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48 lines (38 loc) · 3.62 KB


Minetest mod which transforms chat window into REPL.

For convenience, these variables are available in the scope of the REPL:

  • _ - last result
  • _e - last error
  • me - player's object (userdata)
  • name - player's name

Additionally, these tables are imported:

  • string
  • table
  • io
  • math
  • minetest

Thus instead of string.rep, table.insert or minetest.set_node, one can simply type rep, insert or set_node.

There are helper functions available:

  • hint(table, pattern) - Returns a table with all keys of table matching pattern (same format as in string.find). If table is omitted, it searches within all imported tables.
  • clear() - Clears the chat window (by spamming a lot of empty lines).
  • echo(message) - Sends message to the player who called it. Useful when called from delayed code (e.g. attached to event or via minetest.after).
  • load(name) - Loads a script from the scripts directory into function. Extension .lua is added automatically. The arguments passed to the returned function are obtained via ... (e.g. local x, y, z = ...) within a script. Convenience variables and imported tables apply to scripts as well.
  • run(name, arg1, arg2, ...) - Equivalent to load(name)(arg1, arg2, ...). Arguments are of course optional.
  • count(table) - Returns the number of elements in table. The function was added since neither # nor table.getn work properly with associative tables.
  • keys(table) - Returns all keys of table. Resulting table is numerically indexed.
  • values(table) - Returns all values of table. Resulting table is numerically indexed.
  • extend(table, other, ...) - Merges one or more tables into table and returns table. To return new table instead of modifying, use it like extend({}, table, other, ...).
  • filter(table, callback) - For every element of table calls callback(value, key) and returns only elements for which callback returns true or true-like value.
  • pack(...) - Packs provided arguments into table. Resulting table contains key n which is the number of provided arguments. Supposed to be equivalent of table.pack in Lua >= 5.2.

These variables can be set to adjust display of tables:

  • indent_size - Indent size in spaces. When not set, defaults to 4.
  • max_depth - Maximum depth of nested tables. When this limit is hit, REPL displays table instead of table contents. When not set, defaults to 1.

Multiplayer mode is disabled by default. To enable it, console_multiplayer setting must be set to true and the players that are supposed to use REPL need debug privilege. REPL is toggled using /console command.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6 Screenshot 7 Screenshot 8