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basiljs edited this page Feb 15, 2013 · 36 revisions

This is the internal dev corner of basil.js, probably not really interesting. For tutorials, examples and documentation go to the official website:

Development Environment Setup (OS X)

  • Install Sublime Text 2
  • Install Sublime package sublime-jsdocs
  • Install Sublime package SublimeLinter
  • Install the Indesign Build Script in Sublime Text. Copy the folder Basiljs (bundle/extras/Sublime Text/Basiljs) to your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory e.g. OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Basiljs
  • In Sublime go to Project -> Open Project... and select basil.sublime-project

Coding Conventions and Rules

basil.js uses "Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language" by Douglas Crockford with these modifications:

  • The unit of indentation is two spaces

Furthermore these structures turned out to be best practice in the basil.js source file:

###checking primitives

  • typeof var === 'undefined'
  • typeof var === 'number'
  • typeof var === 'string'
  • typeof var === 'boolean'

###for complex objects

  • var instanceof PageItem
  • var instanceof TextFrame
  • var instanceof Function

##API Documentation basil.js uses YUIDoc to document public API functionality. Installation and usage:

  • Download and install Node.js
  • Open up a terminal window and run "npm -g install yuidocjs"
  • To generate the documetation in doc/api open up a terminal window and simply run "yuidoc ." in the basil.js project directory

##Utf-8 Bom Commits Issues don't create new files in extendscript! for some reason extendscript adds (sometimes) an utf-8 bom flag to files, which causes problems in github. if you have such a file you can "repair" it with the following terminal commands: vim file.jsx :set nobomb :wq

##Git Snippets ###how to create a tag commit your changes, get the commit id e.g. 5e7ddab4f8, then add the tag with the following commands:

  • create the tag git tag -a "0.21_private_beta_end_of_world" -m "private beta release" 76497cd600
  • check the tag git log --oneline --decorate --graph
  • commit the tag to the repo git push --tags

###Hard reset to origin/master *[if working directory not clean: git stash] *git fetch --all *git reset --hard origin/master *[if stashed: git stash pop] (to reinsert last working state)