{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":485639778,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"better-brain-blogging","ownerLogin":"kwicherbelliaken","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2022-04-26T05:00:28.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://github.com/avatars/u/160199769?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":true},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1720079706.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"9513b6e44d9e0896dd26b8099f91e3a8dfd5724d","after":"ff910ab52ed917591d48a6fe4560b8d815322b36","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-11T22:14:28.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"[CHORE]: polished readme ready to make repository public (#105) (#107)\n\n* [FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#83)\r\n\r\n* chore / replace-vitest-with-jest (#1)\r\n\r\n* feature: jest-config added\r\n\r\n* chore: ensure tsconfig respects node and jest as globally available environments;\r\n\r\n* feature: add dependencies related to swapping jest in as testing suite;\r\n\r\n* test: add styleMock;\r\n\r\n* chore: add generated server index.js.map to gitignore;\r\n\r\n* feature: BraindumpsIndex page test scaffolding;\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused deps including jest-module-name-mapper (no need for this util);\r\n\r\n* chore: add test coverage directory to gitignore\r\n\r\n* chore: corrected CI workflow for testing;\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* feature / initial-integration-of-notion-cms (#2)\r\n\r\n* feature: added notion SDK to project;\r\n\r\n* feature: export notion client from root (need a singleton);\r\n\r\n* chore: constants file;\r\n\r\n* feature: http-caching of Braindumps page (document and loader), CatchBoundary also added;\r\n\r\n* chore: do not include any .js.map files into commit;\r\n\r\n* chore: some rearranging in package.json??;\r\n\r\n* feature: braindump loader helper implemented with test coverage\r\n\r\n* chore: braindump route cleanup\r\n\r\n* test: remove unused route/braindump test\r\n\r\n* chore: add ts-ignore statements because compiler isn't properly picking up on NotionAPI types\r\n\r\n* feature / link to and implement render content of individual braindumps (#3)\r\n\r\n* feature: improved upon braindump extractor/payload formatting\r\n\r\n* feature: add through link to specific braindump from braindump list page\r\n\r\n* chore: remove code comment about using singleton\r\n\r\n* feature: Components used to format Notion API 'braindump' JSON payload\r\n\r\n* chore: updated README to include links referring to influences\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of braindump - specific article\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom fonts to project used in specific braindump\r\n\r\n* feature: extend base tailwind theme, no need for CSS abstractions opted for consistent component and template partials\r\n\r\n* feature: inline styling of components with template partials (themeing)\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of the layout for specific braindump article\r\n\r\n* refactor: improvement to generic components related to Notion CMS, includes fixing console errors due to React becoming confused about rendered Components\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console log\r\n\r\n* feature: updated to Component styles for Title.H3\r\n\r\n* feature: references Component implemented and retrieving dynamic content from CMS\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component implemented with improvement to nested P Component\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component rendered (if present) on Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* feature: added highlight.js for syntactic highlighting\r\n\r\n* chore: Remix regenerates tsconfig file for some strange reason\r\n\r\n* feature: added randomising of border-radius functionality for irregular shape generation\r\n\r\n* feature: add yellow-meringue to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* feature: add ability for highlighting to Paragraph Component\r\n\r\n* feature: AnimatedButton on Braindump Page similar to Komono\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up Braindump Page layout\r\n\r\n* feature: InnerLayout Component which has logic for irregular shape transistion implemented\r\n\r\n* feature: add InnerLayout Component to Braindump Page, also tested for unnecessary re-renders to child Components: were none :D\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust duration of InnerLayout transistion\r\n\r\n* feature: a bit more padding for the Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* fix: remove flash from AnimatedButton - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46960449/how-to-avoid-flickering-on-box-shadow-transition\\#:\\~:text\\=Try%20setting%20a%20boxshadow%20of%20.09px\r\n\r\n* fix: unique key for iteratable Component\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump references link to new window\r\n\r\n* feature: update shared Components to use className to stich styleProp to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* chore: package-lock\r\n\r\n* chore: add package-lock\r\n\r\n* feature: fresh layout for Braindump entry Page\r\n\r\n* chore: bump @remix deps\r\n\r\n* chore: react-dom update requires using different import\r\n\r\n* feature: making use of fuzzy-scrawl animation component\r\n\r\n* chore: somethng is going awry wrt cypress tests, had to comment out the following code\r\n\r\n* chore: typings for BostockMetaballAnimation\r\n\r\n* feature: tweak to Components to accept styleProps\r\n\r\n* feature: introduced BostockMetaballAnimation with npm link\r\n\r\n* feature: extended the tailwind config to include grid\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump page no longer makes use of Fuzzy Scrawl animation Component\r\n\r\n* feature: update favicon\r\n\r\n* feature: add bostock animation and fuzzy scrawl as deps\r\n\r\n* feature: better encapsulation of braindumps page logic as Components\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up landing page code\r\n\r\n* feature: add error boundary to root\r\n\r\n* feature: add new version of fuzzy-scrawl\r\n\r\n* feature: jeeez a lot of rearranging--nested files (layout nesting + nested urls) and flat files (no layout nesting + nested urls)\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove some boilerplate stuff and other dead code\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: establish error boundaries for layout routes (#14)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: CatchBoundary in braindumps list nested route handles for bad requests, etc; ErrorBoundary is a catch all\r\n:\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: correct ci/cd pipeline (#17)\r\n\r\n* chore: PR link to issue\r\n\r\n* fix: TS errors fixed\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove vitest from package.json and github workflow\r\n\r\n* fix: couldn't resolve polyfill module because absolute url was waaay off\r\n\r\n* fix: cypress tests now running green\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress) (#20)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated arc file to include stack name and deployed to region\r\n\r\n* chore: run CI/CD pipeline when pushing on this branch\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching (#25)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching\r\n\r\n* fix: use newer version of cypress github action\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove cypress as deployment pre-req (FOR NOW)\r\n\r\n* fix: staging deployment is triggered on develop branch\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment with NOTION CRM env vars (#29)\r\n\r\n* [feature]: fallback page for mobile devices; customising tailwind styles using CSS layers (#32)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* [fix]: css syntax error \"text-xl\" wrongly configured (#33)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* fix: broke build pipeline because css syntax issue\r\n\r\n* fix: layout was completely janked\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of (#34)\r\n\r\n* delete server directory\r\n\r\n* [chore]: cleanup eslint warnings + remove `server` dir from source control (#35)\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of\r\n\r\n* chore: ignore auto generated server directory\r\n\r\n* [feature]: write copy for website (#38)\r\n\r\n* refactor: dot notation for table component (introduction panel)\r\n\r\n* refactor: better padding for braindumps list\r\n\r\n* [fix]: repairing page navigation so we don't land on mobile only page (#40)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: splash page does not render content unless on the client (we depend too much on browser based APIs for solutions to our problems)\r\n\r\n* [fix]: late content fetching causes layout shifts (#42)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* fix: font path url matches the actual url where the font is served from\r\n\r\n* fix: some better styling choices; removed some content; page does not overflow because of body content (#46)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section (#49)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: remove the \"references\" title from the content page... will restore later (#52)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section\r\n\r\n* feature: get rid of the references title\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy production off of master branch\r\n\r\n* feature: actually specify cache control headers, especially for the braindump content page (#57)\r\n\r\n* feature: preload fonts so we can avoid layout jankiness when they eventually load (#59)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: add page transitions (#62)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations (#66)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* chore: cleanup function for morphing transition useEffect\r\n\r\n* feature: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve user experience (slow 3G) with page transitions when fetching data (#68)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: page transitions when first data fetching slow 3 g improvement (#69)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* chore: fixing merge conflicts up between this and master\r\n\r\n* fix: linting issues redeclarations\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve content page layout (#72)\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock refactor to resemble Huys\r\n\r\n* feature: updating styles to.. well.. not quite sure as I have forgot.. but I am\r\n\r\n* fix: was getting lambda timeout errors so increased timeout via arc\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: updated content page to have same colours as Huys' (#73)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated content page to have same colours as Huys'\r\n\r\n* chore: clean up eslint warnings\r\n\r\n* feature: barrel export components (#74)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)\r\n\r\n* feature: buttons to filter braindump categories\r\n\r\n* feature: colours for category buttons now fixed.. also memoised so no change in attributed colour per render\r\n\r\n* feature: better styling for category buttons\r\n\r\n* feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)\r\n\r\n* chore: needed to set ARC credentials\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#94)\r\n\r\n* chore / replace-vitest-with-jest (#1)\r\n\r\n* feature: jest-config added\r\n\r\n* chore: ensure tsconfig respects node and jest as globally available environments;\r\n\r\n* feature: add dependencies related to swapping jest in as testing suite;\r\n\r\n* test: add styleMock;\r\n\r\n* chore: add generated server index.js.map to gitignore;\r\n\r\n* feature: BraindumpsIndex page test scaffolding;\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused deps including jest-module-name-mapper (no need for this util);\r\n\r\n* chore: add test coverage directory to gitignore\r\n\r\n* chore: corrected CI workflow for testing;\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* feature / initial-integration-of-notion-cms (#2)\r\n\r\n* feature: added notion SDK to project;\r\n\r\n* feature: export notion client from root (need a singleton);\r\n\r\n* chore: constants file;\r\n\r\n* feature: http-caching of Braindumps page (document and loader), CatchBoundary also added;\r\n\r\n* chore: do not include any .js.map files into commit;\r\n\r\n* chore: some rearranging in package.json??;\r\n\r\n* feature: braindump loader helper implemented with test coverage\r\n\r\n* chore: braindump route cleanup\r\n\r\n* test: remove unused route/braindump test\r\n\r\n* chore: add ts-ignore statements because compiler isn't properly picking up on NotionAPI types\r\n\r\n* feature / link to and implement render content of individual braindumps (#3)\r\n\r\n* feature: improved upon braindump extractor/payload formatting\r\n\r\n* feature: add through link to specific braindump from braindump list page\r\n\r\n* chore: remove code comment about using singleton\r\n\r\n* feature: Components used to format Notion API 'braindump' JSON payload\r\n\r\n* chore: updated README to include links referring to influences\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of braindump - specific article\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom fonts to project used in specific braindump\r\n\r\n* feature: extend base tailwind theme, no need for CSS abstractions opted for consistent component and template partials\r\n\r\n* feature: inline styling of components with template partials (themeing)\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of the layout for specific braindump article\r\n\r\n* refactor: improvement to generic components related to Notion CMS, includes fixing console errors due to React becoming confused about rendered Components\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console log\r\n\r\n* feature: updated to Component styles for Title.H3\r\n\r\n* feature: references Component implemented and retrieving dynamic content from CMS\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component implemented with improvement to nested P Component\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component rendered (if present) on Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* feature: added highlight.js for syntactic highlighting\r\n\r\n* chore: Remix regenerates tsconfig file for some strange reason\r\n\r\n* feature: added randomising of border-radius functionality for irregular shape generation\r\n\r\n* feature: add yellow-meringue to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* feature: add ability for highlighting to Paragraph Component\r\n\r\n* feature: AnimatedButton on Braindump Page similar to Komono\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up Braindump Page layout\r\n\r\n* feature: InnerLayout Component which has logic for irregular shape transistion implemented\r\n\r\n* feature: add InnerLayout Component to Braindump Page, also tested for unnecessary re-renders to child Components: were none :D\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust duration of InnerLayout transistion\r\n\r\n* feature: a bit more padding for the Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* fix: remove flash from AnimatedButton - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46960449/how-to-avoid-flickering-on-box-shadow-transition\\#:\\~:text\\=Try%20setting%20a%20boxshadow%20of%20.09px\r\n\r\n* fix: unique key for iteratable Component\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump references link to new window\r\n\r\n* feature: update shared Components to use className to stich styleProp to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* chore: package-lock\r\n\r\n* chore: add package-lock\r\n\r\n* feature: fresh layout for Braindump entry Page\r\n\r\n* chore: bump @remix deps\r\n\r\n* chore: react-dom update requires using different import\r\n\r\n* feature: making use of fuzzy-scrawl animation component\r\n\r\n* chore: somethng is going awry wrt cypress tests, had to comment out the following code\r\n\r\n* chore: typings for BostockMetaballAnimation\r\n\r\n* feature: tweak to Components to accept styleProps\r\n\r\n* feature: introduced BostockMetaballAnimation with npm link\r\n\r\n* feature: extended the tailwind config to include grid\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump page no longer makes use of Fuzzy Scrawl animation Component\r\n\r\n* feature: update favicon\r\n\r\n* feature: add bostock animation and fuzzy scrawl as deps\r\n\r\n* feature: better encapsulation of braindumps page logic as Components\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up landing page code\r\n\r\n* feature: add error boundary to root\r\n\r\n* feature: add new version of fuzzy-scrawl\r\n\r\n* feature: jeeez a lot of rearranging--nested files (layout nesting + nested urls) and flat files (no layout nesting + nested urls)\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove some boilerplate stuff and other dead code\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: establish error boundaries for layout routes (#14)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: CatchBoundary in braindumps list nested route handles for bad requests, etc; ErrorBoundary is a catch all\r\n:\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: correct ci/cd pipeline (#17)\r\n\r\n* chore: PR link to issue\r\n\r\n* fix: TS errors fixed\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove vitest from package.json and github workflow\r\n\r\n* fix: couldn't resolve polyfill module because absolute url was waaay off\r\n\r\n* fix: cypress tests now running green\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress) (#20)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated arc file to include stack name and deployed to region\r\n\r\n* chore: run CI/CD pipeline when pushing on this branch\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching (#25)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching\r\n\r\n* fix: use newer version of cypress github action\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove cypress as deployment pre-req (FOR NOW)\r\n\r\n* fix: staging deployment is triggered on develop branch\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment with NOTION CRM env vars (#29)\r\n\r\n* [feature]: fallback page for mobile devices; customising tailwind styles using CSS layers (#32)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* [fix]: css syntax error \"text-xl\" wrongly configured (#33)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* fix: broke build pipeline because css syntax issue\r\n\r\n* fix: layout was completely janked\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of (#34)\r\n\r\n* delete server directory\r\n\r\n* [chore]: cleanup eslint warnings + remove `server` dir from source control (#35)\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of\r\n\r\n* chore: ignore auto generated server directory\r\n\r\n* [feature]: write copy for website (#38)\r\n\r\n* refactor: dot notation for table component (introduction panel)\r\n\r\n* refactor: better padding for braindumps list\r\n\r\n* [fix]: repairing page navigation so we don't land on mobile only page (#40)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: splash page does not render content unless on the client (we depend too much on browser based APIs for solutions to our problems)\r\n\r\n* [fix]: late content fetching causes layout shifts (#42)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* fix: font path url matches the actual url where the font is served from\r\n\r\n* fix: some better styling choices; removed some content; page does not overflow because of body content (#46)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section (#49)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: remove the \"references\" title from the content page... will restore later (#52)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section\r\n\r\n* feature: get rid of the references title\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy production off of master branch\r\n\r\n* feature: actually specify cache control headers, especially for the braindump content page (#57)\r\n\r\n* feature: preload fonts so we can avoid layout jankiness when they eventually load (#59)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: add page transitions (#62)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations (#66)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* chore: cleanup function for morphing transition useEffect\r\n\r\n* feature: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve user experience (slow 3G) with page transitions when fetching data (#68)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: page transitions when first data fetching slow 3 g improvement (#69)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* chore: fixing merge conflicts up between this and master\r\n\r\n* fix: linting issues redeclarations\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve content page layout (#72)\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock refactor to resemble Huys\r\n\r\n* feature: updating styles to.. well.. not quite sure as I have forgot.. but I am\r\n\r\n* fix: was getting lambda timeout errors so increased timeout via arc\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: updated content page to have same colours as Huys' (#73)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated content page to have same colours as Huys'\r\n\r\n* chore: clean up eslint warnings\r\n\r\n* feature: barrel export components (#74)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)\r\n\r\n* feature: buttons to filter braindump categories\r\n\r\n* feature: colours for category buttons now fixed.. also memoised so no change in attributed colour per render\r\n\r\n* feature: better styling for category buttons\r\n\r\n* feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)\r\n\r\n* chore: needed to set ARC credentials\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: dale.2 images for content page (#85)\r\n\r\n* feature: dale.2 images for content page\r\n\r\n* feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised\r\n\r\n* feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised\r\n\r\n* fix: codeblock component was printing code to screen.. weird (#88)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: support for inline code blocks (#90)\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed (#93)\r\n\r\n* fix: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed\r\n\r\n* fix: landing page content is now centered\r\n\r\n* chore: customised README","shortMessageHtmlLink":"[CHORE]: polished readme ready to make repository public (#105) (#107)"}},{"before":"442323674c9e53d826401eb75cc52e7ecf7f222f","after":"9513b6e44d9e0896dd26b8099f91e3a8dfd5724d","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-04T08:00:30.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"[CHORE]: polished readme ready to make repository public (#105) (#106)\n\n* [FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#83)\r\n\r\n* chore / replace-vitest-with-jest (#1)\r\n\r\n* feature: jest-config added\r\n\r\n* chore: ensure tsconfig respects node and jest as globally available environments;\r\n\r\n* feature: add dependencies related to swapping jest in as testing suite;\r\n\r\n* test: add styleMock;\r\n\r\n* chore: add generated server index.js.map to gitignore;\r\n\r\n* feature: BraindumpsIndex page test scaffolding;\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused deps including jest-module-name-mapper (no need for this util);\r\n\r\n* chore: add test coverage directory to gitignore\r\n\r\n* chore: corrected CI workflow for testing;\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* feature / initial-integration-of-notion-cms (#2)\r\n\r\n* feature: added notion SDK to project;\r\n\r\n* feature: export notion client from root (need a singleton);\r\n\r\n* chore: constants file;\r\n\r\n* feature: http-caching of Braindumps page (document and loader), CatchBoundary also added;\r\n\r\n* chore: do not include any .js.map files into commit;\r\n\r\n* chore: some rearranging in package.json??;\r\n\r\n* feature: braindump loader helper implemented with test coverage\r\n\r\n* chore: braindump route cleanup\r\n\r\n* test: remove unused route/braindump test\r\n\r\n* chore: add ts-ignore statements because compiler isn't properly picking up on NotionAPI types\r\n\r\n* feature / link to and implement render content of individual braindumps (#3)\r\n\r\n* feature: improved upon braindump extractor/payload formatting\r\n\r\n* feature: add through link to specific braindump from braindump list page\r\n\r\n* chore: remove code comment about using singleton\r\n\r\n* feature: Components used to format Notion API 'braindump' JSON payload\r\n\r\n* chore: updated README to include links referring to influences\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of braindump - specific article\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom fonts to project used in specific braindump\r\n\r\n* feature: extend base tailwind theme, no need for CSS abstractions opted for consistent component and template partials\r\n\r\n* feature: inline styling of components with template partials (themeing)\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of the layout for specific braindump article\r\n\r\n* refactor: improvement to generic components related to Notion CMS, includes fixing console errors due to React becoming confused about rendered Components\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console log\r\n\r\n* feature: updated to Component styles for Title.H3\r\n\r\n* feature: references Component implemented and retrieving dynamic content from CMS\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component implemented with improvement to nested P Component\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component rendered (if present) on Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* feature: added highlight.js for syntactic highlighting\r\n\r\n* chore: Remix regenerates tsconfig file for some strange reason\r\n\r\n* feature: added randomising of border-radius functionality for irregular shape generation\r\n\r\n* feature: add yellow-meringue to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* feature: add ability for highlighting to Paragraph Component\r\n\r\n* feature: AnimatedButton on Braindump Page similar to Komono\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up Braindump Page layout\r\n\r\n* feature: InnerLayout Component which has logic for irregular shape transistion implemented\r\n\r\n* feature: add InnerLayout Component to Braindump Page, also tested for unnecessary re-renders to child Components: were none :D\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust duration of InnerLayout transistion\r\n\r\n* feature: a bit more padding for the Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* fix: remove flash from AnimatedButton - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46960449/how-to-avoid-flickering-on-box-shadow-transition\\#:\\~:text\\=Try%20setting%20a%20boxshadow%20of%20.09px\r\n\r\n* fix: unique key for iteratable Component\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump references link to new window\r\n\r\n* feature: update shared Components to use className to stich styleProp to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* chore: package-lock\r\n\r\n* chore: add package-lock\r\n\r\n* feature: fresh layout for Braindump entry Page\r\n\r\n* chore: bump @remix deps\r\n\r\n* chore: react-dom update requires using different import\r\n\r\n* feature: making use of fuzzy-scrawl animation component\r\n\r\n* chore: somethng is going awry wrt cypress tests, had to comment out the following code\r\n\r\n* chore: typings for BostockMetaballAnimation\r\n\r\n* feature: tweak to Components to accept styleProps\r\n\r\n* feature: introduced BostockMetaballAnimation with npm link\r\n\r\n* feature: extended the tailwind config to include grid\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump page no longer makes use of Fuzzy Scrawl animation Component\r\n\r\n* feature: update favicon\r\n\r\n* feature: add bostock animation and fuzzy scrawl as deps\r\n\r\n* feature: better encapsulation of braindumps page logic as Components\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up landing page code\r\n\r\n* feature: add error boundary to root\r\n\r\n* feature: add new version of fuzzy-scrawl\r\n\r\n* feature: jeeez a lot of rearranging--nested files (layout nesting + nested urls) and flat files (no layout nesting + nested urls)\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove some boilerplate stuff and other dead code\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: establish error boundaries for layout routes (#14)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: CatchBoundary in braindumps list nested route handles for bad requests, etc; ErrorBoundary is a catch all\r\n:\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: correct ci/cd pipeline (#17)\r\n\r\n* chore: PR link to issue\r\n\r\n* fix: TS errors fixed\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove vitest from package.json and github workflow\r\n\r\n* fix: couldn't resolve polyfill module because absolute url was waaay off\r\n\r\n* fix: cypress tests now running green\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress) (#20)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated arc file to include stack name and deployed to region\r\n\r\n* chore: run CI/CD pipeline when pushing on this branch\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching (#25)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching\r\n\r\n* fix: use newer version of cypress github action\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove cypress as deployment pre-req (FOR NOW)\r\n\r\n* fix: staging deployment is triggered on develop branch\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment with NOTION CRM env vars (#29)\r\n\r\n* [feature]: fallback page for mobile devices; customising tailwind styles using CSS layers (#32)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* [fix]: css syntax error \"text-xl\" wrongly configured (#33)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* fix: broke build pipeline because css syntax issue\r\n\r\n* fix: layout was completely janked\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of (#34)\r\n\r\n* delete server directory\r\n\r\n* [chore]: cleanup eslint warnings + remove `server` dir from source control (#35)\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of\r\n\r\n* chore: ignore auto generated server directory\r\n\r\n* [feature]: write copy for website (#38)\r\n\r\n* refactor: dot notation for table component (introduction panel)\r\n\r\n* refactor: better padding for braindumps list\r\n\r\n* [fix]: repairing page navigation so we don't land on mobile only page (#40)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: splash page does not render content unless on the client (we depend too much on browser based APIs for solutions to our problems)\r\n\r\n* [fix]: late content fetching causes layout shifts (#42)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* fix: font path url matches the actual url where the font is served from\r\n\r\n* fix: some better styling choices; removed some content; page does not overflow because of body content (#46)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section (#49)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: remove the \"references\" title from the content page... will restore later (#52)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section\r\n\r\n* feature: get rid of the references title\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy production off of master branch\r\n\r\n* feature: actually specify cache control headers, especially for the braindump content page (#57)\r\n\r\n* feature: preload fonts so we can avoid layout jankiness when they eventually load (#59)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: add page transitions (#62)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations (#66)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* chore: cleanup function for morphing transition useEffect\r\n\r\n* feature: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve user experience (slow 3G) with page transitions when fetching data (#68)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: page transitions when first data fetching slow 3 g improvement (#69)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* chore: fixing merge conflicts up between this and master\r\n\r\n* fix: linting issues redeclarations\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve content page layout (#72)\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock refactor to resemble Huys\r\n\r\n* feature: updating styles to.. well.. not quite sure as I have forgot.. but I am\r\n\r\n* fix: was getting lambda timeout errors so increased timeout via arc\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: updated content page to have same colours as Huys' (#73)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated content page to have same colours as Huys'\r\n\r\n* chore: clean up eslint warnings\r\n\r\n* feature: barrel export components (#74)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)\r\n\r\n* feature: buttons to filter braindump categories\r\n\r\n* feature: colours for category buttons now fixed.. also memoised so no change in attributed colour per render\r\n\r\n* feature: better styling for category buttons\r\n\r\n* feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)\r\n\r\n* chore: needed to set ARC credentials\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#94)\r\n\r\n* chore / replace-vitest-with-jest (#1)\r\n\r\n* feature: jest-config added\r\n\r\n* chore: ensure tsconfig respects node and jest as globally available environments;\r\n\r\n* feature: add dependencies related to swapping jest in as testing suite;\r\n\r\n* test: add styleMock;\r\n\r\n* chore: add generated server index.js.map to gitignore;\r\n\r\n* feature: BraindumpsIndex page test scaffolding;\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused deps including jest-module-name-mapper (no need for this util);\r\n\r\n* chore: add test coverage directory to gitignore\r\n\r\n* chore: corrected CI workflow for testing;\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* feature / initial-integration-of-notion-cms (#2)\r\n\r\n* feature: added notion SDK to project;\r\n\r\n* feature: export notion client from root (need a singleton);\r\n\r\n* chore: constants file;\r\n\r\n* feature: http-caching of Braindumps page (document and loader), CatchBoundary also added;\r\n\r\n* chore: do not include any .js.map files into commit;\r\n\r\n* chore: some rearranging in package.json??;\r\n\r\n* feature: braindump loader helper implemented with test coverage\r\n\r\n* chore: braindump route cleanup\r\n\r\n* test: remove unused route/braindump test\r\n\r\n* chore: add ts-ignore statements because compiler isn't properly picking up on NotionAPI types\r\n\r\n* feature / link to and implement render content of individual braindumps (#3)\r\n\r\n* feature: improved upon braindump extractor/payload formatting\r\n\r\n* feature: add through link to specific braindump from braindump list page\r\n\r\n* chore: remove code comment about using singleton\r\n\r\n* feature: Components used to format Notion API 'braindump' JSON payload\r\n\r\n* chore: updated README to include links referring to influences\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of braindump - specific article\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom fonts to project used in specific braindump\r\n\r\n* feature: extend base tailwind theme, no need for CSS abstractions opted for consistent component and template partials\r\n\r\n* feature: inline styling of components with template partials (themeing)\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of the layout for specific braindump article\r\n\r\n* refactor: improvement to generic components related to Notion CMS, includes fixing console errors due to React becoming confused about rendered Components\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console log\r\n\r\n* feature: updated to Component styles for Title.H3\r\n\r\n* feature: references Component implemented and retrieving dynamic content from CMS\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component implemented with improvement to nested P Component\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component rendered (if present) on Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* feature: added highlight.js for syntactic highlighting\r\n\r\n* chore: Remix regenerates tsconfig file for some strange reason\r\n\r\n* feature: added randomising of border-radius functionality for irregular shape generation\r\n\r\n* feature: add yellow-meringue to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* feature: add ability for highlighting to Paragraph Component\r\n\r\n* feature: AnimatedButton on Braindump Page similar to Komono\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up Braindump Page layout\r\n\r\n* feature: InnerLayout Component which has logic for irregular shape transistion implemented\r\n\r\n* feature: add InnerLayout Component to Braindump Page, also tested for unnecessary re-renders to child Components: were none :D\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust duration of InnerLayout transistion\r\n\r\n* feature: a bit more padding for the Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* fix: remove flash from AnimatedButton - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46960449/how-to-avoid-flickering-on-box-shadow-transition\\#:\\~:text\\=Try%20setting%20a%20boxshadow%20of%20.09px\r\n\r\n* fix: unique key for iteratable Component\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump references link to new window\r\n\r\n* feature: update shared Components to use className to stich styleProp to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* chore: package-lock\r\n\r\n* chore: add package-lock\r\n\r\n* feature: fresh layout for Braindump entry Page\r\n\r\n* chore: bump @remix deps\r\n\r\n* chore: react-dom update requires using different import\r\n\r\n* feature: making use of fuzzy-scrawl animation component\r\n\r\n* chore: somethng is going awry wrt cypress tests, had to comment out the following code\r\n\r\n* chore: typings for BostockMetaballAnimation\r\n\r\n* feature: tweak to Components to accept styleProps\r\n\r\n* feature: introduced BostockMetaballAnimation with npm link\r\n\r\n* feature: extended the tailwind config to include grid\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump page no longer makes use of Fuzzy Scrawl animation Component\r\n\r\n* feature: update favicon\r\n\r\n* feature: add bostock animation and fuzzy scrawl as deps\r\n\r\n* feature: better encapsulation of braindumps page logic as Components\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up landing page code\r\n\r\n* feature: add error boundary to root\r\n\r\n* feature: add new version of fuzzy-scrawl\r\n\r\n* feature: jeeez a lot of rearranging--nested files (layout nesting + nested urls) and flat files (no layout nesting + nested urls)\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove some boilerplate stuff and other dead code\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: establish error boundaries for layout routes (#14)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: CatchBoundary in braindumps list nested route handles for bad requests, etc; ErrorBoundary is a catch all\r\n:\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: correct ci/cd pipeline (#17)\r\n\r\n* chore: PR link to issue\r\n\r\n* fix: TS errors fixed\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove vitest from package.json and github workflow\r\n\r\n* fix: couldn't resolve polyfill module because absolute url was waaay off\r\n\r\n* fix: cypress tests now running green\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress) (#20)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated arc file to include stack name and deployed to region\r\n\r\n* chore: run CI/CD pipeline when pushing on this branch\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching (#25)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching\r\n\r\n* fix: use newer version of cypress github action\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove cypress as deployment pre-req (FOR NOW)\r\n\r\n* fix: staging deployment is triggered on develop branch\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment with NOTION CRM env vars (#29)\r\n\r\n* [feature]: fallback page for mobile devices; customising tailwind styles using CSS layers (#32)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* [fix]: css syntax error \"text-xl\" wrongly configured (#33)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* fix: broke build pipeline because css syntax issue\r\n\r\n* fix: layout was completely janked\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of (#34)\r\n\r\n* delete server directory\r\n\r\n* [chore]: cleanup eslint warnings + remove `server` dir from source control (#35)\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of\r\n\r\n* chore: ignore auto generated server directory\r\n\r\n* [feature]: write copy for website (#38)\r\n\r\n* refactor: dot notation for table component (introduction panel)\r\n\r\n* refactor: better padding for braindumps list\r\n\r\n* [fix]: repairing page navigation so we don't land on mobile only page (#40)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: splash page does not render content unless on the client (we depend too much on browser based APIs for solutions to our problems)\r\n\r\n* [fix]: late content fetching causes layout shifts (#42)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* fix: font path url matches the actual url where the font is served from\r\n\r\n* fix: some better styling choices; removed some content; page does not overflow because of body content (#46)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section (#49)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: remove the \"references\" title from the content page... will restore later (#52)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section\r\n\r\n* feature: get rid of the references title\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy production off of master branch\r\n\r\n* feature: actually specify cache control headers, especially for the braindump content page (#57)\r\n\r\n* feature: preload fonts so we can avoid layout jankiness when they eventually load (#59)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: add page transitions (#62)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations (#66)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* chore: cleanup function for morphing transition useEffect\r\n\r\n* feature: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve user experience (slow 3G) with page transitions when fetching data (#68)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: page transitions when first data fetching slow 3 g improvement (#69)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* chore: fixing merge conflicts up between this and master\r\n\r\n* fix: linting issues redeclarations\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve content page layout (#72)\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock refactor to resemble Huys\r\n\r\n* feature: updating styles to.. well.. not quite sure as I have forgot.. but I am\r\n\r\n* fix: was getting lambda timeout errors so increased timeout via arc\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: updated content page to have same colours as Huys' (#73)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated content page to have same colours as Huys'\r\n\r\n* chore: clean up eslint warnings\r\n\r\n* feature: barrel export components (#74)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)\r\n\r\n* feature: buttons to filter braindump categories\r\n\r\n* feature: colours for category buttons now fixed.. also memoised so no change in attributed colour per render\r\n\r\n* feature: better styling for category buttons\r\n\r\n* feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)\r\n\r\n* chore: needed to set ARC credentials\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: dale.2 images for content page (#85)\r\n\r\n* feature: dale.2 images for content page\r\n\r\n* feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised\r\n\r\n* feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised\r\n\r\n* fix: codeblock component was printing code to screen.. weird (#88)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: support for inline code blocks (#90)\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed (#93)\r\n\r\n* fix: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed\r\n\r\n* fix: landing page content is now centered\r\n\r\n* chore: customised README","shortMessageHtmlLink":"[CHORE]: polished readme ready to make repository public (#105) (#106)"}},{"before":"f93c6f5d8124d79dc9728262f2e85ed2abfe4837","after":"c483111fd66a300005a52f842a74af1af7b19e26","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-04T07:56:03.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"[CHORE]: polished readme ready to make repository public (#105)\n\n* [FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#83)\r\n\r\n* chore / replace-vitest-with-jest (#1)\r\n\r\n* feature: jest-config added\r\n\r\n* chore: ensure tsconfig respects node and jest as globally available environments;\r\n\r\n* feature: add dependencies related to swapping jest in as testing suite;\r\n\r\n* test: add styleMock;\r\n\r\n* chore: add generated server index.js.map to gitignore;\r\n\r\n* feature: BraindumpsIndex page test scaffolding;\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused deps including jest-module-name-mapper (no need for this util);\r\n\r\n* chore: add test coverage directory to gitignore\r\n\r\n* chore: corrected CI workflow for testing;\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* feature / initial-integration-of-notion-cms (#2)\r\n\r\n* feature: added notion SDK to project;\r\n\r\n* feature: export notion client from root (need a singleton);\r\n\r\n* chore: constants file;\r\n\r\n* feature: http-caching of Braindumps page (document and loader), CatchBoundary also added;\r\n\r\n* chore: do not include any .js.map files into commit;\r\n\r\n* chore: some rearranging in package.json??;\r\n\r\n* feature: braindump loader helper implemented with test coverage\r\n\r\n* chore: braindump route cleanup\r\n\r\n* test: remove unused route/braindump test\r\n\r\n* chore: add ts-ignore statements because compiler isn't properly picking up on NotionAPI types\r\n\r\n* feature / link to and implement render content of individual braindumps (#3)\r\n\r\n* feature: improved upon braindump extractor/payload formatting\r\n\r\n* feature: add through link to specific braindump from braindump list page\r\n\r\n* chore: remove code comment about using singleton\r\n\r\n* feature: Components used to format Notion API 'braindump' JSON payload\r\n\r\n* chore: updated README to include links referring to influences\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of braindump - specific article\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom fonts to project used in specific braindump\r\n\r\n* feature: extend base tailwind theme, no need for CSS abstractions opted for consistent component and template partials\r\n\r\n* feature: inline styling of components with template partials (themeing)\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of the layout for specific braindump article\r\n\r\n* refactor: improvement to generic components related to Notion CMS, includes fixing console errors due to React becoming confused about rendered Components\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console log\r\n\r\n* feature: updated to Component styles for Title.H3\r\n\r\n* feature: references Component implemented and retrieving dynamic content from CMS\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component implemented with improvement to nested P Component\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component rendered (if present) on Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* feature: added highlight.js for syntactic highlighting\r\n\r\n* chore: Remix regenerates tsconfig file for some strange reason\r\n\r\n* feature: added randomising of border-radius functionality for irregular shape generation\r\n\r\n* feature: add yellow-meringue to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* feature: add ability for highlighting to Paragraph Component\r\n\r\n* feature: AnimatedButton on Braindump Page similar to Komono\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up Braindump Page layout\r\n\r\n* feature: InnerLayout Component which has logic for irregular shape transistion implemented\r\n\r\n* feature: add InnerLayout Component to Braindump Page, also tested for unnecessary re-renders to child Components: were none :D\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust duration of InnerLayout transistion\r\n\r\n* feature: a bit more padding for the Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* fix: remove flash from AnimatedButton - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46960449/how-to-avoid-flickering-on-box-shadow-transition\\#:\\~:text\\=Try%20setting%20a%20boxshadow%20of%20.09px\r\n\r\n* fix: unique key for iteratable Component\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump references link to new window\r\n\r\n* feature: update shared Components to use className to stich styleProp to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* chore: package-lock\r\n\r\n* chore: add package-lock\r\n\r\n* feature: fresh layout for Braindump entry Page\r\n\r\n* chore: bump @remix deps\r\n\r\n* chore: react-dom update requires using different import\r\n\r\n* feature: making use of fuzzy-scrawl animation component\r\n\r\n* chore: somethng is going awry wrt cypress tests, had to comment out the following code\r\n\r\n* chore: typings for BostockMetaballAnimation\r\n\r\n* feature: tweak to Components to accept styleProps\r\n\r\n* feature: introduced BostockMetaballAnimation with npm link\r\n\r\n* feature: extended the tailwind config to include grid\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump page no longer makes use of Fuzzy Scrawl animation Component\r\n\r\n* feature: update favicon\r\n\r\n* feature: add bostock animation and fuzzy scrawl as deps\r\n\r\n* feature: better encapsulation of braindumps page logic as Components\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up landing page code\r\n\r\n* feature: add error boundary to root\r\n\r\n* feature: add new version of fuzzy-scrawl\r\n\r\n* feature: jeeez a lot of rearranging--nested files (layout nesting + nested urls) and flat files (no layout nesting + nested urls)\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove some boilerplate stuff and other dead code\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: establish error boundaries for layout routes (#14)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: CatchBoundary in braindumps list nested route handles for bad requests, etc; ErrorBoundary is a catch all\r\n:\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: correct ci/cd pipeline (#17)\r\n\r\n* chore: PR link to issue\r\n\r\n* fix: TS errors fixed\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove vitest from package.json and github workflow\r\n\r\n* fix: couldn't resolve polyfill module because absolute url was waaay off\r\n\r\n* fix: cypress tests now running green\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress) (#20)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated arc file to include stack name and deployed to region\r\n\r\n* chore: run CI/CD pipeline when pushing on this branch\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching (#25)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching\r\n\r\n* fix: use newer version of cypress github action\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove cypress as deployment pre-req (FOR NOW)\r\n\r\n* fix: staging deployment is triggered on develop branch\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment with NOTION CRM env vars (#29)\r\n\r\n* [feature]: fallback page for mobile devices; customising tailwind styles using CSS layers (#32)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* [fix]: css syntax error \"text-xl\" wrongly configured (#33)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* fix: broke build pipeline because css syntax issue\r\n\r\n* fix: layout was completely janked\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of (#34)\r\n\r\n* delete server directory\r\n\r\n* [chore]: cleanup eslint warnings + remove `server` dir from source control (#35)\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of\r\n\r\n* chore: ignore auto generated server directory\r\n\r\n* [feature]: write copy for website (#38)\r\n\r\n* refactor: dot notation for table component (introduction panel)\r\n\r\n* refactor: better padding for braindumps list\r\n\r\n* [fix]: repairing page navigation so we don't land on mobile only page (#40)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: splash page does not render content unless on the client (we depend too much on browser based APIs for solutions to our problems)\r\n\r\n* [fix]: late content fetching causes layout shifts (#42)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* fix: font path url matches the actual url where the font is served from\r\n\r\n* fix: some better styling choices; removed some content; page does not overflow because of body content (#46)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section (#49)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: remove the \"references\" title from the content page... will restore later (#52)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section\r\n\r\n* feature: get rid of the references title\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy production off of master branch\r\n\r\n* feature: actually specify cache control headers, especially for the braindump content page (#57)\r\n\r\n* feature: preload fonts so we can avoid layout jankiness when they eventually load (#59)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: add page transitions (#62)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations (#66)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* chore: cleanup function for morphing transition useEffect\r\n\r\n* feature: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve user experience (slow 3G) with page transitions when fetching data (#68)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: page transitions when first data fetching slow 3 g improvement (#69)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* chore: fixing merge conflicts up between this and master\r\n\r\n* fix: linting issues redeclarations\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve content page layout (#72)\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock refactor to resemble Huys\r\n\r\n* feature: updating styles to.. well.. not quite sure as I have forgot.. but I am\r\n\r\n* fix: was getting lambda timeout errors so increased timeout via arc\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: updated content page to have same colours as Huys' (#73)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated content page to have same colours as Huys'\r\n\r\n* chore: clean up eslint warnings\r\n\r\n* feature: barrel export components (#74)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)\r\n\r\n* feature: buttons to filter braindump categories\r\n\r\n* feature: colours for category buttons now fixed.. also memoised so no change in attributed colour per render\r\n\r\n* feature: better styling for category buttons\r\n\r\n* feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)\r\n\r\n* chore: needed to set ARC credentials\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#94)\r\n\r\n* chore / replace-vitest-with-jest (#1)\r\n\r\n* feature: jest-config added\r\n\r\n* chore: ensure tsconfig respects node and jest as globally available environments;\r\n\r\n* feature: add dependencies related to swapping jest in as testing suite;\r\n\r\n* test: add styleMock;\r\n\r\n* chore: add generated server index.js.map to gitignore;\r\n\r\n* feature: BraindumpsIndex page test scaffolding;\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused deps including jest-module-name-mapper (no need for this util);\r\n\r\n* chore: add test coverage directory to gitignore\r\n\r\n* chore: corrected CI workflow for testing;\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* feature / initial-integration-of-notion-cms (#2)\r\n\r\n* feature: added notion SDK to project;\r\n\r\n* feature: export notion client from root (need a singleton);\r\n\r\n* chore: constants file;\r\n\r\n* feature: http-caching of Braindumps page (document and loader), CatchBoundary also added;\r\n\r\n* chore: do not include any .js.map files into commit;\r\n\r\n* chore: some rearranging in package.json??;\r\n\r\n* feature: braindump loader helper implemented with test coverage\r\n\r\n* chore: braindump route cleanup\r\n\r\n* test: remove unused route/braindump test\r\n\r\n* chore: add ts-ignore statements because compiler isn't properly picking up on NotionAPI types\r\n\r\n* feature / link to and implement render content of individual braindumps (#3)\r\n\r\n* feature: improved upon braindump extractor/payload formatting\r\n\r\n* feature: add through link to specific braindump from braindump list page\r\n\r\n* chore: remove code comment about using singleton\r\n\r\n* feature: Components used to format Notion API 'braindump' JSON payload\r\n\r\n* chore: updated README to include links referring to influences\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of braindump - specific article\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom fonts to project used in specific braindump\r\n\r\n* feature: extend base tailwind theme, no need for CSS abstractions opted for consistent component and template partials\r\n\r\n* feature: inline styling of components with template partials (themeing)\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of the layout for specific braindump article\r\n\r\n* refactor: improvement to generic components related to Notion CMS, includes fixing console errors due to React becoming confused about rendered Components\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console log\r\n\r\n* feature: updated to Component styles for Title.H3\r\n\r\n* feature: references Component implemented and retrieving dynamic content from CMS\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component implemented with improvement to nested P Component\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component rendered (if present) on Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* feature: added highlight.js for syntactic highlighting\r\n\r\n* chore: Remix regenerates tsconfig file for some strange reason\r\n\r\n* feature: added randomising of border-radius functionality for irregular shape generation\r\n\r\n* feature: add yellow-meringue to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* feature: add ability for highlighting to Paragraph Component\r\n\r\n* feature: AnimatedButton on Braindump Page similar to Komono\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up Braindump Page layout\r\n\r\n* feature: InnerLayout Component which has logic for irregular shape transistion implemented\r\n\r\n* feature: add InnerLayout Component to Braindump Page, also tested for unnecessary re-renders to child Components: were none :D\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust duration of InnerLayout transistion\r\n\r\n* feature: a bit more padding for the Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* fix: remove flash from AnimatedButton - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46960449/how-to-avoid-flickering-on-box-shadow-transition\\#:\\~:text\\=Try%20setting%20a%20boxshadow%20of%20.09px\r\n\r\n* fix: unique key for iteratable Component\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump references link to new window\r\n\r\n* feature: update shared Components to use className to stich styleProp to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* chore: package-lock\r\n\r\n* chore: add package-lock\r\n\r\n* feature: fresh layout for Braindump entry Page\r\n\r\n* chore: bump @remix deps\r\n\r\n* chore: react-dom update requires using different import\r\n\r\n* feature: making use of fuzzy-scrawl animation component\r\n\r\n* chore: somethng is going awry wrt cypress tests, had to comment out the following code\r\n\r\n* chore: typings for BostockMetaballAnimation\r\n\r\n* feature: tweak to Components to accept styleProps\r\n\r\n* feature: introduced BostockMetaballAnimation with npm link\r\n\r\n* feature: extended the tailwind config to include grid\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump page no longer makes use of Fuzzy Scrawl animation Component\r\n\r\n* feature: update favicon\r\n\r\n* feature: add bostock animation and fuzzy scrawl as deps\r\n\r\n* feature: better encapsulation of braindumps page logic as Components\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up landing page code\r\n\r\n* feature: add error boundary to root\r\n\r\n* feature: add new version of fuzzy-scrawl\r\n\r\n* feature: jeeez a lot of rearranging--nested files (layout nesting + nested urls) and flat files (no layout nesting + nested urls)\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove some boilerplate stuff and other dead code\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: establish error boundaries for layout routes (#14)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: CatchBoundary in braindumps list nested route handles for bad requests, etc; ErrorBoundary is a catch all\r\n:\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: correct ci/cd pipeline (#17)\r\n\r\n* chore: PR link to issue\r\n\r\n* fix: TS errors fixed\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove vitest from package.json and github workflow\r\n\r\n* fix: couldn't resolve polyfill module because absolute url was waaay off\r\n\r\n* fix: cypress tests now running green\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress) (#20)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated arc file to include stack name and deployed to region\r\n\r\n* chore: run CI/CD pipeline when pushing on this branch\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching (#25)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching\r\n\r\n* fix: use newer version of cypress github action\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove cypress as deployment pre-req (FOR NOW)\r\n\r\n* fix: staging deployment is triggered on develop branch\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment with NOTION CRM env vars (#29)\r\n\r\n* [feature]: fallback page for mobile devices; customising tailwind styles using CSS layers (#32)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* [fix]: css syntax error \"text-xl\" wrongly configured (#33)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* fix: broke build pipeline because css syntax issue\r\n\r\n* fix: layout was completely janked\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of (#34)\r\n\r\n* delete server directory\r\n\r\n* [chore]: cleanup eslint warnings + remove `server` dir from source control (#35)\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of\r\n\r\n* chore: ignore auto generated server directory\r\n\r\n* [feature]: write copy for website (#38)\r\n\r\n* refactor: dot notation for table component (introduction panel)\r\n\r\n* refactor: better padding for braindumps list\r\n\r\n* [fix]: repairing page navigation so we don't land on mobile only page (#40)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: splash page does not render content unless on the client (we depend too much on browser based APIs for solutions to our problems)\r\n\r\n* [fix]: late content fetching causes layout shifts (#42)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* fix: font path url matches the actual url where the font is served from\r\n\r\n* fix: some better styling choices; removed some content; page does not overflow because of body content (#46)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section (#49)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: remove the \"references\" title from the content page... will restore later (#52)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section\r\n\r\n* feature: get rid of the references title\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy production off of master branch\r\n\r\n* feature: actually specify cache control headers, especially for the braindump content page (#57)\r\n\r\n* feature: preload fonts so we can avoid layout jankiness when they eventually load (#59)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: add page transitions (#62)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations (#66)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* chore: cleanup function for morphing transition useEffect\r\n\r\n* feature: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve user experience (slow 3G) with page transitions when fetching data (#68)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: page transitions when first data fetching slow 3 g improvement (#69)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* chore: fixing merge conflicts up between this and master\r\n\r\n* fix: linting issues redeclarations\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve content page layout (#72)\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock refactor to resemble Huys\r\n\r\n* feature: updating styles to.. well.. not quite sure as I have forgot.. but I am\r\n\r\n* fix: was getting lambda timeout errors so increased timeout via arc\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: updated content page to have same colours as Huys' (#73)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated content page to have same colours as Huys'\r\n\r\n* chore: clean up eslint warnings\r\n\r\n* feature: barrel export components (#74)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)\r\n\r\n* feature: buttons to filter braindump categories\r\n\r\n* feature: colours for category buttons now fixed.. also memoised so no change in attributed colour per render\r\n\r\n* feature: better styling for category buttons\r\n\r\n* feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)\r\n\r\n* chore: needed to set ARC credentials\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: dale.2 images for content page (#85)\r\n\r\n* feature: dale.2 images for content page\r\n\r\n* feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised\r\n\r\n* feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised\r\n\r\n* fix: codeblock component was printing code to screen.. weird (#88)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: support for inline code blocks (#90)\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed (#93)\r\n\r\n* fix: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed\r\n\r\n* fix: landing page content is now centered\r\n\r\n* chore: customised README","shortMessageHtmlLink":"[CHORE]: polished readme ready to make repository public (#105)"}},{"before":null,"after":"07d9b8e1b76af20e4d69eb2e3ad867df7be977b1","ref":"refs/heads/chore-polish-readme","pushedAt":"2024-07-04T07:55:06.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore: customised README","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore: customised README"}},{"before":"f4234935458f44378fa27f4210d4a9eb5a7f9bfa","after":"442323674c9e53d826401eb75cc52e7ecf7f222f","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-07-03T20:23:54.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":49,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'develop'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'develop'"}},{"before":"9d51e4f9aef7cad541143f66e935fb785e17bf39","after":"f93c6f5d8124d79dc9728262f2e85ed2abfe4837","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-07-03T19:43:40.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore: bump node version (#104)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore: bump node version (#104)"}},{"before":"cb014168cb73c106b9d559939c15f9876bf51674","after":"1e9d00581a0408b89b8cfd6c143b97067b1cd83b","ref":"refs/heads/07-03-chore_bump_node_version","pushedAt":"2024-07-03T19:42:30.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore: bump node version","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore: bump node version"}},{"before":null,"after":"cb014168cb73c106b9d559939c15f9876bf51674","ref":"refs/heads/07-03-chore_bump_node_version","pushedAt":"2024-07-03T08:27:56.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore: bump node version","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore: bump node version"}},{"before":"ac6305405531ff7a8c3dd7534ce02e5f0fd7303c","after":"9d51e4f9aef7cad541143f66e935fb785e17bf39","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-07-07T22:30:59.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"refactor: prevent animation from jankily looping (#98)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"refactor: prevent animation from jankily looping (#98)"}},{"before":null,"after":"b152fe559fc196af857bffddc35c2b869f15e0ca","ref":"refs/heads/refactor/animation-on-content-page","pushedAt":"2023-07-07T22:27:22.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"refactor: prevent animation from jankily looping","shortMessageHtmlLink":"refactor: prevent animation from jankily looping"}},{"before":"1966805a92ae805c2e02c661c568cb33ae84cb22","after":"f4234935458f44378fa27f4210d4a9eb5a7f9bfa","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-06-30T22:26:47.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"[FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#94)\n\n* chore / replace-vitest-with-jest (#1)\r\n\r\n* feature: jest-config added\r\n\r\n* chore: ensure tsconfig respects node and jest as globally available environments;\r\n\r\n* feature: add dependencies related to swapping jest in as testing suite;\r\n\r\n* test: add styleMock;\r\n\r\n* chore: add generated server index.js.map to gitignore;\r\n\r\n* feature: BraindumpsIndex page test scaffolding;\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused deps including jest-module-name-mapper (no need for this util);\r\n\r\n* chore: add test coverage directory to gitignore\r\n\r\n* chore: corrected CI workflow for testing;\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* feature / initial-integration-of-notion-cms (#2)\r\n\r\n* feature: added notion SDK to project;\r\n\r\n* feature: export notion client from root (need a singleton);\r\n\r\n* chore: constants file;\r\n\r\n* feature: http-caching of Braindumps page (document and loader), CatchBoundary also added;\r\n\r\n* chore: do not include any .js.map files into commit;\r\n\r\n* chore: some rearranging in package.json??;\r\n\r\n* feature: braindump loader helper implemented with test coverage\r\n\r\n* chore: braindump route cleanup\r\n\r\n* test: remove unused route/braindump test\r\n\r\n* chore: add ts-ignore statements because compiler isn't properly picking up on NotionAPI types\r\n\r\n* feature / link to and implement render content of individual braindumps (#3)\r\n\r\n* feature: improved upon braindump extractor/payload formatting\r\n\r\n* feature: add through link to specific braindump from braindump list page\r\n\r\n* chore: remove code comment about using singleton\r\n\r\n* feature: Components used to format Notion API 'braindump' JSON payload\r\n\r\n* chore: updated README to include links referring to influences\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of braindump - specific article\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom fonts to project used in specific braindump\r\n\r\n* feature: extend base tailwind theme, no need for CSS abstractions opted for consistent component and template partials\r\n\r\n* feature: inline styling of components with template partials (themeing)\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of the layout for specific braindump article\r\n\r\n* refactor: improvement to generic components related to Notion CMS, includes fixing console errors due to React becoming confused about rendered Components\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console log\r\n\r\n* feature: updated to Component styles for Title.H3\r\n\r\n* feature: references Component implemented and retrieving dynamic content from CMS\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component implemented with improvement to nested P Component\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component rendered (if present) on Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* feature: added highlight.js for syntactic highlighting\r\n\r\n* chore: Remix regenerates tsconfig file for some strange reason\r\n\r\n* feature: added randomising of border-radius functionality for irregular shape generation\r\n\r\n* feature: add yellow-meringue to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* feature: add ability for highlighting to Paragraph Component\r\n\r\n* feature: AnimatedButton on Braindump Page similar to Komono\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up Braindump Page layout\r\n\r\n* feature: InnerLayout Component which has logic for irregular shape transistion implemented\r\n\r\n* feature: add InnerLayout Component to Braindump Page, also tested for unnecessary re-renders to child Components: were none :D\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust duration of InnerLayout transistion\r\n\r\n* feature: a bit more padding for the Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* fix: remove flash from AnimatedButton - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46960449/how-to-avoid-flickering-on-box-shadow-transition\\#:\\~:text\\=Try%20setting%20a%20boxshadow%20of%20.09px\r\n\r\n* fix: unique key for iteratable Component\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump references link to new window\r\n\r\n* feature: update shared Components to use className to stich styleProp to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* chore: package-lock\r\n\r\n* chore: add package-lock\r\n\r\n* feature: fresh layout for Braindump entry Page\r\n\r\n* chore: bump @remix deps\r\n\r\n* chore: react-dom update requires using different import\r\n\r\n* feature: making use of fuzzy-scrawl animation component\r\n\r\n* chore: somethng is going awry wrt cypress tests, had to comment out the following code\r\n\r\n* chore: typings for BostockMetaballAnimation\r\n\r\n* feature: tweak to Components to accept styleProps\r\n\r\n* feature: introduced BostockMetaballAnimation with npm link\r\n\r\n* feature: extended the tailwind config to include grid\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump page no longer makes use of Fuzzy Scrawl animation Component\r\n\r\n* feature: update favicon\r\n\r\n* feature: add bostock animation and fuzzy scrawl as deps\r\n\r\n* feature: better encapsulation of braindumps page logic as Components\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up landing page code\r\n\r\n* feature: add error boundary to root\r\n\r\n* feature: add new version of fuzzy-scrawl\r\n\r\n* feature: jeeez a lot of rearranging--nested files (layout nesting + nested urls) and flat files (no layout nesting + nested urls)\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove some boilerplate stuff and other dead code\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: establish error boundaries for layout routes (#14)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: CatchBoundary in braindumps list nested route handles for bad requests, etc; ErrorBoundary is a catch all\r\n:\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: correct ci/cd pipeline (#17)\r\n\r\n* chore: PR link to issue\r\n\r\n* fix: TS errors fixed\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove vitest from package.json and github workflow\r\n\r\n* fix: couldn't resolve polyfill module because absolute url was waaay off\r\n\r\n* fix: cypress tests now running green\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress) (#20)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated arc file to include stack name and deployed to region\r\n\r\n* chore: run CI/CD pipeline when pushing on this branch\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching (#25)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching\r\n\r\n* fix: use newer version of cypress github action\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove cypress as deployment pre-req (FOR NOW)\r\n\r\n* fix: staging deployment is triggered on develop branch\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment with NOTION CRM env vars (#29)\r\n\r\n* [feature]: fallback page for mobile devices; customising tailwind styles using CSS layers (#32)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* [fix]: css syntax error \"text-xl\" wrongly configured (#33)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* fix: broke build pipeline because css syntax issue\r\n\r\n* fix: layout was completely janked\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of (#34)\r\n\r\n* delete server directory\r\n\r\n* [chore]: cleanup eslint warnings + remove `server` dir from source control (#35)\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of\r\n\r\n* chore: ignore auto generated server directory\r\n\r\n* [feature]: write copy for website (#38)\r\n\r\n* refactor: dot notation for table component (introduction panel)\r\n\r\n* refactor: better padding for braindumps list\r\n\r\n* [fix]: repairing page navigation so we don't land on mobile only page (#40)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: splash page does not render content unless on the client (we depend too much on browser based APIs for solutions to our problems)\r\n\r\n* [fix]: late content fetching causes layout shifts (#42)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* fix: font path url matches the actual url where the font is served from\r\n\r\n* fix: some better styling choices; removed some content; page does not overflow because of body content (#46)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section (#49)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: remove the \"references\" title from the content page... will restore later (#52)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section\r\n\r\n* feature: get rid of the references title\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy production off of master branch\r\n\r\n* feature: actually specify cache control headers, especially for the braindump content page (#57)\r\n\r\n* feature: preload fonts so we can avoid layout jankiness when they eventually load (#59)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: add page transitions (#62)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations (#66)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* chore: cleanup function for morphing transition useEffect\r\n\r\n* feature: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve user experience (slow 3G) with page transitions when fetching data (#68)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: page transitions when first data fetching slow 3 g improvement (#69)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* chore: fixing merge conflicts up between this and master\r\n\r\n* fix: linting issues redeclarations\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve content page layout (#72)\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock refactor to resemble Huys\r\n\r\n* feature: updating styles to.. well.. not quite sure as I have forgot.. but I am\r\n\r\n* fix: was getting lambda timeout errors so increased timeout via arc\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: updated content page to have same colours as Huys' (#73)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated content page to have same colours as Huys'\r\n\r\n* chore: clean up eslint warnings\r\n\r\n* feature: barrel export components (#74)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)\r\n\r\n* feature: buttons to filter braindump categories\r\n\r\n* feature: colours for category buttons now fixed.. also memoised so no change in attributed colour per render\r\n\r\n* feature: better styling for category buttons\r\n\r\n* feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)\r\n\r\n* chore: needed to set ARC credentials\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: dale.2 images for content page (#85)\r\n\r\n* feature: dale.2 images for content page\r\n\r\n* feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised\r\n\r\n* feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised\r\n\r\n* fix: codeblock component was printing code to screen.. weird (#88)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: support for inline code blocks (#90)\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed (#93)\r\n\r\n* fix: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed\r\n\r\n* fix: landing page content is now centered","shortMessageHtmlLink":"[FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#94)"}},{"before":"db39296ae331c01f7ad470afccb1f660221db2b6","after":"ac6305405531ff7a8c3dd7534ce02e5f0fd7303c","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-30T21:56:12.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"[FIX]: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed (#93)\n\n* fix: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed\r\n\r\n* fix: landing page content is now centered","shortMessageHtmlLink":"[FIX]: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed (#93)"}},{"before":"de31215bde90644b988577daa8482f35b34f9acc","after":"f3d127414640c5c95c5e94904947dcfeb368840c","ref":"refs/heads/feature/fix-layout-issues-on-different-screen-sizes","pushedAt":"2023-06-30T21:52:18.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"fix: landing page content is now centered","shortMessageHtmlLink":"fix: landing page content is now centered"}},{"before":null,"after":"de31215bde90644b988577daa8482f35b34f9acc","ref":"refs/heads/feature/fix-layout-issues-on-different-screen-sizes","pushedAt":"2023-06-30T21:42:12.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"fix: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed","shortMessageHtmlLink":"fix: category buttons text wrap and overflow issues fixed"}},{"before":"6c8a4d6aa54e5b8c5cd7964317d2de064a137a90","after":"db39296ae331c01f7ad470afccb1f660221db2b6","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-30T21:11:30.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"[FEATURE]: support for inline code blocks (#90)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"[FEATURE]: support for inline code blocks (#90)"}},{"before":null,"after":"681ccaaf7032023af266eaa98e73a05668b50a8b","ref":"refs/heads/feature/add-support-for-inline-code-blocks","pushedAt":"2023-06-30T04:28:57.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"feature: done burger","shortMessageHtmlLink":"feature: done burger"}},{"before":"2bbc102901af6be6df0a208e225d34f5e3560ab7","after":"6c8a4d6aa54e5b8c5cd7964317d2de064a137a90","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-29T23:08:46.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"fix: codeblock component was printing code to screen.. weird (#88)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"fix: codeblock component was printing code to screen.. weird (#88)"}},{"before":null,"after":"781072dcb0a86ed7159d34dd609616535bbf4adf","ref":"refs/heads/fix/content-page-not-showing-backtick-content","pushedAt":"2023-06-29T23:04:35.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"fix: codeblock component was printing code to screen.. weird","shortMessageHtmlLink":"fix: codeblock component was printing code to screen.. weird"}},{"before":"091c7c528dcadf484aa15a6d238be7b4a6814005","after":"2bbc102901af6be6df0a208e225d34f5e3560ab7","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-29T22:14:00.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"[FEATURE]: dale.2 images for content page (#85)\n\n* feature: dale.2 images for content page\r\n\r\n* feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised\r\n\r\n* feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised","shortMessageHtmlLink":"[FEATURE]: dale.2 images for content page (#85)"}},{"before":"295fb5d168950f38007b543b5f6fe4c60b67cfcc","after":"f05bcf197c71bb72cb5042b3a9ec0fc1c7659af3","ref":"refs/heads/feature/update-content-page-background-images","pushedAt":"2023-06-27T08:32:25.925Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"refactor: state should be 'target","shortMessageHtmlLink":"refactor: state should be 'target"}},{"before":"62243bee6beb10919812faf410d9ee6047795403","after":"295fb5d168950f38007b543b5f6fe4c60b67cfcc","ref":"refs/heads/feature/update-content-page-background-images","pushedAt":"2023-06-27T08:28:21.414Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised","shortMessageHtmlLink":"feature: update flower-blob-animation to be randomised"}},{"before":null,"after":"62243bee6beb10919812faf410d9ee6047795403","ref":"refs/heads/feature/update-content-page-background-images","pushedAt":"2023-06-24T23:00:36.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"feature: dale.2 images for content page","shortMessageHtmlLink":"feature: dale.2 images for content page"}},{"before":"61763b6c43f986903df225900ef39dd47212b77f","after":"1966805a92ae805c2e02c661c568cb33ae84cb22","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-06-23T22:50:07.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"[FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#83)\n\n* chore / replace-vitest-with-jest (#1)\r\n\r\n* feature: jest-config added\r\n\r\n* chore: ensure tsconfig respects node and jest as globally available environments;\r\n\r\n* feature: add dependencies related to swapping jest in as testing suite;\r\n\r\n* test: add styleMock;\r\n\r\n* chore: add generated server index.js.map to gitignore;\r\n\r\n* feature: BraindumpsIndex page test scaffolding;\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused deps including jest-module-name-mapper (no need for this util);\r\n\r\n* chore: add test coverage directory to gitignore\r\n\r\n* chore: corrected CI workflow for testing;\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* feature / initial-integration-of-notion-cms (#2)\r\n\r\n* feature: added notion SDK to project;\r\n\r\n* feature: export notion client from root (need a singleton);\r\n\r\n* chore: constants file;\r\n\r\n* feature: http-caching of Braindumps page (document and loader), CatchBoundary also added;\r\n\r\n* chore: do not include any .js.map files into commit;\r\n\r\n* chore: some rearranging in package.json??;\r\n\r\n* feature: braindump loader helper implemented with test coverage\r\n\r\n* chore: braindump route cleanup\r\n\r\n* test: remove unused route/braindump test\r\n\r\n* chore: add ts-ignore statements because compiler isn't properly picking up on NotionAPI types\r\n\r\n* feature / link to and implement render content of individual braindumps (#3)\r\n\r\n* feature: improved upon braindump extractor/payload formatting\r\n\r\n* feature: add through link to specific braindump from braindump list page\r\n\r\n* chore: remove code comment about using singleton\r\n\r\n* feature: Components used to format Notion API 'braindump' JSON payload\r\n\r\n* chore: updated README to include links referring to influences\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of braindump - specific article\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom fonts to project used in specific braindump\r\n\r\n* feature: extend base tailwind theme, no need for CSS abstractions opted for consistent component and template partials\r\n\r\n* feature: inline styling of components with template partials (themeing)\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of the layout for specific braindump article\r\n\r\n* refactor: improvement to generic components related to Notion CMS, includes fixing console errors due to React becoming confused about rendered Components\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console log\r\n\r\n* feature: updated to Component styles for Title.H3\r\n\r\n* feature: references Component implemented and retrieving dynamic content from CMS\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component implemented with improvement to nested P Component\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component rendered (if present) on Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* feature: added highlight.js for syntactic highlighting\r\n\r\n* chore: Remix regenerates tsconfig file for some strange reason\r\n\r\n* feature: added randomising of border-radius functionality for irregular shape generation\r\n\r\n* feature: add yellow-meringue to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* feature: add ability for highlighting to Paragraph Component\r\n\r\n* feature: AnimatedButton on Braindump Page similar to Komono\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up Braindump Page layout\r\n\r\n* feature: InnerLayout Component which has logic for irregular shape transistion implemented\r\n\r\n* feature: add InnerLayout Component to Braindump Page, also tested for unnecessary re-renders to child Components: were none :D\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust duration of InnerLayout transistion\r\n\r\n* feature: a bit more padding for the Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* fix: remove flash from AnimatedButton - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46960449/how-to-avoid-flickering-on-box-shadow-transition\\#:\\~:text\\=Try%20setting%20a%20boxshadow%20of%20.09px\r\n\r\n* fix: unique key for iteratable Component\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump references link to new window\r\n\r\n* feature: update shared Components to use className to stich styleProp to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* chore: package-lock\r\n\r\n* chore: add package-lock\r\n\r\n* feature: fresh layout for Braindump entry Page\r\n\r\n* chore: bump @remix deps\r\n\r\n* chore: react-dom update requires using different import\r\n\r\n* feature: making use of fuzzy-scrawl animation component\r\n\r\n* chore: somethng is going awry wrt cypress tests, had to comment out the following code\r\n\r\n* chore: typings for BostockMetaballAnimation\r\n\r\n* feature: tweak to Components to accept styleProps\r\n\r\n* feature: introduced BostockMetaballAnimation with npm link\r\n\r\n* feature: extended the tailwind config to include grid\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump page no longer makes use of Fuzzy Scrawl animation Component\r\n\r\n* feature: update favicon\r\n\r\n* feature: add bostock animation and fuzzy scrawl as deps\r\n\r\n* feature: better encapsulation of braindumps page logic as Components\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up landing page code\r\n\r\n* feature: add error boundary to root\r\n\r\n* feature: add new version of fuzzy-scrawl\r\n\r\n* feature: jeeez a lot of rearranging--nested files (layout nesting + nested urls) and flat files (no layout nesting + nested urls)\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove some boilerplate stuff and other dead code\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: establish error boundaries for layout routes (#14)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: CatchBoundary in braindumps list nested route handles for bad requests, etc; ErrorBoundary is a catch all\r\n:\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: correct ci/cd pipeline (#17)\r\n\r\n* chore: PR link to issue\r\n\r\n* fix: TS errors fixed\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove vitest from package.json and github workflow\r\n\r\n* fix: couldn't resolve polyfill module because absolute url was waaay off\r\n\r\n* fix: cypress tests now running green\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress) (#20)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated arc file to include stack name and deployed to region\r\n\r\n* chore: run CI/CD pipeline when pushing on this branch\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching (#25)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching\r\n\r\n* fix: use newer version of cypress github action\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove cypress as deployment pre-req (FOR NOW)\r\n\r\n* fix: staging deployment is triggered on develop branch\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment with NOTION CRM env vars (#29)\r\n\r\n* [feature]: fallback page for mobile devices; customising tailwind styles using CSS layers (#32)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* [fix]: css syntax error \"text-xl\" wrongly configured (#33)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* fix: broke build pipeline because css syntax issue\r\n\r\n* fix: layout was completely janked\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of (#34)\r\n\r\n* delete server directory\r\n\r\n* [chore]: cleanup eslint warnings + remove `server` dir from source control (#35)\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of\r\n\r\n* chore: ignore auto generated server directory\r\n\r\n* [feature]: write copy for website (#38)\r\n\r\n* refactor: dot notation for table component (introduction panel)\r\n\r\n* refactor: better padding for braindumps list\r\n\r\n* [fix]: repairing page navigation so we don't land on mobile only page (#40)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: splash page does not render content unless on the client (we depend too much on browser based APIs for solutions to our problems)\r\n\r\n* [fix]: late content fetching causes layout shifts (#42)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* fix: font path url matches the actual url where the font is served from\r\n\r\n* fix: some better styling choices; removed some content; page does not overflow because of body content (#46)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section (#49)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: remove the \"references\" title from the content page... will restore later (#52)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section\r\n\r\n* feature: get rid of the references title\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy production off of master branch\r\n\r\n* feature: actually specify cache control headers, especially for the braindump content page (#57)\r\n\r\n* feature: preload fonts so we can avoid layout jankiness when they eventually load (#59)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: add page transitions (#62)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations (#66)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* chore: cleanup function for morphing transition useEffect\r\n\r\n* feature: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve user experience (slow 3G) with page transitions when fetching data (#68)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: page transitions when first data fetching slow 3 g improvement (#69)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* chore: fixing merge conflicts up between this and master\r\n\r\n* fix: linting issues redeclarations\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve content page layout (#72)\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock refactor to resemble Huys\r\n\r\n* feature: updating styles to.. well.. not quite sure as I have forgot.. but I am\r\n\r\n* fix: was getting lambda timeout errors so increased timeout via arc\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: updated content page to have same colours as Huys' (#73)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated content page to have same colours as Huys'\r\n\r\n* chore: clean up eslint warnings\r\n\r\n* feature: barrel export components (#74)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)\r\n\r\n* feature: buttons to filter braindump categories\r\n\r\n* feature: colours for category buttons now fixed.. also memoised so no change in attributed colour per render\r\n\r\n* feature: better styling for category buttons\r\n\r\n* feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)\r\n\r\n* chore: needed to set ARC credentials","shortMessageHtmlLink":"[FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#83)"}},{"before":"d4235cc60d94b38cac388d4e340dcbbd49b6901f","after":"091c7c528dcadf484aa15a6d238be7b4a6814005","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-23T22:46:15.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/slackermorris/better-brain-blogging into develop","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/slackermorris/better-brai…"}},{"before":"0b04f432a8bc9dace07fbce568ae8a2fed4caf6f","after":"d4235cc60d94b38cac388d4e340dcbbd49b6901f","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-23T22:44:48.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore: needed to set ARC credentials","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore: needed to set ARC credentials"}},{"before":"a8df1338c1c82a7a7e4a4f6edd621e76fa1561ec","after":"61763b6c43f986903df225900ef39dd47212b77f","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-06-23T04:09:13.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"[FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#81)\n\n* chore / replace-vitest-with-jest (#1)\r\n\r\n* feature: jest-config added\r\n\r\n* chore: ensure tsconfig respects node and jest as globally available environments;\r\n\r\n* feature: add dependencies related to swapping jest in as testing suite;\r\n\r\n* test: add styleMock;\r\n\r\n* chore: add generated server index.js.map to gitignore;\r\n\r\n* feature: BraindumpsIndex page test scaffolding;\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused deps including jest-module-name-mapper (no need for this util);\r\n\r\n* chore: add test coverage directory to gitignore\r\n\r\n* chore: corrected CI workflow for testing;\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* fix: type checking failing because of this\r\n\r\n* feature / initial-integration-of-notion-cms (#2)\r\n\r\n* feature: added notion SDK to project;\r\n\r\n* feature: export notion client from root (need a singleton);\r\n\r\n* chore: constants file;\r\n\r\n* feature: http-caching of Braindumps page (document and loader), CatchBoundary also added;\r\n\r\n* chore: do not include any .js.map files into commit;\r\n\r\n* chore: some rearranging in package.json??;\r\n\r\n* feature: braindump loader helper implemented with test coverage\r\n\r\n* chore: braindump route cleanup\r\n\r\n* test: remove unused route/braindump test\r\n\r\n* chore: add ts-ignore statements because compiler isn't properly picking up on NotionAPI types\r\n\r\n* feature / link to and implement render content of individual braindumps (#3)\r\n\r\n* feature: improved upon braindump extractor/payload formatting\r\n\r\n* feature: add through link to specific braindump from braindump list page\r\n\r\n* chore: remove code comment about using singleton\r\n\r\n* feature: Components used to format Notion API 'braindump' JSON payload\r\n\r\n* chore: updated README to include links referring to influences\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of braindump - specific article\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom fonts to project used in specific braindump\r\n\r\n* feature: extend base tailwind theme, no need for CSS abstractions opted for consistent component and template partials\r\n\r\n* feature: inline styling of components with template partials (themeing)\r\n\r\n* feature: initial implementation of the layout for specific braindump article\r\n\r\n* refactor: improvement to generic components related to Notion CMS, includes fixing console errors due to React becoming confused about rendered Components\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console log\r\n\r\n* feature: updated to Component styles for Title.H3\r\n\r\n* feature: references Component implemented and retrieving dynamic content from CMS\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component implemented with improvement to nested P Component\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock Component rendered (if present) on Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* feature: added highlight.js for syntactic highlighting\r\n\r\n* chore: Remix regenerates tsconfig file for some strange reason\r\n\r\n* feature: added randomising of border-radius functionality for irregular shape generation\r\n\r\n* feature: add yellow-meringue to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* feature: add ability for highlighting to Paragraph Component\r\n\r\n* feature: AnimatedButton on Braindump Page similar to Komono\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up Braindump Page layout\r\n\r\n* feature: InnerLayout Component which has logic for irregular shape transistion implemented\r\n\r\n* feature: add InnerLayout Component to Braindump Page, also tested for unnecessary re-renders to child Components: were none :D\r\n\r\n* refactor: adjust duration of InnerLayout transistion\r\n\r\n* feature: a bit more padding for the Braindump Page\r\n\r\n* fix: remove flash from AnimatedButton - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46960449/how-to-avoid-flickering-on-box-shadow-transition\\#:\\~:text\\=Try%20setting%20a%20boxshadow%20of%20.09px\r\n\r\n* fix: unique key for iteratable Component\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump references link to new window\r\n\r\n* feature: update shared Components to use className to stich styleProp to tailwind theme\r\n\r\n* chore: package-lock\r\n\r\n* chore: add package-lock\r\n\r\n* feature: fresh layout for Braindump entry Page\r\n\r\n* chore: bump @remix deps\r\n\r\n* chore: react-dom update requires using different import\r\n\r\n* feature: making use of fuzzy-scrawl animation component\r\n\r\n* chore: somethng is going awry wrt cypress tests, had to comment out the following code\r\n\r\n* chore: typings for BostockMetaballAnimation\r\n\r\n* feature: tweak to Components to accept styleProps\r\n\r\n* feature: introduced BostockMetaballAnimation with npm link\r\n\r\n* feature: extended the tailwind config to include grid\r\n\r\n* feature: Braindump page no longer makes use of Fuzzy Scrawl animation Component\r\n\r\n* feature: update favicon\r\n\r\n* feature: add bostock animation and fuzzy scrawl as deps\r\n\r\n* feature: better encapsulation of braindumps page logic as Components\r\n\r\n* feature: clean up landing page code\r\n\r\n* feature: add error boundary to root\r\n\r\n* feature: add new version of fuzzy-scrawl\r\n\r\n* feature: jeeez a lot of rearranging--nested files (layout nesting + nested urls) and flat files (no layout nesting + nested urls)\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove some boilerplate stuff and other dead code\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: establish error boundaries for layout routes (#14)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: CatchBoundary in braindumps list nested route handles for bad requests, etc; ErrorBoundary is a catch all\r\n:\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: correct ci/cd pipeline (#17)\r\n\r\n* chore: PR link to issue\r\n\r\n* fix: TS errors fixed\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove vitest from package.json and github workflow\r\n\r\n* fix: couldn't resolve polyfill module because absolute url was waaay off\r\n\r\n* fix: cypress tests now running green\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress) (#20)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* fix: limit typescript compiler to app directory to resolve conflict between global expect from Jest (unit tests) and Mocha (E2E, bundled with Cypress)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: enabled test routes (the grunge boilerplate was broken)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated arc file to include stack name and deployed to region\r\n\r\n* chore: run CI/CD pipeline when pushing on this branch\r\n\r\n* [FIX]: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching (#25)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused loader from braindump index--was causing issues with Cypress visiting root and redirecting to here without proper intercept for data fetching\r\n\r\n* fix: use newer version of cypress github action\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove cypress as deployment pre-req (FOR NOW)\r\n\r\n* fix: staging deployment is triggered on develop branch\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy to staging environment with NOTION CRM env vars (#29)\r\n\r\n* [feature]: fallback page for mobile devices; customising tailwind styles using CSS layers (#32)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* [fix]: css syntax error \"text-xl\" wrongly configured (#33)\r\n\r\n* feature: if on mobile show mobile friendly page--this included setting tailwind specific breakpoints for Title Component font sizes\r\n\r\n* feature: fall back page and background image for when users' are on mobile\r\n\r\n* feature: point to entry point .css file to apply custom styles--currently being applied to tags\r\n\r\n* feature: add custom styles using preflight base styles\r\n\r\n* fix: broke build pipeline because css syntax issue\r\n\r\n* fix: layout was completely janked\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of (#34)\r\n\r\n* delete server directory\r\n\r\n* [chore]: cleanup eslint warnings + remove `server` dir from source control (#35)\r\n\r\n* fix: eslint issues taken care of\r\n\r\n* chore: ignore auto generated server directory\r\n\r\n* [feature]: write copy for website (#38)\r\n\r\n* refactor: dot notation for table component (introduction panel)\r\n\r\n* refactor: better padding for braindumps list\r\n\r\n* [fix]: repairing page navigation so we don't land on mobile only page (#40)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* feature: splash page does not render content unless on the client (we depend too much on browser based APIs for solutions to our problems)\r\n\r\n* [fix]: late content fetching causes layout shifts (#42)\r\n\r\n* chore: establishing PR\r\n\r\n* fix: font path url matches the actual url where the font is served from\r\n\r\n* fix: some better styling choices; removed some content; page does not overflow because of body content (#46)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section (#49)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: remove the \"references\" title from the content page... will restore later (#52)\r\n\r\n* feature: content page styling fixed, need to do something about the references section\r\n\r\n* feature: get rid of the references title\r\n\r\n* feature: deploy production off of master branch\r\n\r\n* feature: actually specify cache control headers, especially for the braindump content page (#57)\r\n\r\n* feature: preload fonts so we can avoid layout jankiness when they eventually load (#59)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: add page transitions (#62)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations (#66)\r\n\r\n* feature: add animejs to project\r\n\r\n* feature: new Layout Component which encapsulates CSS used to achieve full viewport height (have to take banner into consideration)\r\n\r\n* feature: add Transition Components to project and use them\r\n\r\n* chore: cleanup function for morphing transition useEffect\r\n\r\n* feature: using sessionStorage only run content animation on FIRST page load (might revise this for running other animations)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve user experience (slow 3G) with page transitions when fetching data (#68)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: page transitions when first data fetching slow 3 g improvement (#69)\r\n\r\n* feature: needed native tailwind colours for gradient map effect\r\n\r\n* feature: page transition for fetching data--gradient map\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* feature: randomise fuzzy-scrawl animation on braindump links--need to wait for patched library to update in npm registry\r\n\r\n* chore: fixing merge conflicts up between this and master\r\n\r\n* fix: linting issues redeclarations\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: improve content page layout (#72)\r\n\r\n* feature: CodeBlock refactor to resemble Huys\r\n\r\n* feature: updating styles to.. well.. not quite sure as I have forgot.. but I am\r\n\r\n* fix: was getting lambda timeout errors so increased timeout via arc\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: updated content page to have same colours as Huys' (#73)\r\n\r\n* feature: updated content page to have same colours as Huys'\r\n\r\n* chore: clean up eslint warnings\r\n\r\n* feature: barrel export components (#74)\r\n\r\n* [FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)\r\n\r\n* feature: buttons to filter braindump categories\r\n\r\n* feature: colours for category buttons now fixed.. also memoised so no change in attributed colour per render\r\n\r\n* feature: better styling for category buttons\r\n\r\n* feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"[FEATURE]: staging to production merge (#81)"}},{"before":"c08e92416e76d78dc264083ea311183e6ab0bb6d","after":"0b04f432a8bc9dace07fbce568ae8a2fed4caf6f","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-23T04:07:14.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'master' into develop","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'master' into develop"}},{"before":"45cead961d2098ed84c670915e09e2783013a707","after":"c08e92416e76d78dc264083ea311183e6ab0bb6d","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-23T04:03:08.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"feature: successful type support for Notion API content (#79)"}},{"before":null,"after":"429e8c8c6bf789e52a1415cc58ffed2194991c75","ref":"refs/heads/feature/typing-loaders","pushedAt":"2023-06-23T03:57:43.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"feature: successful type support for Notion API content","shortMessageHtmlLink":"feature: successful type support for Notion API content"}},{"before":"af93174de8b24fcc5a2e1db9ab216864da36bb3f","after":"45cead961d2098ed84c670915e09e2783013a707","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2023-06-21T08:16:49.591Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"slackermorris","name":null,"path":"/slackermorris","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://github.com/avatars/u/35620369?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"[FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)\n\n* feature: buttons to filter braindump categories\r\n\r\n* feature: colours for category buttons now fixed.. also memoised so no change in attributed colour per render\r\n\r\n* feature: better styling for category buttons","shortMessageHtmlLink":"[FEATURE]: buttons to filter braindump categories (#76)"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK7MjAyNC0wNy0xMVQyMjoxNDoyOC4wMDAwMDBazwAAAAR9TGAv","startCursor":"Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK7MjAyNC0wNy0xMVQyMjoxNDoyOC4wMDAwMDBazwAAAAR9TGAv","endCursor":"Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK7MjAyMy0wNi0yMVQwODoxNjo0OS41OTExMDZazwAAAANF2kdP"}},"title":"Activity · kwicherbelliaken/better-brain-blogging"}