diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 7b794ae9ee2..b8650ae780e 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -218,3 +218,6 @@ elseif (${BUILD_BENCHMARK}) add_subdirectory(test/test_helper) endif() add_subdirectory(tools) + +# TODO (Rui): REMOVE ME +add_subdirectory(examples/cpp) diff --git a/dataset/copy-test/list-of-struct/copy.cypher b/dataset/copy-test/list-of-struct/copy.cypher new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8a2d458f6de --- /dev/null +++ b/dataset/copy-test/list-of-struct/copy.cypher @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +COPY T FROM "dataset/copy-test/list-of-struct/test.csv" (HEADER=true); diff --git a/dataset/copy-test/list-of-struct/schema.cypher b/dataset/copy-test/list-of-struct/schema.cypher new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..52124158228 --- /dev/null +++ b/dataset/copy-test/list-of-struct/schema.cypher @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +create node table T (id INT64, fields STRUCT(a INT64, b INT64)[], PRIMARY KEY (id)); diff --git a/dataset/copy-test/list-of-struct/test.csv b/dataset/copy-test/list-of-struct/test.csv new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2a2b70436f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dataset/copy-test/list-of-struct/test.csv @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +id,fields +0,"[{a:1,b:2},{a:3,b:4}]" +1,"[{a:5,b:6},{a:7,b:8},{a:9,b:10}]" +2,"[{a:11,b:12}]" diff --git a/examples/cpp/main.cpp b/examples/cpp/main.cpp index 48c441763a8..bd0d8ba1b09 100644 --- a/examples/cpp/main.cpp +++ b/examples/cpp/main.cpp @@ -4,17 +4,98 @@ using namespace kuzu::main; int main() { - auto database = std::make_unique("" /* fill db path */); + auto database = std::make_unique("puffer_fish" /* fill db path */); auto connection = std::make_unique(database.get()); - // Create schema. - connection->query("CREATE NODE TABLE Person(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY(name));"); - // Create nodes. - connection->query("CREATE (:Person {name: 'Alice', age: 25});"); - connection->query("CREATE (:Person {name: 'Bob', age: 30});"); + connection->query("create node table person (ID INt64, fName StRING, gender INT64, isStudent BoOLEAN, isWorker BOOLEAN, age INT64, eyeSight DOUBLE, birthdate DATE, registerTime TIMESTAMP, lastJobDuration interval, workedHours INT64[], usedNames STRING[], courseScoresPerTerm INT64[][], grades INT64[4], height float, PRIMARY KEY (ID));"); + connection->query("create node table organisation (ID INT64, name STRING, orgCode INT64, mark DOUBLE, score INT64, history STRING, licenseValidInterval INTERVAL, rating DOUBLE, state STRUCT(revenue INT16, location STRING[], stock STRUCT(price INT64[], volume INT64)), PRIMARY KEY (ID));"); + connection->query("create node table movies (name STRING, length INT32, note STRING, description STRUCT(rating DOUBLE, views INT64, release TIMESTAMP, film DATE), content BYTEA, PRIMARY KEY (name));"); + connection->query("create rel table knows (FROM person TO person, date DATE, meetTime TIMESTAMP, validInterval INTERVAL, comments STRING[], MANY_MANY);"); + connection->query("create rel table studyAt (FROM person TO organisation, year INT64, places STRING[], length INT16,MANY_ONE);"); + connection->query("create rel table workAt (FROM person TO organisation, year INT64, grading DOUBLE[2], rating float, MANY_ONE);"); + connection->query("create rel table meets (FROM person TO person, location FLOAT[2], times INT, data BYTEA, MANY_ONE);"); + connection->query("create rel table marries (FROM person TO person, usedAddress STRING[], address INT16[2], note STRING, ONE_ONE);"); - // Execute a simple query. - auto result = connection->query("MATCH (a:Person) RETURN a.name AS NAME, a.age AS AGE;"); - // Print query result. - std::cout << result->toString(); + connection->query("COPY person FROM '/Users/rfdavid/Devel/waterloo/kuzu/dataset/tinysnb/vPerson.csv' (HEADER=true, DELIM=',');"); + connection->query("COPY organisation FROM '/Users/rfdavid/Devel/waterloo/kuzu/dataset/tinysnb/vOrganisation.csv';"); + connection->query("COPY movies FROM '/Users/rfdavid/Devel/waterloo/kuzu/dataset/tinysnb/vMovies.csv';"); + connection->query("COPY knows FROM '/Users/rfdavid/Devel/waterloo/kuzu/dataset/tinysnb/eKnows.csv';"); + connection->query("COPY studyAt FROM '/Users/rfdavid/Devel/waterloo/kuzu/dataset/tinysnb/eStudyAt.csv' (HEADER=true);"); + connection->query("COPY workAt FROM '/Users/rfdavid/Devel/waterloo/kuzu/dataset/tinysnb/eWorkAt.csv';"); + connection->query("COPY meets FROM '/Users/rfdavid/Devel/waterloo/kuzu/dataset/tinysnb/eMeets.csv';"); + connection->query("COPY marries FROM '/Users/rfdavid/Devel/waterloo/kuzu/dataset/tinysnb/eMarries.csv';"); + + connection->query("COPY (MATCH (p:person) RETURN 1, p.eyeSight) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (return {a: {b: 1, c:2}, d: {b: 3, c:'asdasdd'}}) to 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("copy (return [0,1,null,2]) to 'out.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (return {b: [{c: [1,2], d: [3]}, {c: [4], d: [5,6]} ]}) to 'out.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (return {b: [{c: [1,2], d: [3]}, {c: [4], d: [5,6]} ], e: [{c: [7,8], d: [9]}] }) to 'out.parquet';"); + + // connection->query("COPY (return {b: [{c: [1,2], d: [3]}, {c: [4], d: [5,6]} ], e: [{c: [7,8], d: [9]}] }) to 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {a: {c: [1,3], d: [2,77,8]}, b: {c: [3], d: [4,9,0]}}) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {a: {b: 1, c: 2}, d: {b: 3, c: 4}}) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (p:person) RETURN p.fName, p.gender) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (p:person) RETURN p.fName, p.gender, p.isStudent, p.age, p.birthdate, p.registerTime) TO 'out.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN 1,[[[[[[0,1]],[[2,3]]]]]],[[[1]],[[2],[6]],[[3,4,8],[9]],[[5]]]) TO 'out.parquet'"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [ 1,2,3,4]) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6,7,8]]) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {first:[1,2,3], second:[4,5,6,7]}) TO 'out.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {a: {b: 1, c: 2}, d: {b: 3, c: 4}}) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (return [{a:[1,2], b:[3], c:[4], d:[5], e:[6]}, {a:[4], b:[7], c:[13], d:[44], e:[123]}]) to 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (return [{a:[1,2], b:[3]}]) to 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (return [[[[[[0,1]],[[2,3]]]]]], [{a:[1,2], b:[3]}, {a:[4], b:[7]}]) to 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (return [[1,2],[3],[4,5,6],[7,8]]) to 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (return [{a:[1,2], b:[3]}, {a:[4,5,6], b:[7,8]}]) to 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (return [{a:1}, {a:2}]) to 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [[[[[[0,1]],[[2,3]]]]]]) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [[[1]],[[2],[6]],[[3,4,8],[9]],[[5]]]) TO 'out.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {a: {b: {c: [1,2]}} , d: {e: {f: [3,4]}} }) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// create node table test6(id int64, field struct (a struct(b struct(c int64[])), d struct(e struct(f int64[]))), primary key(id)); + +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [[[1],[2]],[[3],[4]],[[5],[6],[7],[8]]]) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [[[1]],[[2]],[[3,4]],[[5]]]) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [{a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}], c: [{d: 3}]}]) TO 'out.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6,7,8]]) TO 'out.parquet';"); + + + // ERROR +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}], c: [{d: 3}]}) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {a: {b: 1, c: 2}, b: {b: 3, c: 4}}) TO 'out.parquet';"); + + +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN 'aaa',{a: 1, b: 2}) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [ {a: [1], b: [2]} ]) TO 'out.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {first:[[7],[5]], second:[[4],[3],[2]]}) TO 'out.parquet';"); + + //connection->query("COPY (RETURN [[[1,2],[3,4],[5],[],[7]]]) TO 'out.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6,7,8]]) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN [1,2,3,4]) TO 'out.parquet';"); + + + +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {first: {f: 'please'}, second: {s: 'work'}}) TO 'out.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (p:person) RETURN p.fName, p.gender, p.isStudent, p.age, p.birthdate, p.registerTime) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {first: {f: 'please'}, second: {s: 'work'}}) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (RETURN {first: [[44]], second: [[12]]}) TO 'out.parquet';"); + // connection->query("COPY (RETURN {first:[['a'],['b']], second:[['c'],['d'],['e']]}) TO 'out.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (p:person) RETURN p.workedHours) TO 'dates.parquet';"); + +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (b:person) RETURN b.courseScoresPerTerm) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (b:person) RETURN b.workedHours) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (a:person)-[e]->(b:person) RETURN a.ID, a.birthdate, a.registerTime, b.ID) TO 'out.parquet';"); +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (b:person) RETURN b.isStudent) TO 'out.csv';"); +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (a:person)-[e]->(b:person) RETURN ID(e), a.ID, b.ID) TO 'a.csv';"); +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (a:person) RETURN a.fName, a.workedHours) TO 'a.csv';"); +// connection->query("COPY (MATCH (a:person) RETURN a.fName, a.workedHours) TO 'a.csv';"); } diff --git a/src/antlr4/Cypher.g4 b/src/antlr4/Cypher.g4 index 2168a7dcabc..977b4e17dc0 100644 --- a/src/antlr4/Cypher.g4 +++ b/src/antlr4/Cypher.g4 @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ TO: ( 'T' | 't' ) ( 'O' | 'o' ) ; kU_DataType : oC_SymbolicName - | ( oC_SymbolicName kU_ListIdentifiers ) + | kU_DataType kU_ListIdentifiers | UNION SP? '(' SP? kU_PropertyDefinitions SP? ')' | oC_SymbolicName SP? '(' SP? kU_PropertyDefinitions SP? ')' | oC_SymbolicName SP? '(' SP? kU_DataType SP? ',' SP? kU_DataType SP? ')' ; diff --git a/src/binder/bind/bind_copy.cpp b/src/binder/bind/bind_copy.cpp index 04386019a61..6bb8bd0581b 100644 --- a/src/binder/bind/bind_copy.cpp +++ b/src/binder/bind/bind_copy.cpp @@ -16,17 +16,23 @@ std::unique_ptr Binder::bindCopyToClause(const Statement& statem auto boundFilePath = copyToStatement.getFilePath(); auto fileType = bindFileType(boundFilePath); std::vector columnNames; + std::vector columnTypes; auto query = bindQuery(*copyToStatement.getRegularQuery()); auto columns = query->getStatementResult()->getColumns(); for (auto& column : columns) { auto columnName = column->hasAlias() ? column->getAlias() : column->toString(); columnNames.push_back(columnName); + columnTypes.push_back(column->getDataType()); + // auto d = column->getDataType(); + // auto e = VarListType::getChildType(&d); + // auto f = "ok"; } - if (fileType != CopyDescription::FileType::CSV) { - throw BinderException("COPY TO currently only supports csv files."); + if (fileType != CopyDescription::FileType::CSV && + fileType != CopyDescription::FileType::PARQUET) { + throw BinderException("COPY TO currently only supports csv and parquet files."); } - return std::make_unique( - CopyDescription(std::vector{boundFilePath}, fileType, columnNames), + return std::make_unique(CopyDescription(std::vector{boundFilePath}, + fileType, columnNames, columnTypes), std::move(query)); } diff --git a/src/common/copier_config/copier_config.cpp b/src/common/copier_config/copier_config.cpp index 8ea257caa70..3103458bfd0 100644 --- a/src/common/copier_config/copier_config.cpp +++ b/src/common/copier_config/copier_config.cpp @@ -17,12 +17,15 @@ CopyDescription::CopyDescription( // Copy To CopyDescription::CopyDescription(const std::vector& filePaths, FileType fileType, - const std::vector& columnNames) - : filePaths{filePaths}, fileType{fileType}, columnNames{columnNames} {} + const std::vector& columnNames, + const std::vector& columnTypes) + : filePaths{filePaths}, fileType{fileType}, columnNames{columnNames}, columnTypes{columnTypes} { +} CopyDescription::CopyDescription(const CopyDescription& copyDescription) - : filePaths{copyDescription.filePaths}, csvReaderConfig{nullptr}, - fileType{copyDescription.fileType}, columnNames{copyDescription.columnNames} { + : filePaths{copyDescription.filePaths}, + csvReaderConfig{nullptr}, fileType{copyDescription.fileType}, + columnNames{copyDescription.columnNames}, columnTypes{copyDescription.columnTypes} { if (copyDescription.csvReaderConfig != nullptr) { this->csvReaderConfig = std::make_unique(*copyDescription.csvReaderConfig); } diff --git a/src/common/types/types.cpp b/src/common/types/types.cpp index 22ed87eb82e..84ed347a513 100644 --- a/src/common/types/types.cpp +++ b/src/common/types/types.cpp @@ -605,6 +605,20 @@ bool LogicalTypeUtils::isNumerical(const LogicalType& dataType) { } } +// TODO (Rui): review the datatypes +bool LogicalTypeUtils::isPrimitive(const LogicalType& dataType) { + switch (dataType.typeID) { + case LogicalTypeID::STRUCT: + case LogicalTypeID::VAR_LIST: + case LogicalTypeID::FIXED_LIST: + case LogicalTypeID::UNION: + case LogicalTypeID::MAP: + return false; + default: + return true; + } +} + std::vector LogicalTypeUtils::getAllValidComparableLogicalTypes() { return std::vector{LogicalType{LogicalTypeID::BOOL}, LogicalType{LogicalTypeID::INT64}, LogicalType{LogicalTypeID::INT32}, diff --git a/src/include/common/copier_config/copier_config.h b/src/include/common/copier_config/copier_config.h index eb2be6ef73d..345521dad31 100644 --- a/src/include/common/copier_config/copier_config.h +++ b/src/include/common/copier_config/copier_config.h @@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ struct CopyDescription { // Copy To CopyDescription(const std::vector& filePaths, FileType fileType, - const std::vector& columnNames); + const std::vector& columnNames, + const std::vector& columnTypes); CopyDescription(const CopyDescription& copyDescription); @@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ struct CopyDescription { const std::vector filePaths; const std::vector columnNames; + const std::vector columnTypes; std::unique_ptr csvReaderConfig; FileType fileType; }; diff --git a/src/include/common/types/types.h b/src/include/common/types/types.h index 8f1bfb00b1a..9290639d166 100644 --- a/src/include/common/types/types.h +++ b/src/include/common/types/types.h @@ -421,6 +421,7 @@ class LogicalTypeUtils { KUZU_API static LogicalType dataTypeFromString(const std::string& dataTypeString); static uint32_t getRowLayoutSize(const LogicalType& logicalType); static bool isNumerical(const LogicalType& dataType); + static bool isPrimitive(const LogicalType& dataType); static std::vector getAllValidComparableLogicalTypes(); static std::vector getNumericalLogicalTypeIDs(); static std::vector getAllValidLogicTypes(); diff --git a/src/include/common/vector/value_vector.h b/src/include/common/vector/value_vector.h index 6a588f399db..435591b3ec7 100644 --- a/src/include/common/vector/value_vector.h +++ b/src/include/common/vector/value_vector.h @@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ class ValueVector { void resetAuxiliaryBuffer(); + inline bool isPrimitiveDataType() { return LogicalTypeUtils::isPrimitive(dataType); } + // If there is still non-null values after discarding, return true. Otherwise, return false. // For an unflat vector, its selection vector is also updated to the resultSelVector. static bool discardNull(ValueVector& vector); diff --git a/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/copy_to.h b/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/copy_to.h index 5056ed0be72..26d0e58788b 100644 --- a/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/copy_to.h +++ b/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/copy_to.h @@ -2,39 +2,54 @@ #include "common/copier_config/copier_config.h" #include "common/task_system/task_scheduler.h" -#include "processor/operator/copy_to/csv_file_writer.h" +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/csv_parquet_writer.h" +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/csv_writer.h" +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_writer.h" #include "processor/operator/physical_operator.h" +#include "processor/operator/sink.h" #include "processor/result/result_set.h" namespace kuzu { namespace processor { -class WriteCSVFileSharedState { +class CSVParquetWriterSharedState { public: - WriteCSVFileSharedState() { - csvFileWriter = std::make_unique(); - }; - std::unique_ptr csvFileWriter; + CSVParquetWriterSharedState(common::CopyDescription::FileType fileType) { + if (fileType == common::CopyDescription::FileType::CSV) { + fileWriter = std::make_unique(); + } else if (fileType == common::CopyDescription::FileType::PARQUET) { + fileWriter = std::make_unique(); + } else { + common::NotImplementedException( + "CSVParquetWriterSharedState::CSVParquetWriterSharedState"); + } + } + std::unique_ptr& getWriter() { return fileWriter; } + +private: + std::unique_ptr fileWriter; }; -class CopyTo : public PhysicalOperator { +class CopyTo : public Sink { public: - CopyTo(std::shared_ptr sharedState, + CopyTo(std::unique_ptr resultSetDescriptor, + std::shared_ptr sharedState, std::vector vectorsToCopyPos, const common::CopyDescription& copyDescription, uint32_t id, const std::string& paramsString, std::unique_ptr child) - : PhysicalOperator{PhysicalOperatorType::COPY_TO, std::move(child), id, paramsString}, + : Sink{std::move(resultSetDescriptor), PhysicalOperatorType::COPY_TO, std::move(child), id, + paramsString}, sharedState{std::move(sharedState)}, vectorsToCopyPos{std::move(vectorsToCopyPos)}, copyDescription{copyDescription} {} - bool getNextTuplesInternal(ExecutionContext* context) override; + void executeInternal(ExecutionContext* context) final; - common::CopyDescription& getCopyDescription() { return copyDescription; } + void finalize(ExecutionContext* context) final; - void initLocalStateInternal(ResultSet* resultSet, ExecutionContext* context) override; + common::CopyDescription& getCopyDescription() { return copyDescription; } - std::unique_ptr clone() override { - return make_unique( - sharedState, vectorsToCopyPos, copyDescription, id, paramsString, children[0]->clone()); + std::unique_ptr clone() final { + return make_unique(resultSetDescriptor->copy(), sharedState, vectorsToCopyPos, + copyDescription, id, paramsString, children[0]->clone()); } protected: @@ -43,9 +58,10 @@ class CopyTo : public PhysicalOperator { private: void initGlobalStateInternal(ExecutionContext* context) override; + void initLocalStateInternal(ResultSet* resultSet, ExecutionContext* context) override; common::CopyDescription copyDescription; std::vector outputVectors; - std::shared_ptr sharedState; + std::shared_ptr sharedState; }; } // namespace processor diff --git a/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_parquet_writer.h b/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_parquet_writer.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ea0c77e2a17 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_parquet_writer.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "common/copier_config/copier_config.h" +#include "processor/result/result_set.h" + +namespace kuzu { +namespace processor { + +class CSVParquetWriter { +public: + virtual ~CSVParquetWriter(){}; + virtual void openFile(const std::string& filePath) = 0; + virtual void init() = 0; + virtual void closeFile() = 0; + virtual void writeValues(std::vector& outputVectors) = 0; + + // TODO (Rui): check setters and getters vs directly access + inline void setColumns(const std::vector& columnNames, + const std::vector& columnTypes) { + this->columnNames = columnNames; + this->columnTypes = columnTypes; + } + inline std::vector& getColumnNames() { return columnNames; } + inline std::vector& getColumnTypes() { return columnTypes; } + +private: + std::vector columnNames; + std::vector columnTypes; +}; + +} // namespace processor +} // namespace kuzu diff --git a/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_file_writer.h b/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_writer.h similarity index 63% rename from src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_file_writer.h rename to src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_writer.h index 17ee3ecf9b0..09ba07be354 100644 --- a/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_file_writer.h +++ b/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_writer.h @@ -1,29 +1,30 @@ #pragma once -#include "common/copier_config/copier_config.h" -#include "common/file_utils.h" +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/csv_parquet_writer.h" #include "processor/result/result_set.h" namespace kuzu { namespace processor { -class CSVFileWriter { +class CSVWriter : public CSVParquetWriter { public: - CSVFileWriter(){}; - void open(const std::string& filePath); - void writeHeader(const std::vector& columnNames); - void writeValues(std::vector& outputVectors); + CSVWriter(){}; + void openFile(const std::string& filePath) override; + void init() override; + inline void closeFile() override { flush(); } + void writeValues(std::vector& outputVectors) override; private: + void writeHeader(const std::vector& columnNames); void escapeString(std::string& value); void writeValue(common::ValueVector* vector); void flush(); template - void writeToBuffer(common::ValueVector* vector, int64_t pos, bool escapeStringValue = false); + void writeToBuffer(common::ValueVector* vector, bool escapeStringValue = false); template - void writeListToBuffer(common::ValueVector* vector, int64_t pos); + void writeListToBuffer(common::ValueVector* vector); inline void writeToBuffer(const std::string& value) { buffer << value; } inline void writeToBuffer(const char value) { buffer << value; } diff --git a/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_column_writer.h b/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_column_writer.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f56eca0e9e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_column_writer.h @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/csv_parquet_writer.h" +#include + +namespace kuzu { +namespace processor { + +// Additional computed information for each column +// that will be used to write values +// Each element in the vector is related to a column +struct ParquetColumnDescriptor { + int maxDefinitionLevel = 1; + int numberOfPrimitiveNodes = 0; +}; + +// Kuzu column represents a single column in Kuzu, which may contains multiple Parquet columns +// writeColumn will be called for each Kuzu column. +class ParquetColumnWriter { +public: + ParquetColumnWriter(std::unordered_map columnDescriptors) + : columnDescriptors(columnDescriptors){}; + + void writeColumn( + int kuzuColumn, common::ValueVector* vector, parquet::RowGroupWriter* rowWriter); + +private: + // define the writers + parquet::Int64Writer* int64Writer; + parquet::ByteArrayWriter* byteArrayWriter; + parquet::BoolWriter* boolWriter; + parquet::RowGroupWriter* rowWriter; + parquet::Int32Writer* int32Writer; + parquet::DoubleWriter* doubleWriter; + parquet::FloatWriter* floatWriter; + + void nextParquetColumn(common::LogicalTypeID logicalTypeID); + void writePrimitiveValue(common::LogicalTypeID logicalTypeID, uint8_t* value, + int16_t definitionLevel = 0, int16_t repetitionLevel = 0); + + // ParquetBatch contains the information needed by low-level arrow API writeBatch: + // WriteBatch(int64_t num_values, const int16_t* def_levels, + // const int16_t* rep_levels, const T* values + struct ParquetColumn { + common::LogicalTypeID logicalTypeID; + std::vector repetitionLevels; + std::vector definitionLevels; + std::vector values; + }; + + inline void initNewColumn() { isListStarting = true; } + + void castValueToVector(uint8_t* value, common::ValueVector* vector, + std::map& parquetColumns, int currentElementIdx = 0, + int parentElementIdx = 0, int depth = 0, std::string parentStructFieldName = ""); + + void extractList(const common::list_entry_t& list, const common::ValueVector* vector, + std::map& parquetColumns, int currentElementIdx = 0, + int parentElementIdx = 0, int depth = 0, std::string parentStructFieldName = ""); + + void extractStruct(const common::struct_entry_t& val, const common::ValueVector* vector, + std::map& parquetColumns, int currentElementIdx = 0, + int parentElementIdx = 0, int depth = 0, std::string parentStructFieldName = ""); + + void extractNested(uint8_t* value, const common::ValueVector* vector, + std::map& parquetColumns, int currentElementIdx = 0, + int parentElementIdx = 0, int depth = 0, std::string parentStructFieldName = ""); + + // Extract dremel encoding levels + int getRepetitionLevel(int currentElementIdx, int parentElementIdx, int depth); + + std::unordered_map columnDescriptors; + + // Properties for nested lists and structs + bool isListStarting; + + int currentKuzuColumn; +}; + +} // namespace processor +} // namespace kuzu diff --git a/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_writer.h b/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_writer.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c567cf868b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/include/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_writer.h @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "arrow/io/file.h" +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/csv_parquet_writer.h" +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_column_writer.h" +#include + +namespace kuzu { +namespace processor { + +// ParquetWriter performs the following: +// openFile: opens the file and create a arrow::io::FileOutputStream object +// init: +// - generate the schema +// - calculate the max definition levels and number of primitive nodes +// - initialize parquetColumnWriter +// writeValues : take a vector of ValueVector and pass to parquetColumnWriter +class ParquetWriter : public CSVParquetWriter { +public: + ParquetWriter(){}; + void openFile(const std::string& filePath) override; + void init() override; + void closeFile() override; + void writeValues(std::vector& outputVectors) override; + +private: + static std::shared_ptr kuzuTypeToParquetType( + ParquetColumnDescriptor& columnDescriptor, bool countDefinitionLevel, + std::string& columnName, const common::LogicalType& logicalType, + parquet::Repetition::type repetition = parquet::Repetition::REQUIRED, int length = -1); + + void writeValue(common::LogicalTypeID type, void* value); + + void flush(); + + void generateSchema(std::shared_ptr& schema, + std::unordered_map& columnDescriptors); + + std::shared_ptr parquetColumnWriter; + + parquet::RowGroupWriter* rowWriter; + + std::shared_ptr fileWriter; + + std::shared_ptr outFile; +}; + +} // namespace processor +} // namespace kuzu diff --git a/src/processor/map/map_copy.cpp b/src/processor/map/map_copy.cpp index 183b520da6c..17c3b7ef315 100644 --- a/src/processor/map/map_copy.cpp +++ b/src/processor/map/map_copy.cpp @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ std::unique_ptr PlanMapper::mapCopyFrom(LogicalOperator* logic throw NotImplementedException{"PlanMapper::mapCopy"}; } } - std::unique_ptr PlanMapper::mapCopyTo(LogicalOperator* logicalOperator) { auto copy = (LogicalCopyTo*)logicalOperator; auto childSchema = logicalOperator->getChild(0)->getSchema(); @@ -37,10 +36,16 @@ std::unique_ptr PlanMapper::mapCopyTo(LogicalOperator* logical for (auto& expression : childSchema->getExpressionsInScope()) { vectorsToCopyPos.emplace_back(childSchema->getExpressionPos(*expression)); } - auto sharedState = std::make_shared(); - return std::make_unique(sharedState, std::move(vectorsToCopyPos), - copy->getCopyDescription(), getOperatorID(), copy->getExpressionsForPrinting(), - std::move(prevOperator)); + auto sharedState = + std::make_shared(copy->getCopyDescription().fileType); + auto copyTo = std::make_unique(std::make_unique(childSchema), + sharedState, std::move(vectorsToCopyPos), copy->getCopyDescription(), getOperatorID(), + copy->getExpressionsForPrinting(), std::move(prevOperator)); + std::shared_ptr fTable; + auto ftTableSchema = std::make_unique(); + fTable = std::make_shared(memoryManager, std::move(ftTableSchema)); + return createFactorizedTableScan(binder::expression_vector{}, std::vector{}, + childSchema, fTable, 0, std::move(copyTo)); } std::unique_ptr PlanMapper::mapCopyNode( diff --git a/src/processor/operator/copy_to/CMakeLists.txt b/src/processor/operator/copy_to/CMakeLists.txt index 59b23187e0d..efde4f153dc 100644 --- a/src/processor/operator/copy_to/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/processor/operator/copy_to/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ add_library(kuzu_processor_operator_copy_to OBJECT copy_to.cpp - csv_file_writer.cpp + csv_writer.cpp + parquet_column_writer.cpp + parquet_writer.cpp ) set(ALL_OBJECT_FILES diff --git a/src/processor/operator/copy_to/copy_to.cpp b/src/processor/operator/copy_to/copy_to.cpp index 3f07c0a8039..fc0cf9492f4 100644 --- a/src/processor/operator/copy_to/copy_to.cpp +++ b/src/processor/operator/copy_to/copy_to.cpp @@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ namespace kuzu { namespace processor { void CopyTo::initGlobalStateInternal(ExecutionContext* context) { - sharedState->csvFileWriter->open(getCopyDescription().filePaths[0]); - sharedState->csvFileWriter->writeHeader(getCopyDescription().columnNames); + sharedState->getWriter()->openFile(getCopyDescription().filePaths[0]); + sharedState->getWriter()->setColumns( + getCopyDescription().columnNames, getCopyDescription().columnTypes); + sharedState->getWriter()->init(); } void CopyTo::initLocalStateInternal(ResultSet* resultSet, ExecutionContext* context) { @@ -20,12 +22,14 @@ void CopyTo::initLocalStateInternal(ResultSet* resultSet, ExecutionContext* cont } } -bool CopyTo::getNextTuplesInternal(ExecutionContext* context) { - if (!children[0]->getNextTuple(context)) { - return false; +void CopyTo::executeInternal(ExecutionContext* context) { + while (children[0]->getNextTuple(context)) { + sharedState->getWriter()->writeValues(outputVectors); } - sharedState->csvFileWriter->writeValues(outputVectors); - return true; +} + +void CopyTo::finalize(ExecutionContext* context) { + sharedState->getWriter()->closeFile(); } } // namespace processor diff --git a/src/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_file_writer.cpp b/src/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_writer.cpp similarity index 56% rename from src/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_file_writer.cpp rename to src/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_writer.cpp index 2468f423ea8..9cb2c85929f 100644 --- a/src/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_file_writer.cpp +++ b/src/processor/operator/copy_to/csv_writer.cpp @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#include "processor/operator/copy_to/csv_file_writer.h" +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/csv_writer.h" #include @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ using namespace kuzu::common; namespace kuzu { namespace processor { -void CSVFileWriter::open(const std::string& filePath) { +void CSVWriter::openFile(const std::string& filePath) { fileInfo = FileUtils::openFile(filePath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC); } -void CSVFileWriter::writeHeader(const std::vector& columnNames) { +void CSVWriter::init() { + writeHeader(getColumnNames()); +} + +void CSVWriter::writeHeader(const std::vector& columnNames) { if (columnNames.size() == 0) { return; } @@ -27,8 +31,7 @@ void CSVFileWriter::writeHeader(const std::vector& columnNames) { flush(); } -void CSVFileWriter::writeValues(std::vector& outputVectors) { - bool hasData = true; +void CSVWriter::writeValues(std::vector& outputVectors) { if (outputVectors.size() == 0) { return; } @@ -44,8 +47,9 @@ void CSVFileWriter::writeValues(std::vector& outputVectors) { } template -void CSVFileWriter::writeToBuffer(ValueVector* vector, int64_t pos, bool escapeStringValue) { - auto value = TypeUtils::toString(vector->getValue(pos)); +void CSVWriter::writeToBuffer(common::ValueVector* vector, bool escapeStringValue) { + auto selPos = vector->state->selVector->selectedPositions[0]; + auto value = TypeUtils::toString(vector->getValue(selPos)); if (escapeStringValue) { escapeString(value); } @@ -53,55 +57,54 @@ void CSVFileWriter::writeToBuffer(ValueVector* vector, int64_t pos, bool escapeS } template -void CSVFileWriter::writeListToBuffer(ValueVector* vector, int64_t pos) { - auto value = TypeUtils::toString(vector->getValue(pos), vector); +void CSVWriter::writeListToBuffer(common::ValueVector* vector) { + // vectors are always flat + auto selPos = vector->state->selVector->selectedPositions[0]; + auto value = TypeUtils::toString(vector->getValue(selPos), vector); escapeString(value); writeToBuffer(value); } -void CSVFileWriter::escapeString(std::string& value) { +void CSVWriter::escapeString(std::string& value) { StringUtils::replaceAll(value, "\"", "\"\""); value = "\"" + value + "\""; } -void CSVFileWriter::writeValue(ValueVector* vector) { - // vectors are always flat - auto selPos = vector->state->selVector->selectedPositions[0]; +void CSVWriter::writeValue(common::ValueVector* vector) { switch (vector->dataType.getLogicalTypeID()) { case LogicalTypeID::BOOL: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos); + return writeToBuffer(vector); case LogicalTypeID::INT64: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos); + return writeToBuffer(vector); case LogicalTypeID::INT32: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos); + return writeToBuffer(vector); case LogicalTypeID::INT16: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos); + return writeToBuffer(vector); case LogicalTypeID::DOUBLE: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos); + return writeToBuffer(vector); case LogicalTypeID::FLOAT: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos); + return writeToBuffer(vector); case LogicalTypeID::DATE: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos, true); + return writeToBuffer(vector, true); case LogicalTypeID::TIMESTAMP: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos, true); + return writeToBuffer(vector, true); case LogicalTypeID::INTERVAL: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos, true); + return writeToBuffer(vector, true); case LogicalTypeID::STRING: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos, true); + return writeToBuffer(vector, true); case LogicalTypeID::INTERNAL_ID: - return writeToBuffer(vector, selPos, true); + return writeToBuffer(vector, true); case LogicalTypeID::VAR_LIST: case LogicalTypeID::FIXED_LIST: - return writeListToBuffer(vector, selPos); + return writeListToBuffer(vector); case LogicalTypeID::STRUCT: - return writeListToBuffer(vector, selPos); - default: { - NotImplementedException("CSVFileWriter::writeValue"); - } + return writeListToBuffer(vector); + default: + NotImplementedException("CSVWriter::writeValue"); } } -void CSVFileWriter::flush() { +void CSVWriter::flush() { const std::string str = buffer.str(); FileUtils::writeToFile(fileInfo.get(), (uint8_t*)str.data(), str.size(), fileOffset); fileOffset += str.size(); diff --git a/src/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_column_writer.cpp b/src/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_column_writer.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5e76d610721 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_column_writer.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_column_writer.h" + +#include // TODO (Rui): remove me + +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/csv_parquet_writer.h" + +using namespace kuzu::common; + +namespace kuzu { +namespace processor { + +void ParquetColumnWriter::nextParquetColumn(LogicalTypeID logicalTypeID) { + switch (logicalTypeID) { + case LogicalTypeID::BOOL: + boolWriter = static_cast(rowWriter->NextColumn()); + break; + // parquet doesn't have int16, so we use int32 + case LogicalTypeID::INT16: + case LogicalTypeID::INT32: + case LogicalTypeID::DATE: + int32Writer = static_cast(rowWriter->NextColumn()); + break; + case LogicalTypeID::INT64: + case LogicalTypeID::TIMESTAMP: + int64Writer = static_cast(rowWriter->NextColumn()); + break; + case LogicalTypeID::DOUBLE: + doubleWriter = static_cast(rowWriter->NextColumn()); + break; + case LogicalTypeID::FLOAT: + floatWriter = static_cast(rowWriter->NextColumn()); + break; + case LogicalTypeID::STRING: + byteArrayWriter = static_cast(rowWriter->NextColumn()); + break; + } +} + +void ParquetColumnWriter::writePrimitiveValue( + LogicalTypeID logicalTypeID, uint8_t* value, int16_t definitionLevel, int16_t repetitionLevel) { + switch (logicalTypeID) { + case LogicalTypeID::BOOL: { + auto val = *reinterpret_cast(value); + boolWriter->WriteBatch(1, &definitionLevel, &repetitionLevel, &val); + } break; + case LogicalTypeID::INT16: { + auto val = static_cast(*reinterpret_cast(value)); + int32Writer->WriteBatch(1, &definitionLevel, &repetitionLevel, &val); + } break; + case LogicalTypeID::INT32: { + auto val = *reinterpret_cast(value); + int32Writer->WriteBatch(1, &definitionLevel, &repetitionLevel, &val); + } break; + case LogicalTypeID::INT64: { + auto val = *reinterpret_cast(value); + int64Writer->WriteBatch(1, &definitionLevel, &repetitionLevel, &val); + } break; + case LogicalTypeID::DOUBLE: { + auto val = *reinterpret_cast(value); + doubleWriter->WriteBatch(1, &definitionLevel, &repetitionLevel, &val); + } break; + case LogicalTypeID::FLOAT: { + auto val = *reinterpret_cast(value); + floatWriter->WriteBatch(1, &definitionLevel, &repetitionLevel, &val); + } break; + case LogicalTypeID::DATE: { + auto val = *reinterpret_cast(value); + int32Writer->WriteBatch(1, &definitionLevel, &repetitionLevel, &val.days); + } break; + case LogicalTypeID::TIMESTAMP: { + auto val = *reinterpret_cast(value); + int64Writer->WriteBatch(1, &definitionLevel, &repetitionLevel, &val.value); + } break; + case LogicalTypeID::STRING: { + auto val = *reinterpret_cast(value); + parquet::ByteArray valueToWrite; + valueToWrite.ptr = &val.getData()[0]; + valueToWrite.len = val.len; + byteArrayWriter->WriteBatch(1, &definitionLevel, &repetitionLevel, &valueToWrite); + } break; + default: + NotImplementedException("ParquetWriter::writePrimitiveValue"); + } +} + +void ParquetColumnWriter::writeColumn( + int kuzuColumn, ValueVector* vector, parquet::RowGroupWriter* writer) { + initNewColumn(); + currentKuzuColumn = kuzuColumn; + rowWriter = writer; + auto selPos = vector->state->selVector->selectedPositions[0]; + uint8_t* value = vector->getData() + vector->getNumBytesPerValue() * selPos; + if (vector->isPrimitiveDataType()) { + nextParquetColumn(vector->dataType.getLogicalTypeID()); + writePrimitiveValue(vector->dataType.getLogicalTypeID(), value); + } else { + std::map batch; + extractNested(value, vector, batch); + // write primitives after extraction + for (auto& [_, column] : batch) { + nextParquetColumn(column.logicalTypeID); + for (auto j = 0; j < column.values.size(); ++j) { + writePrimitiveValue(column.logicalTypeID, column.values[j], + column.definitionLevels[j], column.repetitionLevels[j]); + } + } + } +} + +int ParquetColumnWriter::getRepetitionLevel( + int currentElementIdx, int parentElementIdx, int depth) { + if (isListStarting) + return 0; + if (currentElementIdx == 0) { + if (parentElementIdx == 0) { + int result = depth - 2; // depth - parent depth - 1 + return (result < 0) ? 0 : result; + } + return depth - 1; + } + return depth; +} + +// For structs, parquet flattens the data so each value has its own column if +// the key is the same. Examples: +// +// {a: {b: 1, c: 2}, d: {e: 3, f: 4}} +// numberOfPrimitiveNodes = 4 +// column[0] = {1}; +// column[1] = {2}; +// column[2] = {3}; +// column[3] = {4}; +// +// In this case, the last 'b' is a new column since it is nested in 'c' +// {a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}], c: [{b: 3}]} +// numberOfPrimitiveNodes = 3 +// column[0] = {1,2}; +// column[1] = {3}; +// +// [{a:1, b:2}, {a:3, b:4}] +// numberOfPrimitiveNodes = 2 +// column[0] = {1,3}; +// column[1] = {2,4}; +void ParquetColumnWriter::castValueToVector(uint8_t* value, ValueVector* vector, + std::map& parquetColumns, int currentElementIdx, + int parentElementIdx, int depth, std::string parentStructFieldName) { + int repetitionLevel = getRepetitionLevel(currentElementIdx, parentElementIdx, depth); + int definitionLevel = columnDescriptors[currentKuzuColumn].maxDefinitionLevel; + if (vector->isPrimitiveDataType()) { + // We define parquetBatch[column] to store the necessary information to + // write in each parquet column using writeBatch. One Kuzu column can + // have multiple parquet columns. + parquetColumns[parentStructFieldName].repetitionLevels.push_back(repetitionLevel); + parquetColumns[parentStructFieldName].definitionLevels.push_back(definitionLevel); + parquetColumns[parentStructFieldName].values.push_back(value); + parquetColumns[parentStructFieldName].logicalTypeID = vector->dataType.getLogicalTypeID(); + } else { + extractNested(value, vector, parquetColumns, currentElementIdx, parentElementIdx, depth, + parentStructFieldName); + } +} + +void ParquetColumnWriter::extractNested(uint8_t* value, const ValueVector* vector, + std::map& parquetColumns, int currentElementIdx, + int parentElementIdx, int depth, std::string parentStructFieldName) { + switch (vector->dataType.getLogicalTypeID()) { + case LogicalTypeID::VAR_LIST: + return extractList(*reinterpret_cast(value), vector, parquetColumns, + currentElementIdx, parentElementIdx, depth, parentStructFieldName); + case LogicalTypeID::STRUCT: + return extractStruct(*reinterpret_cast(value), vector, parquetColumns, + currentElementIdx, parentElementIdx, depth, parentStructFieldName); + default: + NotImplementedException("ParquetColumnWriter::extractNested"); + } +} + +void ParquetColumnWriter::extractList(const list_entry_t& list, const ValueVector* vector, + std::map& parquetColumns, int currentElementIdx, + int parentElementIdx, int depth, std::string parentStructFieldName) { + auto values = ListVector::getListValues(vector, list); + auto dataVector = ListVector::getDataVector(vector); + depth++; + for (auto i = 0u; i < list.size; ++i) { + // this is used to always set the repetition level to 0 when a kuzu + // column starts + isListStarting = isListStarting && i == 0; + castValueToVector(values, dataVector, parquetColumns, i /* currentElementIdx */, + currentElementIdx /* parentElementIdx */, depth, parentStructFieldName); + values += ListVector::getDataVector(vector)->getNumBytesPerValue(); + } +} + +void ParquetColumnWriter::extractStruct(const struct_entry_t& val, const ValueVector* vector, + std::map& parquetColumns, int currentElementIdx, + int parentElementIdx, int depth, std::string parentStructFieldName) { + auto fields = StructType::getFields(&vector->dataType); + auto structNames = StructType::getFieldNames(&vector->dataType); + for (auto i = 0u; i < fields.size(); ++i) { + auto fieldVector = StructVector::getFieldVector(vector, i); + std::string fieldName = parentStructFieldName + structNames[i]; + castValueToVector(fieldVector->getData() + fieldVector->getNumBytesPerValue() * val.pos, + fieldVector.get(), parquetColumns, currentElementIdx, parentElementIdx, depth, + fieldName); + } +} + +} // namespace processor +} // namespace kuzu diff --git a/src/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_writer.cpp b/src/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_writer.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d096f3dfd16 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_writer.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +#include "processor/operator/copy_to/parquet_writer.h" + +#include // TODO (Rui): remove me + +using namespace kuzu::common; + +namespace kuzu { +namespace processor { + +void ParquetWriter::openFile(const std::string& filePath) { + auto result = arrow::io::FileOutputStream::Open(filePath); + if (!result.ok()) { + throw std::runtime_error(result.status().ToString()); + } + outFile = *result; +} + +void ParquetWriter::init() { + std::shared_ptr schema; + std::unordered_map columnDescriptors; + generateSchema(schema, columnDescriptors); + // this is an useful helper to print the generated schema + parquet::schema::PrintSchema(schema.get(), std::cout); + parquet::WriterProperties::Builder builder; + builder.compression(parquet::Compression::SNAPPY); + std::shared_ptr props = builder.build(); + fileWriter = parquet::ParquetFileWriter::Open(outFile, schema, props); + // Read the max definition level from fileWriter and append to columnDescriptors + const parquet::SchemaDescriptor* schemaDescriptor = fileWriter->schema(); + for (auto i = 0u; i < getColumnNames().size(); ++i) { + const parquet::ColumnDescriptor* colDesc = schemaDescriptor->Column(i); + columnDescriptors[i].maxDefinitionLevel = colDesc->max_definition_level(); + // TODO (Rui): remove this + std::cout << "Column " << i + << " max definition level: " << columnDescriptors[i].maxDefinitionLevel + << std::endl; + std::cout << "Column " << i + << " primitive nodes: " << columnDescriptors[i].numberOfPrimitiveNodes + << std::endl; + } + parquetColumnWriter = std::make_shared(columnDescriptors); +} + +void ParquetWriter::generateSchema(std::shared_ptr& schema, + std::unordered_map& columnDescriptors) { + parquet::schema::NodeVector fields; + for (auto i = 0u; i < getColumnNames().size(); ++i) { + fields.push_back(kuzuTypeToParquetType( + columnDescriptors[i], true, getColumnNames()[i], getColumnTypes()[i])); + } + schema = std::static_pointer_cast( + parquet::schema::GroupNode::Make("schema", parquet::Repetition::REQUIRED, fields)); +} + +// Return a parquet::schema::Node, which contains the schema for a single Kuzu +// column. The node can be a primitive node or a group node. +// A primitive node schema is like: +// +// required group field_id=-1 schema { +// required binary field_id=-1 single string (String); +// } +// +// Parquet Physical Types: +// +// BOOLEAN: 1 bit boolean +// INT32: 32 bit signed ints +// INT64: 64 bit signed ints +// INT96: 96 bit signed ints +// FLOAT: IEEE 32-bit floating point values +// DOUBLE: IEEE 64-bit floating point values +// BYTE_ARRAY: arbitrarily long byte arrays. +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-cpp/blob/master/src/parquet/column_writer.h +std::shared_ptr ParquetWriter::kuzuTypeToParquetType( + ParquetColumnDescriptor& columnDescriptor, bool countDefinitionLevel, std::string& columnName, + const LogicalType& logicalType, parquet::Repetition::type repetition, int length) { + parquet::Type::type parquetType; + parquet::ConvertedType::type convertedType; + convertedType = parquet::ConvertedType::NONE; + columnDescriptor.numberOfPrimitiveNodes++; + switch (logicalType.getLogicalTypeID()) { + case LogicalTypeID::BOOL: + parquetType = parquet::Type::BOOLEAN; + break; + case LogicalTypeID::STRING: + parquetType = parquet::Type::BYTE_ARRAY; + convertedType = parquet::ConvertedType::UTF8; + break; + case LogicalTypeID::INT64: + parquetType = parquet::Type::INT64; + convertedType = parquet::ConvertedType::INT_64; + break; + case LogicalTypeID::INT16: + parquetType = parquet::Type::INT32; + convertedType = parquet::ConvertedType::INT_16; + break; + case LogicalTypeID::INT32: + parquetType = parquet::Type::INT32; + convertedType = parquet::ConvertedType::INT_32; + break; + case LogicalTypeID::FLOAT: + parquetType = parquet::Type::FLOAT; + break; + case LogicalTypeID::DOUBLE: + parquetType = parquet::Type::DOUBLE; + break; + case LogicalTypeID::DATE: + parquetType = parquet::Type::INT32; + convertedType = parquet::ConvertedType::DATE; + break; + case LogicalTypeID::TIMESTAMP: + parquetType = parquet::Type::INT64; + convertedType = parquet::ConvertedType::TIMESTAMP_MICROS; + break; + case LogicalTypeID::INTERVAL: + parquetType = parquet::Type::FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY; + convertedType = parquet::ConvertedType::INTERVAL; + length = 12; + break; + case LogicalTypeID::INTERNAL_ID: { + // TODO (Rui) + } break; + case LogicalTypeID::STRUCT: { + columnDescriptor.numberOfPrimitiveNodes--; + auto structType = StructType::getFieldTypes(&logicalType); + auto structNames = StructType::getFieldNames(&logicalType); + std::vector> nodes; + for (auto i = 0u; i < structType.size(); ++i) { + // count definition level only for the first key + bool countDefinitionLevel = (i == 0); + nodes.push_back(kuzuTypeToParquetType(columnDescriptor, countDefinitionLevel, + structNames[i], *structType[i], parquet::Repetition::OPTIONAL, length)); + } + auto groupNode = std::static_pointer_cast( + parquet::schema::GroupNode::Make(columnName, parquet::Repetition::OPTIONAL, nodes)); + return groupNode; + } break; + // A list is represented by the following schema: + // required group field_id=-1 schema { + // optional group field_id=-1 list (List) { + // repeated group field_id=-1 { + // optional int64 field_id=-1 item; + // } + // } + // } + // + // A nested list is encapsulated by an optional + repeated groups: + // required group field_id=-1 schema { + // optional group field_id=-1 list (List) { + // repeated group field_id=-1 { + // optional group field_id=-1 (List) { + // repeated group field_id=-1 { + // optional int64 field_id=-1 item; + // } + // } + // } + // } + // } + case LogicalTypeID::FIXED_LIST: + case LogicalTypeID::VAR_LIST: { + columnDescriptor.numberOfPrimitiveNodes--; + auto childLogicalType = VarListType::getChildType(&logicalType); + auto childNode = kuzuTypeToParquetType(columnDescriptor, true, columnName, + *childLogicalType, parquet::Repetition::OPTIONAL, length); + auto repeatedGroup = + parquet::schema::GroupNode::Make("", parquet::Repetition::REPEATED, {childNode}); + auto optional = parquet::schema::GroupNode::Make(columnName, parquet::Repetition::OPTIONAL, + {repeatedGroup}, parquet::LogicalType::List()); + return optional; + } break; + default: + throw NotImplementedException("ParquetWriter::kuzuTypeToParquetType"); + } + return parquet::schema::PrimitiveNode::Make( + columnName, repetition, parquetType, convertedType, length); +} + +void ParquetWriter::writeValues(std::vector& outputVectors) { + if (outputVectors.size() == 0) { + return; + } + rowWriter = fileWriter->AppendRowGroup(); + for (auto i = 0u; i < outputVectors.size(); i++) { + assert(outputVectors[i]->state->isFlat()); + parquetColumnWriter->writeColumn(i, outputVectors[i], rowWriter); + } +} + +void ParquetWriter::closeFile() { + rowWriter->Close(); + fileWriter->Close(); + auto status = outFile->Close(); + if (!status.ok()) { + throw RuntimeException("Error closing file"); + } +} + +} // namespace processor +} // namespace kuzu diff --git a/src/storage/wal/wal.cpp b/src/storage/wal/wal.cpp index 3f91f0ccf54..165d93fa7f0 100644 --- a/src/storage/wal/wal.cpp +++ b/src/storage/wal/wal.cpp @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ void WAL::logAddPropertyRecord(table_id_t tableID, property_id_t propertyID) { } void WAL::clearWAL() { + bufferManager.clearEvictionQueue(); bufferManager.removeFilePagesFromFrames(*fileHandle); fileHandle->resetToZeroPagesAndPageCapacity(); initCurrentPage(); diff --git a/test/test_files/copy/copy_list_of_struct.test b/test/test_files/copy/copy_list_of_struct.test new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6e49f46a2bd --- /dev/null +++ b/test/test_files/copy/copy_list_of_struct.test @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +-GROUP TinySnbListTest +-DATASET CSV copy-test/list-of-struct + +-- + +# Error: Copy exception: Unsupported data type STRUCT(a:INT64, b:INT64) inside LIST" thrown in SetUp(). +-CASE ListOfStruct +-SKIP +-STATEMENT MATCH (p:T) RETURN p.* +---- 1 + diff --git a/test/test_files/copy/copy_to_nested.test b/test/test_files/copy/copy_to_nested.test new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7741fc53fa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/test_files/copy/copy_to_nested.test @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +-GROUP CopyToNested +-DATASET CSV tinysnb + +-- + +-CASE List>List + +-STATEMENT CREATE NODE TABLE Nested(id int64, list int64[], doubleList int64[][], primary key(id)); +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY (RETURN 1,[1,2,3,4],[[1,2],[3,4],[8891],[5,6,7,8]]) TO "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY Nested FROM "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT MATCH (n:Nested) return n.list, n.doubleList +---- 1 +[1,2,3,4]|[[1,2],[3,4],[8891],[5,6,7,8]] + +-CASE Struct>Struct>Struct>List + +-STATEMENT CREATE NODE TABLE Nested(id int64, field struct (a struct(b struct(c int64[])), d struct(e struct(f int64[]))), primary key(id)); +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY (RETURN 1, {a: {b: {c: [1,2]}} , d: {e: {f: [3,4]}}}) TO "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY Nested FROM "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT MATCH (n:Nested) return n.field +---- 1 +{a: {b: {c: [1,2]}}, d: {e: {f: [3,4]}}} + +-CASE Struct>List + +-STATEMENT CREATE NODE TABLE Nested(id int64, field struct(first int64[], second int64[]), primary key(id)); +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY (RETURN 1,{first:[1,2,3], second:[4,5,6,7]}) TO "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY Nested FROM "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT MATCH (n:Nested) return n.field +---- 1 +{first: [1,2,3], second: [4,5,6,7]} + +-CASE Struct>Struct + +-STATEMENT CREATE NODE TABLE Nested(id int64, field struct( a struct( b int64, c int64 ), d struct(b int64, c int64) ), primary key(id)); +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY (RETURN 1,{a: {b: 1, c: 2}, d: {b: 3, c: 4}}) TO "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY Nested FROM "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT MATCH (n:Nested) return n.field +---- 1 +{a: {b: 1, c: 2}, d: {b: 3, c: 4}} + +-CASE List>FiveLists>List + +-STATEMENT CREATE NODE TABLE Nested(id int64, field int64[][][][][][], field2 int64[][][], primary key(id)); +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY (RETURN 1,[[[[[[0,1]],[[2,3]]]]]],[[[1]],[[2],[6]],[[3,4,8],[9]],[[5]]]) TO "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY Nested FROM "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT MATCH (n:Nested) return n.field, n.field2 +---- 1 +[[[[[[0,1]],[[2,3]]]]]]|[[[1]],[[2],[6]],[[3,4,8],[9]],[[5]]] + +-CASE List>Struct>List +-STATEMENT CREATE NODE TABLE Nested(id string, + field struct(a double[])[], + field2 struct(s string)[], + primary key(id)); +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY (RETURN 'anyString',[{a:[1.899941]}],[{s: 'is not second'}, {s: 'is not first'}]) TO "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY Nested FROM "${DATABASE_PATH}/nested.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT MATCH (n:Nested) return n.id, n.field, n.field2 +---- 1 +anyString|[{a: [1.899941]}]|[{s: is not second},{s: is not first}] + + +# TODO (pending https://github.com/kuzudb/kuzu/issues/1954) +# [{a:[1]}] +# [{a:1}, {a:2}] +# [{a:[1,2], b:[3], c:[4], d:[5], e:[6]}, {a:[4], b:[7], c:[13], d:[44], e:[123]}] +# [{a:[1,2], b:[3]}, {a:[4], b:[7]}] +# [{a:[1,2], b:[3]}, {a:[4,5,6], b:[7,8]}] diff --git a/test/test_files/copy/copy_to_parquet.test b/test/test_files/copy/copy_to_parquet.test new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d6b44a02ca0 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/test_files/copy/copy_to_parquet.test @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +-GROUP CopyToParquet +-DATASET CSV tinysnb + +-- + +-CASE CommonDataTypesCopyToParquet + +-STATEMENT COPY (MATCH (p:person) RETURN p.ID, p.fName, p.gender, p.isStudent, p.age, p.eyeSight, p.height) TO "${DATABASE_PATH}/common.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT create node table personCopy (ID iNt64, fName STRiNG, gender INT64, isStudent BoOLEAN, age INT64, eyeSight DOUBLE, height float, PRIMARY KEY (ID)) +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY personCopy FROM "${DATABASE_PATH}/common.parquet" (header= TRUE) +---- ok +-STATEMENT MATCH (p:personCopy) RETURN p.ID, p.fName, p.gender, p.isStudent, p.age, p.eyeSight, p.height +---- 8 +0|Alice|1|True|35|5.000000|1.731000 +2|Bob|2|True|30|5.100000|0.990000 +3|Carol|1|False|45|5.000000|1.000000 +5|Dan|2|False|20|4.800000|1.300000 +7|Elizabeth|1|False|20|4.700000|1.463000 +8|Farooq|2|True|25|4.500000|1.510000 +9|Greg|2|False|40|4.900000|1.600000 +10|Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff|2|False|83|4.900000|1.323000 + + +-CASE DatesCopyToParquet + +-STATEMENT COPY (MATCH (p:person) RETURN p.ID, p.birthdate, p.registerTime) TO "${DATABASE_PATH}/dates.parquet"; +---- ok +-STATEMENT CREATE NODE TABLE personCopy(ID INT64, birthdate DATE, registerTime TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(ID)) +---- ok +-STATEMENT COPY personCopy FROM "${DATABASE_PATH}/dates.parquet" +---- ok +-STATEMENT MATCH (p:personCopy) RETURN p.birthdate, p.registerTime +---- 8 +1900-01-01|2008-11-03 15:25:30.000526 +1900-01-01|2011-08-20 11:25:30 +1940-06-22|1911-08-20 02:32:21 +1950-07-23|2031-11-30 12:25:30 +1980-10-26|1972-07-31 13:22:30.678559 +1980-10-26|1976-12-23 04:41:42 +1980-10-26|1976-12-23 11:21:42 +1990-11-27|2023-02-21 13:25:30 diff --git a/test/test_files/exceptions/binder/binder_error.test b/test/test_files/exceptions/binder/binder_error.test index a5e0a067e95..d6eeb291789 100644 --- a/test/test_files/exceptions/binder/binder_error.test +++ b/test/test_files/exceptions/binder/binder_error.test @@ -482,4 +482,4 @@ Binder exception: Invalid number of arguments for macro ADD4. -CASE CopyToNPYFormat -STATEMENT COPY (MATCH (a:person) RETURN a) TO 'person.npy'; ---- error -Binder exception: COPY TO currently only supports csv files. +Binder exception: COPY TO currently only supports csv and parquet files. diff --git a/third_party/antlr4_cypher/cypher_parser.cpp b/third_party/antlr4_cypher/cypher_parser.cpp index 96922d5d00b..84613e23b0a 100644 --- a/third_party/antlr4_cypher/cypher_parser.cpp +++ b/third_party/antlr4_cypher/cypher_parser.cpp @@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ CypherParser::KU_AddPropertyContext* CypherParser::kU_AddProperty() { setState(576); match(CypherParser::SP); setState(577); - kU_DataType(); + kU_DataType(0); setState(582); _errHandler->sync(this); @@ -2299,7 +2299,7 @@ CypherParser::KU_PropertyDefinitionContext* CypherParser::kU_PropertyDefinition( setState(617); match(CypherParser::SP); setState(618); - kU_DataType(); + kU_DataType(0); } catch (RecognitionException &e) { @@ -2414,10 +2414,6 @@ CypherParser::OC_SymbolicNameContext* CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext::oC_Symbo return getRuleContext(0); } -CypherParser::KU_ListIdentifiersContext* CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext::kU_ListIdentifiers() { - return getRuleContext(0); -} - tree::TerminalNode* CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext::UNION() { return getToken(CypherParser::UNION, 0); } @@ -2442,171 +2438,175 @@ CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext* CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext::kU_DataType( return getRuleContext(i); } +CypherParser::KU_ListIdentifiersContext* CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext::kU_ListIdentifiers() { + return getRuleContext(0); +} + size_t CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext::getRuleIndex() const { return CypherParser::RuleKU_DataType; } + CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext* CypherParser::kU_DataType() { - KU_DataTypeContext *_localctx = _tracker.createInstance(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 48, CypherParser::RuleKU_DataType); - size_t _la = 0; + return kU_DataType(0); +} + +CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext* CypherParser::kU_DataType(int precedence) { + ParserRuleContext *parentContext = _ctx; + size_t parentState = getState(); + CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext *_localctx = _tracker.createInstance(_ctx, parentState); + CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext *previousContext = _localctx; + (void)previousContext; // Silence compiler, in case the context is not used by generated code. + size_t startState = 48; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 48, CypherParser::RuleKU_DataType, precedence); + + size_t _la = 0; #if __cplusplus > 201703L auto onExit = finally([=, this] { #else auto onExit = finally([=] { #endif - exitRule(); + unrollRecursionContexts(parentContext); }); try { - setState(690); + size_t alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + setState(688); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 77, _ctx)) { case 1: { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(636); + setState(637); oC_SymbolicName(); break; } case 2: { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(637); - oC_SymbolicName(); setState(638); - kU_ListIdentifiers(); - break; - } - - case 3: { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - setState(640); match(CypherParser::UNION); - setState(642); + setState(640); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(641); + setState(639); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(644); + setState(642); match(CypherParser::T__1); - setState(646); + setState(644); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(645); + setState(643); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(648); + setState(646); kU_PropertyDefinitions(); - setState(650); + setState(648); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(649); + setState(647); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(652); + setState(650); match(CypherParser::T__2); break; } - case 4: { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - setState(654); + case 3: { + setState(652); oC_SymbolicName(); - setState(656); + setState(654); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(655); + setState(653); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(658); + setState(656); match(CypherParser::T__1); - setState(660); + setState(658); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(659); + setState(657); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(662); + setState(660); kU_PropertyDefinitions(); - setState(664); + setState(662); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(663); + setState(661); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(666); + setState(664); match(CypherParser::T__2); break; } - case 5: { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - setState(668); + case 4: { + setState(666); oC_SymbolicName(); - setState(670); + setState(668); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(669); + setState(667); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(672); + setState(670); match(CypherParser::T__1); - setState(674); + setState(672); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(673); + setState(671); match(CypherParser::SP); } + setState(674); + kU_DataType(0); setState(676); - kU_DataType(); - setState(678); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(677); + setState(675); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(680); + setState(678); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(682); + setState(680); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(681); + setState(679); match(CypherParser::SP); } + setState(682); + kU_DataType(0); setState(684); - kU_DataType(); - setState(686); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(685); + setState(683); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(688); + setState(686); match(CypherParser::T__2); break; } @@ -2614,14 +2614,33 @@ CypherParser::KU_DataTypeContext* CypherParser::kU_DataType() { default: break; } - + _ctx->stop = _input->LT(-1); + setState(694); + _errHandler->sync(this); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 78, _ctx); + while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { + if (alt == 1) { + if (!_parseListeners.empty()) + triggerExitRuleEvent(); + previousContext = _localctx; + _localctx = _tracker.createInstance(parentContext, parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, startState, RuleKU_DataType); + setState(690); + + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 4))) throw FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 4)"); + setState(691); + kU_ListIdentifiers(); + } + setState(696); + _errHandler->sync(this); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 78, _ctx); + } } catch (RecognitionException &e) { _errHandler->reportError(this, e); _localctx->exception = std::current_exception(); _errHandler->recover(this, _localctx->exception); } - return _localctx; } @@ -2648,7 +2667,6 @@ size_t CypherParser::KU_ListIdentifiersContext::getRuleIndex() const { CypherParser::KU_ListIdentifiersContext* CypherParser::kU_ListIdentifiers() { KU_ListIdentifiersContext *_localctx = _tracker.createInstance(_ctx, getState()); enterRule(_localctx, 50, CypherParser::RuleKU_ListIdentifiers); - size_t _la = 0; #if __cplusplus > 201703L auto onExit = finally([=, this] { @@ -2658,18 +2676,21 @@ CypherParser::KU_ListIdentifiersContext* CypherParser::kU_ListIdentifiers() { exitRule(); }); try { + size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(692); + setState(697); kU_ListIdentifier(); - setState(696); + setState(701); _errHandler->sync(this); - _la = _input->LA(1); - while (_la == CypherParser::T__6) { - setState(693); - kU_ListIdentifier(); - setState(698); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 79, _ctx); + while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { + if (alt == 1) { + setState(698); + kU_ListIdentifier(); + } + setState(703); _errHandler->sync(this); - _la = _input->LA(1); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 79, _ctx); } } @@ -2712,17 +2733,17 @@ CypherParser::KU_ListIdentifierContext* CypherParser::kU_ListIdentifier() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(699); + setState(704); match(CypherParser::T__6); - setState(701); + setState(706); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::DecimalInteger) { - setState(700); + setState(705); oC_IntegerLiteral(); } - setState(703); + setState(708); match(CypherParser::T__7); } @@ -2767,19 +2788,19 @@ CypherParser::OC_AnyCypherOptionContext* CypherParser::oC_AnyCypherOption() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(707); + setState(712); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::EXPLAIN: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(705); + setState(710); oC_Explain(); break; } case CypherParser::PROFILE: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(706); + setState(711); oC_Profile(); break; } @@ -2827,7 +2848,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_ExplainContext* CypherParser::oC_Explain() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(709); + setState(714); match(CypherParser::EXPLAIN); } @@ -2869,7 +2890,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_ProfileContext* CypherParser::oC_Profile() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(711); + setState(716); match(CypherParser::PROFILE); } @@ -2934,54 +2955,54 @@ CypherParser::OC_StatementContext* CypherParser::oC_Statement() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(720); + setState(725); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 81, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 82, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(713); + setState(718); oC_Query(); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(714); + setState(719); kU_DDL(); break; } case 3: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - setState(715); + setState(720); kU_CopyFromNPY(); break; } case 4: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - setState(716); + setState(721); kU_CopyFromCSV(); break; } case 5: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - setState(717); + setState(722); kU_CopyTO(); break; } case 6: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - setState(718); + setState(723); kU_StandaloneCall(); break; } case 7: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - setState(719); + setState(724); kU_CreateMacro(); break; } @@ -3029,7 +3050,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_QueryContext* CypherParser::oC_Query() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(722); + setState(727); oC_RegularQuery(); } @@ -3096,52 +3117,52 @@ CypherParser::OC_RegularQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_RegularQuery() { }); try { size_t alt; - setState(745); + setState(750); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 86, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 87, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(724); + setState(729); oC_SingleQuery(); - setState(731); + setState(736); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 83, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 84, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(726); + setState(731); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(725); + setState(730); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(728); + setState(733); oC_Union(); } - setState(733); + setState(738); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 83, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 84, _ctx); } break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(738); + setState(743); _errHandler->sync(this); alt = 1; do { switch (alt) { case 1: { - setState(734); + setState(739); oC_Return(); - setState(736); + setState(741); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 84, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 85, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(735); + setState(740); match(CypherParser::SP); break; } @@ -3155,11 +3176,11 @@ CypherParser::OC_RegularQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_RegularQuery() { default: throw NoViableAltException(this); } - setState(740); + setState(745); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 85, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 86, _ctx); } while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER); - setState(742); + setState(747); oC_SingleQuery(); notifyReturnNotAtEnd(_localctx->start); break; @@ -3223,23 +3244,23 @@ CypherParser::OC_UnionContext* CypherParser::oC_Union() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(759); + setState(764); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 89, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 90, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(747); + setState(752); match(CypherParser::UNION); - setState(748); + setState(753); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(749); + setState(754); match(CypherParser::ALL); - setState(751); + setState(756); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 87, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 88, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(750); + setState(755); match(CypherParser::SP); break; } @@ -3247,21 +3268,21 @@ CypherParser::OC_UnionContext* CypherParser::oC_Union() { default: break; } - setState(753); + setState(758); oC_SingleQuery(); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(754); + setState(759); match(CypherParser::UNION); - setState(756); + setState(761); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 88, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 89, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(755); + setState(760); match(CypherParser::SP); break; } @@ -3269,7 +3290,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_UnionContext* CypherParser::oC_Union() { default: break; } - setState(758); + setState(763); oC_SingleQuery(); break; } @@ -3320,19 +3341,19 @@ CypherParser::OC_SingleQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_SingleQuery() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(763); + setState(768); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 90, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 91, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(761); + setState(766); oC_SinglePartQuery(); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(762); + setState(767); oC_MultiPartQuery(); break; } @@ -3405,12 +3426,12 @@ CypherParser::OC_SinglePartQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_SinglePartQuery() { }); try { size_t alt; - setState(810); + setState(815); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 101, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 102, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(771); + setState(776); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (((((_la - 48) & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && @@ -3418,28 +3439,28 @@ CypherParser::OC_SinglePartQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_SinglePartQuery() { | (1ULL << (CypherParser::OPTIONAL - 48)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::MATCH - 48)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UNWIND - 48)))) != 0)) { - setState(765); + setState(770); oC_ReadingClause(); - setState(767); + setState(772); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(766); + setState(771); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(773); + setState(778); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } - setState(774); + setState(779); oC_Return(); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(781); + setState(786); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (((((_la - 48) & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && @@ -3447,56 +3468,56 @@ CypherParser::OC_SinglePartQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_SinglePartQuery() { | (1ULL << (CypherParser::OPTIONAL - 48)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::MATCH - 48)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UNWIND - 48)))) != 0)) { - setState(775); + setState(780); oC_ReadingClause(); - setState(777); + setState(782); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(776); + setState(781); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(783); + setState(788); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } - setState(784); + setState(789); oC_UpdatingClause(); - setState(791); + setState(796); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 96, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 97, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(786); + setState(791); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(785); + setState(790); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(788); + setState(793); oC_UpdatingClause(); } - setState(793); + setState(798); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 96, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 97, _ctx); } - setState(798); + setState(803); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 98, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 99, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(795); + setState(800); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(794); + setState(799); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(797); + setState(802); oC_Return(); break; } @@ -3509,7 +3530,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_SinglePartQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_SinglePartQuery() { case 3: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - setState(806); + setState(811); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (((((_la - 48) & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && @@ -3517,14 +3538,14 @@ CypherParser::OC_SinglePartQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_SinglePartQuery() { | (1ULL << (CypherParser::OPTIONAL - 48)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::MATCH - 48)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UNWIND - 48)))) != 0)) { - setState(800); + setState(805); oC_ReadingClause(); - setState(802); + setState(807); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 99, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 100, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(801); + setState(806); match(CypherParser::SP); break; } @@ -3532,7 +3553,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_SinglePartQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_SinglePartQuery() { default: break; } - setState(808); + setState(813); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } @@ -3600,20 +3621,20 @@ CypherParser::OC_MultiPartQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_MultiPartQuery() { try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(816); + setState(821); _errHandler->sync(this); alt = 1; do { switch (alt) { case 1: { - setState(812); + setState(817); kU_QueryPart(); - setState(814); + setState(819); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 102, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 103, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(813); + setState(818); match(CypherParser::SP); break; } @@ -3627,11 +3648,11 @@ CypherParser::OC_MultiPartQueryContext* CypherParser::oC_MultiPartQuery() { default: throw NoViableAltException(this); } - setState(818); + setState(823); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 103, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 104, _ctx); } while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER); - setState(820); + setState(825); oC_SinglePartQuery(); } @@ -3698,7 +3719,7 @@ CypherParser::KU_QueryPartContext* CypherParser::kU_QueryPart() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(828); + setState(833); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (((((_la - 48) & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && @@ -3706,21 +3727,21 @@ CypherParser::KU_QueryPartContext* CypherParser::kU_QueryPart() { | (1ULL << (CypherParser::OPTIONAL - 48)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::MATCH - 48)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UNWIND - 48)))) != 0)) { - setState(822); + setState(827); oC_ReadingClause(); - setState(824); + setState(829); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(823); + setState(828); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(830); + setState(835); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } - setState(837); + setState(842); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (((((_la - 73) & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && @@ -3728,21 +3749,21 @@ CypherParser::KU_QueryPartContext* CypherParser::kU_QueryPart() { | (1ULL << (CypherParser::MERGE - 73)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::SET - 73)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::DELETE - 73)))) != 0)) { - setState(831); + setState(836); oC_UpdatingClause(); - setState(833); + setState(838); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(832); + setState(837); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(839); + setState(844); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } - setState(840); + setState(845); oC_With(); } @@ -3795,33 +3816,33 @@ CypherParser::OC_UpdatingClauseContext* CypherParser::oC_UpdatingClause() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(846); + setState(851); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::CREATE: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(842); + setState(847); oC_Create(); break; } case CypherParser::MERGE: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(843); + setState(848); oC_Merge(); break; } case CypherParser::SET: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - setState(844); + setState(849); oC_Set(); break; } case CypherParser::DELETE: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - setState(845); + setState(850); oC_Delete(); break; } @@ -3876,27 +3897,27 @@ CypherParser::OC_ReadingClauseContext* CypherParser::oC_ReadingClause() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(851); + setState(856); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::OPTIONAL: case CypherParser::MATCH: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(848); + setState(853); oC_Match(); break; } case CypherParser::UNWIND: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(849); + setState(854); oC_Unwind(); break; } case CypherParser::CALL: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - setState(850); + setState(855); kU_InQueryCall(); break; } @@ -3965,23 +3986,23 @@ CypherParser::KU_InQueryCallContext* CypherParser::kU_InQueryCall() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(853); + setState(858); match(CypherParser::CALL); - setState(854); + setState(859); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(855); + setState(860); oC_FunctionName(); - setState(857); + setState(862); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(856); + setState(861); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(859); + setState(864); match(CypherParser::T__1); - setState(863); + setState(868); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (_la == CypherParser::T__6 @@ -3993,13 +4014,13 @@ CypherParser::KU_InQueryCallContext* CypherParser::kU_InQueryCall() { | (1ULL << (CypherParser::StringLiteral - 104)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::DecimalInteger - 104)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::RegularDecimalReal - 104)))) != 0)) { - setState(860); - oC_Literal(); setState(865); + oC_Literal(); + setState(870); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } - setState(866); + setState(871); match(CypherParser::T__2); } @@ -4062,42 +4083,42 @@ CypherParser::OC_MatchContext* CypherParser::oC_Match() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(870); + setState(875); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::OPTIONAL) { - setState(868); + setState(873); match(CypherParser::OPTIONAL); - setState(869); + setState(874); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(872); + setState(877); match(CypherParser::MATCH); - setState(874); + setState(879); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(873); + setState(878); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(876); - oC_Pattern(); setState(881); + oC_Pattern(); + setState(886); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 115, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 116, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(878); + setState(883); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(877); + setState(882); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(880); + setState(885); oC_Where(); break; } @@ -4166,25 +4187,25 @@ CypherParser::OC_UnwindContext* CypherParser::oC_Unwind() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(883); + setState(888); match(CypherParser::UNWIND); - setState(885); + setState(890); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(884); + setState(889); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(887); + setState(892); oC_Expression(); - setState(888); + setState(893); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(889); + setState(894); match(CypherParser::AS); - setState(890); + setState(895); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(891); + setState(896); oC_Variable(); } @@ -4235,17 +4256,17 @@ CypherParser::OC_CreateContext* CypherParser::oC_Create() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(893); + setState(898); match(CypherParser::CREATE); - setState(895); + setState(900); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(894); + setState(899); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(897); + setState(902); oC_Pattern(); } @@ -4309,31 +4330,31 @@ CypherParser::OC_MergeContext* CypherParser::oC_Merge() { try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(899); + setState(904); match(CypherParser::MERGE); - setState(901); + setState(906); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(900); + setState(905); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(903); - oC_Pattern(); setState(908); + oC_Pattern(); + setState(913); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 119, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 120, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(904); + setState(909); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(905); + setState(910); oC_MergeAction(); } - setState(910); + setState(915); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 119, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 120, _ctx); } } @@ -4394,35 +4415,35 @@ CypherParser::OC_MergeActionContext* CypherParser::oC_MergeAction() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(921); + setState(926); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 120, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 121, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(911); + setState(916); match(CypherParser::ON); - setState(912); + setState(917); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(913); + setState(918); match(CypherParser::MATCH); - setState(914); + setState(919); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(915); + setState(920); oC_Set(); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(916); + setState(921); match(CypherParser::ON); - setState(917); + setState(922); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(918); + setState(923); match(CypherParser::CREATE); - setState(919); + setState(924); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(920); + setState(925); oC_Set(); break; } @@ -4488,47 +4509,47 @@ CypherParser::OC_SetContext* CypherParser::oC_Set() { try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(923); + setState(928); match(CypherParser::SET); - setState(925); + setState(930); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(924); + setState(929); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(927); + setState(932); oC_SetItem(); - setState(938); + setState(943); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 124, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 125, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(929); + setState(934); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(928); + setState(933); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(931); + setState(936); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(933); + setState(938); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(932); + setState(937); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(935); + setState(940); oC_SetItem(); } - setState(940); + setState(945); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 124, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 125, _ctx); } } @@ -4583,27 +4604,27 @@ CypherParser::OC_SetItemContext* CypherParser::oC_SetItem() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(941); + setState(946); oC_PropertyExpression(); - setState(943); + setState(948); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(942); + setState(947); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(945); + setState(950); match(CypherParser::T__4); - setState(947); + setState(952); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(946); + setState(951); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(949); + setState(954); oC_Expression(); } @@ -4663,47 +4684,47 @@ CypherParser::OC_DeleteContext* CypherParser::oC_Delete() { try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(951); + setState(956); match(CypherParser::DELETE); - setState(953); + setState(958); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(952); + setState(957); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(955); + setState(960); oC_Expression(); - setState(966); + setState(971); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 130, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 131, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(957); + setState(962); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(956); + setState(961); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(959); + setState(964); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(961); + setState(966); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(960); + setState(965); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(963); + setState(968); oC_Expression(); } - setState(968); + setState(973); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 130, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 131, _ctx); } } @@ -4758,24 +4779,24 @@ CypherParser::OC_WithContext* CypherParser::oC_With() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(969); + setState(974); match(CypherParser::WITH); - setState(970); - oC_ProjectionBody(); setState(975); + oC_ProjectionBody(); + setState(980); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 132, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 133, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(972); + setState(977); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(971); + setState(976); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(974); + setState(979); oC_Where(); break; } @@ -4827,9 +4848,9 @@ CypherParser::OC_ReturnContext* CypherParser::oC_Return() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(977); + setState(982); match(CypherParser::RETURN); - setState(978); + setState(983); oC_ProjectionBody(); } @@ -4896,20 +4917,20 @@ CypherParser::OC_ProjectionBodyContext* CypherParser::oC_ProjectionBody() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(984); + setState(989); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 134, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 135, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(981); + setState(986); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(980); + setState(985); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(983); + setState(988); match(CypherParser::DISTINCT); break; } @@ -4917,18 +4938,18 @@ CypherParser::OC_ProjectionBodyContext* CypherParser::oC_ProjectionBody() { default: break; } - setState(986); + setState(991); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(987); + setState(992); oC_ProjectionItems(); - setState(990); + setState(995); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 135, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 136, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(988); + setState(993); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(989); + setState(994); oC_Order(); break; } @@ -4936,14 +4957,14 @@ CypherParser::OC_ProjectionBodyContext* CypherParser::oC_ProjectionBody() { default: break; } - setState(994); + setState(999); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 136, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 137, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(992); + setState(997); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(993); + setState(998); oC_Skip(); break; } @@ -4951,14 +4972,14 @@ CypherParser::OC_ProjectionBodyContext* CypherParser::oC_ProjectionBody() { default: break; } - setState(998); + setState(1003); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 137, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 138, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(996); + setState(1001); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(997); + setState(1002); oC_Limit(); break; } @@ -5023,42 +5044,42 @@ CypherParser::OC_ProjectionItemsContext* CypherParser::oC_ProjectionItems() { }); try { size_t alt; - setState(1028); + setState(1033); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::STAR: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1000); + setState(1005); match(CypherParser::STAR); - setState(1011); + setState(1016); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 140, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 141, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1002); + setState(1007); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1001); + setState(1006); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1004); + setState(1009); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(1006); + setState(1011); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1005); + setState(1010); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1008); + setState(1013); oC_ProjectionItem(); } - setState(1013); + setState(1018); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 140, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 141, _ctx); } break; } @@ -5081,37 +5102,37 @@ CypherParser::OC_ProjectionItemsContext* CypherParser::oC_ProjectionItems() { case CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName: case CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1014); + setState(1019); oC_ProjectionItem(); - setState(1025); + setState(1030); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 143, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 144, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1016); + setState(1021); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1015); + setState(1020); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1018); + setState(1023); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(1020); + setState(1025); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1019); + setState(1024); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1022); + setState(1027); oC_ProjectionItem(); } - setState(1027); + setState(1032); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 143, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 144, _ctx); } break; } @@ -5174,27 +5195,27 @@ CypherParser::OC_ProjectionItemContext* CypherParser::oC_ProjectionItem() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(1037); + setState(1042); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 145, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 146, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1030); + setState(1035); oC_Expression(); - setState(1031); + setState(1036); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1032); + setState(1037); match(CypherParser::AS); - setState(1033); + setState(1038); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1034); + setState(1039); oC_Variable(); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1036); + setState(1041); oC_Expression(); break; } @@ -5263,33 +5284,33 @@ CypherParser::OC_OrderContext* CypherParser::oC_Order() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1039); + setState(1044); match(CypherParser::ORDER); - setState(1040); + setState(1045); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1041); + setState(1046); match(CypherParser::BY); - setState(1042); + setState(1047); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1043); + setState(1048); oC_SortItem(); - setState(1051); + setState(1056); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (_la == CypherParser::T__3) { - setState(1044); + setState(1049); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(1046); + setState(1051); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1045); + setState(1050); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1048); - oC_SortItem(); setState(1053); + oC_SortItem(); + setState(1058); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } @@ -5341,11 +5362,11 @@ CypherParser::OC_SkipContext* CypherParser::oC_Skip() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1054); + setState(1059); match(CypherParser::L_SKIP); - setState(1055); + setState(1060); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1056); + setState(1061); oC_Expression(); } @@ -5395,11 +5416,11 @@ CypherParser::OC_LimitContext* CypherParser::oC_Limit() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1058); + setState(1063); match(CypherParser::LIMIT); - setState(1059); + setState(1064); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1060); + setState(1065); oC_Expression(); } @@ -5462,22 +5483,22 @@ CypherParser::OC_SortItemContext* CypherParser::oC_SortItem() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1062); - oC_Expression(); setState(1067); + oC_Expression(); + setState(1072); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 149, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 150, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1064); + setState(1069); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1063); + setState(1068); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1066); + setState(1071); _la = _input->LA(1); if (!(((((_la - 87) & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && ((1ULL << (_la - 87)) & ((1ULL << (CypherParser::ASCENDING - 87)) @@ -5544,11 +5565,11 @@ CypherParser::OC_WhereContext* CypherParser::oC_Where() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1069); + setState(1074); match(CypherParser::WHERE); - setState(1070); + setState(1075); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1071); + setState(1076); oC_Expression(); } @@ -5604,37 +5625,37 @@ CypherParser::OC_PatternContext* CypherParser::oC_Pattern() { try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1073); + setState(1078); oC_PatternPart(); - setState(1084); + setState(1089); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 152, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 153, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1075); + setState(1080); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1074); + setState(1079); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1077); + setState(1082); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(1079); + setState(1084); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1078); + setState(1083); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1081); + setState(1086); oC_PatternPart(); } - setState(1086); + setState(1091); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 152, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 153, _ctx); } } @@ -5688,41 +5709,41 @@ CypherParser::OC_PatternPartContext* CypherParser::oC_PatternPart() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(1098); + setState(1103); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::HexLetter: case CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName: case CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1087); + setState(1092); oC_Variable(); - setState(1089); + setState(1094); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1088); + setState(1093); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1091); + setState(1096); match(CypherParser::T__4); - setState(1093); + setState(1098); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1092); + setState(1097); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1095); + setState(1100); oC_AnonymousPatternPart(); break; } case CypherParser::T__1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1097); + setState(1102); oC_AnonymousPatternPart(); break; } @@ -5770,7 +5791,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_AnonymousPatternPartContext* CypherParser::oC_AnonymousPatternP }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1100); + setState(1105); oC_PatternElement(); } @@ -5833,43 +5854,43 @@ CypherParser::OC_PatternElementContext* CypherParser::oC_PatternElement() { }); try { size_t alt; - setState(1116); + setState(1121); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 158, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 159, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1102); + setState(1107); oC_NodePattern(); - setState(1109); + setState(1114); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 157, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 158, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1104); + setState(1109); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1103); + setState(1108); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1106); + setState(1111); oC_PatternElementChain(); } - setState(1111); + setState(1116); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 157, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 158, _ctx); } break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1112); + setState(1117); match(CypherParser::T__1); - setState(1113); + setState(1118); oC_PatternElement(); - setState(1114); + setState(1119); match(CypherParser::T__2); break; } @@ -5934,17 +5955,17 @@ CypherParser::OC_NodePatternContext* CypherParser::oC_NodePattern() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1118); + setState(1123); match(CypherParser::T__1); - setState(1120); + setState(1125); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1119); + setState(1124); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1126); + setState(1131); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); @@ -5952,50 +5973,50 @@ CypherParser::OC_NodePatternContext* CypherParser::oC_NodePattern() { ((1ULL << (_la - 116)) & ((1ULL << (CypherParser::HexLetter - 116)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName - 116)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName - 116)))) != 0)) { - setState(1122); + setState(1127); oC_Variable(); - setState(1124); + setState(1129); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1123); + setState(1128); match(CypherParser::SP); } } - setState(1132); + setState(1137); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::T__5) { - setState(1128); + setState(1133); oC_NodeLabels(); - setState(1130); + setState(1135); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1129); + setState(1134); match(CypherParser::SP); } } - setState(1138); + setState(1143); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::T__8) { - setState(1134); + setState(1139); kU_Properties(); - setState(1136); + setState(1141); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1135); + setState(1140); match(CypherParser::SP); } } - setState(1140); + setState(1145); match(CypherParser::T__2); } @@ -6046,17 +6067,17 @@ CypherParser::OC_PatternElementChainContext* CypherParser::oC_PatternElementChai }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1142); + setState(1147); oC_RelationshipPattern(); - setState(1144); + setState(1149); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1143); + setState(1148); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1146); + setState(1151); oC_NodePattern(); } @@ -6122,29 +6143,29 @@ CypherParser::OC_RelationshipPatternContext* CypherParser::oC_RelationshipPatter exitRule(); }); try { - setState(1192); + setState(1197); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 178, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 179, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1148); + setState(1153); oC_LeftArrowHead(); - setState(1150); + setState(1155); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1149); + setState(1154); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1152); + setState(1157); oC_Dash(); - setState(1154); + setState(1159); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 168, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 169, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1153); + setState(1158); match(CypherParser::SP); break; } @@ -6152,37 +6173,37 @@ CypherParser::OC_RelationshipPatternContext* CypherParser::oC_RelationshipPatter default: break; } - setState(1157); + setState(1162); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::T__6) { - setState(1156); + setState(1161); oC_RelationshipDetail(); } - setState(1160); + setState(1165); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1159); + setState(1164); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1162); + setState(1167); oC_Dash(); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1164); + setState(1169); oC_Dash(); - setState(1166); + setState(1171); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 171, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 172, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1165); + setState(1170); match(CypherParser::SP); break; } @@ -6190,47 +6211,47 @@ CypherParser::OC_RelationshipPatternContext* CypherParser::oC_RelationshipPatter default: break; } - setState(1169); + setState(1174); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::T__6) { - setState(1168); + setState(1173); oC_RelationshipDetail(); } - setState(1172); + setState(1177); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1171); + setState(1176); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1174); + setState(1179); oC_Dash(); - setState(1176); + setState(1181); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1175); + setState(1180); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1178); + setState(1183); oC_RightArrowHead(); break; } case 3: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - setState(1180); + setState(1185); oC_Dash(); - setState(1182); + setState(1187); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 175, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 176, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1181); + setState(1186); match(CypherParser::SP); break; } @@ -6238,23 +6259,23 @@ CypherParser::OC_RelationshipPatternContext* CypherParser::oC_RelationshipPatter default: break; } - setState(1185); + setState(1190); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::T__6) { - setState(1184); + setState(1189); oC_RelationshipDetail(); } - setState(1188); + setState(1193); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1187); + setState(1192); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1190); + setState(1195); oC_Dash(); break; } @@ -6323,17 +6344,17 @@ CypherParser::OC_RelationshipDetailContext* CypherParser::oC_RelationshipDetail( }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1194); + setState(1199); match(CypherParser::T__6); - setState(1196); + setState(1201); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1195); + setState(1200); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1202); + setState(1207); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); @@ -6341,66 +6362,66 @@ CypherParser::OC_RelationshipDetailContext* CypherParser::oC_RelationshipDetail( ((1ULL << (_la - 116)) & ((1ULL << (CypherParser::HexLetter - 116)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName - 116)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName - 116)))) != 0)) { - setState(1198); + setState(1203); oC_Variable(); - setState(1200); + setState(1205); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1199); + setState(1204); match(CypherParser::SP); } } - setState(1208); + setState(1213); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::T__5) { - setState(1204); + setState(1209); oC_RelationshipTypes(); - setState(1206); + setState(1211); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1205); + setState(1210); match(CypherParser::SP); } } - setState(1214); + setState(1219); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::STAR) { - setState(1210); + setState(1215); oC_RangeLiteral(); - setState(1212); + setState(1217); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1211); + setState(1216); match(CypherParser::SP); } } - setState(1220); + setState(1225); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::T__8) { - setState(1216); + setState(1221); kU_Properties(); - setState(1218); + setState(1223); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1217); + setState(1222); match(CypherParser::SP); } } - setState(1222); + setState(1227); match(CypherParser::T__7); } @@ -6463,17 +6484,17 @@ CypherParser::KU_PropertiesContext* CypherParser::kU_Properties() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1224); + setState(1229); match(CypherParser::T__8); - setState(1226); + setState(1231); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1225); + setState(1230); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1261); + setState(1266); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); @@ -6481,86 +6502,86 @@ CypherParser::KU_PropertiesContext* CypherParser::kU_Properties() { ((1ULL << (_la - 116)) & ((1ULL << (CypherParser::HexLetter - 116)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName - 116)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName - 116)))) != 0)) { - setState(1228); + setState(1233); oC_PropertyKeyName(); - setState(1230); + setState(1235); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1229); + setState(1234); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1232); + setState(1237); match(CypherParser::T__5); - setState(1234); + setState(1239); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1233); + setState(1238); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1236); + setState(1241); oC_Expression(); - setState(1238); + setState(1243); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1237); + setState(1242); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1258); + setState(1263); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (_la == CypherParser::T__3) { - setState(1240); + setState(1245); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(1242); + setState(1247); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1241); + setState(1246); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1244); + setState(1249); oC_PropertyKeyName(); - setState(1246); + setState(1251); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1245); + setState(1250); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1248); + setState(1253); match(CypherParser::T__5); - setState(1250); + setState(1255); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1249); + setState(1254); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1252); + setState(1257); oC_Expression(); - setState(1254); + setState(1259); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1253); + setState(1258); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1260); + setState(1265); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } } - setState(1263); + setState(1268); match(CypherParser::T__9); } @@ -6616,55 +6637,55 @@ CypherParser::OC_RelationshipTypesContext* CypherParser::oC_RelationshipTypes() try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1265); + setState(1270); match(CypherParser::T__5); - setState(1267); + setState(1272); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1266); + setState(1271); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1269); + setState(1274); oC_RelTypeName(); - setState(1283); + setState(1288); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 202, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 203, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1271); + setState(1276); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1270); + setState(1275); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1273); + setState(1278); match(CypherParser::T__10); - setState(1275); + setState(1280); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::T__5) { - setState(1274); + setState(1279); match(CypherParser::T__5); } - setState(1278); + setState(1283); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1277); + setState(1282); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1280); + setState(1285); oC_RelTypeName(); } - setState(1285); + setState(1290); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 202, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 203, _ctx); } } @@ -6720,27 +6741,27 @@ CypherParser::OC_NodeLabelsContext* CypherParser::oC_NodeLabels() { try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1286); + setState(1291); oC_NodeLabel(); - setState(1293); + setState(1298); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 204, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 205, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1288); + setState(1293); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1287); + setState(1292); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1290); + setState(1295); oC_NodeLabel(); } - setState(1295); + setState(1300); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 204, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 205, _ctx); } } @@ -6787,17 +6808,17 @@ CypherParser::OC_NodeLabelContext* CypherParser::oC_NodeLabel() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1296); + setState(1301); match(CypherParser::T__5); - setState(1298); + setState(1303); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1297); + setState(1302); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1300); + setState(1305); oC_LabelName(); } @@ -6872,14 +6893,14 @@ CypherParser::OC_RangeLiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_RangeLiteral() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1302); + setState(1307); match(CypherParser::STAR); - setState(1304); + setState(1309); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 206, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 207, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1303); + setState(1308); match(CypherParser::SP); break; } @@ -6887,21 +6908,21 @@ CypherParser::OC_RangeLiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_RangeLiteral() { default: break; } - setState(1310); + setState(1315); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::SHORTEST: { - setState(1306); + setState(1311); match(CypherParser::SHORTEST); break; } case CypherParser::ALL: { - setState(1307); + setState(1312); match(CypherParser::ALL); - setState(1308); + setState(1313); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1309); + setState(1314); match(CypherParser::SHORTEST); break; } @@ -6914,110 +6935,110 @@ CypherParser::OC_RangeLiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_RangeLiteral() { default: break; } - setState(1313); + setState(1318); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1312); + setState(1317); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1315); + setState(1320); oC_IntegerLiteral(); - setState(1317); + setState(1322); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1316); + setState(1321); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1319); + setState(1324); match(CypherParser::T__11); - setState(1321); + setState(1326); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1320); + setState(1325); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1323); + setState(1328); oC_IntegerLiteral(); - setState(1353); + setState(1358); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 218, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 219, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1325); + setState(1330); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1324); + setState(1329); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1327); + setState(1332); match(CypherParser::T__1); - setState(1329); + setState(1334); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1328); + setState(1333); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1331); + setState(1336); oC_Variable(); - setState(1333); + setState(1338); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1332); + setState(1337); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1335); + setState(1340); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(1337); + setState(1342); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1336); + setState(1341); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1339); + setState(1344); match(CypherParser::T__12); - setState(1341); + setState(1346); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1340); + setState(1345); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1343); + setState(1348); match(CypherParser::T__10); - setState(1345); + setState(1350); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1344); + setState(1349); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1347); + setState(1352); oC_Where(); - setState(1349); + setState(1354); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1348); + setState(1353); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1351); + setState(1356); match(CypherParser::T__2); break; } @@ -7065,7 +7086,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_LabelNameContext* CypherParser::oC_LabelName() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1355); + setState(1360); oC_SchemaName(); } @@ -7107,7 +7128,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_RelTypeNameContext* CypherParser::oC_RelTypeName() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1357); + setState(1362); oC_SchemaName(); } @@ -7149,7 +7170,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_ExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_Expression() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1359); + setState(1364); oC_OrExpression(); } @@ -7212,25 +7233,25 @@ CypherParser::OC_OrExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_OrExpression() { try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1361); + setState(1366); oC_XorExpression(); - setState(1368); + setState(1373); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 219, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 220, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1362); + setState(1367); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1363); + setState(1368); match(CypherParser::OR); - setState(1364); + setState(1369); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1365); + setState(1370); oC_XorExpression(); } - setState(1370); + setState(1375); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 219, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 220, _ctx); } } @@ -7293,25 +7314,25 @@ CypherParser::OC_XorExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_XorExpression() { try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1371); + setState(1376); oC_AndExpression(); - setState(1378); + setState(1383); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 220, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 221, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1372); + setState(1377); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1373); + setState(1378); match(CypherParser::XOR); - setState(1374); + setState(1379); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1375); + setState(1380); oC_AndExpression(); } - setState(1380); + setState(1385); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 220, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 221, _ctx); } } @@ -7374,25 +7395,25 @@ CypherParser::OC_AndExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_AndExpression() { try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1381); + setState(1386); oC_NotExpression(); - setState(1388); + setState(1393); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 221, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 222, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1382); + setState(1387); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1383); + setState(1388); match(CypherParser::AND); - setState(1384); + setState(1389); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1385); + setState(1390); oC_NotExpression(); } - setState(1390); + setState(1395); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 221, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 222, _ctx); } } @@ -7443,23 +7464,23 @@ CypherParser::OC_NotExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_NotExpression() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1395); + setState(1400); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::NOT) { - setState(1391); + setState(1396); match(CypherParser::NOT); - setState(1393); + setState(1398); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1392); + setState(1397); match(CypherParser::SP); } } - setState(1397); + setState(1402); oC_ComparisonExpression(); } @@ -7526,37 +7547,37 @@ CypherParser::OC_ComparisonExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_ComparisonExpress }); try { size_t alt; - setState(1447); + setState(1452); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 234, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 235, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1399); + setState(1404); kU_BitwiseOrOperatorExpression(); - setState(1409); + setState(1414); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 226, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 227, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1401); + setState(1406); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1400); + setState(1405); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1403); + setState(1408); kU_ComparisonOperator(); - setState(1405); + setState(1410); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1404); + setState(1409); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1407); + setState(1412); kU_BitwiseOrOperatorExpression(); break; } @@ -7569,28 +7590,28 @@ CypherParser::OC_ComparisonExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_ComparisonExpress case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1411); + setState(1416); kU_BitwiseOrOperatorExpression(); - setState(1413); + setState(1418); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1412); + setState(1417); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1415); + setState(1420); dynamic_cast(_localctx)->invalid_not_equalToken = match(CypherParser::INVALID_NOT_EQUAL); - setState(1417); + setState(1422); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1416); + setState(1421); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1419); + setState(1424); kU_BitwiseOrOperatorExpression(); notifyInvalidNotEqualOperator(dynamic_cast(_localctx)->invalid_not_equalToken); break; @@ -7598,53 +7619,53 @@ CypherParser::OC_ComparisonExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_ComparisonExpress case 3: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - setState(1423); + setState(1428); kU_BitwiseOrOperatorExpression(); - setState(1425); + setState(1430); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1424); + setState(1429); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1427); + setState(1432); kU_ComparisonOperator(); - setState(1429); + setState(1434); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1428); + setState(1433); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1431); + setState(1436); kU_BitwiseOrOperatorExpression(); - setState(1441); + setState(1446); _errHandler->sync(this); alt = 1; do { switch (alt) { case 1: { - setState(1433); + setState(1438); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1432); + setState(1437); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1435); + setState(1440); kU_ComparisonOperator(); - setState(1437); + setState(1442); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1436); + setState(1441); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1439); + setState(1444); kU_BitwiseOrOperatorExpression(); break; } @@ -7652,9 +7673,9 @@ CypherParser::OC_ComparisonExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_ComparisonExpress default: throw NoViableAltException(this); } - setState(1443); + setState(1448); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 233, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 234, _ctx); } while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER); notifyNonBinaryComparison(_localctx->start); break; @@ -7700,7 +7721,7 @@ CypherParser::KU_ComparisonOperatorContext* CypherParser::kU_ComparisonOperator( }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1449); + setState(1454); _la = _input->LA(1); if (!((((_la & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && ((1ULL << _la) & ((1ULL << CypherParser::T__4) @@ -7769,37 +7790,37 @@ CypherParser::KU_BitwiseOrOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::kU_BitwiseOrO try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1451); + setState(1456); kU_BitwiseAndOperatorExpression(); - setState(1462); + setState(1467); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 237, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 238, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1453); + setState(1458); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1452); + setState(1457); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1455); + setState(1460); match(CypherParser::T__10); - setState(1457); + setState(1462); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1456); + setState(1461); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1459); + setState(1464); kU_BitwiseAndOperatorExpression(); } - setState(1464); + setState(1469); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 237, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 238, _ctx); } } @@ -7855,37 +7876,37 @@ CypherParser::KU_BitwiseAndOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::kU_BitwiseAn try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1465); + setState(1470); kU_BitShiftOperatorExpression(); - setState(1476); + setState(1481); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 240, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 241, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1467); + setState(1472); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1466); + setState(1471); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1469); + setState(1474); match(CypherParser::T__18); - setState(1471); + setState(1476); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1470); + setState(1475); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1473); + setState(1478); kU_BitShiftOperatorExpression(); } - setState(1478); + setState(1483); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 240, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 241, _ctx); } } @@ -7949,37 +7970,37 @@ CypherParser::KU_BitShiftOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::kU_BitShiftOpe try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1479); + setState(1484); oC_AddOrSubtractExpression(); - setState(1491); + setState(1496); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 243, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 244, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1481); + setState(1486); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1480); + setState(1485); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1483); + setState(1488); kU_BitShiftOperator(); - setState(1485); + setState(1490); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1484); + setState(1489); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1487); + setState(1492); oC_AddOrSubtractExpression(); } - setState(1493); + setState(1498); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 243, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 244, _ctx); } } @@ -8018,7 +8039,7 @@ CypherParser::KU_BitShiftOperatorContext* CypherParser::kU_BitShiftOperator() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1494); + setState(1499); _la = _input->LA(1); if (!(_la == CypherParser::T__19 @@ -8091,37 +8112,37 @@ CypherParser::OC_AddOrSubtractExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_AddOrSubtractE try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1496); + setState(1501); oC_MultiplyDivideModuloExpression(); - setState(1508); + setState(1513); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 246, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 247, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1498); + setState(1503); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1497); + setState(1502); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1500); + setState(1505); kU_AddOrSubtractOperator(); - setState(1502); + setState(1507); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1501); + setState(1506); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1504); + setState(1509); oC_MultiplyDivideModuloExpression(); } - setState(1510); + setState(1515); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 246, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 247, _ctx); } } @@ -8164,7 +8185,7 @@ CypherParser::KU_AddOrSubtractOperatorContext* CypherParser::kU_AddOrSubtractOpe }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1511); + setState(1516); _la = _input->LA(1); if (!(_la == CypherParser::T__21 || _la == CypherParser::MINUS)) { _errHandler->recoverInline(this); @@ -8235,37 +8256,37 @@ CypherParser::OC_MultiplyDivideModuloExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_Multipl try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1513); + setState(1518); oC_PowerOfExpression(); - setState(1525); + setState(1530); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 249, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 250, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1515); + setState(1520); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1514); + setState(1519); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1517); + setState(1522); kU_MultiplyDivideModuloOperator(); - setState(1519); + setState(1524); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1518); + setState(1523); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1521); + setState(1526); oC_PowerOfExpression(); } - setState(1527); + setState(1532); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 249, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 250, _ctx); } } @@ -8308,7 +8329,7 @@ CypherParser::KU_MultiplyDivideModuloOperatorContext* CypherParser::kU_MultiplyD }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1528); + setState(1533); _la = _input->LA(1); if (!(((((_la - 23) & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && ((1ULL << (_la - 23)) & ((1ULL << (CypherParser::T__22 - 23)) @@ -8374,37 +8395,37 @@ CypherParser::OC_PowerOfExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_PowerOfExpression() try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1530); + setState(1535); oC_UnaryAddSubtractOrFactorialExpression(); - setState(1541); + setState(1546); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 252, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 253, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1532); + setState(1537); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1531); + setState(1536); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1534); + setState(1539); match(CypherParser::T__24); - setState(1536); + setState(1541); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1535); + setState(1540); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1538); + setState(1543); oC_UnaryAddSubtractOrFactorialExpression(); } - setState(1543); + setState(1548); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 252, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 253, _ctx); } } @@ -8463,38 +8484,38 @@ CypherParser::OC_UnaryAddSubtractOrFactorialExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_ }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1548); + setState(1553); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::MINUS) { - setState(1544); + setState(1549); match(CypherParser::MINUS); - setState(1546); + setState(1551); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1545); + setState(1550); match(CypherParser::SP); } } - setState(1550); - oC_StringListNullOperatorExpression(); setState(1555); + oC_StringListNullOperatorExpression(); + setState(1560); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 256, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 257, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1552); + setState(1557); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1551); + setState(1556); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1554); + setState(1559); match(CypherParser::FACTORIAL); break; } @@ -8559,26 +8580,26 @@ CypherParser::OC_StringListNullOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_Strin }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1557); + setState(1562); oC_PropertyOrLabelsExpression(); - setState(1565); + setState(1570); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 258, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 259, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1558); + setState(1563); oC_StringOperatorExpression(); break; } case 2: { - setState(1560); + setState(1565); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); do { - setState(1559); + setState(1564); oC_ListOperatorExpression(); - setState(1562); + setState(1567); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } while (_la == CypherParser::T__6); @@ -8586,7 +8607,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_StringListNullOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_Strin } case 3: { - setState(1564); + setState(1569); oC_NullOperatorExpression(); break; } @@ -8637,19 +8658,19 @@ CypherParser::OC_ListOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_ListOperatorExp exitRule(); }); try { - setState(1569); + setState(1574); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 259, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 260, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1567); + setState(1572); kU_ListExtractOperatorExpression(); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1568); + setState(1573); kU_ListSliceOperatorExpression(); break; } @@ -8697,11 +8718,11 @@ CypherParser::KU_ListExtractOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::kU_ListExtr }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1571); + setState(1576); match(CypherParser::T__6); - setState(1572); + setState(1577); oC_Expression(); - setState(1573); + setState(1578); match(CypherParser::T__7); } @@ -8748,9 +8769,9 @@ CypherParser::KU_ListSliceOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::kU_ListSliceO }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1575); + setState(1580); match(CypherParser::T__6); - setState(1577); + setState(1582); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); @@ -8772,12 +8793,12 @@ CypherParser::KU_ListSliceOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::kU_ListSliceO | (1ULL << (CypherParser::RegularDecimalReal - 96)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName - 96)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName - 96)))) != 0)) { - setState(1576); + setState(1581); oC_Expression(); } - setState(1579); + setState(1584); match(CypherParser::T__5); - setState(1581); + setState(1586); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); @@ -8799,10 +8820,10 @@ CypherParser::KU_ListSliceOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::kU_ListSliceO | (1ULL << (CypherParser::RegularDecimalReal - 96)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName - 96)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName - 96)))) != 0)) { - setState(1580); + setState(1585); oC_Expression(); } - setState(1583); + setState(1588); match(CypherParser::T__7); } @@ -8873,43 +8894,43 @@ CypherParser::OC_StringOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_StringOperato }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1596); + setState(1601); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 262, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 263, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1585); + setState(1590); oC_RegularExpression(); break; } case 2: { - setState(1586); + setState(1591); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1587); + setState(1592); match(CypherParser::STARTS); - setState(1588); + setState(1593); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1589); + setState(1594); match(CypherParser::WITH); break; } case 3: { - setState(1590); + setState(1595); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1591); + setState(1596); match(CypherParser::ENDS); - setState(1592); + setState(1597); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1593); + setState(1598); match(CypherParser::WITH); break; } case 4: { - setState(1594); + setState(1599); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1595); + setState(1600); match(CypherParser::CONTAINS); break; } @@ -8917,15 +8938,15 @@ CypherParser::OC_StringOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_StringOperato default: break; } - setState(1599); + setState(1604); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1598); + setState(1603); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1601); + setState(1606); oC_PropertyOrLabelsExpression(); } @@ -8968,15 +8989,15 @@ CypherParser::OC_RegularExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_RegularExpression() }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1604); + setState(1609); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1603); + setState(1608); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1606); + setState(1611); match(CypherParser::T__25); } @@ -9033,35 +9054,35 @@ CypherParser::OC_NullOperatorExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_NullOperatorExp exitRule(); }); try { - setState(1618); + setState(1623); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 265, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 266, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1608); + setState(1613); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1609); + setState(1614); match(CypherParser::IS); - setState(1610); + setState(1615); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1611); + setState(1616); match(CypherParser::NULL_); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1612); + setState(1617); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1613); + setState(1618); match(CypherParser::IS); - setState(1614); + setState(1619); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1615); + setState(1620); match(CypherParser::NOT); - setState(1616); + setState(1621); match(CypherParser::SP); - setState(1617); + setState(1622); match(CypherParser::NULL_); break; } @@ -9127,27 +9148,27 @@ CypherParser::OC_PropertyOrLabelsExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_PropertyOrL try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1620); + setState(1625); oC_Atom(); - setState(1627); + setState(1632); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 267, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 268, _ctx); while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (alt == 1) { - setState(1622); + setState(1627); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1621); + setState(1626); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1624); + setState(1629); oC_PropertyLookup(); } - setState(1629); + setState(1634); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 267, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 268, _ctx); } } @@ -9212,54 +9233,54 @@ CypherParser::OC_AtomContext* CypherParser::oC_Atom() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(1637); + setState(1642); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 268, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 269, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1630); + setState(1635); oC_Literal(); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1631); + setState(1636); oC_Parameter(); break; } case 3: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - setState(1632); + setState(1637); oC_CaseExpression(); break; } case 4: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - setState(1633); + setState(1638); oC_ParenthesizedExpression(); break; } case 5: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - setState(1634); + setState(1639); oC_FunctionInvocation(); break; } case 6: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - setState(1635); + setState(1640); oC_ExistentialSubquery(); break; } case 7: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - setState(1636); + setState(1641); oC_Variable(); break; } @@ -9326,20 +9347,20 @@ CypherParser::OC_LiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_Literal() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(1645); + setState(1650); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::DecimalInteger: case CypherParser::RegularDecimalReal: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1639); + setState(1644); oC_NumberLiteral(); break; } case CypherParser::StringLiteral: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1640); + setState(1645); match(CypherParser::StringLiteral); break; } @@ -9347,28 +9368,28 @@ CypherParser::OC_LiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_Literal() { case CypherParser::TRUE: case CypherParser::FALSE: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - setState(1641); + setState(1646); oC_BooleanLiteral(); break; } case CypherParser::NULL_: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - setState(1642); + setState(1647); match(CypherParser::NULL_); break; } case CypherParser::T__6: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - setState(1643); + setState(1648); oC_ListLiteral(); break; } case CypherParser::T__8: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - setState(1644); + setState(1649); kU_StructLiteral(); break; } @@ -9421,7 +9442,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_BooleanLiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_BooleanLiteral() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1647); + setState(1652); _la = _input->LA(1); if (!(_la == CypherParser::TRUE @@ -9485,17 +9506,17 @@ CypherParser::OC_ListLiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_ListLiteral() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1649); + setState(1654); match(CypherParser::T__6); - setState(1651); + setState(1656); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1650); + setState(1655); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1670); + setState(1675); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); @@ -9517,46 +9538,46 @@ CypherParser::OC_ListLiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_ListLiteral() { | (1ULL << (CypherParser::RegularDecimalReal - 96)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName - 96)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName - 96)))) != 0)) { - setState(1653); + setState(1658); oC_Expression(); - setState(1655); + setState(1660); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1654); + setState(1659); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1667); + setState(1672); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (_la == CypherParser::T__3) { - setState(1657); + setState(1662); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(1659); + setState(1664); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1658); + setState(1663); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1661); + setState(1666); oC_Expression(); - setState(1663); + setState(1668); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1662); + setState(1667); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1669); + setState(1674); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } } - setState(1672); + setState(1677); match(CypherParser::T__7); } @@ -9611,55 +9632,55 @@ CypherParser::KU_StructLiteralContext* CypherParser::kU_StructLiteral() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1674); + setState(1679); match(CypherParser::T__8); - setState(1676); + setState(1681); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1675); + setState(1680); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1678); + setState(1683); kU_StructField(); - setState(1680); + setState(1685); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1679); + setState(1684); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1692); + setState(1697); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (_la == CypherParser::T__3) { - setState(1682); + setState(1687); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(1684); + setState(1689); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1683); + setState(1688); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1686); + setState(1691); kU_StructField(); - setState(1688); + setState(1693); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1687); + setState(1692); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1694); + setState(1699); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } - setState(1695); + setState(1700); match(CypherParser::T__9); } @@ -9718,19 +9739,19 @@ CypherParser::KU_StructFieldContext* CypherParser::kU_StructField() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1699); + setState(1704); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::HexLetter: case CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName: case CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName: { - setState(1697); + setState(1702); oC_SymbolicName(); break; } case CypherParser::StringLiteral: { - setState(1698); + setState(1703); match(CypherParser::StringLiteral); break; } @@ -9738,25 +9759,25 @@ CypherParser::KU_StructFieldContext* CypherParser::kU_StructField() { default: throw NoViableAltException(this); } - setState(1702); + setState(1707); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1701); + setState(1706); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1704); + setState(1709); match(CypherParser::T__5); - setState(1706); + setState(1711); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1705); + setState(1710); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1708); + setState(1713); oC_Expression(); } @@ -9807,27 +9828,27 @@ CypherParser::OC_ParenthesizedExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_ParenthesizedE }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1710); + setState(1715); match(CypherParser::T__1); - setState(1712); + setState(1717); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1711); + setState(1716); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1714); + setState(1719); oC_Expression(); - setState(1716); + setState(1721); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1715); + setState(1720); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1718); + setState(1723); match(CypherParser::T__2); } @@ -9893,85 +9914,85 @@ CypherParser::OC_FunctionInvocationContext* CypherParser::oC_FunctionInvocation( exitRule(); }); try { - setState(1769); + setState(1774); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 298, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 299, _ctx)) { case 1: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1720); + setState(1725); oC_FunctionName(); - setState(1722); + setState(1727); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1721); + setState(1726); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1724); + setState(1729); match(CypherParser::T__1); - setState(1726); + setState(1731); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1725); + setState(1730); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1728); + setState(1733); match(CypherParser::STAR); - setState(1730); + setState(1735); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1729); + setState(1734); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1732); + setState(1737); match(CypherParser::T__2); break; } case 2: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1734); + setState(1739); oC_FunctionName(); - setState(1736); + setState(1741); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1735); + setState(1740); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1738); + setState(1743); match(CypherParser::T__1); - setState(1740); + setState(1745); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1739); + setState(1744); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1746); + setState(1751); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::DISTINCT) { - setState(1742); + setState(1747); match(CypherParser::DISTINCT); - setState(1744); + setState(1749); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1743); + setState(1748); match(CypherParser::SP); } } - setState(1765); + setState(1770); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); @@ -9993,46 +10014,46 @@ CypherParser::OC_FunctionInvocationContext* CypherParser::oC_FunctionInvocation( | (1ULL << (CypherParser::RegularDecimalReal - 96)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName - 96)) | (1ULL << (CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName - 96)))) != 0)) { - setState(1748); + setState(1753); kU_FunctionParameter(); - setState(1750); + setState(1755); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1749); + setState(1754); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1762); + setState(1767); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); while (_la == CypherParser::T__3) { - setState(1752); + setState(1757); match(CypherParser::T__3); - setState(1754); + setState(1759); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1753); + setState(1758); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1756); + setState(1761); kU_FunctionParameter(); - setState(1758); + setState(1763); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1757); + setState(1762); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1764); + setState(1769); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); } } - setState(1767); + setState(1772); match(CypherParser::T__2); break; } @@ -10080,7 +10101,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_FunctionNameContext* CypherParser::oC_FunctionName() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1771); + setState(1776); oC_SymbolicName(); } @@ -10135,31 +10156,31 @@ CypherParser::KU_FunctionParameterContext* CypherParser::kU_FunctionParameter() }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1782); + setState(1787); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 301, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 302, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1773); + setState(1778); oC_SymbolicName(); - setState(1775); + setState(1780); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1774); + setState(1779); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1777); + setState(1782); match(CypherParser::T__5); - setState(1778); + setState(1783); match(CypherParser::T__4); - setState(1780); + setState(1785); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1779); + setState(1784); match(CypherParser::SP); } break; @@ -10168,7 +10189,7 @@ CypherParser::KU_FunctionParameterContext* CypherParser::kU_FunctionParameter() default: break; } - setState(1784); + setState(1789); oC_Expression(); } @@ -10231,52 +10252,52 @@ CypherParser::OC_ExistentialSubqueryContext* CypherParser::oC_ExistentialSubquer }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1786); + setState(1791); match(CypherParser::EXISTS); - setState(1788); + setState(1793); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1787); + setState(1792); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1790); + setState(1795); match(CypherParser::T__8); - setState(1792); + setState(1797); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1791); + setState(1796); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1794); + setState(1799); match(CypherParser::MATCH); - setState(1796); + setState(1801); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1795); + setState(1800); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1798); - oC_Pattern(); setState(1803); + oC_Pattern(); + setState(1808); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 306, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 307, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1800); + setState(1805); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1799); + setState(1804); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1802); + setState(1807); oC_Where(); break; } @@ -10284,15 +10305,15 @@ CypherParser::OC_ExistentialSubqueryContext* CypherParser::oC_ExistentialSubquer default: break; } - setState(1806); + setState(1811); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1805); + setState(1810); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1808); + setState(1813); match(CypherParser::T__9); } @@ -10343,29 +10364,29 @@ CypherParser::OC_PropertyLookupContext* CypherParser::oC_PropertyLookup() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1810); + setState(1815); match(CypherParser::T__26); - setState(1812); + setState(1817); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1811); + setState(1816); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1816); + setState(1821); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::HexLetter: case CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName: case CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName: { - setState(1814); + setState(1819); oC_PropertyKeyName(); break; } case CypherParser::STAR: { - setState(1815); + setState(1820); match(CypherParser::STAR); break; } @@ -10447,27 +10468,27 @@ CypherParser::OC_CaseExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_CaseExpression() { try { size_t alt; enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1840); + setState(1845); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 315, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 316, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1818); + setState(1823); match(CypherParser::CASE); - setState(1823); + setState(1828); _errHandler->sync(this); alt = 1; do { switch (alt) { case 1: { - setState(1820); + setState(1825); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1819); + setState(1824); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1822); + setState(1827); oC_CaseAlternative(); break; } @@ -10475,41 +10496,41 @@ CypherParser::OC_CaseExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_CaseExpression() { default: throw NoViableAltException(this); } - setState(1825); + setState(1830); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 311, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 312, _ctx); } while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER); break; } case 2: { - setState(1827); + setState(1832); match(CypherParser::CASE); - setState(1829); + setState(1834); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1828); + setState(1833); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1831); + setState(1836); oC_Expression(); - setState(1836); + setState(1841); _errHandler->sync(this); alt = 1; do { switch (alt) { case 1: { - setState(1833); + setState(1838); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1832); + setState(1837); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1835); + setState(1840); oC_CaseAlternative(); break; } @@ -10517,9 +10538,9 @@ CypherParser::OC_CaseExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_CaseExpression() { default: throw NoViableAltException(this); } - setState(1838); + setState(1843); _errHandler->sync(this); - alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 314, _ctx); + alt = getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 315, _ctx); } while (alt != 2 && alt != atn::ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER); break; } @@ -10527,30 +10548,30 @@ CypherParser::OC_CaseExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_CaseExpression() { default: break; } - setState(1850); + setState(1855); _errHandler->sync(this); - switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 318, _ctx)) { + switch (getInterpreter()->adaptivePredict(_input, 319, _ctx)) { case 1: { - setState(1843); + setState(1848); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1842); + setState(1847); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1845); + setState(1850); match(CypherParser::ELSE); - setState(1847); + setState(1852); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1846); + setState(1851); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1849); + setState(1854); oC_Expression(); break; } @@ -10558,15 +10579,15 @@ CypherParser::OC_CaseExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_CaseExpression() { default: break; } - setState(1853); + setState(1858); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1852); + setState(1857); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1855); + setState(1860); match(CypherParser::END); } @@ -10629,37 +10650,37 @@ CypherParser::OC_CaseAlternativeContext* CypherParser::oC_CaseAlternative() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1857); + setState(1862); match(CypherParser::WHEN); - setState(1859); + setState(1864); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1858); + setState(1863); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1861); + setState(1866); oC_Expression(); - setState(1863); + setState(1868); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1862); + setState(1867); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1865); + setState(1870); match(CypherParser::THEN); - setState(1867); + setState(1872); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1866); + setState(1871); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1869); + setState(1874); oC_Expression(); } @@ -10701,7 +10722,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_VariableContext* CypherParser::oC_Variable() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1871); + setState(1876); oC_SymbolicName(); } @@ -10746,19 +10767,19 @@ CypherParser::OC_NumberLiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_NumberLiteral() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(1875); + setState(1880); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::RegularDecimalReal: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1873); + setState(1878); oC_DoubleLiteral(); break; } case CypherParser::DecimalInteger: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1874); + setState(1879); oC_IntegerLiteral(); break; } @@ -10810,21 +10831,21 @@ CypherParser::OC_ParameterContext* CypherParser::oC_Parameter() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1877); + setState(1882); match(CypherParser::T__27); - setState(1880); + setState(1885); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::HexLetter: case CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName: case CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName: { - setState(1878); + setState(1883); oC_SymbolicName(); break; } case CypherParser::DecimalInteger: { - setState(1879); + setState(1884); match(CypherParser::DecimalInteger); break; } @@ -10881,17 +10902,17 @@ CypherParser::OC_PropertyExpressionContext* CypherParser::oC_PropertyExpression( }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1882); + setState(1887); oC_Atom(); - setState(1884); + setState(1889); _errHandler->sync(this); _la = _input->LA(1); if (_la == CypherParser::SP) { - setState(1883); + setState(1888); match(CypherParser::SP); } - setState(1886); + setState(1891); oC_PropertyLookup(); } @@ -10933,7 +10954,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_PropertyKeyNameContext* CypherParser::oC_PropertyKeyName() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1888); + setState(1893); oC_SchemaName(); } @@ -10975,7 +10996,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_IntegerLiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_IntegerLiteral() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1890); + setState(1895); match(CypherParser::DecimalInteger); } @@ -11017,7 +11038,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_DoubleLiteralContext* CypherParser::oC_DoubleLiteral() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1892); + setState(1897); match(CypherParser::RegularDecimalReal); } @@ -11059,7 +11080,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_SchemaNameContext* CypherParser::oC_SchemaName() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1894); + setState(1899); oC_SymbolicName(); } @@ -11108,19 +11129,19 @@ CypherParser::OC_SymbolicNameContext* CypherParser::oC_SymbolicName() { exitRule(); }); try { - setState(1900); + setState(1905); _errHandler->sync(this); switch (_input->LA(1)) { case CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1896); + setState(1901); match(CypherParser::UnescapedSymbolicName); break; } case CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - setState(1897); + setState(1902); dynamic_cast(_localctx)->escapedsymbolicnameToken = match(CypherParser::EscapedSymbolicName); if ((dynamic_cast(_localctx)->escapedsymbolicnameToken != nullptr ? dynamic_cast(_localctx)->escapedsymbolicnameToken->getText() : "") == "``") { notifyEmptyToken(dynamic_cast(_localctx)->escapedsymbolicnameToken); } break; @@ -11128,7 +11149,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_SymbolicNameContext* CypherParser::oC_SymbolicName() { case CypherParser::HexLetter: { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - setState(1899); + setState(1904); match(CypherParser::HexLetter); break; } @@ -11173,7 +11194,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_LeftArrowHeadContext* CypherParser::oC_LeftArrowHead() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1902); + setState(1907); _la = _input->LA(1); if (!((((_la & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && ((1ULL << _la) & ((1ULL << CypherParser::T__14) @@ -11224,7 +11245,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_RightArrowHeadContext* CypherParser::oC_RightArrowHead() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1904); + setState(1909); _la = _input->LA(1); if (!((((_la & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && ((1ULL << _la) & ((1ULL << CypherParser::T__16) @@ -11279,7 +11300,7 @@ CypherParser::OC_DashContext* CypherParser::oC_Dash() { }); try { enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - setState(1906); + setState(1911); _la = _input->LA(1); if (!(((((_la - 37) & ~ 0x3fULL) == 0) && ((1ULL << (_la - 37)) & ((1ULL << (CypherParser::T__36 - 37)) @@ -11311,6 +11332,26 @@ CypherParser::OC_DashContext* CypherParser::oC_Dash() { return _localctx; } +bool CypherParser::sempred(RuleContext *context, size_t ruleIndex, size_t predicateIndex) { + switch (ruleIndex) { + case 24: return kU_DataTypeSempred(dynamic_cast(context), predicateIndex); + + default: + break; + } + return true; +} + +bool CypherParser::kU_DataTypeSempred(KU_DataTypeContext *_localctx, size_t predicateIndex) { + switch (predicateIndex) { + case 0: return precpred(_ctx, 4); + + default: + break; + } + return true; +} + // Static vars and initialization. std::vector CypherParser::_decisionToDFA; atn::PredictionContextCache CypherParser::_sharedContextCache; @@ -11406,7 +11447,7 @@ CypherParser::Initializer::Initializer() { _serializedATN = { 0x3, 0x608b, 0xa72a, 0x8133, 0xb9ed, 0x417c, 0x3be7, 0x7786, 0x5964, - 0x3, 0x84, 0x777, 0x4, 0x2, 0x9, 0x2, 0x4, 0x3, 0x9, 0x3, 0x4, 0x4, + 0x3, 0x84, 0x77c, 0x4, 0x2, 0x9, 0x2, 0x4, 0x3, 0x9, 0x3, 0x4, 0x4, 0x9, 0x4, 0x4, 0x5, 0x9, 0x5, 0x4, 0x6, 0x9, 0x6, 0x4, 0x7, 0x9, 0x7, 0x4, 0x8, 0x9, 0x8, 0x4, 0x9, 0x9, 0x9, 0x4, 0xa, 0x9, 0xa, 0x4, 0xb, 0x9, 0xb, 0x4, 0xc, 0x9, 0xc, 0x4, 0xd, 0x9, 0xd, 0x4, 0xe, 0x9, 0xe, @@ -11507,1342 +11548,1346 @@ CypherParser::Initializer::Initializer() { 0x3, 0x18, 0x3, 0x18, 0x3, 0x18, 0x3, 0x19, 0x3, 0x19, 0x3, 0x19, 0x3, 0x19, 0x5, 0x19, 0x273, 0xa, 0x19, 0x3, 0x19, 0x3, 0x19, 0x5, 0x19, 0x277, 0xa, 0x19, 0x3, 0x19, 0x3, 0x19, 0x5, 0x19, 0x27b, 0xa, 0x19, - 0x3, 0x19, 0x3, 0x19, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, - 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, 0x285, 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, - 0x5, 0x1a, 0x289, 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, 0x28d, - 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, 0x293, - 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, 0x297, 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, - 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, 0x29b, 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, - 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, 0x2a1, 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, - 0x2a5, 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, 0x2a9, 0xa, 0x1a, - 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, 0x2ad, 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, - 0x5, 0x1a, 0x2b1, 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, 0x2b5, - 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1b, 0x3, 0x1b, 0x7, 0x1b, 0x2b9, 0xa, 0x1b, 0xc, 0x1b, - 0xe, 0x1b, 0x2bc, 0xb, 0x1b, 0x3, 0x1c, 0x3, 0x1c, 0x5, 0x1c, 0x2c0, - 0xa, 0x1c, 0x3, 0x1c, 0x3, 0x1c, 0x3, 0x1d, 0x3, 0x1d, 0x5, 0x1d, 0x2c6, + 0x3, 0x19, 0x3, 0x19, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, + 0x1a, 0x283, 0xa, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x5, 0x1a, 0x287, 0xa, + 0x1a, 0x3, 0x1a, 0x3, 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0x79, 0x2, 0x759, 0x75b, 0x5, 0xee, 0x78, 0x2, 0x75a, + 0x758, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x75a, 0x759, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x75b, + 0xe7, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x75c, 0x75f, 0x7, 0x1e, 0x2, 0x2, 0x75d, + 0x760, 0x5, 0xf4, 0x7b, 0x2, 0x75e, 0x760, 0x7, 0x75, 0x2, 0x2, 0x75f, + 0x75d, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x75f, 0x75e, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x760, + 0xe9, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x761, 0x763, 0x5, 0xc8, 0x65, 0x2, 0x762, + 0x764, 0x7, 0x81, 0x2, 0x2, 0x763, 0x762, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x763, + 0x764, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x764, 0x765, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x765, + 0x766, 0x5, 0xde, 0x70, 0x2, 0x766, 0xeb, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x767, + 0x768, 0x5, 0xf2, 0x7a, 0x2, 0x768, 0xed, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x769, + 0x76a, 0x7, 0x75, 0x2, 0x2, 0x76a, 0xef, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x76b, + 0x76c, 0x7, 0x7c, 0x2, 0x2, 0x76c, 0xf1, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x76d, + 0x76e, 0x5, 0xf4, 0x7b, 0x2, 0x76e, 0xf3, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x76f, + 0x774, 0x7, 0x7d, 0x2, 0x2, 0x770, 0x771, 0x7, 0x80, 0x2, 0x2, 0x771, + 0x774, 0x8, 0x7b, 0x1, 0x2, 0x772, 0x774, 0x7, 0x76, 0x2, 0x2, 0x773, + 0x76f, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x773, 0x770, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x773, + 0x772, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x774, 0xf5, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x775, 0x776, + 0x9, 0x8, 0x2, 0x2, 0x776, 0xf7, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x777, 0x778, 0x9, + 0x9, 0x2, 0x2, 0x778, 0xf9, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x779, 0x77a, 0x9, 0xa, + 0x2, 0x2, 0x77a, 0xfb, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x14a, 0xfd, 0x100, 0x103, + 0x107, 0x10a, 0x10d, 0x119, 0x11d, 0x121, 0x125, 0x12f, 0x133, 0x137, + 0x13c, 0x153, 0x157, 0x161, 0x165, 0x168, 0x16b, 0x16e, 0x171, 0x175, + 0x17a, 0x17e, 0x188, 0x18c, 0x191, 0x196, 0x19b, 0x1a1, 0x1a5, 0x1a9, + 0x1ae, 0x1b5, 0x1b9, 0x1bd, 0x1c0, 0x1c4, 0x1c8, 0x1cd, 0x1d2, 0x1d6, + 0x1de, 0x1e8, 0x1ec, 0x1f0, 0x1f4, 0x1f9, 0x205, 0x209, 0x213, 0x217, + 0x21b, 0x21d, 0x221, 0x225, 0x227, 0x23d, 0x248, 0x25e, 0x262, 0x267, + 0x272, 0x276, 0x27a, 0x282, 0x286, 0x28a, 0x290, 0x294, 0x298, 0x29e, + 0x2a2, 0x2a6, 0x2aa, 0x2ae, 0x2b2, 0x2b8, 0x2bf, 0x2c4, 0x2ca, 0x2d7, + 0x2dd, 0x2e2, 0x2e7, 0x2eb, 0x2f0, 0x2f6, 0x2fb, 0x2fe, 0x302, 0x306, + 0x30a, 0x310, 0x314, 0x319, 0x31e, 0x322, 0x325, 0x329, 0x32d, 0x331, + 0x335, 0x339, 0x33f, 0x343, 0x348, 0x34c, 0x355, 0x35a, 0x360, 0x366, + 0x36d, 0x371, 0x375, 0x378, 0x37c, 0x386, 0x38c, 0x393, 0x3a0, 0x3a4, + 0x3a8, 0x3ac, 0x3b1, 0x3b6, 0x3ba, 0x3c0, 0x3c4, 0x3c8, 0x3cd, 0x3d3, + 0x3d6, 0x3dc, 0x3df, 0x3e5, 0x3e9, 0x3ed, 0x3f1, 0x3f5, 0x3fa, 0x3ff, + 0x403, 0x408, 0x40b, 0x414, 0x41d, 0x422, 0x42f, 0x432, 0x43a, 0x43e, + 0x443, 0x448, 0x44c, 0x451, 0x457, 0x45c, 0x463, 0x467, 0x46b, 0x46d, + 0x471, 0x473, 0x477, 0x479, 0x47f, 0x485, 0x489, 0x48c, 0x48f, 0x495, + 0x498, 0x49b, 0x49f, 0x4a5, 0x4a8, 0x4ab, 0x4af, 0x4b3, 0x4b7, 0x4b9, + 0x4bd, 0x4bf, 0x4c3, 0x4c5, 0x4c9, 0x4cb, 0x4d1, 0x4d5, 0x4d9, 0x4dd, + 0x4e1, 0x4e5, 0x4e9, 0x4ed, 0x4f1, 0x4f4, 0x4fa, 0x4fe, 0x502, 0x505, + 0x50a, 0x50f, 0x514, 0x519, 0x51f, 0x525, 0x528, 0x52c, 0x530, 0x534, + 0x538, 0x53c, 0x540, 0x544, 0x548, 0x54c, 0x550, 0x55f, 0x569, 0x573, + 0x578, 0x57a, 0x580, 0x584, 0x588, 0x58c, 0x590, 0x598, 0x59c, 0x5a0, + 0x5a4, 0x5aa, 0x5ae, 0x5b4, 0x5b8, 0x5bd, 0x5c2, 0x5c6, 0x5cb, 0x5d0, + 0x5d4, 0x5da, 0x5e1, 0x5e5, 0x5eb, 0x5f2, 0x5f6, 0x5fc, 0x603, 0x607, + 0x60c, 0x611, 0x613, 0x617, 0x61a, 0x621, 0x624, 0x628, 0x630, 0x634, + 0x643, 0x646, 0x64b, 0x659, 0x65d, 0x662, 0x66c, 0x674, 0x67a, 0x67e, + 0x682, 0x686, 0x68a, 0x68d, 0x693, 0x697, 0x69b, 0x69f, 0x6a3, 0x6aa, + 0x6ad, 0x6b1, 0x6b7, 0x6bb, 0x6c1, 0x6c5, 0x6c9, 0x6cf, 0x6d3, 0x6d7, + 0x6d9, 0x6dd, 0x6e1, 0x6e5, 0x6e9, 0x6ec, 0x6f0, 0x6f6, 0x6fb, 0x6fd, + 0x703, 0x707, 0x70b, 0x70f, 0x712, 0x715, 0x71b, 0x71f, 0x723, 0x728, + 0x72c, 0x730, 0x735, 0x737, 0x73a, 0x73e, 0x741, 0x744, 0x74a, 0x74e, + 0x752, 0x75a, 0x75f, 0x763, 0x773, }; atn::ATNDeserializer deserializer; diff --git a/third_party/antlr4_cypher/include/cypher_parser.h b/third_party/antlr4_cypher/include/cypher_parser.h index bc2cf1981a1..0a9bbf51052 100644 --- a/third_party/antlr4_cypher/include/cypher_parser.h +++ b/third_party/antlr4_cypher/include/cypher_parser.h @@ -597,19 +597,19 @@ class CypherParser : public antlr4::Parser { KU_DataTypeContext(antlr4::ParserRuleContext *parent, size_t invokingState); virtual size_t getRuleIndex() const override; OC_SymbolicNameContext *oC_SymbolicName(); - KU_ListIdentifiersContext *kU_ListIdentifiers(); antlr4::tree::TerminalNode *UNION(); KU_PropertyDefinitionsContext *kU_PropertyDefinitions(); std::vector SP(); antlr4::tree::TerminalNode* SP(size_t i); std::vector kU_DataType(); KU_DataTypeContext* kU_DataType(size_t i); + KU_ListIdentifiersContext *kU_ListIdentifiers(); }; KU_DataTypeContext* kU_DataType(); - + KU_DataTypeContext* kU_DataType(int precedence); class KU_ListIdentifiersContext : public antlr4::ParserRuleContext { public: KU_ListIdentifiersContext(antlr4::ParserRuleContext *parent, size_t invokingState); @@ -2000,6 +2000,9 @@ class CypherParser : public antlr4::Parser { OC_DashContext* oC_Dash(); + virtual bool sempred(antlr4::RuleContext *_localctx, size_t ruleIndex, size_t predicateIndex) override; + bool kU_DataTypeSempred(KU_DataTypeContext *_localctx, size_t predicateIndex); + private: static std::vector _decisionToDFA; static antlr4::atn::PredictionContextCache _sharedContextCache;