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SignalFx Agent Puppet Module

This is a Puppet module that will install and configure the SignalFx Agent. To use it, simply include the class signalfx_agent in your manifests. That class accepts the following parameters:

  • $config (Hash): A config structure that gets directly converted to the agent YAML. See the Agent Config Schema for a full list of acceptable options. The only required option is signalFxAccessToken. Here is a basic config that will monitor a basic set of host-level components:

    $config = {
      signalFxAccessToken: "MY_TOKEN",
      monitors: [
        {type: "collectd/cpu"},
        {type: "collectd/cpufreq"},
        {type: "collectd/df"},
        {type: "collectd/disk"},
        {type: "collectd/interface"},
        {type: "collectd/load"},
        {type: "collectd/memory"},
        {type: "collectd/protocols"},
        {type: "collectd/signalfx-metadata"},
        {type: "host-metadata"},
        {type: "collectd/uptime"},
        {type: "collectd/vmem"}

    It is probably going to be simpler to keep this config in hiera at the path signalfx_agent::config, which will make it automatically filled in as a parameter.

  • $package_stage: The package repo stage to use: final, beta, or test (default: 'final')

  • $config_file_path: The path of the config file that will be rendered by the module (default: '/etc/signalfx/agent.yaml')

  • $version: The agent package version. This is of the form <agent version>-<package revision> (e.g. package version 3.0.1-1 is the first package revision that contains the agent version 3.0.1). Releases with package revision > 1 contain changes to some aspect of the packaging scripts (e.g. init scripts) but contain the same agent bundle.


To work on the module in development, you can use the provided dev image to test on Ubuntu 16.04, or for other machines, copy the module source to a directory called signalfx_agent and then run:

puppet apply --modulepath <parent dir of signalfx_agent> -e 'class { signalfx_agent: 
  config => {
    signalFxAccessToken => 'test',

If testing complex configurations, you can put the contents of the -e flag into a file and pass that path as an argument to puppet apply instead.

Release Process

To release a new version of the module, run ./release in this directory. You will need access to the SignalFx account on the Puppet Forge website, and the release script will give you instructions for what to do there.

You should update the version in metadata.json to whatever is most appropriate for semver and have that committed before running ./release.

The release script will try to make and push an annotated tag of the form puppet-vX.Y.Z where X.Y.Z is the version in the ./metadata.json file.