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NuGetVersionChecker NuGetVersionChecker License

NuGet Version Checker is a project aims recency of NuGet packges on projects.



Since there is no tracking mechanism that notifies users of package without manually checking them, NuGetVersionChecker will allow a way to track packages certain ways on upcoming versions.

How to download

Release: Latest release

Download on NuGet gallery


dotnet add package NuGetVersionChecker

Example Usage

// Path for .csporj file. Return list of `Package` that contains package names, versions and availability to update.
CheckVersionAsync(string path, bool includePrelease = false);
// Path for .csproj file. Returns list of `Package` that contains package name and it version.
GetPackages(string path);
// packageName of the NuGet package. Returns `Package` that contains package name and its version.
GetPackageFromNuGetAsync(string packageName, bool includePrerelease = false);
// packageNameList of the list of NuGet package names. Returns List of `Package` that contains packages name and their versions.
GetPackagesFromNuGetAsync(List<string> packageNameList, bool includePrerelease = false);

Console Application

// Call this method.
internal static void NuGetVersionCheck()
  string currentDirectory = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

  string startupPath = Directory.GetParent(currentDirectory).Parent.Parent.FullName;

  string appName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;

  List<Package> result = CheckVersionAsync($"{startupPath}//{appName}.csproj").GetAwaiter().GetResult();

  foreach (Package package in result.Where(p => p.UpdateAvailable))
    Console.WriteLine($"Update available for: {package}");
    // Debug.WriteLine($"Update available for: {package}");

To check listed methods visit wiki page. NuGetVersionChecker Wiki

Version History

See Changelog

Task list

  • Create an issue or check task list: Issues


This repository is licensed under the "MIT" license. See MIT license.

Authors & Contributing

If you'd like to contribute, then contribute. contributing guide.



Twitter: Enes Okullu @enesokullu