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Debugging Issues with Your Application

You deployed your app to Knative Serving, but it isn't working as expected. Go through this step-by-step guide to understand what failed.

Check command-line output

Check your deploy command output to see whether it succeeded or not. If your deployment process was terminated, you should see an error message in the output that describes the reason why the deployment failed.

This kind of failure is most likely due to either a misconfigured manifest or wrong command. For example, the following output says that you must configure route traffic percent to sum to 100:

Error from server (InternalError): error when applying patch:
&{0xc421d98240 0xc421e77490 default route-example STDIN 0xc421db0488 264682 false}
for: "STDIN": Internal error occurred: admission webhook "" denied the request: mutation failed: The route must have traffic percent sum equal to 100.
ERROR: Non-zero return code '1' from command: Process exited with status 1

Check application logs

Knative Serving provides default out-of-the-box logs for your application. Access your application logs using Accessing Logs page.

Check Route status

Run the following command to get the status of the Route object with which you deployed your application:

kubectl get route <route-name> --output yaml

The conditions in status provide the reason if there is any failure. For details, see Knative Error Conditions and Reporting(currently some of them are not implemented yet).

Check ClusterIngress/Istio routing

Run the following command to list all the cluster ingress, with their labels

kubectl get clusteringress -o=custom-columns=',LABELS:.metadata.labels'
NAME                   LABELS
helloworld-go-h5kd4    map[]

The labels and will tell exactly which Route a ClusterIngress is a child resource of. Find the one corresponding to your Route. If a ClusterIngress does not exist, the route controller believes that the Revisions targeted by your Route/Service isn't ready. Please proceed to later sections to diagnose Revision readiness status.

Otherwise, run the following command to look at the ClusterIngress created for your Route

kubectl get clusteringress <CLUSTERINGRESS_NAME> --output yaml

particularly, look at the status: section. If the ClusterIngress is working correctly, we should see the condition with type=Ready to have status=True. Otherwise, there will be error messages.

Now, if ClusterIngress shows status Ready, there must be a corresponding VirtualService. Run the following command:

kubectl get virtualservice <CLUSTERINGRESS_NAME> -n knative-serving --output yaml

the network configuration in VirtualService must match that of ClusterIngress and Route. VirtualService currently doesn't expose a Status field, so if one exists and have matching configurations with ClusterIngress and Route, you may want to wait a little bit for those settings to propagate.

If you are familar with Istio and istioctl, you may try using istioctl to look deeper using Istio guide.

Check Ingress status

Before Knative 0.3 we use a LoadBalancer service call knative-ingressgateway to handle ingress. Since Knative 0.3 we now use istio-ingressgateway Service.

To check the IP address of your Ingress, use

kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway

Or replace that with knative-ingressgateway if you are using Knative release older than 0.3.

If there is no external IP address, use

kubectl describe svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system

to see a reason why IP addresses weren't provisioned. Most likely it is due to a quota issue.

Check Revision status

If you configure your Route with Configuration, run the following command to get the name of the Revision created for you deployment (look up the configuration name in the Route .yaml file):

kubectl get configuration <configuration-name> --output jsonpath="{.status.latestCreatedRevisionName}"

If you configure your Route with Revision directly, look up the revision name in the Route yaml file.

Then run the following command:

kubectl get revision <revision-name> --output yaml

A ready Revision should have the following condition in status:

  - reason: ServiceReady
    status: "True"
    type: Ready

If you see this condition, check the following to continue debugging:

If you see other conditions, to debug further:

Check Pod status

To get the Pods for all your deployments:

kubectl get pods

This command should list all Pods with brief status. For example:

NAME                                                      READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
configuration-example-00001-deployment-659747ff99-9bvr4   2/2       Running            0          3h
configuration-example-00002-deployment-5f475b7849-gxcht   1/2       CrashLoopBackOff   2          36s

Choose one and use the following command to see detailed information for its status. Some useful fields are conditions and containerStatuses:

kubectl get pod <pod-name> --output yaml

If you see issues with "user-container" container in the containerStatuses, check your application logs as described below.

Check Build status

If you are using Build to deploy, run the following command to get the Build for your Revision:

kubectl get build $(kubectl get revision <revision-name> --output jsonpath="{.spec.buildName}") --output yaml

If there is any failure, the conditions in status provide the reason. To access build logs, first execute kubectl proxy and then open Kibana UI. Use any of the following filters within Kibana UI to see build logs. (See telemetry guide for more information on logging and monitoring features of Knative Serving.)

  • All build logs: _exists_:""
  • Build logs for a specific build:"<BUILD NAME>"
  • Build logs for a specific build and step:"<BUILD NAME>" AND kubernetes.container_name:"build-step-<BUILD STEP NAME>"

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