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FMI Kit - FMU Import

FMU Import

The following sections describe how to import and configure FMUs in Simulink models with FMI Kit.

Adding FMUs to a Model

  1. open the Simulink library browser (View > Library Browser) and drag the FMU block from the FMI Kit library into your model
  2. double-click the FMU block
  3. click the Load button and select the FMU
  4. click OK

Overview Tab

The FMU is automatically extracted to the directory specified under Advanced > Unzip Directory. This directory must remain in the same relative path when the model is moved to different directory or machine.

For FMI 2.0 FMUs that support both model exchange and co-simulation the interface kind can be selected.

Variables & Start Values

Variables Tab

The Variables tab shows all variables of the FMU. Input variables are marked with an arrow on the left, output variables with an arrow on the right of the icon.

The start value, unit and description of the variable (if provided) are displayed in the Start, Unit and Description columns. Start values that were explicitly set are display as bold text.

To change the start value of a variable click into the respective field in the "Start" column and enter an expression that evaluates to the respective type of variable. Changed start values are indicated by bold text. To reset the start value to its default simply clear the "Start" field.

Icon Variable Type Example
Real 2*pi
Integer -11
Boolean true
Enumeration 3
String 'C:\Temp\Resources'

To get the start value for the variable 'step' for the current block in MATLAB enter

step = FMIKit.getStartValue(gcb, 'step')

to set the start value enter

FMIKit.setStartValue(gcb, 'step', 'true')

Output Ports

Output Ports Tab

By default the block has the output ports defined by the FMU.

  • to add a single variable as an output port double-click it in the left view
  • to add multiple variables as scalar output ports select the variables in the left view and click "+ Scalar"
  • to add multiple variables as a vector output port select the variables in the left view and click "+ Vector"
  • to remove output ports select the ports in the right view and click "-"
  • to move an item in the right view select it and use the up and down buttons
  • to restore the default output ports click the reset button

Advanced Settings

On the advanced tap you can change additional settings for the FMU block

Advanced Tab

Unzip Directory

The folder where the FMU is extracted. The path can be absolute or relative to the model file. To use a custom path change this field before loading an FMU.

Sample Time

The sample time for the FMU block (use -1 for inherited)

Error Diagnostics

Determines how to handle errors reported by the FMU

Option Description
Ignore The FMI status code is ignored
Warning A Simulink error is raised when the FMI status is Warning or Error
Error An error is raised when the FMI status is Error

Debug Logging

Enables the debug logging to the MATLAB console

Use Source Code

If checked a source S-function sfun_<model_name>.c is generated from the FMU's source code which gets automatically compiled when the Apply or OK button is clicked. For FMI 1.0 this feature is only available for FMUs generated with Dymola 2016 or later.

With source code FMUs it is also possible to use FMUs in Rapid Accelerator mode and create target code for RSIM, GRT, ds1005, ds1006 Scalexio platforms.

Set model name

Use the FMU´s model name as the block name

Direct Input

If checked ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(true) is set for all input ports of the FMU and the value of the block's inputs u at t+1 is applied to the input variables of the FMU at time t. This gives better results for FMUs that contain direct terms and do not support input interpolation.

If not checked ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(true) is only set for input ports whose input variables have output variables with a direct dependency. The derivative der_u for these input variables is set such that u(t) + der_u(t) * step_size = u(t+1) if the FMU supports input interpolation. Variables that are manually added to the block´s output ports are assumed to depend on all input variables.

MATLAB Commands

Get the Model Description

Use FMIKit.getModelDescription() to retrieve information about an FMU without loading or extracting it.

md = FMIKit.getModelDescription('BooleanNetwork1.fmu');

Get Start Values

Use FMIKit.getStartValue() to get the start values of an FMUs variables:

step = FMIKit.getStartValue(gcb, 'step')

Set Start Values

To set the start values for one or more variables use FMIKit.setStartValue().

FMIKit.setStartValue(gcb, 'step', true, 'y', 'sqrt(2)')

sets the start value of variable 'step' to true and 'y' to sqrt(2). Start values can be logical, double, int32 or expressions.

FMIKit.setStartValue(gcb, 'step', \[\])

resets the start value of variable step to its default start value.

FMIKit.setStartValue(gcb, 'u', \[1 2 3\]')

sets the variables u[1] = 1, u[2] = 2 and u[3] = 3.

FMIKit.setStartValue(gcb, 'table', \[1 2 3; 4 5 6\])

sets the variables table[1,1] = 1 ... table[2,3] = 6.

Load FMUs

With FMIKit.loadFMU() an FMU can be (re)loaded by the FMU block.

FMIKit.loadFMU(gcb, 'Controller.fmu')

loads the FMU Controller.fmu into the current FMU block.

Change the Output Ports

Use FMIKit.setOutputPorts() to change the output ports of an FMU block. The following commands add the variable x as a 1x1 output port out1 and the variables y1 and y2 as a 2x1 output port out2 to the current block.

ports.label = 'out1';
ports.variables = { 'x' };
ports(2).label = 'out2';
ports(2).variables = { 'y1', 'y2' };

FMIKit.setOutputPorts(gcb, ports)

Use Source Code

Use FMIKit.setSourceCode() to use FMU´s source code (if available):

FMIKit.setSourceCode(gcb, true)

Enable Direct Input

Use FMIKit.setDirectInput() to enable direct input:

FMIKit.setDirectInput(gcb, true)

UserData struct

The information from the block dialog is stored in the parameter UserData of the FMU block:

>> ud = get_param(gcb, 'UserData')

ud =

      fmiKitVersion: '2.4'
            fmuFile: 'Rectifier.fmu'
    fmuLastModified: 1.5548e+12
     unzipDirectory: 'Rectifier'
          runAsKind: 1
         sampleTime: '-1'
         inputPorts: [0x0 struct]
        outputPorts: [1x4 struct]
        startValues: [0x1 containers.Map]
       debugLogging: 0
   errorDiagnostics: 'ignore'
      useSourceCode: 0
       setBlockName: 0
       functionName: 'sfun_fmurun'
         parameters: [1x252 char]
        directInput: 0

>> ud.outputPorts(2)

ans =

        label: 'iAC'
    variables: {'iAC[1]'  'iAC[2]'  'iAC[3]'}
Field Type Description
fmiKitVersion char FMI Kit version that imported the FMU
fmuFile char Path to the imported FMU
fmuLastModified double Last modification data of the FMU
unzipDirectory char Path to the extracted FMU
runAsKind int The FMI Type of the FMU (0 = Model Exchange, 1 = Co-Simuliation)
sampleTime char The sample time of the block
inputPorts struct Struct that holds the input ports and associated variables
outputPorts struct Struct that holds the output ports and associated variables
startValues containers.Map Map of variable names -> start values
debugLogging bool Enable debug logging on the FMU instance
errorDiagnostics char Diagnostics level ('ignore', 'warning', 'error')
useSourceCode bool Compile the FMU from source code
setBlockName bool Set the FMU name as block name
functionName char Name of the S-function
parameters char Parameters for the S-function
directInput bool Use direct input