, 0], exponentiation_lo_hi=[1594323, 0])
  1. Lookup to last row:
Row(is_step=1, identifier=rwc, is_last=1, base_limbs=[3, 0, 0, 0], exponent_lo_hi=[2, 0], exponentiation_lo_hi=[9, 0])


Provided by the Signature circuit.

The circuit verifies the correctness of signatures.

0 msg_hash 1 sig_v 2 sig_r 3 sig_s 4 recovered_addr 5 is_valid
$value{Lo,Hi} 0/1 $value{Lo,Hi} $value{Lo,Hi} $value{Lo,Hi} bool


  • sig_v is either 0 or 1 so boolean type is used here.

Elliptic Curve Table

Proved by the ecc_circuit. The circuit verifies the correctness of ECC operations.

0 op_type 1 px 2 py 3 qx 4 qy 5 input_rlc 6 outx 7 outy 8 is_valid
$tag $value{Lo,Hi} $value{Lo,Hi} $value{Lo,Hi} $value{Lo,Hi} $input_rlc $value{Lo,Hi} $value{Lo,Hi} bool
  • tag: supports Add, Mul and Pairing
  • input_rlc: only has value when op_type is Pairing