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Create a catkin workspace on ROS noetic.

sudo apt install -y python3-wstool python3-catkin-tools
cd ~
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws
catkin init
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/noetic

Download this package.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
wstool init
wstool set --git ethz_piksi_ros
wstool update

Install all PPA dependencies.

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash

Next download all individual ROS package dependencies.

wstool merge ethz_piksi_ros/piksi_multi_cpp/install/dependencies_https.rosinstall
wstool update -j8

Finally, build the workspace.

catkin build

Basic usage Base-Rover

  1. Upgrade firmware on your Piksi Multi to 2.4.20
  2. Flash rover or base configuration onto your Piksi Multi
    1. Hookup Piksi Multi onto host computer via USB (you can also specify another interface here).
    2. roslaunch piksi_multi_cpp config.launch config_type:=rover or
      roslaunch piksi_multi_cpp config.launch config_type:=base
  3. Setup the correction link from base to rover either via UDP broadcast and/or serial modem.
    1. Specify UDP broadcast interface if you want to send corrections via network.
    2. Setup base and rover serial modem.
  4. Launch driver on base roslaunch piksi_multi_cpp base.launch
  5. Sample base station position once
    1. rosservice call /piksi_multi_cpp_base/base_station_receiver_0/resample_base_position "num_desired_fixes: 1000 file: '/tmp/base_position.txt' set_enu: false offset_z: 0.0"
    2. Check status of sampling
      rostopic echo /piksi_multi_cpp_base/base_station_receiver_0/position_sampler/position_sampling
  6. After base station sampling you can start the driver on the rover roslaunch piksi_multi_cpp rover.launch

ROS topics

The driver publishes a set of custom ROS messages within the /ros namespace and additionally relays all SBP messages on the /sbp namespace. Typically the /ros messages are most relevant to you. In particular
