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130 lines (100 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (100 loc) · 10.4 KB


Simple examples demonstrating how to use pdfium-render on both native and WASM compilation targets.

For general comments about pdfium-render and binding to Pdfium, see

Each example can run via cargo run --example <example_name>.

  • iterates over every annotation on every page in test/annotations-test.pdf, displaying information about each annotation.
  • generates a new document by embedding test/annotations-test.pdf, test/create-test.pdf, and test/path-test.pdf as attachments, saving the new document to test/attachments.pdf.
  • iterates over the individual characters in a text object to determine the bounding boxes of each word in the text object.
  • generates a new document by concatenating pages from test/export-test.pdf, test/form-test.pdf, and test/text-test.pdf together, saving the new document to test/concat-test.pdf
  • moves a selection of page objects from one page to another using the object copying functions in PdfPageGroupObject, saving the new document to test/copy-test.pdf.
  • generates a new document by placing text objects onto a blank page, saving the new document to test/create-test.pdf.
  • iterates over the individual characters in a text object, measuring which have glyph shapes that descend beneath the text object's font baseline.
  • exports the individual pages in test/export-test.pdf to JPGs in the working directory. The example will attempt to bind to a copy of Pdfium in the working directory, falling back to the system-bundled library if local loading fails.
  • exports just a portion of the page in test/export-clip-crop-test.pdf to a JPG file, clipping and cropping the rendering output based on object properties in the file.
  • displays information about the 14 built-in PDF fonts retrieved from Pdfium.
  • exports the individual pages in test/form-test.pdf to JPGs in the working directory. The sample PDF includes pre-filled form fields, the values of which should also be rendered.
  • iterates over the form fields in test/form-test.pdf, displaying information about each form field.
  • generates a new document by placing image objects onto a blank page, saving the new document to test/image-test.pdf.
  • extracts and outputs the images on each page in test/image-test.pdf to files.
  • iterates over every link on every page in test/links-test.pdf, displaying information about each link.
  • uses a single PdfMatrix object to apply a consistent transformation to a variety of transformable PDF objects, saving its output to test/matrix-test.pdf.
  • iterates over every page object on every page in test/export-test.pdf, displaying information about each page object.
  • generates a new document by placing path objects onto a blank page, saving the new document to test/path-test.pdf.
  • iterates over every path object in test/segments.pdf, displaying information on each path segment in the path object.
  • iterates over every digital signature in test/signatures.pdf, displaying information about each signature.
  • extracts and outputs the text on each page in test/text-test.pdf to the console.
  • finds and highlights a search term found on the first page of test/text-test.pdf, saving the result to a new document at test/search-results.pdf.
  • explains in comments pdfium-render's approach to ensuring thread-safe access to Pdfium, and demonstrates using a parallel iterator to process multiple rendering tasks on separate threads.
  • generates a new document by tiling pages from test/export-test.pdf, test/form-test.pdf, and test/text-test.pdf, saving the new document to test/tile-test.pdf.
  • demonstrates pdfium-render running in a browser. This requires some manual bundling of the correct resources; see below.
  • adds a watermark to each page in a previously-generated document, saving the watermarked document to test/watermark-test.pdf.

Bundling for WASM

Since pdfium-render does not include Pdfium itself, an external pre-packaged WASM build of pdfium is required. Suitable builds are available from

  • Build the WASM module for the sample: cargo install wasm-pack && wasm-pack build examples/ --target no-modules. This creates a WASM module and supporting Javascript files in examples/pkg.
  • Copy the pdfium_render_wasm_example.js and pdfium_render_wasm_example_bg.wasm files from examples/pkg into a release folder.
  • Download a pre-packaged WASM build from and extract the release/node/pdfium.js and release/node/pdfium.wasm files into your release folder.
  • Copy the index.html file from examples into your release folder.
  • Copy a sample PDF file into your release folder and name it test.pdf. Any well-formed, non-secured PDF is a suitable sample, including the test files in
  • Optionally copy the file from examples into your release folder; this is a tiny script that will spin up a development webserver for you using the basic-http-server crate. You can ignore this if you have another way of serving the files.
  • Serve the content from your release folder using a webserver or by running If you use then the content will be available at http://localhost:4000.

You should see the sizes of each individual page in your sample file logged to the Javascript console, and the first page in the file will be rendered into an HTML canvas element.

Comments in the index.html file explain how to instantiate both the compiled Pdfium and the example WASM modules and bind them together dynamically at run time. The basic recipe is simple:

  • Load and instantiate the Pdfium WASM module first.
  • Once Pdfium is instantiated, load and instantiate the WASM module for your compiled Rust application.
  • Once your WASM module is instantiated, call pdfium-render's exported initialize_pdfium_render() function, passing it both instantiated WASM modules.
  • You can now call any Pdfium-related functions exported by your compiled Rust application.

Interface changes when compiling to WASM

Certain pdfium-render functions that access the filesystem are not available when compiling to WASM, due to the security model present in modern web browsers. Alternative functions for accessing files over the network are provided instead.

Interface changes in the Pdfium struct

The Pdfium::load_pdf_from_file() and Pdfium::load_pdf_from_reader() functions are not available when running in the browser. The Pdfium::load_pdf_from_byte_slice() and Pdfium::load_pdf_from_byte_vec() functions are available, and the following additional functions are provided:

  • The Pdfium::load_pdf_from_fetch() function uses the browser's built-in fetch() API to download a URL over the network and open it as a PDF document.
  • The Pdfium::load_pdf_from_blob() function opens a PDF document from the byte data in a Javascript Blob or File object, including File objects returned from an <input type="file"> element.

Interface changes in the PdfDocument struct

The PdfDocument::save_to_file() function is not available when running in the browser. The PdfDocument::save_to_bytes() and PdfDocument::save_to_writer() functions are available, and the following additional function is provided:

  • The PdfDocument::save_to_blob() function returns the byte data for the document as a Javascript Blob object.

Interface changes in the PdfBitmap struct

The following additional functions are provided during rendering:

  • The PdfBitmap::as_image_data() function renders directly to a Javascript ImageData object, ready to display in an HTML <canvas> element.
  • The PdfBitmap::as_array() function renders directly to a Javascript Uint8Array object. This function avoids a memory allocation and copy required by both PdfBitmap::as_bytes() and PdfBitmap::as_image_data(), making it preferable for situations where performance is paramount.

Interface changes in the PdfFonts struct

The PdfFonts::load_type1_from_file() and PdfFonts::load_true_type_from_file() functions are not available when running in the browser. The following additional functions are provided:

  • The PdfFonts::load_type1_from_fetch() function uses the browser's built-in fetch() API to download a URL over the network and load it as a Type 1 font.
  • The PdfFonts::load_true_type_from_fetch() function uses the browser's built-in fetch() API to download a URL over the network and load it as a TrueType font.
  • The PdfFonts::load_type1_from_blob() function loads a Type 1 font from the byte data in a Javascript Blob or File object, including File objects returned from an <input type="file"> element.
  • The PdfFonts::load_true_type_from_blob() function loads a TrueType font from the byte data in a Javascript Blob or File object, including File objects returned from an <input type="file"> element.

Interface changes in the PdfAttachments struct

The PdfAttachments::create_attachment_from_file() function is not available when running in the browser. The PdfAttachments::create_attachment_from_bytes() and PdfAttachments::create_attachment_from_reader() functions are available, and the following additional functions are provided:

  • The PdfAttachments::create_attachment_from_fetch() function uses the brower's built-in fetch() API to download a URL over the network and use it as an embedded attachment.
  • The PdfAttachments::create_attachment_from_blob() function creates an embedded attachment from the byte data in a Javascript Blob or File object, including File objects returned from an <input type="file"> element.

Interface changes in the PdfAttachment struct

The PdfAttachment::save_to_file() function is not available when running in the browser. The PdfAttachment::save_to_bytes() and PdfAttachment::save_to_writer() functions are available, and the following additional function is provided:

  • The PdfAttachment::save_to_blob() function returns the byte data for the attachment as a Javascript Blob object.