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IPFS Repo JavaScript Implementation

standard-readme compliant Travis CI codecov Dependency Status js-standard-style

Implementation of the IPFS repo spec ( in JavaScript

This is the implementation of the IPFS repo spec in JavaScript.

Lead Maintainer

Alex Potsides

Table of Contents


Here is the architectural reasoning for this repo:

                          │                IPFSRepo                │
                                      │        /        │
                                      │    Datastore    │
                          ┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────┐
                          │     /blocks     │     │   /datastore    │
                          ├─────────────────┤     ├─────────────────┤
                          │    Datastore    │     │ LevelDatastore  │
                          └─────────────────┘     └─────────────────┘

┌────────────────────────────────────────┐          ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐
│       IPFSRepo - Default Node.js       │          │       IPFSRepo - Default Browser       │
└────────────────────────────────────────┘          └────────────────────────────────────────┘
            ┌─────────────────┐                                 ┌─────────────────┐
            │        /        │                                 │        /        │
            ├─────────────────┤                                 ├─────────────────┤
            │   FsDatastore   │                                 │  IdbDatastore   │
            └─────────────────┘                                 └─────────────────┘
         ┌───────────┴───────────┐                           ┌───────────┴───────────┐
┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────┐         ┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────┐
│     /blocks     │     │   /datastore    │         │     /blocks     │     │   /datastore    │
├─────────────────┤     ├─────────────────┤         ├─────────────────┤     ├─────────────────┤
│ FlatfsDatastore │     │LevelDBDatastore │         │  IdbDatastore   │     │  IdbDatastore   │
└─────────────────┘     └─────────────────┘         └─────────────────┘     └─────────────────┘

This provides a well defined interface for creating and interacting with an IPFS repo.



> npm install ipfs-repo

Use in Node.js

var IPFSRepo = require('ipfs-repo')

Use in a browser with browserify, webpack or any other bundler

var IPFSRepo = require('ipfs-repo')

Use in a browser Using a script tag

Loading this module through a script tag will make the IpfsRepo obj available in the global namespace.

<script src=""></script>



const Repo = require('ipfs-repo')
const repo = new Repo('/tmp/ipfs-repo')

await repo.init({ cool: 'config' })
console.log('repo is ready')

This now has created the following structure, either on disk or as an in memory representation:

├── blocks
│   ├── SHARDING
│   └── _README
├── config
├── datastore
├── keys
└── version



new Repo(path[, options])

Creates an IPFS Repo.


  • path (string, mandatory): the path for this repo
  • options (object, optional): may contain the following values
    • autoMigrate (bool, defaults to true): controls automatic migrations of repository.
    • onMigrationProgress (function(version, percentComplete, message)): callback function to be notified of migration progress
    • lock (Lock or string Deprecated): what type of lock to use. Lock has to be acquired when opening. string can be "fs" or "memory".
    • storageBackends (object, optional): may contain the following values, which should each be a class implementing the datastore interface:
      • root (defaults to datastore-fs in Node.js and datastore-level in the browser). Defines the back-end type used for gets and puts of values at the root (repo.set(), repo.get())
      • blocks (defaults to datastore-fs in Node.js and datastore-level in the browser). Defines the back-end type used for gets and puts of values at repo.blocks.
      • keys (defaults to datastore-fs in Node.js and datastore-level in the browser). Defines the back-end type used for gets and puts of encrypted keys at repo.keys
      • datastore (defaults to datastore-level). Defines the back-end type used as the key-value store used for gets and puts of values at repo.datastore.
const repo = new Repo('path/to/repo')

Promise repo.init()

Creates the necessary folder structure inside the repo


Locks the repo to prevent conflicts arising from simultaneous access

Promise repo.close()

Unlocks the repo.

Promise<boolean> repo.exists()

Tells whether this repo exists or not. Returned promise resolves to a boolean

Promise<Boolean> repo.isInitialized()

The returned promise resolves to false if the repo has not been initialized and true if it has


Root repo:

Promise repo.put(key, value:Uint8Array)

Put a value at the root of the repo

  • key can be a Uint8Array, a string or a Key

Promise<Uint8Array> repo.get(key)

Get a value at the root of the repo

  • key can be a Uint8Array, a string or a Key


Promise<Block> repo.blocks.put(block:Block)

  • block should be of type Block

AsyncIterator<Block> repo.blocks.putMany(source:AsyncIterable<Block>)

Put many blocks.

  • source should be an AsyncIterable that yields entries of type Block

Promise<Block> repo.blocks.get(cid:CID)

Get block.

  • cid is the content id of type CID

AsyncIterable<Block> repo.blocks.getMany(source:AsyncIterable<CID>)

Get many blocks

  • source should be an AsyncIterable that yields entries of type CID

Promise<boolean> repo.blocks.has (cid:CID)

Indicate if a block is present for the passed CID

  • cid should be of the type CID

Promise<boolean> repo.blocks.delete (cid:CID)

Deletes a block

  • cid should be of the type CID

AsyncIterator<Block|CID> repo.blocks.query (query)

Query what blocks are available in blockstore.

If query.keysOnly is true, the returned iterator will yield CIDs, otherwise it will yield Blocks


Promise<CID> repo.blocks.delete(cid:CID)

  • cid should be of the type CID

Delete a block

AsyncIterator<CID> repo.blocks.deleteMany(source:AsyncIterable<CID>)

  • source should be an Iterable or AsyncIterable that yields entries of the type CID

Delete many blocks



This contains a full implementation of the interface-datastore API.


Instead of using repo.set('config') this exposes an API that allows you to set and get a decoded config object, as well as, in a safe manner, change any of the config values individually.

Promise repo.config.set(key:String, value:Object)

Set a config value. value can be any object that is serializable to JSON.

  • key is a string specifying the object path. Example:
await repo.config.set('a.b.c', 'c value')
const config = await repo.config.get()
assert.equal(config.a.b.c, 'c value')

Promise repo.config.replace(value:Object)

Set the whole config value. value can be any object that is serializable to JSON.

Promise<?> repo.config.get(key:String)

Get a config value. Returned promise resolves to the same type that was set before.

  • key is a string specifying the object path. Example:
const value = await repo.config.get('a.b.c')
console.log('config.a.b.c = ', value)

Promise<Object> repo.config.getAll()

Get the entire config value.

Promise<boolean> repo.config.exists()

Whether the config sub-repo exists.


Promise<Number> repo.version.get()

Gets the repo version (an integer).

Promise repo.version.set (version:Number)

Sets the repo version

API Addr

Promise<String> repo.apiAddr.get()

Gets the API address.

Promise repo.apiAddr.set(value)

Sets the API address.

  • value should be a Multiaddr or a String representing a valid one.


Promise<Object> repo.stat()

Gets the repo status.

Returned promise resolves to an Object with the following keys:

  • numObjects
  • repoPath
  • repoSize
  • version
  • storageMax


IPFS Repo comes with two built in locks: memory and fs. These can be imported via the following:

const fsLock = require('ipfs-repo/src/lock')  // Default in Node.js
const memoryLock = require('ipfs-repo/src/lock-memory')  // Default in browser

You can also provide your own custom Lock. It must be an object with the following interface:

Promise lock.lock(dir)

Sets the lock if one does not already exist. If a lock already exists, should throw an error.

dir is a string to the directory the lock should be created at. The repo typically creates the lock at its root.

Returns closer, where closer has a close method for removing the lock.

Promise closer.close()

Closes the lock created by

If no error was thrown, the lock was successfully removed.

Promise<boolean> lock.locked(dir)

Checks the existence of the lock.

dir is the path to the directory to check for the lock. The repo typically checks for the lock at its root.

Returned promise resolves to a boolean indicating the existence of the lock.



When there is a new repo migration and the version of the repo is increased, don't forget to propagate the changes into the test repo (test/test-repo).

For tools that run mainly in the browser environment, be aware that disabling automatic migrations leaves the user with no way to run the migrations because there is no CLI in the browser. In such a case, you should provide a way to trigger migrations manually.


There are some ways you can make this module better:

  • Consult our open issues and take on one of them
  • Help our tests reach 100% coverage!

This repository falls under the IPFS Code of Conduct.
