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1. Hello World!

发表日期: 2020年3月15日



Just got this blog up and running, where I intend to primarily write about the development of OpenJDK. I hope to highlight new features and improvements, give some tuning tips, explain what’s going on inside the JVM, etc. Since I’m mostly working on garbage collection (ZGC in particular), that’s likely what most posts will be about.

Stay tuned!


今天正式上线了这个博客网站, 我准备写一些关于 OpenJDK 开发的事情。 主要包括新功能和升级, 并提供一些调优技巧, 解释 JVM 内部发生了什么, 等等。 由于我主要做的是垃圾收集相关的工作(特别是 ZGC), 因此大多数文章都会讨论这些内容。


2. ZGC | 在JDK 14中的新特性

发表日期: 2020年3月23日




Like clockwork, JDK 14 was released on March 17, six months after JDK 13. From a ZGC point of view, this was a big release since we managed to complete several important milestones and improvements towards making it a fully production ready garbage collector. In total, [more than 80]( %3D zgc AND status in (Resolved%2C Closed) AND fixVersion %3D 14 AND resolution !%3D Duplicate) enhancements and bug fixes were committed to ZGC itself. More if you also count “ZGC related” commits done in other parts of HotSpot.

In this post I’ll highlight some of the more important and interesting ZGC enhancements. If you’re using ZGC today, I highly recommend you to upgrade to JDK 14. In short, you’ll get better performance, lower latency, new features, and improved stability. If you’re on JDK 11 or later, upgrading to 14 should be straight forward.

For feedback and questions about ZGC, feel free to post to the mailing list.

像闹钟一样, JDK 14 正式版于2020年3月23日准时发布, 距离 JDK 13 的发布时间仅有6个月。 对于 ZGC 来说, 这是一个重大更新版本, 因为我们成功达成了多个重要的里程碑和改进, 使其成为完全可以投入使用的生产环境版本。 总共 超过80项的增强和错误修复被提交到 ZGC 中。 如果统计在 HotSpot 的其他部分完成的 “ZGC相关” 的提交, 则数量更多。

在这篇文章中, 我将重点介绍一些重要和有趣的 ZGC 增强功能。 如果您使用 ZGC, 我强烈建议升级到 JDK 14版本。 总之, 您将获得更好的性能、更低的延迟、新功能、以及更好的稳定性。 如果您使用的是 JDK 11 或更高版本, 升级到 14 应该很简单。

有关 ZGC 的反馈和问题, 请随时发送给 zgc-dev邮件列表

2.1 支持Windows 和 macOS 操作系统

JEP 365 and JEP 364 brought Windows and macOS support to ZGC. Support for these platforms has perhaps been the most common feature request we received. All commonly used platforms are now supported, and the complete list looks like this.

JEP 365JEP 364 为 ZGC 带来了 Windows 和 macOS 支持。 对这些平台的支持可能是我们收到的最常见的功能请求。 JDK11支持的所有平台列表如下所示。

  • Linux/x86_64 (since JDK 11)
  • Linux/aarch64 (since JDK 13)
  • Windows (since JDK 14)
  • macOS (since JDK 14)

For the record, at one point ZGC also had Solaris/SPARC support. It was never upstreamed to mainline because we saw early signs of JEP 362: Deprecate the Solaris and SPARC Ports on the horizon.

Windows users should note that ZGC requires Windows version 1803 (i.e. Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019) or later. The reason is that earlier versions of Windows lack the memory management API used by ZGC to do heap multi-mapping.

Is adding support for a new OS hard? Does it require a lot of work? Nah, not really. The part of ZGC that has OS-specific code is the part that does memory multi-mapping, i.e. mapping the same physical memory into more than one location in the process address space. So, it all comes down to what memory management API the OS offers, and how easy it is to work with. macOS is by far the most flexible in this regard, with its wonderful mach_vm_remap() system call (nope, Linux’s mremap() is not as wonderful). The macOS-specific code weighs in at about 300 lines of code. Windows needed slightly more work, mainly because its memory management API (especially the part dealing with address space reservations using MEM_{RESERVE,REPLACE,COALESCE}_PLACEHOLDERS) is not quite as flexible as the POSIX and Mach APIs. Still, it’s not that bad and the Windows-specific code weighs in at just under 1000 lines of code. As of this writing, 84% of the ZGC code is platform independent, shared by all operating systems and CPU architectures.

作为记录, ZGC 曾经支持过 Solaris/SPARC 架构。 但从未被上传到主线, 因为我们看到了 JEP 362: Deprecate the Solaris and SPARC Ports 的早期迹象。

Windows 用户请注意, ZGC 需要 Windows 1803 版本(即 Windows 10 或 Windows Server 2019)以及更高版本。 原因是 Windows 的早期版本缺少了 ZGC 用来对堆内存做多重映射的内存管理 API。

增加支持新的操作系统很难吗? 需要做很多工作吗? 不, 并不是很难。 ZGC 中针对具体 OS 的代码, 是执行内存多重映射的部分, 即将相同的物理内存映射到进程地址空间中的多个位置。 因此, 这一切都归结为操作系统提供的内存管理 API, 以及使用它的难易程度。 macOS 在这方面是迄今为止最灵活的, 它具有出色的 mach_vm_remap() 系统调用(相对应的, Linux 中的 mremap() 则没有那么出色)。 macOS 的特定代码量只有为 300行。 Windows 则需要做更多的工作, 主要是因为它的内存管理 API 不如 POSIX 和 Mach API 灵活(尤其是使用 MEM_{RESERVE,REPLACE,COALESCE}_PLACEHOLDERS 处理地址空间保留的部分)。尽管如此, 它并没有那么糟糕, 特定于 Windows 的代码量不到 1000行。 在撰写本文时, 84% 的 ZGC 代码与平台无关, 由所有操作系统和 CPU 架构共享。


Parallel heap pre-touching

When using -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch you’re telling the GC to touch the heap (up to -Xms or -XX:InitialHeapSize) at startup. This will ensure that memory pages backing the heap are 1) actually allocated and 2) faulted in. By doing this at startup you avoid taking this cost later when the application is running and starts touching memory. Pre-touching the heap can be a sensible choice for some applications, but as always, it’s a trade-off since the startup time will be prolonged.

Prior to JDK 14, ZGC only used a single thread to do heap pre-touching. This meant that pre-touching could take a long time if the heap was huge. Now, ZGC uses multiple threads to do this work, which shortens the startup/pre-touch time substantially. On large machines with terabytes of memory, this reduction can translate into startup times on the order of seconds instead of minutes.

2.2 并行执行堆内存预分配(heap pre-touching)

当指定JVM启动参数 -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch 时, 是告诉 GC 在JVM启动时要预分配堆内存(一直获取到 -Xms-XX:InitialHeapSize )。 这将确保堆内存相关的页面:

    1. 可以实际得到分配
    1. 不够的话就立即失败。

通过在启动时执行此操作, 可以避免应用程序在之后的运行过程中才分配物理内存并造成性能抖动。 对于某些应用程序来说, 预先获取堆内存可能是一个明智的选择, 但与往常一样, 这也是一种权衡, 因为启动时间会延长。

在 JDK 14 之前, ZGC 只使用单个线程来做堆预触。 如果堆内存很大, 预触可能需要很长时间。 现在, ZGC 使用多线程来完成这项工作, 大大缩短了启动/预触时间。 在具有 TB 级内存的大型机器上, 这种方式可以将启动时间缩短到 秒级,而不是分钟级


java -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -version

Tiny heaps

ZGC has always been awesome at scaling up to very large heaps, but not so awesome at scaling down to tiny heaps. Prior to JDK 14, using heaps smaller than 128M was not always a great experience. The main reason was that ZGC’s heap reserve became too large in proportion to the available heap, which sometimes resulted in an early OutOfMemoryError.

The heap reserve is a portion of the heap that is set aside to cope with “emergency situations”, like when ZGC needs to compact the heap when it’s already full. The size of the heap reserve is calculated as follows.

2.3 支持极小的堆内存

ZGC 在大型堆内存扩展方面一直表现的很棒, 但在超小型的堆内存方面并不那么出色。 在 JDK 14 之前, 使用小于 128M 的堆内存, 并不具备很好的体验。 主要原因是ZGC保留的堆内存, 与可用堆的比例太大, 有时会导致过早的 OutOfMemoryError

保留堆储备(heap reserve)是为应对 “紧急情况” 而预留的一部分堆, 例如当 ZGC 需要在堆内存用满之后整理堆内存时。 堆保留的大小计算公式如下。

heap_reserve = (number_of_gc_worker_threads * 2M) + 32M

In short, the reserve is sized so that there’s enough room for each GC worker to allocate a private small ZPage (2M), and for all GC workers to share a single global medium ZPage (32M).

As we can see, the reserve can become proportionally large when the heap is small, leaving little room for the application. To address this, we did not change the principles for how large the heap reserve has to be. Instead we adjusted the inputs to this calculation in the following ways.

  1. We made the size of medium ZPages dynamic. It used to always be 32M, but it’s now determined at runtime and scaled with the heap size so that a single medium ZPage never occupies more than 3% of the heap. For really small heaps, this means medium ZPages will effectively be disabled, and objects that would normally be allocated in a medium ZPage will now instead be allocated in a large ZPage (large ZPages don’t need to be covered by the heap reserve since they are never relocated).
  2. We scaled the number of GC worker threads we use so that the total number of small ZPages needed in the heap reserve will not occupy more than 2% of the heap (but we need room for at least one small ZPage, since we always have at least one GC worker thread).

With these adjustments, ZGC scales down to 8M (and up to 16T) heaps without problems. The heap reserve is now at most 5% of the heap, but at least one small ZPage (2M). To better illustrate the improvement, let’s compare JDK 14 with JDK 13, and see what percentage of the heap is set aside for the reserve.

简而言之, 保留的大小是为了让每个 GC工作线程有足够的空间来分配一个私有的 small ZPage (2M), 并让所有 GC worker 共享一个全局的 medium ZPage (32M)。

正如我们所见, 当堆较小时, 预留空间会按比例变大, 从而为应用程序留下的可用空间很小。 为了解决这个问题, 我们没有改变堆储备必须有多大的原则。相反, 我们通过以下方式调整了该计算公式的输入。

    1. 我们使 medium ZPages 变成动态化的大小。 它过去总是 32M, 但现在它在运行时确定, 并随堆大小扩缩, 因此单个 medium ZPage 永远不会占用超过 3% 的堆。 对于非常小的堆, 这意味着 medium ZPages 将被有效地禁用, 并且正常情况下在 medium ZPage 中分配的对象, 改为在 large ZPage 中分配(large ZPages 不需要预留堆内存, 因为它们永远不会被重新定位)。
    1. 我们调整了使用的 GC 工作线程的数量, 以便堆储备中所需的 small ZPage 总数不会超过堆的 2%(但至少有一个 GC 工作线程, 最少需要一个 small ZPage 的空间)。

通过这些调整, ZGC 可以毫无问题地缩减到 8M 堆内存(最大则支持 16T)。 保留内存现在最多为堆的 5%, 但最小为一个 small ZPage (2M)。 为了更好地说明改进, 让我们将 JDK 14 与 JDK 13 进行比较, 看看有多少个百分比的堆被当做保留空间。


JFR leak profiler

The JFR leak profiler is a handy tool, but it has until now been disabled when using ZGC. The leak profiler implements its own heap walking logic to find the path from a root to a given object in the object graph. Knowledge about such paths can be very useful when trying to track down memory leaks.

There were two reasons why the leak profiler was incompatible with ZGC.

  1. The leak profiler didn’t comply with the rules for accessing object pointers on the heap. When using ZGC, an object pointer that has been loaded from the heap must pass through a load barrier before it can be dereferenced.
  2. The leak profiler allocated a native data structure (a mark bitmap), which was proportional to the size of the address space reserved for the heap. Since ZGC is relatively address space hungry, this didn’t scale very well.

Both issues were addressed and the JFR leak profiler now works nicely with ZGC.

2.4 支持 JFR 泄漏分析器

JFR 泄漏分析器(JFR leak profiler)是一款方便的工具, 但之前在使用 ZGC 时它一直被禁用。 泄漏分析器实现了自己的堆遍历逻辑, 以在对象图中查找从GC根到给定对象的路径。 在尝试追踪内存泄漏时, 有关此类路径的信息可能非常有用。

泄漏分析器与 ZGC 不兼容的原因有两个。

  1. 泄漏分析器不符合访问堆上对象指针的规则。 使用 ZGC 时, 从堆中加载的对象指针, 必须通过读屏障(load barrier)之后才能解除引用。
  2. 泄漏分析器分配了一个 Native 数据结构(标记位图, mark bitmap), 它与堆内存的保留地址空间的大小成正比。 由于 ZGC 的地址空间相对较大, 因此扩缩性不好。

这两个问题都在JDK14中得到了解决, JFR 泄漏分析器现在可以很好地与 ZGC 配合使用。

C2 load barrier overhaul

The ZGC load barriers generated by the C2 Just-In-Time compiler have often been the root cause of bugs in ZGC. The way they were implemented sometimes caused bad interactions with some of C2’s optimization passes, resulting in sub-optimal and even broken code.

In JDK 14 we completely overhauled how C2 generates ZGC load barriers. Now, we’re basically staying out of C2’s sight until very late in the compiler pipeline. I won’t go into all the details here, but this basically means we avoid all interactions with optimization passes and we gain a lot more control over the code generation. For example, we can now easily guarantee that a safepoint-poll instruction can’t be scheduled in-between a load instruction and its associated load barrier, something that was previously hard to control and was the source of many bugs.

This overhaul significantly improved ZGC stability. In fact, it was so successful that this change was immediately backported to JDK 13.0.2 (at the time, the release of JDK 14 was still months away).

2.5 C2生成的读屏障修正

ZGC中, 即时编译器C2生成的读屏障, 通常是 ZGC 中产生 bug 的根源。 ZGC的实现方式, 有时会与 C2 的一些优化通道产生不良交互, 从而导致优化不完全, 甚至是有问题的代码。

在 JDK 14 中, 我们彻彻底底过了一遍 C2 生成 ZGC 负载屏障的代码。 现在, 在整个编译和优化过程中, 在编译流水线的最后阶段之前, C2不会受ZGC的干扰。 在这里我不会详细介绍所有细节, 但可以说, ZGC避免了与编译器优化过程的所有交互, 并且还获得了对代码生成的更多控制。 例如, 我们现在可以轻松地保证, 在 load 指令和对应的读屏障(load barrier)之间, 不会安排安全点轮询指令(safepoint-poll instruction), 这在之前是很难控制的, 并且是许多错误的根源。

这次大修, 显著提高了 ZGC 的稳定性。 事实上, 它非常成功, 以至于这个升级立即被移植到了之前的 JDK 13.0.2 版本中(此时距离 JDK 14 的发布还有几个月的时间)。

Safepoint-aware array allocations

2.6 数组分配操作能感知到安全点

When the JVM executes a Safepoint (aka Stop-The-World) operation it first brings all Java threads to a stop in a controlled manner (Java threads are stopped at “safe points”, where their execution state is known). Once all threads are stopped, it proceeds to execute the actual Safepoint operation (which can be a GC operation, or something else). Since all Java threads remain stopped until the Safepoint operation completes, keeping that operation short is essential for good application response times.

当 JVM 执行安全点操作时(也称为 Stop-The-World), 首先以一种受控的方式, 暂停所有 Java 线程。 也就是说, Java线程在“安全点”位置停顿, 所以它们的执行状态是已知的, 比如方法栈和各种状态。 确保所有Java线程都进入停顿状态, JVM将继续执行实际的 Safepoint 操作(比如 GC或其他行为)。 因为在 Safepoint 操作完成之前, 所有 Java 线程都保持停顿状态, 啥也干不了, 所以让安全点操作保持精简, 对响应时间敏感的系统而言尤为重要。

Time-To-Safepoint (TTSP) is the time from when the JVM orders all Java threads to stop until they have stopped. All threads will typically not come to a stop immediately or at the same time. A thread might be in the middle of some sensitive operation that needs to complete before it can reach a safepoint. A long TTSP can be just as bad as a long Safepoint operation, since it will prolong the time some of the threads are stopped. Again, this will have a negative impact on application response times.

安全点等待时间 (TTSP, Time-To-Safepoint) 是指: 从JVM 命令所有 Java 线程暂停, 到它们全部暂停完成的时间。 很多线程不会立即暂停, 通常也不可能同一时刻全部暂停。 某些线程可能正在执行敏感操作, 需要先完成这些操作才能到达安全点状态。 较长的 TTSP, 和长时间的 Safepoint 操作一样糟糕, 因为两者都会延长某些线程停顿的时间。 也就对系统响应时间产生负面影响。


Ok, that was a quick introdution to Safepoint and Time-To-Safepoint. Now, when the application asks the JVM to allocate an object, the JVM will not only allocate the object on the heap somewhere, it will also make sure the object’s fields are zero initialized. During zero initialization, the JVM is in a sensitive state where it has a half-baked object on the heap. The Java thread allocating this object is not allowed to stop at a safepoint until zero initialization has completed. If it were to stop at a safepoint, a GC cycle could potentially start and the GC would quickly stumble over an object with random data in it, resulting in a JVM crash.

这里对 Safepoint 和 Time-To-Safepoint 进行了简短的介绍。 那么, 当应用程序要求 JVM 为对象分配内存空间时, JVM 不仅会在堆上的某个地方分配对象, 还会确保对象的字段都初始化为零值(zero initialization)。 在初始化零值期间, JVM 处于敏感状态, 因为堆内存里面有一个半生不熟的对象。 在初始化零值完成之前, 不允许执行内存分配的 Java线程进入安全点状态。 假若允许它没完成之前就进入安全点状态, 如果执行的是 GC 周期, 那么 GC 可能会因为对象字段中的一些随机数值出错, 从而导致 JVM 崩溃。

So, Safepoint operations are effectively blocked/delayed during object allocation and initialization, which directly impacts TTSP negatively. This is not an problem when allocating normal/small objects. However, is it a problem when allocating large arrays (remember, the largest Java array can be 16GB in size), where the time it takes to zero initialize all array elements can be substantial, like several hundred milliseconds (or more if you’re unlucky).

因此, 安全点操作在对象分配和初始化期间被有效地阻止/延迟, 这直接对 TTSP 产生负面影响。 在分配普通对象/小对象时不是什么问题。 但是, 分配大数组(也就是大对象)时很可能会出现问题。 请记住, 一个Java数组理论上最大可以占用 16GB的空间, 如果情况恶劣的话, 将整个数组的元素全部初始化为零值所花费的时间, 可能需要几百毫秒。

To avoid this type of latency issue, we’ve implemented safepoint-aware array allocations in ZGC. This means that Java threads can come to a safepoint during zero initialization, without the risks mentioned above, and without impacting TTSP. Under the hood, ZGC will track these half-baked objects using a special root-set, internally called “invisible roots”. Array objects pointed to by invisible roots are treated differently in two ways.

  1. They are invisible to the Java application. Not discoverable through JVMTI, etc.
  2. During marking, array elements containing object references are not examined/followed, since they are known to not point to any other object that needs to be kept alive.

为了避免此类延迟问题, 我们在 ZGC 中实现了能感知到安全点的数组分配。 这意味着 允许 Java 线程在初始化零值期间到达安全点, 而不会出现半生不熟的风险, 也不会影响 TTSP。 其内部的原理是, ZGC 将使用一个特殊的GC根集, 来跟踪这些半生不熟的对象, 内部称为“不可见根(invisible roots)”。 不可见根所指向的数组对象有两种不同的处理方式。

  1. 它们对 Java 应用程序来说是不可见的。 也无法通过 JVMTI 等方式来发现。
  2. 在标记期间, 包含对象引用的数组元素, 不会被遍历/检查/追踪, 因为它们不指向任何一个需要保持存活的对象。

In summary, with ZGC you can now allocate arrays of any size, without worrying about TTSP-related latency issues. ZGC is at this time the only garbage collector in HotSpot to offer this feature.

总之, 使用JDK14以上版本的ZGC时, 我们可以分配任意大小的数组, 而无需担心 TTSP 相关的延迟问题。 在HotSpot JVM中, ZGC 目前是唯一提供这个功能的垃圾收集器。

Constrained environments

ZGC is relatively address space hungry. It uses address space to immunize itself against external heap fragmentation and thereby avoid running into situations where it has to compact the heap to find a hole big enough for an allocation. This is one of the reasons why ZGC handles large allocations so well. Reserving large parts of the process address space is essentially free of charge. There’s no physical memory backing that space, it’s just a reservation. Of course, the kernel needs a tiny bit of memory to keep track of the reservation, but we can safely ignore that in this context.

ZGC used to reserve a lot of address space (many terabytes), even when the heap was small. This was not only superfluous, it was also problematic in environments where the address space available to the JVM had been constrained. For example, when running in a small/constrained container or when the address space had been limited using ulimit -v.

Starting with JDK 14, ZGC will detect that it’s running in a constrained environment and automatically adjust the amount of address space it uses to stay well within the limits. As a result, using ZGC in address space constrained environments is now a smoother experience.

2.7 支持受限环境

ZGC 需要很大范围的地址空间。 通过地址空间的方式, 使ZGC免受操作系统内存碎片的影响, 从而避免遇到必须整理堆内存才能找到足够大的空闲内存块来分配的情况。 这就是 ZGC 能够很好地处理大量分配的原因之一。 保留大量进程地址空间基本上没什么代价。 这只是一个预留空间(reservation), 并不需要真实的物理内存来支持该空间。 当然, 内核需要一小部分内存来跟踪预留情况, 一般来说我们可以放心地忽略它。

之前的JDK版本中, 即使配置的堆内存很小, ZGC也会保留大量地址空间(TB级)。 这不仅是多余的, 而且在 JVM 可用地址空间受限的环境中也会存在问题。 例如, 在小型/受限容器中, 或者使用 ulimit -v 限制地址空间来启动JVM。

从 JDK 14 开始, ZGC 将自动检测是否在受限环境中运行, 并自动调整它使用的地址空间量以保持在限制范围内。 因此, 在地址空间受限的环境中使用 ZGC 现在会有一种更流畅的体验。

Discontiguous address space

Prior to JDK 14, HotSpot required the Java heap to be placed in a contiguous address space. This had both pros and cons. Some fairly common operations, like figuring out if a pointer is pointing into the heap became an easy and efficient operation. You just need to compare the pointer with the start and the end address of the heap. On the other hand, sometimes the GC wants to place the heap in a specific address range (like when using compressed or colored oops). This could become problematic if, say, some part in the middle of the desired range was already occupied. For example, because of address space layout randomization, or because a custom Java launcher might have mapped memory in that range.

In JDK 14 we modified HotSpot to support Java heaps with a discontiguous address space. ZGC takes advantage of this by splitting the Java heap into two or more address spaces, should address space conflicts arise.

2.8 支持不连续的地址空间

在 JDK 14 之前, HotSpot 要求将 Java 堆放置在连续的地址空间中。 这有利也有弊。 一些常见的操作, 比如确定某个指针是否指向堆, 变得简单而高效。 只需要将指针地址, 与堆的起始地址和结束地址进行比较即可。 另一方面, 有时 GC 想要将堆放在特定的地址范围内(例如使用压缩指针, 或者着色oops), 如果所需范围中间的某个部分已经被占用, 这可能会出现问题。 例如, 由于地址空间布局随机化(address space layout randomization), 或者因为自定义 Java 启动器已在该范围内映射内存等情况。

在 JDK 14 中, 我们修改了 HotSpot 以支持具有不连续地址空间的 Java 堆。 如果出现地址空间冲突, ZGC通过将 Java 堆分成两个或更多个地址空间来利用这一点。

On the horizon


I’ll end this post with a quick glimpse into the future. Work on JDK 15 has been going on for a few months already (the JDK 14 feature-set was frozen already back in December when that release entered Rampdown Phase One and forked from mainline) and we have some exciting things in the pipeline.

I should stress that, as of this writing, these JEPs and enhancements have not yet been targeted to a release. We hope they make it into JDK 15, but we don’t know that yet.

More about these and other enhancements in a future post.

2.9 展望未来


本节的最后, 将对未来的特性做个简短介绍。 JDK 15 的开发工作已经进行了几个月;

JDK 14 的功能列表, 早在2019年12月就已冻结; 当时JDK15版本进入 Rampdown Phase One 阶段, 并从主线分叉, 我们正在准备一些令人兴奋的东西。

需要特别说明, 在撰写本文时, 这些 JEP 和增强功能尚未发布。 我们希望他们能进入 JDK 15, 但并不能百分百保证。


3. ZGC 中使用 -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize 参数

发表日期: 2020年7月2日


JDK 13 引入了一个新的 JVM 选项: -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize=<size>。 迄今为止(2020年7月2日), ZGC 是HotSpot 中唯一支持此选项的垃圾收集器; 当然 G1 也准备支持, 开发工作正在进行中。 由于此选项相对较新,并且可能还不被大多数人所了解,因此我想写篇文章来介绍一下什么时候可以使用它, 以及如何使用它。

3.1 SoftMaxHeapSize在哪些场景下适用?

As the name implies, this new option sets a soft limit on how large the Java heap can grow. When set, the GC will strive to not grow the heap beyond the soft max heap size. But, the GC is still allowed to grow the heap beyond the specified size if it really needs to, like when the only other alternatives left is to stall an allocation or throw an OutOfMemoryError.

顾名思义,这个新的JVM启动参数, 对 Java 堆内存的最大值设置了软限制。 设置该参数后,GC 将努力使堆的使用量不超过这个软参数。 但是,如果确实需要,仍然允许 GC 将堆增长到超过指定的大小,就像当唯一剩下的其他选择是停止分配或抛出 OutOfMemoryError 时。

There are different use cases where setting a soft max heap size can be useful. For example:

  • When you want to keep the heap footprint down, while maintaining the capability to handle a temporary increase in heap space requirement.
  • Or when you want to play it safe, to increase confidence that you will not run into an allocation stall or have an OutOfMemoryError because of an unforeseen increase in allocation rate or live-set size.

Let’s make up an example, to illustrate the first use case listed above. Pretend that your workload under normal conditions needs 2G of heap to run well. But once in a while you see workload spikes (maybe you’re providing a service that attracts a lot more users a certain day of the week/month, or something similar). With this increase in workload your application now needs, say, 5G to run well. To deal with this situation you would normally set the max heap size (-Xmx) to 5G to cover for the occasional workload spikes. However, that also means you will be wasting 3G of memory 98% (or something) of the time when it’s not needed, since those unused 3G will still be tied up in the Java heap. This is where a soft max heap size can come in handy, which together with ZGC’s ability to uncommit unused memory allows you to have your cake and eat it too. Set the max heap size to the max amount of heap your application will ever need (-Xmx5G in this case), and set the soft max heap size to what your application needs under normal conditions (-XX:SoftMaxHeapSize=2G in this case). You’re now covered to handle those workload spikes nicely, without always wasting 3G. Once the workload spike has passed and the need for memory drops down to normal again, ZGC will shrink the heap and continue to do it’s best to honor the -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize setting. When those extra 3G of heap have been sitting unused for a while, ZGC will uncommit that memory, returning it to the operating system for other processes (or the disk cache, or something else) to use.

在不同的用例中,设置最大堆内存的软开关可能很有用。 例如:

  • 当您希望减少堆占用空间,同时保持处理临时增加的堆空间需求的能力时。
  • 或者当你想安全地玩时,为了增加你不会遇到分配停顿或由于分配率或活动集大小的意外增加而出现 OutOfMemoryError 的信心。

让我们举个例子来说明上面列出的第一个用例。 假设您的工作负载在正常情况下需要 2G 的堆才能正常运行。 但是偶尔您会看到工作量激增(也许您提供的服务在一周/一个月的某一天或类似的某天吸引了更多用户)。 随着工作负载的增加,您的应用程序现在需要 5G 才能正常运行。 要处理这种情况,您通常会将最大堆大小 (-Xmx) 设置为 5G 以应对偶尔出现的工作负载高峰。 然而,这也意味着您将在 98%(或更多)不需要的时候浪费 3G 内存,因为那些未使用的 3G 内存仍将占用 Java 堆。 这就是软最大堆大小可以派上用场的地方,它与 ZGC 反向申请未使用内存的能力一起让您可以吃蛋糕和吃蛋糕。 将最大堆大小设置为您的应用程序将永远需要的最大堆大小(在本例中为 -Xmx5G),并将软最大堆大小设置为您的应用程序在正常情况下需要的大小(-XX:SoftMaxHeapSize=2G 在这种情况下)。 您现在可以很好地处理这些工作负载高峰,而不会总是浪费 3G。 一旦工作负载高峰过去并且对内存的需求再次下降到正常水平,ZGC 将缩小堆并继续尽最大努力遵守 -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize 设置。 当那些额外的 3G 堆有一段时间未使用时,ZGC 将反向申请该内存,将其返回给操作系统以供其他进程(或磁盘缓存或其他)使用。

3.2 系统运行过程中动态修改 SoftMaxHeapSize

SoftMaxHeapSize 是可管理的JMX选项, 在JVM运行过程中支持动态修改, 也就是说不用重启JVM就可以修改配置。 我们可以使用管理API HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean, 或者通过 jcmd 等工具修改可管理的配置项:

jcmd <pid> VM.set_flag SoftMaxHeapSize <size>

最大堆内存软指标(SoftMaxHeapSize) 的值, 不能超过最大堆内存; 如果没有在JVM启动参数中指定这个软指标的值, 则默认等于最大堆内存.

3.3 内存返还的积极性

可以通过 -XX:ZUncommitDelay=<seconds> 参数, 来控制ZGC返还未使用内存的积极程度(Uncommit aggressiveness), 默认值为 300秒(5分钟)。 换句话说,默认情况下,必须至少有 5 分钟没被使用的内存,才有机会返还给操作系统。 请注意,提交(committing)和返还(uncommitting)内存都是相对昂贵的操作。 过于激进(太短)的返还时间, 只会导致刚刚返还的内存很快再次提交,这会浪费 CPU 周期,最终可能还会影响应用程序的整体性能。

3.4 其他信息 (TL;DR, Too Long, Didn’t Read)

例如, 我们指定了JVM启动参数 -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize=2G -Xmx5G, 则是告诉ZGC, 保持最大堆内存使用量在 2G, 但如果来不及回收或者有可能内存溢出, 也允许堆内存增长到5G。 如果在多个应用共存的机器上, 想要让JVM的内存使用量降低, 这个配置就很有用, 同时也具备了应对流量突然增加或者内存增长的能力。

更多关于ZGC的信息, 请关注 OpenJDK的Wiki, 或者作者的博客:

4. ZGC | 在JDK 15中的新特性

发表日期: 2020年9月22日


In this post I will highlight some of the more interesting changes that went into ZGC in JDK 15. As always, if you’re looking for additional information on ZGC, please see the OpenJDK Wiki, the GC section on Inside Java, or this blog.

本文中, 我会重点介绍ZGC在 JDK15 版本中的变化。

友情提醒, 如果想查看ZGC的更多信息, 请参考:

4.1 Production ready!

In JDK 15, ZGC became production ready. In other words, it is now a product (non-experimental) feature in the JDK and you are encouraged to use it in production. This change came in through JEP 377 and was the culmination of several years of hard work by many people.

This was of course a major milestone for the ZGC project, that we’ve all been eager to reach. But rest assured that removing the experimental status was not something we took lightly. No user would ever trust a GC that now and then corrupts the heap or crashes the JVM. Of course, users also expect a production ready GC to perform well and offer features relevant for today’s needs.

Since its initial introduction in JDK 11, ZGC has in the following releases received a number of new features, a steady stream of performance and stability improvements, and support for all commonly used platforms. It has also gone through a lot of testing.

In summary, ZGC is now a stable, high performance, low-latency GC, that is ready to take on your production workloads.

4.1 ZGC正式成为稳定版产品

在 JDK 15 中,ZGC 正式成为产品级稳定版(production ready)。 换句话说,ZGC成为了 JDK 中的一个产品功能, 而不再是实验性能的功能,官方鼓励用户在生产中使用它。

这一变化通过 JEP 377 实现,是很多人多年来共同努力的结晶。

当然, 这也是 ZGC 项目的一个重要里程碑,我们一直都渴望达到这个目标。 请放心,取消实验状态并不是我们随便下决定的事情。 没有用户会信任一款时不时导致JVM 崩溃的垃圾收集器。 当然,用户肯定希望产品级的 GC 性能良好的同时, 还提供与当今业务需求相关的特性。

自从在 JDK 11 中首次引入以来,ZGC 在后续版本中实现了许多新特性、增强了性能, 提升了稳定性, 并支持所有主流平台。 这期间经历了很多轮严谨的测试。

总之,ZGC 现在是一款稳定的、高性能的低延迟GC,可以随时承担我们在生产环境的工作负载。

4.2 New features and enhancements

4.2 JDK15版本中ZGC的新特性与升级

4.2.1 Improved allocation concurrency

Allocating a Java object is typically very fast. Exactly how a new object gets allocated depends on which GC you are using. In ZGC, the allocation path goes through a number of tiers. The vast majority of allocations are satisfied by the first tier, which is very fast. Only very few allocations need to go all the way down to the last tier, which is much slower.

An allocation will end up in the last tier only when all of the previous tiers were unable to satisfy the allocation. This is the last resort, where ZGC will ask the operating system to commit more memory to expand the heap. If this also fails, or we’ve reached max heap size (-Xmx), then an OutOfMemoryError will be thrown.

Prior to JDK 15, ZGC held a global lock while committing (and uncommitting) memory. That of course meant that only a single thread could expand (or shrink) the heap at any given time. Committing and uncommitting memory are also relatively expensive operations, that can take some time to complete. As a result, this global lock sometimes became a point of contention.

In JDK 15, this part of the allocation path was re-worked so that this lock is no longer held while committing and uncommitting memory. As a result, the average cost of doing an allocation in the last tier was reduced, and this tier’s ability to handle concurrent allocations was significantly improved.

4.2.1 改进了内存分配的并发效率

一般给 Java 对象分配内存都非常快。 新对象具体的分配方式取决于我们使用的垃圾收集器(虽然叫做GC, 但实际上GC包括了内存分配程序)。 在 ZGC 的实现中,分配的过程透过了多个不同的层。 绝大多数分配相关的操作都能由第1层搞定,速度非常快。 只有极个别的分配, 需要一直向下走到最后一层,这时候就会慢得多。

只有当前面所有的层都无法满足分配时,才会走到最后一层。 这是最后的保底手段,ZGC 将要求操作系统调拨(commit)更多的内存以扩展堆。 如果这一步也失败了,或者已达到最大堆内存限制(-Xmx),那么将抛出 OutOfMemoryError

在 JDK 15 之前的版本中, ZGC 在调拨(committing)和取消调拨(uncommitting)内存时, 会持有一个全局锁。 当然这也就意味着在任何给定时刻, 只有一个线程可以扩展(或缩减)堆内存。 调拨和取消内存调拨, 是相对昂贵的操作, 可能需要一段时间才能完成。 所以这个全局锁有时就会成为争抢点。

在 JDK 15 中, 重新设计了这些分配路径, 以便在调拨和取消内存调拨时不再需要这个全局锁。 这样实现的好处, 是降低了最后一层分配内存的平均成本, 而且显著提高了这一层处理分配的并发能力。

4.2.2 Incremental uncommit

ZGC’s uncommit capability was initially introduced in JDK 13. This mechanism allows ZGC to uncommit unused memory to shrink the heap, and return that unused memory to the operating system for other processes to use. For memory to become eligible for uncommit it must have been unused for some amount of time (by default 300 seconds, controlled by -XX:ZUncommitDelay=). If more memory is needed at some point later, then ZGC will commit new memory to grow the heap again.

Uncommitting memory is a relatively expensive operation and the time it takes for this operation to complete tends to scale with the size of the memory you’re operating on. Prior to JDK 15, it didn’t matter if ZGC found 2MB or 2TB of memory eligible for uncommit, it would still just issue a single uncommit operation to the operating system. This turned out to be potentially problematic since uncommitting large amounts of memory (like hundreds of gigabytes or terabytes) can take quite some time. During this time the memory pressure could change dramatically, but there was no way for ZGC to abort or revise the uncommit operation mid-flight. If the memory pressure increased, ZGC would first have to wait for any in-flight uncommit operation to complete and then immediately commit some of that memory again.

The uncommit mechanism was re-worked in JDK 15 to uncommit memory incrementally. Instead of a single uncommit operation, ZGC will now issue many smaller uncommit operations to the operating system. This allows a change in memory pressure to be promptly detected and the uncommit process to be aborted or revised mid-flight.

4.2.2 增量式内存撤销(Incremental uncommit)

ZGC 的 uncommit 能力是在 JDK 13 中开始引入的。 这种机制允许 ZGC 将不使用的内存反向申请, 以缩减堆内存, 并返还给操作系统, 以供其他进程使用。 一段内存要满足反向申请条件, 必须有一段时间未使用(默认时间是 300 秒, 由参数 -XX:ZUncommitDelay=<seconds> 控制)。 如果后续又需要更多内存, 则 ZGC 将调拨新内存以再次增加堆内存。

反向申请内存是一项相对昂贵的操作, 完成此操作所需的时间, 往往与正在操作的内存大小成正比。 在 JDK 15 之前, ZGC 并不在乎满足反向申请条件得是 2MB 还是 2TB 的内存, 它只会向操作系统发出一个反向申请操作。 实践证明这里有一个潜在的问题, 因为反向申请大量内存(如几百GB, 或几TB), 可能需要耗费相当长的时间。 在此期间, 内存压力可能会发生巨大变化, 但 ZGC 无法中止或修改反向申请操作。 如果内存压力增加, ZGC 必须先等正在执行的反向申请操作完成, 然后才能再次申请内存。

在 JDK 15 中, 重新设计了反向申请机制, 以增量方式反向申请内存。 现在, ZGC 将向操作系统发出许多个规模较小的反向申请操作。 这允许ZGC及时检测到内存压力的变化, 并且可以中止或修改尚未正式提给操作系统的那些反向申请。

4.2.3 Improved NUMA awareness

ZGC has always been NUMA aware on Linux, in the sense that when a Java thread allocates an object, that object will end up in memory that is local to the CPU that Java thread is executing on. On a NUMA machine, accessing memory that is local to the CPU results in lower memory latencies, which in turn results in better overall performance. However, ZGC’s NUMA awareness only came into its full potential when using large pages (-XX:+UseLargePages). This was addressed in JDK 15, and ZGC’s NUMA-awareness now always comes into its full glory, regardless of whether large pages are used or not.

4.2.3 增强 NUMA 支持

ZGC 在 Linux 平台上一直是支持 NUMA 识别的, 在某种意义上, 当 Java 线程分配对象时, 相应的对象, 最终会分配到执行 Java 线程的 CPU 相对应的本地内存中。 在 NUMA 结构的机器上, 访问 CPU 本地的内存可以降低内存延迟, 从而提高整体性能。 然而, ZGC 的 NUMA 识别只有在开启大页面(-XX:+UseLargePages)时, 才能发挥其全部潜力。

JDK 15 版本解决了这个问题, 无论是否使用大页面, ZGC 的 NUMA-awareness 都能充分发挥作用。

4.2.4 JFR events

The following JFR events were added or are no longer marked experimental.

ZAllocationStall: Generated if a Java threads is subject to an allocation stall. ZPageAllocation: Generated each time a new ZPage (heap region) is allocated. ZRelocationSet & ZRelocationSetGroup: Generated each GC cycle and describe what parts of the heap was compacted/reclaimed. ZUncommit: Generated each time ZGC uncommits some unused part of the Java heap, i.e. returns that unused memory to the operating system. ZUnmap: Generated each time ZGC unmaps memory. ZGC will asynchronously unmap memory when a set of scattered pages needs to be remapped as a larger contiguous page.

4.2.4 JFR事件

正式支持下列 JFR 事件:

  • ZAllocationStall: 如果 Java 线程遇到内存分配缓慢, 则生成此事件。
  • ZPageAllocation: 每次分配一个新的 ZPage 页面(堆区)时, 生成此事件。
  • ZRelocationSetZRelocationSetGroup: 每个 GC 周期都生成此事件, 并描述堆内存的哪些部分被压缩/回收。
  • ZUncommit: 每次 ZGC 取消提交一些不使用的部分时, 都生成此事件, 也就是将不使用的内存返回给操作系统时。
  • ZUnmap: 每次 ZGC 取消映射内存(unmaps memory)时生成此事件。 当一组分散的页面需要重新映射为更大的连续页面时, ZGC 将异步取消映射内存。

相关的事件, 可参考JDK的源码: jdk/src/hotspot/share/jfr/metadata/metadata.xml

4.2.5 Java heap on NVRAM

Advancements in the area of NVRAM have in the last few years made such memory considerably faster and a lot cheaper. In some environments and for some types of applications, placing the entire Java heap on NVRAM (instead of RAM) can actually be an attractive option, where you trade some performance for cheaper memory. In fact, all GCs in HotSpot (except ZGC) have had support for this since JDK 10, with the -XX:AllocateHeapAt option. However, as of JDK 15, this is now also supported by ZGC.

4.2.5 支持 NVRAM 上的 Java 堆

在过去的几年里, 技术领域的进步使 NVRAM 这种内存的速度大大提高, 而且价格便宜很多。 在某些环境和应用系统中, 将整个 Java 堆放在 NVRAM上(而不是常规 RAM 中), 变成一个非常具有吸引力的选择, 我们可以牺牲一些性能, 以换取更便宜的内存。 事实上, 自 JDK 10 以来, 除 ZGC 外, HotSpot 中的所有 GC 都支持此功能, 并支持 -XX:AllocateHeapAt 选项。 现在, 从 JDK 15 开始, ZGC 也支持了。

4.2.6 Compressed class pointers

In HotSpot, all Java objects have a header comprised of two fields, a mark word and a class pointer. On 64-bit CPUs, both of these fields are normally 64 bits wide, where the class pointer is a plain pointer to memory that describes the object’s class (type information, vtable, etc). The Compressed Class Pointers feature (-XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers) helps reduce overall heap usage by reducing the size of all object headers. It does this by compressing the class pointer field to 32 bits (instead of 64 bits). Instead of being a plain pointer, the compressed class pointer is an offset into the Compressed Class Space, which has a known base address. To retrieve the real class pointer the JVM simply adds the (possibly bit-shifted) compressed class pointer to the base address of the Compressed Class Space.

The implementation of the Compressed Class Pointers feature has historically been tied to the Compressed Oops feature, which meant that you could not enable Compressed Class Pointers without also enabling Compressed Oops. This was just an artificial dependency, as there are no technical reasons why you can’t enable one but not the other. Since ZGC doesn’t support Compressed Oops today, it meant that ZGC was also blocked from using of Compressed Class Pointers, for no good reason. In JDK 15, the artificial dependency between Compressed Class Pointers and Compressed Oops was broken, and as a result ZGC now works nicely with Compressed Class Pointers.

4.2.6 类指针压缩(Compressed class pointers)

在 HotSpot 中, 所有 Java 对象都有一个对象头, 由两个字段组成: 包含一个标记字(mark word), 一个类指针(class pointer)。 在 64 位 CPU 上, 这两个字段通常都是 64 位, 其中, 类指针是指向描述对象所属类的普通内存指针。 类指针压缩功能 (-XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers) 可以减小所有对象标头的大小, 来降低堆内存的占用空间。 这个压缩功能, 是将类指针字段的长度压缩为 32 位(原本是 64 位)。

压缩后的类指针(compressed class pointer), 和普通指针不同了, 是压缩类空间(CCS, Compressed Class Space)的偏移量, 具有已知的基地址(base address)。 为了获取实际的类指针, JVM 只需要将压缩类指针的值, 与压缩类空间的基地址值相加即可。

类指针压缩功能(Compressed Class Pointers)的实现, 历来与 Compressed Oops 功能相关联, 也就是说我们无法在禁用 Compressed Oops 的情况下, 启用类指针压缩功能。 当然, 这只是一种人为的依赖, 因为没有技术上的限制说, 我们不能启用一个, 而禁用另一个。 由于 ZGC 在低版本中还不支持 Compressed Oops, 这意味着 ZGC 也就被禁止使用 Compressed Class Pointers。 在 JDK 15 中, 压缩类指针和压缩 Oops 之间的人为依赖被打破了, 因此 ZGC 现在可以很好地与压缩类指针一起工作。

4.2.7 Class data sharing

The Class Data Sharing (CDS) feature in HotSpot helps reduce the startup time and memory footprint between multiple instances of the JVM. This feature only worked when the Compressed Oops feature was enabled (-XX:+UseCompressedOops). In JDK 15, Class Data Sharing was enhanced to also work when the Compressed Oops feature is disabled. As a result, Class Data Sharing now works nicely together with ZGC (where the Compressed Oops feature is disabled).

4.2.7 类数据共享

HotSpot 中, 多个 JVM 实例之间的类数据共享功能 (CDS, Class Data Sharing) , 有助于减少启动耗时和内存占用。 此特性仅在开启压缩 Oops 功能(-XX:+UseCompressedOops)时有效。 在 JDK 15 中, 类数据共享得到增强, 即使禁用 Oops 压缩功能, 也能正常工作。 因此, 类数据共享现在可以与 ZGC(禁用 Oops 压缩功能)一起协同工作。

5. ZGC | Oracle开发者线上大会2020

发表日期: 2020年9月23日


JDK 15 was released on September 15. To celebrate the release, Oracle hosted the virtual conference Oracle Developer Live - Java, where I gave a talk on ZGC. If you missed the event, all sessions were recorded and are available here.

Here is my talk, titled ZGC - The Next Generation Low-Latency Garbage Collector. Slides are also available as here.

2020年09月15日, JDK 15 正式发布;

为了庆祝这次发布, Oracle 举办了一次 开发者线上大会,

在2020年的会议中, pliden 分享了 ZGC 相关的内容。


6. ZGC | Inside Java Podcast

发表日期: 2020年10月18日


I had the pleasure of being invited to the Inside Java Podcast, where David Delabassee and I talked about ZGC. We covered some of the things that is new in JDK 15 as well as what’s coming in JDK 16. Listen to it right here, or head over to the home of the podcast to find a feed or listen to other episodes.

Inside Java Podcast 邀请 pliden 和 David Delabassee 参与了 ZGC 相关的讨论, 在视频中, 主要讨论的 JDK15 的新特性和 JDK16 预期的功能特征;


7. ZGC | What's new in JDK 16

发表日期: 2021年3月22日


JDK 16 is out, and as usual, each new release comes with a bunch of new features, enhancements and bug fixes. ZGC received 46 enhancements and 25 bug fixes. Here I’ll cover a few of the more interesting enhancements.

JDK 16 已经发布, 包含一系列的新功能、增强功能和BUG修复。

其中, ZGC 的更新包括:


7.1 Sub-milliseond Max Pause Times

(a.k.a. Concurrent Thread-Stack Processing)

When we started the ZGC project, our goal was to never have a GC pause take longer than 10ms. At the time, 10ms seemed like an ambitious goal. Other GCs in HotSpot typically offered max pause times several magnitudes worse than that, especially when using large heaps. Reaching this goal was to a large extent a matter of doing all the really heavy work, such as relocation, reference processing, and class unloading, in a concurrent phase rather than in a Stop-The-World phase. Back then, HotSpot lacked a lot of the infrastructure needed to do this concurrently, so it took a few years of development to get there.

7.1 不到毫秒级的最大暂停时间

这项技术也被称为: 线程栈并发处理(Concurrent Thread-Stack Processing)

ZGC项目刚开始启动时, 设计目标是 GC 暂停时间绝对不要超过 10 毫秒。 在当时, 10ms 是一个野心勃勃的目标。 HotSpot 虚拟机中的其他 GC 实现, 通常只能保证几个数量级之外的最大暂停时间, 尤其是堆内存非常庞大时。 实现这个目标的原理很简单, 将 Stop-The-World 阶段的各种任务全部拆出去, 在并发阶段来完成。 这些繁重的工作, 包括: 对象迁移(relocation), 引用处理(reference processing), 类卸载(class unloading) 等等。 当时, HotSpot 还没有支持这些并发操作的各种基础组件, 因此整个研发过程消耗了好几年才实现。

Pauseless GC 实现无停顿的一个方法, 是通过钩子/安全点, 将部分任务, 让业务线程来帮忙顺带执行。

说明: Relocation=迁移; relocate=搬迁;

After reaching that initial 10ms goal, we re-aimed and set our target on something more ambitious. Namely that a GC pause should never be longer than 1ms. Starting with JDK 16, I’m happy to report that we’ve reached that goal too. ZGC now has O(1) pause times. In other words, they execute in constant time and do not increase with the heap, live-set, or root-set size (or anything else for that matter). Of course, we’re still at the mercy of the operating system scheduler to give GC threads CPU time. But as long as your system isn’t heavily over-provisioned, you can expect to see average GC pause times of around 0.05ms (50µs) and max pause times of around 0.5ms (500µs).

达成最初的 10 毫秒目标以后, 我们重新瞄准并设定了更严苛的目标:

GC 暂停时间不要超过 1 毫秒。

从 JDK 16 开始, 我们很高兴地宣布: 这个目标已经达成。

现在, 新版 ZGC 的暂停时间复杂度为 O(1)。 换句话说, 它们执行时间是恒定的。 不再随着堆内存大小(heap)、存活对象多少(live-set), 或者GC根的数量(root-set )而发生变化。

当然, ZGC仍然受制于操作系统调度程序来为 GC 线程分配 CPU 时间。

但只要系统没有严重过载, 就可以看到GC 暂停时间平均 约为 0.05 毫秒左右(50 微秒, 0.05ms=50µs), 最大暂停时间约为 0.5 毫秒(500 微秒, 0.5ms=500µs)。

So, what did we do to get here? Well, prior to JDK 16, ZGC pause times still scaled with the size of (a subset of) the root-set. To be more precise, we still scanned thread stacks in a Stop-The-World phase. This meant that if a Java application had a large number threads, then pause times would increase. The pause times would increase even more if those threads had deep call stacks. Starting with JDK 16, scanning of thread stacks is done concurrently, i.e. while the Java application continues to run.


在 JDK 16 之前, ZGC 的暂停时间仍然与根集(root-set)的大小成比例。更准确地说, ZGC 仍然在 Stop-The-World 阶段扫描线程栈。

这就意味着, 如果 Java 应用程序中有大量线程在执行, 则暂停时间就会增加。 如果这些线程还有很深的调用栈, 暂停时间会增加更多。

从 JDK 16 开始, 线程栈的扫描改由并发阶段完成。 这里“并发”的意思就是 GC线程 和 普通的Java业务线程 并发执行。

As you can imagine, poking around in thread stacks, while threads are running, requires a bit of magic. This is accomplished by something called a Stack Watermark Barrier. In short, this is a mechanism that prevents a Java thread from returning into a stack frame without first checking if it’s safe to do so. This is an inexpensive check that is folded into the already existing safe-point check at method return. Conceptually you could think of it as a load barrier for a stack frame, which, if needed, will force the Java thread to take some form of action to bring the stack frame into a safe state before returning into it. Each Java thread has one or more stack watermarks, which tell the barrier how far down the stack it’s safe to walk without any special action. To walk past a watermark, a slow path is taken to bring one or more frames into the currently safe state, and the watermark is updated. The work to bring all thread stacks into a safe state is normally handled by one or more GC threads, but since this is done concurrently, Java threads will sometimes have to fix a few of their own frames, if they return into frames that the GC hasn’t gotten to yet. If you’re interested in more details, please have a look at JEP 376: ZGC: Concurrent Thread-Stack Processing, which describes this work.

可以想象, 在线程执行的过程中, 去扫描线程调用栈, 需要一些黑科技。 这是通过一种叫做 栈水印屏障(Stack Watermark Barrier) 的技术实现的。 简而言之, 这种机制可以防止 Java 线程在未进行安全检查的情况下返回栈帧。

这是一种开销很小的检查, 在方法返回时, 被组合到已存在的安全点检查中。

从概念上讲, 可以将其看作是栈帧的读屏障(load barrier), 如有必要, 会强制 Java 线程执行某种形式的钩子操作, 在返回之前让栈帧进入安全状态。

每个 Java 线程, 都有一个或多个栈水印(stack watermarks), 它告诉屏障在没有任何特殊操作的情况下, 栈可以安全地向下走多远。 要经过某个水印, 需要采用慢速路径将一个或多个帧带入当前的安全状态, 并更新水印。

将所有线程栈置于安全状态的工作通常由一个或多个 GC 线程来处理, 但由于这是一个并发过程, 如果碰到某些 GC 无法处理的栈帧, Java 线程就必须修复自己的一些帧。

如果你对具体的细节感兴趣, 请查看 JEP 376: ZGC: Concurrent Thread-Stack Processing, 其中详细描述了这项工作。

With JEP 376 in place, ZGC now scans exactly zero roots in Stop-The-World phases. For many workloads, you saw really low max pause times even before JDK 16. But if you ran on a large machine, and your workload had a large number of threads, you could still see max pause times well above 1ms. To visualize the improvement, here’s an example comparing JDK 15 and JDK 16, running SPECjbb®2015 on a large machine with a couple of thousand Java threads.

通过 JEP 376 的实现方式, ZGC 在 Stop-The-World 阶段可以一个GC根都不需要扫描。 对于许多小型应用系统和低负载工况下, 我们甚至在 JDK 16 之前就可以看到非常低的GC暂停时间。 但如果是在大型机器上运行的高负载应用, 伴随着大量线程, 仍然可以看到最大暂停时间远高于 1 毫秒。

为了方便对比, 下图列出了 JDK 15 和 JDK 16 的对比示例, 在具有几千个 Java 线程的大型机器上运行 SPECjbb®2015

7.2 In-Place Relocation

In JDK 16, ZGC got support for in-place relocation. This feature helps avoid OutOfMemoryError in situations where the GC needs to collect garbage when the heap is already filled to the brim. Normally, ZGC compacts the heap (and thereby frees up memory) by moving objects from sparsely populated heap regions into one or more empty heap regions where these objects can be densely packed. This strategy is simple and straightforward and lends itself very well for parallel processing. However, it has one drawback. It requires some amount of free memory (at least one empty heap region of each size type) to get the relocation process started. If the heap is full, i.e. all heap regions are already in use, then we have nowhere to move objects to.

7.2 就地执行对象迁移(Relocation)

在 JDK 16 中, ZGC 开始支持就地执行对象迁移。 在堆内存基本上用满的情况下, 需要GC收集垃圾时, 这个特性可以有效避免 OutOfMemoryError。 正常情况下, ZGC整理堆内存(并释放内存)的执行逻辑是: 将对象从多个稀疏区, 整理压实, 移动到一个或者多个空闲区。 这种方式简单直接, 很适合并行处理。 但也有缺点, 就是额外需要一定数量的空闲内存(每种尺寸的region都至少需要一个)才能启动迁移过程。 如果堆内存已经用满, 那就没有地方用来腾挪和移动对象。

Prior to JDK 16, ZGC solved this by having a heap reserve. This heap reserve was a set of heap regions that was set aside and made unavailable for normal allocations from Java threads. Instead only the GC itself was allowed to use the heap reserve when relocating objects. This ensured that empty heap regions were available, even if the heap was full from a Java thread’s perspective, to get the relocation process started. The heap reserve was typically a small fraction of the heap. In a previous blog post, I wrote about how we improved it in JDK 14 to better support tiny heaps.

在 JDK 16 之前, ZGC 通过预留一部分堆内存来解决这个问题。 也就是将一部分堆内存块(heap regions)保留下来, 不给 Java 线程用来分配对象。 与此对应, 在迁移对象时, 只允许 GC 使用保留的堆内存。 这种方式确保了空闲堆块的可用, 即使在 Java 线程的角度来看堆内存已经用满了, GC也可以启动迁移过程。 保留堆通常只是堆内存的一小部分。 前面的博客文章中, 我们介绍了在 JDK 14 中是如何优化保留堆内存, 以更好地支持小型堆(比如128MB)。

Still, the heap reserve approach had a few problems. For example, since the heap reserve was not available to Java threads doing relocation, there was no hard guarantee that the relocation process could complete and hence the GC couldn’t reclaim (enough) memory. This was a non-issue for basically all normal workloads, but our testing revealed that it was possible to construct a program that provoked this problem, which in turn resulted in premature OutOfMemoryError. Also, setting aside some (though small) portion of the heap, just in case it was needed during relocation, was a waste of memory for most workloads.

但这种保留一部分堆内存的解决办法, 存在一些问题。 比如, 进行对象迁移的 Java 线程, 由于不能使用保留堆内存块, 无法保证迁移过程一定能够完成, 因此 GC 无法回收足够的内存。 基本上对于所有正常的工作负载来说, 这都不是问题。 但我们的测试表明, 开发出一个蕴含这类问题的系统是可能的, 从而导致过早出现 OutOfMemoryError。 此外, 留出一小块堆内存, 尽管很小, 对于大多数业务场景来说, 也是一种浪费。

Another approach to free up contiguous chunks of memory is to compact the heap in-place. Other HotSpot collectors (e.g. G1, Parallel and Serial) do some version of this when they do a so called Full GC. The main advantage of this approach is that it doesn’t need memory to free up memory. In other words, it will happily compact a full heap, without needing a heap reserve of some sort.

另一种释放连续内存块的方法, 是就地整理堆内存(compact the heap in-place)。 HotSpot 中的其他垃圾收集器(例如 G1、并行GC、串行GC), 在执行 Full GC 时会执行某种类型的就地内存整理。 这种方法的主要优点是不需要额外的内存来释放内存。 换句话说, 整理整个堆的过程很轻松, 不需要某种形式的保留堆内存。

However, compacting the heap in-place also has some challenges and typically comes with an overhead. For example, the order in which objects are moved now matter a lot, as you otherwise risk overwriting not-yet-moved objects. This requires more coordination between GC threads, doesn’t lend itself as well to parallel processing, and also affects what Java threads can and can’t do when they relocate an object on behalf of the GC.

然而, 就地整理堆内存也存在一些挑战, 且通常会带来一定的性能开销。 例如, 先移动哪个对象, 这个顺序非常关键, 否则可能会面临覆盖住尚未移动的对象的风险。 这需要 GC 线程之间进行更多协调与同步, 不利于并行处理, 并且在 GC 重新分配对象时, 还会影响和限制 Java 业务线程的行为。

In summary, both approaches have advantages. Not relocating in-place typically performs better when empty heap regions are available, while relocating in-place can guarantee that the relocation process successfully completes even when no empty heap regions are available.

综上所述, 两种方法各有优点。 当有空闲的堆内存块可用时, 非就地对象迁移的性能, 通常会表现得更好, 而就地对象迁移方式, 则可以保证, 即使没有可用的空闲堆内存块, 也能成功完成迁移过程。

Starting with JDK 16, ZGC now uses both approaches to get the best of both worlds. This allows us to get rid of the need for a heap reserve, while maintaining good relocation performance in the common case, and guaranteeing that relocation always successfully completes in the edge case. By default, ZGC will not relocate in-place as long as there is an empty heap region available to move objects to. Should that not be the case, ZGC will switch to relocate in-place. As soon as an empty heap region becomes available, ZGC will again switch back to not relocating in-place.

从 JDK 16 开始, ZGC 现在使用两种方法来达成两全其美的效果。 我们既能摆脱堆内存预留的浪费, 同时在一般情况下, 让对象迁移保持良好的性能, 在极端情况下, 始终保证对象迁移能够成功完成。

默认情况下, 只要存在可用的空闲堆内存块, 允许将对象移动过去, ZGC 就不会使用就地迁移。 如果情况恶劣, 那么 ZGC 使用 就地对象迁移。 之后如果有堆内存块空闲, ZGC 将再次切换成 非就地对象迁移




Switching back and forth between these relocation modes happens seamlessly, and if needed, multiple times in the same GC cycle. However, most workloads will never run into a situation where the need to switch arises in the first place. But knowing that ZGC will cope with these situations well, and never throw a premature OutOfMemoryError because of failure to compact the heap, should give some peace of mind.

这些对象迁移模式之间是无缝切换的, 如果需要, 甚至可以在同一个 GC 周期内多次切换。 大多数工作负载下, 永远都不会遇到需要切换的情况。 但我们了解到 ZGC 能够很好地应对这些情况, 永远不会因为没能整理堆内存而过早抛出 OutOfMemoryError, 这应该可以让您安心一些。

The ZGC logging was also extended to show how many heap regions (ZPages) of each size group (Small/Medium/Large) were relocated in-place. Here’s an example where 54MB worth of small objects were relocated, and 3 small pages needed to be relocated in-place.

ZGC的日志也进行了扩展, 以显示各种尺寸(Small/Medium/Large)的堆内存块(ZPages), 有多少执行的是就地迁移。 下图是一个示例, 总共迁移了 54MB 的小对象(small objects), 并且需要就地迁移的是 3 个小页面(small pages)。

7.3 Allocation & Initialization of Forwarding Tables

7.3 转发表的分配和初始化

When ZGC relocates an object, the new address of that object is recorded in a forwarding table, a data structure allocated outside of the Java heap. Each heap region selected to be part of the relocation set (the set of heap regions to compact to free up memory) gets a forwarding table associated with it.

当 ZGC 迁移对象时, 会在某个转发表中记录该对象的新地址。 转发表(Forwarding Table)是在 Java 堆内存之外分配的外部数据结构。 被选到迁移集合中的每个堆内存块, 都有一个与其关联的转发表。 迁移集合(relocation set)是指需要进行内存整理, 以释放内存的堆内存块集合。

Prior to JDK 16, the allocation and initialization of forwarding tables could take a significant part of the overall GC cycle time when the relocation set was very large. The size of the relocation set correlates with the number of objects moved during relocation. If you have, for example, a >100GB heap and the workload causes lots of fragmentation, with small holes evenly distributed across the heap, then the relocation set will be large and allocating/initializing it can take a while. Of course, this work has always been done in a concurrent phase, so it has never affected GC pause times. Still, there was room for improvements here.

在 JDK 16 之前, 如果迁移集合非常大, 那么转发表的分配和初始化过程, 可能会占整个 GC 周期的很大一部分时间。 迁移集合的大小, 与迁移期间移动的对象数量相关。 例如, Java堆内存超过 100GB, 并且执行过程中会产生大量的内存碎片, 并且这些碎片均匀分布到整个堆内存, 那么迁移集合将会很大。 这种情况下, 分配/初始化迁移集合, 可能需要一段时间。 当然, 这项工作一直是在并发阶段完成的, 所以并没有影响到 GC 暂停时间。 尽管如此, 这里仍有改进的空间。

In JDK 16, ZGC now allocates forwarding tables in bulk. Instead of making numerous calls (potentially many thousands) to malloc/new to allocate memory for each table, we now do a single call to allocate all memory needed by all tables in one go. This helps avoid typically allocation overheads and potential lock contention, and significantly reduces the time it takes to allocate these tables.

在 JDK 16 中, ZGC 批量进行转发表的分配。 不再为每个转发表数据结构调用 malloc/new 来分配内存(之前可能需要数千次), 而是调用一次, 为所有转发表分配需要的内存。 这有助于减少分配开销和改善可能存在的锁争用, 显著减少这些表所需的分配时间。

The initialization of these tables was another bottleneck. The forwarding table is a hash table, so initializing it means setting up a small header and zeroing out a (potentially large) array of forwarding table entries. Starting with JDK 16, ZGC now does this initialization in parallel using multiple threads, instead of with a single thread.

转发表的初始化是另一个瓶颈。 转发表是一个哈希表, 因此对它的初始化, 意味着设置一个小小的header, 并将转发表的条目数组清零(可能很大)。 从 JDK 16 开始, ZGC 使用多个线程来并行执行初始化(以前是单个线程)。

In summary, these changes significantly reduce the time is takes to allocate and initialize forwarding tables, especially when collecting very large heaps that are sparsely populated, where the reduction can be on the order of one or two magnitudes.

总之, 这些更改, 显著减少了转发表分配和初始化所需的时间, 特别是在回收非常大的Java堆时, 对象分布比较分散的话, 其中减少的时间可能是好几个数量级。

7.4 Summary

  • With concurrent thread-stack scanning, ZGC now has pause times in the microsecond domain, with average pause times of ~50µs and max pause times of ~500µs. Pause times are unaffected by the heap, live-set and root-set size.

  • The heap reserve is now gone, and ZGC will instead do in-place relocation when needed. This saves memory, but also guarantees that the heap can be successfully compacted in all situations.

  • Forwarding tables are now allocated and initialized more efficiently, which shortens the time it takes to complete a GC cycle, especially when collecting large heaps that are sparsely populated.

For more information on ZGC, please see the OpenJDK Wiki, the GC section on Inside Java, or this blog.

7.4 小结

  • 通过线程栈的并发扫描(concurrent thread-stack scanning), ZGC 的暂停时间处于微秒级, 平均暂停时间为 ~50µs 左右, 最大暂停时间为 ~500µs左右。 而且暂停时间不再受这些因素的影响: 堆内存大小存活对象(live-set)GC根集(root-set)的大小

  • 不再需要预留(reserve)堆内存中的一部分空间, 在需要时, ZGC 将进行就地对象迁移。 这节省了内存, 也保证了在所有情况下都可以成功整理堆内存。

  • 转发表(Forwarding tables)的分配和初始化更加高效, 这缩短了完成 GC 周期所需的时间, 特别是在进行分布比较稀疏的大型堆内存垃圾收集时。

更多有关 ZGC 的信息, 请参考:

8. ZGC | What's new in JDK 17

发表日期: 2021年10月05日


JDK 17 was released on September 14. This is a Long-Term Support (LTS) release, meaning it will be supported and receive updates for many years. This is also the first LTS release where a production ready version of ZGC is included. To refresh your memory, an experimental version of ZGC was included in JDK 11 (the previous LTS release) and the first production ready version of ZGC appeared in JDK 15 (a non-LTS release).

JDK 17 于 2021年09月14日发布。 这是一个官方长期提供技术支持的LTS版本, 将获得多年的支持和更新。 也是包含产品级 ZGC 的第一个 LTS 版本。


前一个 LTS 版本是 JDK 11, 其中包含了 ZGC 的实验版(experimental version)。 ZGC 的第一个产品版是 JDK 15中(JDK15并不是LTS版本)。

如果对之前的 JDK 版本以及 ZGC的更新历史有兴趣, 请阅读前面的内容。

ZGC received 41 bugfixes and enhancements in JDK 17, and I’ll highlight a few of them here. But before diving into that, if you’re interested in knowing more about ZGC features/enhancements in previous JDK releases, then please read my previous posts.

JDK 17中, ZGC相关的升级包括:

Now let’s dive into what’s new in JDK 17 from a ZGC perspective.

下面让我们看看JDK 17 中, 有哪些 ZGC 相关的, 重要的新特性。

8.1 Dynamic Number of GC Threads

8.1 动态调整GC线程数

The JVM has for a long time had an option called -XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads. It’s enabled by default and tells the GC to be smart about how many GC threads it’s using for various operations. The number of threads used will be constantly re-evaluated and can thus vary over time. This option is useful for several reasons. For example, it can be hard to figure out what the optimal number of GC threads is for a given workload. What usually happens is that you try various settings of -XX:ParallelGCThreads and/or -XX:ConcGCThreads (depending on which GC you are using) to see which seems to give the best result. To complicate things, the optimal number of GC threads might vary over time as the application goes through different phases, so setting a fixed number of GC threads can be inherently sub-optimal.

-XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads 启动选项已经受JVM支持很长时间了。 该选项默认开启, 让 GC 自动调整各种相关操作的 GC 线程数。 具体使用的线程数, 将根据运行时的情况, 持续地进行重新计算, 所以随着时间的推移, 可能会发生变化。 这个选项非常有用, 原因有多个方面。

  • 对于特定的工作负载, 很难确定最佳 GC 线程数是多少。
  • 通常的配置, 是指定 -XX:ParallelGCThreads-XX:ConcGCThreads 启动选项, 取决于使用的 GC, 然后测试和分析最佳配置。
  • 更复杂的情况是, 随着应用程序的生命周期拉长, 系统会经历不同的阶段, GC 线程的最佳数量也会随时间的推移而变化, 因此设置固定的 GC 线程数量可能并不是最理想的。

Until JDK 17, ZGC ignored -XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads and always used a fixed number of threads. During JVM startup, ZGC used heuristics to decide what that fixed number (-XX:ConcGCThreads) should be. Once that number was set it never changed again. Starting with JDK 17, ZGC now honors -XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads and tries to use as few threads as possible, but enough threads to keep up collecting garbage at the rate it’s created. This helps to avoid using more CPU time than needed, which in turn will make more CPU time available to Java threads.

在 JDK 17 之前, ZGC会直接忽略 -XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads 配置, 并使用固定数量的GC线程。 如果没有明确指定 -XX:ConcGCThreads 的话, 在 JVM 启动期间, ZGC 会使用启发式方法, 自动计算出 (-XX:ConcGCThreads) 的值。 这个数值一旦确定, 启动之后就不会再改变。 ZGC 从 JDK 17 版本开始支持 -XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads 选项, 并尽可能少地设置GC线程数。 如果应用程序创建对象的速率加快, ZGC也会保证有足够的GC线程来执行垃圾收集。 这种方式可以避免浪费不必要的 CPU 时间, 从而为 Java 业务线程提供更多的 CPU 时间, 增加系统吞吐量。

Also note that when this feature is enabled, the meaning of -XX:ConcGCThreads=<n> changes from “Use this many threads” to “Use at most this many threads”. But unless you have an unconventional workload you typically don’t need to fiddle with -XX:ConcGCThreads. ZGC’s heuristics will pick a good max number of threads for you, based on the size of the system you are running on.

另请注意, 启用此功能后, -XX:ConcGCThreads=<n> 参数的含义发生了变化, 之前是 “使用这么多线程”, 变成 “最多使用这么多个线程”。 当然, 除非系统情况非常特殊, 否则我们都不需要单独设置 -XX:ConcGCThreads。 ZGC 将根据系统的CPU和内存配置, 使用启发式方法, 自动选择一个合适的最大线程数。

To illustrate this feature in action let’s take a look at some graphs when running SPECjbb2015.

为了说明此功能的实际效果, 让我们看一下运行 SPECjbb2015 时的一些图表。

The first graph shows the number of GC threads used throughout the run. SPECjbb2015 has an initial ramp-up phase, followed by a longer phase where the load (injection rate) is gradually increased. We can see that the number of threads used by ZGC reflects the amount of work it needs to do to keep up. Only in a few cases does it require all (in this case 5) threads.

第一张图显示了整个运行过程中使用的 GC 线程数。 SPECjbb2015 有一个初始加速阶段, 随后是一个较长的执行阶段, 负载逐渐增加。 我们可以看到, ZGC 使用的线程数反映了它需要完成的工作量。 仅在少数情况下才需要所有GC线程(在本例中为 5 个)。

In the second graph we see the benchmark scores. Because ZGC is no longer using all GC threads all the time, we’re giving more CPU time to the Java threads, which results in better throughput (max-jOPS) and better latency (critical-jOPS).

在第二张图中, 我们可以看到基准分数。 由于 ZGC 不再一直使用最大的 GC 线程数, 因此为 Java 线程提供了更多的 CPU 时间, 从而实现了更好的吞吐量 (max-jOPS) 和更好的延迟表现 (ritic-jOPS)。

If you for some reason want to always use a fixed number of GC threads (like in JDK 16 and earlier) then you can disable this feature by using .

如果有特殊原因, 想要使用固定数量的 GC 线程, 那么可以使用减号参数 -XX:-UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads 禁用此功能。(就像在 JDK 16 及更早版本中那样)

8.2 Fast JVM Termination

8.2 JVM 快速终止

When using ZGC, you might have noticed that terminating a running Java process (e.g. by hitting Ctrl+C or by having the application call System.exit() ) hasn’t always had an immediate effect. It can sometimes can take a while (in the worst case many seconds) for the JVM to actually terminate. This can be pretty annoying and cause problems in environments where being able to promptly terminate is important.

可能你已经注意到, 使用ZGC垃圾收集器, 有时想要终止 Java 进程, 却没有立即响应, (例如, 通过按 Ctrl+C 或者通过代码调用 System.exit() 方法)。 有时 JVM 可能需要一段时间, 甚至好几秒才能真正终止。 这可能造成一些烦恼, 并且在某些需要立即响应的环境中会导致问题。

So, why does it sometimes take time for the JVM to terminate when using ZGC? The reason is that the JVM shutdown sequence needs to coordinate with the GC, so that the GC stops doing what it’s doing and enters a “safe” state. ZGC was only in a “safe” state when it was idle, i.e. not currently collecting garbage. If a very long GC cycle was in progress when the termination signal arrived, then the JVM shutdown sequence simply had to wait for that GC cycle to completed before ZGC became idle and entered a “safe” state again.

那么, 为什么ZGC需要一段时间才能终止呢? 原因是 JVM 关闭序列需要与 GC 协调, 以便 GC 停止执行其正在执行的操作并进入“安全”状态。 ZGC仅在空闲时才处于“安全”状态, 即不再执行收集垃圾。 如果收到终止信号时, 正在处于很长的 GC 周期中, 那么 JVM 关闭序列必须等待该 GC 周期完成, 然后 ZGC 空闲, 并进入“安全”状态。

This was addressed in JDK 17. ZGC is now able to abort an ongoing GC cycle to quickly reach the “safe” state on demand. Terminating a JVM running ZGC is now more or less instant.

这个问题在 JDK 17 中得到了解决。 ZGC直接终止正在进行的 GC 周期, 快速达到“安全”状态。 现在, 运行 ZGC 的 JVM 终止过程基本上是即时完成的。

8.3 Reduced Mark Stack Memory Usage

ZGC does striped marking. This refers to the heap being divided into stripes and each GC thread gets assigned to mark objects in one of those stripes. This helps minimize shared state among the GC threads and make the marking process more cache friendly, since two GC threads will not be marking objects in the same part of the heap. This approach also results in a natural work balancing between GC threads, as stripes tend to have roughly the same amount of work in them.

8.3 减少标记栈使用的内存量

ZGC 的标记使用条带方式(striped marking)。 堆内存被划分为多个条带(stripes),每个 GC 线程都会被指配来标记某一个条带中的对象。 这种方式, 可以最大限度地减少 GC 线程之间的共享状态,并且使得标记过程对CPU高速缓存更加友好,因为两个 GC 线程不会去标记堆中同一块内存里的对象。 这种方法还可以在 GC 线程之间实现自然的平衡工作负载,因为每个条带中的工作量往往大致相同。

Prior to JDK 17, ZGC’s marking strictly adhered to the striping. If a GC thread, while tracing through the object graph, came across a object reference pointing to a part of the heap that didn’t belong to its assigned stripe, then that object reference was placed on a thread local mark stack associated with that other stripe. Once that stack got full (254 entries) it was handed over to the GC thread that was assigned to handle marking for that stripe. A Java thread loading a object reference to a not-yet-marked object would do the same thing, except that it would always place the object reference on the associated thread local mark stack and never do any actual mark work itself.

在 JDK 17 之前,ZGC 的标记严格遵循条带化。 如果某个 GC 线程在跟踪对象图时, 遇到的对象引用,指向的内存地址不属于分配当前条带,则该对象引用将被放置在与另一个条带关联的线程的本地标记栈上(thread local mark stack)。 如果这个栈满了(达到254 个条目),就会被移交给负责处理该条带的 GC 线程来标记。 Java业务线程加载尚未标记的对象引用, 也会执行相同的操作,只不过只会将对象引用放到对应的线程本地标记栈,业务线程本身从不执行任何实际的标记工作。

This approach works well for most workloads, but there’s also a pathological problem. If you have an object graph with one or more N:1 relationships, where N is a very large number, then you risk using a lot of memory (like many gigabytes) for the mark stacks. We’ve always known about this potentially being an issue, and you can write a small synthetic test to provoke it, but we never really came across a real world workload that exposed it. That is, until OpenJDK contributors from Tencent reported that they had come across this problem in the wild. So, it was time to do something about this.

这种方法适用于大部分常规的工作负载,但在极端情况下可能存在一些问题。 如果有一个或多个 N:1 关系的对象图,其中 N 是一个非常大的数字,那么标记栈可能会使用大量内存(如许多 GB)。 官方一直都知道有这个隐患,我们也可以编写一个小型的测试程序来引发, 但在现实世界中却一直没有遇到过这种业务负载情况。 直到腾讯公司的 OpenJDK 贡献者报告说他们遇到了这个问题。 所以,需要对此进行改进。

The fix for this in JDK 17 involves relaxing the strict striping in the following way:

  • For GC threads, regardless of which stripe the object reference points to, first try to mark the object (i.e. potentially step out of the GC thread’s assigned stripe), and if it wasn’t already marked, push the object reference to the associated mark stack.
  • For Java threads, first check if the object is already marked, and if it wasn’t already marked, push the object reference to the associated mark stack.

JDK 17 中的修复, 通过以下方式来放宽严格的条带限制:

  • 对于GC线程,无论对象引用指向哪个条带,首先尝试标记该对象(即可能跳出GC线程分配的条带),如果尚未标记,则将对象引用放置到对应条带关联的标记栈。
  • 对于Java线程,首先检查对象是否已被标记,如果尚未标记,则将对象引用推到关联的标记栈。

These tweaks help stop excessive mark stack memory usage in the pathological N:1 case, where GC threads come across the same object reference over and over again, pushing lots of duplicate object references onto mark stacks. Duplicates are useless because an object only needs to be marked once. By marking before pushing, and only pushing previously unmarked objects, the production of duplicates stops.

这些调整有助于在极端 N:1 的情况下, 防止标记栈内存的过度使用,在这种情况下,GC 线程一遍又一遍地遇到相同的对象引用,将大量重复的对象引用推送到标记栈里面。 重复添加这么多个引用并没有什么用,因为一个对象只需要标记一次。 通过在推送之前进行标记,并且仅推送之前未标记的对象,可以阻止产生重复项。

We were initially a bit reluctant to do this, since GC threads are now doing atomic compare-and-swap operations to mark objects in memory that belongs to stripes that other GC threads are assigned to work on. This breaks the strict striping, making it less cache-friendly. Java threads are now also doing atomic loads to see if objects are marked, something they didn’t do before. At the same time, other work done by GC threads (scanning/following object fields and tracking number of live objects/bytes per heap region) still adheres to strict striping. In the end, benchmarking showed that our initial concerns were unfounded. GC marking times were unaffected and the impact on Java threads wasn’t noticeable either. On the flip side, we now have a more robust marking scheme that isn’t prone to excessive memory usage.

我们最初有点不愿意这样做,因为 GC 线程需要执行原子比较和交换操作(atomic compare-and-swap operations),来标记内存中分配给其他 GC 线程处理的的对象。 这打破了严格的条带化,使其对CPU高速缓存不太友好。 Java 线程还执行原子加载(atomic loads)来查看对象是否被标记,这是以前没有做过的。 与此同时,GC 线程完成的其他工作(扫描/跟踪对象字段,以及跟踪每个堆区域的活动对象数/字节数)仍然遵循严格的条带化。

最终,基准测试表明我们最初的担忧是没有根据的。 GC 标记时间不受影响,对 Java 线程的影响也不明显。 另一方面,我们现在的标记方案更加强大,不容易出现内存使用过多的情况。

8.4 macOS on ARM Supported

8.4 支持ARM架构的macOS系统

Some time ago, Apple announced a long-term plan to transition their line of Mac computers from x86 to ARM. Not long after, JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port proposed a port of the JDK to this new platform. The JVM code base is fairly modular, with OS- and CPU-specific code isolated from the shared platform independent code. The JDK already supported macOS/x86 and Linux/Aarch64, so the main pieces needed to support macOS/Aarch64 were already there. Of course, work is still needed by anyone who plans to ship and support a macOS/Aarch64 build of the JDK, like invest in new hardware, integrate this new platform in CI-pipelines, etc.

不久前,苹果公司宣布了一项长期计划,将其 Mac 电脑系列从 x86架构 过渡到 ARM架构。 然后,JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port 提议将 JDK 移植到这个新平台。 JVM 代码库相当模块化,特定于操作系统和CPU 的代码, 与共享平台无关的代码是互相隔离的。 JDK 已经支持 macOS/x86 和 Linux/Aarch64,因此支持 macOS/Aarch64 所需的主要部分是现成的。 当然,任何计划发布和支持 JDK 的 macOS/Aarch64 版本的人仍然需要做一些工作,例如投资新硬件、将这个新平台集成到 CI 管道中等等。

The story is pretty much the same when it comes to ZGC. Both macOS/x86 and Linux/Aarch64 were already supported, so it was mostly a matter of enabling build and test of this new OS/CPU combination. As of JDK 17, ZGC runs on the following platforms (see this table for more details):

  • Linux/x64
  • Linux/AArch64
  • macOS/x64
  • macOS/AArch64
  • Windows/x64
  • Windows/AArch64

ZGC 的事情也差不多。 macOS/x86 和 Linux/Aarch64 都已得到支持,因此主要是对操作系统/CPU组合, 启用新的构建和测试。 从 JDK 17 开始,ZGC 支持以下平台上:

  • Linux/x64
  • Linux/AArch64
  • macOS/x64
  • macOS/AArch64
  • Windows/x64
  • Windows/AArch64

有关更多详细信息,请参阅 此表

Most of the ZGC code base continues to be platform independent. The current code distribution looks like this:

大部分 ZGC 代码仍然是平台无关的。 JDK17的代码分布如下所示:

8.5 GarbageCollectorMXBeans for Cycles and Pauses

8.5 展示GC周期与暂停时间的GarbageCollectorMXBean

A GarbageCollectorMXBean provides information about the GC. Through this bean, an application can extract summary information (number of GCs done so far, accumulated time spent doing GC, etc) and listen to GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo notifications to get more fine-grained information on individual GCs (GC cause, start time, end time, etc).

GarbageCollectorMXBean 提供了 GC 相关的信息。 通过这个 MXBean, 应用程序可以通过编码的方式, 获取摘要信息(到目前为止完成的 GC 次数、执行 GC 所花费的累计时间等), 也可以订阅 GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo 事件通知, 以获取有关单次 GC 的细粒度信息(GC 原因、开始时间、结束时间 等等)。

Prior to JDK 17, ZGC published a single bean called ZGC. This bean provided information about ZGC cycles. A cycle includes all the GC phases from start to finish. Most of the phases are concurrent, but some are Stop-The-World pauses. While information about the cycles is useful, you might also be interested in knowing how much of the time spent doing GC was spent in Stop-The-World pauses. This information wasn’t available with a single ZGC bean. To address this, ZGC now publishes two beans, one called ZGC Cycles and one called ZGC Pauses. As the names suggest, the information provided by each bean maps to cycles and pauses, respectively.

在 JDK 17 之前,ZGC 发布了一个名为 ZGC 的 bean。 这个 bean 提供了有关 ZGC cycles 的信息。 一个GC周期包括从开始到结束的所有 GC 阶段。 大多数阶段是并发执行的,但有些阶段则有 "Stop-The-World" 暂停。 虽然GC周期相关的信息很有用,但我们更想知道在 GC 上花费了多少时间用于 Stop-The-World 暂停。 只通过 ZGC bean 无法获得此信息。

为了解决这个问题,ZGC 又暴露了两种 Bean:

  • 一种称为 ZGC Cycles
  • 一种称为 ZGC Pauses


Here’s a small example to illustrate the difference between JDK 16 and 17. The example first makes a 100 calls to System.gc() and then extracts summary information from the available GarbageCollectorMXBean(s).

下面是一段示例代码,用于展示 JDK 16 和 17 之间的差异。

代码首先调用100次 System.gc(), 然后从可用的 GarbageCollectorMXBean 中提取摘要信息。


public class ExampleGarbageCollectorMXBean {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 执行 100 次GC
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

        // 从可用的Bean中提取并打印基本信息
        for (final var bean : ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans()) {
            System.out.println("   Count: " + bean.getCollectionCount());
            System.out.println("   Total Time: " + bean.getCollectionTime() + "ms");
            System.out.println("   Average Time: " + (bean.getCollectionTime() / (double)bean.getCollectionCount()) + "ms");

Running this with JDK 16 produces the following output:

使用 JDK 16 执行, 产生以下输出:

$ java -XX:+UseZGC ExampleGarbageCollectorMXBean
          Count: 100
     Total Time: 424ms
   Average Time: 4.24ms

And running this with JDK 17 produces the following output:

使用 JDK 17 执行, 产生以下输出:

$ java -XX:+UseZGC ExampleGarbageCollectorMXBean
ZGC Cycles
          Count: 100
     Total Time: 412ms
   Average Time: 4.12ms
ZGC Pauses
          Count: 300
     Total Time: 2ms
   Average Time: 0.006666666666666667ms

In both cases we see that the GC ran 100 cycles and each cycle took on average ~4ms to run. With JDK 17, we can now also see that we had 3 Stop-the-World pauses for each cycle, and each pause was on average ~0.007ms (~7µs) long.

在这两种情况下,我们都看到 GC 运行了 100 个周期,每个周期平均运行时间约 4 毫秒。 在 JDK 17 中,还可以看到300次GC暂停, 也就是每个GC周期有 3 次 Stop-the-World 暂停,每次暂停的平均时间约为 0.007 毫秒(约 7 微秒)。

8.6 Summary

  • The JVM option -XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads is now supported. This is feature is enabled by default and tells ZGC to be smart about how many GC threads it’s using, which often leads to higher throughput and lower latency at the Java application level.

  • Terminating a JVM running ZGC is now more or less instant.

  • The marking algorithm now uses less memory in general, and is no longer prone to excessive memory usage.

  • ZGC now runs on macOS/Aarch64.

  • Two GarbageCollectorMXBeans are now published by ZGC, to provide information on both GC cycles and GC pauses.

8.6 小结

  • 支持 JVM 选项 -XX:+UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads, 该功能默认启用, 告诉 ZGC 动态决定需要使用的 GC 线程数, 这通常可以为 Java 应用程序带来更高的吞吐量和更低的延迟。

  • 使用 ZGC 的 JVM终结过程, 基本上是即时完成的。

  • 标记算法总体上使用较更少的内存, 且不再容易出现内存使用过多的情况。

  • ZGC 可以在 macOS/Aarch64 架构的机器上运行。

  • ZGC 增加了两个 GarbageCollectorMXBean, 提供 GC周期 和 GC暂停 相关的信息。

For more information on ZGC, please see the OpenJDK Wiki, the GC section on Inside Java, or this blog.

更多有关 ZGC 的信息, 请参考:

9. ZGC | Oracle开发者线上大会2022

发表日期: 2022年03月25日

Oracle举办了另外一场 Oracle开发者线上大会 - Java创新, 来发布 JDK 18.

这是一场在线直播, 所有会议都被记录。 ZGC作者的主题是

其中介绍了 ZGC, 并展示了最新的性能数据,并更新让 ZGC 成为分代垃圾收集器的计划。


10. ZGC | What's new in JDK 18

发表日期: 2022年04月29日

On March 22, JDK 18 was released. This was a fairly quiet release for ZGC, since most of our efforts in the last year or so has gone into making ZGC a generational GC. Still, there were 37 bugfixes and enhancements related to ZGC in this release. I’ll discuss some of the more interesting ones in this post. If you’re interested in knowing more about ZGC features/enhancements in previous JDK releases, then check out some of my previous posts.

2022年03月22日, JDK 18 正式发布. 该版本属于快速发布版, 不是长期支持板. ZGC在该版本中变更不太明显, 因为官方团队正致力于将ZGC改造成一款分代垃圾收集器(generational GC)。 ZGC在JDK18版本中, 包含:

本文只是简单介绍其中有趣的内容, 更多信息请参考前面的文章.

Now let’s talk about what’s new in JDK 18 (from a ZGC perspective).


10.1 String Deduplication

10.1 String对象自动去重


String deduplication is a JVM feature (-XX:+UseStringDeduplication) that has been around for quite a while now. It helps reduce Java heap memory usage by automatically deduplicating identical character arrays that are backing String objects. For example, if two String objects exist on the heap and they both point to a backing array containing the characters “Java”, then one of the String objects will be modified so that both String objects point the same array, and the other array will be made unreachable and subject to garbage collection. This can help reduce the heap memory usage by quite a bit for some applications, since String objects can to occupy a non-trivial part of the Java heap, and finding duplicates among those can be fairly common.

String对象自动去重 是JVM提供的一个特性(-XX:+UseStringDeduplication)。 通过自动去除String对象底层使用的, 重复的等价字符数组(identical character arrays), 有助于降低Java堆内存的使用量。 比如, 在堆内存中有两个String对象, 底层所使用的字符数组, 内容都是 "Java", 那么,JVM会将其中一个String对象的字符数组指针修改, 让两个String对象都指向同一个字符数组. 另一个没有引用指向的数组, 则会因为不可达而被GC回收。 对于具有大量重复字符串的应用, 可以减少内存占用。

参考JDK的源代码: java/lang/

public final class String
    implements, Comparable<String>, CharSequence,
               Constable, ConstantDesc {
    // ... 
    private final byte[] value;
    // ...

I wrote the JEP and the initial implementation for this feature back in 2014, and it shipped as part of JDK 8u20. This was before ZGC was born, and the initial implementation only added support for String deduplication in the G1 garbage collector.

作者在2013年编写了 JEP 提案, 并在 2014年提交了相关的 代码实现, 伴随着 JDK 8u20 发布。 字符串去重的特性早于ZGC的发布, 最初只有G1垃圾收集器提供支持。

Fast forward to 2021. Kim Barrett overhauled a significant part of the String deduplication infrastructure. The overall concept remained the same, but the way in which the String deduplication mechanism interfaces with the garbage collector became more general. This enabled easier integration of this feature into garbage collectors other than G1. As a result, String deduplication support was later added to SerialGC, ParallalGC, and ZGC.

时间来到2021年, Kim Barrett 对字符串去重功能进行了 重构改造。 总体的概念依然保持不变, 但是字符串重复数据删除机制与垃圾收集器的接口方式变得更加通用。 使得该特性更容易集成到除 G1 以外的垃圾收集器中。 因此,后来在 SerialGC, ParallalGC, 以及 ZGC 中都增加了对字符串重复数据删除的支持。

If you’re unfamiliar with String dediuplication, what it actually does, and when you might want to enable it, then check out the JEP. Even if that document is a bit out of date by now (e.g. it only talks about G1), the gist of the feature is still the same.

如果你对字符串去重的细节感兴趣, 可以参考:

其中介绍了运行原理和启用开关。 虽然该文档时间发布比较久了, 但后续的相关实现都是同样的原理。

10.2 Class Unloading Issue Fixed

10.2 BUG修复: Class卸载问题

We received a report about a performance issue on the ZGC mailinglist. This turned out to be a 10-year-old bug that dates back to the removal of PermGen.

我们在ZGC邮件列表中, 收到了一个 性能问题报告。 这原来是一个持续10年的bug, 可追溯到 JEP 122: 移除永久代(Permanent Generation).。

So, about 10 years ago, the patch to remove PermGen made some changes to a function that deals with Inline Cache cleaning. An Inline Cache is a speculative optimization technique used by the JVM to speed up method calls in Java. When the GC unloads unused classes and compiled methods, some of the Inline Caches need to be cleaned so that they no longer refer to any unloaded entities.

大约是在10年前,移除永久代的 补丁包, 对清理内联缓存的处理函数进行了一些更改。 内联缓存是一种推测性优化技术, JVM用来加速Java方法调用。 当GC卸载不使用的类和编译好的方法时,需要清理一些内联缓存,以便它们不再引用任何已卸载的实体。

As it turns out, this patch contained a small but important editing mistake, where indentation and scopes were mixed up. It was hard to spot that mistake by just looking at the patch, because the code in question was also moved. This mistake resulted in some Inline Caches being incorrectly cleaned. However, the incorrect cleaning didn’t cause any obvious problems, like a JVM crash. Instead it induced a vicious cycle where the GC and Java threads disagreed about, and fought over, how to clean these caches. The end result was that class unloading, under certain conditions, could take a very long time to complete. Since the root cause of the issue was bad interaction between the GC and concurrently running Java threads, it only affected GCs doing concurrent class unloading (such as ZGC). GCs doing Stop-the-World class unloading (such as SerialGC, ParallelGC and G1GC), were unaffected simply because this bad interaction could never arise, since Java threads never run concurrently with the GC.

事实证明,这个补丁包有一个很小的编辑错误(editing mistake), 但是却很致命, 其中将缩进(indentation)和作用域(scopes)混淆了。 只看补丁的代码, 很难发现这个错误,因为有问题的代码也被移动了。 这个错误导致一些内联缓存被错误地清理。 但是呢,即使错误清理了一些缓存, 并没有导致任何明显的问题, 不会导致JVM崩溃。 当然,它引发了一个恶性循环,GC和Java线程在是否清理这些缓存的问题上产生了分歧和争执。 最终的结果是,在某些场景下,类卸载可能需要耗费很长时间才能完成。 由于问题的根源在于 GC和并发运行的Java线程之间的不良交互,因此只影响到执行并发类卸载的GC(concurrent class unloading, 例如ZGC)。 执行 Stop-the-World 类卸载的GC(例如 SerialGC, ParallelGC 和 G1GC) 不受影响,对于这类GC来说, 在类卸载阶段, 这种糟糕的交互永远不会出现, Java线程不会和GC线程并发运行。

Luckly, once this problem was spotted the fix was straight forward. If you’re interested in more details you can read all about it in the corresponding pull request.

This fix was also backported to JDK 17.0.2.

幸运的是,这个问题一被发现,很直接就 修复了。 如果您对更多细节感兴趣,可以参考相应的 pull request

此修复也被向后移植到 JDK 17.0.2。

10.3 Linux/PowerPC Support

10.3 支持Linux/PowerPC平台架构

Back in 2013, i.e. before ZGC had come into existence, JEP 175 was created to bring Linux/PowerPC (as well as AIX/PowerPC) support to OpenJDK. The initial port shipped as part of JDK 8u20 and has been maintained ever since. The effort to support this platform has from the start been funded by our friends over at SAP.

早在2013年, 就有 JEP 175 提案, 将 OpenJDK 支持 Linux/PowerPC 平台, 包括 AIX/PowerPC 平台. 这时候ZGC还没有出现呢。

So, it might not be a surprise to hear that it was also SAP that contributed the patch to make ZGC available on Linux/PowerPC. Adding support for a new CPU architecture is mostly a matter of implementing ZGC’s various barriers (load barrier, nmethod entry barrier, and stack watermark barrier) in the interpreter and the two JIT compilers. The patch weights in at around 1200 lines of code.

所以SAP提交了相关的补丁包, 在 Linux/PowerPC 平台上支持 ZGC。

增加新的CPU架构, 最关键的就是实现ZGC需要的各种内存屏障(load barrier, nmethod entry barrier, and stack watermark barrier), 包括: 解释执行器( interpreter), 以及两款 JIT 编译器。

相关的代码提交只有大约1200行代码: 补丁包链接

As of JDK 18, ZGC now runs on the following platforms (see this table for more details):

所以从 JDK 18 版本开始, ZGC支持在以下的平台上运行.

  • Linux/x64
  • Linux/AArch64
  • Linux/PowerPC
  • macOS/x64
  • macOS/AArch64
  • Windows/x64
  • Windows/AArch64

更多信息请参考: Main-SupportedPlatforms

10.4 Summary

  • The JVM option -XX:+UseStringDeduplication is now supported. This feature (disabled by default) tells ZGC to find and deduplicate identical character arrays backing String objects to reduce overall heap memory usage.
  • A 10 years old bug that sometimes causes class unloading to take extremely long time was fixed.
  • ZGC now runs on Linux/PowerPC, thanks to the guys at SAP.

For more information on ZGC, please see the OpenJDK Wiki, the GC section on Inside Java, or this blog.

10.4 小结

  • JVM中的各种GC算法现在都支持 -XX:+UseStringDeduplication 选项了. 这个功能默认是禁用的, 启用之后则告诉ZGC, 需要去查找并去除String对象底层, 重复的字符数组, 以减少堆内存的占用.
  • 修复了一个持续10年以上的BUG: 某些情况下类卸载(class unloading)会消耗大量时间。
  • ZGC正式支持 Linux/PowerPC 平台架构, 感谢SAP的小伙伴.

更多有关 ZGC 的信息, 请参考:
