DUMP OF SERVICE package: Activity Resolver Table: Non-Data Actions: android.intent.action.MAIN: df22852 com.chiller3.bcr/.settings.SettingsActivity filter 9d05723 Action: "android.intent.action.MAIN" Category: "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" Receiver Resolver Table: Non-Data Actions: androidx.profileinstaller.action.SAVE_PROFILE: 53f420 com.chiller3.bcr/androidx.profileinstaller.ProfileInstallReceiver filter d47427f Action: "androidx.profileinstaller.action.SAVE_PROFILE" androidx.profileinstaller.action.INSTALL_PROFILE: 53f420 com.chiller3.bcr/androidx.profileinstaller.ProfileInstallReceiver filter 8e0e1d9 Action: "androidx.profileinstaller.action.INSTALL_PROFILE" androidx.profileinstaller.action.SKIP_FILE: 53f420 com.chiller3.bcr/androidx.profileinstaller.ProfileInstallReceiver filter 366779e Action: "androidx.profileinstaller.action.SKIP_FILE" androidx.profileinstaller.action.BENCHMARK_OPERATION: 53f420 com.chiller3.bcr/androidx.profileinstaller.ProfileInstallReceiver filter ad4324c Action: "androidx.profileinstaller.action.BENCHMARK_OPERATION" Service Resolver Table: Non-Data Actions: android.telecom.InCallService: 674c295 com.chiller3.bcr/.RecorderInCallService filter 73e6faa permission android.permission.BIND_INCALL_SERVICE Action: "android.telecom.InCallService" android.service.quicksettings.action.QS_TILE: 317879b com.chiller3.bcr/.RecorderTileService filter 9382738 permission android.permission.BIND_QUICK_SETTINGS_TILE Action: "android.service.quicksettings.action.QS_TILE" Permissions: Permission [com.chiller3.bcr.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION] (b72924): sourcePackage=com.chiller3.bcr uid=10188 gids=null type=0 prot=signature perm=Permission{25dac8d com.chiller3.bcr.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION} Registered ContentProviders: com.chiller3.bcr/.RecorderProvider: Provider{e839e42 com.chiller3.bcr/.RecorderProvider} com.chiller3.bcr/androidx.startup.InitializationProvider: Provider{14eae53 com.chiller3.bcr/androidx.startup.InitializationProvider} ContentProvider Authorities: [com.chiller3.bcr.provider]: Provider{e839e42 com.chiller3.bcr/.RecorderProvider} applicationInfo=ApplicationInfo{77b0c86 com.chiller3.bcr} [com.chiller3.bcr.androidx-startup]: Provider{14eae53 com.chiller3.bcr/androidx.startup.InitializationProvider} applicationInfo=ApplicationInfo{2d95947 com.chiller3.bcr} Key Set Manager: [com.chiller3.bcr] Signing KeySets: 3 Packages: Package [com.chiller3.bcr] (50bdcaf): userId=10188 pkg=Package{1a478bc com.chiller3.bcr} codePath=/system/priv-app/com.chiller3.bcr resourcePath=/system/priv-app/com.chiller3.bcr legacyNativeLibraryDir=/system/priv-app/com.chiller3.bcr/lib primaryCpuAbi=null secondaryCpuAbi=null versionCode=79872 minSdk=28 targetSdk=34 versionName=1.56 splits=[base] apkSigningVersion=3 applicationInfo=ApplicationInfo{1a478bc com.chiller3.bcr} flags=[ SYSTEM HAS_CODE ALLOW_CLEAR_USER_DATA ALLOW_BACKUP ] privateFlags=[ PRIVATE_FLAG_ACTIVITIES_RESIZE_MODE_RESIZEABLE_VIA_SDK_VERSION ALLOW_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_CAPTURE PRIVILEGED PRIVATE_FLAG_ALLOW_NATIVE_HEAP_POINTER_TAGGING ] forceQueryable=false queriesPackages=[] dataDir=/data/user/0/com.chiller3.bcr supportsScreens=[small, medium, large, xlarge, resizeable, anyDensity] usesOptionalLibraries: androidx.window.extensions androidx.window.sidecar timeStamp=2023-11-28 16:44:51 firstInstallTime=2023-11-28 16:44:51 lastUpdateTime=2023-11-28 16:44:51 signatures=PackageSignatures{cc394cb version:3, signatures:[b4addb29], past signatures:[]} installPermissionsFixed=false pkgFlags=[ SYSTEM HAS_CODE ALLOW_CLEAR_USER_DATA ALLOW_BACKUP ] declared permissions: com.chiller3.bcr.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION: prot=signature, INSTALLED requested permissions: android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT android.permission.CONTROL_INCALL_EXPERIENCE android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO android.permission.READ_CONTACTS android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MICROPHONE android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG: restricted=true android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS android.permission.VIBRATE com.chiller3.bcr.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION install permissions: android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE: granted=true com.chiller3.bcr.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION: granted=true android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS: granted=true android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT: granted=true android.permission.VIBRATE: granted=true android.permission.CONTROL_INCALL_EXPERIENCE: granted=true User 0: ceDataInode=136203 installed=true hidden=false suspended=false distractionFlags=0 stopped=false notLaunched=false enabled=0 instant=false virtual=false runtime permissions: android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG: granted=false, flags=[ USER_SENSITIVE_WHEN_GRANTED|USER_SENSITIVE_WHEN_DENIED|APPLY_RESTRICTION] android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE: granted=true, flags=[ USER_SET|USER_SENSITIVE_WHEN_GRANTED|USER_SENSITIVE_WHEN_DENIED] android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO: granted=true, flags=[ USER_SET|USER_SENSITIVE_WHEN_GRANTED|USER_SENSITIVE_WHEN_DENIED] android.permission.READ_CONTACTS: granted=true, flags=[ USER_SET|USER_SENSITIVE_WHEN_GRANTED|USER_SENSITIVE_WHEN_DENIED] Queries: system apps queryable: false forceQueryable: com.chiller3.bcr queries via package name: queries via intent: queryable via interaction: User 0: [com.android.localtransport,com.fingerprints.extension.service,com.android.keychain,org.lineageos.lineagesettings,android,org.lineageos.setupwizard,com.android.settings,com.android.dynsystem,org.lineageos.settings.doze,com.dsi.ant.server,com.android.providers.settings,com.tencent.soter.soterserver,com.android.wallpaperbackup,com.qualcomm.qti.poweroffalarm,com.android.inputdevices,org.lineageos.lineageparts,lineageos.platform,com.android.server.telecom,com.android.location.fused]: com.chiller3.bcr com.android.externalstorage: com.chiller3.bcr [com.google.android.backuptransport,com.google.android.gms,com.google.android.gsf]: com.chiller3.bcr [com.android.calllogbackup,com.android.providers.blockednumber,com.android.providers.contacts,com.android.providers.userdictionary]: com.chiller3.bcr com.android.documentsui: com.chiller3.bcr com.android.inputmethod.latin: com.chiller3.bcr com.android.permissioncontroller: com.chiller3.bcr com.chiller3.bcr: [com.android.localtransport,com.fingerprints.extension.service,com.android.keychain,org.lineageos.lineagesettings,android,org.lineageos.setupwizard,com.android.settings,com.android.dynsystem,org.lineageos.settings.doze,com.dsi.ant.server,com.android.providers.settings,com.tencent.soter.soterserver,com.android.wallpaperbackup,com.qualcomm.qti.poweroffalarm,com.android.inputdevices,org.lineageos.lineageparts,lineageos.platform,com.android.server.telecom,com.android.location.fused] com.android.externalstorage Package Changes: Sequence number=2 User 0: seq=1, package=com.google.android.gms Dexopt state: [com.chiller3.bcr] path: /system/priv-app/com.chiller3.bcr/app-release.apk arm64: [status=speed-profile] [reason=bg-dexopt] Compiler stats: [com.chiller3.bcr] base.apk - 558 app-release.apk - 742 DUMP OF SERVICE activity: ACTIVITY MANAGER SETTINGS (dumpsys activity settings) activity_manager_constants: max_cached_processes=32 background_settle_time=60000 fgservice_min_shown_time=2000 fgservice_min_report_time=3000 fgservice_screen_on_before_time=1000 fgservice_screen_on_after_time=5000 content_provider_retain_time=20000 gc_timeout=5000 gc_min_interval=60000 force_bg_check_on_restricted=true full_pss_min_interval=1200000 full_pss_lowered_interval=300000 power_check_interval=300000 power_check_max_cpu_1=25 power_check_max_cpu_2=25 power_check_max_cpu_3=10 power_check_max_cpu_4=2 service_usage_interaction_time=1800000 usage_stats_interaction_interval=7200000 service_restart_duration=1000 service_reset_run_duration=60000 service_restart_duration_factor=4 service_min_restart_time_between=10000 service_max_inactivity=1800000 service_bg_start_timeout=15000 service_bg_activity_start_timeout=10000 service_crash_restart_duration=1800000 service_crash_max_retry=16 process_start_async=true memory_info_throttle_time=300000 top_to_fgs_grace_duration=15000 imperceptible_kill_exempt_proc_states=[0, 1, 2, 4, 12] imperceptible_kill_exempt_packages=[] min_assoc_log_duration=300000 fgs_start_foreground_timeout=10000 CUR_MAX_CACHED_PROCESSES=32 CUR_MAX_EMPTY_PROCESSES=16 CUR_TRIM_EMPTY_PROCESSES=8 CUR_TRIM_CACHED_PROCESSES=5 OOMADJ_UPDATE_QUICK=true CachedAppOptimizer settings use_compaction=false compact_action_1=file compact_action_2=all compact_throttle_1=5000 compact_throttle_2=10000 compact_throttle_3=500 compact_throttle_4=10000 compact_throttle_5=600000 compact_throttle_6=600000 compact_statsd_sample_rate=0.1 compact_full_rss_throttle_kb=12000 compact_full_delta_rss_throttle_kb=8000 compact_proc_state_throttle=[11] 0 some, 0 full, 0 persistent, 0 BFGS compactions. Tracking last compaction stats for 0 processes. use_freezer=false freeze_statsd_sample_rate=0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER ALLOWED ASSOCIATION STATE (dumpsys activity allowed-associations) Allowed associations (by restricted package): * com.google.android.as: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER PENDING INTENTS (dumpsys activity intents) * com.chiller3.bcr: 6 items #0: PendingIntentRecord{16d1780 com.chiller3.bcr startService} uid=10188 packageName=com.chiller3.bcr featureId=null type=startService flags=0x44000000 requestIntent=act=com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderInCallService.delete dat=notification:0 cmp=com.chiller3.bcr/.RecorderInCallService (has extras) #1: PendingIntentRecord{3134c26 com.chiller3.bcr startActivity} uid=10188 packageName=com.chiller3.bcr featureId=null type=startActivity flags=0x4000000 requestIntent=cmp=com.chiller3.bcr/.settings.SettingsActivity #2: PendingIntentRecord{715a96e com.chiller3.bcr startActivity (whitelist: f2b6d9a:+30s0ms)} uid=10188 packageName=com.chiller3.bcr featureId=null type=startActivity flags=0x4000000 requestCode=0 requestResolvedType=audio/ogg requestIntent=act=android.intent.action.SEND dat=content://com.chiller3.bcr.provider?orig=content%3A%2F%2Fcom.android.externalstorage.documents%2Ftree%2Fprimary%253ACalls%2Fdocument%2Fprimary%253ACalls%252F20231128_164939.151%252B0300_out_0611.oga typ=audio/ogg flg=0x1 clip={audio/ogg {...}} (has extras) whitelistDuration=f2b6d9a:+30s0ms mCancelCallbacks: #0: com.android.internal.os.IResultReceiver$Stub$Proxy@3a8d574 #3: PendingIntentRecord{6ecd80f com.chiller3.bcr startService (whitelist: f2b6d9a:+30s0ms)} uid=10188 packageName=com.chiller3.bcr featureId=null type=startService flags=0x4000000 requestIntent=act=com.chiller3.bcr.NotificationActionService.delete_uri dat=unused:content%3A%2F%2Fcom.android.externalstorage.documents%2Ftree%2Fprimary%253ACalls%2Fdocument%2Fprimary%253ACalls%252F20231128_164939.151%252B0300_out_0611.oga%00content%3A%2F%2Fcom.android.externalstorage.documents%2Ftree%2Fprimary%253ACalls%2Fdocument%2Fprimary%253ACalls%252F20231128_164939.151%252B0300_out_0611.json cmp=com.chiller3.bcr/.NotificationActionService (has extras) whitelistDuration=f2b6d9a:+30s0ms mCancelCallbacks: #0: com.android.internal.os.IResultReceiver$Stub$Proxy@ba46a9d #4: PendingIntentRecord{f0978e9 com.chiller3.bcr startActivity (whitelist: f2b6d9a:+30s0ms)} uid=10188 packageName=com.chiller3.bcr featureId=null type=startActivity flags=0x4000000 requestCode=0 requestResolvedType=audio/ogg requestIntent=act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.chiller3.bcr.provider?orig=content%3A%2F%2Fcom.android.externalstorage.documents%2Ftree%2Fprimary%253ACalls%2Fdocument%2Fprimary%253ACalls%252F20231128_164939.151%252B0300_out_0611.oga typ=audio/ogg flg=0x1 whitelistDuration=f2b6d9a:+30s0ms mCancelCallbacks: #0: com.android.internal.os.IResultReceiver$Stub$Proxy@feb6b12 #5: PendingIntentRecord{bcf3067 com.chiller3.bcr startService} uid=10188 packageName=com.chiller3.bcr featureId=null type=startService flags=0x44000000 requestIntent=act=com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderInCallService.pause dat=notification:0 cmp=com.chiller3.bcr/.RecorderInCallService (has extras) * UID: 1000 total: 38 * UID: 1001 total: 2 * UID: 1002 total: 1 * UID: 10098 total: 45 * UID: 10099 total: 1 * UID: 10102 total: 1 * UID: 10104 total: 2 * UID: 10107 total: 1 * UID: 10108 total: 1 * UID: 10115 total: 9 * UID: 10121 total: 2 * UID: 10124 total: 1 * UID: 10142 total: 1 * UID: 10149 total: 3 * UID: 10155 total: 8 * UID: 10159 total: 4 * UID: 10173 total: 14 * UID: 10188 total: 6 * UID: 10191 total: 1 * UID: 10192 total: 7 * UID: 10200 total: 3 * UID: 10203 total: 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER BROADCAST STATE (dumpsys activity broadcasts) Broadcast parameters (key=bcast_fg_constants, observing=true): bcast_timeout = +10s0ms bcast_slow_time = +5s0ms bcast_deferral = +5s0ms bcast_deferral_decay_factor = 0.75 bcast_deferral_floor = 0 bcast_allow_bg_activity_start_timeout = +10s0ms Broadcast parameters (key=bcast_bg_constants, observing=true): bcast_timeout = +1m0s0ms bcast_slow_time = +5s0ms bcast_deferral = +5s0ms bcast_deferral_decay_factor = 0.75 bcast_deferral_floor = 0 bcast_allow_bg_activity_start_timeout = +10s0ms Broadcast parameters (key=bcast_offload_constants, observing=true): bcast_timeout = +1m0s0ms bcast_slow_time = +24d20h31m23s647ms bcast_deferral = +5s0ms bcast_deferral_decay_factor = 0.75 bcast_deferral_floor = 0 bcast_allow_bg_activity_start_timeout = +10s0ms mBroadcastsScheduled [foreground]=false mBroadcastsScheduled [background]=false mBroadcastsScheduled [offload]=false mHandler: Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$MainHandler) {3c842e3} @ 110679 Looper (ActivityManager, tid 27) {f37d4e0} Message 0: { when=+7s273ms what=58 target=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$MainHandler } Message 1: { when=+2m35s835ms what=12 obj=ProcessRecord{85fb1d4 0:com.android.webview:sandboxed_process0:org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0:0/u0a212i0} target=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$MainHandler } Message 2: { when=+3m31s403ms callback=com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService$5 target=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$MainHandler } Message 3: { when=+3m39s760ms what=27 target=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$MainHandler } Message 4: { when=+28m41s403ms callback=com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService$1 target=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$MainHandler } (Total messages: 5, polling=true, quitting=false) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER BROADCAST STATS STATE (dumpsys activity broadcast-stats) Current stats (from -1m28s452ms to now, +1m28s452ms uptime): (nothing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER CONTENT PROVIDERS (dumpsys activity providers) Published user 0 content providers (by class): * ContentProviderRecord{2e21399 u0 com.chiller3.bcr/.RecorderProvider} package=com.chiller3.bcr process=com.chiller3.bcr proc=ProcessRecord{a64ce8 6909:com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188} uid=10188 provider=android.content.ContentProviderProxy@d91265e authority=com.chiller3.bcr.provider * ContentProviderRecord{b322a3f u0 com.chiller3.bcr/androidx.startup.InitializationProvider} package=com.chiller3.bcr process=com.chiller3.bcr proc=ProcessRecord{a64ce8 6909:com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188} uid=10188 provider=android.content.ContentProviderProxy@8f55f0c authority=com.chiller3.bcr.androidx-startup User 0 authority to provider mappings: com.chiller3.bcr.provider: 2e21399/com.chiller3.bcr/.RecorderProvider com.chiller3.bcr.androidx-startup: b322a3f/com.chiller3.bcr/androidx.startup.InitializationProvider ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER URI PERMISSIONS (dumpsys activity permissions) Granted Uri Permissions: * UID 10188 holds: UriPermission{ae22bd2 content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3ACalls [user 0] [prefix]} targetUserId=0 sourcePkg=com.android.externalstorage targetPkg=com.chiller3.bcr mode=0x3 owned=0x0 global=0x0 persistable=0x3 persisted=0x3 persistedCreate=1701179368800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER SERVICES (dumpsys activity services) (nothing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER RECENT TASKS (dumpsys activity recents) mRecentsUid=10099 mRecentsComponent=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/com.android.quickstep.RecentsActivity} mFreezeTaskListReordering=false mFreezeTaskListReorderingPendingTimeout=false Recent tasks: * Recent #3: Task{5ad9f01 #15 visible=false type=standard mode=fullscreen translucent=true A=10188:com.chiller3.bcr U=0 StackId=15 sz=0} userId=0 effectiveUid=u0a188 mCallingUid=u0a99 mUserSetupComplete=true mCallingPackage=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher mCallingFeatureId=null affinity=10188:com.chiller3.bcr intent={act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.chiller3.bcr/.settings.SettingsActivity} mActivityComponent=com.chiller3.bcr/.settings.SettingsActivity autoRemoveRecents=false isPersistable=true activityType=1 rootWasReset=true mNeverRelinquishIdentity=true mReuseTask=false mLockTaskAuth=LOCK_TASK_AUTH_PINNABLE Activities=[] askedCompatMode=false inRecents=true isAvailable=true mRootProcess=ProcessRecord{a64ce8 6909:com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188} taskId=15 stackId=15 mHasBeenVisible=true mResizeMode=RESIZE_MODE_RESIZEABLE_VIA_SDK_VERSION mSupportsPictureInPicture=false isResizeable=true lastActiveTime=83114 (inactive for 27s) Visible recent tasks (most recent first): * RecentTaskInfo #2: id=15 stackId=15 userId=0 hasTask=false lastActiveTime=83114 baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.chiller3.bcr/.settings.SettingsActivity } realActivity={com.chiller3.bcr/com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity} isExcluded=false activityType=standard windowingMode=standard supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow=true taskDescription { colorBackground=#ff1c1b1f colorPrimary=#ffd0bcff iconRes=/0 iconBitmap=false resizeMode=RESIZE_MODE_RESIZEABLE_VIA_SDK_VERSION minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER LAST ANR (dumpsys activity lastanr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER STARTER (dumpsys activity starter) (nothing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER ACTIVITIES (dumpsys activity activities) Display #0 (activities from top to bottom): (nothing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER PROCESS EXIT INFO (dumpsys activity exit-info) Last Timestamp of Persistence Into Persistent Storage: 2023-11-28 16:43:43.295 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER RUNNING PROCESSES (dumpsys activity processes) All known processes: *APP* UID 10188 ProcessRecord{a64ce8 6909:com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188} user #0 uid=10188 gids={50188, 20188, 9997} mRequiredAbi=arm64-v8a instructionSet=null class=com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderApplication dir=/system/priv-app/com.chiller3.bcr/app-release.apk publicDir=/system/priv-app/com.chiller3.bcr/app-release.apk data=/data/user/0/com.chiller3.bcr packageList={com.chiller3.bcr} compat={440dpi} thread=android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@b14a33c pid=6909 starting=false lastActivityTime=-28s793ms lastPssTime=-51s576ms pssStatType=0 nextPssTime=+8s43ms lastPss=0,00 lastSwapPss=0,00 lastCachedPss=0,00 lastCachedSwapPss=0,00 lastRss=0,00 procStateMemTracker: best=4 () / pending state=4 highest=4 1.0x adjSeq=4304 lruSeq=1154 oom adj: max=1001 curRaw=910 setRaw=910 cur=910 set=910 lastCompactTime=0 lastCompactAction=0 mCurSchedGroup=0 setSchedGroup=0 systemNoUi=false trimMemoryLevel=0 curProcState=18 mRepProcState=18 pssProcState=20 setProcState=18 lastStateTime=-11s957ms curCapability=--- setCapability=--- hasShownUi=true pendingUiClean=false hasAboveClient=false treatLikeActivity=false cached=true empty=true lastTopTime=-27s556ms startSeq=87 mountMode=DEFAULT lastCpuTime=0 whenUnimportant=-11s959ms lastRequestedGc=-51s374ms lastLowMemory=-51s374ms reportLowMemory=false Recent Tasks: - Task{5ad9f01 #15 visible=false type=standard mode=fullscreen translucent=true A=10188:com.chiller3.bcr U=0 StackId=15 sz=0} Configuration={1.0 250mcc11mnc [ru_RU] ldltr sw392dp w392dp h713dp 440dpi nrml long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2160) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2028) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.41} OverrideConfiguration={0.0 ?mcc?mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/? winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) mAppBounds=null mWindowingMode=undefined mDisplayWindowingMode=undefined mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=undefined}} mLastReportedConfiguration={1.0 250mcc11mnc [ru_RU] ldltr sw392dp w392dp h713dp 440dpi nrml long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2160) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2028) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.41} Published Providers: - com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderProvider -> ContentProviderRecord{2e21399 u0 com.chiller3.bcr/.RecorderProvider} - androidx.startup.InitializationProvider -> ContentProviderRecord{b322a3f u0 com.chiller3.bcr/androidx.startup.InitializationProvider} Connected Providers: - dedf8c5/com.android.providers.settings/.SettingsProvider->6909:com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 s1/1 u0/0 +51s217ms OOM levels: -900: SYSTEM_ADJ ( 73,728K) -800: PERSISTENT_PROC_ADJ ( 73,728K) -700: PERSISTENT_SERVICE_ADJ ( 73,728K) 0: FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ ( 73,728K) 100: VISIBLE_APP_ADJ ( 92,160K) 200: PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ ( 110,592K) 250: PERCEPTIBLE_LOW_APP_ADJ ( 129,024K) 300: BACKUP_APP_ADJ ( 221,184K) 400: HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ ( 221,184K) 500: SERVICE_ADJ ( 221,184K) 600: HOME_APP_ADJ ( 221,184K) 700: PREVIOUS_APP_ADJ ( 221,184K) 800: SERVICE_B_ADJ ( 221,184K) 900: CACHED_APP_MIN_ADJ ( 221,184K) 999: CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ ( 322,560K) Process OOM control (49 total, non-act at 6, non-svc at 6): Proc # 4: cch+10 b/ /CRE --- t: 0 6909:com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (cch-rec) oom: max=1001 curRaw=910 setRaw=910 cur=910 set=910 state: cur=CRE set=CRE lastPss=0,00 lastSwapPss=0,00 lastCachedPss=0,00 cached=true empty=true hasAboveClient=false mHomeProcess: ProcessRecord{9fdf650 2778:com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/u0a99} mPreviousProcess: ProcessRecord{607aeb 8465:com.android.settings/1000} Raw LRU list (dumpsys activity lru): Activities: #44: cch+10 CRE --- 6909:com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 act:recents Process LRU list (sorted by oom_adj, 49 total, non-act at 6, non-svc at 6): Proc # 4: cch+10 b/ /CRE --- t: 0 6909:com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (cch-rec) PID mappings: PID #6909: ProcessRecord{a64ce8 6909:com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188} mDeviceIdleWhitelist=[1001, 2000, 10094, 10098, 10123, 10159, 10164, 10179, 10185, 10188] mDeviceIdleExceptIdleWhitelist=[1001, 2000, 10094, 10098, 10102, 10103, 10105, 10121, 10123, 10124, 10159, 10164, 10179, 10185, 10188] mDeviceIdleTempWhitelist=[10155] mForceBackgroundCheck=false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGER USERS (dumpsys activity users) mStartedUsers: User #0: state=RUNNING_UNLOCKED mStartedUserArray: [0] mUserLru: [0] mCurrentUserId:0 mTargetUserId:-10000 mLastActiveUsers:[] mDelayUserDataLocking:false mMaxRunningUsers:3 mUserSwitchUiEnabled:true mInitialized:true DUMP OF SERVICE meminfo: Applications Memory Usage (in Kilobytes): Uptime: 110700 Realtime: 110700 ** MEMINFO in pid 6909 [com.chiller3.bcr] ** Pss Private Private SwapPss Rss Heap Heap Heap Total Dirty Clean Dirty Total Size Alloc Free ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Native Heap 8994 8952 8 3 11308 0 0 0 Dalvik Heap 1878 1788 0 0 6200 0 0 0 Dalvik Other 653 528 0 0 1712 Stack 528 528 0 0 532 Ashmem 4 0 0 0 32 Gfx dev 2476 2476 0 0 2476 Other dev 32 0 32 0 216 .so mmap 4836 260 1764 2 27836 .jar mmap 560 0 0 0 9892 .apk mmap 2013 0 1672 0 13472 .ttf mmap 136 0 8 0 496 .dex mmap 776 8 768 0 796 .oat mmap 516 0 0 0 7952 .art mmap 2168 1780 8 1 20552 Other mmap 46 36 0 0 536 Unknown 603 600 0 0 1020 TOTAL 26225 16956 4260 6 26225 0 0 0 App Summary Pss(KB) Rss(KB) ------ ------ Java Heap: 3576 26752 Native Heap: 8952 11308 Code: 4500 60784 Stack: 528 532 Graphics: 2476 2476 Private Other: 1184 System: 5009 Unknown: 3176 TOTAL PSS: 26225 TOTAL RSS: 105028 TOTAL SWAP PSS: 6 DUMP OF SERVICE procstats: CURRENT STATS: Start time: 2023-11-28 16:48:27 Total uptime: +1m34s626ms Total elapsed time: +1m34s626ms (partial) libart.so Aggregated over: 1 System memory usage: SOn/ Mod: 1 samples: Cached: 1,00GB min, 1,00GB avg, 1,00GB max Free: 650MB min, 650MB avg, 650MB max ZRam: 12KB min, 12KB avg, 12KB max Kernel: 320MB min, 320MB avg, 320MB max Native: 528MB min, 528MB avg, 528MB max Per-Package Stats: * com.android.externalstorage / u0a96 / v30: * Asc com.android.externalstorage.ExternalStorageProvider: Process: com.android.externalstorage Active count 24: time 9,2% Total count 4: time 12% <- com.android.documentsui/u0a106 (com.android.documentsui) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 3: time 1,2% Total count 1: time 1,2% * com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v79872: * Prc com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v79872: TOTAL: 26% Top: 15% Imp Fg: 11% (Last Act): 11% (Cached): 18% (26MB-26MB-26MB/21MB-21MB-21MB/103MB-103MB-103MB over 1) * Svc com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderInCallService: Process: com.chiller3.bcr Running count 1 / time 11% Bound count 1 / time 11% Executing count 2 / time 0,02% * Asc com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderInCallService: Process: com.chiller3.bcr Active count 3: time 11% Total count 1: time 11% <- system/1000 (com.android.server.telecom): Active count 3: time 11% Total count 1: time 11% * com.android.providers.settings / 1000 / v30: * Asc com.android.providers.settings.SettingsProvider: Process: system Total count 1: time 93% <- com.android.bluetooth/1002 (com.android.bluetooth) <- com.android.systemui/u0a173 (com.android.systemui) <- com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/u0a99 (com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher) <- com.android.networkstack.process/1073 (com.android.networkstack) <- android.ext.services/u0a184 (android.ext.services) <- com.android.phone/1001 (com.android.phone) <- com.android.settings/1000 (com.android.settings) <- com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/u0a185 (com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module) <- com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.android.deskclock/u0a159 (com.android.deskclock) <- com.google.android.apps.wellbeing/u0a115 (com.google.android.apps.wellbeing) <- android.process.acore/u0a103 (com.android.providers.blockednumber) <- com.google.android.as/u0a110 (com.google.android.as) <- com.google.process.gservices/u0a98 (com.google.android.gsf) <- com.android.providers.media.module/u0a183 (com.android.providers.media.module) <- android.process.media/u0a94 (com.android.mtp) <- com.google.process.gapps/u0a98 (com.google.android.gsf) <- com.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a163 (com.android.inputmethod.latin) <- com.google.android.apps.messaging/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.google.android.gms/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- .qtidataservices/1001 (com.qualcomm.qti.cne) <- com.google.android.apps.messaging:rcs/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- org.protonaosp.deviceconfig/u0a176 (org.protonaosp.deviceconfig) <- com.android.localtransport/1000 (com.android.localtransport) <- com.android.vending/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- com.google.android.carriersetup/u0a114 (com.google.android.carriersetup) <- com.android.vending:background/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- com.google.android.as:internet/u0a110 (com.google.android.as) <- org.lineageos.settings.doze/1000 (org.lineageos.settings.doze) <- com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer/u0a193 (com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer) <- com.android.permissioncontroller/u0a182 (com.android.permissioncontroller) <- com.android.providers.calendar/u0a121 (com.android.providers.calendar) <- com.android.traceur/u0a139 (com.android.traceur) <- com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a187 (com.topjohnwu.magisk) <- com.google.android.apps.turbo:aab/u0a102 (com.google.android.apps.turbo) <- com.google.android.calendar/u0a149 (com.google.android.calendar) <- com.google.android.gm/u0a150 (com.google.android.gm) <- com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a93 (com.google.android.partnersetup) <- com.google.android.gms.unstable/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.google.android.setupwizard/u0a107 (com.google.android.setupwizard) <- com.google.android.tts/u0a143 (com.google.android.tts) <- com.google.android.youtube/u0a190 (com.google.android.youtube) <- com.gbwhatsapp/u0a192 (com.gbwhatsapp) <- com.google.android.keep/u0a197 (com.google.android.keep) <- com.microsoft.appmanager/u0a213 (com.microsoft.appmanager) <- com.microsoft.office.officehubrow/u0a203 (com.microsoft.office.officehubrow) <- com.octopod.russianpost.client.android/u0a212 (com.octopod.russianpost.client.android) <- com.octopod.russianpost.client.android:Metrica/u0a212 (com.octopod.russianpost.client.android) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Total count 1: time 54% (running) <- org.telegram.messenger/u0a209 (org.telegram.messenger) <- ru.beeline.services/u0a211 (ru.beeline.services) <- ru.beeline.services:Metrica/u0a211 (ru.beeline.services) <- ru.rostel/u0a210 (ru.rostel) <- ru.rostel:Metrica/u0a210 (ru.rostel) <- ru.yota.android/u0a206 (ru.yota.android) <- ru.yota.android:Metrica/u0a206 (ru.yota.android) <- com.android.externalstorage/u0a96 (com.android.externalstorage) <- com.android.documentsui/u0a106 (com.android.documentsui) <- com.android.dialer/u0a155 (com.android.dialer) <- android.process.acore/u0a103 (com.android.providers.contacts) <- com.android.calllogbackup/u0a103 (com.android.calllogbackup) * com.google.android.gms / u0a98 / v234414031: * Asc com.google.android.gms.fonts.provider.FontsProvider: Process: com.google.android.gms.persistent Active count 2: time 2,0% Total count 3: time 4,1% <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 1: time 1,1% Total count 1: time 1,1% <- com.google.android.apps.messaging/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.google.android.youtube/u0a190 (com.google.android.youtube) * com.android.providers.contacts / u0a103 / v30: * Asc com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2: Process: android.process.acore Active count 25: time 18% Total count 3: time 30% <- com.android.dialer/u0a155 (com.android.dialer) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 5: time 1,9% Total count 2: time 2,2% <- com.google.android.gms/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.android.bluetooth/1002 (com.android.bluetooth) <- system/1000 (com.android.server.telecom) <- system/1000 (android) Total procs: 0 shown of 99 total Process summary: * com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v79872: TOTAL: 26% Top: 15% Imp Fg: 11% (Last Act): 11% (Cached): 18% (26MB-26MB-26MB/21MB-21MB-21MB/103MB-103MB-103MB over 1) Run time Stats: SOff/ Low: +638ms Crit: +8s217ms SOn/Norm: +1m20s674ms (running) Mod: +2s593ms Low: +958ms Crit: +1s365ms TOTAL: +1m34s445ms Memory usage: Kernel : 320MB (8 samples) Native : 528MB (8 samples) Persist: 339MB (71 samples) Top: 25MB (13 samples) ImpFg: 126MB (56 samples) ImpBg: 7,1MB (33 samples) Service: 15MB (49 samples) Receivr: 5,1MB (73 samples) Home: 1,5KB (1 samples) LastAct: 53MB (16 samples) CchAct: 4,7MB (2 samples) CchEmty: 153MB (58 samples) Cached : 1,00GB (8 samples) Free : 650MB (8 samples) Z-Ram : 12KB (8 samples) TOTAL : 3,2GB PSS collection stats: Internal Single: 53x over +350ms Internal All Procs (Memory Change): 0x over 0 Internal All Procs (Polling): 33x over +196ms External: 0x over 0 External Slow: 1x over +91ms AGGREGATED OVER LAST 24 HOURS: Start time: 2023-11-28 09:36:29 Total uptime: +5h26m36s696ms Total elapsed time: +6h42m5s339ms (partial) libart.so Aggregated over: 10 System memory usage: SOff/Norm: 3 samples: Cached: 863MB min, 1,1GB avg, 1,3GB max Free: 53MB min, 367MB avg, 0,91GB max ZRam: 12KB min, 103MB avg, 170MB max Kernel: 303MB min, 326MB avg, 357MB max Native: 357MB min, 421MB avg, 529MB max Mod: 6 samples: Cached: 785MB min, 839MB avg, 0,90GB max Free: 830MB min, 0,90GB avg, 0,99GB max ZRam: 12KB min, 12KB avg, 12KB max Kernel: 294MB min, 309MB avg, 322MB max Native: 526MB min, 528MB avg, 529MB max Low: 1 samples: Cached: 680MB min, 680MB avg, 680MB max Free: 1,3GB min, 1,3GB avg, 1,3GB max ZRam: 12KB min, 12KB avg, 12KB max Kernel: 279MB min, 279MB avg, 279MB max Native: 531MB min, 531MB avg, 531MB max SOn/Norm: 6 samples: Cached: 481MB min, 1,0GB avg, 1,3GB max Free: 94MB min, 147MB avg, 210MB max ZRam: 133MB min, 149MB avg, 174MB max Kernel: 314MB min, 331MB avg, 352MB max Native: 352MB min, 373MB avg, 381MB max Mod: 1 samples: Cached: 1,00GB min, 1,00GB avg, 1,00GB max Free: 650MB min, 650MB avg, 650MB max ZRam: 12KB min, 12KB avg, 12KB max Kernel: 320MB min, 320MB avg, 320MB max Native: 528MB min, 528MB avg, 528MB max Per-Package Stats: * com.android.externalstorage / u0a96 / v30: * Asc com.android.externalstorage.ExternalStorageProvider: Process: com.android.externalstorage Active count 79: time 0,25% Total count 29: time 0,47% <- com.android.documentsui/u0a106 (com.android.documentsui) <- com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a187 (com.topjohnwu.magisk) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 12: time 0,02% Imp Fg: time 0,02% Service: time 0,00% Total count 5: time 0,03% <- com.microsoft.office.officehubrow/u0a203 (com.microsoft.office.officehubrow) * com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v76032: * Prc com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v76032: * Svc com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderInCallService: Process: com.chiller3.bcr Running count 2 / time 0,10% Foreground count 1 / time 0,00% Bound count 2 / time 0,10% Executing count 4 / time 0,00% * Asc com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderInCallService: Process: com.chiller3.bcr Active count 3: time 0,10% Total count 2: time 0,10% <- system/1000 (com.android.server.telecom): Active count 3: time 0,10% Total count 2: time 0,10% * com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v79872: * Prc com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v79872: TOTAL: 0,51% (9,0MB-9,0MB-9,0MB/7,1MB-7,1MB-7,1MB/63MB-63MB-63MB over 1) Top: 0,14% Imp Fg: 0,37% (9,0MB-9,0MB-9,0MB/7,1MB-7,1MB-7,1MB/63MB-63MB-63MB over 1) (Last Act): 0,09% (Cached): 5,1% (10MB-15MB-26MB/8,0MB-12MB-21MB/59MB-70MB-103MB over 4) * Svc com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderInCallService: Process: com.chiller3.bcr Running count 4 / time 0,37% Foreground count 2 / time 0,00% Bound count 4 / time 0,37% Executing count 8 / time 0,00% * Asc com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderInCallService: Process: com.chiller3.bcr Active count 17: time 0,36% Total count 4: time 0,37% <- system/1000 (com.android.server.telecom): Active count 17: time 0,36% Total count 4: time 0,37% * com.android.providers.settings / 1000 / v30: * Asc com.android.providers.settings.SettingsProvider: Process: system Total count 10: time 100% <- com.android.bluetooth/1002 (com.android.bluetooth) <- com.android.systemui/u0a173 (com.android.systemui) <- com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/u0a99 (com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher) <- com.android.networkstack.process/1073 (com.android.networkstack) <- com.android.phone/1001 (com.android.phone) <- android.ext.services/u0a184 (android.ext.services) <- com.android.settings/1000 (com.android.settings) <- com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/u0a185 (com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module) <- com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.android.deskclock/u0a159 (com.android.deskclock) <- com.google.android.apps.wellbeing/u0a115 (com.google.android.apps.wellbeing) <- android.process.acore/u0a103 (com.android.providers.blockednumber) <- com.google.android.as/u0a110 (com.google.android.as) <- com.google.process.gservices/u0a98 (com.google.android.gsf) <- android.process.media/u0a94 (com.android.mtp) <- com.android.providers.media.module/u0a183 (com.android.providers.media.module) <- .qtidataservices/1001 (com.qualcomm.qti.cne) <- org.protonaosp.deviceconfig/u0a176 (org.protonaosp.deviceconfig) <- com.google.process.gapps/u0a98 (com.google.android.gsf) <- com.google.android.gms/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.google.android.apps.messaging/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.google.android.apps.messaging:rcs/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.android.vending/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- com.android.localtransport/1000 (com.android.localtransport) <- com.google.android.carriersetup/u0a114 (com.google.android.carriersetup) <- com.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a163 (com.android.inputmethod.latin) <- com.android.vending:background/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- org.lineageos.settings.doze/1000 (org.lineageos.settings.doze) <- com.android.permissioncontroller/u0a182 (com.android.permissioncontroller) <- com.android.providers.calendar/u0a121 (com.android.providers.calendar) <- com.android.traceur/u0a139 (com.android.traceur) <- com.google.android.apps.turbo:aab/u0a102 (com.google.android.apps.turbo) <- com.google.android.calendar/u0a149 (com.google.android.calendar) <- com.google.android.gm/u0a150 (com.google.android.gm) <- com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a93 (com.google.android.partnersetup) <- com.google.android.setupwizard/u0a107 (com.google.android.setupwizard) <- com.google.android.tts/u0a143 (com.google.android.tts) <- com.google.android.youtube/u0a190 (com.google.android.youtube) <- com.google.android.gms.unstable/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.gbwhatsapp/u0a192 (com.gbwhatsapp) <- com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a187 (com.topjohnwu.magisk) <- com.google.android.keep/u0a197 (com.google.android.keep) <- com.android.externalstorage/u0a96 (com.android.externalstorage) <- ru.cnofujbs.gekhiduhg/u0a191 (ru.cnofujbs.gekhiduhg) <- com.rarlab.rar/u0a199 (com.rarlab.rar) <- com.google.android.as:internet/u0a110 (com.google.android.as) <- com.android.keychain/1000 (com.android.keychain) <- com.android.vending:quick_launch/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- com.android.vending:instant_app_installer/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- com.google.android.configupdater/u0a108 (com.google.android.configupdater) <- android.process.acore/u0a103 (com.android.providers.contacts) <- com.android.documentsui/u0a106 (com.android.documentsui) <- com.kiwibrowser.browser/u0a186 (com.kiwibrowser.browser) <- com.android.dialer/u0a155 (com.android.dialer) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Total count 5: time 84% <- com.android.calllogbackup/u0a103 (com.android.calllogbackup) <- com.google.android.packageinstaller/u0a116 (com.google.android.packageinstaller) <- com.authy.authy/u0a198 (com.authy.authy) <- com.catchingnow.icebox/u0a201 (com.catchingnow.icebox) <- com.microsoft.office.officehubrow/u0a203 (com.microsoft.office.officehubrow) <- com.discord/u0a195 (com.discord) <- com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- ru.yota.android/u0a206 (ru.yota.android) <- ru.yota.android:Metrica/u0a206 (ru.yota.android) <- com.google.android.apps.docs/u0a202 (com.google.android.apps.docs) <- ru.yota.android:mapi_tracker/u0a206 (ru.yota.android) <- com.google.android.as:learning_bg/u0a110 (com.google.android.as) <- ru.beeline.services/u0a211 (ru.beeline.services) <- ru.beeline.services:Metrica/u0a211 (ru.beeline.services) <- org.telegram.messenger/u0a209 (org.telegram.messenger) <- com.octopod.russianpost.client.android/u0a212 (com.octopod.russianpost.client.android) <- com.octopod.russianpost.client.android:Metrica/u0a212 (com.octopod.russianpost.client.android) <- com.google.android.apps.restore/u0a101 (com.google.android.apps.restore) <- ru.rostel/u0a210 (ru.rostel) <- ru.rostel:Metrica/u0a210 (ru.rostel) <- com.chillyroom.soulknightprequel/u0a208 (com.chillyroom.soulknightprequel) <- com.android.settings.intelligence/u0a153 (com.android.settings.intelligence) <- android.process.acore/u0a103 (com.android.providers.userdictionary) <- org.lineageos.lineageparts/1000 (org.lineageos.lineageparts) <- com.google.android.as:nonpersistent/u0a110 (com.google.android.as) <- com.rhmsoft.edit/u0a204 (com.rhmsoft.edit) <- com.google.android.apps.turbo/u0a102 (com.google.android.apps.turbo) <- com.android.contacts/u0a154 (com.android.contacts) <- com.microsoft.appmanager/u0a213 (com.microsoft.appmanager) <- com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer/u0a193 (com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer) <- com.android.carrierdefaultapp/u0a137 (com.android.carrierdefaultapp) <- com.android.systemui:screenshot/u0a173 (com.android.systemui) * com.google.android.gms / u0a98 / v214857037: * Asc com.google.android.gms.fonts.provider.FontsProvider: Process: com.google.android.gms.persistent Active count 12: time 0,05% Total count 21: time 0,15% <- com.google.android.apps.messaging/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.kiwibrowser.browser/u0a186 (com.kiwibrowser.browser) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 2: time 0,00% Total count 2: time 0,01% <- com.rarlab.rar/u0a199 (com.rarlab.rar) <- com.google.android.youtube/u0a190 (com.google.android.youtube) * com.google.android.gms / u0a98 / v234414031: * Asc com.google.android.gms.fonts.provider.FontsProvider: Process: com.google.android.gms.persistent Active count 52: time 0,23% Total count 63: time 0,39% <- com.google.android.gm/u0a150 (com.google.android.gm) <- com.google.android.apps.messaging/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.kiwibrowser.browser/u0a186 (com.kiwibrowser.browser) <- com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.android.vending/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- com.microsoft.office.officehubrow/u0a203 (com.microsoft.office.officehubrow) <- ru.rostel/u0a210 (ru.rostel) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 2: time 0,01% Total count 2: time 0,01% <- com.rhmsoft.edit/u0a204 (com.rhmsoft.edit) <- com.chillyroom.soulknightprequel/u0a208 (com.chillyroom.soulknightprequel) <- com.google.android.keep/u0a197 (com.google.android.keep) <- com.octopod.russianpost.client.android/u0a212 (com.octopod.russianpost.client.android) <- ru.yota.android/u0a206 (ru.yota.android) <- com.google.android.youtube/u0a190 (com.google.android.youtube) <- com.discord/u0a195 (com.discord) <- com.google.android.gms/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) * com.android.providers.contacts / u0a103 / v30: * Asc com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2: Process: android.process.acore Active count 230: time 1,0% Total count 62: time 80% <- com.android.dialer/u0a155 (com.android.dialer) <- com.google.android.gms/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.android.bluetooth/1002 (com.android.bluetooth) <- system/1000 (android) <- system/1000 (com.android.server.telecom) <- com.google.android.apps.messaging/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 14: time 0,03% Total count 8: time 0,04% <- com.android.phone/1001 (com.android.phone) <- com.android.contacts/u0a154 (com.android.contacts) * Asc com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider: Process: android.process.acore Active count 135: time 0,50% Total count 16: time 84% <- com.android.dialer/u0a155 (com.android.dialer) <- system/1000 (com.android.server.telecom) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 15: time 0,04% Imp Fg: time 0,04% Service: time 0,00% Total count 4: time 0,05% <- system/1000 (android) Multi-Package Common Processes: * com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 (8 entries): SOff/Norm/ Imp Fg: +961ms (Cch Emty): +8m59s905ms SOn/Norm/ Top: +1m42s128ms Imp Fg: +1m31s267ms Service: +32ms (Last Act): +36s936ms (Cch Act): +2m41s34ms (Cch Emty): +7m4s217ms TOTAL: +22m36s480ms PSS/USS (5 entries): SOff/Norm/(Cch Emty): 12MB-12MB-12MB/9,4MB-9,4MB-9,4MB/60MB-60MB-60MB over 2 SOn/Norm/ Top: 25MB-26MB-26MB/20MB-21MB-21MB/104MB-104MB-104MB over 2 Imp Fg: 9,0MB-9,0MB-9,0MB/7,1MB-7,1MB-7,1MB/63MB-63MB-63MB over 1 (Cch Act): 26MB-26MB-26MB/21MB-21MB-21MB/103MB-105MB-106MB over 3 (Cch Emty): 10MB-10MB-10MB/8,0MB-8,0MB-8,0MB/59MB-59MB-59MB over 1 Cur time +51s482ms: 26MB-26MB-26MB/21MB-21MB-21MB/103MB-103MB-103MB over 1 Total procs: 1 shown of 153 total Process summary: * com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v79872: TOTAL: 0,99% (9,0MB-20MB-26MB/7,1MB-16MB-21MB/63MB-90MB-104MB over 3) Top: 0,52% (25MB-26MB-26MB/20MB-21MB-21MB/104MB-104MB-104MB over 2) Imp Fg: 0,47% (9,0MB-9,0MB-9,0MB/7,1MB-7,1MB-7,1MB/63MB-63MB-63MB over 1) (Last Act): 0,19% (Cached): 5,7% (10MB-19MB-26MB/8,0MB-15MB-21MB/59MB-82MB-106MB over 6) Run time Stats: SOff/Norm: +4h5m4s508ms Mod: +17s458ms Low: +8s855ms Crit: +1m15s209ms SOn/Norm: +1h19m32s947ms Mod: +5s437ms Low: +958ms Crit: +9s776ms TOTAL: +5h26m35s148ms Memory usage: Kernel : 327MB (100 samples) Native : 410MB (100 samples) Persist: 426MB (1601 samples) Top: 47MB (417 samples) ImpFg: 488MB (1889 samples) ImpBg: 19MB (1618 samples) Service: 14MB (1983 samples) Receivr: 681KB (2452 samples) Home: 465 (40 samples) LastAct: 38MB (1057 samples) CchAct: 34MB (211 samples) CchCAct: 18MB (150 samples) CchEmty: 353MB (1701 samples) Cached : 1,0GB (100 samples) Free : 315MB (100 samples) Z-Ram : 114MB (100 samples) TOTAL : 3,6GB ServRst: 38KB (318 samples) PSS collection stats: Internal Single: 1499x over +14s867ms Internal All Procs (Memory Change): 177x over +1s75ms Internal All Procs (Polling): 249x over +1s645ms External: 0x over 0 External Slow: 13x over +1s547ms AGGREGATED OVER LAST 3 HOURS: Start time: 2023-11-28 13:11:10 Total uptime: +1h59m23s848ms Total elapsed time: +3h9m33s212ms (partial) libart.so Aggregated over: 4 System memory usage: SOff/Norm: 1 samples: Cached: 1,3GB min, 1,3GB avg, 1,3GB max Free: 117MB min, 117MB avg, 117MB max ZRam: 138MB min, 138MB avg, 138MB max Kernel: 318MB min, 318MB avg, 318MB max Native: 378MB min, 378MB avg, 378MB max Mod: 1 samples: Cached: 0,90GB min, 0,90GB avg, 0,90GB max Free: 0,99GB min, 0,99GB avg, 0,99GB max ZRam: 12KB min, 12KB avg, 12KB max Kernel: 294MB min, 294MB avg, 294MB max Native: 529MB min, 529MB avg, 529MB max Low: 1 samples: Cached: 680MB min, 680MB avg, 680MB max Free: 1,3GB min, 1,3GB avg, 1,3GB max ZRam: 12KB min, 12KB avg, 12KB max Kernel: 279MB min, 279MB avg, 279MB max Native: 531MB min, 531MB avg, 531MB max SOn/Norm: 3 samples: Cached: 481MB min, 1,00GB avg, 1,3GB max Free: 94MB min, 126MB avg, 164MB max ZRam: 133MB min, 138MB avg, 146MB max Kernel: 314MB min, 329MB avg, 351MB max Native: 378MB min, 379MB avg, 381MB max Mod: 1 samples: Cached: 1,00GB min, 1,00GB avg, 1,00GB max Free: 650MB min, 650MB avg, 650MB max ZRam: 12KB min, 12KB avg, 12KB max Kernel: 320MB min, 320MB avg, 320MB max Native: 528MB min, 528MB avg, 528MB max Per-Package Stats: * com.android.externalstorage / u0a96 / v30: * Asc com.android.externalstorage.ExternalStorageProvider: Process: com.android.externalstorage Active count 40: time 0,24% Total count 12: time 0,29% <- com.android.documentsui/u0a106 (com.android.documentsui) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 7: time 0,03% Total count 2: time 0,03% <- com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a187 (com.topjohnwu.magisk) <- com.microsoft.office.officehubrow/u0a203 (com.microsoft.office.officehubrow) * com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v79872: * Prc com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v79872: TOTAL: 0,59% Top: 0,19% Imp Fg: 0,39% (Last Act): 0,14% (Cached): 14% (10MB-15MB-26MB/8,0MB-12MB-21MB/59MB-70MB-103MB over 4) * Svc com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderInCallService: Process: com.chiller3.bcr Running count 2 / time 0,40% Foreground count 1 / time 0,00% Bound count 2 / time 0,40% Executing count 4 / time 0,00% * Asc com.chiller3.bcr.RecorderInCallService: Process: com.chiller3.bcr Active count 5: time 0,38% Total count 2: time 0,39% <- system/1000 (com.android.server.telecom): Active count 5: time 0,38% Total count 2: time 0,39% * com.android.providers.settings / 1000 / v30: * Asc com.android.providers.settings.SettingsProvider: Process: system Total count 4: time 100% <- com.android.bluetooth/1002 (com.android.bluetooth) <- com.android.systemui/u0a173 (com.android.systemui) <- com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/u0a99 (com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher) <- com.android.networkstack.process/1073 (com.android.networkstack) <- android.ext.services/u0a184 (android.ext.services) <- com.android.phone/1001 (com.android.phone) <- com.android.settings/1000 (com.android.settings) <- com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/u0a185 (com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module) <- com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.android.deskclock/u0a159 (com.android.deskclock) <- com.google.android.apps.wellbeing/u0a115 (com.google.android.apps.wellbeing) <- android.process.acore/u0a103 (com.android.providers.blockednumber) <- com.google.android.as/u0a110 (com.google.android.as) <- .qtidataservices/1001 (com.qualcomm.qti.cne) <- org.protonaosp.deviceconfig/u0a176 (org.protonaosp.deviceconfig) <- com.android.providers.media.module/u0a183 (com.android.providers.media.module) <- android.process.media/u0a94 (com.android.mtp) <- com.google.process.gservices/u0a98 (com.google.android.gsf) <- com.google.process.gapps/u0a98 (com.google.android.gsf) <- com.google.android.gms/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.google.android.apps.messaging/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.android.vending/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- com.google.android.apps.messaging:rcs/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.google.android.carriersetup/u0a114 (com.google.android.carriersetup) <- com.android.localtransport/1000 (com.android.localtransport) <- com.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a163 (com.android.inputmethod.latin) <- com.android.vending:background/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- org.lineageos.settings.doze/1000 (org.lineageos.settings.doze) <- com.android.permissioncontroller/u0a182 (com.android.permissioncontroller) <- com.android.providers.calendar/u0a121 (com.android.providers.calendar) <- com.android.traceur/u0a139 (com.android.traceur) <- com.google.android.apps.turbo:aab/u0a102 (com.google.android.apps.turbo) <- com.google.android.calendar/u0a149 (com.google.android.calendar) <- com.google.android.setupwizard/u0a107 (com.google.android.setupwizard) <- com.google.android.gm/u0a150 (com.google.android.gm) <- com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a93 (com.google.android.partnersetup) <- com.google.android.youtube/u0a190 (com.google.android.youtube) <- com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a187 (com.topjohnwu.magisk) <- com.google.android.gms.unstable/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.google.android.tts/u0a143 (com.google.android.tts) <- com.gbwhatsapp/u0a192 (com.gbwhatsapp) <- com.google.android.keep/u0a197 (com.google.android.keep) <- com.microsoft.office.officehubrow/u0a203 (com.microsoft.office.officehubrow) <- com.octopod.russianpost.client.android/u0a212 (com.octopod.russianpost.client.android) <- com.android.externalstorage/u0a96 (com.android.externalstorage) <- com.octopod.russianpost.client.android:Metrica/u0a212 (com.octopod.russianpost.client.android) <- org.telegram.messenger/u0a209 (org.telegram.messenger) <- ru.beeline.services/u0a211 (ru.beeline.services) <- ru.beeline.services:Metrica/u0a211 (ru.beeline.services) <- ru.rostel/u0a210 (ru.rostel) <- ru.rostel:Metrica/u0a210 (ru.rostel) <- ru.yota.android/u0a206 (ru.yota.android) <- ru.yota.android:Metrica/u0a206 (ru.yota.android) <- com.google.android.as:internet/u0a110 (com.google.android.as) <- com.android.documentsui/u0a106 (com.android.documentsui) <- com.catchingnow.icebox/u0a201 (com.catchingnow.icebox) <- com.kiwibrowser.browser/u0a186 (com.kiwibrowser.browser) <- ru.cnofujbs.gekhiduhg/u0a191 (ru.cnofujbs.gekhiduhg) <- com.google.android.packageinstaller/u0a116 (com.google.android.packageinstaller) <- com.android.vending:quick_launch/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Total count 2: time 93% <- com.android.dialer/u0a155 (com.android.dialer) <- android.process.acore/u0a103 (com.android.providers.contacts) <- com.android.calllogbackup/u0a103 (com.android.calllogbackup) <- com.android.keychain/1000 (com.android.keychain) <- org.lineageos.lineageparts/1000 (org.lineageos.lineageparts) <- com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.google.android.apps.restore/u0a101 (com.google.android.apps.restore) <- com.google.android.apps.turbo/u0a102 (com.google.android.apps.turbo) <- android.process.acore/u0a103 (com.android.providers.userdictionary) <- com.google.android.configupdater/u0a108 (com.google.android.configupdater) <- com.google.android.as:learning_bg/u0a110 (com.google.android.as) <- com.google.android.as:nonpersistent/u0a110 (com.google.android.as) <- com.android.vending:instant_app_installer/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- com.android.settings.intelligence/u0a153 (com.android.settings.intelligence) <- com.discord/u0a195 (com.discord) <- com.authy.authy/u0a198 (com.authy.authy) <- com.rarlab.rar/u0a199 (com.rarlab.rar) <- com.google.android.apps.docs/u0a202 (com.google.android.apps.docs) <- com.rhmsoft.edit/u0a204 (com.rhmsoft.edit) <- ru.yota.android:mapi_tracker/u0a206 (ru.yota.android) <- com.chillyroom.soulknightprequel/u0a208 (com.chillyroom.soulknightprequel) <- com.android.contacts/u0a154 (com.android.contacts) <- com.microsoft.appmanager/u0a213 (com.microsoft.appmanager) <- com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer/u0a193 (com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer) <- com.android.systemui:screenshot/u0a173 (com.android.systemui) * com.google.android.gms / u0a98 / v234414031: * Asc com.google.android.gms.fonts.provider.FontsProvider: Process: com.google.android.gms.persistent Active count 21: time 0,25% Total count 27: time 0,47% <- com.google.android.gm/u0a150 (com.google.android.gm) <- com.google.android.apps.messaging/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.kiwibrowser.browser/u0a186 (com.kiwibrowser.browser) <- com.android.vending/u0a124 (com.android.vending) <- com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 1: time 0,01% Total count 1: time 0,01% <- com.google.android.youtube/u0a190 (com.google.android.youtube) <- com.microsoft.office.officehubrow/u0a203 (com.microsoft.office.officehubrow) * com.android.providers.contacts / u0a103 / v30: * Asc com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2: Process: android.process.acore Active count 73: time 1,2% Total count 9: time 93% <- com.android.dialer/u0a155 (com.android.dialer) <- com.google.android.gms/u0a98 (com.google.android.gms) <- system/1000 (android) <- com.android.bluetooth/1002 (com.android.bluetooth) <- system/1000 (com.android.server.telecom) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 6: time 0,04% Total count 3: time 0,04% <- com.google.android.apps.messaging/u0a200 (com.google.android.apps.messaging) <- com.android.contacts/u0a154 (com.android.contacts) * Asc com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider: Process: android.process.acore Active count 38: time 0,28% Total count 5: time 93% <- com.android.dialer/u0a155 (com.android.dialer) <- system/1000 (com.android.server.telecom) <- system/1000 (android) <- com.chiller3.bcr/u0a188 (com.chiller3.bcr): Active count 4: time 0,02% Total count 1: time 0,02% Total procs: 0 shown of 127 total Process summary: * com.chiller3.bcr / u0a188 / v79872: TOTAL: 0,59% Top: 0,19% Imp Fg: 0,39% (Last Act): 0,14% (Cached): 14% (10MB-15MB-26MB/8,0MB-12MB-21MB/59MB-70MB-103MB over 4) Run time Stats: SOff/Norm: +1h26m35s198ms Mod: +2s298ms Low: +2s227ms Crit: +24s970ms SOn/Norm: +32m10s195ms Mod: +4s356ms Low: +958ms Crit: +3s52ms TOTAL: +1h59m23s254ms Memory usage: Kernel : 318MB (52 samples) Native : 426MB (52 samples) Persist: 430MB (603 samples) Top: 67MB (157 samples) ImpFg: 512MB (742 samples) ImpBg: 21MB (430 samples) Service: 16MB (554 samples) Receivr: 698KB (745 samples) Home: 46 (4 samples) LastAct: 80MB (307 samples) CchAct: 57MB (84 samples) CchCAct: 17MB (51 samples) CchEmty: 343MB (552 samples) Cached : 0,99GB (52 samples) Free : 403MB (52 samples) Z-Ram : 95MB (52 samples) TOTAL : 3,7GB ServRst: 11KB (41 samples) PSS collection stats: Internal Single: 451x over +4s571ms Internal All Procs (Memory Change): 76x over +457ms Internal All Procs (Polling): 104x over +714ms External: 0x over 0 External Slow: 5x over +566ms DUMP OF SERVICE usagestats: user=0 Last 24 hour events (timeRange="27.11.2023, 16:50 – 28.11.2023, 16:50" ) time="2023-11-28 16:49:10" type=ACTIVITY_RESUMED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:10" type=STANDBY_BUCKET_CHANGED package=com.chiller3.bcr standbyBucket=10 reason=u-si flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:11" type=ACTIVITY_PAUSED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:13" type=ACTIVITY_RESUMED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:14" type=ACTIVITY_PAUSED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:14" type=ACTIVITY_RESUMED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.rule.RecordRulesActivity instanceId=38958757 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:15" type=ACTIVITY_STOPPED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:15" type=ACTIVITY_PAUSED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.rule.RecordRulesActivity instanceId=38958757 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:15" type=ACTIVITY_RESUMED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:16" type=ACTIVITY_STOPPED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.rule.RecordRulesActivity instanceId=38958757 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:17" type=ACTIVITY_PAUSED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:18" type=ACTIVITY_STOPPED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:28" type=ACTIVITY_RESUMED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:31" type=ACTIVITY_PAUSED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:32" type=STANDBY_BUCKET_CHANGED package=com.chiller3.bcr standbyBucket=5 reason=d flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:32" type=ACTIVITY_RESUMED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:34" type=ACTIVITY_PAUSED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:34" type=ACTIVITY_STOPPED package=com.chiller3.bcr class=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity instanceId=186300765 taskRootPackage=com.chiller3.bcr taskRootClass=com.chiller3.bcr.settings.SettingsActivity flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:47" type=NOTIFICATION_INTERRUPTION package=com.chiller3.bcr channelId=success flags=0x0 time="2023-11-28 16:49:47" type=NOTIFICATION_SEEN package=com.chiller3.bcr flags=0x0 In-memory daily stats timeRange="28.11.2023, 02:17–16:49" packages package=com.chiller3.bcr totalTimeUsed="00:09" lastTimeUsed="2023-11-28 16:49:34" totalTimeVisible="00:13" lastTimeVisible="2023-11-28 16:49:34" totalTimeFS="00:00" lastTimeFS="1970-01-01 03:00:00" appLaunchCount=4 ChooserCounts package=com.chiller3.bcr In-memory weekly stats timeRange="28.11.2023, 02:17–16:49" packages package=com.chiller3.bcr totalTimeUsed="00:09" lastTimeUsed="2023-11-28 16:49:34" totalTimeVisible="00:13" lastTimeVisible="2023-11-28 16:49:34" totalTimeFS="00:00" lastTimeFS="1970-01-01 03:00:00" appLaunchCount=4 ChooserCounts package=com.chiller3.bcr In-memory monthly stats timeRange="28.11.2023, 02:17–16:49" packages package=com.chiller3.bcr totalTimeUsed="00:09" lastTimeUsed="2023-11-28 16:49:34" totalTimeVisible="00:13" lastTimeVisible="2023-11-28 16:49:34" totalTimeFS="00:00" lastTimeFS="1970-01-01 03:00:00" appLaunchCount=4 ChooserCounts package=com.chiller3.bcr In-memory yearly stats timeRange="28.11.2023, 02:17–16:49" packages package=com.chiller3.bcr totalTimeUsed="00:09" lastTimeUsed="2023-11-28 16:49:34" totalTimeVisible="00:13" lastTimeVisible="2023-11-28 16:49:34" totalTimeFS="00:00" lastTimeFS="1970-01-01 03:00:00" appLaunchCount=4 ChooserCounts package=com.chiller3.bcr Usage Source=TASK_ROOT_ACTIVITY App Time Limits User userId=0 Currently Active:com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher, Observed Entities: User 0 App Standby States: package=com.chiller3.bcr u=0 bucket=5 reason=u-ns used=+27s892ms usedByUser=+29s127ms usedScr=+27s447ms lastPred=+1m51s23ms activeLeft=+59m32s108ms wsLeft=+11h59m45s625ms lastJob=-24855d3h14m7s313ms idle=n totalElapsedTime=+13h49m53s495ms totalScreenOnTime=+2h9m46s649ms DUMP OF SERVICE batterystats: Discharge step durations: #0: +3m22s216ms to 92 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off) #1: +4m15s43ms to 93 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off) #2: +13m13s294ms to 94 (power-save-off, device-idle-off) #3: +25m16s112ms to 95 (power-save-off, device-idle-off) Estimated screen on time: 6h 21m 2s 900ms Statistics since last charge: System starts: 3, currently on battery: false Estimated battery capacity: 4000 mAh Time on battery: 1h 4m 42s 326ms (90,3%) realtime, 18m 5s 339ms (28,0%) uptime Time on battery screen off: 51m 56s 922ms (80,3%) realtime, 5m 19s 932ms (8,2%) uptime Time on battery screen doze: 0ms (0,0%) Total run time: 1h 11m 37s 708ms realtime, 25m 0s 721ms uptime Discharge: 0 mAh Screen off discharge: 0 mAh Screen doze discharge: 0 mAh Screen on discharge: 0 mAh Device light doze discharge: 0 mAh Device deep doze discharge: 0 mAh Start clock time: 2023-11-28-15-09-06 Screen on: 12m 45s 404ms (19,7%) 14x, Interactive: 12m 39s 175ms (19,6%) Screen brightnesses: dark 12m 36s 640ms (98,9%) medium 8s 506ms (1,1%) bright 240ms (0,0%) Device light idling: 29m 1s 266ms (44,9%) 7x Idle mode light time: 28m 15s 165ms (43,7%) 8x -- longest 6m 50s 98ms Connectivity changes: 17 Total full wakelock time: 5m 2s 376ms Total partial wakelock time: 3m 3s 495ms Total WiFi Multicast wakelock Count: 2 Total WiFi Multicast wakelock time: 8m 51s 753ms CONNECTIVITY POWER SUMMARY START Logging duration for connectivity statistics: 1h 4m 42s 326ms Cellular Statistics: Cellular kernel active time: 5m 0s 767ms (7,7%) Cellular Sleep time: 40m 56s 575ms (63,3%) Cellular Idle time: 6m 5s 940ms (9,4%) Cellular Rx time: 15m 43s 259ms (24,3%) Cellular Tx time: less than 0dBm: 970ms (0,0%) 0dBm to 8dBm: 866ms (0,0%) 8dBm to 15dBm: 4s 216ms (0,1%) 15dBm to 20dBm: 21s 956ms (0,6%) above 20dBm: 27s 40ms (0,7%) Cellular data received: 540,87KB Cellular data sent: 269,63KB Cellular packets received: 1044 Cellular packets sent: 1223 Cellular Radio Access Technology: oos 7m 39s 384ms (11,8%) edge 5m 8s 524ms (7,9%) hspa 29s 118ms (0,8%) lte 51m 18s 114ms (79,3%) Cellular Rx signal strength (RSRP): very poor (less than -128dBm): 52s 979ms (1,4%) poor (-128dBm to -118dBm): 7m 31s 844ms (11,6%) moderate (-118dBm to -108dBm): 24m 38s 949ms (38,1%) good (-108dBm to -98dBm): 19m 48s 974ms (30,6%) great (greater than -98dBm): 11m 43s 719ms (18,1%) Wifi Statistics: Wifi kernel active time: 20m 52s 803ms (32,3%) WiFi Scan time: 1m 10s 329ms (1,8%) WiFi Sleep time: 1h 0m 18s 644ms (93,2%) WiFi Idle time: 4m 8s 86ms (6,4%) WiFi Rx time: 13s 984ms (0,4%) WiFi Tx time: 1s 612ms (0,0%) Wifi data received: 36,79MB Wifi data sent: 2,15MB Wifi packets received: 33754 Wifi packets sent: 7675 Wifi states: scanning 11s 571ms (0,3%) disconn 33m 21s 950ms (51,6%) sta 31m 7s 194ms (48,1%) Wifi supplicant states: disconn 33m 26s 988ms (51,7%) disabled 6ms (0,0%) associating 177ms (0,0%) associated 31ms (0,0%) 4-way-handshake 45ms (0,0%) group-handshake 127ms (0,0%) completed 31m 10s 381ms (48,2%) Wifi Rx signal strength (RSSI): moderate (-77.5dBm to -66.25dBm): 6m 20s 470ms (9,8%) good (-66.25dBm to -55dBm): 12m 18s 380ms (19,0%) great (greater than -55dBm): 45m 51s 970ms (70,9%) GPS Statistics: GPS signal quality (Top 4 Average CN0): poor (less than 20 dBHz): 0ms (0,0%) good (greater than 20 dBHz): 0ms (0,0%) CONNECTIVITY POWER SUMMARY END Bluetooth total received: 0B, sent: 0B Bluetooth scan time: 0ms Bluetooth Idle time: 56s 77ms (1,4%) Bluetooth Rx time: 32s 222ms (0,8%) Bluetooth Tx time: 0ms (0,0%) Bluetooth Battery drain: 0.448mAh Device battery use since last full charge Amount discharged (lower bound): 4 Amount discharged (upper bound): 6 Amount discharged while screen on: 4 Amount discharged while screen off: 2 Amount discharged while screen doze: 0 Estimated power use (mAh): Capacity: 4000, Computed drain: 104, actual drain: 160-240 Unaccounted: 56.4 ( ) Including smearing: 0 ( ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a190: 28.1 ( cpu=2.06 wake=0.000260 radio=0.0861 wifi=25.9 sensor=0.0241 ) Including smearing: 53.3 ( screen=19.0 proportional=6.16 ) Screen: 25.8 Excluded from smearing Uid u0a98: 9.85 ( cpu=2.25 wake=0.0431 radio=4.55 wifi=2.73 sensor=0.283 ) Including smearing: 11.1 ( proportional=1.29 ) Cell standby: 6.93 ( radio=6.93 ) Excluded from smearing Idle: 5.22 Excluded from smearing Uid 1000: 5.19 ( cpu=5.08 wake=0.0435 radio=0.00206 sensor=0.0682 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a150: 4.61 ( cpu=1.22 wake=0.0370 radio=2.67 wifi=0.675 sensor=0.00181 ) Including smearing: 6.87 ( screen=1.46 proportional=0.794 ) Uid u0a186: 4.00 ( cpu=1.32 wake=0.00000500 radio=0.902 wifi=1.77 ) Including smearing: 7.99 ( screen=3.07 proportional=0.924 ) Uid 0: 2.13 ( cpu=1.81 radio=0.246 wifi=0.0717 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a211: 1.63 ( cpu=0.0901 wake=0.000425 radio=1.53 wifi=0.0127 ) Including smearing: 1.84 ( proportional=0.213 ) Uid u0a203: 1.16 ( cpu=0.360 wake=0.00000333 radio=0.594 wifi=0.210 sensor=0.00000415 ) Including smearing: 1.70 ( screen=0.338 proportional=0.196 ) Uid u0a173: 0.970 ( cpu=0.966 wake=0.00314 sensor=0.0000148 ) Excluded from smearing Uid 1001: 0.778 ( cpu=0.768 wake=0.0100 ) Excluded from smearing Uid 1051: 0.678 ( radio=0.215 wifi=0.464 ) Excluded from smearing Uid 1073: 0.521 ( cpu=0.0745 wake=0.00000417 radio=0.285 wifi=0.161 ) Excluded from smearing Bluetooth: 0.499 ( cpu=0.0513 wake=0.00000083 bt=0.448 ) Including smearing: 0.564 ( proportional=0.0653 ) Uid u0a107: 0.479 ( cpu=0.0298 wake=0.000131 wifi=0.449 ) Including smearing: 0.541 ( proportional=0.0626 ) Uid 1046: 0.465 ( cpu=0.465 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a200: 0.464 ( cpu=0.263 wake=0.000893 wifi=0.200 ) Including smearing: 0.524 ( proportional=0.0606 ) Uid u0a124: 0.406 ( cpu=0.102 radio=0.191 wifi=0.113 ) Including smearing: 0.460 ( proportional=0.0531 ) Wifi: 0.384 ( cpu=0.0458 wifi=0.338 ) Including smearing: 0.434 ( proportional=0.0502 ) Uid 1041: 0.354 ( cpu=0.348 wake=0.00668 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a99: 0.263 ( cpu=0.263 wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 1.44 ( screen=1.01 proportional=0.167 ) Uid u0a209: 0.244 ( cpu=0.129 wake=0.00000167 wifi=0.115 ) Including smearing: 0.276 ( proportional=0.0319 ) Uid u0a213: 0.229 ( cpu=0.0481 wake=0.0000108 wifi=0.181 ) Including smearing: 0.259 ( proportional=0.0299 ) Uid u0a115: 0.203 ( cpu=0.203 wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.230 ( proportional=0.0266 ) Uid u0a192: 0.196 ( cpu=0.140 wake=0.00352 wifi=0.0526 ) Including smearing: 0.953 ( screen=0.647 proportional=0.110 ) Uid u0a210: 0.181 ( cpu=0.0450 wake=0.00000083 wifi=0.136 ) Including smearing: 0.205 ( proportional=0.0237 ) Uid u0a110: 0.147 ( cpu=0.147 wake=0.0000133 ) Including smearing: 0.166 ( proportional=0.0192 ) Uid u0a201: 0.142 ( cpu=0.0193 wake=0.00000250 wifi=0.123 ) Including smearing: 0.161 ( proportional=0.0186 ) Uid u0a183: 0.128 ( cpu=0.127 wake=0.000823 ) Including smearing: 0.145 ( proportional=0.0167 ) Uid 1036: 0.125 ( cpu=0.125 ) Excluded from smearing Uid 1003: 0.116 ( cpu=0.116 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a187: 0.103 ( cpu=0.0503 wake=0.00000333 wifi=0.0526 ) Including smearing: 0.390 ( screen=0.242 proportional=0.0451 ) Uid u0a149: 0.0882 ( cpu=0.0632 wake=0.000387 wifi=0.0247 ) Including smearing: 0.0998 ( proportional=0.0115 ) Uid 1066: 0.0823 ( cpu=0.0823 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a167: 0.0576 ( cpu=0.0269 wake=0.00000167 radio=0.0306 ) Including smearing: 0.0651 ( proportional=0.00753 ) Uid u0a212: 0.0548 ( cpu=0.0547 wake=0.00000667 ) Including smearing: 0.0619 ( proportional=0.00716 ) Uid 9999: 0.0531 ( cpu=0.0531 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a102: 0.0506 ( cpu=0.0500 wake=0.000602 ) Including smearing: 0.0572 ( proportional=0.00662 ) Uid u0a206: 0.0434 ( cpu=0.0309 wake=0.00000250 sensor=0.0126 ) Including smearing: 0.0491 ( proportional=0.00568 ) Uid u0a191: 0.0426 ( cpu=0.0418 wake=0.000765 ) Including smearing: 0.0481 ( proportional=0.00557 ) Uid u0a103: 0.0410 ( cpu=0.0410 wake=0.00000500 ) Including smearing: 0.0463 ( proportional=0.00536 ) Uid u0a111: 0.0339 ( cpu=0.0339 wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.0383 ( proportional=0.00443 ) Uid u0a163: 0.0306 ( cpu=0.0306 wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.0346 ( proportional=0.00401 ) Uid 1069: 0.0274 ( cpu=0.0274 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a184: 0.0188 ( cpu=0.0188 ) Including smearing: 0.0213 ( proportional=0.00246 ) Uid u0a121: 0.0186 ( cpu=0.0182 wake=0.000361 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a143: 0.0183 ( cpu=0.0183 wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.0207 ( proportional=0.00240 ) Uid u0a104: 0.0183 ( cpu=0.00239 wake=0.00000083 wifi=0.0159 ) Including smearing: 0.0207 ( proportional=0.00240 ) Uid u0a155: 0.0167 ( cpu=0.0167 wake=0.00000250 ) Including smearing: 0.0189 ( proportional=0.00218 ) Uid u0a185: 0.0159 ( cpu=0.0159 wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.0180 ( proportional=0.00208 ) Uid u0a197: 0.0143 ( cpu=0.0143 wake=0.0000275 ) Including smearing: 0.0162 ( proportional=0.00187 ) Uid 1013: 0.0126 ( cpu=0.0126 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a182: 0.0124 ( cpu=0.0124 wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.0140 ( proportional=0.00162 ) Uid u0a159: 0.0106 ( cpu=0.0106 wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.0120 ( proportional=0.00138 ) Uid u0a118: 0.00956 ( cpu=0.00956 wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.0108 ( proportional=0.00125 ) Uid 2000: 0.00908 ( cpu=0.00908 wake=0.00000167 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a94: 0.00827 ( cpu=0.00827 wake=0.00000583 ) Excluded from smearing Uid 1017: 0.00703 ( cpu=0.00703 ) Excluded from smearing Uid 1068: 0.00693 ( cpu=0.00693 wake=0.00000083 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a125: 0.00673 ( cpu=0.00673 wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00761 ( proportional=0.000880 ) Uid u0a177: 0.00666 ( cpu=0.00666 wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00753 ( proportional=0.000871 ) Uid u0a128: 0.00622 ( cpu=0.00622 wake=0.00000250 ) Including smearing: 0.00704 ( proportional=0.000814 ) Uid 1053: 0.00593 ( cpu=0.00593 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a109: 0.00581 ( cpu=0.00581 wake=0.00000250 ) Including smearing: 0.00657 ( proportional=0.000760 ) Uid u0a93: 0.00508 ( cpu=0.00498 wake=0.0000983 ) Including smearing: 0.00574 ( proportional=0.000664 ) Uid u0a169: 0.00427 ( cpu=0.00426 wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00482 ( proportional=0.000558 ) Uid u0a114: 0.00375 ( cpu=0.00375 wake=0.00000417 ) Including smearing: 0.00425 ( proportional=0.000491 ) Uid u0a144: 0.00368 ( cpu=0.00367 wake=0.00000583 ) Including smearing: 0.00416 ( proportional=0.000481 ) Uid u0a108: 0.00358 ( cpu=0.00358 ) Including smearing: 0.00405 ( proportional=0.000468 ) Uid u0a112: 0.00349 ( cpu=0.00349 ) Including smearing: 0.00395 ( proportional=0.000457 ) Uid u0a166: 0.00325 ( cpu=0.00325 ) Including smearing: 0.00367 ( proportional=0.000424 ) Uid 1047: 0.00320 ( cpu=0.00320 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a116: 0.00311 ( cpu=0.00311 wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00352 ( proportional=0.000407 ) Uid u0a142: 0.00309 ( cpu=0.00309 wake=0.00000250 ) Including smearing: 0.00349 ( proportional=0.000404 ) Uid u0a96: 0.00295 ( cpu=0.00295 ) Including smearing: 0.00334 ( proportional=0.000386 ) Uid 1021: 0.00291 ( cpu=0.00291 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a95: 0.00284 ( cpu=0.00283 wake=0.00000500 ) Including smearing: 0.00321 ( proportional=0.000371 ) Uid u0a146: 0.00282 ( cpu=0.00282 wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00319 ( proportional=0.000369 ) Uid u0a176: 0.00267 ( cpu=0.00267 wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00302 ( proportional=0.000349 ) Uid u0a151: 0.00252 ( cpu=0.00252 wake=0.00000500 ) Including smearing: 0.00285 ( proportional=0.000330 ) Uid u0a139: 0.00234 ( cpu=0.00234 wake=0.00000250 ) Including smearing: 0.00265 ( proportional=0.000306 ) Uid 1040: 0.00221 ( cpu=0.00221 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a154: 0.00170 ( cpu=0.00170 wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00192 ( proportional=0.000222 ) Uid u0a120: 0.000717 ( wake=0.000717 ) Including smearing: 0.000810 ( proportional=0.0000937 ) Uid 2903: 0.000314 ( cpu=0.000314 ) Excluded from smearing Uid u0a106: 0.000133 ( cpu=0.000130 wake=0.00000250 ) Including smearing: 0.000150 ( proportional=0.0000174 ) Uid u0a194: 0.0000242 ( wake=0.0000242 ) Including smearing: 0.0000273 ( proportional=0.00000316 ) Uid u0a196: 0.0000125 ( wake=0.0000125 ) Including smearing: 0.0000141 ( proportional=0.00000163 ) Uid u0a198: 0.00000667 ( wake=0.00000667 ) Including smearing: 0.00000754 ( proportional=0.00000087 ) Uid u0a195: 0.00000583 ( wake=0.00000583 ) Including smearing: 0.00000660 ( proportional=0.00000076 ) Uid u0a208: 0.00000583 ( wake=0.00000583 ) Including smearing: 0.00000660 ( proportional=0.00000076 ) Uid u0a207: 0.00000500 ( wake=0.00000500 ) Including smearing: 0.00000565 ( proportional=0.00000065 ) Uid u0a168: 0.00000417 ( wake=0.00000417 ) Including smearing: 0.00000471 ( proportional=0.00000054 ) Uid u0a174: 0.00000417 ( wake=0.00000417 ) Including smearing: 0.00000471 ( proportional=0.00000054 ) Uid u0a215: 0.00000417 ( wake=0.00000417 ) Including smearing: 0.00000471 ( proportional=0.00000054 ) Uid u0a101: 0.00000333 ( wake=0.00000333 ) Including smearing: 0.00000377 ( proportional=0.00000044 ) Uid u0a119: 0.00000333 ( wake=0.00000333 ) Including smearing: 0.00000377 ( proportional=0.00000044 ) Uid u0a152: 0.00000333 ( wake=0.00000333 ) Including smearing: 0.00000377 ( proportional=0.00000044 ) Uid u0a189: 0.00000333 ( wake=0.00000333 ) Including smearing: 0.00000377 ( proportional=0.00000044 ) Uid u0a199: 0.00000333 ( wake=0.00000333 ) Including smearing: 0.00000377 ( proportional=0.00000044 ) Uid u0a204: 0.00000333 ( wake=0.00000333 ) Including smearing: 0.00000377 ( proportional=0.00000044 ) Uid u0a205: 0.00000333 ( wake=0.00000333 ) Including smearing: 0.00000377 ( proportional=0.00000044 ) Uid u0a153: 0.00000306 ( cpu=0.00000139 wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000346 ( proportional=0.00000040 ) Uid u0a129: 0.00000250 ( wake=0.00000250 ) Including smearing: 0.00000283 ( proportional=0.00000033 ) Uid u0a171: 0.00000250 ( wake=0.00000250 ) Including smearing: 0.00000283 ( proportional=0.00000033 ) Uid u0a214: 0.00000250 ( wake=0.00000250 ) Including smearing: 0.00000283 ( proportional=0.00000033 ) Uid u0a97: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a113: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a117: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a123: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a130: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a132: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a135: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a141: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a157: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a158: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a162: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a164: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a170: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a172: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a178: 0.00000167 ( wake=0.00000167 ) Including smearing: 0.00000188 ( proportional=0.00000022 ) Uid u0a90: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a91: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a100: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a105: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a126: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a127: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a131: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a133: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a134: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a136: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a137: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a138: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a140: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a147: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a148: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a160: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a165: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a175: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a179: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Uid u0a181: 0.00000083 ( wake=0.00000083 ) Including smearing: 0.00000094 ( proportional=0.00000011 ) Per-app mobile ms per packet: Uid u0a190: 2215 (1 packets over 2s 215ms) 1x Uid u0a203: 955 (16 packets over 15s 275ms) 3x Uid u0a211: 912 (43 packets over 39s 222ms) 3x Uid u0a98: 479 (244 packets over 1m 56s 884ms) 34x Uid u0a124: 196 (25 packets over 4s 910ms) 5x Uid 0: 84.5 (75 packets over 6s 338ms) 6x Uid u0a150: 58.7 (1170 packets over 1m 8s 703ms) 7x Uid u0a186: 57.8 (401 packets over 23s 188ms) 5x Uid 1051: 56.4 (98 packets over 5s 526ms) 12x Uid 1073: 45.3 (162 packets over 7s 333ms) 4x Uid u0a167: 28.1 (28 packets over 788ms) 2x Uid 1000: 13.3 (4 packets over 53ms) 2x TOTAL TIME: 4m 50s 435ms (0,0%) CPU freqs: 633600 902400 1113600 1401600 1536000 1612800 1113600 1401600 1747200 1804800 1000: Mobile network: 152B received, 152B sent (packets 2 received, 2 sent) Mobile radio active: 53ms (0,0%) 2x @ 13.3 mspp User activity: 22 other, 55 button, 341 touch Wake lock ActivityManager-Sleep: 37s 442ms partial (7 times) max=5038 actual=40872 realtime Wake lock WifiSuspend: 34ms partial (8 times) max=24 actual=129 realtime Wake lock *dexopt*: 27ms partial (17 times) max=13 actual=85 realtime Wake lock WiredAccessoryManager realtime Wake lock lockout reset callback: 8ms partial (6 times) max=5 actual=24 realtime Wake lock *alarm*: 9s 632ms partial (55 times) max=20659 actual=21685 realtime Wake lock PhoneWindowManager.mPowerKeyWakeLock: 249ms partial (6 times) max=131 actual=318 realtime Wake lock AudioMix realtime Wake lock com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanionService.PullingAlarmListener: 49ms partial (1 times) max=140 actual=140 realtime Wake lock *vibrator*: 56ms partial (6 times) max=25 actual=132 realtime Wake lock *launch* realtime Wake lock NetworkStats: 607ms partial (46 times) max=58 actual=1189 realtime Wake lock *telephony-radio*: 346ms partial (25 times) max=76 actual=539 realtime Wake lock NtpTimeHelper realtime Wake lock *location* realtime Wake lock GnssLocationProvider realtime Wake lock NetworkTimeUpdateService: 2ms partial (1 times) max=5 actual=5 realtime Wake lock GnssVisibilityControl realtime Wake lock ShutdownThread-cpu realtime Wake lock *job*/android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService: 554ms partial (1 times) max=1795 actual=1795 realtime Wake lock deviceidle_maint: 1s 956ms partial (1 times) max=5105 actual=5105 realtime Wake lock timedetector.TimeDetectorStrategyCallbackImpl: 1ms partial (1 times) max=1 realtime Wake lock ConnectivityService: 480ms partial (1 times) max=1031 actual=1031 realtime Wake lock startDream: 403ms partial (10 times) max=200 actual=1207 realtime Wake lock SyncLoopWakeLock: 122ms partial (27 times) max=107 actual=381 realtime Wake lock SCREEN_FROZEN realtime Wake lock deviceidle_going_idle: 282ms partial (8 times) max=111 actual=610 realtime TOTAL wake: 52s 250ms blamed partial, 1m 13s 177ms actual partial realtime Job android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService: 1s 802ms realtime (1 times) Job Completions android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService: canceled(1x) Audio: 3s 37ms realtime (2 times) Sensor 7: (not used) Sensor 39: 12m 34s 925ms realtime (17 times) Vibrator: 1s 756ms realtime (19 times) Foreground activities: 201ms realtime (1 times) Foreground for: 1h 4m 42s 326ms Total running: 1h 4m 42s 326ms Total cpu time: u=2m 33s 953ms s=1m 48s 101ms Total cpu time per freq: 26600 4010 3430 101670 2690 67170 8960 4850 2320 39320 Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 25800 3880 1890 12880 1740 29140 1300 1290 730 4680 Proc android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service: CPU: 60ms usr + 190ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service.xiaomi_sdm660: CPU: 30ms usr + 2s 880ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc com.qualcomm.qti.poweroffalarm: CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg 2 starts Proc android.hardware.power-service-qti: CPU: 100ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc idmap2d: CPU: 30ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc sensors.qti: CPU: 40ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service: CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc servicemanager: CPU: 1s 560ms usr + 1s 540ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc org.lineageos.lineageparts: CPU: 20ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg 2 starts Proc qseecomd: CPU: 30ms usr + 360ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc com.android.settings: CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 110ms fg 2 starts Proc android.system.suspend@1.0-service: CPU: 390ms usr + 21s 730ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc com.tencent.soter.soterserver: CPU: 40ms usr + 70ms krn ; 0ms fg 1 starts Proc time_daemon: CPU: 0ms usr + 100ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-service: CPU: 17s 520ms usr + 13s 630ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc com.android.localtransport: CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg 1 starts Proc android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: CPU: 10ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc com.android.keychain: CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg 1 starts Proc dpmd: CPU: 30ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc cnd: CPU: 50ms usr + 100ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc android.hardware.light@2.0-service.xiaomi_sdm660: CPU: 10ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0-service: CPU: 60ms usr + 610ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc surfaceflinger: CPU: 36s 740ms usr + 20s 10ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc org.lineageos.settings.doze: CPU: 60ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg 1 starts Proc cnss-daemon: CPU: 10ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc system: CPU: 1m 31s 780ms usr + 38s 520ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc android.hardware.health@2.1-service: CPU: 50ms usr + 280ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc hwservicemanager: CPU: 370ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a: CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg 1 starts Proc android.hardware.sensors@1.0-service: CPU: 1s 630ms usr + 1s 790ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc vendor.lineage.livedisplay@2.0-service-sdm: CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc app_process: CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc WebViewLoader-arm64-v8a: CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg 1 starts Proc android.hardware.vibrator@1.0-service: CPU: 0ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc vndservicemanager: CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg Proc com.android.dynsystem: CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg 1 starts Proc android.hardware.configstore@1.1-service: CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg Apk com.android.location.fused: Service com.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService: Created for: 0ms uptime Starts: 0, launches: 1 Apk com.dsi.ant.server: Service com.dsi.ant.server.AntService: Created for: 1m 50s 554ms uptime Starts: 3, launches: 3 Apk com.android.localtransport: Service com.android.localtransport.LocalTransportService: Created for: 0ms uptime Starts: 0, launches: 1 Apk com.android.keychain: Service com.android.keychain.KeyChainService: Created for: 0ms uptime Starts: 0, launches: 2 Apk com.android.server.telecom: Service com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService: Created for: 0ms uptime Starts: 0, launches: 3 Service com.android.server.telecom.components.BluetoothPhoneService: Created for: 2m 7s 159ms uptime Starts: 3, launches: 3 Apk com.fingerprints.extension.service: Service com.fingerprints.extension.service.FingerprintExtensionService: Created for: 1m 30s 58ms uptime Starts: 3, launches: 3 Apk android: Wakeup alarm *walarm*:WriteBufferAlarm: 4 times Wakeup alarm *walarm*:WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Periodic Scan Timer: 0 times Wakeup alarm *walarm*:*job.deadline*: 2 times Wakeup alarm *walarm*:NETWORK_LINGER_COMPLETE.104: 2 times Wakeup alarm *walarm*:NETWORK_LINGER_COMPLETE.100: 0 times Wakeup alarm *walarm*:WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Watchdog Timer: 3 times Wakeup alarm *walarm*:TrustManagerService.trustTimeoutForUser: 1 times Wakeup alarm *walarm*:WifiHealthMonitor Schedule Post-Boot Detection Timer: 0 times Wakeup alarm *walarm*:DeviceIdleController.light: 8 times Service android.hardware.location.GeofenceHardwareService: Created for: 0ms uptime Starts: 0, launches: 3 Service com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService: Created for: 0ms uptime Starts: 0, launches: 1 Service com.android.server.content.SyncJobService: Created for: 0ms uptime Starts: 0, launches: 12 u0a188: Wake lock *dexopt* realtime Wake lock *launch* realtime Apk com.chiller3.bcr: (nothing executed) Total cpu time reads: 0 Batched cpu time reads: 0 Batching Duration (min): 1 All UID cpu time reads since the later of device start or stats reset: 36 UIDs removed since the later of device start or stats reset: 0