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FuzzTest Domain Reference


This document describes the available input domains, and how you can create your own domains, within FuzzTest. The first section lists the set of existing primary domains. A second section lists "combinators" which allow the mixing of two or more primary domains.

Note: Note that all APIs described below are in the fuzztest:: namespace.

Built-In Domains

The following domains are built into FuzzTest as primary domains which you can use out of the box.

Arbitrary Domains

The Arbitrary<T>() domain is implemented for all native C++ types and for protocol buffers. Specifically, for the following types:

  • Boolean type: bool.
  • Character types: char, signed char, unsigned char.
  • Integral types: short, int, unsigned, int8_t, uint32_t, long long, etc.
  • Floating types: float, double, etc.
  • Enumeration types: enum, enum class (TBD: b/183016365).
  • Simple user defined structs.
  • Tuple types: std::pair<T1,T2>, std::tuple<T,...>.
  • Smart pointers: std::unique_ptr<T>, std::shared_ptr<T>.
  • Optional types: std::optional<T>.
  • Variant types: std::variant<T,...>.
  • String types: std::string, etc.
  • String view type: std::string_view.
  • Sequence container types: std::vector<T>, std::array<T>, std::deque<T>, std::list<T>, etc.
  • Unordered associative container types: std::unordered_set, absl::flat_hash_set, absl::node_hash_set, std::unordered_map, absl::flat_hash_map, absl::node_hash_map, etc.
  • Ordered associative container types: std::set<K>, std::map<K,T>, std::multiset<K>, std::multimap<K,T>, etc.
  • Protocol buffer types: MyProtoMessage, etc.
  • Abseil time library types: absl::Duration, absl::Time.

Composite or container types, like std::optional<T> or std::vector<T>, are supported as long as the inner types are. For example, Arbitrary<std::vector<T1>>() is implemented, if Arbitrary<T1>() is implemented. The inner elements will be created and mutated via the Arbitrary<T1> domain. For example, the Arbitrary<std::tuple<int, std::string>>() or the Arbitrary<std::variant<int, std::string>>() domain will use Arbitrary<int>() and Arbitrary<std::string>() as sub-domains.

User defined structs must support aggregate initialization, must have only public members and no more than 64 fields.

Recall that Arbitrary is the default input domain, which means that you can fuzz a function like below without a .WithDomains() clause:

void MyProperty(const absl::flat_hash_map<uint32, MyProtoMessage>& m,
                const std::optional<std::string>& s) {
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, MyProperty);

Under the hood, FuzzTest implements each domain as a custom object mutator. These mutators, combined with the underlying coverage-guided fuzzing algorithm, iteratively find values that increase the coverage of the code under test. Beyond that, it also tries "special" values of the given domain. E.g., for arbitrary integer domains, it will try values like 0, 1, and std::numeric_limits<T>::max(). For floating point domains will try values like 0, -0, NaN, and std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity(). For container domains it will try empty, small and large containers, and so on.

Numerical Domains

Other than Arbitrary<int>(), Arbitrary<float>(), etc., we have the following more "restricted" numerical domains:

  • InRange(min, max) represents any value between [min, max], closed interval. E.g., an arbitrary probability value could be represented with InRange(0.0, 1.0).
  • NonZero<T>() is like Arbitrary<T>() without the zero value.
  • Positive<T>() represents numbers greater than zero.
  • NonNegative<T>() represents zero and numbers greater than zero.
  • Negative<T>() represents numbers less than zero.
  • NonPositive<T> represents zero and numbers less than zero.
  • Finite<T> represent floating points numbers that are neither infinity nor NaN.

For instance, if your test function has a precondition that the input has to be positive, you can write your FUZZ_TEST like this:

void MyProperty(int x) {
  ASSERT(x > 0);
  // ...
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, MyProperty).WithDomains(Positive<int>());

Character Domains

Other than Arbitrary<char>(), we have the following more specific character domains:

  • InRange(min, max) can be applied to characters as well, e.g., InRange('a', 'z').
  • NonZeroChar() represents any char except '\0'.
  • NumericChar() is alias for InRange('0', '9').
  • LowerChar() is alias for InRange('a', 'z').
  • UpperChar() is alias for InRange('A', 'Z').
  • AlphaChar() is alias for OneOf(LowerChar(), UpperChar()).
  • AlphaNumericChar() is alias for OneOf(AlphaChar(), NumericChar()).
  • PrintableAsciiChar() represents any printable character (InRange<char>(32, 126)).
  • AsciiChar() represents any ASCII character (InRange<char>(0, 127)).

String Domains

You can use the following basic string domains:

  • String() is an alias for Arbitrary<std::string>().
  • AsciiString() represents strings of ASCII characters.
  • PrintableAsciiString() represents printable strings.

You also define your string domains with custom character domains using the StringOf() domain combinator.

InRegexp Domains

You can also use regular expressions to define a string domain. The InRegexp domain represents strings that are sentences of a given regular expression. You can use any regular expression syntax accepted by RE2. For example:

auto DateLikeString() {
  return InRegexp("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}");

auto EmailLikeString() {
  return InRegexp("[a-zA-Z0-9]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.[a-z]{2,6}*");

This is useful for testing APIs that required specially formatted strings like email addresses, phone numbers, URLs, etc. Here is an example test for a date parser:

// Tests with values matching the regexp below (like `08/29/5434`) that the
// parser always return true. Note that the regexp doesn't handle leap years.
static void ParseFirstDateInStringAlwaysSucceedsForDates(
    const std::string& date_str) {
  StringDateParser date_parser(false);
  SimpleDate output;
      date_str, i18n_identifiers::language_code::ENGLISH_US(), &output));
FUZZ_TEST(EnglishLocaleTest, ParseFirstDateInStringAlwaysSucceedsForDates)

ElementOf Domains {#element-of}

We can also define a domain by explicitly enumerating the set of values in it. You can do this with the ElementOf domain, that can be instantiated with a vector of constant values of some type, e.g.:

auto AnyLittlePig() {
  return ElementOf<std::string>({"Fifer Pig", "Fiddler Pig", "Practical Pig"});

auto MagicNumber() {
  return ElementOf({0xDEADBEEF, 0xBADDCAFE, 0xFEEDFACE});

The type can be anything, enums too:

enum Status { kYes, kNo, kMaybe };

auto AnyStatus() {
  return ElementOf<Status>({kYes, kNo, kMaybe});

The ElementOf domain is often used in combination with other domains, for instance to provide some concrete examples while fuzzing with arbitrary inputs, e.g.: OneOf(MagicNumber(), Arbitrary<uint32>()).

Or it can also be used for a regular value-parameterized unit tests:

void WorksWithAnyPig(const std::string& pig) {
FUZZ_TEST(IsLittlePigTest, WorksWithAnyPig).WithDomains(AnyLittlePig());

Note: ElementOf supports initial seeds only for arithmetic types, enums, strings (std::string and std::string_view), and Abseil time library types (absl::Duration and absl::Time).

BitFlagCombinationOf Domains

The BitFlagCombinationOf domain takes a list of binary flags and yields a random combination of them made through bitwise operations (&, ^, etc.). Consider we have the following bitflag values:

enum Options {
  kFirst  = 1 << 0,
  kSecond = 1 << 1,
  kThird  = 1 << 2,

The domain BitFlagCombinationOf({kFirst, kThird}) will include {0, kFirst, kThird, kFirst | kThird}.

Protocol Buffer Domains

You can use the Arbitrary<T>() domain with any proto message type or bare proto enum, e.g.:

void DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithAnyProto(const ProtoA& msg_a, const ProtoB msg_b) {
  DoStuff(msg_a, msg_b);
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithAnyProto);

void DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithEnumValue(Proto::Enum e) {
  switch(e) {
    case Proto::ENUM_ABC:
      // etc...
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithEnumValue);

By default, all fields will use Arbitrary<U>() for their values. The exceptions are:

  • string fields which will guarantee UTF8 values.
  • enum fields will select only valid labels.

Alternatively, you can use ProtobufOf to define a domain for unique_ptr<Message> using a protobuf prototype (the default protobuf message). Note that ProtobufOf doesn't take const Message* (the prototype) directly. It takes a function pointer that returns a const Message*. This delays getting the prototype until the first use:

const Message* GetMessagePrototype() {
  const std::string name = GetPrototypeNameFromFlags();
  const Descriptor* descriptor =
  return MessageFactory::generated_factory()->GetPrototype(descriptor);

void DoStuffDoesNotCrashWithMyProto(const std::unique_ptr<Message>& my_proto){
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoStuffDoesNotCrashWithMyProto)

Customizing Individual Fields

Each proto field has a type (i.e., int32/string) and a rule (optional/repeated/required). You can customize the subdomains for type, rule, or both.

Customizing the field type: You can customize the subdomains for type used on individual fields by calling With<Type>Field method. Consider the following proto:

message Address {
  string number = 0;
  string street = 1;
  string unit = 2;
  string city = 3;
  string state = 4;
  int zipcode = 5;

message Person {
  optional string ldap = 2;
  enum Gender {
    UNKNOWN = 0
    FEMALE = 1,
    MALE = 2,
    OTHER = 3,
  optional Gender gender = 3;
  optional Address address = 4;

You can customize the domain for each field like the following:

FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithCustomProto).
      .WithStringField("ldap", StringOf(AlphaChar()))
      .WithEnumField("gender", ElementOf<int>({FEMALE, MALE, OTHER}))
                             .WithInt32Field("zipcode", InRange(10000, 99999))
                             .WithStringField("state", String().WithSize(2)))
      .WithInt32Field("", InRange(100000, 999999)));

The inner domain is as follows:

  • For int32, int64, uint32, uint64, bool, float, double, and string fields the inner domain can be any Domain<T> of C++ type int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, bool, float, double, and std::string respectively.
  • For enum fields the inner domain is a Domain<int>. Note that values that are not valid enums would be stored in the unknown fields set if the field is a closed enum. Open enums would accept any value. The default domain for enum fields only chooses between valid labels.
  • For message fields the inner domain is a Domain<std::unique_ptr<Message>>. The domain returned by Arbitrary<MyProto>() qualifies. Note that even though it uses unique_ptr, a null value is not allowed and will trigger undefined behavior or a runtime assertion of some kind.

The field domains are indexed by field name and will be verified at startup. A mismatch between the field names and the inner domains will cause a runtime failure. For extension fields, the full name should be used.

IMPORTANT: Note that optional fields are not always set by the fuzzer.

Customizing the field rule: You can customize the field rule for optional or repeated fields:

  • WithFieldUnset will keep the field empty.
  • WithFieldAlwaysSet will keep the field non-empty.
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithCustomProto).

In addition, for repeated fields, you can customize its size with WithRepeatedField[Min|Max]Size.

FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithCustomProto).
      .WithRepeatedFieldSize("size1", 1)
      .WithRepeatedFieldMinSize("size_ge_2", 2)
      .WithRepeatedFieldMaxSize("size_le_3", 3));

Customizing the field rule and type: You can also customize both the rule and type at the same time with With[Optional|Repeated]<Type>Field:

FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithCustomProto).
      // Could be set or unset.
      .WithOptionalInt64Field("int", OptionalOf(InRange(1l, 10l)))
      // Is always unset.
      .WithOptionalUInt32Field("uint32", NullOpt<int32_t>())
      // Is always set.
      .WithOptionalInt32Field("int32", NonNull(OptionalOf(InRange(1, 10))))
      // Is non-empty.
      .WithRepeatedInt32Field("rep_int", VectorOf(InRange(1, 10)).WithMinSize(1))
      // Is vector of unique elements.
      .WithRepeatedInt64Field("rep_int64", UniqueElementsVectorOf(InRange(1l, 10l))));

For optional fields the domain is of the form Domain<std::optional<Type>> and for repeated fields the domain is of the form Domain<std::vector<Type>>.

Also, With<Type>FieldAlwaysSet is a shorter alternative when one wants to customize non-empty fields:

// Short form for .WithOptionalIntField("optional_int", NonNull(InRange(1, 10)))
.WithIntFieldAlwaysSet("optional_int", InRange(1, 10))

// Short form for .WithRepeatedIntField("repeated_int", VectorOf(InRange(1, 10)).WithMinSize(1))
.WithIntFieldAlwaysSet("repeated_int", InRange(1, 10))

Customizing a Subset of Fields

You can customize the domain for a subset of fields, for example all fields with message type Date, or all fields with "amount" in the field's name.

IMPORTANT: Note that customization options can conflict each other. In case of conflicts the latter customization always overrides the former. Moreover, individual field customization discussed in the previous section cannot precede customizations in this section.

Customizing Multiple Fields With Same Type: You can set the domain for a subset of fields with the same type using With<Type>Fields. By default this applies to all fields of Type. You can also provide a filter function to select a subset of fields. Consider the Moving proto:

message Address{
  optional string line1 = 1;
  optional string line2 = 2;
  optional string city = 3;
  optional State state = 4;
  optional int32 zipcode = 5;

message Moving{
  optional Address from_address = 1;
  optional Address to_address = 2;
  optional google.protobuf.Timestamp start_ts = 3;
  optional google.protobuf.Timestamp deadline_ts = 4;
  optional google.protobuf.Timestamp finish_ts = 5;
  optional int32 customer_id = 6;
  optional int32 distance = 7;
  optional int32 cost_estimate = 8;
  optional int32 balance = 9;

Most integer fields should be positive and there are multiple Timestamp/zipcode fields which require special domains:

bool IsZipCode(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
  return field->name() == "zipcode";
bool IsTimestamp(const FieldDescriptor* field){
  return field->message_type()->full_name() == "google.protobuf.Timestamp";
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithCustomProto)
    // All int fields should be positive
    // except balance field which can be negative
    .WithInt32Field("balance", Arbitrary<int>())
    // and except all zipcode fields which should have 5 digits
    .WithInt32Fields(IsZipcode, InRange(10000, 99999))
    // All Timestamp fields should have "nanos" field unset.
    .WithProtobufFields(IsTimestamp, Arbitrary<Timestamp>().WithFieldUnset("nanos")));

Notice that these filters apply recursively to nested protos as well. You can restrict the filter to optional or repeated fields by using WithOptional<Type>Fields or WithRepeated<Type>Fields, respectively.

Customizing Rules of Multiple Fields: You can customize the nullness for a subset of fields using WithFieldsAlwaysSet, WithFieldsUnset, and filters:

bool IsProtoType(const FieldDescriptor* field){
  return field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE;
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithCustomProto).
      // Always set optional fields, and repeated fields have size > 0,
      // except fields that contain nested protos,
      // and except "foo" field. We override the nullness by using the
      // WithOptionalInt32Filed, which will allow the fuzzer to set and unset
      // this field.
      .WithOptionalInt32Field("foo", OptionalOf(Arbitrary<int>()))

You can restrict the filter to optional or repeated fields by using WithOptionalFields[Unset|AlwaysSet] or WithRepeatedFields[Unset|AlwaysSet], respectively.

Furthermore, you can customize repeated fields size using WithRepeatedFields[Min|Max]?Size:

bool IsChildrenOfBinaryTree(const FieldDescriptor* field){
  return field->containing_type()->full_name() == "my_package.Node"
      && field->name() == "children";
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithCustomProto).
    // Repeated fields should have size in range 1-10
    // except children of the inner nodes of a binary tree (has exactly two children).
    .WithRepeatedFieldsSize(IsChildrenOfBinaryTree, 2)
    // and except "additional_info" field which can be empty or arbitrary large
    .WithInt32Field("additional_info", VectorOf(String()))

Warning: With[Repeated]Fields[Unset|AlwaysSet] will overwrite previous WithRepeatedFields[Min|Max]?Size for a given field. For example, in the following code, the repeated fields can have any size other than zero: Arbitrary<MyProto>().WithRepeatedFieldsMinSize(2).WithRepeatedFieldsSize(2).WithFieldsAlwaysSet()

Notice that With[Optional|Repeated]Fields[Unset|AlwaysSet] and WithRepeatedFields[Min|Max]?Size work recursively and apply to subprotos as well, unless subproto domains are explicitly defined. Also, calling With[Optional|Repeated]FieldsAlwaysSet or WithRepeatedFields[Min]?Size(X) with X > 0 on recursively defined protos causes a failure.

Customizing Oneof Fields

You can customize oneof fields similarly as other optional fields. However, the oneof could be unset even if you always set one of its field. Consider the following example:

message Algorithm{
  oneof strategy {
    string strategy_id = 1;
    int64 legacy_strategy_id = 2;

Then, you wish to customize the domain and test different non-legacy strategies. The following would not work because the legacy_strategy_id could still have values.

FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithCustomProto).

For oneof to always have a value, at least one of its field should be marked as AlwaysSet and the rest should be marked Unset (for example, when you use WithFieldsAlwaysSet). Otherwise, you need to explicitly set it by WithOneofAlwaysSet:

FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, DoingStuffDoesNotCrashWithCustomProto).

What Domains Should You Use for View Types?

If your property function takes "view types", such as std::string_view or std::span<T>, you have multiple options.

For a std::string_view parameter you can use std::string domains, such as Arbitrary<std::string>() or InRegexp("[ab]+"). The string-s created by the domain get implicitly converted to string_view-s. Alternatively, you can use Arbitrary<std::string_view>() which creates string_view-s in the first place, automatically backed by string values. This means that in regular value-parameterized unit tests, .WithDomains() can be omitted:

void UnescapeNeverCrashes(std::string_view s) { Unescape(s); }
FUZZ_TEST(UnescapeTest, UnescapeNeverCrashes);

If you have a std::span parameter, you can use a std::vector domain, for example:

void MyProperty(std::span<int> ints) { ... }
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, MyProperty).WithDomains(Arbitrary<std::vector<int>>());

TODO(b/200074418): More native support for view types.

Domain Combinators

Domain combinators let you create more complex domains from simpler ones.

String Combinator

The StringOf(character_domain) domain combinator function lets you specify the domain of the characters in std::string. For instance, to represent strings that are composed only of specific characters, you can use

StringOf(OneOf(InRange('a', 'z'), ElementOf({'.', '!', '?'})))

(See OneOf combinator and ElementOf domain.)

Another example is the AsciiString(), whose implementation is StringOf(AsciiChar()).

Container Combinators

You can specify the domain of the elements in a container using container combinators. ContainerOf<T>(elements_domain) is the generic container combinator, which you can use like this:

auto VectorOfNumbersBetweenOneAndSix() {
  auto one_to_six = InRange(1, 6);
  return ContainerOf<std::vector<int>>(one_to_six);

This domain represents any vector whose elements are numbers between 1 and 6.

The previous example can be simplified by dropping <int> after std:vector, as this can be inferred automatically:

auto VectorOfNumbersBetweenOneAndSix() {
return ContainerOf<std::vector>(InRange(1, 6));

In particular, if the container type T is a class template (e.g. std::vector) whose first template parameter is the type of the values stored in the container, and whose other template parameters, if any, are optional, then all the template parameters of T may be omitted, in which case ContainerOf will use the value_type of the elements_domain as the first template parameter for T.

ContainerOf is rarely used directly however, as there are more ergonomic shorthands available shown below.


We provide shorthand aliases for the most common container combinator types. E.g., the above example can be written simply as

VectorOf(InRange(1, 6))

The following shorthand aliases are available:

  • VectorOf(inner) is alias for ContainerOf<std::vector<T>>(inner).

  • DequeOf(inner) is alias for ContainerOf<std::deque<T>>(inner).

  • ListOf(inner) is alias for ContainerOf<std::list<T>>(inner).

  • SetOf(inner) is alias for ContainerOf<std::set<T>>(inner).

  • MapOf(key_domain, value_domain) is alias for ContainerOf<std::map<K,T>>(PairOf(key_domain, value_domain)).

  • UnorderedSetOf(inner) is alias for ContainerOf<std::unordered_set<T>>(inner).

  • UnorderedMapOf(key_domain, value_domain) is alias for ContainerOf<std::unordered_map<K,T>>(PairOf(key_domain, value_domain)).

  • ArrayOf(inner1, ..., innerN) creates a domain for std::array<T, N>, where N is the number of inner domains, and where T is the value type of every one of the inner domains (i.e. they're all the same).

  • ArrayOf<N>(inner) is alias for ArrayOf(inner, ..., inner), where N copies of inner are passed to ArrayOf.

Custom Container Size

The size of any container domain can be customized using the WithSize(), WithMinSize() and WithMaxSize() setters.

For instance, to represent arbitrary integer vectors of size 42, we can use:


This works with container combinators as well, e.g.:




NonEmpty Containers

To represent any non-empty container you can use NonEmpty(), e.g.,




The NonEmpty(domain) is shorthand for domain.WithMinSize(1).

Unique Elements Containers

Sometimes we need a vector with all unique elements. We can use the UniqueElementsContainerOf<T>() combinator to get one.


or using the shorthand:


Aggregate Combinators

Just like with containers, we often need to specify the inner domains of aggregate data types. We can do this with various aggregate combinator functions listed in this section.


The StructOf combinator function lets you define the domain of each field of a user-defined struct.

struct Thing {
  int id;
  std::string name;

auto AnyThing() {
  return StructOf<Thing>(InRange(0, 10),


The ConstructorOf<T>() combinator lets you define a domain for a class T by specifying the domains for T's constructor parameters. For example:

auto AnyAbslStatus() {
  return ConstructorOf<absl::Status>(
    /*status_code:*/ConstructorOf<absl::StatusCode>(InRange(0, 18)),

Note: Domains defined using ConstructorOf don't support initial seeds.


The PairOf domain represents std::pair<T1,T2> of the provided inner domains. For example, the domain:

PairOf(InRange(0, 10), Arbitrary<std::string>());

provides values of type std::pair<int, std::string>, where the first element is always between 1 and 10, and the second element is an arbitrary string.


The TupleOf domain combinator works just like the above PairOf. For example, the domain:

auto MyTupleDomain() {
  return TupleOf(InRange(0, 10),
                 InRange(0, 10),

represents values of type std::tuple<int, int, std::string>, with the specified sub-domains.


The VariantOf domain combinator lets you define the domain for variant types. For instance, the example domain below represents values of type std::variant<int, double, std::string>, with the provided sub-domains.

auto MyVariantDomain() {
  return VariantOf(InRange(0, 10),

By default, VariantOf represents std::variant types, but it can also be used to represent other variant types:

auto MyAbslVariantDomain() {
  return VariantOf<absl::variant<int, double>>(InRange(0, 10),


The OptionalOf domain combinator lets you specify the sub-domain for value type T for an optional<T> type. For instance, the domain:

OptionalOf(InRange(0, 10));

represents values of type std::optional<int> of integers between 0 and 10. Note that this domain includes nullopt as well. By default, the domain will represent std::optional, but other optional types can be used as well:

OptionalOf<absl::optional<int>>(InRange(0, 10))

To restrict the nullness of the domain, you can use NullOpt and NonNull:

// Generates only null values.
// Generates optional<int> values that always contain an int value
// (i.e., it's never nullopt).
NonNull(OptionalOf(InRange(0, 10)))

SmartPointerOf, UniquePtrOf, SharedPtrOf

The SmartPointerOf domain combinator lets you specify a smart pointer T and a subdomain to create its contents. For instance, the domain:

SmartPointerOf<std::unique_ptr<int>>(InRange(0, 10));

represents values of type std::unique_ptr<int> of integers between 0 and 10. Note that this domain includes nullptr as well. Shortcuts for std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr exist in the form:

UniquePtrOf(int_domain) == SmartPointerOf<std::unique_ptr<int>>(int_domain)
SharedPtrOf(int_domain) == SmartPointerOf<std::shared_ptr<int>>(int_domain)


With the OneOf combinator we can merge multiple domains of the same type. For example:

auto PositiveOrMinusOne() {
  return OneOf(Just(-1), Positive<int>());

The Just domain combinator simply wraps a constant into a domain, which is necessary in this case, as OneOf only takes domains as arguments.

Note that the list of domains must be known at compile time; unlike ElementOf, you can't use a vector of domains.


Often the best way to define a domain is using a mapping function. The Map() domain combinator takes a mapping function and an input domain for each of its parameters. It uses the input domains to generate values which are mapped using the passed function. For example:

auto AnyDurationString() {
  auto any_int = Arbitrary<int>();
  auto suffixes = ElementOf<std::string>("s", "m", "h");
  return Map(
    [](int i, const std::string& suffix) { return std::to_string(i) + suffix; },
    any_int, suffixes);

Note: Domains defined using Map() don't support initial seeds. If you need a seeded domain—a domain skewed toward certain values—consider seeding the input domains passed to Map(). Otherwise, if you need full support for seeds, consider using ReversibleMap().

ReversibleMap {#reversible-map}

The ReversibleMap() domain combinator is similar to Map(): it takes a mapping function and input domains for its parameters, and it defines a domain of values generated by applying the mapping function on the values from the input domains. Additionally, ReversibleMap() also takes an inverse mapping function that maps the values from the mapped domain back into the input domains. With this, ReversibleMap() is able to support initial seeds. For example:

auto ArbitraryComplex() {
  return ReversibleMap(
      // The mapping function maps a pair of doubles to std::complex.
      [](double real, double imag) {
        return std::complex<double>{real, imag};
      // The inverse mapping function maps std::complex back to a pair
      // (std::tuple) of doubles. The return value is additionally wrapped in
      // std::optional.
      [](std::complex<double> z) {
        return std::optional{std::tuple{z.real(), z.imag()}};
      Arbitrary<double>(), Arbitrary<double>());

void MyComplexProperty(std::complex<double> z);
FUZZ_TEST(MyFuzzTest, MyComplexProperty)
  .WithSeeds({std::complex<double>{0.0, 1.0}});

The return type of the inverse mapping function should be std::optional<std::tuple<T...>>, where T... are the input types of the mapping function. Note that std::tuple is necessary even if the mapping function has a single parameter.

The mapping function doesn't necessarily need to be one-to-one. If it isn't and it maps several input domain tuples to the same value y, then the inverse mapping function can map y back to any of these input domain tuples. For example:

ReversibleMap([](int a, int b) { return std::max(a, b); },
              [](int c) {
                return std::optional{std::tuple{c, c}};
              Arbitrary<int>(), Arbitrary<int>())

In this example, the mapping function maps (0, 2), (1, 2), and (2, 2) to 2, and the inverse mapping function maps 2 back to (2, 2).

IMPORTANT: The mapping function f and the inverse mapping function g must satisfy the following property. If g maps a value y to a tuple whose components are in the respective input domains, then f must map this tuple to y; that is f(g(y)) == y.

To ensure this property, the inverse mapping function may need to return std::nullopt. For example:

    [](int a, int b) {
      return a > b ? std::pair{a, b} : std::pair{b, a};
    [](std::pair<int, int> p) {
      auto [a, b] = p;
      return a >= b ? std::optional{std::tuple{a, b}} : std::nullopt;
    Arbitrary<int>(), Arbitrary<int>())

In this example, the mapping function (call it f) always returns a a pair (a, b) such that a >= b. Thus, when a < b, the inverse mapping function (call it g) must return std::nullopt because there is no possible value it could return so that f(g(std::pair{a, b})) == std::pair{a, b}.


Sometimes we need to fuzz parameters that are dependent on each other. Think of a property function that takes a string, and valid index into that string. This can be achieved using the FlatMap() combinator, which takes a domain factory function, and an input domain for each of its parameters. I.e. FlatMap is like Map, except it takes a function which returns a Domain. This allows us to use the output of some domains (e.g., the string) as the input for another domain (e.g., the string and a valid index).

Domain<pair<string,size_t>> AnyStringAndValidIndex() {
  auto valid_index_paired_with_string = [](const string& s) {
    return PairOf(Just(s), InRange(0, s.size() - 1));
  return FlatMap(valid_index_paired_with_string, Arbitrary<string>());

Here's an example domain for a vector of equal sized strings:

auto AnyVectorOfFixedLengthStrings(int size) {
  return VectorOf(Arbitrary<std::string>().WithSize(size));
auto AnyVectorOfEqualSizedStrings() {
  return FlatMap(AnyVectorOfFixedLengthStrings, /*size=*/InRange(0, 10));

If AnyVectorOfFixedLengthStrings() had been passed to Map(), it would have generated a Domain<Domain<std::string>>. FlatMap() "flattens" this to a Domain<std::string>. Thus the name FlatMap.

Another example is a pair of numbers (a, b), where b > 2 * a:

Domain<pair<int,int>> AnyPairOfOrderedNumbers() {
  auto a_and_b = [](int a) {
    return PairOf(Just(a), InRange(2 * a + 1, MAX_INT));
  return FlatMap(a_and_b, Arbitrary<int>());

Note: Domains defined using FlatMap() don't support initial seeds. If you need a seeded domain—a domain skewed toward certain values—consider seeding the input domains passed to FlatMap().


The Filter domain combinator takes a domain and a predicate and returns a new domain that uses the predicate to filter the generated values.

auto NonZero() {
  return Filter([](int x) { return x != 0; }, Arbitrary<int>());

Filtering through a domain is usually more efficient over filtering in the property function, thus it is preferred.

Important: Make sure that your filtering condition is not too restrictive. Filtering simply drops values provided by the inner domain that don't match the condition. So filters with very low yield would lead to ineffective fuzzing. Therefore too restrictive filter functions will trigger an abort in the framework.

Unless you want filter just a few specific values (e.g., the NonZero example above), consider if you can defined the domain with Map()-ing instead. For instance, instead of:

auto EvenNumber() {
  return Filter([](int i) { return i % 2 == 0; }, Arbitrary<int>());

you should use:

auto EvenNumber() {
  return Map([](int i) { return 2 * i; },
             // Ensure we don't try to produce a value that causes integer
             // overflow; what happens next would be undefined behavior.
             InRange(std::numeric_limits<int>::min() / 2,
                     std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / 2));

This leads to more efficient fuzzing, as no values will be dropped and no cycles will be wasted.

Recursive Domains

WARNING: Recursion limit for recursive domains is not implemented yet . If the probability of recursion is high in the domain, the initial input generation might "blow up", leading to resource exhaustion. Note that this is not an issue in case of protobuf domains (when there's recursion in the protobuf definition), because recursion is avoided during the initial input generation and only happens during mutating the inputs.

Recursive data structures need recursive domains. We can use the DomainBuilder to build such domains. Here are some examples:

// Example 1: Self recursion.
struct Tree {
  int value;
  std::vector<Tree> children;

auto ArbitraryTree(){
  DomainBuilder builder;
    "tree", StructOf<Tree>(InRange(0, 10), ContainerOf<std::vector<Tree>>(
  return std::move(builder).Finalize<Tree>("tree");

// Example 2: Loop recursion.
struct RedTree;

struct BlackTree {
  int value;
  std::vector<RedTree> children;

struct RedTree {
  int value;
  std::vector<BlackTree> children;

auto ArbitraryRedBlackTree(){
  DomainBuilder builder;
    "redtree", StructOf<RedTree>(InRange(0, 10),
    "blacktree", StructOf<BlackTree>(InRange(0, 10),

  return std::move(builder).Finalize<RedTree>("redtree");

The builder maintains a set of sub-domains that comprise the domain. Every domain in the builder is referenced by a name. The builder provides three methods: Get, Set, and Finalize. Get returns a domain of the specified type even if it hasn't been created. Set sets the final domain type of the domain.

When you have finished, call Finalize to get the domain ready for use. After calling Finalize, the builder will be invalidated.

Seeded domains {#seeded-domains}

When asked to produce an initial value, a domain typically returns a random value, sometimes with a strong bias toward special cases. For example, initial values for Arbitrary<int>() are biased toward values such as 0, 1, the maximum, etc., and an unconstrained protocol buffer domain initially produces an empty protocol buffer.

You can skew most built-in domains toward your own special values by specifying initial seeds. Use the .WithSeeds() function to do this. For example:

auto HttpResponseCode() {
  return Arbitrary<int>().WithSeeds({200, 404, 500});

In addition to the default special-case integers, HttpResponseCode() also produces 200, 404, and 500 with high probability.

Note that the FUZZ_TEST macro also has a .WithSeeds() function, which serves for specifying initial seeds at the fuzz test instantiation. FuzzTest calls the test's property function on those seeds when it starts executing the test. In contrast, the domain seeds are not directly passed to the property function. Instead, they are picked with high probability when the domain needs to produce an initial value. The difference can sometimes be subtle, like in the following example:

void TestOne(std::string) {}
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, TestOne)
  .WithSeeds({"foo", "bar"});

void TestTwo(std::string) {}
FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, TestTwo)
  .WithDomains(Arbitrary<std::string>().WithSeeds({"foo", "bar"}));

In TestOne, FuzzTest initially calls TestOne("foo") and TestOne("bar"), and it continues fuzzing TestOne with arbitrary strings. In TestTwo, FuzzTest immediately starts fuzzing TestTwo, but this time with strings coming from a seeded domain: occasionally, as FuzzTest asks the domain for an initial value, the domain is likely to produce foo and bar. (In a more typical iteration, FuzzTest asks the domain to mutate an existing value, and then the initial seeds don't play a role.)

Seeded domains occur more commonly as part of complex domains constructed using domain combinators. In complex domains, seeded domains can appear at any level. For example:

auto BiasedPairs() {
  return PairOf(InRange(0, 100).WithSeeds({7}), Arbitrary<std::string>)
      .WithSeeds({{42, "Foo"}});

The domain BiasedPairs() is likely to produce pairs where the first component is 7, as well as the specific pair (42, "Foo").

Finally, just like with the FUZZ_TEST macro, seed initialization for a domain can be delayed using a seed provider. For a domain over a type T, a seed provider is any invocable (e.g., a lambda, function pointer, callable object, etc.) that doesn't take inputs and returns std::vector<T>. For example:

Arbitrary<int>().WithSeeds([]() -> std::vector<int> { return {7, 42}; });

This is useful for avoiding static initialization issues: FuzzTest invokes the seed provider the first time it needs to get an initial value from the domain.

Note: Some domains don't support seeds. ElementOf and Just support seeds only for certain types (see ElementOf). Complex domains constructed using combinators ConstructorOf, Map, and FlatMap don't support seeds.