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Running custom executors on Aurora

In this document we will be using the docker-compose executor to demonstrate how Aurora can use multiple executors on a single Scheduler. For this guide, we will be using a vagrant instance to demonstrate the setup process. Many of the same steps also apply to an Aurora installation made via a package manager. Differences in how to configure the cluster between the vagrant image and the package manager will be clarified when necessary.

Configuring Aurora manually

Spinning up an Aurora instance with Vagrant

Follow the guide at until the end of step 4 (Start the local cluster) and skip to configuring Docker-Compose executor.

Installing Aurora through a package manager

Follow the guide at

Configuring Scheduler to use Docker-Compose executor

In order to use the docker compose executor with Aurora, we must first give the scheduler a configuration file that contains information on how to run the executor.

Configuration file

The configuration is a JSON file that contains where to find the executor and how to run it.

More information about how an executor may be configured for consumption by Aurora can be found here under the custom executors section.

A sample config file for the docker-compose executor looks like this:

        "value":"java -jar docker-compose-executor_0.1.0.jar",

Configuring the Scheduler to run a custom executor

Setting the proper flags

Some flags need to be set on the Aurora scheduler in order for custom executors to work properly.

The -custom_executor_config flag must point to the location of the JSON blob.

The -enable_mesos_fetcher flag must be set to true in order to allow jobs to fetch resources.

On vagrant
  • Log into the vagrant image by going to the folder at which the Aurora repository was cloned and running:
$ vagrant ssh
  • Write the sample JSON blob provided above to a file inside the vagrant image.

  • Inside the vagrant image, modify the file /etc/init/aurora-scheduler.conf to include:

   -custom_executor_config=<Location of JSON blob> \
On a scheduler installed via package manager
  • Write the sample JSON blob provided above to a file on the same machine where the scheduler is running.

  • Modify EXTRA_SCHEDULER_ARGS in the file file /etc/default/aurora-scheduler to be:

  EXTRA_SCHEDULER_ARGS="-custom_executor_config=<Location of JSON blob> -enable_mesos_fetcher=true"

For these configurations to kick in, the aurora-scheduler must be restarted. Depending on the distribution of choice being used this command may look a bit different.

On Ubuntu, restarting the aurora-scheduler can be achieved by running the following command:

$ sudo service aurora-scheduler restart

Using dce-go

Instead of manually configuring Aurora to run the docker-compose executor, one can follow the instructions provided here to quickly create a DCE environment that would include mesos, aurora, golang1.7, docker, docker-compose and DCE installed.

Please note that when using dce-go, the endpoints are going to be as shown below,

Aurora endpoint -->
Mesos endpoint -->

Configuring the system to run a custom client and docker-compose executor

Installing Go

Follow the instructions at the official golang website:

Installing docker-compose

Agents which will run dce-go will need docker-compose in order to sucessfully run the executor. Instructions for installing docker-compose on various platforms may be found on Docker's webiste:

Downloading gorealis

Finally, we must get gorealis using the go get command:

go get

Creating Aurora Jobs

Creating a thermos job

To demonstrate that we are able to run jobs using different executors on the same scheduler, we'll first launch a thermos job using the default Aurora Client.

We can use a sample job for this:


hello = Process(
  name = 'hello',
  cmdline = """
    while true; do
      echo hello world
      sleep 10

task = SequentialTask(
  processes = [hello],
  resources = Resources(cpu = 1.0, ram = 128*MB, disk = 128*MB))

jobs = [Service(
  task = task, cluster = 'devcluster', role = 'www-data', environment = 'prod', name = 'hello')]

Now we create the job:

aurora job create devcluster/www-data/prod/hello hello_world.aurora

Note that user www-data must exist on the Agent on which the task will be run. If that user doesn't exist, please modify the role value inside the .aurora file as well as the command to a user that exists on the machine on which the task will be run.

Creating a docker-compose-executor job

Now that we have a thermos job running, it's time to launch a docker-compose job.

We'll be using the gorealis library sample client to send a create job request to the scheduler, specifying that we would like to use the docker-compose executor.

Furthermore, we will be specifying what resources we need to download in order to successfully run a docker compose job.

For example, the job configuration in the sample client looks like this:

job = realis.NewJob().
    AddLabel("fileName", "sample-app/docker-compose.yml").
    AddURIs(true, true, "")

Using a vagrant setup as an example, we can run the following command to create a compose job:

go run $GOPATH/src/ -executor=compose -url= -cmd=create

If everything went according to plan, a new job will be shown in the Aurora UI. We can further investigate inside the Mesos task sandbox. Inside the sandbox, under the sample-app folder, we can find a docker-compose.yml-generated.yml. If we inspect this file, we can find the port at which we can find the web server we launched.

Under Web->Ports, we find the port Mesos allocated. We can then navigate to: <agent address>:<assigned port>. (In vagrant's case the agent address is

A message from the executor should greet us.

Creating a Thermos job using gorealis

It is also possible to create a thermos job using gorealis. To do this, however, a thermos payload is required. A thermos payload consists of a JSON blob that details the entire task as it exists inside the Aurora Scheduler. Creating the blob is unfortunately out of the scope of what gorealis does, so a thermos payload must be generated beforehand or retrieved from the structdump of an existing task for testing purposes.

A sample thermos JSON payload may be found here in the examples folder.

The job struct configuration for a Thermos job looks something like this:

payload, err := ioutil.ReadFile("examples/thermos_payload.json")

job = realis.NewJob().

Using a vagrant setup as an example, we can run the following command to create a Thermos job:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go run examples/client.go -executor=thermos -url= -cmd=create -executor=thermos

Creating jobs using gorealis JSON client

We can also use the JSON client to create Aurora jobs using gorealis.

If using dce-go, then use as the scheduler URL.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/

To launch a job using the Thermos executor,

$ go run jsonClient.go -job=job_thermos.json -config=config.json

To launch a job using docker-compose executor,

$ go run jsonClient.go -job=job_dce.json -config=config.json

Cleaning up

To stop the jobs we've launched, we need to send a job kill request to Aurora. It should be noted that although we can't create jobs using a custom executor using the default Aurora client, we can use the default Aurora client to kill them. Additionally, we can use gorealis perform the clean up as well.

Using the Default Client (if manually configured Aurora)

$ aurora job killall devcluster/www-data/prod/hello
$ aurora job killall devcluster/vagrant/prod/docker-compose

Using gorealis

$ go run $GOPATH/src/ -executor=compose -url= -cmd=kill
$ go run $GOPATH/src/ -executor=thermos -url= -cmd=kill