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hideyuki-ogawa hideyuki-ogawa
Hello, I am from Kyoto Japan. I like Python.

Chomoku Kyoto

jlreartes cua4atro
Escribo codigo Flutter, like a Senior. Hago videogames en Rust 'cuz se aprende jugando. Implementado a blockchain de juguete para el Estanciero. True story.

@DartAndFlutter-ar Córdoba, Argentina.

mendoitarou_ mendoitarou

tarou software Japan

UltraRaid_ UltraRaid

Saitama Japan

Hideaki Oguchi hide-oguchi

Bluff Laboratory Yokohama

koromoko10 koromoko10
koromoko10です! 最近、プログラミングあまりできてません、、、自作ゲームを作るのが趣味です マリオ好きすぎ人間です。🍏も好きです!


さとしん satoshin-des
Affiliation: Second Year of Graduate School of Science in Rikkyo University. Major: mathematics, lattice theory. C++/ C#/ SageMath/ Python

立教大学大学院理学研究科 倭国

ウェブ完理 webfullsympathy


Juan luis Estrada Novaversocl
.: Computer Engineer - Web Developer :. "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence."


Jo Ito sqrtnull
Ex-Competitive Programmer from TokyoTech
Mycelithyl arx-ein
Hexagonal prism / Amateur musician / Coding hobbyist; Interested (but not experienced) in: web development, music software, UI design


Kokomi cat394
I really like web components! I mainly like working on the front end, and recently I've been learning to use Ember. I'll leave the backend to Firebase.


Tatsuya Shiozawa tatsuya-shiozawa
Founder and CEO at COCOTONE, Inc.

COCOTONE, Inc. Japan

UT s2-17 → ids-info → ist-ci / TS, Rust, etc. / interest in Programming Experience / LearnWiz / utelecon /

The University of Tokyo, @learnwiz, @utelecon


Fukushima, Japan

Maker / Lover of music and engineering

Tokyo or Yokohama

Lincerely lincerely
Love this default profile pic :)

Hong Kong

Baichuan Sun sunbc0120
Senior Applied Scientist at AWS AI/ML

Amazon Web Services Melbourne, Australia