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OAuth: Twitter

Matt Holt edited this page Feb 17, 2019 · 1 revision

These instructions will help you set up Twitter OAuth2 client credentials so you can use Timeliner with the Twitter API.

The only thing here that's specific to Timeliner is the OAuth redirect URI (which you can change from the default, anyway).

  1. Go to Twitter Developers app dashboard
  2. Click Create an App.
  3. Fill out the form. The app name has to be globally unique, unfortunately, so choose one unique to you. You'll also have to explain what you'll do with the app, even though it's for personal use. I usually just explain that it's a personal project to help me better understand my use of Twitter.
  4. Once your app is created, go to the "Keys and tokens" tab.
  5. You'll see "Consumer API keys" with an "API key" and an "API secret key". These are your client ID and secret. Put them into your Timeliner config file (timeliner.toml).
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