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Deformable DETR: Deformable Transformers for End-to-end Object Detection (Zhu et al. 2021)

This example implements the Deformable DETR (DDETR) model introduced by Zhu et al. (2021) in their [recent paper] accepted at ICLR 2021 ( DDETR drastically improves the convergence speed of DETR with multi-scale features and sparse spatial sampling with deformable attention.

This implementation largely uses the original implementation provided in this repo. With this Determined implementation, you can easily run DDETR with distributed training and hyperparameter search by modifying a few flags in the experiment config. Note that the panoptic segmentation task is not supported in this example.


This example is structure as follows:

  • initializes the data, optimizer, and model and specifies the training and evaluation steps.
  • modifies the original SetCriterion function to use horovod allreduce to sync number of bounding boxes.
  • creates a CocoDetection dataset to work with Google Cloud Storage.

Configuration Files

  • const_fake.yaml: single-GPU experiment to run with fake data.
  • distributed.yaml: distributed training experiment to run with COCO dataset on Google Cloud Storage.
  • finetune.yaml: finetune pretrained model on a subset of classes in COCO.
  • finetune_adaptive.yaml: perform HP search for a finetuned model on a subset of classes in COCO.


This example requires the COCO 2017 Object Detection dataset. There are different backends that you can select for accessing the data (see aws, gcs, local, and fake.

  • The aws backend will download iamges from an S3 bucket.
  • The gcs backend will download images from a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
  • The local backend will download the COCO dataset directly from source to the harddrive and read images from disk.
  • The fake backend will use a fake image without requiring COCO to be available anywhere.

You can choose a different backend by modifying the backend field in the experiment config.

To Run

Unless you plan to run with fake data, you'll need to have access to the COCO 2017 dataset in either cloud storage or the local disk (see for download instructions). Once you have the dataset set up, modify the experiment config you want to run with the desired backend and fill in the data_dir field with the bucket name if using gcs or aws backend, or data directory if using the local backend.

Then, submit the experiment to your Determined cluster by running

det experiment create <distributed.yaml> .

from the command line.


The training and validation curves when running the distributed.yaml config are shown below. They closely match the reported result of 43.8 after 50 epochs on COCO from the paper (see Table 1) using the base configuration in the original repo.

train_curves val_curves