diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 3eb41f9aab..509488ef9b 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Changes Unreleased: -None +* FastText wrapper added, can be used for training FastText word representations and performing word2vec operations over it, 2017-01-04 diff --git a/docs/notebooks/FastText_Tutorial.ipynb b/docs/notebooks/FastText_Tutorial.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..31144c3b96 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/notebooks/FastText_Tutorial.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,607 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Using FastText via Gensim" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "This tutorial is about using the Gensim wrapper for the [FastText](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText) library for training FastText models, loading them and performing similarity operations and vector lookups analogous to Word2Vec." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## When to use FastText?\n", + "The main principle behind FastText is that the morphological structure of a word carries important information about the meaning of the word, which is not taken into account by traditional word embeddings, which train a unique word embedding for every individual word. This is especially significant for morphologically rich languages (German, Turkish) in which a single word can have a large number of morphological forms, each of which might occur rarely, thus making it hard to train good word embeddings. \n", + "FastText attempts to solve this by treating each word as the aggregation of its subwords. For the sake of simplicity and language-independence, subwords are taken to the character ngrams of the word. The vector for a word is simply taken to be the sum of all vectors of its component char-ngrams. \n", + "According to a detailed comparison of Word2Vec and FastText in [this notebook](https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim/blob/develop/docs/notebooks/Word2Vec_FastText_Comparison.ipynb), FastText does significantly better on syntactic tasks as compared to the original Word2Vec, especially when the size of the training corpus is small. Word2Vec slightly outperforms FastText on semantic tasks though. The differences grow smaller as the size of training corpus increases. \n", + "Training time for FastText is significantly higher than the Gensim version of Word2Vec (`15min 42s` vs `6min 42s` on text8, 17 mil tokens, 5 epochs, and a vector size of 100). \n", + "FastText can be used to obtain vectors for out-of-vocabulary (oov) words, by summing up vectors for its component char-ngrams, provided at least one of the char-ngrams was present in the training data." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Training models" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "For the following examples, we'll use the Lee Corpus (which you already have if you've installed gensim)\n", + "\n", + "You need to have FastText setup locally to be able to train models. See [installation instructions for FastText](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText/#requirements) if you don't have FastText installed." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 1, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "FastText(vocab=1762, size=100, alpha=0.025)\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "import gensim, os\n", + "from gensim.models.wrappers.fasttext import FastText\n", + "\n", + "# Set FastText home to the path to the FastText executable\n", + "ft_home = '/home/jayant/Projects/fastText/fasttext'\n", + "\n", + "# Set file names for train and test data\n", + "data_dir = '{}'.format(os.sep).join([gensim.__path__[0], 'test', 'test_data']) + os.sep\n", + "lee_train_file = data_dir + 'lee_background.cor'\n", + "\n", + "model = FastText.train(ft_home, lee_train_file)\n", + "\n", + "print(model)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Hyperparameters for training the model follow the same pattern as Word2Vec. FastText supports the folllowing parameters from the original word2vec - \n", + " - model: Training architecture. Allowed values: `cbow`, `skipgram` (Default `cbow`)\n", + " - size: Size of embeddings to be learnt (Default 100)\n", + " - alpha: Initial learning rate (Default 0.025)\n", + " - window: Context window size (Default 5)\n", + " - min_count: Ignore words with number of occurrences below this (Default 5)\n", + " - loss: Training objective. Allowed values: `ns`, `hs`, `softmax` (Default `ns`)\n", + " - sample: Threshold for downsampling higher-frequency words (Default 0.001)\n", + " - negative: Number of negative words to sample, for `ns` (Default 5)\n", + " - iter: Number of epochs (Default 5)\n", + " - sorted_vocab: Sort vocab by descending frequency (Default 1)\n", + " - threads: Number of threads to use (Default 12)\n", + " \n", + "In addition, FastText has two additional parameters - \n", + " - min_n: min length of char ngrams to be used (Default 3)\n", + " - max_n: max length of char ngrams to be used for (Default 6)\n", + "These control the lengths of character ngrams that each word is broken down into while training and looking up embeddings. If `max_n` is set to 0, or to be lesser than `min_n`, no character ngrams are used, and the model effectively reduces to Word2Vec." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 2, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "FastText(vocab=816, size=50, alpha=0.025)\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "model = FastText.train(ft_home, lee_train_file, size=50, alpha=0.05, min_count=10)\n", + "print(model)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Continuation of training with FastText models is not supported." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Saving/loading models" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Models can be saved and loaded via the `load` and `save` methods." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 3, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "FastText(vocab=816, size=50, alpha=0.025)\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "model.save('saved_fasttext_model')\n", + "loaded_model = FastText.load('saved_fasttext_model')\n", + "print(loaded_model)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "The `save_word2vec_method` causes the vectors for ngrams to be lost. As a result, a model loaded in this way will behave as a regular word2vec model. \n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Word vector lookup\n", + "FastText models support vector lookups for out-of-vocabulary words by summing up character ngrams belonging to the word." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 4, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "True\n", + "False\n", + "[-0.47196999 -0.17528 0.19518 -0.31948 0.42835999 0.083281\n", + " -0.15183 0.43415001 0.41251001 -0.10186 -0.54948997 0.12667\n", + " 0.14816 -0.065804 -0.21105 -0.42304999 0.011494 0.53068\n", + " -0.57410997 -0.53930998 -0.33537999 0.16154 0.12377 -0.23537\n", + " -0.14629 -0.34777001 0.27304 0.20597 0.12581 0.36671999\n", + " 0.32075 0.27351999 -0.13311 -0.04975 -0.52293003 -0.2766\n", + " 0.11863 -0.009231 -0.66074997 0.018031 0.57145 0.35547\n", + " 0.21588001 0.14431 -0.31865999 0.32027 0.55005002 0.19374999\n", + " 0.36609 -0.54184002]\n", + "[-0.4256132 -0.11521876 0.20166218 -0.34812452 0.30932881 0.02802653\n", + " -0.18951961 0.4175721 0.41008326 -0.09026544 -0.50756483 0.07746826\n", + " 0.09458492 0.01440104 -0.17157355 -0.35189211 0.00103696 0.50923289\n", + " -0.49944138 -0.38334864 -0.34287725 0.18023167 0.18014225 -0.22820314\n", + " -0.08267317 -0.31241801 0.26023088 0.20673522 0.07008089 0.31678561\n", + " 0.31590793 0.16198126 -0.09287339 -0.1722331 -0.43232849 -0.26644917\n", + " 0.10019614 0.08444232 -0.57080398 0.07581607 0.50339428 0.28109486\n", + " 0.05507131 0.10023506 -0.17840675 0.18620458 0.42583067 0.00790601\n", + " 0.2036875 -0.4925791 ]\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "print('night' in model.wv.vocab)\n", + "print('nights' in model.wv.vocab)\n", + "print(model['night'])\n", + "print(model['nights'])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "The word vector lookup operation only works if atleast one of the component character ngrams is present in the training corpus. For example -" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 5, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "KeyError", + "evalue": "'all ngrams for word axe absent from model'", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;31mKeyError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m# Raises a KeyError since none of the character ngrams of the word `axe` are present in the training data\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 2\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mmodel\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'axe'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;32m/home/jayant/Projects/gensim/gensim/models/word2vec.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__getitem__\u001b[0;34m(self, words)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1304\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1305\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0m__getitem__\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mwords\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m-> 1306\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mwv\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m__getitem__\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mwords\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 1307\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1308\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m@\u001b[0m\u001b[0mstaticmethod\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;32m/home/jayant/Projects/gensim/gensim/models/keyedvectors.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__getitem__\u001b[0;34m(self, words)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 363\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0misinstance\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mwords\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mstring_types\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 364\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m# allow calls like trained_model['office'], as a shorthand for trained_model[['office']]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 365\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mword_vec\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mwords\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 366\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 367\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mvstack\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mword_vec\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mword\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mfor\u001b[0m \u001b[0mword\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32min\u001b[0m \u001b[0mwords\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;32m/home/jayant/Projects/gensim/gensim/models/wrappers/fasttext.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mword_vec\u001b[0;34m(self, word, use_norm)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 89\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mword_vec\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m/\u001b[0m \u001b[0mlen\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mngrams\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 90\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m# No ngrams of the word are present in self.ngrams\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 91\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mKeyError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'all ngrams for word %s absent from model'\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m%\u001b[0m \u001b[0mword\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 92\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 93\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0minit_sims\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mreplace\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mFalse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;31mKeyError\u001b[0m: 'all ngrams for word axe absent from model'" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "# Raises a KeyError since none of the character ngrams of the word `axe` are present in the training data\n", + "model['axe']" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "The `in` operation works slightly differently from the original word2vec. It tests whether a vector for the given word exists or not, not whether the word is present in the word vocabulary. To test whether a word is present in the training word vocabulary -" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 6, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "False\n", + "True\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "# Tests if word present in vocab\n", + "print(\"word\" in model.wv.vocab)\n", + "# Tests if vector present for word\n", + "print(\"word\" in model)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Similarity operations" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Similarity operations work the same way as word2vec. Out-of-vocabulary words can also be used, provided they have atleast one character ngram present in the training data." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 7, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "False\n", + "True\n" + ] + }, + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "0.97944545147919504" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 7, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "print(\"nights\" in model.wv.vocab)\n", + "print(\"night\" in model.wv.vocab)\n", + "model.similarity(\"night\", \"nights\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Syntactically similar words generally have high similarity in FastText models, since a large number of the component char-ngrams will be the same. As a result, FastText generally does better at syntactic tasks than Word2Vec. A detailed comparison is provided [here](https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim/blob/develop/docs/notebooks/Word2Vec_FastText_Comparison.ipynb).\n", + "\n", + "Other similarity operations -" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 8, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "[(u'12', 0.9912641048431396),\n", + " (u'across', 0.990070641040802),\n", + " (u'few', 0.9840448498725891),\n", + " (u'deaths', 0.9840392470359802),\n", + " (u'parts', 0.9835165739059448),\n", + " (u'One', 0.9833074808120728),\n", + " (u'running', 0.9832631349563599),\n", + " (u'2', 0.982011079788208),\n", + " (u'victory', 0.9806963801383972),\n", + " (u'each', 0.9789758920669556)]" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 8, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "# The example training corpus is a toy corpus, results are not expected to be good, for proof-of-concept only\n", + "model.most_similar(\"nights\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 9, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "0.97543218704680112" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 9, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "model.n_similarity(['sushi', 'shop'], ['japanese', 'restaurant'])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 10, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "'lunch'" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 10, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "model.doesnt_match(\"breakfast cereal dinner lunch\".split())" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 11, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "[(u'against', 0.94775390625),\n", + " (u'after', 0.923099935054779),\n", + " (u'West', 0.910752534866333),\n", + " (u'again', 0.903070867061615),\n", + " (u'arrest', 0.8878517150878906),\n", + " (u'suicide', 0.8750319480895996),\n", + " (u'After', 0.8682445287704468),\n", + " (u'innings', 0.859328031539917),\n", + " (u'Test', 0.8542338609695435),\n", + " (u'during', 0.852535605430603)]" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 11, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "model.most_similar(positive=['baghdad', 'england'], negative=['london'])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 13, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "[{'correct': [], 'incorrect': [], 'section': u'capital-common-countries'},\n", + " {'correct': [], 'incorrect': [], 'section': u'capital-world'},\n", + " {'correct': [], 'incorrect': [], 'section': u'currency'},\n", + " {'correct': [], 'incorrect': [], 'section': u'city-in-state'},\n", + " {'correct': [],\n", + " 'incorrect': [(u'HE', u'SHE', u'HIS', u'HER'),\n", + " (u'HIS', u'HER', u'HE', u'SHE')],\n", + " 'section': u'family'},\n", + " {'correct': [], 'incorrect': [], 'section': u'gram1-adjective-to-adverb'},\n", + " {'correct': [], 'incorrect': [], 'section': u'gram2-opposite'},\n", + " {'correct': [], 'incorrect': [], 'section': u'gram3-comparative'},\n", + " {'correct': [(u'BIG', u'BIGGEST', u'GOOD', u'BEST')],\n", + " 'incorrect': [(u'GOOD', u'BEST', u'BIG', u'BIGGEST')],\n", + " 'section': u'gram4-superlative'},\n", + " {'correct': [(u'GO', u'GOING', u'SAY', u'SAYING'),\n", + " (u'LOOK', u'LOOKING', u'SAY', u'SAYING'),\n", + " (u'RUN', u'RUNNING', u'SAY', u'SAYING'),\n", + " (u'SAY', u'SAYING', u'LOOK', u'LOOKING')],\n", + " 'incorrect': [(u'GO', u'GOING', u'LOOK', u'LOOKING'),\n", + " (u'GO', u'GOING', u'RUN', u'RUNNING'),\n", + " (u'LOOK', u'LOOKING', u'RUN', u'RUNNING'),\n", + " (u'LOOK', u'LOOKING', u'GO', u'GOING'),\n", + " (u'RUN', u'RUNNING', u'GO', u'GOING'),\n", + " (u'RUN', u'RUNNING', u'LOOK', u'LOOKING'),\n", + " (u'SAY', u'SAYING', u'GO', u'GOING'),\n", + " (u'SAY', u'SAYING', u'RUN', u'RUNNING')],\n", + " 'section': u'gram5-present-participle'},\n", + " {'correct': [(u'AUSTRALIA', u'AUSTRALIAN', u'ISRAEL', u'ISRAELI'),\n", + " (u'INDIA', u'INDIAN', u'ISRAEL', u'ISRAELI'),\n", + " (u'INDIA', u'INDIAN', u'AUSTRALIA', u'AUSTRALIAN')],\n", + " 'incorrect': [(u'AUSTRALIA', u'AUSTRALIAN', u'INDIA', u'INDIAN'),\n", + " (u'ISRAEL', u'ISRAELI', u'AUSTRALIA', u'AUSTRALIAN'),\n", + " (u'ISRAEL', u'ISRAELI', u'INDIA', u'INDIAN')],\n", + " 'section': u'gram6-nationality-adjective'},\n", + " {'correct': [],\n", + " 'incorrect': [(u'GOING', u'WENT', u'SAYING', u'SAID'),\n", + " (u'GOING', u'WENT', u'TAKING', u'TOOK'),\n", + " (u'SAYING', u'SAID', u'TAKING', u'TOOK'),\n", + " (u'SAYING', u'SAID', u'GOING', u'WENT'),\n", + " (u'TAKING', u'TOOK', u'GOING', u'WENT'),\n", + " (u'TAKING', u'TOOK', u'SAYING', u'SAID')],\n", + " 'section': u'gram7-past-tense'},\n", + " {'correct': [],\n", + " 'incorrect': [(u'BUILDING', u'BUILDINGS', u'CHILD', u'CHILDREN'),\n", + " (u'BUILDING', u'BUILDINGS', u'MAN', u'MEN'),\n", + " (u'CHILD', u'CHILDREN', u'MAN', u'MEN'),\n", + " (u'CHILD', u'CHILDREN', u'BUILDING', u'BUILDINGS'),\n", + " (u'MAN', u'MEN', u'BUILDING', u'BUILDINGS'),\n", + " (u'MAN', u'MEN', u'CHILD', u'CHILDREN')],\n", + " 'section': u'gram8-plural'},\n", + " {'correct': [], 'incorrect': [], 'section': u'gram9-plural-verbs'},\n", + " {'correct': [(u'BIG', u'BIGGEST', u'GOOD', u'BEST'),\n", + " (u'GO', u'GOING', u'SAY', u'SAYING'),\n", + " (u'LOOK', u'LOOKING', u'SAY', u'SAYING'),\n", + " (u'RUN', u'RUNNING', u'SAY', u'SAYING'),\n", + " (u'SAY', u'SAYING', u'LOOK', u'LOOKING'),\n", + " (u'AUSTRALIA', u'AUSTRALIAN', u'ISRAEL', u'ISRAELI'),\n", + " (u'INDIA', u'INDIAN', u'ISRAEL', u'ISRAELI'),\n", + " (u'INDIA', u'INDIAN', u'AUSTRALIA', u'AUSTRALIAN')],\n", + " 'incorrect': [(u'HE', u'SHE', u'HIS', u'HER'),\n", + " (u'HIS', u'HER', u'HE', u'SHE'),\n", + " (u'GOOD', u'BEST', u'BIG', u'BIGGEST'),\n", + " (u'GO', u'GOING', u'LOOK', u'LOOKING'),\n", + " (u'GO', u'GOING', u'RUN', u'RUNNING'),\n", + " (u'LOOK', u'LOOKING', u'RUN', u'RUNNING'),\n", + " (u'LOOK', u'LOOKING', u'GO', u'GOING'),\n", + " (u'RUN', u'RUNNING', u'GO', u'GOING'),\n", + " (u'RUN', u'RUNNING', u'LOOK', u'LOOKING'),\n", + " (u'SAY', u'SAYING', u'GO', u'GOING'),\n", + " (u'SAY', u'SAYING', u'RUN', u'RUNNING'),\n", + " (u'AUSTRALIA', u'AUSTRALIAN', u'INDIA', u'INDIAN'),\n", + " (u'ISRAEL', u'ISRAELI', u'AUSTRALIA', u'AUSTRALIAN'),\n", + " (u'ISRAEL', u'ISRAELI', u'INDIA', u'INDIAN'),\n", + " (u'GOING', u'WENT', u'SAYING', u'SAID'),\n", + " (u'GOING', u'WENT', u'TAKING', u'TOOK'),\n", + " (u'SAYING', u'SAID', u'TAKING', u'TOOK'),\n", + " (u'SAYING', u'SAID', u'GOING', u'WENT'),\n", + " (u'TAKING', u'TOOK', u'GOING', u'WENT'),\n", + " (u'TAKING', u'TOOK', u'SAYING', u'SAID'),\n", + " (u'BUILDING', u'BUILDINGS', u'CHILD', u'CHILDREN'),\n", + " (u'BUILDING', u'BUILDINGS', u'MAN', u'MEN'),\n", + " (u'CHILD', u'CHILDREN', u'MAN', u'MEN'),\n", + " (u'CHILD', u'CHILDREN', u'BUILDING', u'BUILDINGS'),\n", + " (u'MAN', u'MEN', u'BUILDING', u'BUILDINGS'),\n", + " (u'MAN', u'MEN', u'CHILD', u'CHILDREN')],\n", + " 'section': 'total'}]" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 13, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "model.accuracy(questions='questions-words.txt')" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 15, + "metadata": { + "collapsed": false + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "0.7756597547632444" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 15, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "# Word Movers distance\n", + "sentence_obama = 'Obama speaks to the media in Illinois'.lower().split()\n", + "sentence_president = 'The president greets the press in Chicago'.lower().split()\n", + "\n", + "# Remove their stopwords.\n", + "from nltk.corpus import stopwords\n", + "stopwords = stopwords.words('english')\n", + "sentence_obama = [w for w in sentence_obama if w not in stopwords]\n", + "sentence_president = [w for w in sentence_president if w not in stopwords]\n", + "\n", + "# Compute WMD.\n", + "distance = model.wmdistance(sentence_obama, sentence_president)\n", + "distance" + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "anaconda-cloud": {}, + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "Python 2", + "language": "python", + "name": "python2" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 2 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython2", + "version": "2.7.6" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 0 +} diff --git a/gensim/models/keyedvectors.py b/gensim/models/keyedvectors.py index 369060a4f8..d97a5ae497 100644 --- a/gensim/models/keyedvectors.py +++ b/gensim/models/keyedvectors.py @@ -46,6 +46,25 @@ def save(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['ignore'] = kwargs.get('ignore', ['syn0norm']) super(KeyedVectors, self).save(*args, **kwargs) + def word_vec(self, word, use_norm=False): + """ + Accept a single word as input. + Returns the word's representations in vector space, as a 1D numpy array. + + Example:: + + >>> trained_model.word_vec('office', use_norm=True) + array([ -1.40128313e-02, ...]) + + """ + if word in self.vocab: + if use_norm: + return self.syn0norm[self.vocab[word].index] + else: + return self.syn0[self.vocab[word].index] + else: + raise KeyError("word '%s' not in vocabulary" % word) + def most_similar(self, positive=[], negative=[], topn=10, restrict_vocab=None, indexer=None): """ Find the top-N most similar words. Positive words contribute positively towards the @@ -90,11 +109,10 @@ def most_similar(self, positive=[], negative=[], topn=10, restrict_vocab=None, i for word, weight in positive + negative: if isinstance(word, ndarray): mean.append(weight * word) - elif word in self.vocab: - mean.append(weight * self.syn0norm[self.vocab[word].index]) - all_words.add(self.vocab[word].index) else: - raise KeyError("word '%s' not in vocabulary" % word) + mean.append(weight * self.word_vec(word, use_norm=True)) + if word in self.vocab: + all_words.add(self.vocab[word].index) if not mean: raise ValueError("cannot compute similarity with no input") mean = matutils.unitvec(array(mean).mean(axis=0)).astype(REAL) @@ -230,22 +248,14 @@ def most_similar_cosmul(self, positive=[], negative=[], topn=10): # allow calls like most_similar_cosmul('dog'), as a shorthand for most_similar_cosmul(['dog']) positive = [positive] - all_words = set() - def word_vec(word): - if isinstance(word, ndarray): - return word - elif word in self.vocab: - all_words.add(self.vocab[word].index) - return self.syn0norm[self.vocab[word].index] - else: - raise KeyError("word '%s' not in vocabulary" % word) - - positive = [word_vec(word) for word in positive] - negative = [word_vec(word) for word in negative] + positive = [self.word_vec(word, use_norm=True) for word in positive] + negative = [self.word_vec(word, use_norm=True) for word in negative] if not positive: raise ValueError("cannot compute similarity with no input") + all_words = set([self.vocab[word].index for word in positive+negative if word in self.vocab]) + # equation (4) of Levy & Goldberg "Linguistic Regularities...", # with distances shifted to [0,1] per footnote (7) pos_dists = [((1 + dot(self.syn0norm, term)) / 2) for term in positive] @@ -311,14 +321,16 @@ def doesnt_match(self, words): """ self.init_sims() - words = [word for word in words if word in self.vocab] # filter out OOV words - logger.debug("using words %s" % words) - if not words: + used_words = [word for word in words if word in self] + if len(used_words) != len(words): + ignored_words = set(words) - set(used_words) + logger.warning("vectors for words %s are not present in the model, ignoring these words", ignored_words) + if not used_words: raise ValueError("cannot select a word from an empty list") - vectors = vstack(self.syn0norm[self.vocab[word].index] for word in words).astype(REAL) + vectors = vstack(self.word_vec(word, use_norm=True) for word in used_words).astype(REAL) mean = matutils.unitvec(vectors.mean(axis=0)).astype(REAL) dists = dot(vectors, mean) - return sorted(zip(dists, words))[0][1] + return sorted(zip(dists, used_words))[0][1] def __getitem__(self, words): @@ -345,9 +357,9 @@ def __getitem__(self, words): """ if isinstance(words, string_types): # allow calls like trained_model['office'], as a shorthand for trained_model[['office']] - return self.syn0[self.vocab[words].index] + return self.word_vec(words) - return vstack([self.syn0[self.vocab[word].index] for word in words]) + return vstack([self.word_vec(word) for word in words]) def __contains__(self, word): return word in self.vocab diff --git a/gensim/models/word2vec.py b/gensim/models/word2vec.py index 31d7353919..ccdf93c8a1 100644 --- a/gensim/models/word2vec.py +++ b/gensim/models/word2vec.py @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ def __init__( else: logger.debug('Fast version of {0} is being used'.format(__name__)) - self.wv = KeyedVectors() # wv --> KeyedVectors + self.initialize_word_vectors() self.sg = int(sg) self.cum_table = None # for negative sampling self.vector_size = int(size) @@ -469,6 +469,9 @@ def __init__( self.build_vocab(sentences, trim_rule=trim_rule) self.train(sentences) + def initialize_word_vectors(self): + self.wv = KeyedVectors() + def make_cum_table(self, power=0.75, domain=2**31 - 1): """ Create a cumulative-distribution table using stored vocabulary word counts for diff --git a/gensim/models/wrappers/__init__.py b/gensim/models/wrappers/__init__.py index a9027170e7..8933171250 100644 --- a/gensim/models/wrappers/__init__.py +++ b/gensim/models/wrappers/__init__.py @@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ from .ldamallet import LdaMallet from .dtmmodel import DtmModel from .ldavowpalwabbit import LdaVowpalWabbit -from .wordrank import Wordrank +from .fasttext import FastText +from .wordrank import Wordrank \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/gensim/models/wrappers/fasttext.py b/gensim/models/wrappers/fasttext.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81bb6ccce4 --- /dev/null +++ b/gensim/models/wrappers/fasttext.py @@ -0,0 +1,355 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# Copyright (C) 2013 Radim Rehurek +# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html + + +""" +Python wrapper around word representation learning from FastText, a library for efficient learning +of word representations and sentence classification [1]. + +This module allows training a word embedding from a training corpus with the additional ability +to obtain word vectors for out-of-vocabulary words, using the fastText C implementation. + +The wrapped model can NOT be updated with new documents for online training -- use gensim's +`Word2Vec` for that. + +Example: + +>>> from gensim.models.wrappers import FastText +>>> model = fasttext.FastText.train('/Users/kofola/fastText/fasttext', corpus_file='text8') +>>> print model['forests'] # prints vector for given out-of-vocabulary word + +.. [1] https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText#enriching-word-vectors-with-subword-information + +""" + + +import logging +import tempfile +import os +import struct + +import numpy as np +from numpy import float32 as REAL, sqrt, newaxis +from gensim import utils +from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors +from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec + +from six import string_types + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +class FastTextKeyedVectors(KeyedVectors): + """ + Class to contain vectors, vocab and ngrams for the FastText training class and other methods not directly + involved in training such as most_similar(). + Subclasses KeyedVectors to implement oov lookups, storing ngrams and other FastText specific methods + + """ + def __init__(self): + super(FastTextKeyedVectors, self).__init__() + self.syn0_all_norm = None + self.ngrams = {} + + def save(self, *args, **kwargs): + # don't bother storing the cached normalized vectors + kwargs['ignore'] = kwargs.get('ignore', ['syn0norm', 'syn0_all_norm']) + super(FastTextKeyedVectors, self).save(*args, **kwargs) + + def word_vec(self, word, use_norm=False): + """ + Accept a single word as input. + Returns the word's representations in vector space, as a 1D numpy array. + + The word can be out-of-vocabulary as long as ngrams for the word are present. + For words with all ngrams absent, a KeyError is raised. + + Example:: + + >>> trained_model['office'] + array([ -1.40128313e-02, ...]) + + """ + if word in self.vocab: + return super(FastTextKeyedVectors, self).word_vec(word, use_norm) + else: + word_vec = np.zeros(self.syn0_all.shape[1]) + ngrams = FastText.compute_ngrams(word, self.min_n, self.max_n) + if use_norm: + ngram_weights = self.syn0_all_norm + else: + ngram_weights = self.syn0_all + for ngram in ngrams: + if ngram in self.ngrams: + word_vec += ngram_weights[self.ngrams[ngram]] + if word_vec.any(): + return word_vec / len(ngrams) + else: # No ngrams of the word are present in self.ngrams + raise KeyError('all ngrams for word %s absent from model' % word) + + def init_sims(self, replace=False): + """ + Precompute L2-normalized vectors. + + If `replace` is set, forget the original vectors and only keep the normalized + ones = saves lots of memory! + + Note that you **cannot continue training** after doing a replace. The model becomes + effectively read-only = you can only call `most_similar`, `similarity` etc. + + """ + super(FastTextKeyedVectors, self).init_sims(replace) + if getattr(self, 'syn0_all_norm', None) is None or replace: + logger.info("precomputing L2-norms of ngram weight vectors") + if replace: + for i in xrange(self.syn0_all.shape[0]): + self.syn0_all[i, :] /= sqrt((self.syn0_all[i, :] ** 2).sum(-1)) + self.syn0_all_norm = self.syn0_all + else: + self.syn0_all_norm = (self.syn0_all / sqrt((self.syn0_all ** 2).sum(-1))[..., newaxis]).astype(REAL) + + def __contains__(self, word): + """ + Check if word is present in the vocabulary, or if any word ngrams are present. A vector for the word is + guaranteed to exist if `__contains__` returns True. + + """ + if word in self.vocab: + return True + else: + word_ngrams = set(FastText.compute_ngrams(word, self.min_n, self.max_n)) + if len(word_ngrams & set(self.ngrams.keys())): + return True + else: + return False + + +class FastText(Word2Vec): + """ + Class for word vector training using FastText. Communication between FastText and Python + takes place by working with data files on disk and calling the FastText binary with + subprocess.call(). + Implements functionality similar to [fasttext.py](https://github.com/salestock/fastText.py), + improving speed and scope of functionality like `most_similar`, `similarity` by extracting vectors + into numpy matrix. + + """ + + def initialize_word_vectors(self): + self.wv = FastTextKeyedVectors() + + @classmethod + def train(cls, ft_path, corpus_file, output_file=None, model='cbow', size=100, alpha=0.025, window=5, min_count=5, + loss='ns', sample=1e-3, negative=5, iter=5, min_n=3, max_n=6, sorted_vocab=1, threads=12): + """ + `ft_path` is the path to the FastText executable, e.g. `/home/kofola/fastText/fasttext`. + + `corpus_file` is the filename of the text file to be used for training the FastText model. + Expects file to contain utf-8 encoded text. + + `model` defines the training algorithm. By default, cbow is used. Accepted values are + 'cbow', 'skipgram'. + + `size` is the dimensionality of the feature vectors. + + `window` is the maximum distance between the current and predicted word within a sentence. + + `alpha` is the initial learning rate. + + `min_count` = ignore all words with total occurrences lower than this. + + `loss` = defines training objective. Allowed values are `hs` (hierarchical softmax), + `ns` (negative sampling) and `softmax`. Defaults to `ns` + + `sample` = threshold for configuring which higher-frequency words are randomly downsampled; + default is 1e-3, useful range is (0, 1e-5). + + `negative` = the value for negative specifies how many "noise words" should be drawn + (usually between 5-20). Default is 5. If set to 0, no negative samping is used. + Only relevant when `loss` is set to `ns` + + `iter` = number of iterations (epochs) over the corpus. Default is 5. + + `min_n` = min length of char ngrams to be used for training word representations. Default is 3. + + `max_n` = max length of char ngrams to be used for training word representations. Set `max_n` to be + lesser than `min_n` to avoid char ngrams being used. Default is 6. + + `sorted_vocab` = if 1 (default), sort the vocabulary by descending frequency before + assigning word indexes. + + `threads` = number of threads to use. Default is 12. + + """ + ft_path = ft_path + output_file = output_file or os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'ft_model') + ft_args = { + 'input': corpus_file, + 'output': output_file, + 'lr': alpha, + 'dim': size, + 'ws': window, + 'epoch': iter, + 'minCount': min_count, + 'neg': negative, + 'loss': loss, + 'minn': min_n, + 'maxn': max_n, + 'thread': threads, + 't': sample + } + cmd = [ft_path, model] + for option, value in ft_args.items(): + cmd.append("-%s" % option) + cmd.append(str(value)) + + output = utils.check_output(args=cmd) + model = cls.load_fasttext_format(output_file) + cls.delete_training_files(output_file) + return model + + def save(self, *args, **kwargs): + # don't bother storing the cached normalized vectors + kwargs['ignore'] = kwargs.get('ignore', ['syn0norm', 'syn0_all_norm']) + super(FastText, self).save(*args, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def load_fasttext_format(cls, model_file): + """ + Load the input-hidden weight matrix from the fast text output files. + + Note that due to limitations in the FastText API, you cannot continue training + with a model loaded this way, though you can query for word similarity etc. + + `model_file` is the path to the FastText output files. + FastText outputs two training files - `/path/to/train.vec` and `/path/to/train.bin` + Expected value for this example: `/path/to/train` + + """ + model = cls.load_word2vec_format('%s.vec' % model_file) + model.load_binary_data('%s.bin' % model_file) + return model + + @classmethod + def delete_training_files(cls, model_file): + """Deletes the files created by FastText training""" + try: + os.remove('%s.vec' % model_file) + os.remove('%s.bin' % model_file) + except FileNotFoundError: + logger.debug('Training files %s not found when attempting to delete', model_file) + pass + + def load_binary_data(self, model_binary_file): + """Loads data from the output binary file created by FastText training""" + with utils.smart_open(model_binary_file, 'rb') as f: + self.load_model_params(f) + self.load_dict(f) + self.load_vectors(f) + + def load_model_params(self, file_handle): + (dim, ws, epoch, minCount, neg, _, loss, model, bucket, minn, maxn, _, t) = self.struct_unpack(file_handle, '@12i1d') + # Parameters stored by [Args::save](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText/blob/master/src/args.cc) + self.size = dim + self.window = ws + self.iter = epoch + self.min_count = minCount + self.negative = neg + self.hs = loss == 1 + self.sg = model == 2 + self.bucket = bucket + self.wv.min_n = minn + self.wv.max_n = maxn + self.sample = t + + def load_dict(self, file_handle): + (vocab_size, nwords, _) = self.struct_unpack(file_handle, '@3i') + # Vocab stored by [Dictionary::save](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText/blob/master/src/dictionary.cc) + assert len(self.wv.vocab) == nwords, 'mismatch between vocab sizes' + assert len(self.wv.vocab) == vocab_size, 'mismatch between vocab sizes' + ntokens, = self.struct_unpack(file_handle, '@q') + for i in range(nwords): + word = '' + char, = self.struct_unpack(file_handle, '@c') + char = char.decode() + # Read vocab word + while char != '\x00': + word += char + char, = self.struct_unpack(file_handle, '@c') + char = char.decode() + count, _ = self.struct_unpack(file_handle, '@ib') + _ = self.struct_unpack(file_handle, '@i') + assert self.wv.vocab[word].index == i, 'mismatch between gensim word index and fastText word index' + self.wv.vocab[word].count = count + + def load_vectors(self, file_handle): + num_vectors, dim = self.struct_unpack(file_handle, '@2q') + # Vectors stored by [Matrix::save](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText/blob/master/src/matrix.cc) + assert self.size == dim, 'mismatch between model sizes' + float_size = struct.calcsize('@f') + if float_size == 4: + dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) + elif float_size == 8: + dtype = np.dtype(np.float64) + + self.num_original_vectors = num_vectors + self.wv.syn0_all = np.fromstring(file_handle.read(num_vectors * dim * float_size), dtype=dtype) + self.wv.syn0_all = self.wv.syn0_all.reshape((num_vectors, dim)) + assert self.wv.syn0_all.shape == (self.bucket + len(self.wv.vocab), self.size), \ + 'mismatch between weight matrix shape and vocab/model size' + self.init_ngrams() + + def struct_unpack(self, file_handle, fmt): + num_bytes = struct.calcsize(fmt) + return struct.unpack(fmt, file_handle.read(num_bytes)) + + def init_ngrams(self): + """ + Computes ngrams of all words present in vocabulary and stores vectors for only those ngrams. + Vectors for other ngrams are initialized with a random uniform distribution in FastText. These + vectors are discarded here to save space. + + """ + self.wv.ngrams = {} + all_ngrams = [] + for w, v in self.wv.vocab.items(): + all_ngrams += self.compute_ngrams(w, self.wv.min_n, self.wv.max_n) + all_ngrams = set(all_ngrams) + self.num_ngram_vectors = len(all_ngrams) + ngram_indices = [] + for i, ngram in enumerate(all_ngrams): + ngram_hash = self.ft_hash(ngram) + ngram_indices.append((len(self.wv.vocab) + ngram_hash) % self.bucket) + self.wv.ngrams[ngram] = i + self.wv.syn0_all = self.wv.syn0_all.take(ngram_indices, axis=0) + + @staticmethod + def compute_ngrams(word, min_n, max_n): + ngram_indices = [] + BOW, EOW = ('<', '>') # Used by FastText to attach to all words as prefix and suffix + extended_word = BOW + word + EOW + ngrams = set() + for i in range(len(extended_word) - min_n + 1): + for j in range(min_n, max(len(extended_word) - max_n, max_n + 1)): + ngrams.add(extended_word[i:i+j]) + return ngrams + + @staticmethod + def ft_hash(string): + """ + Reproduces [hash method](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText/blob/master/src/dictionary.cc) + used in fastText. + + """ + # Runtime warnings for integer overflow are raised, this is expected behaviour. These warnings are suppressed. + old_settings = np.seterr(all='ignore') + h = np.uint32(2166136261) + for c in string: + h = h ^ np.uint32(ord(c)) + h = h * np.uint32(16777619) + np.seterr(**old_settings) + return h + diff --git a/gensim/test/test_data/lee_fasttext.bin b/gensim/test/test_data/lee_fasttext.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..422e835e5b Binary files /dev/null and b/gensim/test/test_data/lee_fasttext.bin differ diff --git a/gensim/test/test_data/lee_fasttext.vec b/gensim/test/test_data/lee_fasttext.vec new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62b0a7005e --- /dev/null +++ b/gensim/test/test_data/lee_fasttext.vec @@ -0,0 +1,1763 @@ +1762 10 +the -0.65992 0.20966 0.47362 -0.87461 0.062743 -0.74622 -0.34091 0.4419 0.013037 0.099763 +to -0.097853 -0.72555 -0.1057 -0.54937 -0.19911 -1.2827 -0.26261 -0.024018 0.12265 0.57279 +of -0.4761 -0.0054098 0.34065 -0.66716 -0.12626 -0.84673 0.48347 0.33561 -0.012775 0.4091 +in -0.33929 0.10271 0.65001 -0.55763 -0.083656 -1.0887 0.26392 0.647 0.11335 0.21291 +and -0.63035 -0.32095 0.011733 -0.76918 0.073047 -0.67143 0.037338 0.46003 0.13792 0.39737 +a -0.65371 0.10735 0.064598 -0.69403 -0.048897 -1.0369 0.2553 0.13872 0.31532 0.20284 +is -0.29382 -0.60248 0.34807 -0.11852 -0.38725 -0.95276 -0.2835 0.47411 -0.21996 1.0093 +for -0.46493 -0.36724 -0.18703 -0.48171 -0.27477 -0.72579 0.062103 0.50666 0.30533 0.71774 +The -0.20032 0.29501 0.12587 -0.43894 -0.28088 -0.86096 0.58114 0.85559 0.081052 0.57715 +on -0.5935 0.08586 0.038493 -0.33272 0.13189 -1.2967 0.34137 0.49423 0.3093 0.35516 +he -0.32139 -0.4795 -0.46169 -0.9918 -0.66362 -1.0587 0.78749 -0.77487 0.0089589 0.38272 +has -0.70753 -0.39022 0.052936 -0.23359 0.063301 -1.1609 -0.45942 0.80495 0.40197 0.24512 +says -0.3077 -0.79638 0.31517 -0.39544 -0.063696 -1.094 -0.33513 0.47365 -0.13975 0.47382 +was -0.25575 -0.028458 -0.014038 -0.86381 -0.57587 -0.60973 -0.13564 0.55111 -0.15467 0.22388 +have -0.60726 -0.5843 0.22865 -0.81158 -0.26035 -0.64116 0.15884 0.5151 -0.04778 0.069658 +that 0.081022 -0.72776 -0.062971 -0.80496 0.11777 -1.2083 -0.38 -0.2604 0.034451 0.96105 +be -0.93269 -0.42985 0.41498 -1.2313 -0.21241 -0.59356 0.15885 -0.096531 -0.058616 -0.072819 +are -0.88506 -1.1428 0.58619 -0.67046 -0.19199 -0.58564 -1.0253 0.51718 -0.70528 0.0048747 +will -0.27809 -0.56061 0.58503 -0.52017 -0.044788 -1.014 0.077358 0.20714 -0.27633 0.67629 +with -0.28825 0.42005 -0.19122 -0.78206 -0.34148 -0.66814 -0.21883 0.85264 0.18633 0.44379 +Mr -0.19852 -0.10661 -0.23733 -0.65172 0.30057 -1.3513 -0.040147 0.32772 0.36151 0.52464 +said. -0.88431 -0.71521 0.44005 -0.75876 -0.17407 -0.84252 -0.087511 -0.19377 0.043917 0.1839 + -0.60186 -0.025285 0.27166 -0.42792 0.015961 -0.88545 -0.13465 0.99508 0.17865 0.026863 +at -0.44439 -0.044336 0.94735 -0.45047 -0.80686 -0.67736 -0.14367 0.85683 -0.063424 0.051945 +from -0.32353 0.098347 0.032989 -0.74815 -0.24768 -0.75451 -0.13214 0.58659 -0.0068132 0.4217 +by -0.64103 -0.24767 0.51452 -0.49264 -0.099063 -1.0089 -0.05214 1.0161 0.44978 -0.1339 +been -0.54105 -0.27875 0.30843 -0.86142 -0.3812 -0.48836 0.0050966 0.76656 -0.12437 0.13884 +not -0.70636 -0.93432 0.73146 -0.56468 -0.32436 -0.79513 -0.54998 -0.25162 -0.45083 0.49174 +as -0.629 0.16945 -0.016585 -0.77883 -0.12501 -0.88216 -0.090549 0.3979 0.25293 0.29065 +his -0.33454 -0.34859 -0.035157 -0.65904 -0.13221 -0.97051 0.45943 0.50657 0.061321 0.39799 +an -0.87015 -1.0162 -0.098053 -0.53468 -0.079053 -0.89442 0.041957 -0.03558 0.32311 0.35879 +it 0.13211 -0.088515 0.11401 -0.78494 -0.67837 -0.92328 -0.63544 -0.5459 -0.28124 1.3688 +were -0.48655 -0.357 0.10011 -0.64865 0.32193 -0.86819 -0.86044 0.011769 0.29161 1.0207 +had -0.69421 -0.43481 0.055924 -0.8178 -0.4389 -0.63549 0.14114 0.37034 0.12145 0.088275 +after 0.018095 -0.014107 -0.40411 -0.56701 -0.10566 -1.487 0.092567 0.69517 0.32545 0.041638 +but 0.2276 -0.4163 -0.1807 -0.36103 0.19107 -1.4841 -0.55376 0.18097 0.1941 1.0915 +they -0.78658 -0.34004 0.69486 -0.9784 -0.14549 -0.39964 -0.63053 0.37237 -0.57613 0.12998 +said -1.0615 -0.35391 0.11855 -0.81942 0.09473 -1.1109 0.057863 0.055736 0.46843 -0.26099 +this -0.29528 0.078873 0.025695 -0.55934 -0.44801 -0.81393 -0.34166 0.50159 -0.018645 0.71595 +who -0.45395 -0.99574 -0.079535 -0.57639 -0.35986 -0.68507 0.1823 0.52764 -0.63036 0.23024 +Australian -0.087119 0.073164 0.10809 -0.52065 -0.14201 -0.85468 0.20503 1.0043 -0.35652 0.4995 +we -0.92667 -0.18961 -0.55937 -1.5353 -0.13464 -0.52488 0.0005592 -0.68596 0.22946 0.64247 +Palestinian -0.98458 0.93853 -0.51889 -1.2161 0.24995 -1.3182 0.372 1.076 0.94101 -0.66377 +their -0.52311 -0.15897 0.075389 -0.88562 -0.088284 -0.67524 -0.034784 0.30287 -0.1866 0.41139 +which -0.61737 0.00067111 0.161 -0.64174 -0.26342 -0.64661 0.21201 0.77086 0.014573 0.21927 +people -0.66972 0.2515 -0.034013 -0.8546 0.29833 -0.55255 -0.45313 0.92735 0.14288 0.61723 +two -0.77021 0.37598 0.44149 -0.81463 -0.23165 -0.57215 -0.13171 1.6421 0.566 -0.29208 +up -0.92106 0.087231 0.19433 -0.78957 -0.09922 -0.67807 -0.32201 0.59661 0.34887 0.20957 +there -0.6504 -0.69746 0.44682 -0.88043 0.29494 -0.88528 -1.2996 -0.63698 -0.44655 1.0224 +about -0.28794 -0.35562 -0.064526 -0.47061 -0.022382 -1.1371 -0.39905 0.56603 0.15282 0.44639 +also -0.45513 -0.16258 0.37223 -0.30564 -0.2377 -1.0731 -0.2135 0.776 -0.071584 0.28043 +its -0.42459 0.16452 -0.0077954 -0.86482 -0.17477 -0.8061 0.037299 0.97304 0.33194 -0.023239 +South -0.17951 -0.022643 0.59636 -0.41076 -1.2496 -0.28985 -0.3758 1.5986 -1.1057 0.55217 +out -0.013063 -0.54117 -0.052919 -0.56589 0.32481 -1.2768 0.063277 0.4627 0.20934 0.5455 +into -0.29934 0.28421 0.16018 -0.83519 0.32556 -0.97518 0.076533 0.7072 0.28471 0.32343 +would -0.37731 -0.50458 0.085721 -0.70857 0.094787 -1.1383 -0.35527 -0.32154 0.35552 0.71197 +US -1.419 -0.36611 0.023022 -0.52204 0.28036 -0.9022 -0.31012 1.2652 0.96427 -0.17639 +when -0.89318 -0.51448 0.10268 -0.78351 0.49609 -0.98216 -0.11279 0.49039 0.43879 0.011775 +against -0.30284 0.34874 -0.30644 -0.84575 -0.071445 -0.89353 0.57384 1.0193 0.4328 0.22225 +more -0.11677 -0.086034 0.12111 -0.37489 -0.28047 -0.68794 -0.88491 1.0895 -0.22755 0.85223 +I -0.2342 -0.18042 -0.4189 -1.5432 -0.18672 -0.75643 -0.040422 -0.9741 0.32856 1.3179 +last -0.50372 -0.38955 0.21613 -0.60822 -0.42559 -0.40254 -0.58713 0.94707 0.26143 0.60773 +first -0.4162 0.1081 0.15397 -0.77084 -0.58909 -0.59912 0.27145 0.86145 -0.02188 0.16302 +New -0.92001 -0.22188 0.48702 -0.19692 -1.1429 -0.20371 -0.47151 1.5009 -0.40581 0.13455 +A -0.57131 -0.36365 0.20852 -0.2569 -0.086202 -1.101 -0.12672 1.4998 0.40109 -0.13638 +He -0.64965 -1.2301 0.028085 -0.49222 0.51859 -1.7417 -0.61271 -0.0064811 0.85677 0.10672 +Israeli -1.3681 0.93487 -0.56042 -1.67 0.24798 -0.87392 0.52677 1.1218 1.1216 -0.77911 +Australia -0.039635 0.28634 0.11097 -0.637 -0.23509 -0.792 0.33393 0.98647 -0.4223 0.56188 +one -0.14824 0.25975 0.69107 -0.71903 -0.80539 -0.45456 0.063007 0.30401 -0.16153 0.63722 +if -0.52795 -0.13276 -0.10516 -0.91078 0.21009 -1.0576 0.0028838 -0.39178 0.47521 0.73838 +United -0.77929 -0.56912 -0.04027 -0.61907 0.13338 -1.1514 -0.07647 0.80217 0.6411 -0.23045 +over -0.52265 -0.41155 0.6011 -0.28166 -0.40453 -0.86871 -0.23573 0.93495 0.13346 0.21751 +Government -0.67531 -0.66461 -0.047882 -0.29791 0.45375 -1.3121 -0.40172 0.65055 0.91638 0.45566 +or -0.4167 0.038773 0.059513 -0.62443 -0.13206 -0.80274 -0.28627 -0.27881 0.0011235 1.2794 +than -0.14769 -0.68251 0.44977 -0.36286 -0.1027 -1.0483 -0.4978 0.72324 -0.069886 0.49087 +all -0.7938 -0.55706 0.094239 -0.59131 0.1483 -1.184 -0.09027 0.012086 0.15899 0.31021 +no -0.69811 -0.41424 0.78577 -0.51725 0.055025 -0.69056 -0.29608 0.33205 -0.34591 0.66131 +could -0.52674 -0.87081 -0.044251 -0.67416 0.39685 -1.3837 -0.27186 -0.25035 0.40571 0.51439 +before -0.40107 -0.084311 0.047102 -0.83787 0.0075912 -0.89444 0.19748 0.51604 0.06631 0.24204 +three -0.57121 0.50933 -0.28623 -0.99528 -0.1827 -0.79834 0.41689 1.0711 0.52016 -0.22901 +say -0.8868 -0.46615 -0.026296 -0.57772 -0.15754 -0.90469 -0.2249 0.72195 0.14146 -0.0055937 +told -0.35776 -0.46227 -0.03951 -0.57829 -0.066154 -1.5037 0.094859 0.042947 0.22843 -0.074584 +new -0.83839 -0.45291 0.31335 -0.92276 -0.15468 -0.6207 0.12539 0.46423 0.42647 -0.027691 +some -0.4697 -0.4802 0.64257 -0.66729 -0.13995 -0.58474 -0.20616 0.46207 -0.52497 0.43663 +any -0.47819 -1.264 0.034463 -0.35903 0.094574 -1.1883 -0.22278 -0.38716 -0.30842 0.92836 +"We -0.61404 -0.27699 0.14214 -1.1579 -0.25655 -0.65035 0.089285 0.40186 0.039534 -0.23666 +bin -1.7522 -1.2714 1.3569 -0.78994 -0.36976 -0.82653 0.5676 0.99451 0.36406 -1.0145 +attacks -1.0445 0.22895 0.096642 -1.3248 -0.2155 -0.6602 0.86781 1.0936 0.73309 -0.71481 +very -0.2122 -0.96739 0.21591 -0.69971 -0.38776 -1.0921 -0.36566 -0.80634 -0.29688 1.3906 +still -0.85555 -0.60178 0.40202 -0.66672 0.076061 -0.82908 0.084529 0.25208 0.061303 0.27135 +now -0.48601 -0.69013 0.87613 -0.43362 -0.38682 -0.6631 -0.2765 0.94004 -0.45266 0.28884 +just -0.39312 -0.6383 0.38595 -0.44656 -0.23742 -0.79764 -0.37511 0.67357 -0.12629 0.55253 +security -0.73803 0.23189 -0.41512 -0.8291 0.1642 -1.2212 0.12356 0.52445 0.83746 0.0095344 +police -0.47656 0.029717 -0.11584 -0.53978 0.010045 -1.1678 -0.23575 0.78915 0.18609 0.12052 +our 0.082598 0.47344 -0.89336 -1.3732 0.068766 -1.1864 0.14571 -0.3271 -0.1809 0.60087 +killed -0.77965 0.19876 0.17609 -0.95526 0.0091143 -0.66956 0.14288 1.121 0.4904 -0.2293 +Arafat -1.0782 0.22401 -0.7679 -1.536 0.50611 -1.3407 0.76271 0.66921 1.3723 -0.85286 +"I 0.019285 -0.40906 -0.26568 -1.41 -0.59785 -0.95479 0.3755 -1.285 -0.1256 1.2938 +them -0.7586 -0.097801 0.31367 -1.1945 0.066862 -0.46597 -0.44283 -0.065428 -0.2526 0.48577 +being -0.44004 -1.0091 -0.26426 -0.66948 0.0097409 -1.078 0.51648 0.35925 -0.53181 0.012962 +Minister -0.56888 -0.33359 -0.34435 -0.53559 0.58292 -1.793 0.079953 0.92637 0.67219 -0.39322 +forces -1.2525 -0.87598 0.26037 -0.6537 -0.060188 -0.6167 -0.26033 0.97265 0.45137 -0.27983 +States -0.81239 -0.30621 0.36652 -0.6227 0.22867 -0.87898 -0.0079506 1.1452 0.028991 -0.28669 +But -0.10237 0.32817 -0.0045548 -0.83439 -0.17393 -0.88078 -0.12066 0.46054 0.0040628 0.42441 +fire -0.59463 -0.35161 0.42974 -0.05583 -0.6233 -0.7511 -1.5725 1.2701 -0.58896 0.46574 +other -0.74519 -0.28777 0.31799 -0.71125 0.23537 -1.1112 -0.70587 0.32309 0.38116 -0.056005 +what -0.59619 -1.0892 0.30099 -0.71568 -0.12724 -0.83494 -0.24349 -0.32314 -0.22992 0.65597 +man -0.27748 -0.53131 0.095599 -0.23325 -0.54753 -1.0364 0.28325 0.82636 -0.49547 0.14762 +around -0.68661 -0.62512 0.41961 -0.70196 -0.1961 -0.63176 -0.1947 0.73682 -0.0052678 -0.041016 +where -1.118 -1.2554 0.54255 -0.43649 0.32699 -0.95938 -0.72175 0.10805 -0.14359 0.3109 +can -0.43169 -0.16535 -0.14654 -0.93753 -0.76703 -0.57501 0.26339 0.41388 -0.72539 0.056312 +think -0.50013 -0.35851 0.27575 -1.1729 -0.50119 -0.43753 -0.28833 -0.67099 -0.37054 1.0226 +per -0.36485 0.79573 -0.42592 -0.60424 0.16956 -1.2527 -0.14036 0.56757 0.25102 0.65031 +day -0.023018 0.3264 0.34014 -0.23645 -0.4913 -0.80463 -0.20179 1.5355 -0.39652 0.50319 +next -0.32941 0.24594 -0.26183 -0.79008 0.31644 -1.0412 -0.18511 0.78278 0.67157 0.42062 +Al -2.0216 -1.5134 0.44175 -1.2123 0.37446 -0.71743 0.5695 0.98277 0.84352 -0.90703 +company -0.30602 -0.51107 0.31664 -0.30331 0.41035 -1.1785 -0.51463 0.50933 0.14656 0.82746 +It -0.34495 0.076902 0.25 -0.47756 -0.29375 -0.89576 -0.57912 0.50628 0.18563 0.53949 +four -0.44745 0.50505 -0.052465 -0.92744 -0.42264 -0.61491 0.37132 0.99116 -0.040956 0.041462 +Qaeda -1.5196 -1.2207 0.41812 -1.0492 -0.12155 -0.55009 0.4758 0.92611 0.2057 -0.68957 +"The -0.24569 -0.24865 -0.21918 -0.61546 -0.049393 -1.1539 -0.0080969 0.5898 0.24306 0.29431 +take 0.057741 -0.13636 -0.49517 -0.73474 -0.011144 -1.3112 0.47806 -0.0018668 0.197 0.78428 +you -0.33139 -0.69241 -0.44329 -1.2714 -0.20975 -1.06 -0.21113 -1.0074 -0.17257 1.1047 +officials -0.90447 -0.060109 0.11655 -1.0067 0.22382 -1.1005 0.24116 0.50698 0.7403 -0.43567 +suicide -1.1217 0.26573 -0.44972 -1.2629 -0.025608 -0.86474 0.46456 0.95164 0.84658 -0.65194 +so -0.68647 -0.29235 0.6177 -1.0199 -0.20027 -0.54111 -0.62042 -0.2294 -0.75526 0.51257 +Afghan -1.4595 -1.0921 1.0268 -1.1128 -0.20219 -0.65921 0.80528 0.63648 0.17084 -0.92924 +under -0.60079 -0.38338 -0.17154 -0.91962 0.073851 -0.86359 0.20409 0.17644 0.26743 0.29266 +President -0.78329 -0.22324 -0.13722 -0.57682 0.23003 -0.91107 0.076038 0.72476 0.35985 0.23122 +Federal -0.58828 -0.70207 0.26985 -0.48421 0.063705 -1.0284 -0.20717 0.43697 0.27202 0.27914 +In 0.0207 0.27879 -0.33007 -0.3794 -0.28458 -1.7964 0.65712 0.89127 0.24724 -0.13207 +time -0.14081 -0.40959 0.015106 -0.85218 0.22366 -1.0718 0.2585 0.29709 0.12595 0.41131 +Taliban -1.2207 -1.2754 0.46967 -0.76596 0.29093 -1.1119 0.2689 0.93206 0.49781 -0.63921 +made -0.058175 -0.42346 0.0016195 -0.29621 -0.22107 -1.2233 0.2626 0.41887 -0.17363 0.92403 +number -0.68999 0.029794 0.17914 -0.60164 -0.057047 -0.97068 0.18882 0.8623 0.41418 0.073899 +days -0.21379 -0.045877 0.55982 -0.437 -0.2585 -0.84242 -0.24402 1.0259 -0.45863 0.39387 +Laden -1.8796 -1.0871 1.0373 -0.71766 0.064221 -0.51254 0.13406 1.0174 0.069871 -0.43618 +down -1.2342 0.46831 0.085725 -1.1638 -0.40552 -0.35729 -0.051911 0.3323 0.54352 -0.11867 +through -0.56392 -0.23436 0.47381 -0.88122 -0.60575 -0.38086 0.18504 0.51327 -0.28715 0.26662 +those -0.2806 -0.47493 0.273 -0.51217 -0.0033229 -0.8566 -0.48993 0.26367 -0.15441 0.85331 +meeting -0.72308 -0.14808 -0.71435 -0.96164 0.36546 -1.2014 0.72445 0.72694 0.53448 -0.27789 +including -0.59084 -0.10158 -0.15153 -0.75442 0.13851 -0.92193 0.12651 1.0708 -0.036954 -0.12909 +Hamas -0.72685 0.26446 -0.51169 -0.87733 0.17293 -1.1119 -0.080118 1.5827 1.1133 -0.40182 +Gaza -0.7503 1.0307 -0.12073 -0.74952 -0.14341 -0.70361 -0.026022 1.3662 0.33248 0.013443 +workers -0.19089 -1.3455 -0.28392 -0.31878 0.57639 -1.3722 -0.3846 0.82635 0.61106 0.78508 +Sydney 0.012116 -0.60439 0.78226 0.033483 -1.0541 -0.57488 -1.2066 1.6793 -0.94226 0.87002 +she -0.75484 -1.0084 0.36149 -0.48965 -0.32309 -1.2013 0.14716 -0.10004 0.0041762 0.086366 +military -1.0612 -0.18618 -0.36776 -1.1995 0.092626 -0.88623 0.42006 0.87667 0.9749 -0.61806 +should -0.31756 -0.60799 0.097129 -0.49526 0.3112 -1.4094 -0.22371 -0.056201 -0.016313 0.57731 +called -0.42779 -0.18329 -0.22582 -0.61573 0.12984 -1.1306 -0.14985 0.84428 0.65988 0.21934 +since -0.4182 0.042833 -0.021682 -1.0529 -0.0074222 -0.92628 0.44025 0.4235 0.2419 -0.029474 +cent -0.11347 0.20325 -0.11249 -0.092416 0.28491 -0.94213 -0.19778 0.75232 0.54514 1.9855 +second -0.28411 0.24599 -0.21845 -0.86518 -0.52226 -0.75159 0.3241 0.63539 -0.14275 0.26322 +Test 0.10634 0.7542 0.2673 -1.0154 -1.451 -0.41725 0.64857 0.74966 -0.83132 0.58286 +Wales -0.55466 -0.15487 0.24262 -0.26295 -0.76477 -0.67935 -0.62447 1.1325 -0.28991 0.47911 +Islamic -1.0494 0.17778 -0.22563 -1.0826 0.17949 -0.92629 0.3332 1.6107 1.1403 -0.64319 +today -0.10928 -0.24308 -0.016325 -0.091267 -0.25486 -1.3503 -0.50189 1.3605 0.14551 0.28068 +get 0.076895 -0.25407 -0.13501 -0.82899 -0.25101 -1.1446 0.17148 -0.36576 -0.28668 1.0925 +World -0.39123 -0.27539 0.23812 -0.17414 -0.18763 -1.0307 -0.19901 0.6711 0.24104 0.8682 +between -0.97856 -0.38978 0.27138 -0.77982 0.093515 -0.7818 0.1719 1.2473 0.27112 -0.4387 +September -0.69736 -0.013107 0.41396 -0.68583 -0.27664 -0.70185 0.38301 0.89168 0.3076 0.072856 +back -0.40102 -0.44811 0.023806 -0.66243 -0.16731 -0.86954 -0.11976 0.34698 -0.034909 0.58278 +because -0.58515 -0.8157 0.15152 -0.97422 -0.11593 -0.83416 -0.14451 -0.42621 -0.20768 0.43248 +members -0.79746 -0.27521 0.1136 -0.69346 0.13604 -0.73462 0.033085 1.1407 0.45743 0.041066 +while -0.60561 -0.16151 0.40303 -0.53139 -0.25444 -0.71222 0.011189 0.66452 -0.16734 0.3356 +- -0.7917 -0.085087 0.18656 -1.354 -0.021818 -0.73739 -0.14147 -0.25003 0.38593 -0.21359 +Bank -0.66465 0.45604 -0.024998 -0.81681 0.015598 -0.76633 -0.18803 1.3378 0.34846 -0.1912 +staff -0.24387 -0.3082 0.084324 -0.38925 0.16939 -1.1959 -0.67073 0.33904 0.19497 0.84322 +report -0.1234 -0.64832 0.21462 -0.39501 0.14328 -1.2223 -0.28168 0.39135 -0.066667 0.71139 +near -0.52507 0.25001 0.28865 -0.95011 -0.32487 -0.60166 -0.015595 1.0397 0.12322 -0.16364 +going -0.50938 -1.1598 -0.15283 -1.0634 0.16796 -0.9327 0.11185 -0.6033 -0.53932 0.72197 +further -0.4169 -0.46359 0.75087 -0.58801 -0.36317 -0.88794 -0.63963 0.14151 -0.45696 0.30813 +world -0.46261 -0.70255 0.17759 -0.35786 -0.13028 -0.7917 -0.35666 0.75023 0.49157 0.88465 +him -0.65548 -0.28169 -0.2491 -0.98937 0.1759 -1.0607 0.57174 0.17528 0.43788 -0.0017693 +local -0.8603 -0.91386 0.13687 -0.5997 0.21086 -1.1658 -0.22278 0.48709 0.41208 -0.070595 +former -0.41934 -0.79941 -0.015673 -0.40322 -0.02992 -0.96215 -0.049618 0.32896 0.2251 0.66025 +Australia's -0.12979 0.13782 0.078533 -0.45209 -0.039563 -0.92957 0.073216 0.97501 -0.23508 0.63014 +end -0.70054 0.31827 -0.10695 -0.91297 -0.60247 -0.59049 0.86449 0.50315 0.1275 -0.017981 +attack -0.75183 0.41738 0.0048384 -1.2446 -0.22952 -0.77919 0.77266 1.0173 0.5815 -0.54858 +Israel -1.3662 0.89547 -0.82179 -1.7576 0.45481 -1.126 0.73546 1.2744 1.5158 -1.0063 +West -0.41959 1.3907 -0.078426 -0.91238 -0.4224 -0.76447 -0.071813 1.5827 0.32263 -0.11685 +hours -0.67585 -0.21426 0.38871 -0.4651 -0.54381 -0.47923 -0.42992 0.77824 -0.29936 0.38887 +government -0.58262 -0.45703 0.098486 -0.30938 0.3175 -1.24 -0.40246 0.59677 0.77103 0.64592 +international -0.48536 -0.070679 0.067395 -0.32582 0.639 -1.6586 0.13819 0.93644 0.51291 0.12985 +Afghanistan -1.767 -1.5038 0.97374 -1.2155 -0.032915 -0.61796 0.4939 0.48943 0.32408 -0.95831 +leader -1.0493 -0.21479 -0.3141 -0.94643 0.39929 -1.3377 0.50609 0.047368 0.85335 -0.2651 +like -0.34878 -0.83259 0.26969 -0.70221 0.12068 -0.91505 -0.47273 0.054704 0.4163 0.91442 +only 0.041208 -0.21914 -0.24026 -0.87955 -0.45485 -0.99297 0.31729 -0.44117 -0.30165 1.1594 +do -0.21923 -0.18169 -0.479 -1.3698 0.010099 -1.1507 -0.072846 -0.98393 0.63156 0.76367 +off -0.55035 -0.41641 0.29285 -0.74186 0.075037 -1.216 -0.15726 0.27534 0.42986 -0.21272 +make -0.38948 0.028596 -0.46003 -1.1639 -0.21 -0.91753 0.29879 -0.5485 0.17177 0.82029 +claims -0.76823 -0.56572 0.20457 -0.39468 0.093284 -1.1261 0.020321 0.67535 0.10653 0.061994 +another -0.50845 -0.36222 0.12781 -0.70416 0.060921 -0.88007 -0.75213 0.082884 0.21881 0.60375 +expected -0.31527 -0.56359 0.26467 -0.37723 -0.44031 -1.0838 0.055226 0.43197 -0.14341 0.36135 +it's -0.26251 -0.54735 -0.24963 -1.2826 -0.19809 -0.93293 -0.2023 -0.82484 0.21512 0.92114 +many -0.54509 -0.16482 0.28417 -0.44995 -0.28348 -0.84635 -0.16364 0.60227 -0.35497 0.31012 +spokesman -0.44268 -0.17738 0.27786 -0.16616 -0.16294 -1.137 -0.32577 1.3599 0.19201 0.1325 +given -0.18727 -0.57462 0.034097 -0.33669 -0.0029499 -1.1036 0.18647 0.5996 -0.08619 0.663 +five -0.52618 -0.32271 0.27955 -0.68511 -0.44309 -0.76006 0.048544 0.73769 -0.1678 -0.03535 +go -0.38603 -0.42152 0.086151 -1.048 -0.59665 -0.42949 -0.35148 -0.51676 -0.077987 0.96176 +good -0.45372 -0.05472 0.17036 -1.4555 -0.98694 -0.15587 0.097085 -0.4515 -0.34416 0.7969 +looking -0.25992 -1.0744 -0.044517 -0.50939 -0.080338 -0.95731 -0.035028 0.068481 -0.30301 1.1335 +Osama -1.3173 -1.3766 0.60876 -0.54875 -0.14063 -0.75024 0.26782 0.73474 -0.049269 -0.27359 +left -0.97344 -1.0201 0.60727 -0.35745 -0.26593 -0.4772 -0.54796 0.74267 0.11704 0.41304 +group -0.74697 -0.074938 -0.18255 -0.82055 -0.31628 -0.60952 0.19878 0.83624 0.47741 0.0054978 +saying -0.28341 -0.84179 -0.26305 -0.55295 -0.087612 -0.99666 -0.066031 0.042391 -0.31525 0.71052 +Tora -1.7334 -1.3898 0.82044 -0.92711 0.33177 -0.84008 0.075793 0.84881 -0.02886 -0.81579 +Qantas -0.41852 -1.3101 -0.070934 -0.30058 0.76426 -1.5182 -0.40791 0.8918 0.66946 0.56566 +work -0.60008 -1.5544 0.36646 -0.41311 0.061109 -0.81497 -0.47714 0.2463 0.10484 0.81621 +Prime -0.13601 -0.040584 -0.73628 -1.0378 0.23325 -1.4728 0.79637 0.46325 0.54629 -0.089507 +put -0.027549 -1.1109 -0.0032175 -0.15283 0.010228 -1.2116 -0.84926 0.40421 -0.14195 1.0038 +know -0.87845 -1.3829 0.82515 -1.0833 -0.42331 -0.67686 -0.25304 -0.85533 -0.64843 0.40741 +during -0.30107 -0.055204 -0.36289 -0.49061 0.18916 -1.1968 0.4991 1.3336 0.27754 0.1342 +most 0.15429 -0.24077 -0.09123 -0.67236 -0.74137 -0.53879 -0.56463 0.61247 -0.41638 1.0991 +air -0.49138 0.29107 -0.27106 -0.74938 -0.33686 -0.64791 -0.29531 1.6003 -0.3485 -0.20943 +action -0.41041 -1.0655 -0.10245 -0.22243 0.98815 -1.7228 -0.55799 0.46977 0.42901 0.74965 +Indian -0.40164 -0.34166 0.048638 -0.66517 -0.2922 -1.1216 0.54946 0.73927 0.33236 -0.14377 +these -0.52369 -0.79932 0.2664 -0.81693 0.34246 -1.0675 -0.89186 -0.24827 -0.26786 0.78067 +way -0.56059 -0.20515 -0.21622 -1.0942 -0.84952 -0.39136 -0.078209 0.069718 -0.017699 0.39778 +Yasser -0.8312 -0.21251 -0.52121 -1.1792 0.13421 -1.241 0.74648 0.78563 0.84445 -0.64033 +found -0.9528 -0.17605 0.42756 -0.91157 -0.47011 -0.34723 0.17827 1.0004 -0.044632 -0.28011 +support -0.79259 -0.56971 0.17471 -0.72325 -0.010419 -0.89152 0.13958 0.26894 0.23996 0.17904 +died -0.17943 0.10702 -0.15292 -0.67238 0.13857 -1.1751 0.059696 0.7973 0.1888 0.30542 +whether -0.59531 -0.65689 0.13696 -0.49209 0.14526 -1.3459 -0.34307 -0.28211 0.18203 0.44204 +years 0.25553 0.076606 0.093443 -0.56835 0.056158 -0.97174 -0.29086 1.3464 0.40339 0.6688 +national -0.34161 0.13983 0.030073 0.041395 0.82297 -1.83 -0.1463 1.2795 0.57562 0.41718 +metres -0.42876 -0.55905 -0.0015857 -0.027042 -0.089685 -1.0625 -0.64026 0.98669 0.067155 0.81616 +Afghanistan. -1.6646 -1.5212 0.96074 -1.0187 0.040521 -0.68958 0.15189 0.57977 0.22271 -0.806 +come 0.10261 -0.43433 0.14007 -0.56078 0.49545 -1.2291 0.0039983 0.09038 -0.18933 1.2113 +set -0.16645 -0.54827 -0.25641 -0.45931 0.59879 -1.6362 0.25502 0.60444 0.70954 0.46183 +six -0.3767 0.251 -0.50542 -0.95235 -0.079426 -1.0184 0.51512 0.45809 0.3272 0.34507 +year. 0.096259 0.45726 0.10961 -0.63614 -0.30473 -0.85663 -0.083497 1.0813 0.12679 0.58579 +interim -0.15667 -0.071805 0.17796 -0.58557 0.031539 -1.2343 0.4404 0.75804 -0.062754 0.14969 +team -0.32475 0.017534 -0.080561 -0.87231 -0.25942 -0.7301 0.38501 0.81329 0.36921 0.35658 +power -0.13518 -0.75573 -0.087393 -0.31271 -0.2822 -1.4243 -0.37522 0.10818 -0.1257 0.65706 +Foreign -0.45158 -0.26139 -0.36619 -0.65439 0.60669 -1.4476 -0.20297 0.53209 0.58581 0.17178 +terrorist -0.99625 -0.30624 0.35654 -0.56556 0.19405 -0.90658 0.20493 0.97379 0.39424 -0.071066 +how -0.46591 -0.36281 0.32221 -0.73739 -0.56848 -0.6622 -0.52357 0.15221 -0.27868 0.56201 +arrested -0.69236 -0.26122 0.40426 -0.79325 -0.21549 -0.80726 0.20643 1.1282 0.41748 -0.43759 +11 -1.0506 -0.23158 0.38541 -0.7427 -0.35808 -0.45894 0.51527 1.0423 0.2 -0.17351 +trying -0.89205 -0.62828 -0.27612 -0.70656 0.23768 -1.0969 0.37074 0.82009 0.21709 -0.35544 +don't -0.2879 -0.374 0.15474 -1.1938 -1.0999 -0.50979 0.16365 -0.87466 -0.85244 1.0003 +start -0.61723 -0.27434 0.53796 -0.84617 -0.61808 -0.29592 -0.10896 -0.02763 -0.31186 0.5578 +Africa -0.26765 -0.045758 0.049531 -1.3015 -1.2375 -0.27521 1.0081 0.35808 -0.9179 0.31733 +official -1.0184 -0.067416 -0.010845 -1.0329 0.46519 -1.2363 0.24542 0.49122 0.91336 -0.49184 +part -0.61035 -0.86644 0.1574 -0.52042 0.16143 -1.149 -0.062988 -0.0018573 0.47237 0.52183 +Bora -1.9411 -0.97017 0.53901 -1.1868 -0.16171 -0.35699 0.26599 1.1449 0.030419 -0.99246 +force -0.89505 -0.59876 -0.15177 -0.59463 0.059526 -0.99895 -0.17857 0.61835 0.6644 0.071621 +us -0.67899 0.476 -0.53217 -2.0026 -0.13777 -0.091964 0.69173 0.15388 0.34322 0.059904 +John 0.25954 -0.62392 -0.31855 -0.26029 0.055571 -1.6113 0.22601 0.20654 -0.13666 0.89581 +early -0.55801 0.19887 0.4031 -0.8061 -0.65318 -0.552 0.46084 0.84632 -0.18134 -0.011376 +groups -1.1748 -0.13673 -0.076145 -0.84783 -0.15513 -0.71095 0.13553 1.1987 0.67721 -0.43508 +third 0.030361 -0.15453 0.14825 -0.67479 -0.42612 -0.79136 0.3499 0.40353 -0.52188 0.74718 +week -0.49618 -0.67112 -0.21401 -0.61913 -0.05918 -0.9616 -0.22276 0.46417 0.37302 0.25349 +Meanwhile, -0.59034 -0.035836 0.01824 -0.76116 0.14301 -1.0773 0.26013 0.67634 0.31495 0.0001765 +several -0.61026 -0.8232 0.37036 -0.40612 0.097125 -1.0811 -0.28675 0.56153 0.28992 0.19491 +area -0.87439 -1.1279 0.7688 -0.47475 -0.46116 -0.55317 -0.57027 1.1889 -0.64873 -0.31198 +believe -0.90343 -1.3166 0.7049 -0.94556 -0.35685 -0.78034 0.34501 -0.37737 -0.39215 0.064487 +war -0.44015 0.21052 -0.57846 -0.91587 0.31128 -1.0382 -0.26898 0.85068 0.87336 0.29179 +authorities -0.49627 -0.57005 0.40961 -0.47907 -0.15341 -1.027 -0.37063 0.64234 -0.14303 0.079381 +yesterday -0.15357 -0.004262 0.2361 -0.43453 -0.055803 -1.1173 -0.27918 1.2158 -0.025279 0.195 +50 -0.25288 -0.58635 0.49841 -0.47235 -0.73715 -0.46337 -0.32065 -0.064856 -0.19789 1.3178 +100 -0.020839 -1.0101 0.36536 0.00047539 -0.41463 -1.0491 0.0029062 0.73743 -0.29681 0.96319 +troops -0.69385 -0.63345 0.24536 -0.32661 0.13209 -1.2886 -0.12024 0.7966 0.30136 -0.10427 +few -0.35831 -0.19364 -0.36695 -0.43778 -0.34446 -1.2054 0.11829 0.30485 -0.14004 0.53606 +does -0.67408 -0.55749 0.52613 -0.75257 -0.63619 -0.56672 -0.28461 -0.61886 -0.75208 1.0148 +Defence -0.46159 -0.64764 0.39815 -0.77007 0.37294 -1.2958 0.34129 0.48371 0.35233 -0.23322 +Arafat's -0.90827 0.011032 -0.53796 -1.2593 0.27748 -1.1585 0.50159 0.36792 0.99854 -0.37243 +Dr -0.29173 -1.1254 0.54176 0.33224 -0.23124 -1.2843 -1.1971 0.98763 -1.1772 0.95797 +Minister, -0.70164 -0.55219 -0.15788 -0.42769 0.52234 -1.6758 0.033863 1.0039 0.49683 -0.35161 +peace -0.70255 0.016771 -0.28977 -1.0594 0.38948 -1.0253 0.51197 0.33425 0.87376 0.007541 +best -0.5457 0.31709 0.37834 -1.2706 -0.90475 -0.36645 0.32518 0.07283 -0.33494 0.44536 +following -0.05339 -0.046541 -0.2943 -0.37002 -0.18768 -1.1107 0.15942 1.0622 -0.074103 0.46237 +areas -0.54307 -1.317 0.81623 -0.35894 -0.23421 -0.86203 -0.70964 1.0145 -0.58493 0.044422 +leaders -1.2692 -0.70537 0.035643 -0.92879 0.28106 -1.0067 0.17077 0.40265 0.74136 -0.45327 +weather -0.56174 -0.76086 0.51976 -0.39843 -0.031527 -1.1155 -0.86244 0.21142 -0.46404 0.38564 +match -0.035244 -0.10915 -0.087465 -0.66146 -0.7367 -0.81647 0.37051 0.076567 -0.77985 1.0255 +militants -0.89194 -0.058112 -0.42205 -1.09 0.10882 -0.834 0.16236 1.3685 1.1443 -0.46492 +eight -0.24225 -0.45863 0.084472 -0.043065 -0.21404 -0.92276 -0.40986 1.5318 0.069376 0.59838 +want 0.25785 -0.54483 -0.66602 -0.95304 0.17214 -0.99428 -0.21568 -0.15975 0.47573 1.5829 +need -0.54695 -0.1708 0.35647 -0.96507 -0.44963 -0.66197 0.052761 -0.22027 0.068091 0.51947 +confirmed -0.81516 -0.82074 0.34505 -0.5823 0.072391 -0.92378 -0.43311 0.46341 0.46074 0.13247 +Christmas -0.65223 -0.4938 0.12768 -0.7379 0.046244 -1.0291 0.16661 0.67017 0.56725 -0.0068066 +close -0.83472 0.18558 -0.1873 -0.56891 0.18592 -0.95087 -0.19843 1.1268 0.34517 0.091199 +state -0.68015 -0.27654 0.29795 -0.50734 -0.27269 -0.54743 -0.69877 1.1251 0.23983 0.20109 +came -0.70763 0.37535 -0.088782 -1.063 -0.20559 -0.52497 0.26611 0.67986 0.18722 0.033146 +Pakistan -1.3318 -1.3947 0.32639 -0.85945 0.16158 -1.073 0.28094 0.59032 0.92589 -0.69049 +must -0.38494 -0.15823 -0.058072 -0.6255 0.19558 -1.056 0.15548 0.89614 0.2261 0.2924 +months -0.17883 0.15201 0.044637 -0.80258 -0.040122 -0.65442 0.29829 0.99611 -0.13946 0.55405 +agreement -0.61027 -0.62335 -0.063929 -0.53901 0.29287 -0.90358 -0.33506 0.76382 0.8535 0.61724 +Sharon -0.74348 0.29103 -0.68424 -1.2273 0.56141 -1.6646 0.88823 1.0925 1.0285 -0.83738 +fighters -1.1947 -1.3718 0.69448 -0.50499 -0.59746 -0.18688 -0.6479 1.6301 -0.026202 -0.3146 +12 0.23182 -0.14919 0.14789 -0.33761 -0.91023 -0.57786 0.026701 0.40579 -0.70283 1.3772 +help -0.37961 0.061422 -0.19696 -0.67603 -0.31828 -0.83777 0.041411 0.59386 -0.068594 0.33342 +reports -0.19715 -0.32463 0.21906 -0.62814 -0.072933 -0.9029 0.044611 0.76175 -0.03764 0.31311 +East -0.34464 0.049799 0.25139 -0.52523 0.18004 -0.83841 -0.22999 1.4062 0.21606 0.23943 +They -0.70403 -0.098593 0.31389 -0.78788 -0.31656 -0.53048 0.29565 1.0406 -0.16382 -0.072539 +brought -0.35989 -0.61552 0.28968 -0.54057 -0.27214 -0.63981 -0.35148 0.64469 -0.15067 0.79814 +city -0.46559 0.44848 -0.079394 -0.59195 -0.56997 -0.78175 0.28114 1.2756 0.19225 -0.077189 +Peter -0.40376 -0.020108 -0.23107 -0.29371 0.027794 -1.3727 -0.043921 0.93325 0.29605 0.23825 +pay -0.14958 -0.65925 -0.52671 -0.25702 0.052035 -1.1344 -0.23946 0.60482 0.58784 1.1166 +hit -0.041626 -0.2179 0.27513 -0.65484 -0.48527 -0.62948 -0.43836 0.31076 -0.16684 0.89458 +pressure -0.4429 -0.25875 -0.25105 -0.81854 0.34862 -1.1399 -0.26019 0.024923 0.53248 0.53565 +then -0.57005 0.35576 -0.1858 -1.3087 0.12014 -0.71252 -0.1902 -0.163 0.083345 0.45036 +taken -0.77921 -0.18083 -0.046781 -0.84994 0.069264 -0.90938 0.53208 0.61637 0.50008 -0.086209 +better -0.68678 -0.49127 0.20198 -0.88815 -0.31095 -1.0131 0.12747 0.051146 -0.12023 -0.18777 +believed -1.0787 -0.9033 0.90373 -0.84246 -0.44719 -0.58439 0.21246 0.072809 -0.31456 -0.11483 +did -0.6946 -0.1384 0.098471 -0.78517 -0.11537 -1.1678 0.36515 -0.1291 0.49469 -0.073071 +took -0.013868 0.13766 -0.37889 -0.89456 -0.64158 -0.60794 0.37464 -0.16676 -0.14429 1.1855 +senior -1.002 -0.21143 -0.2501 -0.8824 0.20683 -0.98043 -0.023129 0.87385 0.7035 -0.27248 +held -1.0192 -0.53609 0.33567 -0.61546 -0.045318 -0.90504 -0.19068 0.81521 0.33193 -0.45292 +got -0.012886 -0.45296 -0.23209 -0.6576 -0.14867 -1.1941 -0.48381 0.06551 0.52879 0.9271 +talks -0.54213 -0.22141 -0.30399 -0.97324 0.33305 -1.0402 0.22224 0.14762 0.58629 0.089938 +British -0.68118 -0.72686 0.25731 -0.504 -0.16736 -0.90855 -0.35149 0.2441 -0.06248 0.25507 +her -0.43271 -0.34793 -0.44924 -1.0473 -0.47684 -1.5511 0.46546 -0.55219 0.040008 -0.49672 +without -0.26237 -0.16182 0.049488 -0.61718 -0.35304 -0.7992 -0.050677 0.53168 0.094385 0.68274 +injured -0.74467 0.14269 0.32029 -0.46788 0.036096 -0.96596 -0.23667 1.5257 0.25125 -0.099577 +Northern -0.99596 -0.59264 0.94177 -0.64167 0.0084257 -0.95921 -0.22654 0.84211 0.11674 -0.39056 +well -0.73024 -0.2803 0.22054 -1.1778 -0.38589 -0.3865 0.31694 -0.39191 -0.43433 0.46925 +maintenance -0.061905 -0.76871 -0.08354 -0.34061 0.53507 -1.5891 -0.10503 0.70567 0.54568 0.60981 +Melbourne 0.11813 -0.10502 0.11759 -0.51038 -0.52224 -0.97079 0.087656 0.7436 -0.40694 0.54489 +lot 0.084477 -0.62616 0.074756 -0.59429 -0.65614 -1.1103 -0.65965 -0.45826 -0.22943 1.0858 +both -0.57062 -0.14521 0.032769 -1.1081 -0.27607 -0.73962 0.080179 0.48939 -0.0087046 -0.16222 +much -0.35687 -0.42036 0.19465 -0.7928 0.1415 -0.95848 -0.70733 -0.60649 -0.11321 1.2168 +south -0.84732 -0.31678 0.86564 -0.23698 -1.0299 -0.52402 -1.0061 1.6279 -0.69289 -0.20036 +cut 0.4844 -0.14772 -0.56578 -0.47174 0.24146 -1.3999 -0.0027247 0.11471 0.25118 1.385 +accused -0.70492 -0.31797 -0.20151 -0.62777 0.32624 -1.3889 0.26413 0.96575 0.75895 -0.35069 +earlier -0.57203 -0.028555 0.1044 -0.76587 -0.31357 -0.87034 0.28198 0.98364 0.015974 -0.28512 +asylum -0.23557 -0.18879 0.13857 -0.56551 0.51486 -1.0696 -0.52594 0.38954 0.027379 0.99728 +10 -1.1904 0.48209 -0.014925 -0.61033 0.45588 -1.0268 0.31808 1.4187 0.50758 -0.14912 +see -0.70231 -0.09911 0.19945 -0.65312 0.46945 -1.1945 0.10803 0.13659 0.34907 0.4572 +too 0.32704 -0.45224 -0.067426 -0.2892 -0.54321 -1.1154 -0.33093 0.35259 -0.83089 0.9051 +armed -1.0485 -0.36648 -0.054858 -1.0039 0.21011 -1.0188 0.24064 1.153 0.98275 -0.65277 +across -0.41487 -0.18814 -0.1877 -0.11968 0.18104 -1.1548 -0.86477 1.4828 0.3765 0.52218 +family -0.80344 -0.72547 -0.028143 -0.9264 0.21385 -0.99634 -0.37343 -0.26088 0.24315 0.21847 +such -0.095839 -0.1173 0.18094 -0.67177 0.15427 -1.0576 -0.12298 0.22129 -0.10582 0.63753 +Royal -0.27304 -0.72527 0.2732 -0.23171 0.33012 -1.3604 -0.43285 0.9234 -0.049449 0.40709 +court -0.27617 -0.27086 -0.1604 -0.54708 0.20127 -1.1778 -0.17008 0.15985 0.021025 0.64215 +children -0.3835 -0.18105 -0.040835 -0.48899 -0.046598 -0.95245 -0.18865 0.61153 0.017253 0.60402 +shot -0.88607 -0.039086 0.44237 -0.82507 -0.039356 -1.0871 0.43772 0.39725 0.10205 -0.329 +that's -0.18452 -0.77306 -0.023927 -0.97582 0.10659 -0.99983 -0.396 -0.60561 0.22774 1.1746 +won -0.48168 -0.70287 0.13708 -0.52628 -0.20806 -0.63254 -0.50982 -0.14828 0.22698 1.2969 +Labor -0.62064 -0.15999 -0.0023185 -0.68289 -0.036067 -0.81871 0.028163 0.4029 -0.027979 0.42304 +lead -0.77799 -0.72673 -0.18521 -0.81175 0.0020265 -1.1851 0.47395 -0.12069 0.0637 0.134 +There -0.56321 -0.3284 0.52963 -0.63054 0.022724 -0.67211 -0.81423 0.094691 -0.20388 0.7827 +economy -0.1678 0.2186 0.22977 -0.49105 -0.5058 -0.63813 0.039591 0.56317 -0.060645 0.95119 +change -0.28254 -1.0085 0.30606 -0.13612 -0.29405 -1.1634 -0.72194 0.12503 -0.3281 1.0419 +Authority -0.74054 -0.032563 -0.17736 -0.75836 0.27631 -1.1786 -0.037657 0.86744 0.66413 -0.14503 +despite -0.19018 -0.53536 0.12517 -0.46192 -0.19802 -1.1024 0.048952 0.84253 -0.12079 0.37944 +Commission 0.070007 -0.52696 -0.042793 -0.53269 0.83147 -1.7447 0.22284 0.562 0.1804 0.45221 +return -0.62171 0.090371 -0.10416 -0.99161 -0.078367 -0.95098 0.45949 0.70233 0.33063 -0.16487 +David -0.59587 -0.61308 0.55325 -0.27413 0.11026 -1.116 -0.16531 1.0974 0.051024 -0.09291 +commission 0.0071677 -0.57335 0.061264 -0.4567 0.99424 -1.7546 0.21145 0.79587 0.27961 0.37911 +call -0.50424 -0.039716 -0.43709 -0.7872 0.11115 -1.2216 0.3354 0.47928 0.3226 0.098032 +statement -0.80834 -0.16967 -0.22557 -0.72129 0.20067 -0.90829 -0.2194 1.2445 0.95545 -0.056764 +past -0.41143 -0.4651 0.005573 -0.56987 0.14199 -0.90064 -0.10446 1.1807 0.58598 0.33894 +information -0.41107 -0.71694 -0.10108 -0.23042 0.54074 -1.5373 -0.12735 0.51035 0.21809 0.61124 +even -0.82053 -0.54994 0.66961 -0.94057 -0.30427 -0.31552 0.30174 0.013383 -0.0087895 0.62419 +arrest -0.41396 0.049717 0.35631 -0.77322 -0.24277 -0.66458 -0.019335 1.371 0.39603 -0.081242 +place -0.26057 -0.37255 -0.13094 -1.03 0.074858 -1.1344 0.54891 -0.23369 0.16632 0.46767 +year 0.42428 0.79583 0.10831 -0.62574 -0.39503 -0.69417 -0.16007 1.704 0.17504 0.70724 +play -0.12659 -0.27308 -0.16631 -0.89111 -0.73029 -0.71427 0.40097 0.011432 -0.49262 0.85771 +asked -0.79829 0.34633 -0.18353 -1.0281 -0.028374 -0.98782 0.34902 0.57131 0.61686 -0.17583 +public -0.41016 -0.35135 0.16677 -0.7059 -0.13997 -0.85398 0.05682 0.37763 -0.037381 0.35303 +working -0.72762 -1.1621 0.018253 -0.51107 0.12189 -0.89796 -0.13558 0.24878 -0.15562 0.50285 +Union -0.33609 -1.0687 -0.37881 -0.17757 0.96458 -1.8819 -0.30459 0.73822 0.77113 0.67679 +night -0.23793 -0.71454 0.23078 0.26825 -0.57429 -0.63246 -1.3077 2.2359 -0.056361 0.94627 +key -0.75154 -0.45399 0.067091 -0.466 -0.25425 -0.75588 -0.24624 0.8407 0.41577 0.22054 +north -0.69809 0.20348 0.59745 -0.16207 -0.60081 -0.90438 -0.35185 1.5073 -0.19257 0.040497 +continuing -0.57968 -0.8628 -0.068909 -0.46156 0.45946 -1.1339 -0.056015 0.82326 0.21598 0.1514 +morning 0.18243 -0.20062 -0.00050079 -0.34925 -0.54847 -0.80326 -0.36216 1.2131 -0.88178 0.62118 +leading -0.63026 -0.49446 -0.36307 -0.48647 0.34765 -1.3704 0.18284 1.0267 0.37103 -0.27966 +George -0.99535 0.064395 0.071407 -0.69274 -0.018176 -0.49783 -0.1807 0.94948 0.35084 0.27191 +Police -0.54705 -0.47018 0.74012 -0.32019 -0.60715 -0.69525 -0.26696 0.88555 -0.39408 0.1394 +used -0.76964 -0.30412 0.23811 -0.55705 0.12175 -1.0625 -0.33614 0.76482 0.32569 -0.0001678 +An -1.1507 -0.77094 0.46468 -0.46106 1.2139 -2.0616 -0.02321 0.866 1.4646 -0.65564 +southern -1.1503 -0.37545 0.8517 -0.52343 -0.13323 -0.85168 -0.70604 1.0207 -0.017287 -0.46843 +captured -1.055 -0.53921 0.32435 -1.0267 -0.32701 -0.60603 0.52174 0.50007 0.0058553 -0.44003 +fighting -1.0116 -1.1419 0.1689 -0.78583 -0.38776 -0.44208 0.22411 0.96868 -0.1248 -0.37783 +released -0.69101 -0.11826 0.25697 -0.57115 -0.02559 -0.83574 -0.15256 0.78307 0.21107 0.24055 +Waugh -0.26778 0.20474 0.24984 -1.3067 -0.99249 -0.21375 0.96508 0.34263 -0.61975 0.43982 +Bush -1.0036 0.17866 -0.062649 -0.97523 -0.19644 -0.55542 0.36638 -0.14087 0.15045 0.2741 +crew -0.63809 -0.48328 0.30038 -0.84365 -0.071415 -0.81017 0.24451 1.1424 0.35811 -0.28765 +Pentagon -0.95862 -0.91072 0.54738 -0.45941 0.060762 -0.8452 0.015082 0.93611 0.22862 0.046989 +At -0.31825 -0.022423 0.41061 -0.41002 -0.25352 -0.75645 -0.27069 1.1582 -0.62565 0.4193 +possible -0.032493 -0.49685 -0.08242 -0.3351 0.042839 -1.341 -0.16138 0.47947 -0.15359 0.55053 +December -0.599 0.02103 0.21437 -0.77016 -0.093502 -0.81496 0.33215 0.92604 0.62389 0.039734 +major -0.55343 -0.72296 0.21001 -0.40781 0.12103 -1.098 -0.31006 0.63426 0.11679 0.35634 +economic -0.15578 0.12169 0.18432 -0.39866 -0.13381 -0.9395 -0.16923 0.72102 -0.066585 0.70827 +least -0.98638 -0.45329 0.8547 -0.73439 -0.35842 -0.37518 0.0085366 1.1456 -0.066937 -0.15925 +head -0.8864 -0.7454 0.17399 -0.65698 -0.16348 -0.73536 -0.053944 0.87158 0.051161 -0.22215 +"If -0.81443 -0.74536 0.096177 -0.81986 0.16787 -0.97913 -0.47273 -0.23728 0.43155 0.46518 +eastern -1.4041 -1.0364 0.81073 -0.67379 0.24018 -0.92066 -0.2534 1.2111 -0.068454 -0.83193 +American -0.44834 -0.43887 0.094475 -0.60847 -0.5154 -0.77152 0.37917 0.51648 -0.33744 0.22454 +win -0.41449 0.026231 0.46519 -1.1064 -1.2015 -0.40505 0.28917 -0.24232 -0.71529 0.43703 +Queensland -0.18194 -0.22721 -0.052472 -0.39079 -0.17862 -1.1065 -0.04182 0.88863 -0.076396 0.5202 +winds -0.52079 -0.5261 0.96827 -0.28433 -0.85084 -0.35655 -1.0396 1.0157 -0.73795 0.82049 +final -0.79737 0.04488 0.52759 -0.59034 -0.45434 -0.57276 0.34486 0.56794 -0.094921 0.20805 +Australians -0.2123 0.24266 0.10857 -0.59824 -0.17219 -0.81041 0.12508 1.1459 -0.43297 0.39134 +received -0.55067 -0.74342 0.39108 -0.30297 0.11295 -1.1043 -0.49155 0.64977 0.12258 0.3884 +give 0.16329 -0.73783 0.14656 -0.25244 -0.20528 -1.1891 -0.27504 0.063658 -0.47984 1.3378 +Hill -0.95389 -1.3845 1.088 -0.5353 -0.05911 -0.9435 -0.2977 -0.11343 -0.24921 0.024486 +charged -0.72893 0.33286 -0.13787 -0.9229 -0.030322 -0.9045 0.16459 0.58292 0.33758 -0.1565 +unions 0.061192 -1.2053 -0.50032 0.077738 1.1128 -2.3642 -1.0635 0.66053 0.54896 1.0517 +behind -0.26169 -0.31158 0.29749 -0.63428 -0.37407 -0.93953 -0.030982 -0.00586 -0.28644 0.54287 +within -0.15029 -0.23834 0.42724 -0.77667 -0.68735 -0.54912 -0.44133 -0.026733 -0.60526 0.94525 +use -0.48492 -0.23253 -0.29178 -0.91125 0.20545 -0.96474 -0.29103 -0.58332 -0.32849 0.96774 +detainees -0.59351 -0.3704 0.04143 -0.60794 -0.087831 -0.91193 -0.25839 0.68052 0.29428 0.30433 +fires -0.78729 -0.83538 0.66249 0.080049 -0.77631 -0.75399 -1.4453 1.4266 -0.60634 0.38322 +director -0.47604 -0.18207 -0.088845 -0.39158 -0.04782 -1.086 -0.30175 0.52711 -0.079592 0.5617 +Afghanistan, -1.6618 -1.3371 0.89591 -1.2447 -0.014917 -0.59961 0.36831 0.35737 0.20633 -0.75571 +Two -0.15863 0.61816 -0.046666 -0.66054 -0.19812 -0.98914 0.19458 1.1228 0.076695 0.25466 +large -0.81589 -0.43935 0.36848 -0.26517 -0.4856 -0.46655 -0.85019 1.4231 -0.35653 0.23352 +your -0.39649 0.072772 -0.63371 -1.2863 -0.56571 -0.83806 -0.031084 -0.89041 -0.35017 0.80359 +far -0.39198 0.30045 0.34202 -0.78537 -0.41256 -0.56723 -0.37051 0.96606 0.18969 0.26293 +Williams -0.54604 -0.43942 0.54829 -0.72868 -0.33323 -0.58533 0.50879 0.52385 -0.24425 0.22995 +India -0.38328 -0.19014 0.022085 -0.7417 -0.34512 -0.93654 0.70297 1.1913 0.36465 -0.26818 +damage -0.25608 -0.49715 0.4462 -0.070415 -0.15786 -1.1122 -0.89192 0.81955 -0.14369 0.81893 +known -0.8978 -0.616 0.24604 -0.95639 -0.062828 -0.8232 -0.30569 -0.25467 0.087087 0.27485 +child -0.21488 -0.35485 -0.19857 -0.083667 0.26968 -1.4161 -0.52179 0.72992 0.25425 0.81998 +million -0.53193 -0.57579 -0.3021 -0.57936 0.4669 -1.338 0.15252 0.66517 0.80183 0.258 +legal -0.24385 -0.78779 -0.1655 -0.48017 -0.048756 -1.3567 -0.037157 0.11681 -0.14698 0.63296 +able -0.3656 -0.65022 0.23204 -0.46248 -0.18012 -1.1131 -0.28009 0.06051 -0.25159 0.51656 +stop -0.82234 -0.74891 0.14791 -0.57715 -0.2217 -0.79317 0.16949 0.5964 0.15115 0.036027 +high -0.35974 -0.10441 0.070787 -0.56939 -0.43462 -0.54669 -0.23607 1.2844 0.00088041 0.50685 +may 0.1019 -0.020409 -0.099306 -0.51247 -0.76965 -0.70602 -0.21678 0.82434 -0.39388 0.87451 +long -1.0658 -0.94238 0.61225 -0.81746 -0.38065 -0.61538 0.021781 0.21315 -0.16181 -0.038354 +soldiers -0.93007 -0.48662 0.40175 -0.89352 0.23946 -0.78656 0.0997 0.9337 0.30368 -0.19248 +centre -0.55541 -0.065224 0.46376 0.013084 0.41239 -1.1798 -0.3124 1.6791 0.6106 0.67611 +water 0.080685 0.34468 -0.014335 -0.61451 -0.45636 -0.84615 -0.53109 0.58103 -0.2211 0.70376 +process -0.86768 -0.85835 0.22633 -0.72437 0.35437 -0.86816 -0.39279 -0.049917 0.32159 0.60752 +interest -0.072201 0.38646 0.16791 -0.67703 0.26312 -1.0434 -0.0066123 0.976 0.31169 0.39384 +remain -0.46788 -0.62955 0.26121 -0.30108 -0.15375 -1.0356 -0.23701 1.1991 0.099559 0.040569 +Cup -0.83669 0.14018 0.037594 -1.4101 -0.80083 -0.19369 0.82151 0.10025 0.2689 -0.070934 +forced -0.64914 -0.45271 0.1024 -0.45936 -0.24523 -0.87834 -0.11363 1.1029 0.47708 0.11867 +cricket -0.010351 0.032701 0.18386 -0.81425 -0.98703 -0.37259 0.52892 0.90717 -0.55818 0.52485 +Centre -0.4864 -0.48066 0.67247 0.13137 0.10465 -0.98253 -0.63484 1.4971 0.27457 0.88526 +there's -0.78561 -0.66226 0.28528 -0.99431 -0.089495 -0.66636 -0.98387 -0.51398 -0.17119 0.73888 +services -0.50605 -0.40867 0.34455 -0.37252 -0.15245 -0.87554 -0.61024 0.98077 -0.16938 0.38822 +role -0.40254 -0.18522 -0.47234 -0.62827 0.23753 -1.33 0.17237 0.14431 0.15706 0.38189 +morning. -0.098679 -0.35704 0.31893 -0.50725 -0.48569 -0.72812 -0.20686 1.2887 -0.58454 0.29072 +seen -0.63058 0.073394 0.379 -0.89226 0.14458 -0.79035 0.042785 0.5529 0.29962 0.21525 +might -0.521 -0.66053 0.10992 -0.46993 -0.69089 -0.34427 -0.27797 1.0884 -0.017293 0.48026 +radio -0.72553 0.0045671 -0.068454 -0.91345 -0.28325 -0.84357 0.13852 0.88475 0.33575 -0.22763 +15 -0.57685 0.018529 0.1735 -0.35809 -0.50334 -0.61582 -0.38853 1.2777 -0.30664 0.29365 +failed -0.48397 -0.22317 0.23876 -0.49805 -0.20091 -0.97036 0.1279 0.75869 -0.005624 0.016006 +"It -0.27584 -0.43878 0.24086 -0.93964 -0.38715 -0.69267 -0.19009 -0.27811 -0.018512 0.93824 +conditions -0.67829 -0.89271 0.38008 -0.095915 0.26273 -1.327 -0.79482 0.80325 -0.20283 0.2195 +heard -0.10058 -0.54804 0.31524 -0.45274 -0.2493 -1.0819 -0.23707 0.2448 -0.51415 0.58952 +training -0.63245 -0.52348 0.05718 -0.38575 -0.07268 -1.1958 0.13672 1.0122 -0.23555 -0.21107 +Palestinians -1.0009 0.93952 -0.45231 -1.1934 0.32664 -1.2565 0.28398 1.0975 0.84693 -0.53598 +already -0.53564 -0.52344 0.058472 -0.38313 0.085001 -1.0962 -0.24426 0.55359 -0.012979 0.32913 +taking -0.60071 -0.59405 -0.5803 -0.79192 0.079856 -1.0183 0.94837 0.49239 -0.095814 0.018428 +towards -0.7425 -0.44953 0.07339 -0.6311 -0.19862 -1.0553 0.13349 0.77409 0.19909 -0.33145 +dead -1.1503 0.10733 -0.025348 -1.4579 0.26469 -0.5863 0.25077 0.64749 0.98377 -0.35472 +same -0.50424 -0.0060851 -0.0072683 -0.95336 -0.16732 -0.66416 0.22317 -0.0043285 -0.069053 0.54449 +Lee -0.3627 -0.15021 0.13022 -0.85056 -0.78603 -0.56012 0.9336 0.1054 -0.3569 0.46271 +board -0.22992 -0.39402 0.099927 -0.43858 0.22769 -1.315 -0.22222 0.64946 0.16523 0.59282 +latest -0.25696 0.7329 -0.067493 -0.75847 -0.1531 -0.82711 -0.11337 0.89839 0.21549 0.45742 +However, -0.58614 -0.44705 0.12299 -0.3773 -0.0017754 -1.2715 0.030569 0.88727 0.40861 0.010686 +due 0.24023 0.40856 0.50431 0.38751 -0.34903 -1.3835 -0.30596 2.0727 -0.16174 0.5101 +rates -0.24219 0.014203 0.15854 -0.35796 0.47753 -1.3738 -0.30926 1.296 0.44868 0.33666 +thought -0.57146 -0.71325 0.49346 -0.75362 -0.29372 -0.48511 -0.21108 0.56619 -0.11915 0.49244 +Alliance -0.82629 -0.6662 0.34031 -0.89175 0.11527 -1.0522 0.50365 0.26517 0.53559 -0.18958 +canyoning -0.38207 0.45091 -0.60923 -0.7636 -0.057779 -1.0287 0.24395 1.0054 -0.43631 0.041659 +offer -0.30346 -0.27226 -0.33018 -0.94184 0.35899 -1.4318 0.39757 -0.082924 0.87995 0.17773 +strikes -0.94201 0.020513 -0.02925 -0.80904 0.29854 -0.86859 -0.255 1.1101 0.47707 -0.1824 +half -0.91874 -0.2223 0.24264 -1.1707 -0.38463 -0.46949 0.48049 0.26083 0.06784 -0.11328 +Shane -0.34624 -0.1109 0.62998 -0.79624 -0.71345 -0.83942 0.69893 0.36831 -0.039081 0.21627 +storm -0.74093 -0.7487 0.62071 -0.24746 -0.71883 -0.46792 -0.59744 0.92653 -0.38539 0.47237 +I'm -0.42868 -0.13632 -0.21505 -1.2836 -0.39802 -0.67602 0.14112 -0.85407 0.0055667 1.432 +aircraft -0.523 -0.097694 0.25433 -0.52812 -0.40616 -0.74713 -0.27245 1.1967 -0.18498 0.034387 +bowler 0.087235 -0.32476 0.60135 -0.85705 -0.99488 -0.79564 1.0296 0.57298 -0.70914 0.2021 +Adelaide -0.22125 0.25164 0.19661 -0.87011 -0.89991 -0.41045 0.49682 0.76216 -0.6865 0.44792 +great -0.49206 -0.43399 0.40813 -0.72073 -0.64671 -0.56241 -0.37986 0.36133 -0.5235 0.51871 +army -1.2652 -0.042439 0.27496 -0.97273 0.10286 -0.87134 0.31104 1.3556 0.87868 -0.77769 +position -0.65614 -0.79608 -0.10218 -0.35536 0.57628 -1.6235 -0.16899 0.40688 0.25684 0.32088 +administration -0.72808 -0.31083 -0.023139 -0.33378 0.67154 -1.5213 -0.13514 0.9227 0.60025 0.098774 +control -0.3702 -0.679 0.55691 -0.23697 -0.3106 -0.78244 -0.72516 0.99051 -0.30192 0.45149 +violence -0.7401 -0.032091 -0.078946 -1.0201 0.27221 -0.86934 0.17094 0.71442 0.55719 -0.053036 +continue -0.60759 -0.62512 0.30086 -0.18272 0.19991 -1.1495 -0.27244 1.0024 0.17054 0.30179 +news -0.91854 -0.3409 -0.15963 -0.97012 0.30741 -1.2341 0.29187 0.67785 0.92752 -0.59 +After 0.048149 0.039758 -0.087881 -0.5145 -0.35365 -1.1616 0.035752 0.81134 0.13566 0.39898 +series -0.62071 -0.3881 0.29707 -0.79292 -0.16433 -0.75934 -0.21945 -0.016517 -0.14894 0.37093 +York -0.50064 -0.59237 0.38603 -0.35495 -0.38729 -0.81828 0.12608 1.1164 0.086189 0.071574 +ago -0.55563 -0.62136 -0.067084 -0.81315 0.29961 -0.65487 -0.36957 0.09653 0.70311 1.3092 +strong -0.26592 -0.78119 0.38578 -0.11851 -0.19213 -1.0958 -0.8582 0.48999 -0.41195 0.81518 +likely -0.66414 -0.69419 0.10899 -0.80879 0.27875 -1.166 -0.32529 -0.22468 0.52807 0.24362 +later -0.20582 0.033315 -0.039962 -0.5435 0.18826 -1.374 -0.3558 0.61858 0.26541 0.28333 +today. -0.14241 -0.62556 0.21156 0.0041084 0.030983 -1.5068 -0.70103 1.1842 0.095198 0.33406 +Australia, -0.029663 0.07796 0.070592 -0.51127 -0.15017 -0.9102 0.1623 0.97046 -0.34834 0.54195 +along -0.81523 -0.78525 0.65317 -0.71013 -0.56669 -0.48664 0.21136 0.4547 -0.35832 -0.073548 +Blue -0.26869 -0.27447 0.48057 0.038791 -1.0478 -0.9429 -0.072283 0.96615 -0.61754 0.6064 +line -0.34623 -0.60121 0.068375 -0.5264 -0.17329 -0.93054 -0.22953 0.65381 0.54671 0.4184 +right -0.53223 -0.7736 0.04604 -0.5772 -0.52114 -0.5374 -0.22853 0.98971 -0.19126 0.42791 +claimed -0.70481 -0.53574 0.052068 -0.43 -0.15085 -0.94888 0.14687 1.0728 0.26165 -0.1281 +Nations -0.2984 -0.80868 -0.10609 0.010798 0.93185 -1.9671 -0.87557 0.81858 0.36745 0.5243 +risk -0.42662 -0.33986 0.5735 -0.21441 -0.34212 -0.87665 -0.40238 0.71035 -0.32503 0.50351 +own -0.92001 0.20989 0.23779 -0.53232 0.13932 -0.96969 -0.62607 0.60695 0.47332 0.028771 +buildings -0.29006 0.15576 -0.15677 -0.6484 0.026489 -0.98351 -0.0065875 1.1078 0.21982 0.26489 +hospital -0.4897 -0.1601 0.28973 -0.48503 -0.31808 -0.82374 -0.33532 1.2127 0.033319 0.0042096 +chief -0.4802 -0.25698 0.1093 -0.60201 0.25489 -1.0104 -0.051772 0.54011 0.19911 0.42034 +matter -0.3654 -0.39588 -0.22578 -0.78631 -0.15551 -1.0704 0.041897 0.11338 0.11672 0.42222 +concerned -0.58065 -0.78609 0.42793 -0.392 -0.034214 -1.102 -0.5253 0.26143 0.0062176 0.43083 +campaign -0.61377 -0.11788 -0.29097 -0.75901 0.35482 -1.2409 0.055358 0.52446 0.72025 0.17674 +show -0.53364 -0.5752 0.80285 -0.30655 -0.32285 -1.0655 -0.19097 0.16676 -0.37991 0.56001 +Adventure -0.38749 -0.029152 0.26728 -0.48096 -0.25312 -0.82748 -0.12992 0.7799 -0.28173 0.48875 +guilty -0.70105 0.33148 0.16239 -0.93789 -0.26293 -0.46665 0.16084 0.80134 -0.2464 0.17361 +African -0.23207 -0.18815 0.13664 -1.0743 -1.2549 -0.41248 1.0914 0.57307 -1.0135 0.098609 +envoy -1.3561 -0.041021 -0.31234 -1.0894 0.75589 -1.439 0.73495 0.35896 1.0433 -0.44858 +homes -0.71941 -0.4958 0.7584 -0.33887 -0.93034 -0.14547 -0.68773 0.97518 -0.57346 0.63845 +boat -0.28149 -0.65517 0.3416 -0.65662 -0.12655 -0.76859 -0.21065 0.50103 -0.14203 0.50361 +rate -0.068254 0.18204 -0.1936 -0.61722 0.62876 -1.2818 -0.10681 0.76339 0.5668 0.83699 +month -0.39031 0.11372 -0.010544 -0.90182 0.012079 -0.63087 -0.040589 0.94465 0.13823 0.35472 +west -0.64594 0.37148 0.43078 -0.51198 -0.69065 -0.69432 -0.64694 1.5857 -0.1824 -0.091366 +launched -0.78696 0.023103 0.37226 -0.74946 -0.13238 -0.7232 0.25225 1.0338 0.27765 -0.22912 +Ms -0.17338 -0.36611 -0.07251 -0.48648 0.0041691 -1.3262 -0.73753 0.2186 -0.022037 0.63297 +move -0.22394 0.00076851 -0.38792 -0.90756 0.069125 -0.9631 0.0030855 0.11261 0.61587 0.61873 +industrial 0.32131 -0.92061 -0.38571 -0.36084 0.7956 -2.0206 -0.12358 0.51213 0.27913 0.69504 +special -0.36558 -0.50073 -0.10826 -0.46475 0.61122 -1.4618 0.012307 0.33076 0.37667 0.4463 +Downer -0.4343 -0.82568 0.31953 -0.50804 0.18853 -1.3437 -0.37331 0.26001 -0.14184 0.23477 +Kandahar -1.0356 -0.17783 0.31826 -0.88705 -0.073734 -0.65799 0.10458 1.1016 0.32018 -0.49785 +plans -0.80875 -0.47801 0.23749 -0.77841 0.057889 -0.77774 0.1478 0.59142 0.15204 -0.0086819 +officers -0.97693 -0.32293 0.13781 -0.74961 0.14852 -0.90418 -0.083485 0.80867 0.61482 -0.18449 +town -1.5004 0.59635 -0.16331 -1.1013 0.1051 -1.0207 -0.072561 1.4501 1.1836 -0.97361 +firefighters -0.78436 -1.167 0.5045 -0.34055 -0.63924 -0.42906 -0.84594 1.168 -0.20406 0.30874 +decision -0.44046 -0.35392 0.10897 -0.41905 0.22458 -1.3142 0.37839 0.85906 0.28001 0.16187 +flight -0.43929 -0.36811 -0.1721 -0.47314 -0.38038 -0.74572 -0.14793 1.1142 0.45751 0.48258 +death -0.17869 0.1774 -0.26159 -0.89974 0.11258 -0.78674 -0.28321 0.62297 0.42166 0.57327 +Swiss -0.16938 -0.55154 -0.090852 -0.6693 -0.15725 -0.96962 -0.067985 0.097402 -0.25042 0.73511 +me -0.25292 0.37494 -0.79093 -1.2853 -0.042181 -0.82677 0.47125 -0.23926 0.38576 0.5854 +Trade -0.60567 0.15376 0.10811 -0.59561 -0.2047 -1.0132 0.31407 0.83114 0.44753 0.19536 +men -1.3012 0.75773 -0.26127 -1.3063 0.044626 -0.35547 0.20021 1.1814 0.74133 -0.4387 +today, -0.37616 -0.24243 0.33496 -0.24144 -0.13991 -1.1298 -0.64361 1.1033 0.088343 0.28653 +captain -0.60458 -0.22476 0.29979 -0.93237 -0.79467 -0.48244 0.41037 0.54179 -0.37523 0.10478 +really -0.27131 -0.51148 -0.14797 -0.69251 0.11657 -1.1363 -0.11512 -0.4058 -0.11068 1.1855 +planning -0.37444 -0.35096 -0.22629 -0.72642 -0.27902 -0.84185 0.5121 0.63653 -0.17228 0.014886 +jobs -0.075383 -0.45942 -0.18485 -0.33277 0.09144 -1.0817 -0.49616 0.28762 0.29686 1.1323 +Laden's -1.8251 -1.2759 0.90152 -0.63509 0.014917 -0.57005 -0.051552 0.97488 0.36446 -0.54641 +event -0.57786 -0.34915 0.17915 -0.25283 -0.023669 -0.66559 -0.14185 0.98961 0.58473 0.97094 +enough -0.42063 0.0079553 0.22603 -1.1017 -0.70316 -0.46149 0.61155 0.13017 -0.46447 0.49873 +bus -1.0091 0.62575 -0.31157 -1.2988 0.090137 -1.4394 1.229 1.6414 1.0508 -1.1275 +UN -0.93147 -0.40234 0.013446 -0.83414 0.28451 -1.1602 0.65587 0.675 0.27361 -0.3112 +Zinni -0.79386 -0.21884 -0.27232 -1.1239 0.10189 -1.175 0.81008 0.38801 0.73553 -0.40303 +important -0.58276 -0.40587 0.055311 -0.70731 -0.22103 -0.67163 -0.21858 0.35321 0.31546 0.62588 +health -0.17604 -0.18955 -0.21905 -0.29857 0.40286 -1.522 -0.60917 0.98845 0.26784 0.60277 +others -0.78475 -0.65671 0.40101 -0.50958 0.34688 -0.99014 -0.74403 0.85367 0.35966 0.025171 +Industrial 0.38719 -0.75607 -0.5954 -0.52922 0.79163 -2.1492 0.057242 0.3375 0.30421 0.64363 +Mark 0.4612 -0.55124 -0.26028 -0.65324 -0.34878 -1.2717 0.60872 0.51846 -0.2071 0.57502 +union 0.16386 -1.17 -0.69153 0.13276 1.1861 -2.5077 -0.72902 0.67668 0.67854 1.3063 +"He -0.58141 -0.98536 0.1733 -0.45247 -0.38913 -0.85749 -0.0054123 -0.23374 -0.091183 0.71005 +late -0.71043 0.13506 0.18965 -0.90154 -0.07813 -0.58031 -0.083807 0.57041 0.15001 0.41173 +sure -0.37556 -0.14225 0.23823 -0.97805 -0.32523 -0.77371 -0.010283 -0.27953 -0.32465 0.83795 +side -0.47876 -0.18964 -0.38552 -1.3797 -0.42347 -0.75286 0.92339 -0.065296 -0.61205 -0.013461 +weapons -0.96499 -0.41649 -0.058041 -0.82054 0.22552 -0.98538 -0.083552 0.51621 0.45087 -0.062753 +Service -0.17668 -0.64672 0.48198 0.060453 -0.3759 -1.0434 -0.86967 0.88657 -0.41806 0.95658 +jail -0.65303 -0.16414 -0.10281 -1.152 -0.028144 -0.72187 0.49894 0.511 0.36845 -0.13448 +Zealand -0.14594 -0.17746 0.3441 -0.23694 -0.58358 -0.67804 -0.29632 1.0437 -0.27844 0.71417 +International -0.50324 -0.019011 0.025154 -0.20458 0.60805 -1.6534 0.027406 1.0175 0.49012 0.19091 +probably -0.7012 -0.61617 0.52471 -0.78224 -0.28181 -0.53405 -0.31737 0.066488 -0.15505 0.61966 +network -1.3338 -1.2198 0.45862 -0.83667 0.036418 -0.72885 0.061159 0.68248 0.5477 -0.3737 +Australia. -0.052497 0.010537 0.16776 -0.50317 -0.16426 -0.8647 0.096584 0.94865 -0.48588 0.6191 +find -0.46522 -0.25826 0.5396 -0.78187 -0.65989 -0.64428 0.06709 0.085747 -0.5509 0.47829 +my -0.32659 -0.099868 0.19704 -1.3036 -1.2367 -0.19515 0.94038 -1.0892 -0.64319 1.4973 +station -0.6555 -0.52548 0.0049868 -0.11393 0.71984 -1.5652 -0.46604 0.99682 0.66934 0.25647 +Bichel -0.36584 -0.5715 0.48251 -0.70332 -0.30637 -0.93749 0.86163 0.71249 0.042964 0.027463 +1999 -0.91903 0.42252 -0.16834 -0.70814 -0.10227 -0.84216 0.093398 1.6042 0.091601 -0.37079 +life -0.43701 -0.45978 -0.055469 -0.41883 0.042671 -1.2146 -0.39344 0.35009 0.53758 0.46863 +National -0.19375 -0.095322 0.13467 0.12434 0.67662 -1.8318 -0.35596 1.0732 0.26486 0.56792 +prepared -0.42981 -0.24383 -0.21938 -0.70481 -0.050688 -0.93643 -0.066481 0.68848 0.36647 0.20772 +home -0.70365 0.065569 0.25082 -1.0529 -0.25906 -0.32379 0.35889 0.54541 0.02927 0.2097 +Sydney, -0.2705 -0.30314 0.55214 -0.18173 -0.88158 -0.52969 -1.0924 1.8134 -0.50252 0.61312 +political -0.54959 -0.49307 -0.097388 -0.54019 0.033088 -0.98798 0.099713 0.6683 0.3355 0.15789 +14 -0.95906 1.3365 -0.49945 -1.2109 0.35736 -1.1076 0.25237 1.5409 0.63218 -0.50263 +helicopters -0.95619 0.15144 0.065512 -0.71032 0.002183 -0.79136 -0.29334 1.5484 0.55967 -0.31632 +wants -0.54497 -0.59992 -0.27795 -0.60232 0.069125 -0.94358 -0.29061 0.91626 0.61299 0.30742 +General -0.39665 -0.83978 0.070244 -0.43172 0.10964 -1.1781 0.1191 0.33437 0.075456 0.453 +carrying -0.60339 -0.27139 -0.23733 -0.99748 -0.18447 -0.69829 0.67771 0.95702 0.059379 -0.41246 +Middle -0.7878 0.081022 -0.037295 -0.81139 0.44774 -1.197 0.31199 0.50255 0.71986 0.10635 +using -0.66728 -0.60399 -0.31289 -0.7278 0.42433 -1.1467 0.28624 0.66718 -0.037371 -0.081022 +northern -1.0565 -0.14339 0.92508 -0.41417 -0.12682 -0.96429 -0.43579 1.2516 0.058347 -0.46582 +operations -0.60723 -0.3258 -0.29231 -0.37547 0.88076 -1.6218 -0.51384 1.1459 0.71505 0.17048 +defence -0.55243 -0.39091 0.22121 -0.91747 0.33283 -1.2078 0.35199 0.36463 0.54001 -0.10552 +carried -0.31136 0.17138 -0.28952 -0.87574 0.15245 -1.0357 0.042821 0.94249 0.66649 0.030723 +Hollingworth -0.1876 -0.82884 -0.084383 -0.071406 -0.22235 -1.3935 -0.22427 0.85046 -0.30322 0.40924 +comes -0.45207 -0.46519 0.41875 -0.48789 -0.046664 -0.80369 -0.3967 0.48209 -0.14575 0.72589 +person -0.84722 -0.10508 0.14534 -0.88976 -0.21876 -0.64111 0.19588 0.7374 0.39244 0.0039654 +Unions -0.28972 -1.1459 -0.33448 -0.20605 0.97245 -1.9378 -0.75703 0.68462 0.69481 0.44552 +Jihad -1.0633 -0.24172 -0.045524 -0.8099 -0.016317 -0.7631 0.05294 1.2394 0.88761 -0.50125 +every -0.49461 -0.66964 -0.051212 -0.74048 -0.069483 -0.88857 -0.3109 -0.29672 0.36724 0.91367 +Israelis -1.2122 0.72988 -0.6623 -1.6012 0.20053 -0.86407 0.67692 0.86815 1.1743 -0.60779 +years. 0.15027 0.14719 -0.01994 -0.66435 0.088033 -1.0483 -0.2312 1.1518 0.4661 0.52981 +Relations -0.12747 -0.34088 -0.27063 -0.2597 0.79297 -1.8541 -0.39174 1.1937 0.36988 0.35353 +abuse -0.089845 -0.79271 -0.38767 -0.4727 0.28028 -1.5563 -0.2183 0.27022 0.088311 0.61072 +kilometres -0.6777 -0.40542 0.016424 -0.3362 0.14185 -1.0538 -0.28905 0.92755 0.27683 0.36221 +until -0.77723 -0.046877 0.13087 -1.0615 0.019683 -0.66292 0.035611 0.45329 0.15239 0.012031 +tried -0.81702 -0.29358 -0.097411 -0.75907 0.64891 -1.2949 -0.098903 0.85143 0.66645 -0.2686 +become -0.29507 -0.41345 0.25781 -0.93277 -0.18752 -0.75477 0.26696 0.12797 -0.24965 0.47456 +Fire -0.32094 -1.0155 0.62219 0.084966 -1.041 -0.64941 -1.7472 0.98133 -1.2807 1.3136 +alleged -0.46525 -0.28683 -0.13209 -0.48622 0.15078 -1.3678 0.049788 0.88644 0.60273 0.098416 +policy -0.29343 -0.32431 -0.15296 -0.31099 0.21889 -1.3105 -0.36737 0.84171 0.24224 0.48065 +job 0.14315 0.005904 -0.033223 -0.63074 -0.30046 -0.7841 -0.060014 0.39402 -0.43478 1.1179 +race -0.16553 -0.11146 0.11549 -0.86068 -0.31492 -0.75315 0.70162 0.66796 0.12767 0.17371 +raids -1.123 -0.12157 0.1454 -1.0121 -0.21877 -0.71491 0.51537 1.2299 0.36334 -0.79967 +Security -1.0957 -0.085353 -0.21859 -0.8144 0.052515 -1.0839 -0.08815 0.57181 0.7621 -0.24093 +each -0.22197 0.017361 0.23655 -0.34141 -0.36142 -0.79284 0.13503 0.78224 -0.18073 0.75507 +said, -0.95673 -0.57112 0.38615 -0.78432 -0.23003 -0.72174 -0.35972 -0.13908 -0.008194 -0.017992 +deal -0.38945 -0.75305 -0.1138 -0.82895 0.56327 -1.2298 -0.10863 -0.22684 0.47072 0.88338 +making -0.4437 -0.76727 -0.29108 -0.57252 0.096742 -0.99581 0.36718 0.20245 -0.4596 0.59391 +emergency -0.40236 -0.13588 0.096962 -0.59224 -0.11725 -0.98323 -0.16018 1.1126 0.22916 0.05206 +sent -0.32186 -0.2177 -0.39186 -0.31136 0.5671 -1.1728 -0.40704 0.93122 0.98656 1.0952 +plane -0.7503 -0.42093 0.35479 -0.95667 -0.32628 -0.7765 0.55467 0.42942 0.17493 -0.31811 +McGrath -0.6148 0.50888 -0.012444 -1.0572 -0.21922 -0.5642 0.28957 0.3419 0.26522 0.4605 +seekers -0.82228 -0.87583 0.30693 -0.65103 0.69125 -1.0411 -0.41996 0.42597 0.56641 0.47556 +immediately -0.58921 -0.25992 -0.12899 -0.9377 0.33201 -1.1122 0.0873 0.40632 0.57621 0.070031 +opening -0.4455 0.078867 -0.37854 -0.71892 -0.42194 -0.94667 0.74424 1.089 -0.30659 -0.25887 +financial -0.60068 -0.18581 0.069362 -0.51534 0.48891 -1.3944 0.057846 0.58449 0.47322 0.2561 +opposition -0.73038 -0.56596 -0.038142 -0.50887 0.5099 -1.3534 -0.0052417 0.19832 0.35965 0.34679 +beat -0.45838 -0.33904 0.13794 -1.3954 -0.66436 -0.38394 0.32504 -0.23399 -0.38251 0.40033 +HIH -0.46565 -0.81359 0.23243 -0.18379 0.72467 -1.5297 -0.27175 0.83442 0.49534 0.32466 +am -0.69464 -0.27521 -0.22422 -1.46 -0.50891 -0.55159 0.74428 -0.50162 0.35194 0.33515 +proposed -0.05514 -0.96457 0.1041 -0.21948 -0.074778 -1.1728 -0.678 0.36648 0.043006 1.113 +evidence -0.48521 -0.48455 0.21501 -0.80236 0.08654 -1.1061 0.0054186 0.29406 0.10278 0.094527 +issue -0.25763 -0.5849 -0.078907 -0.2578 -0.051302 -1.1948 -0.27948 0.45763 0.16243 0.7794 +community -0.40217 -0.61083 0.13502 -0.18515 0.41471 -1.4632 -0.4632 0.83543 0.4102 0.46553 +suspected -0.84215 -0.75264 0.68904 -0.61239 -0.37038 -0.77761 0.16311 0.65263 0.091325 -0.27493 +bombing -0.84422 -0.36656 -0.3544 -1.1734 0.21422 -0.69903 0.41962 0.75535 0.3286 -0.40122 +deaths -0.40319 -0.089651 0.11649 -0.79524 0.018207 -0.65779 -0.10201 0.69381 0.032381 0.37295 +radical -0.68651 0.20273 -0.43048 -0.86955 -0.022804 -0.9434 0.15295 1.0498 0.63196 -0.30239 +laws -0.53244 -0.32037 0.39718 -0.64837 -0.66888 -0.49683 -0.061385 0.69053 -0.16731 0.32548 +went -0.6016 -0.093009 -0.2456 -0.63003 -0.12586 -0.64032 -0.10781 0.34519 0.50836 1.2215 +allow -0.43687 -0.17231 -0.11169 -0.39856 -0.18952 -1.0403 -0.19991 0.57215 0.39431 0.45321 +result -0.43839 -0.28709 0.020614 -0.26024 0.30876 -1.1839 -0.43584 1.0808 0.44807 0.55668 +"It's -0.51705 -0.35741 0.15752 -1.1452 -0.35914 -0.70697 -0.01487 -0.257 -0.043595 0.51851 +Senator -0.8738 -0.82734 0.56193 -0.39848 -0.21774 -0.84248 -0.4813 0.43056 -0.15685 0.22311 +Department -0.43253 -0.7085 0.060573 -0.21004 0.25654 -1.1585 -0.49884 0.73491 0.49655 0.8628 +warplanes -1.2481 -0.40025 0.16377 -0.85278 0.13285 -0.65437 -0.08412 0.90396 0.45098 -0.35213 +Council -0.39988 -0.52196 0.069918 -0.4915 0.6238 -1.3515 -0.45727 0.62468 0.6594 0.45146 +Ariel -0.26593 0.14329 -0.53907 -0.76707 0.47603 -1.4868 0.53499 0.71937 0.65622 0.059121 +different -0.30243 -0.22101 0.11829 -0.85625 -0.1597 -0.79156 0.0058872 -0.084417 0.11667 1.0895 +"There -0.65851 -0.41508 0.32305 -0.62933 0.17938 -0.78974 -0.8627 0.26792 0.062209 0.52802 +rejected -0.41969 -0.4993 0.07689 -0.4373 0.056658 -1.1601 0.081654 0.84081 0.36643 0.080806 +reported -0.41373 -0.5375 0.28923 -0.51754 -0.085523 -1.01 0.033198 0.48393 0.12176 0.26697 +One -0.448 -0.30367 0.48399 -0.45176 -0.47698 -0.79537 0.21083 0.91878 0.016927 0.051239 +details -0.39898 -0.3088 -0.16684 -0.81059 -0.1694 -1.022 0.21294 0.25306 0.070913 0.18398 +hundreds -0.84768 -0.079479 0.13347 -0.85044 -0.26167 -0.54546 -0.056247 1.0667 0.28364 -0.077081 +Secretary -0.93447 -0.24041 -0.1889 -0.87911 0.13328 -0.9494 0.15455 0.42352 0.62467 -0.061615 +full -0.33892 -0.11969 0.55105 -0.53258 -0.50032 -0.63768 -0.4025 0.55987 -0.56396 0.60187 +calls -0.31798 -0.4948 -0.26148 -0.42686 0.090922 -1.2299 -0.29465 0.48148 0.34839 0.49575 +drop -0.58125 -0.16902 0.24731 -0.70464 0.08614 -1.1414 0.1341 0.40279 0.24516 0.12976 +growth -0.87738 -0.17384 0.04003 -0.65392 0.25235 -0.77835 -0.71514 0.89888 0.39636 0.075796 +hard -0.44411 -0.55261 -0.17817 -0.79809 -0.18229 -1.308 0.39852 -0.10648 -0.16158 -0.02238 +fight -0.96878 -1.3005 0.56504 -0.67596 -0.87563 -0.049382 -0.36304 1.0297 -0.27074 0.010919 +Woomera -0.24683 -0.49826 0.42068 -0.18926 -0.19808 -0.94488 -0.49751 0.80828 -0.00015067 0.9592 +allegations -0.24532 -0.7661 -0.27544 -0.097749 0.72356 -1.9019 -0.60275 0.61176 0.32601 0.62403 +caught -0.37571 -0.30813 0.13247 -0.91033 -0.25133 -0.60058 0.38486 0.84563 0.22077 0.2145 +opened -0.63721 0.22811 -0.11797 -1.0522 0.027539 -1.0058 0.50428 0.83537 0.53145 -0.38828 +getting -0.5733 -0.57779 -0.2986 -0.9059 0.32434 -1.2047 0.49834 0.32881 0.039726 -0.011118 +bombings -0.70564 0.15766 -0.25633 -1.2218 0.066698 -0.62469 0.32497 1.0837 0.47999 -0.36309 +although -0.72724 -0.46651 0.4312 -0.94912 -0.30534 -0.63413 0.16061 0.084505 -0.16618 0.14711 +building -0.29727 -0.3818 -0.14338 -0.50415 0.16794 -1.0963 0.078105 1.0249 0.01872 0.13219 +always -0.46326 -0.81711 0.53008 -0.57761 -0.50779 -0.69987 -0.43688 0.1184 -0.52032 0.6221 +2 -0.82015 0.40503 0.50239 -1.4792 -0.86626 0.1686 0.75341 1.1469 -0.2596 -0.4417 +look -0.097529 -0.47538 -0.20802 -0.89334 -0.39573 -0.54403 -0.43828 -0.42372 -0.11079 1.8577 +Jewish -0.54611 0.48906 -0.14782 -0.90768 -0.06615 -0.86296 0.34933 1.29 0.39777 -0.26243 +source -0.79843 0.28036 -0.30944 -1.0437 0.19738 -1.1581 0.13963 0.79583 0.58044 -0.3895 +flights -0.36452 -0.45248 0.005702 -0.35898 -0.36646 -0.85961 -0.11263 1.2583 0.32585 0.26238 +quite -0.76108 -0.49884 0.058982 -0.79436 0.0036598 -0.73048 -0.4704 0.17956 0.053239 0.53128 +killing -0.51911 -0.37159 -0.45217 -0.80471 0.20381 -1.0467 0.42255 0.60393 0.14325 0.089282 +Strip -1.2311 0.013163 0.17307 -0.63285 0.17821 -0.94503 -0.42054 1.7156 0.7737 -0.64832 +bid -1.0792 -0.22419 0.34847 -0.84927 -0.10704 -0.99312 0.36481 0.71343 0.80983 -0.76284 +understand -0.63129 -0.87247 0.072226 -0.68195 -0.029768 -0.79076 -0.19447 0.10181 0.083069 0.50308 +year's 0.19696 0.19881 0.14216 -0.35273 -0.1655 -0.96453 -0.41715 1.1723 0.063476 0.91191 +innings -0.16188 0.43484 -0.19665 -0.9235 -0.51545 -0.67827 0.61674 1.2149 -0.20615 0.049488 +access -0.95858 -0.52134 0.26809 -0.77106 0.073375 -0.82693 0.23409 0.37356 0.22716 -0.011289 +ago. -0.8092 0.49553 -0.34681 -1.1878 0.27086 -0.39397 0.045829 0.90135 0.70182 0.66741 +young -0.61735 -0.46111 -0.28035 -0.77272 -0.2253 -0.8858 -0.38187 0.48484 -0.21742 0.22268 +himself -0.50586 -0.41653 0.12672 -1.0351 -0.22388 -0.7269 0.382 0.087799 0.0064922 0.11688 +meet -0.61479 -0.26445 -0.22843 -0.8839 -0.21159 -0.92077 0.93311 0.62461 0.16192 -0.11888 +On 0.11531 0.11417 -0.11958 -0.71922 -0.29876 -1.024 0.73178 0.16105 0.09954 0.92642 +Commonwealth -0.12339 -0.010514 -0.082165 -0.5273 0.28692 -1.3203 -0.34545 0.59417 0.023544 0.60061 +Bureau -0.37583 -0.29238 0.29131 -0.30262 -0.27537 -0.8769 -0.2812 0.98577 -0.10768 0.51361 +targets -0.8902 0.54291 -0.061923 -1.1397 -0.079809 -0.5792 0.065843 1.1848 0.41044 -0.37736 +"We're -0.45533 -0.17787 0.048553 -0.84664 -0.34626 -0.65111 -0.056196 0.27222 -0.067717 0.41661 +militant -1.0592 -0.046778 -0.47542 -1.2559 0.16099 -0.71899 0.13136 1.0733 1.3393 -0.34764 +running -0.12904 -0.27359 -0.32187 -0.48722 -0.44453 -0.97407 0.34225 1.0898 -0.26654 0.2375 +caves -1.0122 -0.4745 0.34045 -1.0218 0.016573 -0.59843 0.15098 0.92158 0.12728 -0.49119 +declared -0.60519 -0.10724 -0.0086152 -0.74791 -0.22557 -0.83052 0.072348 1.2024 0.36896 -0.17828 +reached -0.25907 -0.36427 0.028301 -0.53191 0.26539 -1.2004 -0.020163 0.3741 0.36988 0.60811 +18 -0.093247 0.35617 -0.6656 -0.73337 0.19139 -1.2141 -0.37264 0.75859 0.33183 0.53026 +20 -0.22842 0.57184 0.25308 -0.46883 -0.29495 -1.0181 0.21564 1.592 0.071853 0.077952 +among -0.97807 -0.57031 0.33194 -0.75682 0.2165 -0.90939 -0.087744 0.77455 0.067941 -0.32093 +based -0.66067 -0.17167 0.064644 -0.45228 -0.033682 -1.0247 -0.30621 0.75949 0.4866 0.21256 +Howard -0.43512 -0.71639 -0.056046 -0.49835 -0.42093 -1.115 -0.025701 0.18807 -0.48237 0.27778 +try -1.1617 -1.3375 0.3684 -0.57844 -0.18947 -0.93598 -0.22674 0.22079 0.43222 -0.02577 +believes -1.2776 -1.1189 0.83939 -0.97937 -0.31175 -0.53722 0.17365 0.14683 -0.29189 -0.30164 +July -0.48224 -0.98195 -0.011395 -0.10745 0.29574 -1.3739 -0.79471 0.69411 0.51032 0.60226 +actually -0.50258 -0.49557 -0.094255 -0.82424 -0.10391 -0.87057 -0.083115 -0.17324 -0.095901 0.67832 +currently -0.37913 -0.48193 0.16933 -0.48951 -0.064401 -1.0122 -0.042982 0.42423 -0.04596 0.50456 +announced -0.65211 -0.50928 0.2164 -0.62068 0.14151 -1.0106 0.005206 0.63732 0.40638 0.10373 +clear -0.62099 -0.084059 0.24553 -0.93774 -0.35325 -0.47933 -0.16236 0.078499 -0.30758 0.45829 +State -0.84388 -0.34719 0.27836 -0.8368 0.0098355 -0.61911 0.29381 0.75375 0.0717 -0.092019 +Parliament -0.6334 -0.61602 0.20892 -0.41612 0.23832 -0.99216 -0.31619 0.9888 0.45006 0.47098 +here -0.84587 -0.8154 0.1675 -0.81058 0.094417 -0.8329 -0.82535 -0.40364 -0.072981 0.5952 +Britain -0.66854 -0.66991 0.38053 -0.45566 -0.25515 -0.89802 -0.036091 0.92996 0.056963 0.0065461 +year, 0.12549 -0.082306 0.34346 -0.58673 -0.45087 -0.73811 0.23466 1.2068 -0.014995 0.59825 +executive -0.092847 -0.26221 0.021571 -0.40873 -0.29916 -1.0497 -0.096802 0.56158 -0.45414 0.72594 +surrender -0.69651 -0.53957 0.18109 -0.58271 0.073285 -0.94141 -0.035066 0.55154 0.18601 0.10786 +Alexander -0.49886 -0.16637 -0.14498 -0.67469 0.3042 -1.3187 0.069366 0.82769 0.56254 -0.12402 +flying -0.11584 -0.38305 -0.20988 -0.62297 -0.16868 -0.96792 0.37554 0.68493 -0.33619 0.45129 +weekend -0.88462 -0.50949 0.37115 -0.75219 -0.26449 -0.56051 -0.19774 0.59405 0.21435 0.094716 +time. -0.53069 0.078393 0.17647 -0.63849 0.14904 -0.91305 0.0060927 0.75675 0.24859 0.28222 +human -0.48934 -0.12364 -0.075103 -0.50842 -0.14069 -1.1576 0.1805 1.0319 0.061454 -0.099837 +Immigration -0.49888 -0.92589 0.31088 0.083673 0.76188 -1.7775 -0.4118 0.8586 0.43785 0.46887 +days. -0.37835 0.12682 0.46038 -0.51702 -0.16149 -0.81445 -0.13559 1.2457 -0.010709 0.32481 +airline -0.18091 -0.91893 -0.12499 -0.20853 0.21515 -1.4611 -0.48268 0.8248 0.30318 0.47519 +river -0.029069 -0.18337 -0.0066583 -0.55832 -0.14902 -1.3313 -0.096235 0.077911 -0.10757 0.57928 +annual -0.71652 -0.31163 -0.11919 -0.65476 -0.013839 -0.80156 0.01614 0.73553 0.4489 0.35369 +yet 0.094532 -0.42905 0.44326 -0.29841 -0.86284 -0.69212 -0.42103 0.88908 -0.52034 0.95575 +we're -0.48905 -0.29537 0.033409 -0.81253 -0.16199 -0.74757 -0.61608 0.066038 -0.24372 0.6899 +travel -0.41257 -0.64017 0.3735 -0.42796 -0.10634 -1.051 -0.32573 0.34754 -0.18767 0.60941 +sex -0.62987 -0.053036 -0.068677 -0.41185 0.28148 -1.1755 -0.20104 0.90713 0.74082 0.26889 +expect -0.17546 -0.44793 -0.11527 -0.4888 -0.25369 -1.3106 0.10971 0.17321 -0.32717 0.50882 +outside -0.60497 -0.33565 0.020765 -0.59512 -0.15389 -0.92067 0.24267 0.93451 -0.070808 0.01877 +gave -0.45999 -0.79422 0.14229 -0.80915 -0.48202 -0.77735 0.12466 0.17142 -0.34336 0.28264 +future -0.62106 -0.080488 0.34991 -0.8434 -0.47559 -0.53433 0.22285 0.3063 -0.059621 0.33629 +people, -0.72317 0.14286 -0.020894 -0.89848 0.18287 -0.53877 -0.1652 0.88709 0.16873 0.3261 +Kallis 0.035913 -0.021514 -0.072622 -0.89665 -0.48517 -0.97725 0.51496 0.13843 -0.31571 0.48688 +arrived -0.65503 -0.17325 0.30108 -0.8793 -0.024092 -0.8391 0.20669 1.0708 0.2164 -0.35764 +responsibility -0.53039 -0.10444 -0.030038 -0.65592 0.0076372 -0.93279 -0.20856 0.95609 0.28227 0.1723 +Chief -0.28825 -0.069046 0.15408 -0.65711 -0.17445 -1.0785 0.30307 0.6681 -0.16136 0.27182 +sources -0.95265 -0.1504 0.16059 -0.84928 0.058111 -0.81735 -0.15752 0.92456 0.18348 -0.371 +expressed -0.24584 -0.09216 -0.18441 -0.65704 0.18635 -1.3649 -0.15702 0.24927 0.38284 0.44807 +again -0.13234 0.15541 -0.036238 -0.67215 -0.37879 -0.76804 0.58771 0.99905 0.14692 0.38751 +needs -1.166 -0.85495 0.49153 -1.1106 -0.17422 -0.50714 0.15052 -0.055856 0.12732 -0.0095887 +times -0.4255 -0.45116 0.16623 -0.61919 -0.1216 -0.78745 -0.37025 0.59919 0.074251 0.61105 +leader, -0.83507 -0.40127 -0.16492 -0.81771 0.20567 -1.2477 0.29685 0.14689 0.67899 -0.067318 +media -0.58269 -0.50771 0.11869 -0.9861 0.098279 -0.84741 0.18088 0.5695 0.49694 -2.044e-05 +overnight -0.43681 -0.65678 0.56094 0.13961 -0.48087 -0.80332 -0.99859 1.722 0.054393 0.66475 +caused -0.97917 -0.76175 0.4043 -0.59703 -0.30197 -0.9153 -0.28732 1.0132 0.31359 -0.28838 +investigation -0.18938 -0.18232 0.059527 -0.29267 0.28961 -1.4319 -0.26646 0.68258 0.15044 0.61887 +victory -0.16319 0.20487 -0.32743 -0.71021 -0.59618 -0.7974 0.05543 0.52359 -0.018849 0.55244 +cost -0.80039 -0.46987 0.21671 -0.72669 0.01664 -0.58539 -0.26988 0.67556 0.24607 0.19155 +means -0.5359 -0.39811 0.062489 -0.71328 0.25246 -1.1506 -0.13971 0.45218 -0.022699 0.38059 +guides -0.92491 0.19234 0.12689 -0.73119 -0.21347 -0.69585 -0.12781 1.0639 -0.32526 -0.27498 +Afghanistan's -1.7266 -1.3072 0.80621 -1.1434 0.0571 -0.64139 0.35074 0.62081 0.49932 -0.92061 +Test. -0.30523 -0.19483 0.34772 -1.0374 -0.89213 -0.59233 0.90696 0.28284 -0.62918 0.42718 +parties -0.27466 -0.74169 -0.048115 -0.41405 0.124 -1.3378 -0.31569 0.33096 0.35237 0.60587 +November -0.48325 0.4383 0.039117 -0.74529 -0.028897 -1.0785 0.48455 1.1421 0.45563 -0.020907 +away -0.19245 -0.18864 0.19643 -0.68478 -1.0664 -0.50416 -0.29543 0.28875 -0.38742 0.80483 +Glenn -0.16092 0.20464 -0.053383 -1.0576 -0.19055 -0.83696 0.39109 0.02053 0.17021 0.80312 +night. -0.44225 -0.6139 0.31652 0.16884 -0.42483 -0.77408 -0.97458 1.8343 0.1028 0.78089 +less -0.66982 -0.45096 0.41795 -0.82296 -0.49965 -0.71526 -0.039793 0.13776 -0.27897 0.12005 +gives -0.4279 -0.84722 0.082835 -0.55126 0.044791 -1.0336 -0.32104 0.55644 -0.24865 0.45981 +refused -0.58638 -0.21334 -0.022103 -0.51596 0.028976 -1.2026 0.041049 0.92237 0.4752 -0.013422 +decided -0.72556 -0.02837 -0.068769 -0.74213 -0.09437 -0.88408 0.27605 0.89184 0.44076 -0.1275 +wage -0.40121 -0.80652 -0.28185 -0.45087 0.43091 -1.1512 -0.65771 1.0993 0.69776 0.42115 +certainly -0.5499 -0.67279 0.24162 -0.67403 -0.17508 -0.84386 -0.3702 -0.16043 -0.067849 0.77189 +face -0.61531 -0.43418 0.35145 -0.76491 0.12073 -0.91028 0.45011 0.77802 0.51644 -0.030533 +having -0.5923 -0.50884 -0.12815 -0.95062 -0.043975 -0.8241 0.3651 0.16113 -0.28701 0.085403 +bombers -1.2398 -0.41213 0.0019891 -1.1365 0.21151 -0.62403 0.16052 1.3297 0.588 -0.67608 +13 -0.54224 -0.035422 0.19915 -0.94915 -0.29678 -0.39926 0.14965 1.3134 -0.32087 -0.16852 +More -0.5301 -0.38215 0.27745 -0.44749 -0.35388 -0.78393 -0.40907 0.54898 -0.33072 0.26945 +Musharraf -0.72271 -0.42299 0.29238 -0.74761 -0.29883 -0.87323 0.28857 0.31643 0.10132 0.047243 +Sir -0.2818 -0.042892 -0.25134 -0.79051 -0.23331 -0.79677 -0.088692 0.45492 0.22139 0.49527 +Western -1.1211 -0.41329 0.76431 -0.81795 -0.15319 -0.78374 -0.080945 1.1858 -0.032108 -0.72178 +Warne -0.8204 0.046468 0.52015 -1.0056 -0.73185 -0.30246 0.50402 0.67523 -0.19012 -0.042959 +we've -0.45483 -0.56948 -0.25026 -1.0451 -0.23464 -0.86534 -0.16396 -0.26406 -0.0011327 0.58027 +returned -0.63799 0.32895 0.030209 -0.96407 -0.20555 -0.81053 0.42153 0.6279 0.33484 -0.17234 +house -0.75742 -0.18589 -0.063027 -0.65061 0.053913 -0.97163 -0.18382 0.65974 0.50103 0.095274 +figures -0.55919 -0.82169 0.3812 -0.51933 -0.40181 -0.52769 -0.4942 0.37331 -0.37199 0.86916 +soon -0.68944 -0.36126 0.43756 -0.50434 0.19468 -1.066 -0.096877 0.50939 0.15549 0.38802 +Opposition -0.68182 -0.58414 -0.10144 -0.48169 0.67173 -1.4955 -0.058017 0.25077 0.45792 0.33038 +Energy -0.51101 -0.76475 0.26603 -0.85319 -0.10383 -0.83002 0.23561 0.42705 -0.25398 0.21571 +appeared -0.61028 -0.03067 0.28831 -0.59617 -0.058189 -0.8806 -0.15989 0.93 0.14286 0.012014 +"What -0.63566 -0.48789 -0.36567 -0.89496 0.01277 -1.1355 0.1956 0.59737 0.38119 -0.22313 +parts -0.4181 -0.42879 0.42001 -0.54119 -0.19117 -0.77028 -0.021683 0.83512 0.037915 0.38572 +point -0.13348 -0.39979 0.14534 -0.3982 0.3011 -1.1175 -0.29728 0.33407 -0.32319 0.94751 +weeks -0.84809 -0.45623 -0.041873 -0.85808 -0.10018 -0.71545 0.0025992 0.71341 0.21958 -0.15969 +step -0.58851 -0.59193 0.11097 -0.78502 0.14629 -1.0043 -0.071049 0.20353 -0.086852 0.035588 +Hicks -1.008 -0.78799 0.23697 -0.77425 0.41271 -1.2016 0.061533 0.56126 0.51794 -0.24989 +ended -1.1579 -0.039716 0.0906 -0.86655 0.39578 -1.1457 0.5094 1.0451 0.65093 -0.66114 +big -0.59189 0.57667 0.078373 -1.3641 -1.1388 -0.1522 0.82477 0.56943 0.13043 -0.20908 +run -0.65302 0.048723 -0.048766 -0.2368 -0.22685 -0.78076 -0.13169 1.8847 0.14833 0.10582 +Robert -0.73878 -0.3162 0.29343 -0.63828 0.15176 -0.95327 -0.27134 0.739 0.30262 0.011605 +rather -0.54199 -0.50404 0.23971 -0.57695 -0.020117 -1.1834 -0.48607 0.18258 -0.071732 0.14712 +dispute -0.59891 -0.24139 -0.24634 -0.87716 0.13293 -1.1338 0.13062 0.67144 0.47887 -0.097124 +thousands -0.59459 -0.19276 0.095834 -0.78413 -0.26062 -0.63415 0.10253 1.1021 0.14309 0.12273 +countries -0.7035 -0.73832 0.16302 -0.56778 -0.0041519 -0.96993 -0.20448 0.66241 0.11783 0.025651 +Reserve -0.56001 0.17638 0.17915 -0.52764 -0.028521 -0.7938 0.031212 1.4017 0.26553 0.16119 +biggest -0.4895 0.47039 0.26572 -0.62941 0.045512 -1.0264 -0.068533 1.2436 0.42199 -0.024493 +can't -0.338 -0.35183 -0.067394 -0.98388 -0.30783 -0.83769 0.14455 0.15661 -0.17154 0.34419 +region -0.97407 -0.90859 0.33715 -0.40272 0.53378 -0.96694 -0.11612 0.73441 0.12955 0.11801 +issues -0.24368 -0.54375 0.16034 -0.32911 -0.11935 -1.0704 -0.25339 0.69831 0.026616 0.65188 +beyond -0.73044 -0.88384 0.26236 -0.62942 -0.30949 -0.86829 -0.26779 0.25646 -0.1347 0.26453 +huge 0.06198 -0.13064 0.065147 -0.53906 -0.57058 -0.70575 0.3814 0.76288 -0.33079 0.74003 +them. -0.94097 -0.094915 0.28448 -1.1193 0.026324 -0.51727 -0.10673 0.24991 0.0022696 0.10268 +break -0.23897 -0.067875 0.011817 -0.64121 0.028014 -0.99103 -0.099606 0.66141 0.071476 0.42956 +ensure -0.6047 -0.20732 0.042373 -0.73671 -0.28409 -0.77458 -0.069325 0.3468 0.043935 0.33353 +ground -0.80755 -0.32779 0.33002 -0.69762 -0.43295 -0.4713 -0.28624 0.62903 0.1329 0.032685 +tourists -0.17656 0.29377 -0.14154 -0.69722 -0.14515 -1.1009 0.59738 0.76324 -0.22988 0.32268 +shortly -0.62093 -0.15104 0.19878 -0.69804 -0.48306 -0.74067 0.21036 0.74156 0.11879 0.024688 +something -0.38528 -0.42772 0.14768 -0.71707 0.069271 -0.84547 -0.13426 0.23577 -0.33418 0.66602 +terms -0.69637 -0.39751 0.11108 -0.8003 -0.023361 -0.8553 -9.8948e-05 0.24245 0.21503 0.36034 +top -0.22192 0.11829 -0.68747 -0.97791 -0.13539 -1.2222 0.97374 -0.1614 0.047215 0.25792 +safety -0.020855 0.076224 -0.17182 -0.40668 0.015779 -1.315 -0.17682 0.63457 0.31241 0.54103 +whose -0.34997 -0.13762 -0.03016 -0.27788 0.13221 -1.0828 -0.38876 0.91586 0.080737 0.57371 +order -0.99582 -0.40618 -0.19792 -0.93127 0.41348 -1.1497 0.43603 0.44781 1.0437 -0.1839 +21 -0.085056 -0.010679 -0.66043 -0.12693 0.88982 -1.8694 -0.17931 0.93158 0.82015 0.72476 +seven -0.39829 -0.30661 0.024808 -0.96479 0.078221 -0.7738 0.27888 0.26596 0.56182 0.38215 +worst 0.097278 -0.1606 0.18995 -0.33069 -0.70953 -0.67656 -0.14719 0.79014 -0.37031 1.0207 +200 0.13733 -0.25174 0.046987 -0.46316 -0.35212 -0.9502 -0.25985 0.29188 -0.19106 1.2458 +changes -0.464 -0.92606 0.28507 -0.20014 -0.18717 -1.0733 -0.53631 0.26224 -0.2315 0.67833 +Mountains -1.1534 -0.87889 0.60924 -0.74831 -0.28202 -0.61248 -0.073345 0.92031 0.056135 -0.40218 +1,000 -0.70838 -0.16288 0.22058 -1.0484 -0.26202 -0.33055 0.088492 0.74536 0.038542 -0.084748 +attempt -0.47822 -0.29838 0.10106 -0.74016 -0.071863 -0.84449 0.040019 0.84332 0.44023 0.076961 +wave -0.31156 -0.40856 -0.1572 -0.91966 -0.44857 -0.57926 -0.084495 0.36998 0.19239 0.47009 +She -0.066616 -0.44437 -0.31106 -0.26105 -0.13449 -1.7476 0.11305 0.23768 0.118 0.50219 +heavy -0.80547 -0.48956 0.031545 -0.63491 0.082504 -0.88523 -0.12775 0.91095 0.32216 -0.043405 +banks -0.75618 0.050185 0.33442 -0.61108 0.20314 -0.75549 -0.25918 1.1274 0.46881 0.14693 +struck -0.75841 -0.23175 0.24316 -0.3551 0.12774 -0.99184 -0.4644 1.067 0.032251 0.19559 +bill -0.42771 -0.66555 0.51912 -0.48359 0.23558 -1.2363 0.23742 0.4015 0.26831 0.18626 +massive -0.25911 -0.015492 -0.21298 -0.77438 0.2289 -1.0731 0.19715 0.69782 0.48804 0.40765 +foreign -0.70887 -0.58564 -0.29247 -0.69577 0.45106 -1.195 -0.29085 0.53493 0.73745 0.080734 +Monday -0.37898 -0.65809 0.46204 -0.35015 -0.35338 -0.77362 -0.17567 0.72848 -0.26669 0.52181 +residents -0.32668 -0.43874 -0.0034263 -0.37418 -0.12082 -0.87914 -0.03663 0.9527 -0.11188 0.50569 +Detention -0.18533 -0.46977 0.19719 -0.02305 0.41507 -1.3237 -0.55928 0.94326 0.17478 1.1073 +protect -0.4054 -0.31342 -0.13167 -0.5065 0.20664 -1.1117 -0.38422 0.39597 0.12142 0.75343 +crash -0.43912 -0.83338 0.44986 -0.37469 -0.13555 -0.96428 -0.072978 0.84174 0.066295 0.41483 +Kabul -0.58617 -0.80919 0.41939 -0.44002 -0.19332 -0.85898 -0.33533 0.61829 0.095236 0.23391 +Jacques -0.55652 -0.025243 0.40859 -1.0688 -0.68406 -0.27788 0.14071 0.41066 -0.31233 0.30749 +gunmen -0.42305 0.2533 -0.067615 -0.9149 -0.056029 -0.80871 0.16317 0.82007 0.27642 0.15398 +River -0.20776 -0.2088 0.041719 -0.42161 0.20322 -1.4237 -0.1165 0.4631 0.20152 0.32105 +denied -1.0211 0.045528 -0.092533 -0.85357 0.28892 -1.114 0.1001 1.0739 0.57715 -0.56136 +Governor-General -0.46408 -0.72263 0.02539 -0.453 0.27556 -1.4485 -0.13389 0.44509 0.38845 0.27621 +act -1.0618 -0.37881 -0.43374 -0.95567 0.41286 -1.2818 -0.10137 0.25008 0.48717 -0.14108 +Safety -0.093932 0.19858 -0.044445 -0.28696 -0.1363 -1.0126 -0.61601 1.1923 0.31764 0.88742 +he's -0.82517 -1.1886 0.07422 -0.91241 0.12824 -1.1745 0.31281 -0.50042 -0.01525 0.20672 +general -0.40336 -0.72439 -0.048035 -0.46019 0.5306 -1.4201 0.042846 0.60021 0.2843 0.41215 +inside -0.49403 -0.79284 0.063585 -0.30458 -0.062748 -1.1448 -0.029052 0.92042 -0.3259 -0.030701 +"In 0.14206 -0.43767 0.034311 -0.6622 -0.63578 -0.94617 0.42705 0.03036 -0.53372 0.95958 +feel -0.29763 -0.44583 0.23282 -1.2493 -0.33286 -0.45005 -0.11678 -0.47531 -0.014831 1.0629 +beginning -0.4212 -0.40751 -0.066802 -0.76597 -0.44687 -0.73864 0.49814 0.94655 -0.3882 -0.14223 +it, -0.024066 -0.19552 0.50007 -0.88673 -0.99405 -0.42001 -0.17266 -0.39151 -0.92561 1.4205 +Israel, -0.93439 0.75104 -0.72085 -1.4172 0.36152 -1.1572 0.46734 0.98297 1.1163 -0.32339 +Pakistani -1.218 -1.1175 0.26884 -0.89158 0.14393 -1.0494 0.21505 0.7121 0.86927 -0.61649 +decide -0.41546 -0.17611 -0.29655 -0.54214 -0.028688 -1.1172 0.014871 0.95152 0.2911 0.14778 +though -0.93542 -0.33324 0.50572 -1.2183 -0.36425 -0.30462 0.34921 0.33671 -0.020203 -0.093799 +Russian -0.536 -0.21008 0.078891 -0.77835 -0.16967 -1.0774 0.47069 0.73348 0.12161 -0.26857 +trees -0.21715 -0.43411 0.03368 -0.18297 -0.16524 -0.96944 -0.84429 0.92978 0.085199 1.037 +giving -0.56052 -0.13006 -0.20955 -0.7351 -0.30251 -0.76578 0.40107 1.0384 -0.56272 -0.082276 +attacks. -0.89721 0.28248 0.13426 -1.1526 -0.27305 -0.70616 0.75297 1.2295 0.59735 -0.68085 +commanders -0.9914 -0.91766 0.4645 -0.84902 0.29949 -0.86211 0.1748 0.92809 0.058036 -0.37947 +president -0.71359 -0.21898 -0.17122 -0.66046 0.36689 -0.95473 0.071375 0.65674 0.48519 0.35551 +witnesses -0.61583 0.037384 0.16153 -0.70363 -0.20466 -0.76764 -0.1061 0.81297 0.1686 -0.028418 +"They -0.77747 -0.16617 -0.018243 -0.92284 -0.098622 -0.67925 -0.13312 0.70029 0.13582 -0.0085825 +fact -0.94488 -0.74141 0.23873 -0.79808 0.047018 -0.88832 -0.097864 -0.14217 0.16036 0.28889 +longer -0.96503 -0.78697 0.49322 -0.59009 -0.11939 -1.0381 -0.30219 0.3724 0.15842 -0.069811 +Powell -0.86485 -0.29877 0.37512 -0.90921 -0.38405 -0.4983 0.25136 0.18479 -0.33423 0.1848 +collapse -0.20896 -0.053282 0.063361 -0.71259 0.029996 -0.94555 0.0047596 0.71257 0.062807 0.49244 +boy -0.61633 -0.78252 0.21414 -0.99675 -0.38976 -0.63158 -0.10533 0.28067 -0.0064795 -0.025882 +involved -0.39479 -0.37348 0.1915 -0.3786 0.24025 -1.2711 -0.33789 0.61373 0.23195 0.41561 +forward -0.37587 -0.73509 -0.039462 -0.72596 -0.16806 -1.0808 0.22238 -0.21078 -0.025025 0.66136 +militia -0.97298 -0.11183 -0.40936 -1.1902 0.2159 -1.0166 0.28851 0.93906 1.0437 -0.57611 +situation -0.3375 -0.49064 -0.037044 -0.16936 0.65051 -1.6674 -0.21963 0.91134 0.37382 0.41423 +ASIO -0.082901 -0.67106 0.19455 -0.29069 -0.038008 -1.2016 -0.68837 -0.034887 -0.05809 1.4267 +response -0.19858 -0.55104 -0.20229 -0.48978 -0.028931 -1.0657 -0.21986 0.76817 0.17216 0.42049 +As -0.29886 -0.57086 0.30199 -0.39279 -0.060578 -1.0807 0.035184 1.6119 -0.094083 -0.085308 +disease -0.4276 0.0023951 -0.045637 -0.67376 -0.29047 -0.95933 0.059656 0.92299 -0.017962 0.13596 +placed -0.17452 -0.19936 0.11971 -0.89642 -0.27132 -0.88739 0.28465 0.055566 -0.10173 0.55601 +chance -0.43666 -0.9081 0.74033 -0.70909 -0.068279 -0.97664 0.096723 -0.18922 -0.11563 0.61212 +address -0.0014757 -0.2482 -0.15443 -0.67262 -0.10827 -1.1118 -0.0025285 0.22444 -0.048841 0.71111 +States. -0.66495 0.10725 0.14708 -0.80425 0.11089 -0.81733 0.29644 1.0831 0.035881 -0.24435 +party -0.55945 -0.65679 0.28802 -0.56679 -0.27724 -0.91479 -0.15573 -0.080868 0.079512 0.62018 +entered -0.68046 -0.32644 0.42126 -0.54045 -0.028012 -0.79632 -0.11086 0.67714 0.2096 0.26185 +Day -0.43094 -0.35968 -0.24926 -0.93562 -0.47959 -0.73882 0.59543 1.085 -0.049284 -0.28497 +short -0.58075 -0.33006 0.26391 -0.698 -0.42761 -0.82832 0.27318 0.42617 0.15037 0.076953 +Boxing -0.21172 -0.041874 -0.43404 -0.90109 -0.74459 -0.70522 0.98486 0.78903 -0.93986 0.28104 +Martin 0.16203 -0.036766 -0.37672 -0.5617 -0.19854 -1.2821 0.46765 0.27576 -0.019471 0.76655 +Donald -0.65274 -0.30043 0.058702 -0.60881 0.15198 -1.1795 -0.11918 0.1998 0.32073 0.29433 +Local -0.75608 -0.72725 -0.18894 -0.73266 0.27862 -1.3321 0.31177 0.061204 0.47287 -0.14434 +followed -0.32729 0.28894 -0.022603 -0.40436 -0.28682 -1.003 0.10582 1.2692 0.30297 0.19204 +warned -0.59806 -0.43205 0.28192 -0.86793 -0.15083 -0.67185 0.27903 0.38526 0.025258 -0.050058 +48 -1.3065 -1.4274 0.35336 -0.8817 0.0096189 -0.55586 0.16857 -0.11523 0.16306 -0.056604 +serious -0.71516 0.31911 -0.059803 -0.88491 0.41232 -1.0312 0.015585 0.94179 0.54708 -0.23558 +inquiry -0.58137 -0.27905 0.070826 -0.71423 0.23915 -1.0531 0.082007 0.73688 0.39584 0.18489 +sort -0.26256 -0.19543 0.18875 -0.84972 -0.21725 -0.71703 -0.21658 0.17491 -0.29592 0.7186 +prevent -0.20505 -0.32602 -0.16733 -0.50173 0.15263 -0.9455 -0.1129 0.41438 0.48461 1.071 +strike -0.66709 -0.30778 0.073121 -0.70164 0.25997 -0.85821 -0.19573 1.0138 0.34589 0.19096 +Anglican 0.054656 -1.0331 -0.0059116 -0.053058 -0.13348 -1.5993 -0.050093 0.57017 -0.38288 0.7314 +cancer -0.19992 -0.53237 0.019491 -0.42635 0.037758 -1.311 -0.3106 0.90962 0.040219 0.21367 +bring -0.18233 -0.10073 -0.43261 -0.48982 0.066788 -1.051 0.11163 0.87998 -0.20854 0.45659 +available -0.52407 0.13102 0.13111 -0.91465 -0.12903 -0.87427 0.23112 0.47517 0.095475 0.091368 +morning, 0.14801 -0.13532 0.18026 -0.35887 -0.42701 -0.88808 -0.41629 1.1517 -0.58072 0.59559 +Brett -0.33376 -0.36176 0.25144 -1.054 -0.2577 -0.8434 1.0467 0.75495 0.29776 -0.19761 +money -0.09201 -0.62016 0.27955 -0.39116 -0.18889 -0.89995 -0.82398 0.22088 -0.28864 1.1107 +Muslim -0.46085 -0.57349 0.22932 -0.38681 0.079687 -1.1082 -0.097108 0.65399 0.14412 0.27875 +mountains -1.0891 -0.84141 0.55001 -0.83106 -0.23461 -0.51527 -0.093006 0.98443 -0.0089239 -0.43523 +main 0.22113 -0.83266 0.10521 -0.12618 -0.19237 -1.2647 -0.33507 0.44239 -0.32171 1.1611 +overnight. -0.53628 -0.59264 0.57361 0.079302 -0.41328 -0.86297 -0.83981 1.5716 0.13146 0.5897 +border -1.0745 -0.80688 0.094161 -0.84945 0.28023 -1.0358 0.35539 0.756 0.65898 -0.55052 +current -0.34056 -0.29671 -0.028539 -0.42503 -0.030829 -0.95851 -0.24346 0.40756 -0.052589 0.93051 +AFP -0.96629 -0.23299 -0.18841 -1.3291 -0.14243 -0.79105 0.5924 0.22969 0.70363 -0.5799 +Daryl -0.56327 -0.49327 -0.043204 -0.89886 0.23492 -1.0182 0.42749 0.38291 0.43357 0.07015 +level -0.63115 -0.19731 0.20887 -0.76827 -0.045536 -1.0081 0.091203 1.0142 0.32456 -0.19721 +never -0.48897 -0.043838 0.015599 -0.97358 -0.3497 -0.98028 0.66209 0.046729 0.13706 -0.0079755 +cannot -0.59905 -0.57081 0.19503 -0.77679 -0.2478 -0.7807 -0.059398 0.35563 -0.049662 0.21827 +royal -0.45409 -0.96683 0.27389 -0.53659 0.39614 -1.3393 0.18308 0.47539 0.20399 0.1335 +calling -0.47807 -0.52471 -0.55177 -0.65506 0.11565 -1.1299 0.42493 0.76564 0.21525 0.040629 +Anthony -0.64931 0.026489 0.033161 -0.81541 0.43626 -1.1604 0.59253 0.51899 0.34883 0.14871 +lives -1.0007 -0.43611 0.27161 -0.72437 0.070933 -0.93666 -0.22224 0.8181 0.37997 -0.2095 +according -0.61513 -0.70434 -0.038144 -0.55538 0.085711 -1.0958 0.092172 0.73041 0.10862 -0.052779 +Geoff -0.4455 -0.83383 -0.0010065 -0.45873 0.37007 -1.0799 -0.8611 0.030447 0.23448 0.94561 +state's -0.6466 -0.47969 0.15904 -0.56322 -0.28015 -0.81131 -0.44785 0.93537 0.14372 0.083674 +"This -0.31861 -0.070662 -0.33344 -0.75423 0.047923 -1.231 0.1555 0.25614 0.079381 0.38957 +movement -0.68234 -0.0058577 -0.42516 -0.70921 0.41102 -1.0052 -0.26123 0.90005 1.1233 0.39109 +Justice 0.22145 -0.046057 -0.3873 -0.54528 0.11145 -1.4528 0.0022886 0.28234 0.15543 0.90186 +Vaughan -0.45571 -0.34748 0.43919 -0.61248 -0.23755 -0.84024 0.32034 0.9344 -0.065779 0.045147 +deadly -0.92643 0.38534 -0.14636 -1.3457 0.13863 -0.53906 0.20089 0.75679 0.79325 -0.15513 +ruled -0.24084 -0.22829 0.024232 -0.18049 -0.10174 -1.1659 -0.14475 1.3568 0.36087 0.386 +fast -0.25826 -0.27597 0.32058 -0.92486 -0.49563 -0.52719 0.42289 0.69926 -0.21873 0.32969 +led -1.0457 -0.71829 0.62081 -0.4528 -0.012406 -1.0829 -0.1586 0.92367 0.277 -0.50027 +insurance -0.17065 -0.49295 0.31402 -0.30209 0.27829 -1.2379 -0.094054 0.77571 0.21631 0.59419 +burning -0.059832 -0.742 0.27194 -0.1307 -0.36454 -1.1497 -0.41148 0.92573 -0.78046 0.52795 +fired -0.69486 0.040284 0.36622 -0.44326 -0.5774 -0.68291 -0.75575 1.0486 -0.039971 0.079566 +anything -0.4306 -0.45034 -0.36616 -0.93137 0.24657 -1.0363 0.077518 0.037307 -0.036428 0.42709 +study -0.54841 0.18277 0.14457 -0.65779 -0.24644 -0.65135 -0.091736 0.51482 0.022659 0.38374 +"These -0.55263 -0.56792 -0.02625 -0.86976 0.12231 -1.0129 -0.14027 0.054992 0.12695 0.36782 +trip -1.1363 0.15488 -0.10571 -0.78124 0.54151 -1.2883 -0.058228 1.5792 1.0205 -0.92743 +Workers -0.31711 -1.1872 -0.20573 -0.25898 0.45861 -1.3987 -0.066375 0.89995 0.46048 0.51971 +speaking -0.67576 -0.78225 -0.17374 -0.53167 0.21999 -1.1365 0.48679 0.6051 0.10733 0.014648 +White -1.0691 -0.71576 0.18601 -0.66263 0.18797 -0.93076 0.030931 1.0591 0.3468 -0.39768 +cent. -0.38842 -0.38395 0.48194 -0.1118 -0.2842 -0.8129 -0.37809 0.65673 -0.034025 1.1807 +difficult -0.56592 -0.38875 0.20392 -0.79458 -0.22895 -0.80898 -0.064906 0.1169 0.095482 0.40942 +rule -0.29437 -0.4349 0.14987 -0.057217 0.22377 -1.3794 -0.13889 1.4322 0.38186 0.25243 +Allan -0.47308 -0.21368 -0.072363 -0.98678 -0.31049 -0.93589 0.81075 0.55897 0.18562 -0.03318 +costs -0.64242 -0.060676 0.079552 -0.76381 0.22622 -0.90742 -0.10995 1.1008 0.37748 0.29005 +yesterday. 0.03423 -0.23344 0.26804 -0.30525 0.097846 -1.3262 -0.48147 0.97843 -0.15244 0.48416 +fighter -0.75659 -0.97552 0.34947 -0.60984 -0.6389 -0.50048 -0.36047 1.0879 -0.14099 -0.18508 +member -0.52666 0.27822 -0.019485 -0.62276 0.10908 -0.96039 0.33368 0.97859 0.57237 0.10144 +case -0.51205 0.195 -0.060801 -0.89321 -0.14657 -0.84095 0.14524 0.40001 0.22466 0.18709 +tanks -0.95401 0.085001 0.17345 -0.67773 0.20026 -0.65944 -0.37138 1.0175 0.7128 0.10698 +"You -0.16206 -0.00056435 -0.081943 -1.0188 -0.59424 -0.70124 0.12138 -0.4033 -0.6527 1.0768 +If -0.28207 0.1919 -0.34916 -1.0601 -0.18642 -0.81348 0.18053 -0.025946 0.23304 0.35833 +accept -0.23733 -0.40864 -0.064546 -0.5112 0.22181 -1.1557 -0.13447 0.61398 0.25163 0.45604 +week. -0.64909 -0.30361 0.096381 -0.69397 -0.14986 -0.73241 -0.14011 0.69815 0.29607 0.23642 +yacht -0.058818 -0.33121 0.26527 -0.32216 -0.25582 -1.0478 -0.22141 1.4873 -0.18601 0.17528 +receiving -0.67558 -0.35521 -0.097124 -0.47067 0.22287 -1.09 -0.095484 0.99088 0.1136 0.11381 +complex -0.77305 -0.39732 0.29186 -0.53716 0.28691 -0.83655 -0.30644 0.99067 0.28981 0.13298 +bomb -1.0665 -0.0030874 -0.077976 -1.2056 0.1396 -0.68699 0.22538 1.1693 0.56946 -0.80553 +Islands -0.67129 0.085485 0.24231 -0.82182 -0.26395 -0.62288 0.011155 1.2019 0.13598 -0.18813 +nine -0.68703 0.067762 0.26018 -0.62093 -0.40544 -0.56954 0.023432 1.5445 0.14896 -0.081614 +companies -0.44762 -0.33386 0.16977 -0.42543 0.29643 -1.0604 -0.35753 0.89526 0.17445 0.41111 +Rafter -0.085078 -0.50727 0.089136 -0.64779 -0.61235 -1.1055 0.041548 0.15516 -0.16986 0.5649 +front -0.38352 -0.40941 0.070501 -0.53376 -0.13149 -0.79345 -0.36936 0.44023 -0.022469 0.7336 +population -0.3208 -0.41263 0.076773 -0.18204 0.60486 -1.6229 -0.17057 0.86279 0.19409 0.47944 +confident -0.55883 -0.38904 0.1976 -0.49928 0.020843 -0.78832 -0.32809 0.67949 0.10776 0.53149 +industry. 0.0092273 -0.37565 -0.20037 -0.46483 0.31335 -1.4774 -0.096699 0.73231 0.21874 0.52656 +tour -0.43954 -0.19026 -0.11173 -0.83247 -0.33728 -0.96407 0.11174 0.34995 -0.56476 0.18356 +Suharto -0.87874 0.12042 -0.15994 -0.80527 0.14874 -1.0192 0.0061843 0.65136 0.49705 0.042594 +tomorrow. -0.068397 -0.16142 -0.099732 -0.31752 0.027595 -1.181 -0.19693 1.0481 0.10702 0.6485 +Hobart -0.40508 -0.23509 0.36173 -0.62247 -0.81449 -0.57674 -0.092663 0.94042 -0.4049 0.19496 +yesterday, -0.23715 -0.072551 0.42636 -0.44529 -0.046663 -1.0071 -0.38182 1.0655 -0.12396 0.27852 +2,000 0.099853 0.044741 -0.11929 -0.7598 -0.33545 -0.78934 -0.056185 0.4076 -0.25193 0.87933 +wicket -0.079426 0.40289 0.35853 -0.96778 -1.0911 -0.35977 0.72483 0.88639 -0.68603 0.52199 +Reid -0.046752 -0.63395 -0.092827 -0.45231 -0.016952 -1.2688 0.15978 0.32874 0.078602 0.41831 +cabinet -0.72927 -0.24877 0.22627 -0.6884 -0.21956 -0.81994 0.47646 1.2002 0.34203 -0.2746 +provide -0.63287 -0.41829 0.24012 -0.70966 -0.2431 -0.75058 -0.32633 0.29332 -0.11356 0.38158 +Richard -0.37644 -0.60922 0.21232 -0.66811 -0.19052 -0.988 0.063575 0.34944 -0.31023 0.29261 +share -0.7711 -0.56008 0.53573 -0.49884 -0.19793 -0.73914 -0.57008 0.75933 -0.38981 0.23133 +Hewitt -0.30787 -0.29882 0.021498 -0.3843 -0.33191 -0.94711 -0.12048 0.77761 0.0069131 0.3869 +federal -0.4838 -0.42478 0.20567 -0.63983 0.040881 -0.98377 0.014822 0.62376 0.23546 0.31461 +ever -0.64672 -0.16055 0.14861 -0.8194 -0.28796 -0.86134 0.35801 0.36622 0.37592 -0.035676 +tribal -0.64211 -0.54691 0.17191 -0.56734 -0.0063289 -1.1274 0.23998 0.42009 0.1412 -0.16763 +country -0.77805 -0.92748 0.30379 -0.65351 -0.030827 -0.92047 -0.16022 0.26628 0.17352 0.12659 +changed -0.52327 -0.55094 0.19295 -0.55853 -0.20834 -0.97609 -0.3652 0.071883 0.029538 0.54407 +starting -0.46169 -0.50999 -0.058123 -0.73978 -0.016958 -0.91 0.24025 0.42762 -0.035204 0.28767 +5,000 -0.29395 0.068369 -0.18029 -0.63574 0.048494 -0.85869 -0.18597 0.97646 0.14903 0.35857 +stage -0.66806 -0.34818 -0.01396 -0.67032 -0.060946 -0.85306 -0.21959 0.65349 0.53493 0.26162 +survey -0.22242 -0.087934 0.38811 -0.26126 -0.58625 -0.75421 -0.13878 1.0151 -0.42212 0.45977 +absolutely -0.63469 -0.74938 0.087538 -0.81309 0.12101 -0.91824 -0.17939 0.051154 0.12888 0.43506 +small -0.71332 -0.46958 0.1701 -0.61473 -0.037699 -0.92908 -0.093239 0.51409 0.30154 0.27425 +offices -0.99956 0.070539 0.077916 -0.95078 -0.044151 -0.73524 0.14409 0.78637 0.55758 -0.35419 +global -0.44703 -0.59839 0.24321 -0.70627 0.22237 -1.1103 0.0017645 0.26625 0.29455 0.35686 +nearly -0.5257 -0.13128 0.42142 -0.77345 -0.49131 -0.5598 0.23629 0.78728 -0.1401 0.0033709 +French -0.91901 -0.14773 -0.21897 -1.0051 0.25846 -1.1588 0.66086 0.65286 0.63917 -0.58954 +ministers -0.97549 -0.63506 -0.055398 -0.82027 0.44184 -1.3243 0.13017 0.79134 0.6692 -0.40888 +secretary -0.64314 -0.35139 -0.14915 -0.72097 0.1525 -1.0265 0.12711 0.39252 0.32861 0.21684 +area. -0.57663 -0.8352 0.34768 -0.39441 -0.052231 -0.97518 -0.77588 0.92722 -0.43441 0.1048 +House -0.92075 -0.90767 0.18648 -0.456 0.22475 -1.156 -0.3757 0.55383 0.19389 0.20614 +proposals -0.2896 -1.2513 0.19899 -0.25546 0.25114 -1.3102 -0.57241 0.24839 0.18089 1.0164 +Steve -0.087794 -0.3733 -0.057198 -1.1987 -0.69229 -0.83323 1.2122 0.12809 -0.47218 0.22127 +powers -0.65772 -0.8354 0.31703 -0.4126 -0.2223 -0.83428 -0.61877 0.63718 -0.21321 0.413 +helicopter -0.63627 0.33169 -0.04124 -0.64942 -0.007792 -1.0096 -0.24097 1.1973 0.4376 -0.08689 +total -0.4352 -0.49007 0.17867 -0.30173 0.15963 -1.2734 -0.14197 0.70474 0.19506 0.31517 +well, -0.50813 0.20312 0.018288 -1.1888 -0.41429 -0.51521 0.28217 -0.27168 -0.099919 0.60281 +terror -0.94879 -0.25523 0.039908 -0.68023 0.23317 -0.94696 0.016717 0.64619 0.36467 0.10413 +list -0.69022 0.021708 -0.19053 -0.84109 0.027263 -0.77191 0.15256 0.71619 0.50055 0.15777 +wickets -0.39027 0.44605 0.44766 -1.1009 -1.0188 -0.2017 0.59159 0.95276 -0.61251 0.22399 +confidence -0.69457 -0.34047 0.15298 -0.96222 0.12703 -0.93435 -0.036093 0.38207 0.29469 -0.036755 +post -0.045679 -0.62986 -0.030791 -0.46173 -0.33766 -1.0991 -0.28709 0.80161 -0.32254 0.40907 +base -0.58016 -0.49237 0.30686 -0.32092 -0.012507 -0.85299 -0.52995 0.45617 0.0053144 0.64254 +commander -0.69177 -0.58551 0.20819 -0.72212 0.4732 -1.1835 0.24418 0.91314 0.19896 -0.27314 +increase -0.38979 -0.026867 0.23021 -0.19072 -0.0079615 -0.96927 -0.25431 1.0862 0.053428 0.60379 +moved -0.62325 -0.12637 -0.035697 -0.77188 0.099314 -1.0098 0.026153 0.90692 0.87822 -0.0056579 +Rural -0.26397 -0.40441 0.24293 -0.3083 -0.34759 -0.85743 -0.73475 0.2754 -0.60334 1.1969 +Highway -0.50854 -0.35244 0.32248 -0.60597 -0.52647 -0.8323 0.05358 0.56329 -0.12004 0.15013 +overall -0.37548 -0.58074 0.39297 -0.38239 -0.49669 -0.7306 -0.19826 0.64835 -0.1485 0.63353 +areas. -0.53282 -0.97826 0.68268 -0.35349 -0.043329 -0.89552 -0.68848 1.1655 -0.20518 0.15418 +airport -0.73792 -0.59203 0.39815 -0.47836 -0.21277 -0.8835 -0.36628 0.77606 -0.18391 0.22346 +him. 0.090288 -0.46353 -0.05657 -0.57333 0.092224 -1.231 0.24255 0.21846 -0.23232 0.5865 +Pacific -0.78524 -0.38348 0.19945 -0.70667 0.1526 -0.80599 0.12937 0.52258 0.3571 0.24161 +accident -0.37187 -0.23406 -0.049253 -0.25345 -0.055416 -0.96741 -0.16488 0.6578 -0.17606 0.78905 +coming -0.070611 -0.58318 -0.30004 -0.50957 0.31244 -1.3856 0.12634 0.43218 -0.056819 0.54713 +criticism -0.44423 -0.71442 0.15159 -0.52192 0.057248 -1.1272 -0.076981 0.51607 0.097529 0.17495 +fellow -0.65176 -0.27971 0.42349 -0.8394 -0.37984 -0.65908 0.45517 0.5082 0.027163 0.17688 +places -0.68642 -0.44241 0.20883 -0.92535 -0.38432 -0.64966 0.085694 0.27956 -0.10354 0.15155 +hearings -0.1915 0.24339 -0.085617 -0.71106 0.091059 -1.0513 0.17307 1.0069 0.11188 0.27261 +anti-Taliban -1.0447 -0.84226 0.27591 -0.86997 0.12948 -0.86219 0.33534 0.60414 0.34893 -0.25317 +tennis -0.60595 -0.20268 0.12342 -0.73031 -0.25719 -0.84503 -0.20902 0.4513 0.12055 0.23302 +car 0.10849 0.20337 0.0018021 -0.86136 -0.46389 -0.59082 0.20338 0.69156 -0.066353 0.49193 +force, -0.9936 -0.53781 0.049585 -0.60097 0.017685 -0.95836 -0.17046 1.0351 0.61785 -0.22209 +Simon 0.024231 0.11378 -0.33675 -0.41 0.16936 -1.2598 0.10345 0.25713 0.10542 1.092 +rights -0.45751 -0.69076 0.015417 -0.32252 -0.38762 -0.79263 -0.034619 1.4039 -0.011613 0.14712 +Perth. -0.44169 0.040914 0.28577 -0.71437 -0.61802 -0.51368 -0.17772 0.65362 -0.23293 0.46822 +India. -0.20225 -0.92663 -0.008708 -0.34339 0.017222 -1.2478 -0.046154 0.47811 0.065459 0.42233 +Tony -0.82862 -0.31718 0.085526 -0.65926 0.2121 -0.97746 0.27143 0.71986 0.56379 -0.15878 +hour -0.45488 0.057377 0.19187 -0.61432 -0.81711 -0.44354 -0.13434 0.87384 -0.42005 0.28991 +months. -0.45802 0.19037 0.12636 -0.88762 -0.11615 -0.48853 0.15943 1.1086 0.039966 0.31866 +management -0.46919 -0.5156 -0.2898 -0.54294 0.507 -1.2844 -0.29579 0.57462 0.75766 0.53533 +began -0.43988 -0.81965 0.20006 -0.58888 -0.10307 -1.1743 0.046398 0.44548 0.055165 0.11476 +threat -0.56857 -0.14488 0.047821 -0.90026 -0.21183 -0.76336 -0.058288 0.35999 0.13608 0.30395 +freeze -0.48188 -0.99623 -0.087136 -0.34492 0.19773 -1.1128 -0.2401 0.93702 0.70452 0.40433 +time, -0.47249 -0.29166 0.048025 -0.50322 0.10961 -1.0954 0.062447 0.83041 0.22984 0.15488 +significant -0.55159 -0.24458 0.041006 -0.75474 -0.051686 -0.85181 -0.2545 0.29067 0.11777 0.65681 +mean -0.3003 -0.80873 -0.21211 -0.6164 0.025246 -1.3568 0.23852 -0.026676 0.10032 0.4789 +damaged -0.094224 0.074958 0.25549 -0.27227 -0.29047 -0.92231 -0.50933 1.0131 0.008574 0.80034 +quickly -0.21029 -0.20662 -0.05791 -0.73478 -0.066713 -0.9085 -0.023358 0.31106 0.12451 0.61123 +control. -0.61809 -0.51828 0.41046 -0.55019 -0.29782 -0.68075 -0.46778 0.77951 -0.17226 0.24028 +storms -0.532 -0.84614 0.4456 -0.27544 -0.42596 -0.71124 -0.63012 0.67107 -0.14738 0.6868 +added. -0.52311 -0.41385 0.4767 -0.81253 -0.13042 -0.82314 0.26649 0.18023 0.064419 0.23956 +operating -0.62039 -0.17246 -0.32408 -0.63313 0.38281 -1.0842 0.14149 1.2927 0.35057 -0.13169 +whole -0.83238 -0.85254 0.046098 -0.58939 0.18799 -0.97853 0.082829 0.25208 -0.058176 0.14619 +terrorism -0.70902 -0.27466 0.1412 -0.48818 0.11603 -0.94872 -0.05075 0.78791 0.22088 0.32491 +severe -0.64832 -0.59695 0.35196 -0.64795 0.28263 -1.0193 -0.44414 0.51563 0.39933 0.36499 +started -0.57046 0.017562 0.40069 -0.72915 -0.45602 -0.44943 -0.109 0.34801 0.04172 0.40484 +saw -0.28168 -0.48379 -0.016247 -0.67513 -0.61188 -0.7441 -0.1406 -0.034318 -0.27839 0.82037 +school -0.35081 -0.80571 -0.22136 -0.40537 0.20339 -1.4607 -0.058057 0.54551 0.34207 0.34235 +strategic -0.82648 -0.028157 0.06908 -0.64402 0.33389 -1.076 -0.1246 1.2338 0.54717 -0.24592 +measures -0.58575 -0.87252 0.39032 -0.27369 -0.011235 -0.91156 -0.3873 0.80795 -0.042643 0.48501 +reach -0.049404 -0.64805 0.13466 -0.14793 0.17783 -1.2746 -0.17269 0.34518 -0.22757 1.0613 +didn't -0.67103 -0.50766 0.25298 -0.82553 -0.14948 -1.0409 0.32106 0.18912 0.0084828 -0.017925 +mission 0.071497 -0.70345 0.014609 -0.37367 0.84517 -1.7252 0.24837 0.68217 0.22479 0.35596 +carry -0.31398 -0.37039 -0.016617 -0.92578 -0.39248 -0.64707 0.14221 0.45776 0.055705 0.30562 +airline's -0.19533 -0.90773 -0.060751 -0.15316 0.2498 -1.4539 -0.46062 0.79351 0.16728 0.53522 +operation -0.60703 -0.22839 -0.17784 -0.24725 0.90159 -1.6031 -0.36505 1.1636 0.65905 0.35462 +Sharon's -0.53162 0.014101 -0.35147 -1.0874 0.12388 -1.2784 0.64493 0.58941 0.53854 -0.16049 +market 0.014857 -0.15902 -0.13229 -0.5336 -0.13428 -1.0347 0.21877 0.36541 -0.089388 0.78297 +Jason -0.37182 0.10945 0.14441 -0.78079 -0.36935 -0.6016 0.25734 0.49608 0.0017925 0.75263 +I've -0.30291 -0.28994 -0.060411 -0.78662 -0.42569 -0.70765 -0.074235 0.63184 -0.042167 0.22129 +suspended -1.0026 -0.22211 0.24609 -0.90261 0.0048028 -0.91969 0.30061 0.83167 0.50003 -0.47204 +everything -0.25028 -0.47456 -0.23525 -0.79683 0.13395 -1.0971 0.048917 0.0075893 0.11786 0.63535 +Laden, -2.0189 -1.4431 0.95401 -0.90579 0.043261 -0.57266 0.10554 0.37008 0.1899 -0.55675 +winning -0.22717 0.11865 -0.16047 -0.82654 -0.92389 -0.63676 0.45987 0.94152 -0.75564 0.11819 +space -0.34117 -0.081156 0.077317 -1.0006 -0.111 -1.078 0.88261 0.52974 0.27809 -0.12185 +fell -0.82764 -0.01633 0.53834 -1.0465 -0.70195 -0.34097 0.44582 0.46338 -0.40653 0.11575 +Bank, -0.92318 0.31172 0.11852 -0.66204 0.23116 -1.0075 -0.43549 1.4725 0.52893 -0.30507 +Endeavour -0.35022 -0.19489 -0.15907 -0.67883 0.069576 -1.0339 0.17495 0.5124 0.25385 0.26299 +circumstances -0.63659 -0.77506 0.50847 -0.77507 -0.48278 -0.51886 -0.37034 0.2151 -0.33686 0.46979 +women -0.41519 0.3101 0.062625 -0.69796 -0.39412 -0.40408 -0.40204 0.91959 0.29827 0.76272 +Space -0.36815 0.053405 0.0049708 -0.92795 0.15598 -1.2032 0.70822 0.70597 0.73626 -0.3846 +rest 0.12569 0.007577 -0.076527 -0.20381 0.64936 -1.5388 -0.91919 0.91707 0.32751 1.1623 +signed -0.96387 -0.081043 0.0034198 -1.0349 -0.29718 -0.68574 0.00909 0.56496 0.4217 -0.42813 +determined -0.64706 -0.25423 -0.064491 -0.80086 0.14346 -0.99161 0.12541 0.2512 0.56625 0.20427 +Karzai -0.72123 -0.2772 0.20905 -0.81888 -0.17096 -0.75632 0.0098678 0.60211 0.31517 -0.015153 +hold -0.59103 -0.44318 -0.0050158 -0.82577 -0.25827 -1.0626 0.23677 0.19424 0.37847 0.034034 +direct -0.62746 -0.34733 -0.18579 -0.38774 0.031056 -1.0797 -0.27652 0.91126 -0.036062 0.11494 +it," -0.46761 -0.42181 0.31999 -0.88379 -0.44736 -0.57843 -0.335 0.29087 -0.090401 0.66595 +virus -0.011833 -0.33261 -0.22016 -0.67826 0.073888 -1.3179 -0.028812 0.066587 0.060203 0.73371 +Government's -0.64365 -0.69156 -0.01344 -0.52642 0.31353 -1.2485 -0.25567 0.44267 0.75013 0.3708 +helped -0.76533 -0.26777 0.085232 -0.85387 -0.041315 -0.9229 0.077506 0.7279 0.51754 -0.1246 +supporters -1.1275 -0.74841 0.27525 -0.7266 -0.076467 -0.67022 -0.07258 0.64936 0.36579 -0.12049 +accompanied -0.53001 -0.2118 0.080359 -0.42892 0.15929 -1.1423 -0.20323 1.0423 0.15478 0.19471 +January -0.77084 -0.35404 0.13029 -0.75162 -0.066724 -1.0254 0.53864 0.42281 0.35142 -0.035159 +visit -0.48306 0.48081 -0.54642 -0.99691 0.010707 -1.1414 0.74391 0.62371 0.52254 -0.10104 +1 0.31364 0.20389 0.1891 -0.66934 -0.75624 -0.5258 -0.22889 -0.097151 -0.89492 1.441 +Nauru -0.62715 -0.41992 0.16266 -0.82644 -0.064693 -0.66008 -0.15441 0.46601 0.011817 0.44005 +sides -0.70933 0.038328 -0.31631 -1.0552 -0.38515 -0.69901 0.42149 0.28662 -0.27183 -0.060353 +action, -0.58776 -0.90436 -0.015166 -0.4714 0.60551 -1.4488 -0.33701 0.54899 0.20799 0.42119 +Force -0.58028 -0.76573 -0.0053039 -0.59907 0.042376 -0.98862 -0.18442 0.18645 0.21599 0.37962 +include -0.43256 -0.021475 -0.039113 -0.80862 0.021439 -0.8531 0.22017 0.52417 -0.034382 0.2528 +provisional -0.33433 0.095587 -0.020071 -0.64742 0.35659 -1.2648 0.16171 0.56008 0.29448 0.35044 +wake -0.20529 0.11256 -0.16756 -0.93043 -0.38338 -0.67206 0.14805 0.57623 0.093946 0.43002 +W -0.64892 0.67119 -0.83601 -0.55081 0.28799 -1.3696 -0.42114 1.0254 0.52088 0.38301 +Ruddock -0.3885 -0.36914 0.21194 -0.29507 0.14895 -1.3583 -0.036847 1.1654 0.31113 0.03606 +rise -0.077866 -0.22049 0.22011 -0.47346 -0.30512 -0.95906 -0.057872 0.37387 -0.19434 0.70503 +charge -0.86248 -0.051487 0.048603 -0.64312 -0.00010967 -0.86583 -0.11844 0.75634 0.11575 0.073119 +sea -0.7474 -1.0115 0.60371 -0.35888 0.43891 -1.5558 -0.43485 0.21859 0.12402 -0.18674 +potential -0.42596 -0.3534 0.23037 -0.40394 -0.014354 -0.95996 -0.10039 0.90199 0.032214 0.56359 +above -0.53287 -0.28928 0.4774 -0.56148 -0.23827 -0.58381 0.065599 1.079 0.18444 0.44148 +fleeing -0.84926 -0.76438 -0.11185 -0.57513 0.29073 -1.1069 0.1947 0.92829 0.17003 -0.2704 +Europe -0.38223 -0.34957 -0.045988 -0.57922 -0.2931 -0.78356 -0.14583 0.2477 -0.087893 0.6427 +lower -0.5335 -0.3231 -0.06268 -0.53007 -0.28725 -1.232 -0.12202 0.42683 0.15183 0.28252 +minister -0.43709 -0.27269 -0.38187 -0.76738 0.46035 -1.6554 0.42401 0.62687 0.58361 -0.23962 +heart -0.39326 -0.12832 0.15468 -0.6608 -0.32367 -0.77607 -0.15168 0.63694 -0.18139 0.44495 +finished -0.67038 -0.048662 0.13816 -0.77501 -0.19421 -0.84423 0.024174 0.57359 0.30737 0.18812 +closed -0.57287 0.44651 -0.13124 -0.46533 0.026976 -1.0935 0.067834 1.4666 0.56178 -0.029738 +negotiating -0.35012 -0.3543 -0.43022 -0.65378 0.15563 -1.1104 -0.18287 0.95027 0.30599 0.21201 +seeking -0.57404 -0.71375 -0.14434 -0.72882 0.30653 -1.0936 0.1671 0.32702 0.030399 0.36929 +Ian -0.71635 -0.00012376 -0.30962 -0.53138 -0.092568 -1.0933 0.25445 1.1689 0.71892 -0.322 +wanted -0.3812 -0.48911 -0.15324 -0.70435 0.0031387 -1.034 -0.19402 0.4969 0.36911 0.2919 +Another -0.46125 -0.30933 0.2413 -0.56648 -0.0066463 -1.0208 -0.68572 0.48353 0.089791 0.26648 +disappointed -0.6308 -0.21818 0.29523 -0.90658 -0.18866 -0.81609 0.31732 0.20668 -0.01522 0.079493 +5 0.28596 0.13213 -0.14674 0.041771 0.037901 -1.5466 -0.2494 2.1441 0.66849 0.74964 +nothing -0.44537 -0.55143 -0.016104 -0.87902 -0.018592 -0.71993 -0.28876 -0.092611 -0.33466 0.71615 +treated -0.19926 -0.24637 0.26896 -0.36527 -0.132 -1.0979 -0.35369 0.91874 -0.04298 0.44127 +Ray -0.47985 0.027893 -0.031246 -0.7674 -0.66834 -0.54961 0.16224 0.91793 0.18617 0.28825 +lung -0.13655 -0.44101 0.017293 -0.24522 -0.020652 -1.3438 0.19129 0.77734 -0.20121 0.43231 +Road -0.36045 -0.26081 0.44093 -0.26733 -0.4269 -0.89217 0.18327 1.2424 -0.45225 0.1973 +peacekeepers -0.66704 -0.55365 0.084093 -0.76411 0.07875 -0.92513 0.007571 0.46764 0.24738 0.19243 +vote -0.73101 -0.64108 0.032707 -1.2421 0.050521 -0.66151 0.57037 0.3481 0.1824 -0.099611 +alongside -0.80104 -0.80064 0.46745 -0.74698 -0.4722 -0.67648 0.31485 0.44351 -0.35667 -0.11661 +Pakistan's -1.3822 -1.1527 0.26042 -0.86319 0.2256 -1.0178 0.13173 0.74979 1.0165 -0.6863 +avoid -0.013573 -0.37028 0.25264 -0.64767 -0.049667 -1.1845 0.28655 0.22802 -0.074031 0.52047 +claim -0.44135 -0.33281 0.051364 -0.31953 -0.14257 -1.0661 0.092754 1.0428 -0.011898 0.27217 +Some -0.067097 -0.18222 -0.052429 -0.61548 -0.0015471 -0.79432 -0.59873 0.3762 -0.32087 1.1356 +facility -0.6449 -0.24627 0.33907 -0.68293 -0.35141 -0.72039 0.021563 0.61796 0.030466 0.19713 +east -0.81414 -0.13236 0.90822 -0.75446 -0.80192 -0.070231 0.25991 1.8813 -0.42227 -0.22058 +private -0.15163 -0.30963 -0.27648 -0.63264 0.24373 -1.1124 -0.011896 0.15534 0.36823 0.94235 +Airlines -0.19967 -0.81508 -0.16222 -0.32517 0.24393 -1.3239 -0.55852 0.47781 0.13643 0.67222 +Party -0.43257 -0.36325 0.52594 -0.3898 -0.38581 -1.0159 0.056791 0.56731 -0.24907 0.35535 +crackdown -0.78658 -0.3585 -0.010456 -0.65689 -0.13129 -0.79548 -0.0021708 0.69848 0.49596 0.065386 +Lockett -0.25331 -0.50226 0.24653 -0.57133 -0.35854 -0.98277 0.31969 0.30161 -0.081309 0.55928 +capital -0.84751 -0.16195 0.13613 -0.83866 -0.14483 -0.83691 0.07751 1.0126 0.19699 -0.40545 +hopes -0.42323 -0.43674 0.35252 -0.67815 -0.67623 -0.55475 -0.27975 0.0894 -0.42867 0.75312 +Shaun -0.12029 0.2058 -0.14776 -1.1612 -0.45317 -0.91597 0.78068 0.10376 -0.090872 0.30831 +land -0.17208 0.0062616 0.25295 -0.36788 -0.1362 -1.0515 -0.25745 1.1506 -0.16192 0.27062 +remaining -0.55161 -0.75945 0.3203 -0.32003 -0.089138 -1.0561 -0.075077 1.1939 -0.33212 -0.18617 +Harrison's -0.61345 -0.38108 0.38306 -0.72809 0.061453 -0.87301 -0.079877 0.57389 0.15727 0.26114 +attacked -1.0644 0.36265 0.068071 -1.1878 -0.3154 -0.70458 0.56742 1.0689 0.70446 -0.64012 +research -0.6432 -0.46935 0.40981 -0.49033 0.16988 -1.0492 -0.24628 0.40572 -0.086253 0.39218 +resume -0.31747 -0.053101 -0.23088 -0.67539 0.27546 -0.89318 -0.058767 0.60759 0.21509 0.87131 +twice -0.37067 0.013751 -0.029718 -0.60756 -0.077144 -1.1456 -0.060062 0.50773 0.0099828 0.35136 +greater -0.30812 -0.29925 0.24134 -0.37356 -0.26489 -1.0628 -0.68335 0.67603 -0.079222 0.38484 +payment -0.48479 -0.47769 -0.17756 -0.49198 0.21487 -0.88194 -0.38507 0.3617 0.73045 1.0702 +Four -0.58685 -0.1535 -0.11726 -0.79971 -0.12464 -0.71044 -0.19297 0.26679 -0.0357 0.32148 +Andy -0.51611 -0.4954 0.34116 -0.76084 -0.062984 -1.1413 0.40215 0.40645 -0.079982 0.10159 +themselves -0.78783 0.10821 -0.05974 -0.99678 0.41679 -0.93492 -0.17404 0.71015 0.42474 -0.10092 +bit -0.95812 -0.29931 0.87747 -1.095 -0.97569 -0.20029 0.28148 0.19254 0.25578 -0.16051 +cars -0.56591 0.18685 -0.27588 -0.85461 0.043569 -0.93447 -0.072691 0.88233 0.33614 -0.10328 +Victorian -0.31834 -0.23336 -0.014027 -0.4972 -0.3482 -0.86254 -0.26316 0.79551 0.058384 0.42525 +little -0.21765 -0.49336 0.4321 -0.66829 -0.47566 -0.85511 -0.43516 -0.24476 -0.66062 0.98111 +knew -0.21749 -0.12245 0.19213 -0.93309 -0.69786 -0.53053 0.29397 0.14866 -0.12581 0.57489 +tape -0.81363 -0.52001 0.5236 -0.73278 -0.54218 -0.41405 0.010338 0.32016 -0.079717 0.24128 +stopped -0.82317 -0.69446 0.38412 -0.65393 -0.066424 -0.67091 0.045314 0.42482 0.10323 0.13446 +done -0.060646 -0.20523 0.27865 -0.74113 -0.95946 -0.70738 0.094421 -0.050906 -0.45449 0.6934 +company's -0.35986 -0.18043 0.044097 -0.63187 0.4335 -1.2063 -0.2362 0.40077 0.42688 0.62407 +employees -0.30545 -0.2647 0.035686 -0.21072 -0.0015203 -1.0502 -0.63764 1.0004 -0.009161 0.55908 +lost -0.73649 -0.64426 0.34471 -0.57446 -0.26344 -0.6458 -0.70543 0.51709 0.068686 0.40585 +paid -0.64307 -0.52904 -0.35425 -0.95187 0.29365 -1.1792 0.53845 0.35666 0.7277 -0.066245 +almost -0.16952 -0.54433 -0.14685 -0.69176 -0.076787 -0.83305 -0.29928 0.3596 0.10827 0.57156 +continued -0.73168 -0.633 0.34137 -0.35451 0.185 -1.0547 -0.2348 0.98408 0.32034 0.12933 +served -0.95115 -0.13649 0.55585 -0.75458 -0.028908 -0.75814 0.22513 1.0112 0.19349 -0.2433 +400 0.17329 -1.1301 0.23687 0.013158 0.22161 -1.5552 -0.53748 -0.033441 -0.20977 1.4976 +negotiations -0.24323 -0.40577 -0.34974 -0.36282 0.42091 -1.4421 -0.67343 0.98938 0.36921 0.43059 +Earlier, -0.38021 -0.077476 -0.19047 -0.63779 -0.11568 -1.0439 0.4253 0.84275 0.10235 -0.025321 +there, -0.71154 -0.41022 0.07575 -1.1943 0.18108 -0.747 -0.69517 -0.41093 -0.0078294 0.64982 +explosives -0.71675 -0.45373 -0.10398 -0.83958 0.099734 -0.98912 0.059012 0.58717 0.38908 -0.025943 +condition -0.78898 -0.88513 0.51345 -0.02141 0.24176 -1.2663 -0.65179 0.84507 -0.19054 0.24913 +anyone -0.52063 -0.24368 0.19916 -0.77511 -0.22626 -0.87014 0.10614 0.18682 0.062871 0.39093 +central -0.14224 -0.24728 0.051184 -0.09678 0.32091 -1.3701 -0.069086 0.86578 0.15505 0.88979 +Ansett -0.61012 -0.38503 0.26395 -0.67446 -0.19639 -0.89481 0.52586 0.81564 0.4097 0.026401 +added -0.77801 -0.27049 0.73781 -0.84549 -0.175 -0.66939 0.37865 0.70827 0.35287 -0.20735 +gas -0.68971 0.002995 0.040364 -0.61843 -0.064144 -1.0287 -0.021282 0.78301 0.46465 0.088024 +reduce -0.13254 -0.55168 -0.18349 -0.38073 0.30553 -1.3317 -0.041928 0.45836 0.37863 0.81625 +wind 0.01676 0.011053 0.44959 -0.2895 -0.88346 -0.83642 -0.66846 0.50925 -0.78732 1.0372 +business -0.56746 0.030466 -0.03184 -0.52534 0.1639 -1.0686 -0.20115 0.89598 0.51513 0.03091 +happened -0.5839 -0.2995 0.0088426 -0.87379 -0.031497 -1.0332 0.1604 0.30282 0.3707 -0.02492 +Team -0.55458 -0.47983 0.21303 -0.36086 -0.63719 -0.59825 0.048769 1.1558 -0.055718 0.38894 +they're -0.61947 -0.23126 0.21671 -0.87331 0.081281 -0.77211 -0.31625 0.19805 -0.33885 0.39788 +keep -0.48505 0.17648 0.13125 -0.81713 -0.51152 -0.66909 0.12683 0.51107 0.017452 0.29977 +community. -0.30235 -0.64945 0.18375 -0.23166 0.24128 -1.2964 -0.46996 0.73128 0.18677 0.50784 +secret -0.30597 -0.48269 -0.14815 -0.45639 0.29181 -1.2114 0.05162 0.43957 0.22667 0.54962 +issued -0.40357 -0.40101 0.18686 -0.20543 -0.15462 -1.0097 -0.15629 0.86986 0.28126 0.38403 +son -0.57406 0.66552 -0.61765 -1.2902 0.4431 -1.0434 0.16439 0.31346 0.80057 0.34247 +Zimbabwe -0.18342 -0.23639 0.041692 -0.69877 -0.25602 -0.90343 -0.022852 0.33251 -0.13257 0.75017 +remains -0.5641 -0.48887 0.29707 -0.37141 -0.044511 -1.0516 -0.15169 1.1607 0.16012 -0.10809 +confirm -0.92827 -0.91479 0.42196 -0.71845 -0.014625 -0.79897 -0.43567 0.31674 0.21632 0.19484 +resolution -0.28282 -0.56169 -0.034739 -0.13168 0.32963 -1.3589 -0.36709 0.69269 0.18904 0.97081 +flames -0.37359 -0.27439 0.16758 -0.69841 -0.5872 -0.53536 -0.30249 0.62558 -0.22372 0.57932 +traditional -0.51658 -0.19143 0.13852 -0.33116 0.27134 -1.3176 0.037727 0.8468 0.2007 0.20787 +crisis -0.36888 -0.50933 0.40532 -0.5597 -0.28622 -0.78698 0.10827 0.41267 -0.34042 0.45985 +wounded -0.96573 -0.093044 0.10916 -0.86741 0.17784 -0.83806 -0.17602 0.75522 0.48707 -0.089299 +expects -0.29595 -0.09363 0.17259 -0.63269 -0.48286 -0.98858 0.14787 0.24335 -0.27856 0.37221 +bomber -0.95657 0.14516 -0.29366 -1.2656 0.14205 -0.88241 0.62466 1.0746 0.65196 -0.80174 +built -0.21852 -0.086783 -0.021369 -0.40611 0.073216 -1.18 -0.33345 0.66553 0.12574 0.54236 +ballot -0.21911 -0.28845 0.00015781 -0.54957 -0.1316 -1.091 -0.11803 0.1613 0.086627 0.60737 +seekers. -0.72668 -0.63053 0.18623 -0.70964 0.64312 -1.1117 -0.24962 0.36772 0.58697 0.39818 +pulled -0.78037 -0.42757 0.59824 -0.56507 -0.22896 -0.7064 -0.44501 1.0242 0.041913 0.028871 +destroyed -0.51319 -0.10766 0.3864 -0.29695 -0.27521 -0.98746 -0.6147 1.4069 0.047631 0.12296 +Argentina's -0.73978 -0.37996 0.094767 -0.5825 0.060034 -0.94228 0.27304 1.0931 0.31286 0.11477 +heading -0.78992 -0.7237 -0.067411 -0.52338 0.10131 -1.0484 0.084318 1.241 0.05349 -0.35835 +March -0.16825 -0.73122 0.55244 -0.26429 -0.19719 -0.97887 0.012126 0.4783 -0.52273 0.65238 +receive -0.44503 -0.78071 0.16036 -0.36106 0.32759 -1.1761 -0.41691 0.46564 0.20787 0.60061 +families -0.6256 -0.40671 -0.042632 -0.75843 0.10948 -0.89509 -0.17088 0.54344 0.11841 0.028458 +battle -0.44961 -0.1307 0.14764 -0.88923 -0.2379 -0.78026 -0.45971 -0.029767 -0.41351 0.66005 +25 -0.62277 0.33289 -0.21263 -0.65328 -0.29053 -0.3457 -0.37894 0.27504 0.024049 0.82694 +24 -0.59891 0.42361 -0.059484 -0.43372 0.16825 -0.84188 -0.74288 1.489 0.18249 0.31487 +Americans -0.5137 -0.31001 0.15299 -0.70313 -0.39243 -0.75289 0.18887 0.59962 -0.28452 0.27749 +recorded -0.63561 -0.34336 0.31014 -0.54778 -0.0091003 -0.91579 0.16056 0.93231 0.28095 -0.018036 +ahead -0.75305 -0.10704 0.10345 -0.88951 -0.13051 -0.5991 -0.10829 0.77203 0.31553 -0.037083 +nations -0.48055 -0.5455 -0.21083 -0.10165 1.0774 -1.9804 -0.64335 1.095 0.70228 0.36164 +smoke -0.36695 -0.3613 0.21178 -0.60241 -0.1107 -1.0038 -0.11663 0.15457 -0.17639 0.55449 +City -0.75666 0.73824 -0.4909 -1.0752 0.077998 -1.0304 0.27599 0.7961 0.79915 -0.22213 +voted -0.34779 -0.63259 0.27459 -0.82707 -0.14057 -0.86399 0.25788 0.29369 0.15979 0.20032 +bowling -0.2256 -0.54594 -0.018689 -0.80518 -0.36536 -0.82469 0.76306 0.67708 -0.39653 0.099574 +approach -0.63574 -0.19202 0.17657 -0.56612 -0.094668 -0.83295 -0.24304 0.40642 0.049721 0.38701 +office -0.6108 0.20389 -0.14368 -0.95576 0.13525 -1.0648 0.34122 0.36386 0.69364 -0.14392 +region, -0.82259 -0.76607 0.28848 -0.41972 0.18911 -0.87877 -0.34521 0.60793 -0.11695 0.34186 +Attorney-General -0.33575 -0.6594 0.14796 -0.55623 -0.10269 -1.0083 0.028815 0.54213 0.034525 0.49881 +million. -0.41883 -0.55038 -0.13194 -0.53825 0.33496 -1.3299 0.088733 0.68461 0.44226 0.26666 +resolve 0.14433 -0.91024 -0.024571 -0.18114 0.07301 -1.3323 -0.3851 0.4598 -0.028314 1.2437 +ask -0.28788 -0.24803 0.0056372 -0.58598 0.077801 -1.1193 -0.092019 0.87987 -0.0077501 0.39431 +follows -0.11481 0.24324 -0.21674 -0.45322 -0.28267 -0.96383 0.15343 1.1288 0.10938 0.40552 +boats -0.56041 -0.56254 0.50086 -0.45544 -0.34165 -0.60744 -0.49756 1.3218 -0.15814 0.21637 +directors -0.35043 -0.096135 -0.023412 -0.41065 -0.24078 -1.0219 -0.35351 0.64319 -0.17108 0.65636 +Transport -0.15396 -0.28132 0.043649 -0.30098 -0.15588 -1.1152 -0.3766 0.79702 -0.019799 0.59078 +dozens -0.43584 0.15446 -0.44461 -0.88022 -0.21872 -0.78923 -0.071961 0.74939 0.47329 0.18914 +Timor -0.27481 -0.02298 0.038229 -0.19085 0.25347 -0.91929 -0.28953 1.2586 0.3971 1.0559 +played -0.26017 -0.18451 -0.0013391 -0.66695 -0.37175 -0.86988 0.0026808 0.28809 -0.072808 0.57953 +squad -0.58022 -0.22433 0.52511 -0.92439 -0.98217 -0.24458 0.38699 0.92745 -0.46329 -0.054524 +Hundreds -0.95307 -0.22751 0.41827 -0.83195 -0.36429 -0.42904 -0.068293 1.1664 0.095221 -0.21325 +While -0.4784 -0.6118 0.5424 -0.34001 0.078717 -1.0963 -0.20868 0.63923 -0.25069 0.5543 +Earlier -0.50915 0.23615 -0.26927 -0.83902 -0.078582 -1.0567 0.40804 0.86419 0.22934 -0.26779 +Thursday -0.24365 -0.097618 0.23479 -0.42976 -0.50011 -0.76639 -0.014127 0.82728 -0.30068 0.56477 +Philip -0.56202 -0.64276 0.060441 -0.22912 -0.17125 -1.1206 -0.10934 0.93592 -0.2319 0.15078 +Eve -0.16119 -0.025266 0.13094 -0.69694 -0.50174 -0.59828 -0.19812 0.59119 -0.39546 0.45593 +tailenders -0.6572 -0.61944 0.07943 -0.87822 -0.20369 -0.72605 0.35912 0.60753 -0.035484 -0.047806 +you're -0.40822 -0.09406 -0.083973 -1.1108 -0.31341 -0.583 -0.22147 -0.29145 -0.30689 0.77449 +verdict -0.51799 -0.60479 0.061774 -0.47275 0.072947 -1.2532 -0.34 0.60858 0.11739 0.33176 +gun -0.1397 0.40225 -0.31123 -0.99803 0.2261 -0.70375 0.54652 0.23428 0.13501 0.54419 +prior -0.79825 -0.41036 0.026393 -0.85202 0.03713 -0.77956 -0.30915 0.36947 0.32151 0.41758 +organisation -0.44735 -0.31944 0.02689 -0.44328 0.18766 -1.1728 -0.1897 0.60984 0.27839 0.453 +apparently -0.32761 -0.67268 0.2244 -0.4571 -0.096862 -0.92213 -0.07829 0.46883 -0.038214 0.65176 +streets -0.75647 -0.26778 0.22025 -0.53469 -0.014556 -0.88824 -0.10683 1.0341 0.084425 0.075142 +them," -0.59109 -0.29137 -0.0022892 -1.0361 -0.056753 -0.68536 -0.32128 0.31242 0.1601 0.157 +detain -0.4394 -0.52202 -0.016141 -0.6525 -0.25111 -0.99564 0.0036434 0.39353 0.15875 0.37993 +"But -0.046449 -0.21053 -0.24595 -0.98091 -0.24695 -1.1288 0.066326 -0.029164 0.046351 0.62337 +attacks, -1.0003 0.22392 0.19766 -1.1869 -0.24236 -0.64838 0.76435 1.1797 0.59929 -0.7615 +militants. -0.98329 -0.18868 -0.26953 -1.2079 0.017134 -0.77483 0.31074 1.0979 0.9735 -0.53618 +acting -0.39523 -0.89535 -0.38818 -0.7339 0.26134 -1.1775 0.58367 0.46626 -0.12559 -0.0048203 +giant -0.38463 -0.014921 0.17884 -0.77966 0.010376 -0.79078 0.14065 0.20598 0.17001 0.60973 +attempting -0.50171 -0.031909 -0.21499 -0.87991 -0.050005 -0.89592 0.43659 0.94272 0.32143 -0.22234 +property -0.3252 -0.91261 0.29107 -0.35269 -0.055112 -1.0206 -0.70337 0.097223 -0.068787 0.91965 +country. -0.53885 -0.72457 0.25451 -0.45447 -0.13842 -0.91434 -0.085473 0.53519 -0.020448 0.33403 +aboard -0.4201 -0.24745 0.045683 -0.52932 0.033598 -1.1038 -0.14739 0.42003 0.14175 0.54927 +appears -0.40952 -0.36284 0.3187 -0.54172 0.17796 -0.97912 -0.18175 0.76577 0.094819 0.28583 +affected -0.55243 -0.56069 0.50918 -0.42856 -0.2738 -0.84677 -0.014776 0.78433 0.17108 0.041844 +40 -0.071501 -0.91141 0.73148 -0.031715 -0.53838 -0.80053 -0.52421 1.1346 -0.54489 0.67582 +greatest -0.19522 0.13871 0.033539 -0.44933 -0.26827 -0.99719 -0.55251 0.80826 -0.078623 0.63943 +mountain -1.1189 -0.97858 0.60498 -0.81748 -0.31595 -0.48393 -0.18345 0.89095 -0.074126 -0.39461 +oil -0.31937 -0.30998 0.058731 -0.83651 -0.34519 -0.58421 0.58785 0.19292 0.046336 0.42385 +names -0.63684 -0.31156 0.048954 -0.81459 -0.015858 -0.65505 -0.22787 0.92649 0.29137 0.034746 +battling -0.48657 -0.56146 0.18162 -0.50364 -0.24835 -0.65769 -0.38986 1.0491 -0.47032 0.3619 +Williams, -0.45966 -0.33509 0.64602 -0.6508 -0.52678 -0.49312 0.40708 0.70352 -0.37162 0.22611 +yachts -0.081508 -0.38183 0.29 -0.35711 -0.21675 -0.95246 -0.45695 1.3167 -0.12177 0.41355 +incident -0.37466 -0.1804 0.12217 -0.48363 0.12522 -0.92478 -0.12093 0.5708 0.18078 0.73306 +sentence -0.4558 -0.39981 0.011024 -0.71778 0.47619 -1.3773 0.16587 0.55675 0.62012 0.19688 +reveal -0.17094 -0.48909 -0.060335 -0.66736 0.27944 -1.2465 0.39396 0.20824 0.083358 0.55415 +students -0.5296 -0.61458 0.32433 -0.39437 -0.30425 -0.85002 -0.04227 0.83539 -0.075873 0.27001 +cause -0.76492 -0.72976 -0.036859 -1.0392 0.057792 -0.93773 -0.073346 0.027981 0.30935 0.060153 +doubt -0.53736 0.045085 -0.22741 -0.96078 -0.21581 -0.89059 0.32929 0.34188 0.29468 0.27723 +enter -0.49454 -0.45343 0.2882 -0.24261 -0.1001 -1.268 1.8803e-05 0.73861 0.073068 0.3012 +Switzerland -0.56268 0.049844 0.201 -0.64135 -0.20426 -0.81485 -0.18465 0.96705 -0.17407 0.12405 +custody -0.58571 -0.20833 0.016861 -0.63354 0.035437 -1.0017 0.32161 0.78816 0.25048 0.064041 +wall -0.27127 0.40454 -0.35989 -0.9313 0.1761 -0.92244 0.152 0.68435 0.34637 0.51093 +pilot -0.38882 -0.41621 0.27314 -0.43721 -0.27438 -0.86386 -0.72349 0.89226 0.007227 0.34643 +department -0.43825 -0.52121 -0.14111 -0.21059 0.23681 -1.1499 -0.35264 0.91611 0.62478 0.78162 +Gillespie -0.37439 -0.06738 0.29103 -0.88412 -0.50647 -0.53178 0.34533 0.51615 -0.19938 0.48035 +Firefighters -0.66459 -1.123 0.4789 -0.3361 -0.60175 -0.48105 -0.84371 1.2022 -0.2641 0.40987 +conflict -0.70398 -0.47887 0.097485 -0.55053 0.016618 -0.90427 -0.37588 0.84113 0.22852 0.26269 +area, -0.63463 -1.1123 0.76694 -0.46921 -0.38074 -0.52658 -1.006 0.42938 -0.41823 0.67252 +dropped -0.52212 -0.093688 0.27429 -0.62354 0.027242 -0.85573 0.038323 0.79358 0.18399 0.17042 +together -0.32734 -0.46651 -0.17418 -0.59335 0.085823 -1.2677 -0.12025 -0.16447 0.14389 0.56243 +read -0.56035 -0.79359 0.032199 -0.84696 -0.20808 -0.77215 0.2399 -0.026608 -0.12058 0.43686 +Radio -0.86903 -0.30438 0.019756 -0.98334 -0.11313 -0.82559 0.2133 0.69022 0.41065 -0.34672 +Assa -0.39869 -0.72877 0.097865 -0.28418 0.19492 -1.286 -0.42555 1.0287 0.16699 0.12365 +coach -0.48023 -0.21263 0.20795 -0.31719 -0.14205 -0.8591 -0.39464 0.63728 -0.092561 0.55849 +recovery -0.41261 -0.29079 0.022169 -0.45465 0.15281 -1.1377 -0.17664 0.55626 0.45636 0.56101 +80 -0.2258 0.32467 0.033329 -0.62077 -0.63258 -0.39902 -0.27702 0.77445 -0.11456 0.82034 +River. -0.22527 -0.24218 -0.050133 -0.55161 0.10669 -1.24 -0.14551 0.36944 0.26646 0.50879 +suspect -0.89705 -0.67043 0.51132 -0.73769 -0.31642 -0.78503 0.058284 0.47004 -0.14816 -0.21048 +crowd -0.72566 -0.21347 0.097349 -0.88255 0.16773 -0.9661 -0.021726 0.62266 0.48821 -0.0189 +doubles -0.20431 -0.084592 -0.151 -0.7519 -0.39829 -0.90092 0.16455 0.22147 0.068677 0.58361 +nice 0.12715 -0.20996 -0.2456 -0.84932 -0.20237 -1.1515 0.29437 -0.2981 -0.023694 0.82519 +ceremony -0.28516 -0.33533 0.2015 -0.42689 -0.090063 -0.92719 -0.24446 0.40847 -0.05019 0.86232 +"I'm -0.89895 -0.12959 0.030717 -1.2077 -0.23911 -0.47863 0.25928 -0.14816 0.01883 0.64014 +completed -0.64936 -0.017226 0.10989 -0.59301 0.031691 -0.79725 -0.042286 1.1725 0.41109 0.20713 +Perth -0.49447 0.36931 0.047929 -0.64767 -0.52242 -0.71432 -0.021491 0.89368 -0.1538 0.22553 +open -0.78363 0.38661 -0.080264 -1.2984 -0.25299 -0.5352 0.58481 0.46678 0.22112 -0.00016014 +volunteers -0.68169 -0.59593 0.17963 -0.70693 -0.26306 -0.67772 -0.071982 0.54813 -0.052113 0.14315 +scored -0.23884 0.18092 0.020704 -0.59398 -0.41218 -0.97642 0.32671 0.89664 -0.030832 0.14139 +walk -0.29131 0.40193 -0.36393 -1.0103 -0.034602 -0.86807 0.43774 0.72835 0.095468 0.1981 +game -0.16562 0.059324 -0.077714 -1.1661 -0.1752 -0.58576 0.38263 0.11237 -0.029446 0.67922 +field -0.30307 -0.6046 0.59098 -0.60095 -0.70454 -0.67084 -0.33239 -0.064144 -0.45686 0.755 +spread -0.78703 -0.44457 -0.15496 -0.80167 -0.17462 -0.91057 0.11279 0.35463 0.27805 0.19496 +ready -0.22655 -0.65773 -0.27502 -0.46265 0.21252 -1.2592 -0.25007 -0.21904 0.025245 1.0128 +Hicks, -1.1138 -0.40376 0.23278 -0.88497 0.082427 -0.90766 0.32319 0.87618 0.56414 -0.60921 +hope -0.68331 -0.70106 0.50243 -0.58085 -0.37774 -0.52212 -0.66853 -0.088352 -0.25359 0.90471 +playing -0.27744 -0.64676 -0.20836 -0.94323 -0.50385 -0.65047 0.4964 0.28072 -0.47028 0.43649 +Interlaken -0.38893 0.022565 -0.023742 -0.52409 0.0015763 -0.98494 0.18327 0.74354 -0.064978 0.48579 +created 0.054099 -0.010972 0.25081 -0.38219 -0.37422 -0.88879 -0.091684 1.0721 -0.18383 0.4653 +grant -0.29688 -0.26492 -0.095204 -0.51095 -0.030331 -0.96097 -0.26681 0.71353 0.32384 0.64944 +unity -0.312 -0.52714 -0.135 -0.16993 0.2459 -1.6441 -0.38728 0.93295 0.52037 0.38832 +tomorrow -0.034836 -0.28253 -0.021348 -0.097992 -0.0069179 -1.2256 -0.46999 1.1406 -0.0093468 0.83479 +now, -0.44323 -0.39188 0.74464 -0.65981 -0.74531 -0.48829 -0.088486 0.24609 -0.71937 0.55679 +finding -0.22257 -0.94497 0.042894 -0.35488 -0.17751 -1.0346 -0.028912 0.66875 -0.46705 0.46713 +possibility -0.42992 -0.43154 -0.015244 -0.55808 0.006743 -1.0978 -0.19115 0.68197 0.076867 0.27414 +program -0.67745 -0.35739 0.012975 -0.81426 -0.074495 -0.75773 -0.0068315 0.38409 0.27334 0.33526 +agreed -0.46419 -0.43556 -0.11871 -0.74197 0.049605 -0.87739 0.044828 0.33932 0.58999 0.66173 +handed -0.84206 -0.35897 0.43818 -0.93117 -0.064736 -0.70954 0.15192 0.66901 0.12962 -0.24211 +crossed -0.27364 -0.041954 0.27783 -0.59482 -0.59668 -0.6868 -0.32491 1.0969 0.061727 0.51775 +died. -0.4527 0.239 -0.061693 -0.66591 0.39251 -1.2167 -0.029342 0.76241 0.28779 0.31992 +tough -0.67632 -0.24634 0.13409 -1.1412 -0.32278 -0.60461 0.67384 0.21643 0.049076 0.06242 +singles -0.57154 -0.54498 0.036434 -0.78755 -0.34339 -0.8999 0.25556 0.30944 -0.39949 0.14069 +charges -0.73322 -0.26045 0.12958 -0.61605 -0.024885 -0.89092 -0.23783 0.42378 -0.083698 0.21547 +500 -0.65152 -0.26161 0.4504 -0.53673 -0.33881 -0.6752 -0.27738 1.1694 0.24214 0.38316 +factions -0.55222 -1.0167 0.019076 -0.43407 0.82729 -1.5743 -0.35264 0.49204 0.47329 0.29934 +domestic -0.11188 -0.19904 0.088149 -0.32989 -0.14975 -1.0559 -0.28366 0.72653 0.031807 0.74213 +Internet -0.65584 -0.30373 0.20417 -0.46449 -0.017525 -1.0999 0.19173 0.86395 0.15499 0.18349 +create 0.00325 -0.21889 0.13114 -0.33329 -0.18152 -0.89887 -0.28427 0.64936 -0.15192 0.92478 +growing -0.48729 -0.32734 -0.19466 -0.46009 -0.1462 -0.92999 -0.20209 0.93999 -0.16952 0.30127 +races -0.60088 -0.14981 0.41705 -0.64341 -0.58419 -0.3781 -0.03567 1.3176 -0.16488 -0.033489 +factory -0.55607 -0.14175 -0.12227 -0.80372 -0.164 -0.93144 0.25511 0.26773 0.20379 0.23242 +knowledge -0.50585 -0.68684 0.35648 -0.6525 -0.14473 -0.9513 -0.0044855 0.37768 -0.29314 0.27952 +save -0.72038 -1.0941 0.19323 -0.52507 -0.01208 -1.0683 -0.11836 0.16048 0.19498 0.23041 +recent -0.34626 -0.39903 0.067791 0.089681 0.46022 -1.2072 -0.52884 1.0633 0.49323 1.1899 +Hamas, -0.7625 -0.063909 -0.32072 -0.89181 0.21646 -0.96877 -0.18249 1.1175 0.85317 -0.27458 +Fatah -0.85549 -0.0132 -0.44065 -0.86233 0.40536 -1.2554 0.19241 0.95526 1.0313 -0.32346 +Friedli -0.63269 -0.23877 -0.081686 -0.61768 0.21133 -1.0718 -0.15104 0.55506 0.25941 0.14045 +old -0.62948 -0.75877 0.30627 -1.0644 -0.26981 -0.99577 0.41735 -0.20177 0.14688 0.12963 +agency -0.60189 0.0068627 -0.26924 -0.7788 0.23099 -1.0348 -0.16459 1.2631 0.8953 -0.011957 +years, 0.050199 0.34244 -0.083626 -0.56406 0.059708 -1.0073 -0.35374 1.2317 0.56543 0.61577 +capital, -0.75286 0.076582 0.22158 -0.79902 -0.29404 -0.68854 -0.022741 1.1057 0.12177 -0.23639 +Sunday -0.55073 -0.093987 -0.027559 -0.82415 -0.37567 -0.56531 0.049695 0.44712 -0.00036435 0.2887 +2001 -0.56277 -0.23938 0.24295 -0.42005 0.1446 -0.93766 -0.0049578 1.128 0.51279 0.19648 +scheduled -0.55224 -0.36941 0.12969 -0.60828 -0.075639 -0.94848 0.10972 0.57581 0.23559 0.22443 +representing -0.17099 -0.75098 -0.135 -0.27736 0.1764 -1.1942 -0.1464 0.74963 0.11592 0.69405 +That -0.0057928 -0.35462 -0.10999 -0.56151 -0.40995 -0.88023 0.1895 0.21429 -0.086617 0.94589 +Crean -0.23918 -0.63306 0.2257 -0.44596 -0.50818 -1.1188 0.18765 -0.20397 -0.64321 0.92583 +Ministry -1.0408 -0.52058 -0.08872 -0.47795 0.66641 -1.6584 -0.24932 0.97609 0.83652 -0.3413 +quarter -0.35697 -0.1516 -0.075117 -0.64183 0.19601 -1.2337 0.30856 0.36282 0.037145 0.30064 +review -0.16001 -0.25814 0.11261 -0.489 0.16764 -1.2054 -0.12387 0.58351 0.091541 0.58636 +2002 -0.68549 -0.70527 0.12242 -0.7463 0.0021934 -0.7829 0.19452 0.6908 0.1247 -0.06878 +planes -1.1602 -0.61248 0.17066 -0.77847 -0.05651 -0.70554 0.13548 0.58064 0.29196 -0.38262 +fall -0.046212 0.053811 -0.041315 -0.63137 -0.15324 -0.90199 -0.027412 -0.03834 -0.33543 1.1816 +Authorities -0.63876 -0.30714 0.2226 -0.582 -0.15328 -0.90926 -0.24986 0.81017 0.050938 -0.10099 +states -0.69664 -0.18955 0.35173 -0.60166 -0.18046 -0.71104 -0.5614 1.2438 0.087227 -0.08434 +responsible -0.28511 -0.21344 -0.2251 -0.54521 0.075704 -1.1683 -0.17371 0.72258 0.22067 0.32822 +largest -0.48877 0.15478 -0.010592 -0.67474 -0.26264 -0.82518 -0.17737 0.9805 0.010369 0.14027 +hospital. -0.3913 -0.067434 0.36067 -0.53706 -0.42505 -0.72869 -0.33683 1.1985 -0.10536 0.17011 +shows -0.65544 -0.20162 0.36023 -0.65381 -0.53205 -0.73634 0.41486 0.57367 -0.18471 0.14588 +threatened -0.50632 0.038721 -0.028648 -0.65808 -0.060447 -1.0997 -0.02637 0.73132 0.35202 0.0096638 +action. -0.42136 -1.145 -0.043407 -0.3601 0.83658 -1.6667 -0.52176 0.55879 0.26946 0.41437 +form -0.36503 -0.75909 0.070137 -0.67154 -0.5592 -0.6263 0.18975 0.47394 -0.015231 0.5821 +blaze -0.91046 -0.65464 0.048558 -0.74928 0.26313 -1.0815 -0.034555 0.94277 0.5561 -0.42642 +Pakistan. -1.2615 -1.4311 0.4098 -0.64684 0.22776 -1.1303 -0.16967 0.70689 0.69907 -0.49528 +rescue -0.42258 -0.060886 -0.18089 -0.67374 -0.088269 -0.94501 0.0194 0.43533 0.0056451 0.45517 +statement. -0.75407 -0.27706 -0.10296 -0.71578 -1.5364e-05 -0.89925 -0.093417 1.1019 0.61128 -0.13464 +elected -0.40118 -0.085461 0.30263 -0.55004 -0.63207 -0.58434 0.27554 0.69782 -0.073357 0.43524 +plan -0.64594 -0.65955 0.20731 -0.67475 -0.23489 -0.87464 0.35065 0.406 0.045231 0.088059 +toll 0.0081619 -0.10684 -0.031256 -0.32773 0.0041684 -1.3336 0.28443 0.96825 -0.26907 0.25017 +Neil -0.020529 -0.39331 -0.079066 -0.88706 -0.51936 -0.81751 0.70025 0.2028 -0.27216 0.64652 +fierce -0.50605 -0.24503 0.24751 -0.88361 -0.3396 -0.78643 0.083268 0.28416 0.1087 0.19656 +debt -0.56685 -0.32088 -0.19376 -0.96592 -0.32945 -0.72801 0.36836 0.13632 0.42252 0.28065 +holiday -0.82645 -0.27682 0.63977 -0.64993 -0.78642 -0.29782 0.042266 1.1796 -0.2777 -0.20022 +Japanese -0.41092 -0.36683 0.19037 -0.37611 0.13987 -0.97338 -0.29036 1.0144 0.20252 0.50082 +Solomon -0.53592 -0.57184 0.2245 -0.33001 0.0053166 -0.96826 -0.22866 0.85592 0.067101 0.49493 +showed -0.96803 -0.54325 0.75166 -0.61391 -0.45875 -0.72721 0.0073081 0.30763 -0.08615 -0.017743 +period -0.46839 0.16454 -0.029098 -0.65008 -0.090171 -0.7809 0.072185 0.85047 0.16183 0.305 +met -0.69728 -0.0073515 -0.41128 -0.94085 0.016627 -0.75937 0.45925 0.82641 0.96659 0.028793 +Yallourn -0.51226 -0.2836 -0.014807 -0.80599 0.064058 -1.1151 0.34264 0.51314 0.25147 0.071139 +B-52 -0.64164 -0.070755 0.2517 -0.91191 -0.13907 -0.67194 -0.1996 0.63449 0.078133 0.0077798 +Krishna -0.75995 -0.78772 0.75013 -0.47711 -0.19979 -0.7159 0.12181 0.49243 -0.11981 0.16184 +Ricky -0.97509 -0.40894 0.68006 -1.3795 -0.52554 -0.31408 0.62468 0.2025 -0.55393 -0.23141 +promised -0.55525 -0.59528 -0.011901 -0.54416 0.053218 -1.0974 -0.074306 0.83143 0.38734 0.010865 +swept -0.52946 -0.72851 0.44245 -0.2548 0.33982 -1.1582 -0.73452 0.50393 0.20444 0.66442 +Professor -0.40727 -0.31051 -0.0074298 -0.85518 -0.30169 -0.84191 0.12172 -0.10028 -0.064852 0.58645 +4,000 0.029003 -0.44535 -0.24956 -0.67424 -0.19867 -0.86526 -0.13849 0.47436 -0.052011 0.66971 +things -0.46436 0.093515 -0.055503 -1.0444 -0.083758 -0.67503 -0.053718 0.33785 -0.033902 0.30372 +felt -0.64452 -0.71498 0.29313 -0.94339 -0.47062 -0.92105 0.17417 0.059793 -0.070285 0.1089 +deployed -0.35924 -0.1611 0.30717 -0.33261 -0.2788 -0.82795 -0.40214 0.95351 0.16133 0.49489 +Senior -0.988 -0.32384 0.12795 -0.69657 -0.1773 -0.68238 0.11492 1.0485 0.22596 -0.27194 +government, -0.43991 -0.39481 0.1478 -0.37462 0.19661 -1.2291 -0.28272 0.66684 0.58157 0.48765 +north. -0.56745 0.0053902 0.57629 -0.49077 -0.65436 -0.5898 -0.40565 1.1025 -0.24705 0.40958 +Michael -0.3538 -0.2687 0.21468 -0.62904 -0.0085589 -1.0052 0.10223 0.69651 0.21984 0.13036 +rain -0.54389 -0.49622 0.36386 -0.64919 -0.3071 -1.0217 0.36402 0.88917 -0.012351 -0.17749 +3,000 -0.23084 -0.1531 -0.27296 -1.1779 0.17124 -0.82424 -0.17888 0.52062 0.28952 0.26221 +organisations -0.46117 -0.39225 -0.06822 -0.51591 0.22902 -1.2177 -0.31987 0.63996 0.35054 0.31043 +runs -0.21645 -0.38813 0.041702 -0.31783 -0.72282 -0.76663 -0.062083 1.1507 -0.32174 0.47044 +revealed -0.37847 -0.43619 -0.066684 -0.54241 0.20977 -1.2035 0.25073 0.58062 0.18165 0.27396 +When -0.4844 0.12702 -0.14868 -1.1051 -0.062997 -0.77728 0.339 0.12153 0.17876 0.34034 +Hayden -0.49669 -0.2521 0.33104 -0.88575 -0.42473 -0.49514 0.26061 0.45355 -0.26297 0.34415 +Indonesia -0.008453 -0.092394 -0.22446 -0.48145 -0.1581 -1.2791 0.07339 0.62294 0.12458 0.50448 +Sarah -0.44668 -0.69627 -0.17075 -0.40486 0.33506 -1.1725 -0.15129 0.6517 0.56217 0.77592 +attack. -0.98637 0.13819 0.2358 -1.0106 -0.27302 -0.76648 0.44701 0.82743 0.55589 -0.41144 +respond -0.43745 -0.40087 -0.22217 -0.48453 0.16544 -1.0909 -0.37502 0.95726 0.31738 0.31686 +Melbourne, 0.19252 -0.16783 -0.01608 -0.52066 -0.42013 -1.0325 0.063407 0.52866 -0.4223 0.66819 +described -0.45211 -0.082282 0.2171 -0.65595 -0.40468 -0.81505 0.0095935 0.43318 -0.028469 0.32529 +Doug -0.33018 -0.07336 -0.080884 -0.77218 0.025185 -1.0805 0.020866 0.41676 0.21748 0.34748 +clearly -0.6787 -0.16277 0.24693 -0.80281 -0.41826 -0.58932 0.14114 0.33048 -0.22325 0.18955 +spokeswoman -0.51127 -0.60768 0.11003 -0.31319 0.029871 -1.2348 0.020326 0.99468 0.28603 0.27101 +activity -0.37838 -0.12618 -0.16008 -0.53245 0.2553 -1.3048 -0.056779 0.69879 0.23393 0.43063 +According -0.60511 -0.57488 -0.01128 -0.6617 0.098132 -1.0417 0.2514 0.81914 0.11476 -0.090855 +Affairs -0.4317 -0.17679 -0.13891 -0.75396 -0.15589 -0.97273 0.30995 0.62239 0.17511 0.018076 +freeze. -0.32974 -0.52174 -0.23281 -0.46744 0.19071 -1.1884 -0.1274 0.79083 0.71758 0.52963 +related -0.25838 0.33754 0.084459 -0.65088 0.014336 -1.057 0.26513 1.1794 0.29111 0.14519 +Sydney's -0.25445 -0.0071806 0.32602 -0.34766 -0.70572 -0.65249 -0.7402 1.4095 -0.30654 0.66752 +concern -0.59738 -1.0308 0.4133 -0.3392 0.29952 -1.2778 -0.7096 0.31989 0.10487 0.3425 +attacking -0.73384 0.0033077 -0.18906 -1.0122 -0.14787 -0.87229 0.63063 1.0336 0.35765 -0.3153 +body -0.238 0.32479 -0.36128 -0.94707 0.11525 -1.0789 0.34085 0.62424 0.28273 0.16729 +investigating -0.34646 -0.19494 -0.049404 -0.56299 0.063124 -1.138 0.012326 0.82214 0.12667 0.18974 +Lording -0.55036 -0.88807 -0.36588 -0.8691 0.59358 -1.4522 0.21019 0.43835 0.50087 -0.14729 +Washington, -0.69177 -0.22309 0.0073077 -0.71235 -0.17398 -0.72254 0.22113 0.90456 0.031803 0.037023 +civil -0.35394 -0.58569 0.3545 -0.56823 -0.30828 -0.90631 -0.0090565 0.32536 -0.24651 0.50742 +why -0.90614 -0.44566 0.16267 -0.81476 -0.44431 -0.75901 0.31635 0.53844 0.056419 -0.20535 +continues -0.82131 -0.91114 0.45668 -0.31918 0.11531 -0.94974 -0.39868 0.87915 0.1236 0.25679 +diplomatic -0.40566 -0.15662 -0.14362 -0.75544 0.088244 -1.0799 0.16035 0.70581 0.30562 0.2126 +advice -0.22456 -0.45522 0.42199 -0.46181 -0.39216 -1.0544 -0.26757 0.72157 -0.27669 0.38816 +edge -0.52811 0.067499 0.41788 -0.47004 -0.48606 -0.56587 0.029496 1.3122 -0.25016 0.24567 +out. -0.71046 -1.0939 0.37963 -0.71697 0.28232 -0.96559 -0.46248 0.018117 0.15739 0.45931 +suffered -0.4879 -0.14512 0.0059604 -0.78018 0.020014 -1.0211 -0.074812 0.27124 0.45422 0.37718 +weekend. -0.67072 -0.3853 0.31294 -0.75395 -0.23436 -0.5818 -0.082927 0.44102 0.090832 0.23468 +Channel -0.52031 -0.53359 -0.026017 -0.77602 0.022942 -1.0434 -0.14532 0.38104 0.34611 0.2338 +winner -0.31797 -0.15969 0.37297 -0.59532 -0.7295 -0.8141 -0.033801 0.63192 -0.51742 0.39885 +months, -0.44742 0.1624 0.079677 -0.84143 -0.034072 -0.62885 0.149 1.0601 0.13863 0.22715 +Indonesian -0.13595 -0.089458 -0.21831 -0.51017 -0.075574 -1.262 0.13753 0.61909 0.25076 0.35205 +hijacked -0.72269 -0.28685 0.1912 -0.82041 -0.098298 -0.86594 0.20508 0.62429 0.36319 0.073156 +actor -0.71659 -0.2223 -0.22087 -0.84468 0.14751 -1.0277 -0.11107 -0.15636 0.18001 0.52422 +"That -0.24138 -0.14172 -0.16506 -0.77124 -0.25718 -0.94094 0.041199 0.38337 0.1246 0.44903 +Matthew -0.65222 -0.021255 -0.060574 -1.0643 0.14728 -0.82326 0.30997 0.625 0.46863 -0.047794 +became -0.43649 -0.48072 0.17119 -0.77976 -0.07835 -0.78157 -0.27303 0.21034 -0.072802 0.62569 +seemed -0.82209 -0.54473 0.049556 -0.79033 0.53605 -1.3767 0.20409 0.29204 0.7641 -0.054436 +Three -0.07702 0.12594 0.047245 -0.40953 -0.59036 -0.93803 0.010323 1.1526 -0.17064 0.38934 +drug -0.085196 -0.30057 0.20713 0.13801 0.28813 -1.5948 -0.9975 0.5553 -0.15491 0.94394 +News -0.72148 -0.339 0.18774 -0.51116 -0.29723 -0.67515 -0.21364 1.3068 0.29644 -0.073595 +Mohammad -0.74696 -0.32097 0.0062055 -0.84965 -0.19747 -0.84452 0.31409 0.57672 0.14823 -0.25099 +manager -0.53305 -0.36268 -0.13203 -0.63561 0.2805 -1.4038 -0.3425 0.29703 0.44548 0.18854 +hotel -0.44287 0.29931 0.12265 -0.8696 -0.061178 -0.78978 -0.13151 0.71317 0.15076 0.16443 +Home 0.11713 -0.60078 -0.11339 -0.25769 0.055567 -1.1023 -0.38286 0.90047 -0.2208 0.87745 +conducted -0.41266 -0.49199 0.31454 -0.34903 -0.33211 -0.84388 -0.2136 0.70612 -0.033055 0.39631 +escalating -0.26 -0.41234 -0.20578 -0.44951 0.31689 -1.311 0.18937 0.961 0.1147 0.094468 +tensions -0.34793 -0.64909 -0.23763 -0.51862 0.46339 -1.498 -0.46812 0.49961 0.41237 0.4275 +connection -0.5137 -0.30837 -0.1689 -0.43553 0.49623 -1.4123 -0.23666 0.81775 0.54826 0.39263 +throughout -0.44429 -0.35365 0.29364 -0.70435 -0.26166 -0.79321 -0.0014083 0.72664 -0.11489 0.27932 +faces -0.8629 -0.3123 0.14045 -0.72817 -0.23517 -0.66697 0.011351 0.99562 0.32596 -0.12661 +previous -0.28536 0.0073273 -0.13449 -0.81407 0.2296 -0.94648 -0.04408 0.29506 0.19159 0.76159 +turn -0.74509 -0.16003 0.00021429 -1.1052 -0.13965 -0.75415 -0.028515 0.19509 -0.0068747 -0.029928 +aware -0.81609 -0.66025 -0.020861 -0.60369 -0.10325 -0.78794 -0.49576 0.29016 0.095092 0.35636 +we'll -0.31522 -0.46958 -0.38464 -0.80504 0.29433 -1.2195 -0.21095 -0.55308 0.16022 0.86284 +self-rule -0.64522 -0.37629 0.037486 -0.6679 0.17792 -1.1192 -0.0092053 0.73512 0.42111 0.015771 +Island -0.75687 0.14234 0.045321 -0.84537 -0.0050331 -0.91271 0.053059 1.2542 0.42741 -0.37193 +headed -1.2258 -0.95782 0.4582 -0.63511 0.067095 -0.88926 0.090429 0.74782 0.46289 -0.412 +initial -0.34234 -0.33276 -0.16791 -0.48324 0.76463 -1.6865 -0.36379 0.72847 0.45664 0.34252 +No -0.3187 0.019957 0.62398 -0.45226 -0.23304 -1.0947 -0.070949 1.3142 -0.095764 -0.14399 +worked -0.26301 -0.80365 -0.11384 -0.54922 0.18937 -1.1993 -0.28206 0.58087 0.53203 0.56808 +Neville -0.41622 -0.45576 0.20309 -0.86753 0.16475 -0.982 -0.060814 -0.0062292 0.19353 0.48508 +injuring -0.42267 0.11041 -0.15743 -0.47741 0.035203 -0.96988 0.055841 1.5173 0.11088 0.096089 +Hospital -0.45166 -0.21991 0.14398 -0.45193 -0.1458 -0.96499 -0.28009 1.0434 0.060135 0.055641 +month. -0.36601 0.020446 -0.10012 -0.94306 0.074607 -0.71996 0.091965 0.71052 0.066801 0.4361 +batsmen -0.046606 -0.32616 0.078243 -0.71783 -0.35011 -0.73889 -0.29144 0.34662 -0.15648 1.0207 +publicly -0.63298 -0.29862 0.046287 -0.74439 -0.096301 -0.83908 0.028825 0.34709 0.15339 0.1537 +India's -0.54255 -0.1699 -0.065914 -0.70319 0.029993 -1.0021 0.32475 0.75355 0.37114 -0.054248 +Costello -0.88724 0.18324 -0.062381 -1.2001 0.13558 -0.83053 0.33953 0.42682 0.60612 -0.15922 +Gary -0.1991 -0.19674 -0.096646 -0.5141 -0.0035475 -1.142 0.10815 0.55165 0.13443 0.4849 +doesn't -0.43326 -0.12545 0.0091349 -0.95674 -0.39486 -0.82684 0.035955 -0.12445 -0.17041 0.60218 +separate -0.49317 0.20422 -0.2914 -0.80541 0.29058 -1.0825 -0.020538 0.84016 0.76471 0.2627 +Boucher -0.34939 -0.22825 -0.009609 -0.9743 -0.19672 -1.0737 0.63755 0.5291 0.17776 -0.095003 +extremists -0.54226 0.1639 -0.18533 -0.83279 0.084935 -1.0717 0.31051 0.99856 0.44026 0.038325 +people. -0.55054 0.14984 -0.14874 -1.0109 0.13209 -0.55478 -0.039663 0.70374 0.27481 0.49672 +adding -0.67667 -0.52855 -0.090197 -0.74736 0.35528 -1.0056 0.28167 1.1456 0.13387 -0.32671 +Qantas' -0.57351 -1.3188 -0.046802 -0.41482 0.64392 -1.4333 -0.22622 0.86065 0.67279 0.12993 +low -0.18381 -0.5961 0.50435 -0.2 -0.53993 -0.86452 -0.36596 0.39651 -0.38978 0.88781 +system -0.52094 0.19486 -0.087316 -0.88516 0.13972 -0.99476 0.23663 0.92767 0.54983 0.079045 +locked -0.60252 -0.23596 0.13864 -0.48436 0.042304 -1.0553 -0.039618 1.1225 0.58516 -0.095255 +Adelaide. -0.24814 0.26294 0.073586 -0.75209 -0.73067 -0.50919 0.34853 0.95756 -0.42142 0.40859 +afternoon, -0.77507 -0.25004 0.14453 -0.76815 0.067776 -1.1278 0.055206 0.57665 0.203 -0.090872 +Several -0.61764 -0.51033 0.32301 -0.51557 -0.097691 -0.92043 -0.24483 0.38502 0.08374 0.31391 +Timor's -0.30836 -0.40739 0.26798 -0.20279 0.12979 -1.0055 -0.48871 1.0665 0.21961 0.88243 +jets -0.92109 0.22868 0.32545 -1.01 -0.0021841 -0.69485 0.13731 1.5271 0.44399 -0.65047 +unable -0.062193 0.078862 -0.24206 -0.67482 -0.13062 -1.1247 -0.060321 0.44415 -0.11543 0.62353 +month, -0.31016 0.15907 -0.13126 -0.90846 0.067618 -0.74046 0.23944 1.0321 0.28647 0.18136 +returning -0.29686 -0.1985 0.011777 -0.60367 -0.292 -1.0083 0.25768 0.71665 -0.44901 0.20575 +Tasmania -1.1665 -0.054546 0.14613 -1.0974 -0.19013 -0.61077 0.29652 1.2639 0.13762 -0.62136 +well," -0.66886 -0.19395 0.17164 -1.1784 -0.45578 -0.51772 0.47484 -0.25483 -0.29149 0.3523 +hoped -0.87292 -0.59823 0.67685 -0.75424 -0.36618 -0.43947 -0.42125 0.2589 0.23914 0.28458 +treatment -0.21987 -0.89825 0.16756 -0.13893 0.072381 -1.0941 -0.58058 0.3729 0.16963 1.2815 +meeting. -0.77246 -0.15283 -0.29009 -0.87996 0.1658 -1.1185 0.52353 0.87168 0.48572 -0.2305 +eventually -0.54498 -0.17209 0.14555 -0.5999 -0.13295 -0.74512 -0.14253 0.59695 0.1372 0.5254 +26 0.058381 -0.071119 -0.2698 -0.48358 -0.74248 -0.53512 0.25688 1.1761 -0.12561 0.50543 +shopping -0.50494 -0.06053 0.13703 -0.59151 -0.44549 -0.73634 0.23221 1.1071 -0.36116 -0.036779 +murder -0.56459 -0.49347 -0.62729 -0.41317 0.60308 -1.5405 0.078248 0.66356 0.96534 0.13155 +rival 0.11607 -0.078934 -0.30372 -0.5436 0.04828 -1.3354 0.090767 0.51716 0.32398 0.64575 +Strip, -0.88535 -0.17591 0.096771 -0.74836 -0.012304 -0.93212 -0.22549 1.294 0.49652 -0.4819 +republic -0.30182 -0.3998 -0.0077556 -0.59422 0.043239 -1.1073 0.11472 0.35573 0.12963 0.53466 +Whiting -0.39354 -0.43834 -0.34144 -0.65072 0.092008 -1.0756 0.31595 0.96445 0.12791 -0.040225 +increased -0.55569 -0.017882 0.28092 -0.39702 -0.007798 -0.90306 -0.18711 1.0711 0.25182 0.29845 +Antarctic -0.67804 -0.2563 0.50157 -0.7627 0.11379 -0.86743 -0.023553 0.23876 0.16006 0.27437 +Arafat, -0.71215 -0.23892 -0.80386 -1.2748 0.57769 -1.5417 0.60313 0.42295 1.0956 -0.33047 +convicted -0.44796 -0.23962 0.3495 -0.45287 -0.35218 -0.6656 -0.29766 0.88938 -0.044693 0.34082 +aged -0.21354 0.16232 -0.31077 -0.70306 0.038054 -0.96811 0.062366 0.74732 0.52614 0.70316 +positions -0.56435 -0.81227 -0.17966 -0.40519 0.57345 -1.6469 -0.37325 0.44601 0.21921 0.24415 +offered -0.56841 -0.49826 0.19779 -0.8366 0.11016 -0.97716 0.028964 -0.12155 0.39373 0.38682 +levels -0.31487 -0.39024 0.25871 -0.37944 -0.053758 -1.1716 -0.24242 0.72445 0.18629 0.28281 +ability -0.85912 0.015115 0.066238 -0.80601 -0.0025415 -0.90445 0.20482 0.96621 0.50303 -0.16114 +Manufacturing -0.24078 -0.49205 -0.22296 -0.44565 0.1772 -1.3153 0.15335 0.87709 0.070213 0.22925 +ethnic -0.53303 -0.2731 0.35333 -0.79766 -0.2146 -0.71818 0.15119 0.43783 -0.1824 0.23592 +personnel -0.76028 -0.31741 0.14781 -0.66773 -0.17117 -0.82765 -0.17047 0.75841 0.25576 0.01335 +terrorism. -0.81305 -0.21655 0.22126 -0.58614 0.048016 -0.79896 0.090658 0.8906 0.2465 0.10493 +travelled -0.42987 -0.27988 0.15019 -0.56139 0.046371 -1.1428 -0.08306 0.6604 0.06772 0.3511 +About -0.45762 -0.7425 0.206 -0.10036 0.027985 -1.1762 -0.55952 1.0041 -0.22462 0.36424 +Territory -0.4144 -0.2187 -0.01072 -0.593 0.042536 -1.1177 -0.23551 0.40613 0.22418 0.43029 +finally -0.65635 0.03338 0.14421 -0.87837 -0.26092 -0.6768 0.21168 0.21229 0.13289 0.261 +choosing -0.69246 -0.606 -0.10293 -0.86543 -0.13194 -0.83067 0.42 0.36616 -0.19681 -0.066019 +success -0.62391 -0.36417 0.29004 -0.57072 0.16189 -0.96149 -0.064839 0.65521 0.17646 0.20723 +presence -0.42764 -0.43138 -0.069398 -0.83992 0.47612 -1.1601 0.032791 0.039015 0.59549 0.46682 +unemployment -0.5135 -0.42507 -0.013837 -0.54277 0.30097 -1.1155 -0.34867 0.45618 0.48654 0.79183 +"We've -0.22596 -0.4635 -0.11918 -0.97234 -0.2991 -0.85369 0.059867 0.048738 -0.04208 0.71188 +Emergency -0.42386 -0.24878 0.035235 -0.50673 -0.19886 -0.94847 -0.22509 1.1929 0.15752 0.035475 +industry -0.030617 -0.55375 -0.25309 -0.45389 0.55378 -1.7107 -0.077574 0.62119 0.40929 0.47566 +Services -0.37535 -0.71294 0.54867 -0.054025 -0.48121 -0.74663 -0.87579 0.9679 -0.52001 0.81198 +assistance -0.76521 -0.8224 0.30718 -0.86233 0.088932 -0.88961 0.06579 0.39616 0.29355 -0.073316 +Launceston -0.45522 -0.42909 0.38854 -0.61609 -0.36167 -0.69198 0.27738 0.47398 -0.16073 0.40027 +Mt -0.34461 -0.8097 0.54119 -0.42521 -0.4406 -0.6386 -0.51615 0.50041 -0.67002 0.6281 +Wayne -0.55844 0.075615 0.49549 -0.4513 -0.41953 -0.69816 0.061809 1.3658 0.050694 -0.020431 +south-west -0.7393 -0.14182 0.57299 -0.44198 -0.68424 -0.60033 -0.6497 1.279 -0.34935 0.024432 +waiting -0.32816 -0.67533 -0.39383 -0.70821 0.32313 -1.2226 0.47538 0.73481 0.10248 0.10045 +manslaughter -0.30062 -0.18449 0.087212 -0.57445 -0.044133 -0.99278 -0.17754 1.016 -0.052453 0.44097 +request -0.16728 -0.18409 -0.0070677 -0.46027 0.020633 -0.87107 -0.20337 0.9126 0.11311 0.64519 +bringing -0.34819 -0.19508 -0.086814 -0.69578 -0.19153 -0.88598 0.42269 0.90182 -0.32891 0.15108 +Ford -0.75095 -0.52154 -0.040353 -0.80623 0.2299 -1.0322 0.49595 0.1412 0.30047 0.10245 +28-year-old -0.65347 -0.66009 0.20106 -0.54796 -0.15008 -0.91803 -0.17406 0.57619 0.12773 0.14342 +fair -0.1663 -0.2495 -0.025461 -0.58078 -0.12801 -1.042 0.13424 0.33241 0.032528 0.41441 +today's -0.37512 -0.5749 -0.16847 -0.4233 0.081505 -1.4125 -0.31241 0.69718 0.31194 0.15487 +stay -0.9533 -0.75402 0.16469 -0.6232 0.077325 -0.76737 -0.45512 0.63321 0.68728 0.018051 +disaster -0.29195 -0.19127 -0.13972 -0.84806 -0.023108 -1.1943 0.2516 0.53095 0.11034 -0.043108 +Health -0.12205 -0.14964 -0.1271 -0.41865 0.20604 -1.2788 -0.50338 0.69682 -0.076776 0.63086 +ashes -0.091672 -0.11471 -0.020185 -0.48686 -0.22398 -0.84966 -0.14468 0.21262 -0.31176 1.0494 +hearing -0.20097 -0.23587 -0.2123 -0.33703 0.36395 -1.3474 -0.017789 1.2804 0.095552 0.30717 +track -0.64291 -0.41276 0.094211 -0.47268 0.14096 -1.0442 -0.22073 0.57527 0.16104 0.27766 +temporary -0.71642 -0.46944 -0.036302 -0.81916 0.18204 -0.95868 0.04453 0.58482 0.54861 0.11982 +retired -0.60973 -0.44894 0.21632 -0.55752 -0.074438 -0.89232 -0.51332 0.74908 0.054299 0.1205 +sending -0.69862 -0.82127 -0.27815 -0.56275 0.33934 -1.2658 0.27072 0.84902 0.24925 -0.24356 +Seles -0.53469 -0.049981 0.38252 -0.76201 -0.98446 -0.47585 0.058349 0.39288 -0.69099 0.31621 +Sector -0.68482 -0.38028 -0.057004 -0.65339 -0.083922 -0.87595 -0.064669 0.24586 0.0034362 0.45093 +halt -1.1181 -0.64223 0.12033 -0.67521 0.070142 -0.8178 -0.025521 0.67911 0.38923 -0.42648 +Owen -0.69386 -0.054296 -0.10489 -0.69031 0.19624 -1.2089 0.58491 1.0592 0.4934 -0.40693 +France -0.45616 -0.53551 0.22419 -0.81969 0.057473 -1.0093 0.34535 0.54942 0.24632 0.0081612 +Colin -0.8489 -0.89285 0.26368 -0.56474 0.095329 -0.95605 0.027009 0.14961 0.1841 0.13647 +Hopman -0.15789 -0.10211 -0.084656 -0.24724 -0.4669 -1.0842 0.087471 1.0196 0.030901 0.43371 +observers -0.75392 -0.37941 0.027583 -0.78394 0.24498 -0.96661 0.064792 0.76046 0.30286 -0.05877 +embassy -0.37242 -0.23132 0.28062 -0.48529 -0.35999 -0.86744 0.057879 0.82714 0.20383 0.47234 +representation -0.50682 -0.67697 0.188 -0.16891 0.3936 -1.3536 -0.46508 0.80931 0.37731 0.54004 +Cabinet -0.59486 -0.29155 0.40366 -0.43455 -0.57774 -0.63562 0.30574 1.2911 -0.075805 -0.019728 +farmers -0.59276 -0.88952 0.26956 -0.55348 0.0056318 -0.79943 -0.56485 0.28951 0.26638 0.6974 +passed -0.40335 -0.12746 -0.27552 -0.83236 -0.0027458 -0.97817 0.031234 0.52712 0.63744 0.3836 +ban -0.57483 -0.58954 0.32791 -0.69096 -0.43794 -0.80339 0.13781 0.35093 0.40233 0.12803 +SES -0.16394 -0.092972 0.031761 -0.29938 0.054387 -1.0944 -0.54128 1.2215 0.35136 0.43393 +territories -0.72792 -0.18293 -0.077477 -0.76449 0.1758 -1.1085 -0.26899 0.38209 0.37183 0.12 +ANZ -0.6582 -0.0067404 0.15807 -0.53572 0.088044 -0.83506 -0.32307 1.4572 0.18024 0.17972 +leadership -0.99382 -0.34642 -0.28184 -0.83366 0.5158 -1.2788 0.053206 0.63538 0.97922 -0.23936 +His -0.97528 -0.0051159 -0.2059 -0.72845 0.15246 -1.1637 0.14565 0.3979 0.71063 -0.08759 +happy -0.80191 -0.24978 0.068688 -0.79302 -0.21151 -0.65437 -0.014412 0.69882 0.024864 0.017469 +allegedly -0.28805 -0.45546 -0.021407 -0.47365 0.063082 -1.2061 -0.16524 0.48207 0.12796 0.50212 +relationship -0.44922 -0.45935 -0.23008 -0.47172 0.7706 -1.6801 -0.1136 0.66492 0.5959 0.29028 +Ahmed -0.94596 -0.27533 0.21235 -0.8899 -0.050124 -0.60006 0.13495 0.34137 0.55614 0.11382 +whereabouts -0.71086 -0.70141 0.37905 -0.41735 -0.025806 -0.90891 -0.36035 0.84467 0.030825 0.21131 +criminal -0.33762 -0.22102 0.28249 -0.55061 -0.065078 -1.1159 0.080292 0.71653 -0.052482 0.44694 +delivered -0.81666 -0.33457 0.38598 -0.65987 -0.14506 -0.77443 -0.089292 0.54686 0.24867 0.16823 +tell -0.078024 -0.34321 0.14923 -1.0622 -0.34024 -0.65354 0.0018648 -0.44786 -0.58855 0.93862 +"His -0.5987 -0.31245 0.16059 -0.77778 -0.55891 -0.69059 0.25514 0.14827 -0.033186 0.29462 +Rumsfeld -0.79103 -0.23835 0.17373 -0.89289 -0.21695 -0.76919 -0.13748 0.43741 0.12463 0.065406 +Hare -0.85177 -1.0569 0.45143 -0.73566 -0.041073 -0.76029 -0.13221 0.25637 -0.10494 0.024223 +landed -0.77554 -0.11435 0.27737 -0.82498 0.08742 -0.92342 0.19799 1.2222 0.32842 -0.61097 +assisting -0.57292 -0.2996 -0.41023 -0.83939 0.25802 -1.0694 0.52977 0.74963 0.24153 -0.2489 +regional -0.66952 -0.27852 0.22507 -0.35161 0.36149 -1.0017 0.075967 0.8551 0.27333 0.18119 +individuals -0.22329 -0.50637 0.09913 -0.41585 0.010815 -1.3413 0.025902 0.43674 0.040643 0.44962 +resistance -0.72419 -1.124 0.39015 -0.64683 0.21951 -0.99 -0.16419 0.46157 0.27891 0.14975 +Mayor -0.39465 -0.17086 0.084409 -0.42911 -0.024933 -1.1851 0.049446 0.64118 -0.0058346 0.43373 +often -0.64872 -0.36347 -0.02592 -1.0343 0.025222 -0.99859 0.33976 0.16983 0.29744 -0.087126 +real -0.32865 -0.74507 -0.20285 -0.39732 0.58715 -1.4518 -0.15494 0.033178 0.21071 0.79988 +shuttle -0.33246 -0.076412 0.23909 -0.62082 -0.14227 -1.0072 -0.022307 0.39576 -0.12018 0.44649 +sign -0.81601 -0.24876 0.17617 -0.99218 -0.16415 -0.71035 0.038378 0.37442 0.14636 -0.13475 +leaving -0.49079 -0.40865 -0.084676 -0.58419 0.052439 -1.0002 0.036278 0.34424 -0.3166 0.38744 +night, -0.22979 -0.48825 0.1383 0.087367 -0.31275 -0.75042 -0.98671 1.8668 0.041588 0.88736 +City, -0.40362 0.53181 -0.10226 -0.94426 -0.41358 -0.65509 -0.087474 0.6709 0.18694 0.30642 +blasted -0.89345 0.26621 0.12859 -0.54757 -0.18872 -0.71408 -0.28282 1.7883 0.53659 -0.39476 +ambush. -1.0399 0.089961 -0.40726 -1.4905 -0.022955 -0.92637 0.68705 0.44025 0.67009 -0.55389 +tragedy. -0.33288 -0.18716 -0.011138 -0.49307 -0.21105 -0.93643 0.008626 0.69331 -0.18189 0.49526 +adequate -0.50444 -0.46417 0.35878 -0.49671 -0.1304 -0.78964 -0.051266 0.69659 0.16482 0.51699 +voice -0.22294 -0.63245 0.08103 -0.49049 -0.021046 -1.1646 -0.11752 0.20044 -0.065449 0.46678 +walked -0.3666 -0.29454 -0.099185 -0.73497 0.029876 -0.93074 0.14457 0.77822 0.16853 0.075335 +infected -0.44392 -0.2519 0.38476 -0.24383 -0.15353 -1.0763 0.020399 1.0021 0.20117 0.084713 +place, -0.45881 -0.27458 -0.14051 -1.1111 0.023951 -0.97525 0.38853 -0.021982 0.20371 0.22324 +Washington -0.65168 -0.29571 0.0017117 -0.60739 -0.097969 -0.7898 0.14672 0.91017 0.10241 0.11507 +problems -0.28632 -0.60275 0.28222 -0.62113 -0.39258 -0.82399 -0.1232 0.066429 -0.10528 0.74403 +Premier -0.75007 -0.31634 0.06143 -0.72106 0.13895 -1.1828 0.22115 0.99107 0.48716 -0.46102 +seriously -0.83135 0.20812 0.0032 -0.92921 0.25553 -0.96511 -0.017036 0.76544 0.51593 -0.28216 +Illawarra -0.24313 -0.65467 0.43167 -0.1305 -0.27593 -0.96863 -0.3846 1.1059 -0.32551 0.49332 +Virgin -0.66127 -0.23875 -0.095703 -1.0741 -0.34409 -0.76722 0.43741 0.41087 0.22739 0.022031 +HIV -0.40457 0.091801 0.16884 -0.82035 0.13882 -0.85247 -0.14284 0.44269 0.094356 0.54737 +male -0.27111 -0.19569 -0.07929 -0.69196 -0.047048 -1.0674 0.16885 -0.050495 -0.05102 0.71406 +whatever -0.62824 -0.14321 0.0059672 -0.90422 -0.16509 -0.77855 0.17485 0.36526 0.18843 0.16655 +authority -0.53535 -0.3671 0.067768 -0.60282 0.2818 -1.2961 -0.19127 0.63783 0.40055 0.084762 +service -0.33361 -0.26841 0.23235 -0.30964 0.029714 -1.1805 -0.52303 0.89884 0.021658 0.43518 +concerns -0.50421 -1.0136 0.18488 -0.40794 0.3821 -1.4245 -0.64326 0.21223 0.35337 0.55333 +documents -0.32711 0.26788 0.081692 -0.50187 -0.11645 -0.82275 -0.41397 1.1728 0.16543 0.54901 +"Every -0.43655 -0.70317 -0.043396 -0.79087 0.0011688 -1.0615 -0.04252 -0.098294 0.23338 0.64612 +secure -0.98455 -0.1597 0.21998 -0.49913 0.075686 -1.1719 -0.16457 0.95713 0.58267 -0.23287 +television -0.56892 -0.22205 -0.21697 -0.75984 0.44992 -1.4317 0.40819 0.58364 0.49415 -0.019193 +hours, -0.80657 -0.13058 0.2928 -0.72084 -0.27969 -0.55445 -0.43918 0.80163 -0.15633 0.22556 +Sharon, -0.42839 0.3146 -0.58001 -1.2114 0.12082 -1.3978 0.77447 0.66702 0.47959 -0.42694 +Mohammed -0.86758 -0.36718 0.02311 -0.7925 -0.078869 -0.96044 0.22806 0.94134 0.53718 -0.45077 +it. -0.099291 -0.40108 0.15706 -0.67756 -0.54238 -0.71547 -0.43756 -0.47841 -0.46095 1.3084 +light -0.63822 -0.28321 -0.094705 -0.64198 -0.50652 -0.55571 -0.12489 1.3116 0.52003 0.1888 +Nablus -0.88266 0.0081448 0.18366 -0.76124 0.018092 -0.77392 0.041746 0.96767 0.15035 -0.19823 +Washington. -0.67114 -0.43833 0.049182 -0.67074 -0.07035 -0.86556 0.19483 0.83248 0.1033 -0.00048737 +speech -1.0751 -0.56063 0.3614 -0.68355 0.25371 -1.0455 0.24976 0.78202 0.39921 -0.38407 +Jenin -0.92294 -0.18635 0.20531 -0.70481 -0.18684 -0.81776 0.35616 1.3796 0.32968 -0.39223 +Park -0.51748 -0.69925 -0.03443 -0.6245 0.27169 -1.0174 -0.44275 0.63562 0.34834 0.26234 +pace -0.89576 -0.55671 0.29962 -1.1158 0.13385 -0.95443 1.1019 0.58859 0.75165 -0.47553 +intelligence -0.53441 -0.068276 -0.19353 -1.0845 0.1409 -1.0836 0.52502 0.41111 0.61268 -0.1351 +Saturday -0.25256 -0.22396 0.014874 -0.57191 -0.13806 -1.0599 -0.084999 0.87097 0.065142 0.25388 +Peres -0.41858 0.10231 0.25521 -0.54966 -0.17313 -0.62126 -0.24079 0.87896 0.012365 0.66687 +allowed -0.62959 0.043665 0.019178 -0.5799 -0.30971 -0.9758 0.088225 0.62451 0.36753 0.085878 +follow 0.018456 0.12423 -0.22488 -0.17395 -0.24924 -1.1484 -0.12929 1.4201 0.25146 0.58069 +food -0.28358 -0.14777 -0.015284 -0.80088 0.0042148 -0.87366 -0.0344 0.57309 0.45848 0.30859 +effort -0.73765 -0.85183 0.19024 -0.42125 0.29611 -1.2184 -0.30948 0.71342 0.32273 0.1625 +contested -0.64217 -0.49824 0.29849 -0.49712 -0.19055 -0.88003 -0.17049 0.80751 0.009475 0.10529 +course -0.36984 -0.41563 -0.18106 -0.80902 0.016271 -0.97215 -0.12155 -0.051189 -0.21079 0.82036 +focus -0.17709 0.10088 -0.44874 -0.62648 0.1382 -1.2044 -0.11054 1.2402 0.63975 0.27462 +staying -0.51974 -0.9418 -0.15069 -0.65119 -0.050278 -0.87229 0.069392 0.39533 -0.18042 0.26418 +questions -0.32926 -0.34073 -0.084068 -0.4407 0.32911 -1.512 -0.38214 0.66957 0.22608 0.48253 +Child -0.29472 -0.39076 -0.018895 -0.33153 -0.052684 -1.4038 -0.36233 0.81196 0.052703 0.30471 +Austar -0.44521 0.045795 -0.10163 -0.82029 0.046373 -0.83503 0.026413 0.50833 0.32974 0.23584 +trade -0.75009 -0.096903 0.37018 -0.60228 -0.44202 -0.6623 -0.030321 0.6451 -0.053773 0.34612 +lack -0.060418 0.016551 -0.1449 -0.49824 -0.15694 -0.96533 0.014453 0.52804 -0.025167 0.73867 +document -0.48231 0.23571 -0.036865 -0.49048 0.11408 -0.91091 -0.51065 0.98268 0.49664 0.7658 +explanation -0.68047 -0.49325 -0.069589 -0.45574 0.48757 -1.3884 -0.14684 0.64379 0.40549 0.31089 +Sultan -0.86196 -0.97409 0.11245 -0.20843 0.095132 -1.1157 -0.072908 1.0018 0.32269 -0.074478 +reduced -0.066607 -0.62804 0.18922 -0.13144 0.0094434 -1.2672 -0.32479 0.75812 -0.056968 0.93561 +violent -0.57377 0.066054 -0.23003 -0.49017 0.25079 -0.80349 -0.29893 1.2786 0.62202 0.71075 +understanding -0.62708 -0.96616 -0.0053009 -0.52465 0.092424 -0.95995 -0.18921 0.48779 0.0030985 0.32569 +farm -0.50667 -0.83838 0.63639 -0.46275 -0.63842 -0.65226 -0.47023 0.58381 -0.22727 0.4787 +Lord -0.67831 -0.30212 -0.33832 -1.189 -0.15259 -0.96777 0.67369 0.46505 0.76445 -0.34754 +nearby -0.42556 -0.22315 0.37412 -0.58068 0.10651 -0.98126 -0.21473 0.74053 0.096886 0.27854 +Toowoomba -0.30484 -0.49269 -0.027984 -0.17726 0.034678 -1.327 -0.16256 1.08 0.03524 0.34355 +redundancy -0.62124 -0.60774 0.19455 -0.45592 0.1471 -0.96176 -0.26064 0.72577 0.26315 0.37915 +credit -0.1765 -0.098604 0.39424 -0.35753 -0.45978 -0.73587 -0.069378 1.3076 -0.12362 0.43981 +entitlements -0.42463 -0.5718 0.27536 -0.25264 -0.092119 -0.83898 -0.3668 1.0441 0.20541 0.63872 +paying -0.397 -0.95247 -0.42477 -0.5605 0.19845 -0.99754 0.03447 0.10888 0.059619 0.56303 +Stuart -0.37866 -0.18268 0.44181 -0.89715 -0.37085 -0.72106 0.52375 0.36048 -0.33413 0.23531 +administrators -0.51763 -0.25693 0.098916 -0.55013 -0.044825 -1.053 -0.024891 0.66408 0.18498 0.24803 +150 -0.37931 0.18976 -0.2201 -0.97614 -0.32918 -0.71586 0.19013 0.5762 0.30808 0.30702 +technology -0.55066 -0.37923 0.022859 -0.81779 0.029642 -0.94627 0.14011 0.37778 0.16679 0.18818 +holding -0.61359 -0.73474 -0.14549 -0.44991 0.26535 -1.1725 0.076885 1.0011 0.26785 -0.03668 +normal -0.61428 -0.73223 0.50079 -0.50541 -0.31354 -0.97435 -0.022036 0.16894 -0.2605 0.42252 +Amin -0.65499 -1.1026 0.21899 -0.76638 0.13373 -1.0216 -0.1048 -0.087809 0.083046 0.28589 +Adam -0.3307 -0.32047 0.095544 -0.52212 0.10188 -1.1956 0.11504 0.28429 -0.14608 0.56701 +crashed -0.50265 -0.4573 0.38288 -0.4935 -0.23624 -0.90937 -0.0065416 0.95471 0.25822 0.079359 +natural -0.40375 -0.87347 0.34011 -0.12552 0.15601 -1.2877 -0.70614 0.78748 -0.33844 0.57279 +begin -0.84571 -0.18388 0.031961 -1.289 -0.37199 -0.62932 0.99303 0.52682 0.22879 -0.57159 +Up -0.5888 -0.30965 0.34669 -0.39567 0.10249 -1.2656 -0.41076 1.2293 0.3322 -0.29755 +celebrations -0.58102 -0.64284 0.01854 -0.22764 0.45315 -1.3892 -0.55563 0.8612 0.31567 0.38115 +reject -0.28687 -0.63385 -0.30785 -0.60471 0.36477 -1.2468 -0.013515 0.56513 0.23248 0.38254 +options -0.54293 -0.63011 -0.12087 -0.28218 0.93378 -1.8205 -0.60019 0.76415 0.70853 0.25697 +single -0.22863 -0.70348 -0.042231 -0.5179 0.043367 -1.2507 0.38539 0.3682 -0.16424 0.19927 +handling -0.20179 -0.47326 -0.25069 -0.34749 0.058845 -1.2163 0.15932 0.95566 0.029788 0.33406 +match. 0.14256 -0.027035 -0.022244 -0.74379 -0.70706 -0.88903 0.42344 0.41859 -0.75855 0.77081 +summit -0.32341 -0.20385 0.07889 -0.67215 -0.19038 -0.96385 0.23563 0.51168 0.17509 0.3152 +talks. -0.56061 -0.42684 -0.21026 -0.71705 0.20865 -1.0903 -0.043415 0.77892 0.52029 -0.021836 +All -0.67202 -0.76978 0.20436 -0.81079 0.13965 -1.1684 0.44106 0.42482 0.27018 -0.09286 +settlement -0.71542 -0.22184 -0.20135 -0.67826 0.32404 -1.1054 -0.04893 0.79409 0.85325 0.22734 +searching -0.61732 -0.63935 0.13098 -0.58457 0.17371 -0.9417 -0.23688 0.50672 -0.31021 0.21818 +dollars -0.62792 -0.55287 0.19453 -0.71291 -0.24736 -0.86502 -0.09737 0.7291 0.06557 0.155 +guess -0.23884 -0.26747 0.40895 -0.72276 -0.3511 -0.74215 0.026557 0.19808 -0.24096 0.58501 +Kieren -0.26626 0.073438 -0.37192 -1.0192 -0.045654 -0.94067 0.32475 0.23527 0.46538 0.10621 +23 -0.72415 1.0388 -0.39573 -1.1668 -0.036266 -0.80913 0.23869 1.1332 0.53823 -0.27497 +Bonn -0.8931 -0.60961 0.34341 -1.0518 -0.10765 -0.74992 0.67328 0.2556 0.018066 -0.17402 +... -0.57186 -0.49234 -0.1809 -0.54917 0.58858 -1.2561 -0.095894 0.53225 0.8063 0.09711 +prepare -0.40158 -0.45649 -0.096934 -0.60053 -0.019475 -0.92848 -0.34541 0.36391 0.044341 0.58673 +champion -0.33786 -0.18705 -0.1438 -0.46676 0.2684 -1.3158 0.31116 0.57213 0.3051 0.35449 +Pollock -0.51789 -0.17565 0.33514 -0.75239 -0.59014 -0.58683 0.086915 0.63296 -0.19344 0.35047 +television. -0.6033 -0.37332 -0.14721 -0.76018 0.47623 -1.4384 0.24395 0.50012 0.42534 -0.034792 +begun -0.22664 -0.76796 0.27243 -0.71899 -0.35014 -0.9576 0.47319 -0.023007 -0.35222 0.43935 +coast -0.20302 -0.34689 0.32291 -0.29459 -0.30597 -0.83419 -0.38123 1.4322 0.012875 0.41816 +St -0.95592 -0.21062 0.43626 -0.99568 -0.27166 -0.45718 -0.18176 0.87345 -0.027863 -0.21821 +leave -0.92729 -0.83746 0.53956 -0.48088 -0.086195 -0.98913 -0.30209 0.59664 0.05192 -0.049482 +Sydney. -0.10703 -0.33127 0.40661 -0.33827 -0.93674 -0.50498 -0.75802 1.1918 -0.70156 0.76862 +losing -0.65491 -0.68695 -0.31618 -0.67355 0.16943 -1.1655 0.18559 0.53104 0.0301 -0.059979 +work. -0.64875 -0.50102 0.074975 -0.62266 0.034457 -0.82398 -0.44491 0.73812 0.53393 0.57873 +counts -0.4228 -0.56461 0.22043 -0.38295 -0.46539 -0.7306 -0.11671 0.72374 -0.12405 0.52733 +26-year-old -0.59162 -0.45771 0.066501 -0.63579 -0.05506 -0.93659 -0.063938 0.61641 0.23967 0.14453 +suggested -0.50504 -0.058972 0.23868 -0.77881 -0.17731 -0.98361 0.21159 0.68726 0.13951 0.038356 +understood -0.46017 -0.4809 -0.045704 -0.75913 0.067294 -0.88499 -0.049241 0.30388 0.25288 0.40032 +projects -0.93959 -0.59078 0.08251 -1.0754 -0.046911 -0.73037 0.21944 0.4364 0.19657 -0.14898 +various -0.71762 -0.20272 -0.21602 -0.65862 0.71909 -1.3894 -0.1547 0.89513 0.67713 -0.0015104 +debate -0.43561 -0.30029 0.22805 -0.46117 -0.052056 -0.72131 -0.31293 0.9811 0.15561 0.48636 +Bill -0.082598 -0.68613 0.49837 -0.62399 -0.26111 -0.96639 0.13424 0.072995 -0.72009 0.71105 +Commissioner -0.17917 -0.61543 0.080651 -0.5664 0.62615 -1.6237 -0.0061359 0.4375 0.14183 0.39063 +happens -0.48172 -0.05433 -0.16513 -0.85514 -0.19073 -0.87909 -0.091714 0.31323 0.27721 0.33051 +Deputy -0.35686 -0.2897 -0.17341 -0.61955 0.2588 -1.196 0.19648 0.66505 0.49671 0.51016 +civilians -0.82202 -0.091662 0.21887 -0.67927 0.054338 -0.93723 -0.013322 1.2807 0.15835 -0.28371 +threatening -0.5926 0.1357 -0.13264 -0.72074 -0.065438 -0.97871 0.26694 1.1249 0.081184 -0.15926 +women's -0.66923 -0.35146 0.20214 -0.59222 -0.35473 -0.62685 -0.33652 0.68814 0.35201 0.66505 +containment -0.8537 -0.71588 0.51477 -0.41673 -0.094802 -0.70293 -0.7183 0.85584 0.076845 0.50684 +stand -0.89269 -1.0493 0.33443 -0.51327 -0.089195 -0.7833 -0.52926 0.32044 0.083542 0.14787 +MacGill -0.48213 -0.46669 0.36346 -0.76316 -0.31574 -0.82074 0.1661 0.37143 -0.25223 0.42604 +putting -0.59258 -0.79997 -0.25929 -0.57872 0.40022 -1.1274 0.084301 0.85045 0.18221 0.0067077 +determine -0.68098 -0.24287 -0.0792 -0.82941 0.1006 -0.91671 0.013138 0.25612 0.51503 0.31404 +Israel. -1.1604 0.55994 -0.84591 -1.6191 0.42179 -1.1613 0.8081 0.98283 1.3705 -0.82932 +During -0.49321 -0.30515 -0.34739 -0.68023 -0.10539 -0.96875 0.40785 0.65331 -0.017076 0.041005 +forecast -0.88185 -0.43066 0.67515 -0.44471 -0.43283 -0.58997 -0.25339 1.388 -0.031564 -0.12876 +bureau -0.30274 -0.19265 0.34234 -0.32342 -0.0052826 -1.078 -0.68025 1.0501 -0.040019 0.44421 +findings -0.16072 -0.26728 -0.028549 -0.58154 -0.25659 -0.83373 -0.053259 0.66685 -0.18944 0.58329 +fear -0.87994 0.09377 0.36211 -1.293 -0.62898 -0.14524 0.22902 0.70459 -0.17973 -0.21564 +data -0.70983 -0.0081366 0.20736 -0.91874 0.04182 -0.75761 -0.23619 0.38755 0.30898 0.082429 +gone -0.5484 -0.66236 0.70168 -0.70027 -0.4091 -0.63397 -0.25435 0.12862 -0.028419 0.45971 +record -0.40752 -0.34126 0.29233 -0.5563 -0.26873 -0.76075 0.3413 0.55697 -0.074623 0.45721 +hoping -0.67741 -0.18924 -0.38041 -0.86783 -0.094261 -0.80552 0.2835 0.86648 0.040446 -0.1964 +Israelis. -1.2189 0.45543 -0.39851 -1.3181 0.30073 -0.90434 0.38692 1.0077 0.90128 -0.61908 +Hamid -0.38658 -0.39057 -0.11047 -0.68437 0.30671 -1.2031 -0.2228 0.2621 0.61356 0.39833 +present -0.36513 -0.48868 -0.12596 -0.50075 0.48623 -1.1448 -0.35402 0.25029 0.48744 1.1499 +firm -0.60931 -0.72955 0.51033 -0.48542 -0.65762 -0.58562 -0.24003 0.74356 -0.25338 0.34324 +Afroz -0.77046 0.25839 -0.25469 -0.97491 0.1495 -0.96047 0.40718 1.0429 0.57503 -0.21983 +path -1.1209 0.094113 -0.4649 -1.0287 0.24911 -0.86013 0.49657 0.4788 0.73145 -0.19137 +replied: -0.30386 -0.57487 -0.18045 -0.58445 0.66994 -1.6336 -0.26423 0.052433 0.30945 0.66975 +search -0.73419 -0.54548 0.40598 -0.46447 0.2932 -1.1425 -0.27871 0.56523 -0.068516 0.009931 +ahead. -0.74539 0.078071 0.1867 -0.76293 -0.18352 -0.69201 -0.34876 0.69514 0.32371 0.11397 +warning -0.35292 -0.40086 -0.0023966 -0.55937 -0.3146 -0.73804 -0.057385 0.95385 -0.47087 0.13808 +live -0.5527 -0.57067 0.25606 -0.60577 -0.016993 -1.1798 -0.11337 0.33337 0.44949 0.16711 +trapped -0.90615 -0.041475 0.32763 -0.86785 -0.13989 -0.6616 0.25145 0.89016 0.29816 -0.22691 +clashes -0.55428 0.017401 -0.11842 -0.63934 -0.055111 -0.91044 0.1322 0.78894 0.14286 0.054307 +Sergeant -0.54866 -0.22299 0.044442 -0.641 0.098717 -0.89508 0.053416 0.49523 0.22735 0.44235 +deputy -0.52531 -0.17699 -0.21505 -0.561 0.15165 -1.1238 0.29556 1.0098 0.69141 0.15785 +unidentified -0.51604 -0.42372 0.015288 -0.46837 0.19786 -1.2315 -0.023543 0.75811 0.25582 0.41178 +markets -0.35282 0.013839 0.049827 -0.81575 -0.28192 -0.74932 0.37329 0.62775 -0.066273 0.24062 +welcomed -0.30316 -0.012184 -0.1809 -0.7435 -0.1148 -0.93819 0.10417 0.49705 0.1824 0.36779 +Seven -0.44383 -0.023046 0.15265 -0.9669 -0.16068 -0.63722 0.31091 0.064225 -0.007673 0.48442 +law -0.047805 -0.065458 -0.11321 -0.54423 -0.20243 -0.93545 0.20221 0.89342 0.24166 0.41156 +responding -0.44179 -0.73622 -0.30377 -0.41337 0.25277 -1.2378 -0.16597 0.97099 0.17661 0.16169 +approached -0.70668 -0.14643 0.093772 -0.75672 0.0078915 -0.92728 -0.015295 0.56823 0.45201 0.053351 +chairman -0.41279 -0.45251 0.16679 -0.40242 -0.10964 -1.0241 0.050557 0.58124 -0.030089 0.32482 +telephone -0.65902 -0.25237 0.1625 -0.71151 0.055441 -1.0564 0.15401 0.54259 0.3716 -0.026983 +Monday, -0.35884 -0.49037 0.54883 -0.26858 -0.31164 -0.791 -0.2276 0.78626 -0.24326 0.57251 +ago, -0.017821 -0.24207 -0.38629 -0.3311 0.37864 -1.266 -0.16363 0.32379 0.42569 1.4791 +state. -0.71207 -0.10385 -0.098039 -0.91137 -0.061739 -0.88518 -0.25942 0.82742 0.4565 -0.13881 +problem -0.21858 -0.82413 0.39678 -0.53741 -0.44688 -0.8105 -0.30775 -0.13355 -0.32748 1.1059 +efforts -0.64962 -0.82527 0.22226 -0.43115 -0.011156 -0.91048 -0.23129 0.95999 0.22526 0.16264 +advance -0.5421 -0.61901 0.49649 -0.75814 -0.0011425 -1.0348 0.019303 0.11704 0.11118 0.28981 +tree -0.098798 -0.0036365 -0.14983 -0.3772 0.016228 -1.0777 -0.17989 1.0082 0.27513 0.64743 +hundred -0.57144 -0.0085561 0.15748 -0.67855 -0.25459 -0.58077 -0.09913 1.1447 0.23418 0.060007 diff --git a/gensim/test/test_fasttext_wrapper.py b/gensim/test/test_fasttext_wrapper.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b93d6c57c --- /dev/null +++ b/gensim/test/test_fasttext_wrapper.py @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# Copyright (C) 2010 Radim Rehurek +# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html + +""" +Automated tests for checking transformation algorithms (the models package). +""" + + +import logging +import unittest +import os +import tempfile + +import numpy + +from gensim.models.wrappers import fasttext +from gensim.models import keyedvectors + +module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # needed because sample data files are located in the same folder +datapath = lambda fname: os.path.join(module_path, 'test_data', fname) +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +def testfile(): + # temporary data will be stored to this file + return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'gensim_fasttext.tst') + +class TestFastText(unittest.TestCase): + @classmethod + def setUp(self): + ft_home = os.environ.get('FT_HOME', None) + self.ft_path = os.path.join(ft_home, 'fasttext') if ft_home else None + self.corpus_file = datapath('lee_background.cor') + self.test_model_file = datapath('lee_fasttext') + # Load pre-trained model to perform tests in case FastText binary isn't available in test environment + self.test_model = fasttext.FastText.load_fasttext_format(self.test_model_file) + + def model_sanity(self, model): + """Even tiny models trained on any corpus should pass these sanity checks""" + self.assertEqual(model.wv.syn0.shape, (len(model.wv.vocab), model.size)) + self.assertEqual(model.wv.syn0_all.shape, (model.num_ngram_vectors, model.size)) + + def models_equal(self, model1, model2): + self.assertEqual(len(model1.wv.vocab), len(model2.wv.vocab)) + self.assertEqual(set(model1.wv.vocab.keys()), set(model2.wv.vocab.keys())) + self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(model1.wv.syn0, model2.wv.syn0)) + self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(model1.wv.syn0_all, model2.wv.syn0_all)) + + def testTraining(self): + """Test self.test_model successfully trained, parameters and weights correctly loaded""" + if self.ft_path is None: + logger.info("FT_HOME env variable not set, skipping test") + return # Use self.skipTest once python < 2.7 is no longer supported + vocab_size, model_size = 1762, 10 + trained_model = fasttext.FastText.train( + self.ft_path, self.corpus_file, size=model_size, output_file=testfile()) + + self.assertEqual(trained_model.wv.syn0.shape, (vocab_size, model_size)) + self.assertEqual(len(trained_model.wv.vocab), vocab_size) + self.assertEqual(trained_model.wv.syn0_all.shape[1], model_size) + self.model_sanity(trained_model) + + # Tests temporary training files deleted + self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('%s.vec' % testfile())) + self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('%s.bin' % testfile())) + + def testMinCount(self): + """Tests words with frequency less than `min_count` absent from vocab""" + if self.ft_path is None: + logger.info("FT_HOME env variable not set, skipping test") + return # Use self.skipTest once python < 2.7 is no longer supported + self.assertTrue('forests' not in self.test_model.wv.vocab) + test_model_min_count_1 = fasttext.FastText.train( + self.ft_path, self.corpus_file, output_file=testfile(), size=10, min_count=1) + self.assertTrue('forests' in test_model_min_count_1.wv.vocab) + + def testModelSize(self): + """Tests output vector dimensions are the same as the value for `size` param""" + if self.ft_path is None: + logger.info("FT_HOME env variable not set, skipping test") + return # Use self.skipTest once python < 2.7 is no longer supported + test_model_size_20 = fasttext.FastText.train( + self.ft_path, self.corpus_file, output_file=testfile(), size=20) + self.assertEqual(test_model_size_20.size, 20) + self.assertEqual(test_model_size_20.wv.syn0.shape[1], 20) + self.assertEqual(test_model_size_20.wv.syn0_all.shape[1], 20) + + def testPersistence(self): + """Test storing/loading the entire model.""" + self.test_model.save(testfile()) + loaded = fasttext.FastText.load(testfile()) + self.models_equal(self.test_model, loaded) + + self.test_model.save(testfile(), sep_limit=0) + self.models_equal(self.test_model, fasttext.FastText.load(testfile())) + + def testNormalizedVectorsNotSaved(self): + """Test syn0norm/syn0_all_norm aren't saved in model file""" + self.test_model.init_sims() + self.test_model.save(testfile()) + loaded = fasttext.FastText.load(testfile()) + self.assertTrue(loaded.wv.syn0norm is None) + self.assertTrue(loaded.wv.syn0_all_norm is None) + + wv = self.test_model.wv + wv.save(testfile()) + loaded_kv = keyedvectors.KeyedVectors.load(testfile()) + self.assertTrue(loaded_kv.syn0norm is None) + self.assertTrue(loaded_kv.syn0_all_norm is None) + + def testLoadFastTextFormat(self): + """Test model successfully loaded from fastText .vec and .bin files""" + model = fasttext.FastText.load_fasttext_format(self.test_model_file) + vocab_size, model_size = 1762, 10 + self.assertEqual(self.test_model.wv.syn0.shape, (vocab_size, model_size)) + self.assertEqual(len(self.test_model.wv.vocab), vocab_size, model_size) + self.assertEqual(self.test_model.wv.syn0_all.shape, (self.test_model.num_ngram_vectors, model_size)) + self.model_sanity(model) + + def testNSimilarity(self): + """Test n_similarity for in-vocab and out-of-vocab words""" + # In vocab, sanity check + self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(self.test_model.n_similarity(['the', 'and'], ['and', 'the']), 1.0)) + self.assertEqual(self.test_model.n_similarity(['the'], ['and']), self.test_model.n_similarity(['and'], ['the'])) + # Out of vocab check + self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(self.test_model.n_similarity(['night', 'nights'], ['nights', 'night']), 1.0)) + self.assertEqual(self.test_model.n_similarity(['night'], ['nights']), self.test_model.n_similarity(['nights'], ['night'])) + + def testSimilarity(self): + """Test similarity for in-vocab and out-of-vocab words""" + # In vocab, sanity check + self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(self.test_model.similarity('the', 'the'), 1.0)) + self.assertEqual(self.test_model.similarity('the', 'and'), self.test_model.similarity('and', 'the')) + # Out of vocab check + self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(self.test_model.similarity('nights', 'nights'), 1.0)) + self.assertEqual(self.test_model.similarity('night', 'nights'), self.test_model.similarity('nights', 'night')) + + def testMostSimilar(self): + """Test most_similar for in-vocab and out-of-vocab words""" + # In vocab, sanity check + self.assertEqual(len(self.test_model.most_similar(positive=['the', 'and'], topn=5)), 5) + self.assertEqual(self.test_model.most_similar('the'), self.test_model.most_similar(positive=['the'])) + # Out of vocab check + self.assertEqual(len(self.test_model.most_similar(['night', 'nights'], topn=5)), 5) + self.assertEqual(self.test_model.most_similar('nights'), self.test_model.most_similar(positive=['nights'])) + + def testMostSimilarCosmul(self): + """Test most_similar_cosmul for in-vocab and out-of-vocab words""" + # In vocab, sanity check + self.assertEqual(len(self.test_model.most_similar(positive=['the', 'and'], topn=5)), 5) + self.assertEqual(self.test_model.most_similar('the'), self.test_model.most_similar(positive=['the'])) + # Out of vocab check + self.assertEqual(len(self.test_model.most_similar(['night', 'nights'], topn=5)), 5) + self.assertEqual(self.test_model.most_similar('nights'), self.test_model.most_similar(positive=['nights'])) + + def testLookup(self): + """Tests word vector lookup for in-vocab and out-of-vocab words""" + # In vocab, sanity check + self.assertTrue('night' in self.test_model.wv.vocab) + self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(self.test_model['night'], self.test_model[['night']])) + # Out of vocab check + self.assertFalse('nights' in self.test_model.wv.vocab) + self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(self.test_model['nights'], self.test_model[['nights']])) + # Word with no ngrams in model + self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: self.test_model['a!@']) + + def testContains(self): + """Tests __contains__ for in-vocab and out-of-vocab words""" + # In vocab, sanity check + self.assertTrue('night' in self.test_model.wv.vocab) + self.assertTrue('night' in self.test_model) + # Out of vocab check + self.assertFalse('nights' in self.test_model.wv.vocab) + self.assertTrue('night' in self.test_model) + # Word with no ngrams in model + self.assertFalse('a!@' in self.test_model.wv.vocab) + self.assertFalse('a!@' in self.test_model) + + def testWmdistance(self): + """Tests wmdistance for docs with in-vocab and out-of-vocab words""" + doc = ['night', 'payment'] + oov_doc = ['nights', 'forests', 'payments'] + ngrams_absent_doc = ['a!@', 'b#$'] + + dist = self.test_model.wmdistance(doc, oov_doc) + self.assertNotEqual(float('inf'), dist) + dist = self.test_model.wmdistance(doc, ngrams_absent_doc) + self.assertEqual(float('inf'), dist) + + def testDoesntMatch(self): + """Tests doesnt_match for list of out-of-vocab words""" + oov_words = ['nights', 'forests', 'payments'] + # Out of vocab check + for word in oov_words: + self.assertFalse(word in self.test_model.wv.vocab) + try: + self.test_model.doesnt_match(oov_words) + except Exception: + self.fail('model.doesnt_match raises exception for oov words') + + def testHash(self): + # Tests FastText.ft_hash method return values to those obtained from original C implementation + ft_hash = fasttext.FastText.ft_hash('test') + self.assertEqual(ft_hash, 2949673445) + ft_hash = fasttext.FastText.ft_hash('word') + self.assertEqual(ft_hash, 1788406269) + +if __name__ == '__main__': + logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) + unittest.main() \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/gensim/test/test_similarities.py b/gensim/test/test_similarities.py index e973aa49a8..88addc6d9c 100644 --- a/gensim/test/test_similarities.py +++ b/gensim/test/test_similarities.py @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from gensim.corpora import mmcorpus, Dictionary from gensim.models import word2vec from gensim.models import doc2vec +from gensim.models.wrappers import fasttext from gensim import matutils, utils, similarities from gensim.models import Word2Vec @@ -450,52 +451,75 @@ def setUp(self): raise unittest.SkipTest("Annoy library is not available") from gensim.similarities.index import AnnoyIndexer + self.indexer = AnnoyIndexer + + def testWord2Vec(self): + model = word2vec.Word2Vec(texts, min_count=1) + model.init_sims() + index = self.indexer(model, 10) + + self.assertVectorIsSimilarToItself(model, index) + self.assertApproxNeighborsMatchExact(model, index) + self.assertIndexSaved(index) + self.assertLoadedIndexEqual(index, model) + + def testFastText(self): + ft_home = os.environ.get('FT_HOME', None) + ft_path = os.path.join(ft_home, 'fasttext') if ft_home else None + if not ft_path: + return + corpus_file = datapath('lee.cor') + model = fasttext.FastText.train(ft_path, corpus_file) + model.init_sims() + index = self.indexer(model, 10) - self.model = word2vec.Word2Vec(texts, min_count=1) - self.model.init_sims() - self.index = AnnoyIndexer(self.model, 10) - self.vector = self.model.wv.syn0norm[0] + self.assertVectorIsSimilarToItself(model, index) + self.assertApproxNeighborsMatchExact(model, index) + self.assertIndexSaved(index) + self.assertLoadedIndexEqual(index, model) - def testVectorIsSimilarToItself(self): - label = self.model.index2word[0] - approx_neighbors = self.index.most_similar(self.vector, 1) + def testLoadMissingRaisesError(self): + from gensim.similarities.index import AnnoyIndexer + test_index = AnnoyIndexer() + + self.assertRaises(IOError, test_index.load, fname='test-index') + + def assertVectorIsSimilarToItself(self, model, index): + vector = model.syn0norm[0] + label = model.index2word[0] + approx_neighbors = index.most_similar(vector, 1) word, similarity = approx_neighbors[0] self.assertEqual(word, label) self.assertEqual(similarity, 1.0) - def testApproxNeighborsMatchExact(self): - approx_neighbors = self.model.most_similar([self.vector], topn=5, indexer=self.index) - exact_neighbors = self.model.most_similar(positive=[self.vector], topn=5) + def assertApproxNeighborsMatchExact(self, model, index): + vector = model.syn0norm[0] + approx_neighbors = model.most_similar([vector], topn=5, indexer=index) + exact_neighbors = model.most_similar(positive=[vector], topn=5) approx_words = [neighbor[0] for neighbor in approx_neighbors] exact_words = [neighbor[0] for neighbor in exact_neighbors] self.assertEqual(approx_words, exact_words) - def testSave(self): - self.index.save('index') + def assertIndexSaved(self, index): + index.save('index') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('index')) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('index.d')) - def testLoadNotExist(self): + def assertLoadedIndexEqual(self, index, model): from gensim.similarities.index import AnnoyIndexer - self.test_index = AnnoyIndexer() - self.assertRaises(IOError, self.test_index.load, fname='test-index') + index.save('index') - def testSaveLoad(self): - from gensim.similarities.index import AnnoyIndexer - - self.index.save('index') + index2 = AnnoyIndexer() + index2.load('index') + index2.model = model - self.index2 = AnnoyIndexer() - self.index2.load('index') - self.index2.model = self.model - - self.assertEqual(self.index.index.f, self.index2.index.f) - self.assertEqual(self.index.labels, self.index2.labels) - self.assertEqual(self.index.num_trees, self.index2.num_trees) + self.assertEqual(index.index.f, index2.index.f) + self.assertEqual(index.labels, index2.labels) + self.assertEqual(index.num_trees, index2.num_trees) class TestDoc2VecAnnoyIndexer(unittest.TestCase): diff --git a/gensim/test/test_word2vec.py b/gensim/test/test_word2vec.py index 200335c7cd..6c96652c28 100644 --- a/gensim/test/test_word2vec.py +++ b/gensim/test/test_word2vec.py @@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # needed because sample data files are located in the same folder datapath = lambda fname: os.path.join(module_path, 'test_data', fname) -logger = logging.getLogger() -logger.level = logging.ERROR class LeeCorpus(object): def __iter__(self): @@ -88,14 +86,14 @@ def testOnlineLearning(self): vocabulary and to a trained model when using a sorted vocabulary""" model_hs = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, size=10, min_count=0, seed=42, hs=1, negative=0) model_neg = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, size=10, min_count=0, seed=42, hs=0, negative=5) - self.assertTrue(len(model_hs.vocab), 12) - self.assertTrue(model_hs.vocab['graph'].count, 3) + self.assertTrue(len(model_hs.wv.vocab), 12) + self.assertTrue(model_hs.wv.vocab['graph'].count, 3) model_hs.build_vocab(new_sentences, update=True) model_neg.build_vocab(new_sentences, update=True) - self.assertTrue(model_hs.vocab['graph'].count, 4) - self.assertTrue(model_hs.vocab['artificial'].count, 4) - self.assertEqual(len(model_hs.vocab), 14) - self.assertEqual(len(model_neg.vocab), 14) + self.assertTrue(model_hs.wv.vocab['graph'].count, 4) + self.assertTrue(model_hs.wv.vocab['artificial'].count, 4) + self.assertEqual(len(model_hs.wv.vocab), 14) + self.assertEqual(len(model_neg.wv.vocab), 14) def onlineSanity(self, model): terro, others = [], [] @@ -107,12 +105,12 @@ def onlineSanity(self, model): self.assertTrue(all(['terrorism' not in l for l in others])) model.build_vocab(others) model.train(others) - self.assertFalse('terrorism' in model.vocab) + self.assertFalse('terrorism' in model.wv.vocab) model.build_vocab(terro, update=True) - self.assertTrue('terrorism' in model.vocab) - orig0 = np.copy(model.syn0) + self.assertTrue('terrorism' in model.wv.vocab) + orig0 = np.copy(model.wv.syn0) model.train(terro) - self.assertFalse(np.allclose(model.syn0, orig0)) + self.assertFalse(np.allclose(model.wv.syn0, orig0)) sim = model.n_similarity(['war'], ['terrorism']) self.assertLess(0., sim) @@ -159,21 +157,21 @@ def testPersistenceWithConstructorRule(self): def testRuleWithMinCount(self): """Test that returning RULE_DEFAULT from trim_rule triggers min_count.""" model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences + [["occurs_only_once"]], min_count=2, trim_rule=_rule) - self.assertTrue("human" not in model.vocab) - self.assertTrue("occurs_only_once" not in model.vocab) - self.assertTrue("interface" in model.vocab) + self.assertTrue("human" not in model.wv.vocab) + self.assertTrue("occurs_only_once" not in model.wv.vocab) + self.assertTrue("interface" in model.wv.vocab) def testRule(self): """Test applying vocab trim_rule to build_vocab instead of constructor.""" model = word2vec.Word2Vec(min_count=1) model.build_vocab(sentences, trim_rule=_rule) - self.assertTrue("human" not in model.vocab) + self.assertTrue("human" not in model.wv.vocab) def testLambdaRule(self): """Test that lambda trim_rule works.""" rule = lambda word, count, min_count: utils.RULE_DISCARD if word == "human" else utils.RULE_DEFAULT model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, min_count=1, trim_rule=rule) - self.assertTrue("human" not in model.vocab) + self.assertTrue("human" not in model.wv.vocab) def testSyn0NormNotSaved(self): """Test syn0norm isn't saved in model file""" @@ -203,6 +201,7 @@ def testLoadPreKeyedVectorModel(self): model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load(datapath(model_file)) self.assertTrue(model.wv.syn0.shape == (len(model.wv.vocab), model.vector_size)) self.assertTrue(model.syn1neg.shape == (len(model.wv.vocab), model.vector_size)) + # Model stored in multiple files model_file = 'word2vec_pre_kv_sep%s' % model_file_suffix model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load(datapath(model_file)) @@ -225,7 +224,7 @@ def testPersistenceWord2VecFormat(self): norm_only_model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(testfile(), binary=True) norm_only_model.init_sims(replace=True) self.assertFalse(np.allclose(model['human'], norm_only_model['human'])) - self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model.wv.syn0norm[model.vocab['human'].index], norm_only_model['human'])) + self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model.wv.syn0norm[model.wv.vocab['human'].index], norm_only_model['human'])) limited_model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(testfile(), binary=True, limit=3) self.assertEquals(len(limited_model.wv.syn0), 3) half_precision_model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(testfile(), binary=True, datatype=np.float16) @@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ def testPersistenceWord2VecFormatNonBinary(self): norm_only_model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(testfile(), binary=False) norm_only_model.init_sims(True) self.assertFalse(np.allclose(model['human'], norm_only_model['human'], atol=1e-6)) - self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model.wv.syn0norm[model.vocab['human'].index], norm_only_model['human'], atol=1e-4)) + self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model.wv.syn0norm[model.wv.vocab['human'].index], norm_only_model['human'], atol=1e-4)) def testPersistenceWord2VecFormatWithVocab(self): """Test storing/loading the entire model and vocabulary in word2vec format.""" @@ -279,7 +278,7 @@ def testPersistenceWord2VecFormatWithVocab(self): testvocab = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'gensim_word2vec.vocab') model.save_word2vec_format(testfile(), testvocab, binary=True) binary_model_with_vocab = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(testfile(), testvocab, binary=True) - self.assertEqual(model.vocab['human'].count, binary_model_with_vocab.vocab['human'].count) + self.assertEqual(model.wv.vocab['human'].count, binary_model_with_vocab.wv.vocab['human'].count) def testPersistenceWord2VecFormatCombinationWithStandardPersistence(self): """Test storing/loading the entire model and vocabulary in word2vec format chained with @@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ def testPersistenceWord2VecFormatCombinationWithStandardPersistence(self): binary_model_with_vocab = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(testfile(), testvocab, binary=True) binary_model_with_vocab.save(testfile()) binary_model_with_vocab = word2vec.Word2Vec.load(testfile()) - self.assertEqual(model.vocab['human'].count, binary_model_with_vocab.vocab['human'].count) + self.assertEqual(model.wv.vocab['human'].count, binary_model_with_vocab.wv.vocab['human'].count) def testLargeMmap(self): """Test storing/loading the entire model.""" @@ -312,17 +311,17 @@ def testVocab(self): # try vocab building explicitly, using all words model = word2vec.Word2Vec(min_count=1, hs=1, negative=0) model.build_vocab(corpus) - self.assertTrue(len(model.vocab) == 6981) + self.assertTrue(len(model.wv.vocab) == 6981) # with min_count=1, we're not throwing away anything, so make sure the word counts add up to be the entire corpus - self.assertEqual(sum(v.count for v in model.vocab.values()), total_words) + self.assertEqual(sum(v.count for v in model.wv.vocab.values()), total_words) # make sure the binary codes are correct - np.allclose(model.vocab['the'].code, [1, 1, 0, 0]) + np.allclose(model.wv.vocab['the'].code, [1, 1, 0, 0]) # test building vocab with default params model = word2vec.Word2Vec(hs=1, negative=0) model.build_vocab(corpus) - self.assertTrue(len(model.vocab) == 1750) - np.allclose(model.vocab['the'].code, [1, 1, 1, 0]) + self.assertTrue(len(model.wv.vocab) == 1750) + np.allclose(model.wv.vocab['the'].code, [1, 1, 1, 0]) # no input => "RuntimeError: you must first build vocabulary before training the model" self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, word2vec.Word2Vec, []) @@ -336,15 +335,15 @@ def testTraining(self): model = word2vec.Word2Vec(size=2, min_count=1, hs=1, negative=0) model.build_vocab(sentences) - self.assertTrue(model.wv.syn0.shape == (len(model.vocab), 2)) - self.assertTrue(model.syn1.shape == (len(model.vocab), 2)) + self.assertTrue(model.wv.syn0.shape == (len(model.wv.vocab), 2)) + self.assertTrue(model.syn1.shape == (len(model.wv.vocab), 2)) model.train(sentences) sims = model.most_similar('graph', topn=10) # self.assertTrue(sims[0][0] == 'trees', sims) # most similar # test querying for "most similar" by vector - graph_vector = model.wv.syn0norm[model.vocab['graph'].index] + graph_vector = model.wv.syn0norm[model.wv.vocab['graph'].index] sims2 = model.most_similar(positive=[graph_vector], topn=11) sims2 = [(w, sim) for w, sim in sims2 if w != 'graph'] # ignore 'graph' itself self.assertEqual(sims, sims2) @@ -443,15 +442,15 @@ def testTrainingCbow(self): # build vocabulary, don't train yet model = word2vec.Word2Vec(size=2, min_count=1, sg=0, hs=1, negative=0) model.build_vocab(sentences) - self.assertTrue(model.wv.syn0.shape == (len(model.vocab), 2)) - self.assertTrue(model.syn1.shape == (len(model.vocab), 2)) + self.assertTrue(model.wv.syn0.shape == (len(model.wv.vocab), 2)) + self.assertTrue(model.syn1.shape == (len(model.wv.vocab), 2)) model.train(sentences) sims = model.most_similar('graph', topn=10) # self.assertTrue(sims[0][0] == 'trees', sims) # most similar # test querying for "most similar" by vector - graph_vector = model.wv.syn0norm[model.vocab['graph'].index] + graph_vector = model.wv.syn0norm[model.wv.vocab['graph'].index] sims2 = model.most_similar(positive=[graph_vector], topn=11) sims2 = [(w, sim) for w, sim in sims2 if w != 'graph'] # ignore 'graph' itself self.assertEqual(sims, sims2) @@ -466,15 +465,15 @@ def testTrainingSgNegative(self): # build vocabulary, don't train yet model = word2vec.Word2Vec(size=2, min_count=1, hs=0, negative=2) model.build_vocab(sentences) - self.assertTrue(model.wv.syn0.shape == (len(model.vocab), 2)) - self.assertTrue(model.syn1neg.shape == (len(model.vocab), 2)) + self.assertTrue(model.wv.syn0.shape == (len(model.wv.vocab), 2)) + self.assertTrue(model.syn1neg.shape == (len(model.wv.vocab), 2)) model.train(sentences) sims = model.most_similar('graph', topn=10) # self.assertTrue(sims[0][0] == 'trees', sims) # most similar # test querying for "most similar" by vector - graph_vector = model.wv.syn0norm[model.vocab['graph'].index] + graph_vector = model.wv.syn0norm[model.wv.vocab['graph'].index] sims2 = model.most_similar(positive=[graph_vector], topn=11) sims2 = [(w, sim) for w, sim in sims2 if w != 'graph'] # ignore 'graph' itself self.assertEqual(sims, sims2) @@ -489,15 +488,15 @@ def testTrainingCbowNegative(self): # build vocabulary, don't train yet model = word2vec.Word2Vec(size=2, min_count=1, sg=0, hs=0, negative=2) model.build_vocab(sentences) - self.assertTrue(model.wv.syn0.shape == (len(model.vocab), 2)) - self.assertTrue(model.syn1neg.shape == (len(model.vocab), 2)) + self.assertTrue(model.wv.syn0.shape == (len(model.wv.vocab), 2)) + self.assertTrue(model.syn1neg.shape == (len(model.wv.vocab), 2)) model.train(sentences) sims = model.most_similar('graph', topn=10) # self.assertTrue(sims[0][0] == 'trees', sims) # most similar # test querying for "most similar" by vector - graph_vector = model.wv.syn0norm[model.vocab['graph'].index] + graph_vector = model.wv.syn0norm[model.wv.vocab['graph'].index] sims2 = model.most_similar(positive=[graph_vector], topn=11) sims2 = [(w, sim) for w, sim in sims2 if w != 'graph'] # ignore 'graph' itself self.assertEqual(sims, sims2) @@ -551,13 +550,13 @@ def testRNG(self): self.models_equal(model, model2) def models_equal(self, model, model2): - self.assertEqual(len(model.vocab), len(model2.vocab)) + self.assertEqual(len(model.wv.vocab), len(model2.wv.vocab)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model.wv.syn0, model2.wv.syn0)) if model.hs: self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model.syn1, model2.syn1)) if model.negative: self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model.syn1neg, model2.syn1neg)) - most_common_word = max(model.vocab.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].count)[0] + most_common_word = max(model.wv.vocab.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].count)[0] self.assertTrue(np.allclose(model[most_common_word], model2[most_common_word])) def testDeleteTemporaryTrainingData(self): @@ -572,8 +571,8 @@ def testDeleteTemporaryTrainingData(self): self.assertTrue(hasattr(model, 'syn0_lockf')) model.delete_temporary_training_data(replace_word_vectors_with_normalized=True) self.assertTrue(len(model['human']), 10) - self.assertTrue(len(model.vocab), 12) - self.assertTrue(model.vocab['graph'].count, 3) + self.assertTrue(len(model.wv.vocab), 12) + self.assertTrue(model.wv.vocab['graph'].count, 3) self.assertTrue(not hasattr(model, 'syn1')) self.assertTrue(not hasattr(model, 'syn1neg')) self.assertTrue(not hasattr(model, 'syn0_lockf'))