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File metadata and controls

349 lines (313 loc) · 14.6 KB

State roles


  • state - very common purpose. If you don't know which role the state has, use this one.
  • text (common.type = string)
  • text.url (common.type = string) state val contains a url for usage in an anchor, iframe or img
  • html (common.type = string)
  • json (common.type = string)
  • list (common.type = array)
  • date (common.type = string - parsable by "new Date(ddd)" string
  • date (common.type = number - epoch seconds * 1000

Sensor (booleans, read-only)

common.type=boolean, common.write=false

  • sensor.alarm - some common alarm
  • - fire sensor
  • sensor.alarm.flood - water leakage
  • sensor.alarm.power - No power (voltage = 0)
  • - door opened, window opened or motion detected during alarm is ON.
  • sensor.door - door opened (true) or closed (false)
  • sensor.light - feedback from lamp, that it is ON
  • sensor.lock - actual position of lock
  • sensor.motion - motion sensor
  • sensor.noise - noise detected
  • sensor.rain - rain detected
  • sensor.window - window opened (true) or closed (false)

Buttons (booleans, write-only)

common.type=boolean, common.write=true,

  • button
  • button.long
  • button.mode.*
  • button.mode.manual
  • button.mode.silent
  • button.start
  • button.stop - e.g. rollo stop,

Values (numbers, read-only)

common.type=number, common.write=false

  • value
  • value.battery - battery level
  • value.blind - actual position of blind
  • value.brightness - luminance level (unit: lux, )
  • value.current - Current in Amper, unit=A
  • value.curtain - actual position of curtain
  • value.default
  • value.direction - (common.type=number or string, indicates up/down, left/right, 4-way switches, wind-direction, ... )
  • value.distance
  • value.distance.visibility
  • value.gps - longitude and latitude together like '5.56;43.45'
  • value.gps.elevation - gps elevation
  • value.gps.latitude - gps latitude
  • value.gps.longitude - gps longitude coordinates
  • value.humidity
  • value.interval (common.unit='sec') - Interval in seconds (can be 0.1 or less)
  • (common.type=string) - Date in form 2015.01.01 (without time)
  • value.datetime (common.type=string) - Date and time in system format
  • value.lock - actual position of lock
  • value.max
  • value.min
  • value.power.consumption (unit=Wh or KWh)
  • value.pressure - (unit: mbar)
  • value.severity - some severity (states can be provided), Higher is more important
  • value.speed - wind speed
  • value.sun.azimuth - sun azimuth in °
  • value.sun.elevation - sun elevation in °
  • value.temperature (common.unit='°C' or '°F' or 'K')
  • value.tilt - actual tilt position
  • value.time - getTime() of Date() object
  • value.valve - valve level
  • value.voltage - Voltage in Volt, unit=V
  • value.warning - some warning (states can be provided), Higher is more important
  • value.window (common.states={"0": "CLOSED", "1": "TILTED", "2": "OPEN"}) It is important to have (CLOSED/TILTED/OPEN). Values can differ.

Indicators (boolean, read-only)

common.type=boolean, common.write=false

The difference of Indicators from Sensors is that indicators will be shown as small icon. Sensors as a real value. So the indicator may not be alone in the channel. It must be some other main state inside channel.

  • indicator
  • indicator.alarm - same as indicator.maintenance.alarm
  • - fire detected
  • indicator.alarm.flood - flood detected
  • - door or window is opened
  • indicator.connected - used only for instances. Use indicator.reachable for devices
  • indicator.lowbat - true if low battery
  • indicator.maintenance - indicates system warnings/errors, alarms, service messages, battery empty or stuff like that
  • indicator.maintenance.alarm
  • indicator.maintenance.lowbat
  • indicator.maintenance.unreach
  • indicator.reachable - If device is online
  • indicator.working - indicates that the target systems is executing something, like blinds or lock opening.

Levels (numbers, read-write)

With levels you can control or set some number value.

common.type=number, common.write=true

  • level
  • level.blind - set blind position
  • level.co2 - 0-100% ait quality
  • level.color.hue - color in ° 0-360; 0=red, 120=green, 240=blue, 360=red(cyclic)
  • level.color.luminance
  • level.color.rgb - hex color like '#rrggbb'
  • level.color.saturation
  • level.color.temperature - color temperature in K° 2200 warm-white, 6500° cold white
  • level.color.white - rgbW
  • level.curtain - set the curtain position
  • level.dimmer - brightness is dimmer too
  • level.temperature - set desired temperature
  • level.tilt - set the tilt position of blinds
  • level.timer
  • level.timer.sleep - sleep timer. 0 - off, or in minutes
  • level.valve - set point for valve position
  • level.volume - (min=0, max=100) - sound volume, but min, max can differ. min < max
  • - (min=0, max=100) - sound volume, for the group of devices

Switches (booleans, read-write)

Switch controls boolean device (true = ON, false = OFF)

common.type=boolean, common.write=true

  • switch
  • switch.boost - start/stop boost mode of thermostat
  • switch.comfort - comfort mode
  • switch.enable
  • switch.light
  • switch.lock - lock (true - open lock, false - close lock)
  • switch.lock.door - door lock
  • switch.lock.window - window lock
  • switch.mode.*
  • - auto mode on/off
  • switch.mode.color - color mode on/off
  • switch.mode.manual - manual mode on/off
  • switch.mode.moonlight - moon light mode on/off
  • switch.mode.silent - silent mode on/off
  • switch.power - power on/off


Special roles for media players

  • button.fastforward
  • button.fastreverse
  • button.forward
  • button.pause
  • button.prev
  • button.reverse
  • button.stop
  • button.volume.down
  • button.volume.up
  • level.bass - Bass level
  • level.treble - Treble level
  • media.add - add current playlist
  • media.album
  • media.artist
  • media.bitrate - kbps
  • media.broadcastDate - (common.type=string) Broadcast date
  • media.clear - clear current playlist (write-only)
  • media.content - Type of media being played such as audio/mp3
  • media.cover - cover url
  • media.cover.big - big cover url
  • media.cover.small - tiny cover url
  • - year song
  • media.duration - (common.type=number) seconds
  • media.duration.text - e.g "2:35"
  • media.elapsed - (common.type=number) seconds
  • media.elapsed.text - e.g "1:30"
  • media.episode - (common.type=string) episode number (important the type is really "string" to be able to indicate absence of episode with "")
  • media.genre - genre song
  • media.input - number or string of input (AUX, AV, TV, SAT, ...)
  • media.jump - Number of items to jump in the playlist (it can be negative)
  • - State with the current file
  • media.mode.repeat - (common.type=boolean)
  • media.mode.shuffle - (common.type=number) 0 - none, 1 - all, 2 - one
  • media.mute - (common.type=boolean) true is muted
  • - (common.type=boolean) mute of group of devices
  • media.playid - media player track id
  • media.playlist - json array like
  • media.season - (common.type=string) season number (important the type is really "string" to be able to indicate absence of season with "")
  • - (common.type=number) %
  • media.state - ['play','stop','pause'] or [0 - pause, 1 - play, 2 - stop] or [true - playing/false - pause]
  • media.title
  • media.track - (common.type=string) current play track id [0 - ~] (important the type is really "string" to be able to indicate absence of track with "")
  • media.tts - text to speech
  • media.url - url to play or current url
  • media.url.announcement - URL to play announcement
  • switch.pause
  • - power zone
        "artist": "",
        "album": "",
        "title": "",
        "file": "",
        "genre": "",
        "year": 0,
        "len": "00:00",
        "rating": "",
        "cover": ""
  • media.browser - json array like "files"
        "fanart": "",
        "file": "",//smb://
        "filetype": "", //directory
        "label": "",
        "lastmodified": "",
        "mimetype": "",
        "size": 0,
        "thumbnail": "",
        "title": "",
        "type": "",
        "lastmodified": "2016-02-27 16:05:46",
        "time": "88",
        "track": "01",
        "date": "2005",
        "artist": "yonderboy (H)",
        "album": "splendid isolation",
        "genre": "Trip-Hop"


  • date - actual date or date of last read information
  • date.forecast.1 - tomorrow date
  • date.sunrise - Sunrise for today
  • date.sunset - Sunset for today
  • dayofweek - day of week as text
  • location - Text description of location (e.g. address)
  • value.clouds - Clouds on the sky. 0% - no clouds, 100% - many clouds.
  • value.direction.max.wind - actual wind direction in degrees
  • value.direction.min.wind - actual wind direction in degrees
  • value.direction.wind - actual or average wind direction in degrees
  • value.direction.wind.forecast.0 - wind direction forecast for today in degrees
  • value.direction.wind.forecast.1
  • value.humidity - actual or average humidity
  • value.humidity.max - actual humidity
  • value.humidity.min - actual humidity
  • value.precipitation - (type: number, unit: mm) precipitation for last 24 hours rain/snow (Niederschlag heute für Schnee oder Regen / осадки сегодня снега или дождя)
  • - Forecast for precipitation for day time
  • value.precipitation.forecast.0 - (type: number, unit: %) Forecast of precipitation chance for today
  • value.precipitation.forecast.0 - (type: number, unit: mm) Forecast of precipitation level for today
  • value.precipitation.forecast.1 - (type: number, unit: %) Forecast of precipitation chance for tomorrow
  • value.precipitation.forecast.1 - (type: number, unit: mm) Forecast of precipitation level for tomorrow
  • value.precipitation.hour - Actual precipitation level in last hour
  • value.precipitation.night.forecast.0 - Forecast for precipitation for night time
  • - Actual precipitation level for today (till 0:00)
  • value.pressure.forecast.0 - forecast for pressure for today
  • value.pressure.forecast.1
  • value.radiation - Actual sun radiation level
  • value.rain - Actual rain level in last 24 hours
  • value.rain.hour - Actual rain level in last hour
  • - Actual rain level for today (till 0:00)
  • value.snow - Actual snow level in last 24 hours
  • value.snow.hour - Actual snow level in last hour
  • - Actual snow level for today (till 0:00)
  • value.snowline - Actual snow line in meters
  • value.speed.max.wind - maximal wind speed in last 24h
  • value.speed.min.wind - minimal wind speed in last 24h
  • value.speed.wind - actual or average wind speed
  • value.speed.wind.forecast.0 - wind speed forecast for today
  • value.speed.wind.forecast.1
  • value.speed.wind.gust - actual wind gust speed
  • value.temperature - Actual temperature
  • value.temperature.dewpoint - Actual dewpoint
  • value.temperature.feelslike - Actual temperature "feels like"
  • value.temperature.max - Maximal temperature in last 24h
  • value.temperature.max.forecast.0 - Max temperature forecast for today
  • value.temperature.max.forecast.1
  • value.temperature.min - Minimal temperature in last 24h
  • value.temperature.min.forecast.0 - Min temperature forecast for today
  • value.temperature.min.forecast.1
  • value.temperature.windchill - Actual wind chill
  • value.uv - Actual UV level
  • weather.chart.url - URL to chart for weather history
  • weather.chart.url.forecast - URL to chart for weather forecast
  • weather.direction.wind - actual or average wind direction as text, e.g. NNW
  • weather.direction.wind.forecast.0 - wind direction forecast for today as text
  • weather.html - HTML object with weather description
  • weather.icon - Actual state icon URL for now
  • weather.icon.forecast.1 - tomorrow icon
  • - Actual state icon name for now
  • weather.icon.wind - Actual wind icon URL for now
  • weather.json - JSON object with specific data
  • weather.state - Actual weather description
  • weather.state.forecast.0 - Weather description for today
  • weather.state.forecast.1 - tomorrow weather state
  • weather.title - Very short description
  • weather.title.forecast.0 - Very short description for tomorrow
  • weather.title.short - Very very short description (One word)
  • weather.type - Type of weather information


  • date.end - string or number
  • date.start - string or number
  • info.address - some other address (e.g. KNX)
  • info.display - information shown on device display
  • info.ip - ip of device
  • info.mac - mac of device
  • - name of device
  • info.port - tcp port
  • info.standby - true if device in standby mode
  • info.status - status of device


  • - phone number

  • url

  • - URL for audio file

  • url.blank - open URL in new window

  • - web camera url

  • url.icon - icon (additionally every object can have common.icon)

  • url.same - open URL in this window

  • adapter.messagebox (common.type=object, common.write=true) used to send messages to email, pushover and other adapters

  • adapter.wakeup (common.type=boolean, common.write=true) wake up adapter from suspended mode