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Kaldi tutorial session

In this tutorial session, we want to delve into Kaldi framework. You can see our references section for further informations at the end of this readme file. You can also follow each step in Open In Google Colab.


Kaldi is an open source toolkit for speech recognition, intended for use by speech recognition researchers and professionals. It was developed initially at Johns Hopkins University with contributions from many other institutions and individuals around the world. Kaldi provides a set of libraries and tools that can be used to build speech recognition systems, including acoustic modeling, language modeling, and decoding algorithms. It also includes pre-built models and example scripts to help get started with building a speech recognition system. Kaldi has become one of the most popular toolkits for speech recognition research and development due to its high-quality codebase, strong community support, and wide range of features.

The main structure of Kaldi can be broken down into four components:

  • Data preparation: This component involves processing raw audio data and converting it into a format that can be used by Kaldi. This includes tasks such as feature extraction, data cleaning, and normalization.
  • Acoustic modeling: In this step, Kaldi trains models to recognize speech sounds. This involves building models that represent acoustic features of speech, such as mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) or filterbank energies. Kaldi supports a wide range of techniques for building acoustic models, including hidden Markov models (HMMs), deep neural networks (DNNs), and convolutional neural networks (CNNs).
  • Language modeling: Kaldi also provides tools for building language models that represent the probability distribution over words in a given language. This involves training models on large corpora of text data, and using them to estimate the likelihood of different word sequences.
  • Decoding: Once the acoustic and language models have been trained, Kaldi uses decoding algorithms to recognize speech in real-time. This involves taking acoustic feature vectors and aligning them with the most likely sequence of words based on the language model probabilities. Kaldi supports a variety of decoding algorithms, including Viterbi decoding, forward-backward decoding, and lattice-based decoding.

Kaldi is primarily written in C++ and has some scripts written in Python. It also uses a number of external libraries, such as the Boost C++ Libraries, Eigen linear algebra library, OpenFst finite-state transducer library, and others. While Kaldi itself is written in C++, it provides a command-line interface and supports scripting in Bash and Python. Kaldi has been designed with portability in mind and can run on a variety of operating systems including Linux, macOS, and Windows (using Windows Subsystem for Linux). Additionally, Kaldi has support for many different languages including English, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, and others.

File structures of Kaldi

The root directory of a Kaldi installation typically contains several subdirectories, each with its own purpose and architecture. Here are the main subdirectories you can find in the root directory of a Kaldi installation:

  • src: This directory contains the source code for Kaldi itself, as well as some of the external libraries it depends on.

  • tools: This directory contains various tools that are used by Kaldi, such as scripts for data preparation, language modeling, acoustic modeling, and decoding.

  • egs: This directory contains example scripts for various speech recognition tasks, including speaker identification, keyword spotting, and large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR).

  • test: This directory contains test files and scripts to ensure that Kaldi is working properly.

  • conf: This directory contains configuration files for different components of Kaldi, such as the feature extraction process or the decoding algorithm.

  • data: This directory contains the raw audio data and associated metadata used for training and testing speech recognition systems.

  • exp: This directory contains the output from training and testing different speech recognition models, such as acoustic and language models.

These directories form the core structure of a Kaldi installation and are used to build and run speech recognition systems using Kaldi.



Before using Kaldi for the first time, there are a few preliminary steps to take:

  • Install Kaldi: You will need to install Kaldi on your system. The installation process may vary depending on your operating system and hardware, but detailed instructions can be found on the Kaldi website.

  • Download data: To train and test speech recognition models, you will need audio data and associated metadata, such as transcriptions or speaker information. The Kaldi website provides some sample data that you can use to get started.

  • Prepare data: Once you have downloaded the data, you will need to preprocess it so that it can be used by Kaldi. This involves tasks such as converting audio files to a format that Kaldi can read, segmenting the audio into smaller chunks, and generating transcripts for each chunk.

  • Set up environment variables: Kaldi relies on several environment variables to locate its tools and resources. You will need to set these variables so that Kaldi can find everything it needs.

  • Learn basic commands: Kaldi has many command-line tools that you will use to prepare data, build models, and run decoding. It is essential to learn at least the basic commands so that you can work effectively with Kaldi.

By following these preliminary steps, you will be ready to start using Kaldi for speech recognition tasks.

Preliminary steps

At first, we want to pull kaldi docker image from docker hub. To deal with some internet sanctions, you can edit nano /etc/docker/daemon.json file and add the following registry mirror:

  "registry-mirrors": [""]

After that, you must reload doemon with systemctl daemon-reload command.

Then, you can restart docker with systemctl restart docker command.

To check your pulling step, you can run docker run hello-world to see Hello world dummy example!bold text


Cpu version of kaldi image:

docker pull kaldiasr/kaldi:latest

GPU version of kaldi image

docker pull --runtime=nvidia kaldiasr/kaldi:gpu-latest 

Usage tutorial

In this tutorial, we use CPU version of kaldi image, but you can follow other version of kaldi as you want.

First of all, run a Kaldi docker image and enter to the bash of it

docker run -it -v <path_to_workspace_directory>:/data kaldiasr/kaldi /bin/bash

**Yes/No example of kaldi**

Then, you can go to Kaldi directory with the bellow command:

cd /opt/kaldi/egs/yesno/s5/

Step 1 - preparation

This section will cover how to prepare data formats to train and test Kaldi recognizer.

Data description

First download the data by

# wget
tar -xvzf waves_yesno.tar.gz
rm waves_yesno/README*

Our dataset for this tutorial has 60 .wav files, sampled at 8 kHz. All audio files are recorded by an anonymous male contributor of the Kaldi project and included in the project for a test purpose.

In each file, the individual says 8 words; each word is either "ken" or "lo" ("yes" and "no" in Hebrew), so each file is a random sequence of 8 yes's or no's. The names of files represent the word sequence, with 1 for yes and 0 for no.


This is all we have as our raw data. Now we will deform these .wav files into data format that Kaldi can read in.

Kaldi Data preparation

Let's start with formatting data. We will split 60 wave files roughly in half: 31 for training, the rest for testing. Create a directory data and,then two subdirectories train_yesno and test_yesno in it.

We will prototype a python script to generate necessary input files. Open local/ It

  1. reads up the list of files in waves_yesno.
  2. generates two list, one stores names of files that start with 0's, the other keeps names starting with 1's, ignore the rest of files.

Now, for each dataset (train, test), we need to generate these files representing our raw data - the audio and the transcripts.

  • text
    • Essentially, transcripts.
    • An utterance per line, <utt_id> <transcript>
      • e.g. 0_0_1_1_1_1_0_0 NO NO YES YES YES YES NO NO
    • We will use filenames without extensions as utt_ids for now.
    • Although recordings are in Hebrew, we will use English words, YES and NO, to avoid complicating the problem.
  • wav.scp
    • Indexing files to unique ids.
    • <file_id> <wave filename with path OR command to get wave file>
      • e.g. 0_1_0_0_1_0_1_1 waves_yesno/0_1_0_0_1_0_1_1.wav
    • Again, we can use file names as file_ids.
  • utt2spk
    • For each utterance, mark which speaker spoke it.
    • <utt_id> <speaker_id>
      • e.g. 0_0_1_0_1_0_1_1 global
    • Since we have only one speaker in this example, let's use "global" as speaker_id
  • spk2utt
    • Simply inverse indexed utt2spk (<speaker_id> <all_hier_utterences>)
    • Can use a Kaldi utility to generate
    • utils/ data/train_yesno/utt2spk > data/train_yesno/spk2utt
  • (optional) segments: not used for this data.
    • Contains utterance segmentation/alignment information for each recording.
    • Only required when a file contains multiple utterances, which is not this case.
  • (optional) reco2file_and_channel: *not used for this data. *
    • Only required when audios were recorded in dual channels for conversational setup.
  • (optional) spk2gender: not used for this data.
    • Map from speakers to their gender information.
    • Used in vocal tract length normalization.

To call the script do

local/ waves_yesno

Run to generate each set of 4 files for the training and test set (data/train_yesno, data/test_yesno).

Kaldi has a scrip that clean up any possible errors in the data. Run

utils/ data/train_yesno/
utils/ data/test_yesno/

If you're done with the code, your data directory should look like this, at this point.

│   ├───text
│   ├───utt2spk
│   ├───spk2utt
│   └───wav.scp

Step 2 - Dictionary preparation

This section will cover how to build language knowledge - lexicon and phone dictionaries - for Kaldi recognizer.

Before moving on

From here, we will use several Kaldi utilities (included in steps and utils directories) to process further. To do that, Kaldi binaries should be in your $PATH. However, Kaldi is a huge framework, and there are so many binaries distributed over many different directories, depending on their purpose. So, we will use a script, to add all of them to $PATH of the subshell every time a script runs (we will see this later). All you need to do right now is to open the file and edit the $KALDI_ROOT variable to point your Kaldi Installation location.

Defining blocks of the toy language: Lexicon

Next we will build dictionaries. Let's start with creating intermediate dict directory at the root.

mkdir -p data/local/dict

In this toy language, we have only two words: YES and NO. For the sake of simplicity, we will just assume they are one-phone words: Y and N.

echo -e "Y\nN" > data/local/dict/phones.txt            # phones dictionary
echo -e "YES Y\nNO N" > data/local/dict/lexicon.txt    # word-pronunciation dictionary

However, in real speech, there are not only human sounds that contributes to a linguistic expression, but also silence and noises. Kaldi calls all those non-linguistic sounds "silence". For example, even in this small, controlled recordings, we have pauses between each word. Thus we need an additional phone "SIL" representing silence. And it can be happening at end of of all words. Kaldi calls this kind of silence "optional".

echo "SIL" > data/local/dict/silence_phones.txt
echo "SIL" > data/local/dict/optional_silence.txt
mv data/local/dict/phones.txt data/local/dict/nonsilence_phones.txt

Now amend lexicon to include the silence as well.

cp data/local/dict/lexicon.txt data/local/dict/lexicon_words.txt
echo "<SIL> SIL" >> data/local/dict/lexicon.txt 

Note that "<SIL>" will also be used as our OOV token later.

Your dict directory should end up with these 5 files:

  • lexicon.txt: full list of lexeme-phone pairs
  • lexicon_words.txt: list of word-phone pairs
  • silence_phones.txt: list of silent phones
  • nonsilence_phones.txt: list of non-silent phones
  • optional_silence.txt: list of optional silent phones (here, this looks the same as silence_phones.txt)

Finally, we need to convert our dictionaries into a data structure that Kaldi would accept - finite state transducer (FST). Among many scripts Kaldi provides, we will use utils/ to generate FST-ready data formats to represent our language definition.

utils/ --position-dependent-phones false <RAW_DICT_PATH> <OOV> <TEMP_DIR> <OUTPUT_DIR>

We're using --position-dependent-phones flag to be false in our tiny, tiny toy language. There's not enough context, anyways. For required parameters we will use:

  • <RAW_DICT_PATH>: data/local/dict
  • <OOV>: "<SIL>"
  • <TEMP_DIR>: Could be anywhere. I'll just put a new directory tmp inside dict.
  • <OUTPUT_DIR>: This output will be used in further training. Set it to data/lang.

Step 3 - Feature extraction and training

This section will cover how to perform MFCC feature extraction and GMM modeling.

Feature extraction

Once we have all data ready, it's time to extract features for GMM training.

First extract mel-frequency cepstral coefficients.

steps/ --nj <N> <INPUT_DIR> <LOG_DIR> <OUTPUT_DIR> 
  • --nj <N> : number of processors, defaults to 4. Kaldi splits the processes by speaker information. Therefore, nj must be lesser than or equal to the number of speakers in <INPUT_DIR>. For this simple tutorial which has 1 speaker, nj must be 1.
  • <INPUT_DIR> : where we put our 'data' of training set
  • <LOG_DIR> : directory to dumb log files. Let's put output to exp/make_mfcc/train_yesno, following Kaldi recipes convention
  • <OUTPUT_DIR> : Directory to put the features. The convention uses mfcc/train

Now normalize cepstral features using Cepstral Mean Normalization just like we did in our previous homework. This step also does an extra variance normalization. Thus, the process is called Cepstral Mean and Variance Normalization (CMVN).


<INPUT_DIR>, <LOG_DIR>, and <OUTPUT_DIR> are the same as above.

The two scripts will create wav.scp and cmvn.scp which specifies where the computed MFCC and CMVN are. wav.scp and cmvn.scp are just text files with just <utt_id> <path_to_data> for each line. With this setup, by passing the data/train directory to a Kaldi script, you are passing various information, such as the transcription, the location of the wav file, or the MFCC features.

Note that these shell scripts (.sh) are all pipelines through Kaldi binaries with trivial text processing on the fly. To see which commands were actually executed, see log files in <LOG_DIR>. Or even better, see inside the scripts. For details on specific Kaldi commands, refer to the official documentation.

Monophone model training

We will train a monophone model, since we assume that, in our toy language, phones are not context-dependent. (which is, of course, an absurd assumption)

steps/ --nj <N> --cmd <MAIN_CMD> --totgauss 400 <DATA_DIR> <LANG_DIR> <OUTPUT_DIR>
  • --cmd <MAIN_CMD>: To use local machine resources, use "utils/" pipeline.
  • `--totgauss : limits the number of gaussian mixtures to 400
  • --nj <N>: Utterances from a speaker cannot be processed in parallel. Since we have only one, we must use 1 job only.
  • <DATA_DIR>: Path to our training 'data'
  • <LANG_DIR>: Path to language definition (output of the prepare_lang script)
  • <OUTPUT_DIR>: like the previous, use exp/mono.

When you run the command, you will notice it doing EM. Each iteration does an alignment stage and an update stage.

This will generate FST-based lattice for acoustic model. Kaldi provides a tool to see inside the model (which may not make any sense now).

/path/to/kaldi/src/fstbin/fstcopy 'ark:gunzip -c exp/mono/fsts.1.gz|' ark,t:- | head -n 20

This will print out first 20 lines of the lattice in human-readable(!!) format (Each column indicates: Q-from, Q-to, S-in, S-out, Cost)

Step 4 - Decoding and testing

This section will cover decoding of the model we trained.

Graph decoding

Now we're done with acoustic model training. For decoding, we need a new input that goes over our lattices of AM & LM. In step 1, we prepared separate testset in data/test_yesno for this purpose. Now it's time to project it into the feature space as well. Use steps/ and steps/ .

Then, we need to build a fully connected FST (HCLG) network.

utils/ --mono data/lang_test_tg exp/mono exp/mono/graph_tgpr

This will build a connected HCLG in exp/mono/graph_tgpr directory.

Finally, we need to find the best paths for utterances in the test set, using decode script. Look inside the decode script, figure out what to give as its parameter, and run it. Write the decoding results in exp/mono/decode_test_yesno.


This will end up with lat.N.gz files in the output directory, where N goes from 1 up to the number of jobs you used (which must be 1 for this task). These files contain lattices from utterances that were processed by N’th thread of your decoding operation.

Looking at results

If you look inside the decoding script, it ends with calling the scoring script (local/, which generates hypotheses and computes word error rate of the testset See exp/mono/decode_test_yesno/wer_X files to look the WER's, and exp/mono/decode_test_yesno/scoring/X.tra files for transcripts. X here indicates language model weight, LMWT, that scoring script used at each iteration to interpret the best paths for utterances in lat.N.gz files into word sequences. (Remember N is #thread during decoing operartion) You can deliberately specify the weight using --min_lmwt and --max_lmwt options when is called, if you want. (See lecture slides on decoding to refresh what LMWT is, if you are not sure)

Or if you are interested in getting word-level alignment information for each reocoding file, take a look at steps/ script.


* Instructor : Dr. Hossein Zeinali
* Provided by: Mohammad Khalooei

@ Amirkabir University of Technology
@ ref: 