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Kevin Conley edited this page Jan 7, 2015 · 16 revisions

Tesseract-OCR-iOS is an iOS wrapper library of the Tesseract optical character recognition engine, which is considered one of the most accurate open-source OCR engines available.

Tesseract-OCR-iOS provides a powerful and easy to use API. Use it in iOS 7.0+ projects written in either Objective-C or Swift.

Getting Started

See the Installation page in the wiki for instructions on how to install Tesseract-OCR-iOS in your iOS project. Once you're setup, check out some usage examples.

Not happy with Tesseract's recognition results? Refer to the Tips for Improving OCR Results wiki page for some helpful ideas.

Need more lower-level control over Tesseract? Take a look at Advanced Tesseract Configuration.


Tesseract OCR iOS and TesseractOCR.framework are distributed under the MIT license.

Tesseract, maintained by Google, is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.