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695 lines (568 loc) · 28.5 KB

File metadata and controls

695 lines (568 loc) · 28.5 KB

UPGRADE FROM 4.x to 5.0


  • Removed Client, use AbstractBrowser instead
  • Removed the possibility to extend Response by making it final.
  • Removed Response::buildHeader()
  • Removed Response::getStatus(), use Response::getStatusCode() instead
  • The Client::submit() method has a new $serverParameters argument.


  • Removed CacheItem::getPreviousTags(), use CacheItem::getMetadata() instead.
  • Removed all PSR-16 adapters, use Psr16Cache or Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface implementations instead.
  • Removed SimpleCacheAdapter, use Psr16Adapter instead.
  • Added argument $prefix to AdapterInterface::clear()


  • Dropped support for constructing a TreeBuilder without passing root node information.
  • Added the getChildNodeDefinitions() method to ParentNodeDefinitionInterface.
  • The Processor class has been made final
  • Removed FileLoaderLoadException, use LoaderLoadException instead.
  • Using environment variables with cannotBeEmpty() if the value is validated with validate() will throw an exception.
  • Removed the root() method in TreeBuilder, pass the root node information to the constructor instead


  • Removed support for finding hidden commands using an abbreviation, use the full name instead

  • Removed the setCrossingChar() method in favor of the setDefaultCrossingChar() method in TableStyle.

  • Removed the setHorizontalBorderChar() method in favor of the setDefaultCrossingChars() method in TableStyle.

  • Removed the getHorizontalBorderChar() method in favor of the getBorderChars() method in TableStyle.

  • Removed the setVerticalBorderChar() method in favor of the setVerticalBorderChars() method in TableStyle.

  • Removed the getVerticalBorderChar() method in favor of the getBorderChars() method in TableStyle.

  • Removed support for returning null from Command::execute(), return 0 instead

  • The ProcessHelper::run() method takes the command as an array of arguments.


    $processHelper->run($output, 'ls -l');


    $processHelper->run($output, array('ls', '-l'));
    // alternatively, when a shell wrapper is required
    $processHelper->run($output, Process::fromShellCommandline('ls -l'));


  • Removed the Debug class, use the one from the ErrorRenderer component instead
  • Removed the FlattenException class, use the one from the ErrorRenderer component instead
  • Removed the component in favor of the ErrorHandler component


  • Removed the TypedReference::canBeAutoregistered() and TypedReference::getRequiringClass() methods.

  • Removed support for auto-discovered extension configuration class which does not implement ConfigurationInterface.

  • Removed support for non-string default env() parameters


         env(NAME): 1.5


         env(NAME): '1.5'
  • Removed support for short factories and short configurators in Yaml


        factory: factory_service:method


        factory: ['@factory_service', method]
  • Removed tagged in favor of tagged_iterator


             tags: ['app.handler']
             arguments: [!tagged app.handler]


            tags: ['app.handler']
            arguments: [!tagged_iterator app.handler]


  • Removed the possibility to inject ClassMetadataFactory in DoctrineExtractor, an instance of EntityManagerInterface should be injected instead
  • Passing an IdReader to the DoctrineChoiceLoader when the query cannot be optimized with single id field will throw an exception, pass null instead
  • Not passing an IdReader to the DoctrineChoiceLoader when the query can be optimized with single id field will not apply any optimization
  • The RegistryInterface has been removed.
  • Added a new getMetadataDriverClass method in AbstractDoctrineExtension to replace class parameters.


  • The Crawler::children() method has a new $selector argument.


  • First parameter $usePutenv of Dotenv::__construct() now default to false.


  • The TraceableEventDispatcherInterface has been removed.
  • The signature of the EventDispatcherInterface::dispatch() method has been updated to dispatch($event, string $eventName = null)
  • The Event class has been removed, use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event instead


  • The Filesystem::isAbsolutePath() method no longer supports null in the $file argument.
  • The Filesystem::dumpFile() method no longer supports arrays in the $content argument.
  • The Filesystem::appendToFile() method no longer supports arrays in the $content argument.


  • The Finder::sortByName() method has a new $useNaturalSort argument.


  • Removed support for using different values for the "model_timezone" and "view_timezone" options of the TimeType without configuring a reference date.

  • Removed support for using int or float as data for the NumberType when the input option is set to string.

  • Removed support for using the format option of DateType and DateTimeType when the html5 option is enabled.

  • Using names for buttons that do not start with a lowercase letter, a digit, or an underscore leads to an exception.

  • Using names for buttons that do not contain only letters, digits, underscores, hyphens, and colons leads to an exception.

  • Using the date_format, date_widget, and time_widget options of the DateTimeType when the widget option is set to single_text is not supported anymore.

  • The getExtendedType() method was removed from the FormTypeExtensionInterface. It is replaced by the the static getExtendedTypes() method which must return an iterable of extended types.


    class FooTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
        public function getExtendedType()
            return FormType::class;
        // ...


    class FooTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
        public static function getExtendedTypes(): iterable
            return array(FormType::class);
        // ...
  • The scale option was removed from the IntegerType.

  • The $scale argument of the IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformer was removed.

  • Calling FormRenderer::searchAndRenderBlock for fields which were already rendered throws an exception instead of returning empty strings:


    {% for field in fieldsWithPotentialDuplicates %}
       {{ form_widget(field) }}
    {% endfor %}


    {% for field in fieldsWithPotentialDuplicates if not field.rendered %}
       {{ form_widget(field) }}
    {% endfor %}
  • The regions option was removed from the TimezoneType.

  • Added support for PHPUnit 8. A void return-type was added to the FormIntegrationTestCase::setUp(), TypeTestCase::setUp() and TypeTestCase::tearDown() methods.


  • Dropped support for booting the kernel before running WebTestCase::createClient(). createClient() will throw an exception if the kernel was already booted before.

  • Removed the framework.templating option, configure the Twig bundle instead.

  • The project dir argument of the constructor of AssetsInstallCommand is required.

  • Removed support for bundle:controller:action syntax to reference controllers. Use serviceOrFqcn::method instead where serviceOrFqcn is either the service ID when using controllers as services or the FQCN of the controller.


        path: /
            _controller: FrameworkBundle:Redirect:redirect


        path: /
            _controller: Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\RedirectController::redirectAction
  • Removed Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\ControllerNameParser.

  • Warming up a router in RouterCacheWarmer that does not implement the WarmableInterface is not supported anymore.

  • The RequestDataCollector class has been removed. Use the Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector class instead.

  • Removed Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller. Use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController instead.

  • Added support for the SameSite attribute for session cookies. It is highly recommended to set this setting (framework.session.cookie_samesite) to lax for increased security against CSRF attacks.

  • The ContainerAwareCommand class has been removed, use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command with dependency injection instead.

  • The Templating\Helper\TranslatorHelper::transChoice() method has been removed, use the trans() one instead with a %count% parameter.

  • Removed support for legacy translations directories src/Resources/translations/ and src/Resources/<BundleName>/translations/, use translations/ instead.

  • Support for the legacy directory structure in translation:update and debug:translation commands has been removed.

  • Removed the "Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface" / "" service, use "Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface" / "" instead.

  • Removed support for templating engine in TemplateController, use Twig instead

  • Removed ResolveControllerNameSubscriber.

  • Removed routing.loader.service.

  • Added support for PHPUnit 8. A void return-type was added to the KernelTestCase::tearDown() and WebTestCase::tearDown() method.


  • Added method cancel() to ResponseInterface
  • The $parser argument of ControllerResolver::__construct() and DelegatingLoader::__construct() has been removed.
  • The ControllerResolver and DelegatingLoader classes have been made final.
  • The controller_name_converter and resolve_controller_name_subscriber services have been removed.


  • The $size argument of the UploadedFile constructor has been removed.
  • The getClientSize() method of the UploadedFile class has been removed.
  • The getSession() method of the Request class throws an exception when session is null.
  • The default value of the "$secure" and "$samesite" arguments of Cookie's constructor changed respectively from "false" to "null" and from "null" to "lax".
  • The MimeTypeGuesserInterface and ExtensionGuesserInterface interfaces have been removed, use Symfony\Component\Mime\MimeTypesInterface instead.
  • The MimeType and MimeTypeExtensionGuesser classes have been removed, use Symfony\Component\Mime\MimeTypes instead.
  • The FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser class has been removed, use Symfony\Component\Mime\FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser instead.
  • The FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser class has been removed, use Symfony\Component\Mime\FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser instead.
  • ApacheRequest has been removed, use the Request class instead.
  • The third argument of the HeaderBag::get() method has been removed, use method all() instead.
  • Getting the container from a non-booted kernel is not possible anymore.


  • Removed Client, use HttpKernelBrowser instead

  • The Kernel::getRootDir() and the kernel.root_dir parameter have been removed

  • The KernelInterface::getName() and the parameter have been removed

  • Removed the first and second constructor argument of ConfigDataCollector

  • Removed ConfigDataCollector::getApplicationName()

  • Removed ConfigDataCollector::getApplicationVersion()

  • Removed FilterControllerArgumentsEvent, use ControllerArgumentsEvent instead

  • Removed FilterControllerEvent, use ControllerEvent instead

  • Removed FilterResponseEvent, use ResponseEvent instead

  • Removed GetResponseEvent, use RequestEvent instead

  • Removed GetResponseForControllerResultEvent, use ViewEvent instead

  • Removed GetResponseForExceptionEvent, use ExceptionEvent instead

  • Removed PostResponseEvent, use TerminateEvent instead

  • Removed TranslatorListener in favor of LocaleAwareListener

  • The DebugHandlersListener class has been made final

  • Removed SaveSessionListener in favor of AbstractSessionListener

  • Added new Bundle directory convention consistent with standard skeletons:

    └── MyBundle/
        ├── config/
        ├── public/
        ├── src/
        │   └── MyBundle.php
        ├── templates/
        └── translations/

    To make this work properly, it is necessary to change the root path of the bundle:

    class MyBundle extends Bundle
        public function getPath(): string
            return \dirname(__DIR__);

    As many bundles must be compatible with a range of Symfony versions, the current directory convention is not deprecated yet, but it will be in the future.

  • Removed the second and third argument of KernelInterface::locateResource

  • Removed the second and third argument of FileLocator::__construct

  • Removed loading resources from %kernel.root_dir%/Resources and %kernel.root_dir% as fallback directories.


  • Removed ResourceBundle namespace
  • Removed Intl::getLanguageBundle(), use Languages or Scripts instead
  • Removed Intl::getCurrencyBundle(), use Currencies instead
  • Removed Intl::getLocaleBundle(), use Locales instead
  • Removed Intl::getRegionBundle(), use Countries instead


  • Removed Symfony\Component\Lock\StoreInterface in favor of Symfony\Component\Lock\BlockingStoreInterface and Symfony\Component\Lock\PersistingStoreInterface.
  • Removed Factory, use LockFactory instead


  • The LoggingMiddleware class has been removed, pass a logger to SendMessageMiddleware instead.
  • Passing a ContainerInterface instance as first argument of the ConsumeMessagesCommand constructor now throws as \TypeError, pass a RoutableMessageBus instance instead.


  • The methods DebugProcessor::getLogs(), DebugProcessor::countErrors(), Logger::getLogs() and Logger::countErrors() have a new $request argument.


  • The RouteProcessor class is final.


  • Removed the Process::inheritEnvironmentVariables() method: env variables are always inherited.

  • Removed the Process::setCommandline() and the PhpProcess::setPhpBinary() methods.

  • Commands must be defined as arrays when creating a Process instance.


    $process = new Process('ls -l');


    $process = new Process(array('ls', '-l'));
    // alternatively, when a shell wrapper is required
    $process = Process::fromShellCommandline('ls -l');


  • Removed support of passing null as 2nd argument of PropertyAccessor::createCache() method ($defaultLifetime), pass 0 instead.


  • The generator_base_class, generator_cache_class, matcher_base_class, and matcher_cache_class router options have been removed.
  • Serializable implementing methods for Route and CompiledRoute are final. Instead of overwriting them, use __serialize and __unserialize as extension points which are forward compatible with the new serialization methods in PHP 7.4.
  • Removed ServiceRouterLoader and ObjectRouteLoader.
  • Service route loaders must be tagged with routing.route_loader.


  • Dropped support for passing more than one attribute to AccessDecisionManager::decide() and AuthorizationChecker::isGranted() (and indirectly the is_granted() Twig and ExpressionLanguage function):


    if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted(['ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_ADMIN'])) {
        // ...


    if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted(new Expression("has_role('ROLE_USER') or has_role('ROLE_ADMIN')"))) {}
    // or:
    if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_USER')
       || $this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')
    ) {}
  • The LdapUserProvider class has been removed, use Symfony\Component\Ldap\Security\LdapUserProvider instead.

  • Implementations of PasswordEncoderInterface and UserPasswordEncoderInterface must have a new needsRehash() method

  • The Role and SwitchUserRole classes have been removed.

  • The getReachableRoles() method of the RoleHierarchy class has been removed. It has been replaced by the new getReachableRoleNames() method.

  • The getRoles() method has been removed from the TokenInterface. It has been replaced by the new getRoleNames() method.

  • The ContextListener::setLogoutOnUserChange() method has been removed.

  • The Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\AdvancedUserInterface has been removed.

  • The ExpressionVoter::addExpressionLanguageProvider() method has been removed.

  • The FirewallMapInterface::getListeners() method must return an array of 3 elements, the 3rd one must be either a LogoutListener instance or null.

  • The AuthenticationTrustResolver constructor arguments have been removed.

  • A user object that is not an instance of UserInterface cannot be accessed from Security::getUser() anymore and returns null instead.

  • SimpleAuthenticatorInterface, SimpleFormAuthenticatorInterface, SimplePreAuthenticatorInterface, SimpleAuthenticationProvider, SimpleAuthenticationHandler, SimpleFormAuthenticationListener and SimplePreAuthenticationListener have been removed. Use Guard instead.

  • The ListenerInterface has been removed, turn your listeners into callables instead.

  • The Firewall::handleRequest() method has been removed, use Firewall::callListeners() instead.

  • \Serializable interface has been removed from AbstractToken and AuthenticationException, thus serialize() and unserialize() aren't available. Use __serialize() and __unserialize() instead.


    public function serialize()
        return [$this->myLocalVar, parent::serialize()];
    public function unserialize($serialized)
        [$this->myLocalVar, $parentSerialized] = unserialize($serialized);


    public function __serialize(): array
        return [$this->myLocalVar, parent::__serialize()];
    public function __unserialize(array $data): void
        [$this->myLocalVar, $parentData] = $data;
  • The Argon2iPasswordEncoder class has been removed, use SodiumPasswordEncoder instead.

  • The BCryptPasswordEncoder class has been removed, use NativePasswordEncoder instead.

  • Classes implementing the TokenInterface must implement the two new methods __serialize and __unserialize

  • Implementations of Guard\AuthenticatorInterface::checkCredentials() must return a boolean value now. Please explicitly return false to indicate invalid credentials.


  • The logout_on_user_change firewall option has been removed.
  • The switch_user.stateless firewall option has been removed.
  • The SecurityUserValueResolver class has been removed.
  • Passing a FirewallConfig instance as 3rd argument to the FirewallContext constructor now throws a \TypeError, pass a LogoutListener instance instead.
  • The security.authentication.trust_resolver.anonymous_class parameter has been removed.
  • The security.authentication.trust_resolver.rememberme_class parameter has been removed.
  • The simple_form and simple_preauth authentication listeners have been removed, use Guard instead.
  • The SimpleFormFactory and SimplePreAuthenticationFactory classes have been removed, use Guard instead.
  • The names of the cookies configured in the logout.delete_cookies option are no longer normalized. If any of your cookie names has dashes they won't be changed to underscores. Before: my-cookie deleted the my_cookie cookie (with an underscore). After: my-cookie deletes the my-cookie cookie (with a dash).
  • Configuring encoders using argon2i or bcrypt as algorithm is not supported anymore, use auto instead.


  • The default value of the CsvEncoder "as_collection" option was changed to true.

  • Individual encoders & normalizers options as constructor arguments were removed. Use the default context instead.

  • The following method and properties:

    • AbstractNormalizer::$circularReferenceLimit
    • AbstractNormalizer::$circularReferenceHandler
    • AbstractNormalizer::$callbacks
    • AbstractNormalizer::$ignoredAttributes
    • AbstractNormalizer::$camelizedAttributes
    • AbstractNormalizer::setCircularReferenceLimit()
    • AbstractNormalizer::setCircularReferenceHandler()
    • AbstractNormalizer::setCallbacks()
    • AbstractNormalizer::setIgnoredAttributes()
    • AbstractObjectNormalizer::$maxDepthHandler
    • AbstractObjectNormalizer::setMaxDepthHandler()
    • XmlEncoder::setRootNodeName()
    • XmlEncoder::getRootNodeName()

    were removed, use the default context instead.

  • The AbstractNormalizer::handleCircularReference() method has two new $format and $context arguments.

  • Removed support for instantiating a DataUriNormalizer with a default MIME type guesser when the symfony/mime component isn't installed.


  • Removed the XmlEncoder::TYPE_CASE_ATTRIBUTES constant. Use XmlEncoder::TYPE_CAST_ATTRIBUTES instead.


  • Removed support for passing null as 1st ($id) argument of Section::get() method, pass a valid child section identifier instead.


  • Support for using null as the locale in Translator has been removed.
  • The FileDumper::setBackup() method has been removed.
  • The TranslationWriter::disableBackup() method has been removed.
  • The TranslatorInterface has been removed in favor of Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface
  • The MessageSelector, Interval and PluralizationRules classes have been removed, use IdentityTranslator instead
  • The Translator::getFallbackLocales() and TranslationDataCollector::getFallbackLocales() method are now internal
  • The Translator::transChoice() method has been removed in favor of using Translator::trans() with "%count%" as the parameter driving plurals
  • Removed support for implicit STDIN usage in the lint:xliff command, use lint:xliff - (append a dash) instead to make it explicit.


  • The default value (false) of the twig.strict_variables configuration option has been changed to %kernel.debug%.
  • The transchoice tag and filter have been removed, use the trans ones instead with a %count% parameter.
  • Removed support for legacy templates directories src/Resources/views/ and src/Resources/<BundleName>/views/, use templates/ and templates/bundles/<BundleName>/ instead.
  • The twig.exception_controller configuration option has been removed, use framework.error_controller instead.
  • Removed ExceptionController, PreviewErrorController classes and all built-in error templates


  • Removed argument $rootDir from the DebugCommand::__construct() method and the 5th argument must be an instance of FileLinkFormatter
  • removed the $requestStack and $requestContext arguments of the HttpFoundationExtension, pass a Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UrlHelper instance as the only argument instead
  • Removed support for implicit STDIN usage in the lint:twig command, use lint:twig - (append a dash) instead to make it explicit.


  • Removed support for non-string codes of a ConstraintViolation. A string type-hint was added to the constructor of the ConstraintViolation class and to the ConstraintViolationBuilder::setCode() method.
  • An ExpressionLanguage instance or null must be passed as the first argument of ExpressionValidator::__construct()
  • The checkMX and checkHost options of the Email constraint were removed
  • The Email::__construct() 'strict' property has been removed. Use 'mode'=>"strict" instead.
  • Calling EmailValidator::__construct() method with a boolean parameter has been removed, use EmailValidator("strict") instead.
  • Removed the checkDNS and dnsMessage options from the Url constraint.
  • The component is now decoupled from symfony/translation and uses Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface instead
  • The ValidatorBuilderInterface has been removed
  • Removed support for validating instances of \DateTimeInterface in DateTimeValidator, DateValidator and TimeValidator. Use Type instead or remove the constraint if the underlying model is type hinted to \DateTimeInterface already.
  • The symfony/intl component is now required for using the Bic, Country, Currency, Language and Locale constraints
  • The egulias/email-validator component is now required for using the Email constraint in strict mode
  • The symfony/expression-language component is now required for using the Expression constraint
  • Changed the default value of Length::$allowEmptyString to false and made it optional
  • Added support for PHPUnit 8. A void return-type was added to the ConstraintValidatorTestCase::setUp() and ConstraintValidatorTestCase::tearDown() methods.
  • The Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Cache\CacheInterface and all its implementations have been removed.
  • The ValidatorBuilder::setMetadataCache has been removed, use ValidatorBuilder::setMappingCache instead.


  • Removed the ExceptionController::templateExists() method
  • Removed the TemplateManager::templateExists() method


  • The DefinitionBuilder::reset() method has been removed, use the clear() one instead.

  • add method has been removed use addWorkflow method in Workflow\Registry instead.

  • SupportStrategyInterface has been removed, use WorkflowSupportStrategyInterface instead.

  • ClassInstanceSupportStrategy has been removed, use InstanceOfSupportStrategy instead.

  • WorkflowInterface::apply() has a third argument: array $context = [].

  • MarkingStoreInterface::setMarking() has a third argument: array $context = [].

  • Removed support of initial_place. Use initial_places instead.

  • MultipleStateMarkingStore has been removed. Use MethodMarkingStore instead.

  • DefinitionBuilder::setInitialPlace() has been removed, use DefinitionBuilder::setInitialPlaces() instead.


            type: workflow
                    type: multiple
                    arguments: states


            type: workflow
                    property: states
  • SingleStateMarkingStore has been removed. Use MethodMarkingStore instead.


                    arguments: state


                    property: state
  • Support for using a workflow with a single state marking is dropped. Use a state machine instead.


                type: workflow
                    type: single_state


                type: state_machine


  • The parser is now stricter and will throw a ParseException when a mapping is found inside a multi-line string.
  • Removed support for implicit STDIN usage in the lint:yaml command, use lint:yaml - (append a dash) instead to make it explicit.


  • Removed the ExceptionController class, use ExceptionErrorController instead.


  • The bundle has been removed.