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Environment Variable Dotnet

Repository Nuget:

Install Nuget Package

dotnet add package braspin_environment_variable_dotnet --version 0.1.10

Example class AppSettings.cs inheriting IEnvironmentVariable

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_BOOLEAN", true)]
    public bool Boolean { get; set; } = false;

    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_LONG", 10000000)]
    public long Long { get; set; }

    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_STRING", "Title")]
    public string? String { get; set; }

    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_DOUBLE", 5.1)]
    public double Double { get; set; }

Add Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Using in yours Controllers


private readonly AppSettings _config;

public WeatherForecastController(AppSettings config)
    _config = config;

Annotation Types

Boolean variable without default value

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    public bool Boolean { get; set; };

Boolean variable with default value

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_BOOLEAN", true)]
    public bool Boolean { get; set; };

Long variable without default value

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    public long Long { get; set; };

Long variable with default value

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_LONG", 100)]
    public long Long { get; set; };

Long variable with default, min and max value

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_LONG", 100, 0, 200)]
    public long Double { get; set; };

Double variable without default value

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    public double Double { get; set; };

Double variable with default value

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_DOUBLE", 10.1)]
    public double Double { get; set; };

Double variable with default, min and max value

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_DOUBLE", 10.1, 0, 20)]
    public double Double { get; set; };

String variable without default value

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    public string String { get; set; };

String variable with default value

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_STRING", "Title")]
    public string String { get; set; };

String variable with default value and enums values

public class AppSettings : IEnvironmentVariable
    [EnvironmentVariable("VARIABLE_LOG_LEVEL", "Info", new string[]{"Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warning", "Error"})]
    public string LogLevel { get; set; };