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384 lines (347 loc) · 24.7 KB

File metadata and controls

384 lines (347 loc) · 24.7 KB

5.0 [not yet released]

  • consider heading when snapping coordinates to the road network, this is especially important for navigation (#2411)

4.0 [29 Sep 2021]

  • faster node-based CH preparation (~20%), (#2390)
  • more flexible ElevationProvider interface, support providing elevation via node tags (#2374, #23281)
  • added country encoded value for all countries (#2353)
  • bike improvements (#2357, #2371, #2389)
  • improved handling of barriers (#2345, #2340, #2406)
  • removed spatial rules, replaced by country rules and custom areas (#2353)
  • removed api module and moved it into web-api, no more Jackson MixIns (#2372)
  • flag encoders are no longer versioned (#2355)
  • JSON route response contains now bbox if start and end are identical
  • added smoothness encoded value, used to determine bike speed (#2303)
  • maps: custom_model is now included in URL (#2328)
  • maps/isochrone: works for different profiles now (#2332)
  • there is no stable tag anymore, either use master or one of the release branches like 2.x, 3.x, ...
  • moved custom model editor to
  • PointList#getSize() -> PointList#size()
  • migrated tests from junit 4 to 5 (#2324)
  • barriers do no longer block by default for car; remove block_barriers config option (see discussion in #2340)

3.0 [17 May 2021]

  • removed the stable tag (was pointing to commit dd2c20c763e4c19b701e92386432b37713cd8dc5)
  • fix location lookup with point hints for curved roads, #2319
  • custom_model_file only accepts file names without path. Use custom_model_folder instead.
  • the load method in GraphHopperWeb (client-hc) was removed
  • and routing.lm.disabling_allowed configuration options are no longer supported
  • moved the graphhopper-reader-osm module into core, use the graphhopper-core module directly instead. GraphHopperOSM is deprecated, use GraphHopper instead.
  • subnetwork removal has changed and for every LocationIndex lookup one needs to explicitly include the new 'subnetwork' EncodedValue, see #2290
  • DefaultEdgeFilter was renamed to AccessFilter. Use DefaultSnapFilter for the location lookup to make sure the query points do not snap to subnetworks. Previously subnetwork edges' access was set to zero, but this is no longer the case. Now subnetworks need to be identified by the subnetwork encoded value.
  • moved the graphhopper-isochrone module into graphhopper-core
  • removed setEncodingManager use setProfiles instead or for more custom requirements use GraphHopper.getEncodingManagerBuilder
  • CustomWeighting language breaks old format but is more powerful and easier to read; it also allows factors >1 for server-side CustomModels
  • renamed GHUtilities.setProperties to setSpeed
  • Helper.createFormatter is using the ENGLISH Locale instead of UK, see #2186
  • the name of an encoded value can only contain lower letters, underscore or numbers. It has to start with a lower letter
  • default for GraphHopperMatrixWeb (client for Matrix API) is now the sync POST request without the artificial polling delay in most cases
  • refactored TransportationMode to better reflect the usage in source data parsing only
  • customizable routing is included in the endpoint /route (under the "custom_model" entry) and does not need to be enabled
  • the format of customizable routing completely changed but the maps demo includes a simple editor to learn it easily (#2239). See #2209 and #2251. See examples in this blog post:
  • removed Dockerfile
  • the second argument of the VirtualEdgeIteratorState constructor is now an edge key (was an edge id before)
  • removed instruction annotations(cycleway, off_bike, ford, ferry, private, toll)
  • the boundaries file is now expected to provide the countrycodes via the ISO3166-1:alpha3 property

2.0 [29 Sep 2020]

  • AbstractFlagEncoder#getMaxSpeed returns now Double#NaN instead of -1 if no maxspeed was found
  • renamed QueryResult -> Snap
  • much faster CH preparation (node- and edge-based), but increased memory usage during preparation, #2132
  • added navigation repo #2071
  • use Java 8 also for core, client-hc and reader-osm modules. all modules use Java 8 now
  • removed android demo, #1940
  • added edge key path detail, #2073
  • fixed bug for turn restrictions on bridges/tunnels, #2070
  • improved resolution of elevation profiles, 3D Douglas-Peucker and long edge sampling, #1953

1.0 [22 May 2020]

  • changes to config.yml:
    • properties have to follow the snake_case, #1918, easy convert via
    • all routing profiles have to be configured when setting up GraphHopper, #1958, #1922
    • for developing with JavaScript, npm and the web UI it is important to change your assets overrides to web/target/classes/assets/, see #2041
  • moved SPTEntry and ShortcutUnpacker to com.graphhopper.routing(.ch)
  • renamed PathWrapper to ResponsePath
  • removed min_one_way_network_size parameter, #2042
  • moved package from core/src/test/java/com/graphhopper/routing/profiles to ev
  • removed HintsMap
  • removed /change endpoint
  • removed vehicle,weighting and edge_based from GraphHopper class, replaced with new profile parameter, #1958
  • there no longer is a default vehicle, not setting the vehicle now only works if there is exactly one profile that matches the other parameters. anyway you should use the new profile rather than the vehicle parameter.
  • removed IPFilter. Use a firewall instead.
  • PMap refactored. It is recommended to use putObject(String, Object) instead of put, #1956
  • removed UnsafeDataAccess as not maintained, see #1620
  • add profiles parameter and replace and with profiles_ch/lm config parameters, #1922
  • GraphHopper class no longer enables CH by default, #1914
  • replaced command line arguments -Dgraphhopper.. with -Ddw.graphhopper.. due to #1879, see also #1897
  • GraphHopper.init(CmdArgs)->GraphHopper.init(GraphHopperConfig), see #1879
  • removed GenericWeighting and DataFlagEncoder as a normal CarFlagEncoder does the job too. Or use the new CustomWeighting see #1841
  • remove TurnWeighting, see #1863
  • speed up path simplification with path details/instructions, see #1802
  • revert compression of landmark preparation data, see #1749 and #1376
  • add required EncodedValues like road_class to EncodingManager if not added from user
  • removed PathNative,PathBidirRef,Path4CH,EdgeBasedPathCH and moved path extraction code out of Path class, added PathExtractor,BidirPathExtractor(+subclasses for CH) instead, #1730
  • conditional turn restrictions now supported, #1683
  • added new curbside feature, #1697
  • moved QueryGraph to new routing.querygraph package
  • removed GraphExtension, #1783, renamed TurnCostExtension to TurnCostStorage
  • removed heading, pass_through and ch.force_heading parameters for speed mode/CH, #1763

0.13 [17 Sep 2019]

  • removed docker compose file
  • PathDetails return null instead of -1 for Infinity by default
  • replaced AverageSpeedDetails by DecimalDetails
  • moved TagParser into new package: com.graphhopper.routing.util.parsers
  • removed FlagEncoderFactory.DEFAULT
  • removed forestry and motorroad from RoadClass
  • SpatialRule.AccessValue replaced by RoadAccess
  • removed EncodedValueLookup.hasEncoder, use hasEncodedValue instead
  • removed MappedDecimalEncodedValue: should be replaced with FactoredDecimalEncodedValue
  • DataFlagEncoder: it is now required to add EncodedValues before. graph.encoded_values: max_speed,road_class,road_environment,road_access
  • instead of EncodingManager.ROUNDABOUT use Roundabout.KEY
  • changed output format of result=pointlist and moved it into separate endpoint /spt
  • removed TraversalMode.EDGE_BASED_1DIR and TraversalMode.EDGE_BASED_2DIR_UTURN, renamed TraversalMode.EDGE_BASED_2DIR to TraversalMode.EDGE_BASED
  • to prevent u-turns when using edge-based algorithms it is now required to use TurnWeighting, #1640
  • GraphHopperStorage.getGraph(Class) was replaced by GraphHopperStorage.getBase/CHGraph(), #1669
  • CHGraph.shortcut(int, int) was removed (use .shortcut(int, int, ...) and/or .shortcutEdgeBased(int, int, ...) instead, #1693
  • CH graphs are now identified using CHProfile instead of Weighting, #1670
  • removed the 'traversal_mode` request parameter for /route, instead of 'traversal_mode=edge_based_2dir' use edge_based=true
  • removed GraphHopper.set/getTraversalMode() methods, #1705
  • edge-based CH is now chosen by default if it was prepared, #1706
  • it is now possible to specify finite u-turn costs for CH preparation, #1671
  • removed distances from CH shortcuts, reduces memory consumption per shortcut by 4 bytes (about 8-10%), #1719

0.12 [25 Mar 2019]

  • renamed VirtualEdgeIteratorState.getOriginalEdgeKey to more precise getOriginalEdgeKey #1549
  • access refactoring #1436 that moves AccessValue into SpatialRule.Access
  • refactoring of EncodingManager to use builder pattern. Migration should be simple. Replace new EncodingManager with EncodingManager.crea- The methods GraphHopper.setEnableInstructions/setPreferredLanguage is now in EncodingManager.Builder
  • EncodingManager.supports renames to hasEncoder
  • big refactoring #1447: to increase 64bit limit of flags, make reverse direction handling easier, to allow shared EncodedValues, remove reverseFlags method, much simpler property access, simplify FlagEncoder (maybe even deprecate this interface at a later stage)
  • moved shp-reader into separate repository:

0.11 [12 Sep 2018]

  • web resources for dropwizard web framework (no servlets anymore) #1108
  • prefix -Dgraphhopper. for command line arguments necessary, see docs/web/ or docs/core/ for details
  • delegated reading properties to dropwizard, i.e. the new format yml is not read again in GraphHopper.init
  • changed file format for landmarks #1376
  • convert properties into new yml format via:

0.10 [26 Feb 2018]

  • introduce path details
  • added handcoded API java client to this repository

0.9 [13 Jun 2017]

  • remove war bundling support #297
  • rename of DefaultModule to GraphHopperModule and GHServletModule to GraphHopperServletModule
  • EncodedValue uses Math.round(value/factor). This can change the retrieved values for EncodedValues #954
  • EncodedDoubleValue and EncodedValue requires maxValue/factor to be a natural number #954
  • default base algorithm for all modes is bidirectional A* (except speed mode)
  • introduced landmarks based hybrid mode, #780
  • moving all prepare.xy configs to and e.g. disallow the old
  • removed deprecated methods in GraphHopper (setCHWeighting, setCHWeightings, getCHWeightings, setCHWeightings, getCHPrepareThreads, setCHPrepareThreads), Path.calcMillis, findID of LocationIndex and all implementations

0.8 [18 Oct 2016]

  • refactoring to Weighting class, see #807
  • removed FlagEncoder from parameters as weighting.getFlagEncoder can and is used
  • all properties with prefix "osmreader." changed to "datareader." and osmreader.osm changed to datareader.file
  • maven/gradle dependency graphhopper is now split into graphhopper-core and graphhopper-reader-osm, i.e. if you previouls depend on 'graphhopper' artificat you should now use graphhopper-reader-osm except environments like Android where you just load the graph and do no import
  • use GraphHopperOSM as base class instead of GraphHopper
  • OSM reader separated from core, use new graphhopper-core package
  • moved subnetwork code into own package com.graphhopper.routing.subnetwork
  • moved weighting code into own package com.graphhopper.routing.weighting
  • code format has changed, so it is important to change your PRs too before you merge master, see discussion #770

0.7 [15 Jun 2016]

  • added snapped points to output JSON for every path
  • the foot routing is now much smoother and only considers safe paths, to use beautiful roads (i.e. prefer hiking routes etc) use the new 'hike' profiles, see #633
  • vehicle constants have moved to FlagEncoderFactory
  • several constants changed to under score notation see #719 with a few breaking changes, e.g. use lower case names for flag encoders or jsonp_allowed instead of the jsonpAllowed annotation
  • moving all string parameter constants into the Parameters class
  • no more acceptedRailways set see #662 for more information
  • web API: content type of gpx export is now application/gpx+xml if not explicitly specified
  • use instead of prepare.chWeighting e.g. for disabling CH use
  • GraphHopper class is refactored regarding RoutingAlgorithmFactory in order to fix problem when integrating flexibility routing, most of the CH related stuff is moved into CHAlgoFactoryDecorator, several methods are deprecated to use the methods of the decorator, see #631
  • WeightingMap is now named HintsMap
  • use the correct graphHopperFolder as no automatic fallback to 'folder-gh' is happening anymore, see #704
  • refactored FlagEncoder.handleFerryWay to getFerrySpeed to make it possible to fix #665
  • removed setWeightLimit as too unspecific for arbitrary weights, use setMaxVisitedNodes instead
  • missing renames for Path.setEdgeEntry -> setSPTEntry and AbstractAlgorithm.createEdgeEntry -> createSPTEntry

0.6 [08 Feb 2016]

  • removed methods deprecated in 0.4 and 0.5
  • renamed EdgeEntry to SPTEntry and AStar.AStarEdge to AStar.AStarEntry
  • parameter force removed from AbstractFlagEncoder.applyMaxSpeed
  • GHResponse now wraps multiple PathWrapper; renamed GraphHopper.getPaths to calcPaths as 'get' sounded too cheap; a new method RoutingAlgorithm.calcPaths is added; see #596
  • moving lgpl licensed file into own submodule graphhopper-tools-lgpl
  • renaming of Tarjans algorithm class to TarjansSCCAlgorithm
  • more strict naming for Weighting enforced and more strict matching to select Weighting (equals check), #490
  • specify the preferred-language for way names during graph import (ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-2)
  • renaming of getCHWeighting to getCHWeightings due to supporting multiple CH weightings, #623
  • deprecation of setCHWeighting, please use setCHWeightings instead, #623

0.5 [12 Aug 2015]

  • Several names have changed see #466, #467, #468
  • GraphHopper.optimize removed use postProcessing instead
  • method GraphHopper.getGraph() changed to getGraphHopperStorage()
  • the interface GraphStorage does no longer extend from the Graph interface. Use GraphHopperStorage (which implements the Graph interface via the base graph) or only Graph instead
  • now it is necessary to call baseGraph/chGraph.freeze in order to use the chGraph (to simply determine when an edgeId is a shortcut)
  • LevelGraphStorage is now a GraphHopperStorage with an additional ch graph (CHGraphImpl)
  • GraphHopperStorage implements now the Graph interface and delegates all necessary methods to the underlying base graph. To do routing you call getGraph(CHGraph.class or Graph.class) where the parameter Graph.class returns the base graph and the behaviour is identical to GraphHopperStorage itself
  • renamed LevelGraph* to CHGraph*
  • renamed NoGraphExtension to NoOpExtension
  • removed visitedNodes method in GraphHopper replaced with per response information: response.getHints().getLong(" visited_nodes.sum", 0)
  • added ability to store hints in GHResponse which will be forwarded to the json too
  • breaking change in HTTP API: error JSON format changed to be message:"" instead of within info.errors, see updated api documentation
  • made GHResponse.getMillis, Path.getMillis, GPXEntry.getMillis deprecated, use getTime instead
  • in AbstractFlagEncoder, parse*() and getStr() are now deprecated, use properties.get* instead

0.4 [18 Mar 2015]

  • translation key turn changed and merged with left etc into turn_left, turn_right etc
  • create location index before preparation in the GraphHopper class
  • encodingManager.getSingle() is removed and flagEncoder list is no longer sorted, the first vehicle is used for CH preparation
  • removed LocationIndexTreeSC, use new LocationIndexTree(levelGraph.getBaseGraph(), directory) instead
  • getLevel and setLevel do no longer automatically increase node count, use getNodeAccess.ensureNode for that
  • normal algorithms are now possible on prepared graph use getBaseGraph, see #116
  • GHResponse no longer has isFound method, use !hasErrors instead
  • merged unused Edge class into EdgeEntry
  • astar and astarbi are now both none-heuristic and take parameters for beeline approximation: astar.approximation=BeelineSimplification|BeelineAccurate or astarbi.approximation=...
  • making GPX export according to the schema to support import from various tools like basecamp
  • refactoring: AllEdgesIterator.getMaxId is now named getCount
  • major change of internal API: moved method "Path RoutingAlgorithm.calcPath(QueryResult,QueryResult)" to a helper method QueryGraph.lookup, call queryResult.getClosestNode for the calcPath(nodeFrom,nodeTo) method
  • no cachedWays and cachedPoints in Path anymore
  • Path.findInstruction was moved to InstructionList.find
  • if start and end point are identical an algorithm will find the path consisting only of one node, one point and one instruction (finish instruction), but without edges
  • astarbi has new default values for approximation (false) and approximation_factor (1.2) in RoutingAlgorithmFactorySimple
  • instead of strings use the variables in AlgorithmOptions to specify an algorithm
  • use RoutingAlgorithmFactorySimple instead of RoutingAlgorithmFactory, also more consistent algorithm preparation handling due to new AlgorithmOptions, therefor removed NoOpAlgorithmPreparation
  • GHResponse.getXX methods now fail fast (throw an exception) if an error while route calculation occurred. See #287
  • renamed less often used URL parameter 'min_path_precision' to way_point_max_distance which makes it identical to the setWayPointMaxDistance method used for simplification at OSMImport
  • removed douglas.minprecision from Java API ghRequest.hints => use wayPointMaxDistance instead
  • encoder.supportTurnCost is replaced by encoder.supports(TurnWeighting.class)
  • CmdArgs is now a Map<String, String> instead Map<String, Object>. The value will be parsed up on every getXY call, makes storing string vs. object less error-prone
  • removed GHRequest.getHint, instead use the provided methods in GHRequest.getHints().getXY and GHRequest.getHints().put
  • important graph incompatibility as properties cannot be loaded. renamed osmreader.bytesForFlags to graph.bytesForFlags, renamed config property osmreader.acceptWay to graph.flagEncoders
  • default weighting is now fastest, fixing #261
  • moved method GraphHopper.main into tools module and class, see #250
  • refactored GraphHopper.createWeighting to accept more than one configuration option, see #237
  • refactored GraphHopper.disableCHShortcuts to setCHEnable(boolean)
  • moving the boolean parameter of GraphHopper.setInMemory into a separate method setStoreOnFlush
  • renaming of GraphHopper.setCHShortcuts to setCHWeighting, as well as the property prepare.chShortcuts to prepare.chWeighting
  • jsonp is disabled by default. You need to enable it in the, see the
  • EncodingManager cannot be null in GraphHopperStorage. If you need to parse EncodingManager configuration from existing graph use EncodingManager.create
  • no reflection done in EncodingManager which improves portability and makes configuration of encoders possible before adding to manager
  • removed dijkstraNativebi as no performance advantage but maintenance disadvantage and similar to oneToManyDijkstra
  • to provide context for turn costs we needed to add prevEdgeId into Weighting.calcWeight, see new documentation
  • with the introduction of lock protection mechanism (see #112) GraphHopper needs always write access, see also #217
  • new GraphHopper.clean method to remove the graph directory via Java API

0.3.0 [13 May 2014]

  • introduced prefer bits, now bike uses more bits and 3 bike encoder do not fit into 32 bit anymore, will be fixed later
  • moved Translation argument into Path.calcInstruction for more fine grained control, instructions are now uncached and GHRequest: new locale parameter
  • CoordTrig and the like are removed, GHPlace is mostly replaced by GHPoint and so GHRequest has now methods ala addPoint instead
  • removed isBoth from AbstractFlagEncoder, moved canBeOverwritten and associated test to PrepareEncoder
  • removed unused directory.rename
  • refactor edge.copyProperties into copyPropertiesTo to have similar semantics as Graph.copyTo
  • calcWeight now contains reverse boolean to calculate correct direction dependent weight
  • completely different web API response format. see docs/web
  • swapDirections is renamed to reverseFlags (EncodingManager and FlagEncoders)
  • edgeState.detach has now a reverse parameter, just use false to get previous results
  • web api: buildDate contains now timezone, algoType is replaced with weighting
  • dijkstraNative is now dijkstraNativebi
  • fixed #151
  • calcWeight now contains reverse boolean to calculate correct direction dependent weight
  • EncodingManager always takes the encoders in constructor, to force always init
  • GraphHopper.setMemory(true, true/false) was refactored to GraphHopper.setMemory(true/false), use mmap config via GraphHopper.setMemoryMapped()
  • incompatible edges => you need to re-import data and/or update the edges file
  • the instructions of the web response does not contain times (string) but instead millis (long)
  • PrepareContractionHierarchies.setPeriodicUpdates is now in percentage not in absolute counts
  • improved bike routing #132, #138, #139, #150
  • gpx export via API, HTTP (route?type=gpx) and web interface is possible: #113, #136, #141

0.2.0 [23 Nov 2013]

  • change inconsistent default settings for contraction hierarchies in the API - see
  • fixed issues with android:
    • graphhopper: use maps from 0.2 path; updated maps
    • mapsforge: use mapsforge-map dependency; merged #461; avoid duplicates otherwise mapsforge-core would be duplicate ( ?)
  • refactored/renamed classes and methods:
    • refactor 'flags' from int to long (still only int is stored)
    • replacing Graph.edge(a,b,dist,edgeFlags) by Graph.edge(a,b).setDistance().setFlags()
    • FlagEncoder.flags => use FlagEncoder.setProperties or separate setAccess and setSpeed method
    • renamed LocationIDResult to QueryResult and Location2NodesNtree to LocationIndexTree
    • renamed Location2IDIndex to LocationIndex
    • renamed WeightCalculation to Weighting and getWeight to calcWeight, the URL parameter algoType in web module is now deprecated and 'weighting' should be used
    • removed GHDijkstraHeap, GHDijkstraHeap2
    • made DistanceCalc into interface (new DistanceCalcEarth implementation)
    • made GraphStorage into interface (new GraphHopperStorage implementation) move some methods from Graph into GraphStorage -> optimize + node removal stuff -> not necessary in algorithms
  • incompatible storage layout due to: pluggable endianness (#103) -> changed default endianness to LITTLE
  • add highly experimental UnsafeDataAccess to speed up search ~15%
  • several small bug fixes and improvements
  • different edge insert
  • important bug fix for edge retrieval which leads to massive speed up in prepare + CH algos
  • finally fixed major feature request #27 to allow gps-to-gps queries instead of only junction-to-junction ones.
    • follow up in #52 and #115
    • slower but more precise and necessary edge distance calculation
  • fixed bug #105 for disconnected areas
  • fix which made CH preparation ~5% faster
  • more align API for all algorithms. and initCollection is called via 1000 not something depending on the graph size
  • API changed
    • case of vehicle now case does not matter
    • returned distance is in meter now
  • better i18n support
  • fixed major bug #102 when removing subnetworks
  • fixed bug #89 for trams on roads
  • completed improvement #93 for ferries
  • edge explorer makes none-CH algorithms ~8% faster
  • link to all closed issues:

0.1.1 [06 August 2013]

  • correct maven bundling and some more issues
  • more i18n

0.1 [23 July 2013]

  • initial version with lots of features
  • 24 closed issues:, e.g.:
    • Route instructions
    • Implement OSM import for bike/foot/car
    • More compact graph (nodes along a way are stored in a separate storage => faster and reduced RAM usage)
    • Made routing working world wide. Make German-sized networks working on Android.
    • Made routing faster via bidirectional algorithms, contraction hierarchies, graph sorting, better OSM integration and some fine tuning.