Boomi Cache Connector If not using default Cache, please provide an implementation Class EHCache com.boomi.proserv.caching.impl.CacheEHCache com.boomi.proserv.caching.impl.CacheRedis com.boomi.proserv.caching.impl.CacheMemcached If using EHCache, you can provide the maximum object of Object (key-value pair) that can be stored in this Cache or the full path of a configuration file (EHCache v3) 1024 For Redis Standalone, please provide the host and port separate with a semi-colon. For Redis Clustered, please provide the list of the hosts with a comma to separate them. For instance: host1:port1,host2:port2 localhost:6379 For Redis (Azure), you can provide enable this option to use SSL. Please also make sure you are using the correct SSL Port (should be 6380) false Currently not used For Redis, you can provide a password (Access Key for Azure Redis Caches) For the Automatic Key Computation (for RESTFul APIs), you can set the regular expression to filter HTTP queries and HTTP parameters (query_.*)|(param_.*) Apply SHA Hashing during Automatic Key Computation false Please provide the name of the Cache, all key-value pairs will reside in this Cache BoomiCache Enable Automatic Key Computation (for RESTFul APIs), please uncheck for non-API Processes false Wrap ID and Value element from Cache in a XML object (For use in Function to get the Value) false Throw Exception when no result if found in the Cache. You will have to Catch the Exception and query the Backend System false Please provide the name of the Cache, all key-value pairs will reside in this Cache BoomiCache Enable Automatic Key Computation (for RESTFul APIs), please uncheck for non-API Processes false Please provide the name of the Cache, all key-value pairs will reside in this Cache BoomiCache Enable Automatic Key Computation (for RESTFul APIs), please uncheck for non-API Processes false