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sktime is a consensus-based community project. Anyone with an interest in the project can join the community, contribute to the project, and participate in the governance process. This document describes how that participation takes place, which roles we have in our community, how we make decisions, and how we acknowledge contributions.

We are particularly motivated to support new and/or anxious contributors, people who are looking to learn and develop their skills, and anyone who has experienced discrimination in the past. Go to our contributing guide for more details.

Section Purpose
:ref:`code-of-conduct` How we expect all members of the sktime community to interact
:ref:`roles` What roles we have in sktime's community and what rights and responsibilities they have
:ref:`decision-making` How and by whom decisions are made
:ref:`acknowledging-contributions` How we acknowledge contributions
:ref:`outlook` What we may change in the future

Code of Conduct

We value the participation of every member of our community and want to ensure an that every contributor has an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, everyone who participates in the sktime project is expected to show respect and courtesy to other community members at all times.

We ask all members of the community to conform to our Code of Conduct.


We distinguish between the following key roles that community members may exercise. For each role, we describe their rights and responsibilities, and appointment process in more detail below.

Role Rights/responsibilities Appointment
:ref:`contributors` - Concrete contribution
:ref:`algorithm-maintainers` Algorithm maintenance, voting and veto right for changes to their algorithm Algorithm contribution or appointment by current maintainer
:ref:`core-developers` Direct write access, issue/PR management, veto right, voting, nomination Nomination by core developers, vote by core developers, 2/3 majority
:ref:`coc-committee-members` CoC maintenance, investigation and enforcement Nomination by core developers, vote by core developers, 2/3 majority and simple CoC majority
:ref:`cc-members` Conflict resolution, technical leadership, project management Nomination by core developers, vote by core developers, 2/3 majority and simple CC majority


Contributors are community members who have contributed in concrete ways to the project. Anyone can become a contributor, and contributions can take many forms – not only code – as detailed in the contributing guide.

For more details on how we acknowledge contributions, see :ref:`acknowledging-contributions` below.

All contributors are listed in

Algorithm maintainers

Algorithm maintainers are contributors who have contributed an algorithm. They have the same voting rights as core developers with regard to their algorithm.

In sktime, algorithms are encapsulated in classes with specific interface requirements and are called estimators. To faciliate maintainership questions, we try to write algorithms in separate files when possible.

Rights and responsibilities

Right/responsibility Description
Decision making with respect to their algorithm Algorithm maintainers can partipate in the decision making process by vetoing changes and casting votes with regard to proposed changes to their algorithm. This does not extend to proposed changes to the common framework and API.
Maintenance They are responsible for maintaining the code and documentation for their algorithm, including bug fixes, unit testing, coding style, compliance with the common API, docstrings, documentation and tutorials notebooks.
Support They are the first point of contact for users and other contributors for all questions, issues and proposals regarding their algorithm.


The contributor who contributes an algorithm is automatically appointed as its first maintainer. If they can no longer fulfil their maintenance responsibilities, maintainers are expected to resign.

When the maintainer resigns, they can appoint another contributor as the new maintainer. No vote is required.

Maintainers are listed in the CODEOWNERS file.

Core developers

Core developers are contributors who have shown that they are dedicated to the continued development of the project through ongoing engagement with the community.

Current core developers are listed in the core-developers team within the sktime organisation on GitHub.

Rights and responsibilities

Right/responsibility Description
Direct access Being a core developer allows contributors to more easily carry on with their project related activities by giving them direct access to the project’s repository.
Issue/PR management Core developers are responsible for reviewing and managing issues and pull requests. This includes commenting on issues, reviewing code contributions, merging approved pull requests, and closing issues once resolved.
Decision making They can partipate in the decision making process by vetoing changes and casting votes.
Nomination They can nominate new core developers, CoC committee members and CC members.


New core developers can be nominated by any current core developer. Once they have been nominated, there will be a vote by the current core developers.

Voting on new core developers is one of the few activities that takes place on the project’s private chat. While it is expected that most votes will be unanimous, a 2/3 majority of the cast votes is enough. The vote needs to be open for at least five working days.

Core developers that have not contributed to the project (commits or GitHub comments) in the past 12 months will be asked if they want to become emeritus core developers and give up their rights and responsibilities. When they become active again, emeritus developers can retake their role without having to be appointed.

CoC committee members

The current members of the CoC committee are listed in the CoC.

Rights and responsibilities

CoC committee members are responsible for investigating potential CoC incidents and enforcing the CoC. They are the point of contact for reporting potential CoC incidents.

In addition, they are responsible for maintaining and improving the CoC.


Membership of the CC is by nomination by a core developer and a vote by all core developers. A nomination will result in discussion which cannot take more than a week and then a vote by the core developers which will stay open for a week. CoC membership votes are subject to:

  • a 2/3 majority of all cast votes, and
  • a simple majority approval of all the current CoC members.

To avoid deadlocks if there is an even number of CoC members, one of them will have a tie breaking privilege.

CC members

CC members are core developers with additional rights and responsibilities to avoid deadlocks and ensure a smooth progress of the project.

Current CC members are listed in the community-council team within the sktime organisation on GitHub.

Rights and responsibilities

Right/responsibility Description
Decision making: conflict resolution see :ref:`stage-3` below
Technical direction Strategic planning, development roadmap
Project management Funding, collaborations with external organisations, community infrastructure (chat server, GitHub repositories, continuous integration accounts, social media accounts)


Membership of the CC is by nomination by a core developer and a vote by all core developers. A nomination will result in discussion which cannot take more than a week and then a vote by the core developers which will stay open for a week. CC membership votes are subject to:

  • a 2/3 majority of all cast votes, and
  • a simple majority approval of all the current CC members.

To avoid deadlocks if there is an even number of CC members, one of them will have a tie breaking privilege.

CC members who do not actively engage with the CC responsibilities are expected to resign.


The CC has regular public meetings that the full community is welcome to attend.

For more details about our meetings, please go to our community-council repository.

To contact the CC directly, please send an email to

Decision making

The purpose of this section is to formalize the decision-making process used by the sktime project. We clarify * what types of changes we make decision on, * how decisions are made, and * who participates in the decision making.

sktime’s decision-making process is designed to take into account feedback from all community members and strives to find consensus, while avoiding deadlocks when no consensus can be found.

All discussion and votes takes place on the project’s issue tracker, pull requests or an :ref:`steps`. Some sensitive discussions and appointment votes occur on private chats.

The CC reserves the right to overrule decisions.

We distinguish between the following types of proposed changes. The corresponding decision making process is described in more detail below.

Type of change Decision making process
Code additions, such as new algorithms Lazy consensus, supported by the :ref:`algorithm-inclusion-guidelines`
Minor documentation changes, such as typo fixes, or addition/correction of a sentence Lazy consensus
Code changes and major documentation changes Lazy consensus
Changes to the API design, hard dependencies, or supported versions Lazy consensus based on an :ref:`steps`
Changes to sktime's governance (this document and the CoC) Lazy consensus based on an :ref:`steps`
Appointment Voting

Stage 1: lazy consensus with veto right

sktime uses a “consensus seeking” process for making decisions. The community tries to find a resolution that has no open objections among core developers.

  • To accept proposed changes, we require approval by one core developer (lazy consensus) and no rejection by a core developer (veto right).
  • Approvals and rejections can be expressed as +1 and -1 comments, respectively.
  • Core developers are expected to give reasonable time to others to give their opinion on the pull request if they’re not confident others would agree.
  • More important changes that impact the full project require a more detailed analysis and a consensus that is both explicit and informed. These changes require an :ref:`steps`.

When no consensus can be found, the decision is escaled to :ref:`stage-2`.

Stage 2: voting

When no consensus can be found, any core developer can call for a vote at any point during the discussion.

  • The vote will conclude 10 working days from the call for the vote.
  • Votes are public and voluntary. Abstentions are allowed. You can abstain by simply not casting a vote.
  • All votes are a binary vote: for or against accepting the proposed changes.
  • Votes are casts as comments: +1 (approval) or -1 (rejection).

For all types of changes, except appointments, the winning condition is a 2/3 majority of the votes casts by core developers including CC members. If the proposed change cannot gather a 2/3 majority of the votes cast by core developers, the decision is escalated to the :ref:`stage-3`.

For appointments, winning conditions vary depending on the role as described in :ref:`roles` above. Appointment decisions are not escalated to the CC. If a nomination cannot gather sufficient support, the nomination is rejected.

Stage 3: conflict resolution

If the proposed change cannot gather a 2/3 majority of the votes cast, the CC tries to resolve the deadlock.

  • The CC will use consensus seeking.
  • If no consensus can be found within a month, the decision is made through a simple majority vote (with tie breaking) among the CC members.
  • Any CC decision must be supported by an :ref:`steps`, which has been made public and discussed before the vote.

sktime enhancement proposal

For all decision of the CC, an sktime enhancement proposal (STEP) must have been made public and discussed before the vote.

An sktime enhancement proposal is a consolidated document, with a concise problem statement, a clear description of the proposed solution and a comparison with alternative solutions, as outlined in our template.

We collect and discuss proposals in sktime’s repository for enhancement-proposals.

Algorithm inclusion guidelines

Curation is about how we select contributions, which criteria we use in order to decide which contributions to include, and in which cases we deprecate and remove contributions.

We have the following guidelines:

  • We only consider published algorithms which have been shown to be competitive in comparative benchmarking studies or practically useful in applied projects. A technique that provides a clear-cut improvement (e.g. an enhanced data structure or a more efficient approximation technique) on a widely-used method will also be considered for inclusion.
  • From the algorithms or techniques that meet the above criteria, only those which fit well within the current API of sktime are accepted. For algorithms that do not fit well into the current API, the API will have to be extended first. For extending current API, see the decision making process for major changes.
  • The contributor should support the importance of the proposed addition with research papers and/or implementations in other similar packages, demonstrate its usefulness via common use-cases/applications and corroborate performance improvements, if any, with benchmarks and/or plots. It is expected that the proposed algorithm should outperform the methods that are already implemented in sktime in at least some areas.
  • We strive to consolidate existing functionality if helps to improve the usability and maintainability of the project. For example, when there are multiple techniques for the same purpose, we prefer to combine them into a single class and make case distinctions based on hyper-parameters.

Note that your implementation need not be in sktime to be used together with sktime tools. You can implement your favorite algorithm in a sktime compatible way in one of our companion repositories on GitHub. We will be happy to list it under related software.

If algorithms require major dependencies, we encourage to create a separate companion repository. For example, for deep learning techniques based on TensorFlow and Keras, we have sktime-dl. For smaller dependencies which are limited to a few files, we encourage to use soft dependencies, which are only required for particular modules, but not for most of sktime’s functionality and not for installing sktime.

Acknowledging contributions

sktime is collaboratively developed by its diverse community of developers, users, educators, and other stakeholders. We value all kinds of contributions and are committed to recognising each of them fairly.

We follow the all-contributors specification to recognise all contributors, including those that don’t contribute code. Please see our list of all contributors.

If you think, we’ve missed anything, please let us know or open a PR with the appropriate changes to sktime/.all-contributorsrc.

Note that contributors do not own their contributions. sktime is an open-source project, and all code is contributed under our open-source license. All contributors ackwoledge that they have all the rights to the code they contribute to make it available under this license.

The project belongs to the sktime community, and all parts of it are always considered “work in progress” so that they can evolve over time with newer contributions.


We are open to improvement suggestions for our governance model. Once the community grows more and sktime’s code base becomes more consolidated, we will consider the following changes:

  • Allow for more time to discuss changes, and more time to cast vote when no consensus can be found,
  • Require more positive votes (less lazy consensus) to accept changes during consensus seeking stage,
  • Reduce time for maintainers to reply to issues

In addition, we plan to add more roles for managing/coordinating specific project:

  • Community manager (mentorship, outreach, social media, etc),
  • Sub-councils for project-specific technical leadership (e.g.  for documentation, learning tasks, continuous integration)


Our governance model is inspired by various existing governance structures. In particular, we’d like to acknowledge: