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178 lines (123 loc) · 10.2 KB SoC

This is the core secure-domain SoC for Betrusted.

Compiled documentation: latest register set, latest Rust API documentation.

soc diagram


  1. Check out this repo with git clone --recurse-submodules <repo>.

  2. Ensure you have Python 3.5 or newer installed.

  3. Ensure the following python packages are available in your environment: pycryptodome (signing - PEM read), cryptography (signind - x509 read), pynacl (signing - ed25519 signatures), progressbar2 (updates), pyusb (updates).

  4. Ensure the riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf Rust target is installed via rustup target add riscv32imac-unknown-none-elf.

  5. Ensure you have make installed.

  6. Download the Risc-V toolchain from and put it in your PATH. The bootloader is pure Rust, except for a few assembly instructions to set up the runtime environment (which are easily verified with a hexdump). However, the full toolchain is still required for LiteX to run correctly.

  7. Go to and download All OS installer Single-File Download. Our CI system uses version 2019.2, but it has also been tested against 2020.2. The hashes of the binaries used to build the release SoC can be found in manifest.txt. Note that this toolchain has been patched for log4j via Xilinx KB76957, patch log log4j_patch.log.

  8. Do a minimal Xilinx install to /opt/Xilinx/, and untick everything except Design Tools / Vivado Design Suite / Vivado and Devices / Production Devices / 7 Series

  9. Go to, get a license, and place it in ~/.Xilinx/Xilinx.lic

  10. Run ./ (or python3 ./

There’s a lot of options for The exact command line used to build a Betrusted SoC that is compatible with Xous v0.9.9 as of July 2022 is:

./ -e dummy.nky

The script will expect a file called keystore.bin to exist in the same directory. This is the initial keystore, documented at For brand new, "blank" devices with an all-0’s key, only the developer public key is necessary for boot.

Explanation: * -e dummy.nky forces the creation of an encrypted image using the all-0’s key. This means we are always using the decryption pathway to configure an FPGA, even if we don’t want to burn a key into the device.

Legacy notes: * -u spinal selects the spinal USB PHY. You want this, so you can do firmware updates and can use USB HID. * -x selects the Xous boot configuration * -s NoTimingRelaxation forces the compiler to exactly meet timing constraints. You can probably drop this for a faster compilation time, but we prefer to leave it in for our sanity’s sake * -r pvt2 selects the PVT2 version of the hardware. This is the version shipped to CrowdSupply backers * -p selects physical UART connectivity (as opposed to routing UARTs over wishbone). Physical UARTs are currently much faster than wishbone UARTs, although less convenient to use as it requires the debug cable to be attached. You can drop this flag and use wishbone-tool to do UART debugging over USB, but because we are using one USB packet per character, effective baud rate is the packet rate of USB, which is maybe a couple hundred characters per second at best, and dozens of characters per second on some OSes.


To update the repo to the upstream version, including all dependencies, run:

git pull
git submodule update --recursive

Using Environment

lxbuildenv is a Python module. It sets up the build environment and ensures you have the correct dependencies. To use it, start your program off with:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import lxbuildenv has some very surprising behaviors that you should be aware of:

  1. In order to set environment variables such as PYTHONHASHSEED, lxbuildenv will actually re-exec the Python interpreter. This will, among other things, cause the pid to change. This is why lxbuildenv should be imported first.

  2. The environment variable PYTHONPATH is replaced to include every directory under deps/. If you rely on PYTHONPATH to be something else, this may surprise you.

  3. lxbuildenv has several command line parameters that it can accept. To display these, run your command with the --lx-help parameter.

  4. The deps/ directory includes its own implementation, adapted from a Debian implementation. This is because some distros force /usr/share/python/site-packages/ to be first in the dependency list, which causes confusing dependency interactions. If you’re relying on site packages being in a certain order, this may cause problems. You can try deleting deps/site/ in order to disable this behavior.

In exchange for some deviation from other build environments, lxbuildenv gives you several benefits that come in handy for hardware projects:

  1. Python dicts enumerate in constant order, giving some consistency to build results.

  2. You will probably be modifying code in the dependencies. By keeping them inside the project directory, this becomes much simpler.

  3. Additionally, all dependencies remain under version control, which you would otherwise lose when installing dependencies as packages.

  4. Hardware, moreso than software, depends on exact version numbers. By using git to track dependency versions, this build becomes more reproducible.

  5. It is cross-platform, and works anywhere Xilinx does.

  6. The lxbuildenv environment doesn’t rely on opaque environment variables, or otherwise have a special environment you enter. Everything is documented behind --help flags.

Working with Dependencies

Dependencies are managed through git, and managing their usage is largely an exercise in working with git.

For example, if you would like to make a change to litex, go into deps/litex and checkout a new branch and create a new upstream repo. If you’re working on Github, you would do something like fork the repo to your own organization.

As an example, assume sutajiokousagi has forked upstream litex:

$ cd deps/litex
$ git checkout -b new-feature
$ git remote add kosagi
$ cd -

Then, make changes to deps/litex as needed.

When you want to merge changes upstream, go into deps/litex/ and push the branch to your remote:

$ cd deps/litex
$ git push kosagi new-feature
$ cd -

Then you can go and open a Pull Request on Github.

Fetching Updates

Dependencies are designed to be independent, and you should update them as needed. To update a particular dependency, go into that dependency’s subdirectory and run git pull. You may also find it easier to pull updates from a particular dependency and merge them. For example, if you’re working on the new-feature branch of litex and want to pull changes from upstream, run:

$ cd deps/litex
$ git fetch origin
$ git merge master
$ cd -

This will merge all changes from upstream onto your own branch.

Support programs

There is a wrapper script in this repo to run support programs such as litex_server and litex_term. These may be invoked either with python (python bin/litex_server udp) or on shebang-aware systems they may be executed directly (./bin/litex_server udp).

Xilinx PATH

If your Xilinx install is in the default path (C:\\Xilinx on Windows, /opt/Xilinx on Linux), then the build system should be able to automatically find Xilinx.

If not, you can add the Xilinx bin directory to your PATH.

PyCharm integration

To use PyCharm, open this directory as a Project by going to the File menu and selecting Open…​. Make sure you open the entire directory, and not just a single file in this directory.

When you first open this project, you’ll see lots of red squiggly lines indicating errors. PyCharm needs to know about the dependency structure in order to allow you to drill down into modules and auto-complete statements.

Open this directory in PyCharm and expand the deps/ directory. Then hold down Shift and select all subdirectories under deps/. This will include litedram, liteeth, and so on.

Then, right-click and select Mark directory as…​ and select Sources Root. The red squiggly lines should go away, and PyCharm should now be configured.

When running your module from within PyCharm, you may find it useful to set environment variables. You can use the --lx-print-env command. For example: ./ --lx-print-env > pycharm.env to create a .env-compatible file. There are several PyCharm plugins that can make use of this file.

Visual Studio Code integration

Visual Studio Code needs to know where modules are. These are specified in environment variables, which are automatically read from a .env file in your project root. Create this file to enable pylint and debugging in Visual Studio Code:

$ python ./ --lx-print-env > .env

The analyzer will also need to know where your imports are. This would involve editing your settings.json file and adding a record that looks a bit like this:

    "python.analysis.extraPaths": ["C:\\PATH-TO-PROJECT\\betrusted-soc\\deps\\litex", "C:\\PATH-TO-PROJECT\\betrusted-soc\\deps\\migen", "C:\\PATH-TO-PROJECT\\betrusted-soc\\deps\\gateware", "C:\\PATH-TO-PROJECT\\betrusted-soc\\deps\\valentyusb"]

Contribution Guidelines

Contributor Covenant

Please see CONTRIBUTING for details on how to make a contribution.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide its terms.


Copyright © 2019 - 2022

Licensed under the CERN OHL v1.2 LICENSE