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File metadata and controls

93 lines (72 loc) · 4.77 KB


Code exercise to build a simple command line tool that fetches the REST countries API.



  • Ruby 3.1.1
  • Bundler


Install dependencies with:

$ bundle install

Problem statement

  1. Fetch a list of countries with metadata using the REST countries API.

  2. Process and display the data accordingly:

    • List countries in a table
    • Show columns: Name, Region, Area, Population
    • Format the area in square metric miles, without decimals (example, for Norway “125020”)
    • Format the population in millions with one decimal (example, for Norway “5.2”)
    • Input option for visualization: sort by one of name, population or area
    • Summary at the end: Show the population average from all the countries, and also the countries with smallest and biggest area.
    • List languages with the countries that speak it in a table
    • Show columns: Language, Countries[], Population


I have made a CLI in Ruby that fetches and displays data from REST countries API.


  $ bin/countries [OPTIONS]

  -f condition value   filter countries by the specified conditions.
                       [conditions: name, region, subregion, lang]

  -s condition         sort countries by `condition` in ascending order.
                       [conditions: name (default), region, area, population]


  • Find countries where German is the official language and sort them by population:

    $ bin/countries -f lang german -s population
    |                               Countries Summary                               |
    | Name                         | Region | Area (mi²) | Population (in millions) |
    | Liechtenstein                | Europe |         61 |                     0.0M |
    | Luxembourg                   | Europe |        998 |                     0.6M |
    | Namibia                      | Africa |     318770 |                     2.5M |
    | Belgium                      | Europe |      11786 |                    11.6M |
    | Germany                      | Europe |     137881 |                    83.2M |
    | Population average           |        |            |                    19.6M |
    | Smallest area: Liechtenstein | Europe |         61 |                     0.0M |
    | Biggest area: Namibia        | Africa | 318770     |                     2.5M |
  • Find countries whose of their names include 'fr' and sort them by area:

    $ bin/countries -f name fr -s area
    |                                    Countries Summary                                    |
    | Name                                | Region    | Area (mi²) | Population (in millions) |
    | Saint Martin                        | Americas  |         20 |                     0.0M |
    | French Polynesia                    | Oceania   |       1608 |                     0.3M |
    | French Southern and Antarctic Lands | Antarctic |       2991 |                     0.0M |
    | France                              | Europe    |     213009 |                    67.4M |
    | Central African Republic            | Africa    |     240534 |                     4.8M |
    | South Africa                        | Africa    |     471442 |                    59.3M |
    | Population average                  |           |            |                    22.0M |
    | Smallest area: Saint Martin         | Americas  |         20 |                     0.0M |
    | Biggest area: South Africa          | Africa    | 471442     |                    59.3M |