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ArXiv cs.CV --Mon, 23 Nov 2020

1.Exploring Simple Siamese Representation Learning ⬇️

Siamese networks have become a common structure in various recent models for unsupervised visual representation learning. These models maximize the similarity between two augmentations of one image, subject to certain conditions for avoiding collapsing solutions. In this paper, we report surprising empirical results that simple Siamese networks can learn meaningful representations even using none of the following: (i) negative sample pairs, (ii) large batches, (iii) momentum encoders. Our experiments show that collapsing solutions do exist for the loss and structure, but a stop-gradient operation plays an essential role in preventing collapsing. We provide a hypothesis on the implication of stop-gradient, and further show proof-of-concept experiments verifying it. Our "SimSiam" method achieves competitive results on ImageNet and downstream tasks. We hope this simple baseline will motivate people to rethink the roles of Siamese architectures for unsupervised representation learning. Code will be made available.

2.Intrinsic Image Decomposition using Paradigms ⬇️

Intrinsic image decomposition is the classical task of mapping image to albedo. The WHDR dataset allows methods to be evaluated by comparing predictions to human judgements ("lighter", "same as", "darker"). The best modern intrinsic image methods learn a map from image to albedo using rendered models and human judgements. This is convenient for practical methods, but cannot explain how a visual agent without geometric, surface and illumination models and a renderer could learn to recover intrinsic images.
This paper describes a method that learns intrinsic image decomposition without seeing WHDR annotations, rendered data, or ground truth data. The method relies on paradigms - fake albedos and fake shading fields - together with a novel smoothing procedure that ensures good behavior at short scales on real images. Long scale error is controlled by averaging. Our method achieves WHDR scores competitive with those of strong recent methods allowed to see training WHDR annotations, rendered data, and ground truth data. Because our method is unsupervised, we can compute estimates of the test/train variance of WHDR scores; these are quite large, and it is unsafe to rely small differences in reported WHDR.

3.Recovering the Imperfect: Cell Segmentation in the Presence of Dynamically Localized Proteins ⬇️

Deploying off-the-shelf segmentation networks on biomedical data has become common practice, yet if structures of interest in an image sequence are visible only temporarily, existing frame-by-frame methods fail. In this paper, we provide a solution to segmentation of imperfect data through time based on temporal propagation and uncertainty estimation. We integrate uncertainty estimation into Mask R-CNN network and propagate motion-corrected segmentation masks from frames with low uncertainty to those frames with high uncertainty to handle temporary loss of signal for segmentation. We demonstrate the value of this approach over frame-by-frame segmentation and regular temporal propagation on data from human embryonic kidney (HEK293T) cells transiently transfected with a fluorescent protein that moves in and out of the nucleus over time. The method presented here will empower microscopic experiments aimed at understanding molecular and cellular function.

4.DeepPhaseCut: Deep Relaxation in Phase for Unsupervised Fourier Phase Retrieval ⬇️

Fourier phase retrieval is a classical problem of restoring a signal only from the measured magnitude of its Fourier transform. Although Fienup-type algorithms, which use prior knowledge in both spatial and Fourier domains, have been widely used in practice, they can often stall in local minima. Modern methods such as PhaseLift and PhaseCut may offer performance guarantees with the help of convex relaxation. However, these algorithms are usually computationally intensive for practical use. To address this problem, we propose a novel, unsupervised, feed-forward neural network for Fourier phase retrieval which enables immediate high quality reconstruction. Unlike the existing deep learning approaches that use a neural network as a regularization term or an end-to-end blackbox model for supervised training, our algorithm is a feed-forward neural network implementation of PhaseCut algorithm in an unsupervised learning framework. Specifically, our network is composed of two generators: one for the phase estimation using PhaseCut loss, followed by another generator for image reconstruction, all of which are trained simultaneously using a cycleGAN framework without matched data. The link to the classical Fienup-type algorithms and the recent symmetry-breaking learning approach is also revealed. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms all existing approaches in Fourier phase retrieval problems.

5.Gender Transformation: Robustness of GenderDetection in Facial Recognition Systems with variation in Image Properties ⬇️

In recent times, there have been increasing accusations on artificial intelligence systems and algorithms of computer vision of possessing implicit biases. Even though these conversations are more prevalent now and systems are improving by performing extensive testing and broadening their horizon, biases still do exist. One such class of systems where bias is said to exist is facial recognition systems, where bias has been observed on the basis of gender, ethnicity, and skin tone, to name a few. This is even more disturbing, given the fact that these systems are used in practically every sector of the industries today. From as critical as criminal identification to as simple as getting your attendance registered, these systems have gained a huge market, especially in recent years. That in itself is a good enough reason for developers of these systems to ensure that the bias is kept to a bare minimum or ideally non-existent, to avoid major issues like favoring a particular gender, race, or class of people or rather making a class of people susceptible to false accusations due to inability of these systems to correctly recognize those people.

6.Online Descriptor Enhancement via Self-Labelling Triplets for Visual Data Association ⬇️

We propose a self-supervised method for incrementally refining visual descriptors to improve performance in the task of object-level visual data association. Our method optimizes deep descriptor generators online, by fine-tuning a widely available network pre-trained for image classification. We show that earlier layers in the network outperform later-stage layers for the data association task while also allowing for a 94% reduction in the number of parameters, enabling the online optimization. We show that choosing positive examples separated by large temporal distances and negative examples close in the descriptor space improves the quality of the learned descriptors for the multi-object tracking task. Finally, we demonstrate a MOTA score of 21.25% on the 2D-MOT-2015 dataset using visual information alone, outperforming methods that incorporate motion information.

7.Improvement of Classification in One-Stage Detector ⬇️

RetinaNet proposed Focal Loss for classification task and improved one-stage detectors greatly. However, there is still a gap between it and two-stage detectors. We analyze the prediction of RetinaNet and find that the misalignment of classification and localization is the main factor. Most of predicted boxes, whose IoU with ground-truth boxes are greater than 0.5, while their classification scores are lower than 0.5, which shows that the classification task still needs to be optimized. In this paper we proposed an object confidence task for this problem, and it shares features with classification task. This task uses IoUs between samples and ground-truth boxes as targets, and it only uses losses of positive samples in training, which can increase loss weight of positive samples in classification task training. Also the joint of classification score and object confidence will be used to guide NMS. Our method can not only improve classification task, but also ease misalignment of classification and localization. To evaluate the effectiveness of this method, we show our experiments on MS COCO 2017 dataset. Without whistles and bells, our method can improve AP by 0.7% and 1.0% on COCO validation dataset with ResNet50 and ResNet101 respectively at same training configs, and it can achieve 38.4% AP with two times training time. Code is at: this http URL.

8.Crowdsourcing Airway Annotations in Chest Computed Tomography Images ⬇️

Measuring airways in chest computed tomography (CT) scans is important for characterizing diseases such as cystic fibrosis, yet very time-consuming to perform manually. Machine learning algorithms offer an alternative, but need large sets of annotated scans for good performance. We investigate whether crowdsourcing can be used to gather airway annotations. We generate image slices at known locations of airways in 24 subjects and request the crowd workers to outline the airway lumen and airway wall. After combining multiple crowd workers, we compare the measurements to those made by the experts in the original scans. Similar to our preliminary study, a large portion of the annotations were excluded, possibly due to workers misunderstanding the instructions. After excluding such annotations, moderate to strong correlations with the expert can be observed, although these correlations are slightly lower than inter-expert correlations. Furthermore, the results across subjects in this study are quite variable. Although the crowd has potential in annotating airways, further development is needed for it to be robust enough for gathering annotations in practice. For reproducibility, data and code are available online: \url{this http URL}.

9.SalSum: Saliency-based Video Summarization using Generative Adversarial Networks ⬇️

The huge amount of video data produced daily by camera-based systems, such as surveilance, medical and telecommunication systems, emerges the need for effective video summarization (VS) methods. These methods should be capable of creating an overview of the video content. In this paper, we propose a novel VS method based on a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) model pre-trained with human eye fixations. The main contribution of the proposed method is that it can provide perceptually compatible video summaries by combining both perceived color and spatiotemporal visual attention cues in a unsupervised scheme. Several fusion approaches are considered for robustness under uncertainty, and personalization. The proposed method is evaluated in comparison to state-of-the-art VS approaches on the benchmark dataset VSUMM. The experimental results conclude that SalSum outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches by providing the highest f-measure score on the VSUMM benchmark.

10.Born Identity Network: Multi-way Counterfactual Map Generation to Explain a Classifier's Decision ⬇️

There exists an apparent negative correlation between performance and interpretability of deep learning models. In an effort to reduce this negative correlation, we propose Born Identity Network (BIN), which is a post-hoc approach for producing multi-way counterfactual maps. A counterfactual map transforms an input sample to be classified as a target label, which is similar to how humans process knowledge through counterfactual thinking. Thus, producing a better counterfactual map may be a step towards explanation at the level of human knowledge. For example, a counterfactual map can localize hypothetical abnormalities from a normal brain image that may cause it to be diagnosed with a disease. Specifically, our proposed BIN consists of two core components: Counterfactual Map Generator and Target Attribution Network. The Counterfactual Map Generator is a variation of conditional GAN which can synthesize a counterfactual map conditioned on an arbitrary target label. The Target Attribution Network works in a complementary manner to enforce target label attribution to the synthesized map. We have validated our proposed BIN in qualitative, quantitative analysis on MNIST, 3D Shapes, and ADNI datasets, and show the comprehensibility and fidelity of our method from various ablation studies.

11.Neural Scene Graphs for Dynamic Scenes ⬇️

Recent implicit neural rendering methods have demonstrated that it is possible to learn accurate view synthesis for complex scenes by predicting their volumetric density and color supervised solely by a set of RGB images. However, existing methods are restricted to learning efficient interpolations of static scenes that encode all scene objects into a single neural network, lacking the ability to represent dynamic scenes and decompositions into individual scene objects. In this work, we present the first neural rendering method that decomposes dynamic scenes into scene graphs. We propose a learned scene graph representation, which encodes object transformation and radiance, to efficiently render novel arrangements and views of the scene. To this end, we learn implicitly encoded scenes, combined with a jointly learned latent representation to describe objects with a single implicit function. We assess the proposed method on synthetic and real automotive data, validating that our approach learns dynamic scenes - only by observing a video of this scene - and allows for rendering novel photo-realistic views of novel scene compositions with unseen sets of objects at unseen poses.

12.RidgeSfM: Structure from Motion via Robust Pairwise Matching Under Depth Uncertainty ⬇️

We consider the problem of simultaneously estimating a dense depth map and camera pose for a large set of images of an indoor scene. While classical SfM pipelines rely on a two-step approach where cameras are first estimated using a bundle adjustment in order to ground the ensuing multi-view stereo stage, both our poses and dense reconstructions are a direct output of an altered bundle adjuster. To this end, we parametrize each depth map with a linear combination of a limited number of basis "depth-planes" predicted in a monocular fashion by a deep net. Using a set of high-quality sparse keypoint matches, we optimize over the per-frame linear combinations of depth planes and camera poses to form a geometrically consistent cloud of keypoints. Although our bundle adjustment only considers sparse keypoints, the inferred linear coefficients of the basis planes immediately give us dense depth maps. RidgeSfM is able to collectively align hundreds of frames, which is its main advantage over recent memory-heavy deep alternatives that can align at most 10 frames. Quantitative comparisons reveal performance superior to a state-of-the-art large-scale SfM pipeline.

13.Self-Supervised Small Soccer Player Detection and Tracking ⬇️

In a soccer game, the information provided by detecting and tracking brings crucial clues to further analyze and understand some tactical aspects of the game, including individual and team actions. State-of-the-art tracking algorithms achieve impressive results in scenarios on which they have been trained for, but they fail in challenging ones such as soccer games. This is frequently due to the player small relative size and the similar appearance among players of the same team. Although a straightforward solution would be to retrain these models by using a more specific dataset, the lack of such publicly available annotated datasets entails searching for other effective solutions. In this work, we propose a self-supervised pipeline which is able to detect and track low-resolution soccer players under different recording conditions without any need of ground-truth data. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experimental results are presented evaluating its performance. We also present a comparison to several state-of-the-art methods showing that both the proposed detector and the proposed tracker achieve top-tier results, in particular in the presence of small players.

14.ANIMC: A Soft Framework for Auto-weighted Noisy and Incomplete Multi-view Clustering ⬇️

Multi-view clustering has wide applications in many image processing scenarios. In these scenarios, original image data often contain missing instances and noises, which is ignored by most multi-view clustering methods. However, missing instances may make these methods difficult to use directly and noises will lead to unreliable clustering results. In this paper, we propose a novel Auto-weighted Noisy and Incomplete Multi-view Clustering framework (ANIMC) via a soft auto-weighted strategy and a doubly soft regular regression model. Firstly, by designing adaptive semi-regularized nonnegative matrix factorization (adaptive semi-RNMF), the soft auto-weighted strategy assigns a proper weight to each view and adds a soft boundary to balance the influence of noises and incompleteness. Secondly, by proposing{\theta}-norm, the doubly soft regularized regression model adjusts the sparsity of our model by choosing different{\theta}. Compared with existing methods, ANIMC has three unique advantages: 1) it is a soft algorithm to adjust our framework in different scenarios, thereby improving its generalization ability; 2) it automatically learns a proper weight for each view, thereby reducing the influence of noises; 3) it performs doubly soft regularized regression that aligns the same instances in different views, thereby decreasing the impact of missing instances. Extensive experimental results demonstrate its superior advantages over other state-of-the-art methods.

15.Assessing out-of-domain generalization for robust building damage detection ⬇️

An important step for limiting the negative impact of natural disasters is rapid damage assessment after a disaster occurred. For instance, building damage detection can be automated by applying computer vision techniques to satellite imagery. Such models operate in a multi-domain setting: every disaster is inherently different (new geolocation, unique circumstances), and models must be robust to a shift in distribution between disaster imagery available for training and the images of the new event. Accordingly, estimating real-world performance requires an out-of-domain (OOD) test set. However, building damage detection models have so far been evaluated mostly in the simpler yet unrealistic in-distribution (IID) test setting. Here we argue that future work should focus on the OOD regime instead. We assess OOD performance of two competitive damage detection models and find that existing state-of-the-art models show a substantial generalization gap: their performance drops when evaluated OOD on new disasters not used during training. Moreover, IID performance is not predictive of OOD performance, rendering current benchmarks uninformative about real-world performance. Code and model weights are available at this https URL.

16.Segmentation overlapping wear particles with few labelled data and imbalance sample ⬇️

Ferrograph image segmentation is of significance for obtaining features of wear particles. However, wear particles are usually overlapped in the form of debris chains, which makes challenges to segment wear debris. An overlapping wear particle segmentation network (OWPSNet) is proposed in this study to segment the overlapped debris chains. The proposed deep learning model includes three parts: a region segmentation network, an edge detection network and a feature refine module. The region segmentation network is an improved U shape network, and it is applied to separate the wear debris form background of ferrograph image. The edge detection network is used to detect the edges of wear particles. Then, the feature refine module combines low-level features and high-level semantic features to obtain the final results. In order to solve the problem of sample imbalance, we proposed a square dice loss function to optimize the model. Finally, extensive experiments have been carried out on a ferrograph image dataset. Results show that the proposed model is capable of separating overlapping wear particles. Moreover, the proposed square dice loss function can improve the segmentation results, especially for the segmentation results of wear particle edge.

17.Image Denoising by Gaussian Patch Mixture Model and Low Rank Patches ⬇️

Non-local self-similarity based low rank algorithms are the state-of-the-art methods for image denoising. In this paper, a new method is proposed by solving two issues: how to improve similar patches matching accuracy and build an appropriate low rank matrix approximation model for Gaussian noise. For the first issue, similar patches can be found locally or globally. Local patch matching is to find similar patches in a large neighborhood which can alleviate noise effect, but the number of patches may be insufficient. Global patch matching is to determine enough similar patches but the error rate of patch matching may be higher. Based on this, we first use local patch matching method to reduce noise and then use Gaussian patch mixture model to achieve global patch matching. The second issue is that there is no low rank matrix approximation model to adapt to Gaussian noise. We build a new model according to the characteristics of Gaussian noise, then prove that there is a globally optimal solution of the model. By solving the two issues, experimental results are reported to show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art denoising methods includes several deep learning ones in both PSNR / SSIM values and visual quality.

18.Learning Object-Centric Video Models by Contrasting Sets ⬇️

Contrastive, self-supervised learning of object representations recently emerged as an attractive alternative to reconstruction-based training. Prior approaches focus on contrasting individual object representations (slots) against one another. However, a fundamental problem with this approach is that the overall contrastive loss is the same for (i) representing a different object in each slot, as it is for (ii) (re-)representing the same object in all slots. Thus, this objective does not inherently push towards the emergence of object-centric representations in the slots. We address this problem by introducing a global, set-based contrastive loss: instead of contrasting individual slot representations against one another, we aggregate the representations and contrast the joined sets against one another. Additionally, we introduce attention-based encoders to this contrastive setup which simplifies training and provides interpretable object masks. Our results on two synthetic video datasets suggest that this approach compares favorably against previous contrastive methods in terms of reconstruction, future prediction and object separation performance.

19.Joint Representation of Temporal Image Sequences and Object Motion for Video Object Detection ⬇️

In this paper, we propose a new video object detector (VoD) method referred to as temporal feature aggregation and motion-aware VoD (TM-VoD), which produces a joint representation of temporal image sequences and object motion. The proposed TM-VoD aggregates visual feature maps extracted by convolutional neural networks applying the temporal attention gating and spatial feature alignment. This temporal feature aggregation is performed in two stages in a hierarchical fashion. In the first stage, the visual feature maps are fused at a pixel level via gated attention model. In the second stage, the proposed method aggregates the features after aligning the object features using temporal box offset calibration and weights them according to the cosine similarity measure. The proposed TM-VoD also finds the representation of the motion of objects in two successive steps. The pixel-level motion features are first computed based on the incremental changes between the adjacent visual feature maps. Then, box-level motion features are obtained from both the region of interest (RoI)-aligned pixel-level motion features and the sequential changes of the box coordinates. Finally, all these features are concatenated to produce a joint representation of the objects for VoD. The experiments conducted on the ImageNet VID dataset demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing VoD methods and achieves a performance comparable to that of state-of-the-art VoDs.

20.SLADE: A Self-Training Framework For Distance Metric Learning ⬇️

Most existing distance metric learning approaches use fully labeled data to learn the sample similarities in an embedding space. We present a self-training framework, SLADE, to improve retrieval performance by leveraging additional unlabeled data. We first train a teacher model on the labeled data and use it to generate pseudo labels for the unlabeled data. We then train a student model on both labels and pseudo labels to generate final feature embeddings. We use self-supervised representation learning to initialize the teacher model. To better deal with noisy pseudo labels generated by the teacher network, we design a new feature basis learning component for the student network, which learns basis functions of feature representations for unlabeled data. The learned basis vectors better measure the pairwise similarity and are used to select high-confident samples for training the student network. We evaluate our method on standard retrieval benchmarks: CUB-200, Cars-196 and In-shop. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the performance over the state-of-the-art methods.

21.Cascade Attentive Dropout for Weakly Supervised Object Detection ⬇️

Weakly supervised object detection (WSOD) aims to classify and locate objects with only image-level supervision. Many WSOD approaches adopt multiple instance learning as the initial model, which is prone to converge to the most discriminative object regions while ignoring the whole object, and therefore reduce the model detection performance. In this paper, a novel cascade attentive dropout strategy is proposed to alleviate the part domination problem, together with an improved global context module. We purposely discard attentive elements in both channel and space dimensions, and capture the inter-pixel and inter-channel dependencies to induce the model to better understand the global context. Extensive experiments have been conducted on the challenging PASCAL VOC 2007 benchmarks, which achieve 49.8% mAP and 66.0% CorLoc, outperforming state-of-the-arts.

22.On-Device Text Image Super Resolution ⬇️

Recent research on super-resolution (SR) has witnessed major developments with the advancements of deep convolutional neural networks. There is a need for information extraction from scenic text images or even document images on device, most of which are low-resolution (LR) images. Therefore, SR becomes an essential pre-processing step as Bicubic Upsampling, which is conventionally present in smartphones, performs poorly on LR images. To give the user more control over his privacy, and to reduce the carbon footprint by reducing the overhead of cloud computing and hours of GPU usage, executing SR models on the edge is a necessity in the recent times. There are various challenges in running and optimizing a model on resource-constrained platforms like smartphones. In this paper, we present a novel deep neural network that reconstructs sharper character edges and thus boosts OCR confidence. The proposed architecture not only achieves significant improvement in PSNR over bicubic upsampling on various benchmark datasets but also runs with an average inference time of 11.7 ms per image. We have outperformed state-of-the-art on the Text330 dataset. We also achieve an OCR accuracy of 75.89% on the ICDAR 2015 TextSR dataset, where ground truth has an accuracy of 78.10%.

23.LAGNet: Logic-Aware Graph Network for Human Interaction Understanding ⬇️

Compared with the progress made on human activity classification, much less success has been achieved on human interaction understanding (HIU). Apart from the latter task is much more challenging, the main cause is that recent approaches learn human interactive relations via shallow graphical representations, which is inadequate to model complicated human interactions. In this paper, we propose a deep logic-aware graph network, which combines the representative ability of graph attention and the rigorousness of logical reasoning to facilitate human interaction understanding. Our network consists of three components, a backbone CNN to extract image features, a graph network to learn interactive relations among participants, and a logic-aware reasoning module. Our key observation is that the first-order logic for HIU can be embedded into higher-order energy functions, minimizing which delivers logic-aware predictions. An efficient mean-field inference algorithm is proposed, such that all modules of our network could be trained jointly in an end-to-end way. Experimental results show that our approach achieves leading performance on three existing benchmarks and a new challenging dataset crafted by ourselves. Code will be publicly available.

24.Shuffle and Learn: Minimizing Mutual Information for Unsupervised Hashing ⬇️

Unsupervised binary representation allows fast data retrieval without any annotations, enabling practical application like fast person re-identification and multimedia retrieval. It is argued that conflicts in binary space are one of the major barriers to high-performance unsupervised hashing as current methods failed to capture the precise code conflicts in the full domain. A novel relaxation method called Shuffle and Learn is proposed to tackle code conflicts in the unsupervised hash. Approximated derivatives for joint probability and the gradients for the binary layer are introduced to bridge the update from the hash to the input. Proof on $\epsilon$-Convergence of joint probability with approximated derivatives is provided to guarantee the preciseness on update applied on the mutual information. The proposed algorithm is carried out with iterative global updates to minimize mutual information, diverging the code before regular unsupervised optimization. Experiments suggest that the proposed method can relax the code optimization from local optimum and help to generate binary representations that are more discriminative and informative without any annotations. Performance benchmarks on image retrieval with the unsupervised binary code are conducted on three open datasets, and the model achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on image retrieval task for all those datasets. Datasets and reproducible code are provided.

25.Deep Snapshot HDR Imaging Using Multi-Exposure Color Filter Array ⬇️

In this paper, we propose a deep snapshot high dynamic range (HDR) imaging framework that can effectively reconstruct an HDR image from the RAW data captured using a multi-exposure color filter array (ME-CFA), which consists of a mosaic pattern of RGB filters with different exposure levels. To effectively learn the HDR image reconstruction network, we introduce the idea of luminance normalization that simultaneously enables effective loss computation and input data normalization by considering relative local contrasts in the "normalized-by-luminance" HDR domain. This idea makes it possible to equally handle the errors in both bright and dark areas regardless of absolute luminance levels, which significantly improves the visual image quality in a tone-mapped domain. Experimental results using two public HDR image datasets demonstrate that our framework outperforms other snapshot methods and produces high-quality HDR images with fewer visual artifacts.

26.Efficient Conditional Pre-training for Transfer Learning ⬇️

Almost all the state-of-the-art neural networks for computer vision tasks are trained by (1) Pre-training on a large scale dataset and (2) finetuning on the target dataset. This strategy helps reduce the dependency on the target dataset and improves convergence rate and generalization on the target task. Although pre-training on large scale datasets is very useful, its foremost disadvantage is high training cost. To address this, we propose efficient target dataset conditioned filtering methods to remove less relevant samples from the pre-training dataset. Unlike prior work, we focus on efficiency, adaptability, and flexibility in addition to performance. Additionally, we discover that lowering image resolutions in the pre-training step offers a great trade-off between cost and performance. We validate our techniques by pre-training on ImageNet in both the unsupervised and supervised settings and finetuning on a diverse collection of target datasets and tasks. Our proposed methods drastically reduce pre-training cost and provide strong performance boosts.

27.DoDNet: Learning to segment multi-organ and tumors from multiple partially labeled datasets ⬇️

Due to the intensive cost of labor and expertise in annotating 3D medical images at a voxel level, most benchmark datasets are equipped with the annotations of only one type of organs and/or tumors, resulting in the so-called partially labeling issue. To address this, we propose a dynamic on-demand network (DoDNet) that learns to segment multiple organs and tumors on partially labeled datasets. DoDNet consists of a shared encoder-decoder architecture, a task encoding module, a controller for generating dynamic convolution filters, and a single but dynamic segmentation head. The information of the current segmentation task is encoded as a task-aware prior to tell the model what the task is expected to solve. Different from existing approaches which fix kernels after training, the kernels in dynamic head are generated adaptively by the controller, conditioned on both input image and assigned task. Thus, DoDNet is able to segment multiple organs and tumors, as done by multiple networks or a multi-head network, in a much efficient and flexible manner. We have created a large-scale partially labeled dataset, termed MOTS, and demonstrated the superior performance of our DoDNet over other competitors on seven organ and tumor segmentation tasks. We also transferred the weights pre-trained on MOTS to a downstream multi-organ segmentation task and achieved state-of-the-art performance. This study provides a general 3D medical image segmentation model that has been pre-trained on a large-scale partially labelled dataset and can be extended (after fine-tuning) to downstream volumetric medical data segmentation tasks. The dataset and code areavailableat: this https URL

28.Action Duration Prediction for Segment-Level Alignment of Weakly-Labeled Videos ⬇️

This paper focuses on weakly-supervised action alignment, where only the ordered sequence of video-level actions is available for training. We propose a novel Duration Network, which captures a short temporal window of the video and learns to predict the remaining duration of a given action at any point in time with a level of granularity based on the type of that action. Further, we introduce a Segment-Level Beam Search to obtain the best alignment, that maximizes our posterior probability. Segment-Level Beam Search efficiently aligns actions by considering only a selected set of frames that have more confident predictions. The experimental results show that our alignments for long videos are more robust than existing models. Moreover, the proposed method achieves state of the art results in certain cases on the popular Breakfast and Hollywood Extended datasets.

29.MobileDepth: Efficient Monocular Depth Prediction on Mobile Devices ⬇️

Depth prediction is fundamental for many useful applications on computer vision and robotic systems. On mobile phones, the performance of some useful applications such as augmented reality, autofocus and so on could be enhanced by accurate depth prediction. In this work, an efficient fully convolutional network architecture for depth prediction has been proposed, which uses RegNetY 06 as the encoder and split-concatenate shuffle blocks as decoder. At the same time, an appropriate combination of data augmentation, hyper-parameters and loss functions to efficiently train the lightweight network has been provided. Also, an Android application has been developed which can load CNN models to predict depth map by the monocular images captured from the mobile camera and evaluate the average latency and frame per second of the models. As a result, the network achieves 82.7% {\delta}1 accuracy on NYU Depth v2 dataset and at the same time, have only 62ms latency on ARM A76 CPUs so that it can predict the depth map from the mobile camera in real-time.

30.ConvTransformer: A Convolutional Transformer Network for Video Frame Synthesis ⬇️

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are powerful models that have achieved excellent performance on difficult computer vision tasks. Although CNNS perform well whenever large labeled training samples are available, they work badly on video frame synthesis due to objects deforming and moving, scene lighting changes, and cameras moving in video sequence. In this paper, we present a novel and general end-to-end architecture, called convolutional Transformer or ConvTransformer, for video frame sequence learning and video frame synthesis. The core ingredient of ConvTransformer is the proposed attention layer, i.e., multi-head convolutional self-attention, that learns the sequential dependence of video sequence. Our method ConvTransformer uses an encoder, built upon multi-head convolutional self-attention layers, to map the input sequence to a feature map sequence, and then another deep networks, incorporating multi-head convolutional self-attention layers, decode the target synthesized frames from the feature maps sequence. Experiments on video future frame extrapolation task show ConvTransformer to be superior in quality while being more parallelizable to recent approaches built upon convoltuional LSTM (ConvLSTM). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that ConvTransformer architecture is proposed and applied to video frame synthesis.

31.An Efficient End-to-End Deep Learning Training Framework via Fine-Grained Pattern-Based Pruning ⬇️

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are becoming increasingly deeper, wider, and non-linear because of the growing demand on prediction accuracy and analysis quality. The wide and deep CNNs, however, require a large amount of computing resources and processing time. Many previous works have studied model pruning to improve inference performance, but little work has been done for effectively reducing training cost. In this paper, we propose ClickTrain: an efficient and accurate end-to-end training and pruning framework for CNNs. Different from the existing pruning-during-training work, ClickTrain provides higher model accuracy and compression ratio via fine-grained architecture-preserving pruning. By leveraging pattern-based pruning with our proposed novel accurate weight importance estimation, dynamic pattern generation and selection, and compiler-assisted computation optimizations, ClickTrain generates highly accurate and fast pruned CNN models for direct deployment without any time overhead, compared with the baseline training. ClickTrain also reduces the end-to-end time cost of the state-of-the-art pruning-after-training methods by up to about 67% with comparable accuracy and compression ratio. Moreover, compared with the state-of-the-art pruning-during-training approach, ClickTrain reduces the accuracy drop by up to 2.1% and improves the compression ratio by up to 2.2X on the tested datasets, under similar limited training time.

32.FlowStep3D: Model Unrolling for Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation ⬇️

Estimating the 3D motion of points in a scene, known as scene flow, is a core problem in computer vision. Traditional learning-based methods designed to learn end-to-end 3D flow often suffer from poor generalization. Here we present a recurrent architecture that learns a single step of an unrolled iterative alignment procedure for refining scene flow predictions. Inspired by classical algorithms, we demonstrate iterative convergence toward the solution using strong regularization. The proposed method can handle sizeable temporal deformations and suggests a slimmer architecture than competitive all-to-all correlation approaches. Trained on FlyingThings3D synthetic data only, our network successfully generalizes to real scans, outperforming all existing methods by a large margin on the KITTI self-supervised benchmark.

33.Cooperating RPN's Improve Few-Shot Object Detection ⬇️

Learning to detect an object in an image from very few training examples - few-shot object detection - is challenging, because the classifier that sees proposal boxes has very little training data. A particularly challenging training regime occurs when there are one or two training examples. In this case, if the region proposal network (RPN) misses even one high intersection-over-union (IOU) training box, the classifier's model of how object appearance varies can be severely impacted. We use multiple distinct yet cooperating RPN's. Our RPN's are trained to be different, but not too different; doing so yields significant performance improvements over state of the art for COCO and PASCAL VOC in the very few-shot setting. This effect appears to be independent of the choice of classifier or dataset.

34.VLG-Net: Video-Language Graph Matching Network for Video Grounding ⬇️

Grounding language queries in videos aims at identifying the time interval (or moment) semantically relevant to a language query. The solution to this challenging task demands the understanding of videos' and queries' semantic content and the fine-grained reasoning about their multi-modal interactions. Our key idea is to recast this challenge into an algorithmic graph matching problem. Fueled by recent advances in Graph Neural Networks, we propose to leverage Graph Convolutional Networks to model video and textual information as well as their semantic alignment. To enable the mutual exchange of information across the domains, we design a novel Video-Language Graph Matching Network (VLG-Net) to match video and query graphs. Core ingredients include representation graphs, built on top of video snippets and query tokens separately, which are used for modeling the intra-modality relationships. A Graph Matching layer is adopted for cross-modal context modeling and multi-modal fusion. Finally, moment candidates are created using masked moment attention pooling by fusing the moment's enriched snippet features. We demonstrate superior performance over state-of-the-art grounding methods on three widely used datasets for temporal localization of moments in videos with natural language queries: ActivityNet-Captions, TACoS, and DiDeMo.

35.Batteries, camera, action! Learning a semantic control space for expressive robot cinematography ⬇️

Aerial vehicles are revolutionizing the way film-makers can capture shots of actors by composing novel aerial and dynamic viewpoints. However, despite great advancements in autonomous flight technology, generating expressive camera behaviors is still a challenge and requires non-technical users to edit a large number of unintuitive control parameters. In this work we develop a data-driven framework that enables editing of these complex camera positioning parameters in a semantic space (e.g. calm, enjoyable, establishing). First, we generate a database of video clips with a diverse range of shots in a photo-realistic simulator, and use hundreds of participants in a crowd-sourcing framework to obtain scores for a set of semantic descriptors for each clip. Next, we analyze correlations between descriptors and build a semantic control space based on cinematography guidelines and human perception studies. Finally, we learn a generative model that can map a set of desired semantic video descriptors into low-level camera trajectory parameters. We evaluate our system by demonstrating that our model successfully generates shots that are rated by participants as having the expected degrees of expression for each descriptor. We also show that our models generalize to different scenes in both simulation and real-world experiments. Supplementary video: this https URL

36.Online Multi-Object Tracking with delta-GLMB Filter based on Occlusion and Identity Switch Handling ⬇️

In this paper, we propose an online multi-object tracking (MOT) method in a delta Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli (delta-GLMB) filter framework to address occlusion and miss-detection issues, reduce false alarms, and recover identity switch (ID switch). To handle occlusion and miss-detection issues, we propose a measurement-to-disappeared track association method based on one-step delta-GLMB filter, so it is possible to manage these difficulties by jointly processing occluded or miss-detected objects. This part of proposed method is based on a proposed similarity metric which is responsible for defining the weight of hypothesized reappeared tracks. We also extend the delta-GLMB filter to efficiently recover switched IDs using the cardinality density, size and color features of the hypothesized tracks. We also propose a novel birth model to achieve more effective clutter removal performance. In both occlusion/miss-detection handler and newly-birthed object detector sections of the proposed method, unassigned measurements play a significant role, since they are used as the candidates for reappeared or birth objects. In addition, we perform an ablation study which confirms the effectiveness of our contributions in comparison with the baseline method. We evaluate the proposed method on well-known and publicly available MOT15 and MOT17 test datasets which are focused on pedestrian tracking. Experimental results show that the proposed tracker performs better or at least at the same level of the state-of-the-art online and offline MOT methods. It effectively handles the occlusion and ID switch issues and reduces false alarms as well.

37.Logically Consistent Loss for Visual Question Answering ⬇️

Given an image, a back-ground knowledge, and a set of questions about an object, human learners answer the questions very consistently regardless of question forms and semantic tasks. The current advancement in neural-network based Visual Question Answering (VQA), despite their impressive performance, cannot ensure such consistency due to identically distribution (i.i.d.) assumption. We propose a new model-agnostic logic constraint to tackle this issue by formulating a logically consistent loss in the multi-task learning framework as well as a data organisation called family-batch and hybrid-batch. To demonstrate usefulness of this proposal, we train and evaluate MAC-net based VQA machines with and without the proposed logically consistent loss and the proposed data organization. The experiments confirm that the proposed loss formulae and introduction of hybrid-batch leads to more consistency as well as better performance. Though the proposed approach is tested with MAC-net, it can be utilised in any other QA methods whenever the logical consistency between answers exist.

38.Classification by Attention: Scene Graph Classification with Prior Knowledge ⬇️

A main challenge in scene graph classification is that the appearance of objects and relations can be significantly different from one image to another. Previous works have addressed this by relational reasoning over all objects in an image, or incorporating prior knowledge into classification. Unlike previous works, we do not consider separate models for the perception and prior knowledge. Instead, we take a multi-task learning approach, where the classification is implemented as an attention layer. This allows for the prior knowledge to emerge and propagate within the perception model. By enforcing the model to also represent the prior, we achieve a strong inductive bias. We show that our model can accurately generate commonsense knowledge and that the iterative injection of this knowledge to scene representations leads to a significantly higher classification performance. Additionally, our model can be fine-tuned on external knowledge given as triples. When combined with self-supervised learning, this leads to accurate predictions with 1% of annotated images only.

39.Hybrid Consistency Training with Prototype Adaptation for Few-Shot Learning ⬇️

Few-Shot Learning (FSL) aims to improve a model's generalization capability in low data regimes. Recent FSL works have made steady progress via metric learning, meta learning, representation learning, etc. However, FSL remains challenging due to the following longstanding difficulties. 1) The seen and unseen classes are disjoint, resulting in a distribution shift between training and testing. 2) During testing, labeled data of previously unseen classes is sparse, making it difficult to reliably extrapolate from labeled support examples to unlabeled query examples. To tackle the first challenge, we introduce Hybrid Consistency Training to jointly leverage interpolation consistency, including interpolating hidden features, that imposes linear behavior locally and data augmentation consistency that learns robust embeddings against sample variations. As for the second challenge, we use unlabeled examples to iteratively normalize features and adapt prototypes, as opposed to commonly used one-time update, for more reliable prototype-based transductive inference. We show that our method generates a 2% to 5% improvement over the state-of-the-art methods with similar backbones on five FSL datasets and, more notably, a 7% to 8% improvement for more challenging cross-domain FSL.

40.Error-Bounded Correction of Noisy Labels ⬇️

To collect large scale annotated data, it is inevitable to introduce label noise, i.e., incorrect class labels. To be robust against label noise, many successful methods rely on the noisy classifiers (i.e., models trained on the noisy training data) to determine whether a label is trustworthy. However, it remains unknown why this heuristic works well in practice. In this paper, we provide the first theoretical explanation for these methods. We prove that the prediction of a noisy classifier can indeed be a good indicator of whether the label of a training data is clean. Based on the theoretical result, we propose a novel algorithm that corrects the labels based on the noisy classifier prediction. The corrected labels are consistent with the true Bayesian optimal classifier with high probability. We incorporate our label correction algorithm into the training of deep neural networks and train models that achieve superior testing performance on multiple public datasets.

41.Dual Contradistinctive Generative Autoencoder ⬇️

We present a new generative autoencoder model with dual contradistinctive losses to improve generative autoencoder that performs simultaneous inference (reconstruction) and synthesis (sampling). Our model, named dual contradistinctive generative autoencoder (DC-VAE), integrates an instance-level discriminative loss (maintaining the instance-level fidelity for the reconstruction/synthesis) with a set-level adversarial loss (encouraging the set-level fidelity for there construction/synthesis), both being contradistinctive. Extensive experimental results by DC-VAE across different resolutions including 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, and 512x512 are reported. The two contradistinctive losses in VAE work harmoniously in DC-VAE leading to a significant qualitative and quantitative performance enhancement over the baseline VAEs without architectural changes. State-of-the-art or competitive results among generative autoencoders for image reconstruction, image synthesis, image interpolation, and representation learning are observed. DC-VAE is a general-purpose VAE model, applicable to a wide variety of downstream tasks in computer vision and machine learning.

42.Synthetic Image Rendering Solves Annotation Problem in Deep Learning Nanoparticle Segmentation ⬇️

Nanoparticles occur in various environments as a consequence of man-made processes, which raises concerns about their impact on the environment and human health. To allow for proper risk assessment, a precise and statistically relevant analysis of particle characteristics (such as e.g. size, shape and composition) is required that would greatly benefit from automated image analysis procedures. While deep learning shows impressive results in object detection tasks, its applicability is limited by the amount of representative, experimentally collected and manually annotated training data. Here, we present an elegant, flexible and versatile method to bypass this costly and tedious data acquisition process. We show that using a rendering software allows to generate realistic, synthetic training data to train a state-of-the art deep neural network. Using this approach, we derive a segmentation accuracy that is comparable to man-made annotations for toxicologically relevant metal-oxide nanoparticle ensembles which we chose as examples. Our study paves the way towards the use of deep learning for automated, high-throughput particle detection in a variety of imaging techniques such as microscopies and spectroscopies, for a wide variety of studies and applications, including the detection of plastic micro- and nanoparticles.

43.Bridging Scene Understanding and Task Execution with Flexible Simulation Environments ⬇️

Significant progress has been made in scene understanding which seeks to build 3D, metric and object-oriented representations of the world. Concurrently, reinforcement learning has made impressive strides largely enabled by advances in simulation. Comparatively, there has been less focus in simulation for perception algorithms. Simulation is becoming increasingly vital as sophisticated perception approaches such as metric-semantic mapping or 3D dynamic scene graph generation require precise 3D, 2D, and inertial information in an interactive environment. To that end, we present TESSE (Task Execution with Semantic Segmentation Environments), an open source simulator for developing scene understanding and task execution algorithms. TESSE has been used to develop state-of-the-art solutions for metric-semantic mapping and 3D dynamic scene graph generation. Additionally, TESSE served as the platform for the GOSEEK Challenge at the International Conference of Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020, an object search competition with an emphasis on reinforcement learning. Code for TESSE is available at this https URL.

44.Smart obervation method with wide field small aperture telescopes for real time transient detection ⬇️

Wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs) are commonly used for fast sky survey. Telescope arrays composed by several WFSATs are capable to scan sky several times per night. Huge amount of data would be obtained by them and these data need to be processed immediately. In this paper, we propose ARGUS (Astronomical taRGets detection framework for Unified telescopes) for real-time transit detection. The ARGUS uses a deep learning based astronomical detection algorithm implemented in embedded devices in each WFSATs to detect astronomical targets. The position and probability of a detection being an astronomical targets will be sent to a trained ensemble learning algorithm to output information of celestial sources. After matching these sources with star catalog, ARGUS will directly output type and positions of transient candidates. We use simulated data to test the performance of ARGUS and find that ARGUS can increase the performance of WFSATs in transient detection tasks robustly.

45.ScalarFlow: A Large-Scale Volumetric Data Set of Real-world Scalar Transport Flows for Computer Animation and Machine Learning ⬇️

In this paper, we present ScalarFlow, a first large-scale data set of reconstructions of real-world smoke plumes. We additionally propose a framework for accurate physics-based reconstructions from a small number of video streams. Central components of our algorithm are a novel estimation of unseen inflow regions and an efficient regularization scheme. Our data set includes a large number of complex and natural buoyancy-driven flows. The flows transition to turbulent flows and contain observable scalar transport processes. As such, the ScalarFlow data set is tailored towards computer graphics, vision, and learning applications. The published data set will contain volumetric reconstructions of velocity and density, input image sequences, together with calibration data, code, and instructions how to recreate the commodity hardware capture setup. We further demonstrate one of the many potential application areas: a first perceptual evaluation study, which reveals that the complexity of the captured flows requires a huge simulation resolution for regular solvers in order to recreate at least parts of the natural complexity contained in the captured data.

46.Learning Synthetic to Real Transfer for Localization and Navigational Tasks ⬇️

Autonomous navigation consists in an agent being able to navigate without human intervention or supervision, it affects both high level planning and low level control. Navigation is at the crossroad of multiple disciplines, it combines notions of computer vision, robotics and control. This work aimed at creating, in a simulation, a navigation pipeline whose transfer to the real world could be done with as few efforts as possible. Given the limited time and the wide range of problematic to be tackled, absolute navigation performances while important was not the main objective. The emphasis was rather put on studying the sim2real gap which is one the major bottlenecks of modern robotics and autonomous navigation. To design the navigation pipeline four main challenges arise; environment, localization, navigation and planning. The iGibson simulator is picked for its photo-realistic textures and physics engine. A topological approach to tackle space representation was picked over metric approaches because they generalize better to new environments and are less sensitive to change of conditions. The navigation pipeline is decomposed as a localization module, a planning module and a local navigation module. These modules utilize three different networks, an image representation extractor, a passage detector and a local policy. The laters are trained on specifically tailored tasks with some associated datasets created for those specific tasks. Localization is the ability for the agent to localize itself against a specific space representation. It must be reliable, repeatable and robust to a wide variety of transformations. Localization is tackled as an image retrieval task using a deep neural network trained on an auxiliary task as a feature descriptor extractor. The local policy is trained with behavioral cloning from expert trajectories gathered with ROS navigation stack.

47.Edge Adaptive Hybrid Regularization Model For Image Deblurring ⬇️

A spatially fixed parameter of regularization item for whole images doesn't perform well both at edges and smooth areas. A large parameter of regularization item reduces noise better in smooth area but blurs edges, while a small parameter sharpens edges but causes residual noise. In this paper, an automated spatially dependent regularization parameter hybrid regularization model is proposed for reconstruction of noisy and blurred images which combines the harmonic and TV models. The algorithm detects image edges and spatially adjusts the parameters of Tikhonov and TV regularization terms for each pixel according to edge information. In addition, the edge information matrix will be dynamically updated with the iteration process. Computationally, the newly-established model is convex, then it can be solved by the semi-proximal alternating direction method of multipliers (sPADMM) with a linear-rate convergence. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that the proposed model effectively protects the image edge while eliminating noise and blur and outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of PSNR, SSIM and visual quality.

48.Modelling the Point Spread Function of Wide Field Small Aperture Telescopes With Deep Neural Networks -- Applications in Point Spread Function Estimation ⬇️

The point spread function (PSF) reflects states of a telescope and plays an important role in development of smart data processing methods. However, for wide field small aperture telescopes (WFSATs), estimating PSF in any position of the whole field of view (FoV) is hard, because aberrations induced by the optical system are quite complex and the signal to noise ratio of star images is often too low for PSF estimation. In this paper, we further develop our deep neural network (DNN) based PSF modelling method and show its applications in PSF estimation. During the telescope alignment and testing stage, our method collects system calibration data through modification of optical elements within engineering tolerances (tilting and decentering). Then we use these data to train a DNN. After training, the DNN can estimate PSF in any field of view from several discretely sampled star images. We use both simulated and experimental data to test performance of our method. The results show that our method could successfully reconstruct PSFs of WFSATs of any states and in any positions of the FoV. Its results are significantly more precise than results obtained by the compared classic method - Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) interpolation. Our method provides foundations for developing of smart data processing methods for WFSATs in the future.

49.Compressive Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensing based on Deep Neural Networks ⬇️

The Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor is widely used to measure aberrations induced by atmospheric turbulence in adaptive optics systems. However if there exists strong atmospheric turbulence or the brightness of guide stars is low, the accuracy of wavefront measurements will be affected. In this paper, we propose a compressive Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing method. Instead of reconstructing wavefronts with slope measurements of all sub-apertures, our method reconstructs wavefronts with slope measurements of sub-apertures which have spot images with high signal to noise ratio. Besides, we further propose to use a deep neural network to accelerate wavefront reconstruction speed. During the training stage of the deep neural network, we propose to add a drop-out layer to simulate the compressive sensing process, which could increase development speed of our method. After training, the compressive Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing method can reconstruct wavefronts in high spatial resolution with slope measurements from only a small amount of sub-apertures. We integrate the straightforward compressive Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing method with image deconvolution algorithm to develop a high-order image restoration method. We use images restored by the high-order image restoration method to test the performance of our the compressive Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing method. The results show that our method can improve the accuracy of wavefront measurements and is suitable for real-time applications.

50.Complexity Controlled Generative Adversarial Networks ⬇️

One of the issues faced in training Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs) and their variants is the problem of mode collapse, wherein the training stability in terms of the generative loss increases as more training data is used. In this paper, we propose an alternative architecture via the Low-Complexity Neural Network (LCNN), which attempts to learn models with low complexity. The motivation is that controlling model complexity leads to models that do not overfit the training data. We incorporate the LCNN loss function for GANs, Deep Convolutional GANs (DCGANs) and Spectral Normalized GANs (SNGANs), in order to develop hybrid architectures called the LCNN-GAN, LCNN-DCGAN and LCNN-SNGAN respectively. On various large benchmark image datasets, we show that the use of our proposed models results in stable training while avoiding the problem of mode collapse, resulting in better training stability. We also show how the learning behavior can be controlled by a hyperparameter in the LCNN functional, which also provides an improved inception score.

51.CLIPPER: A Graph-Theoretic Framework for Robust Data Association ⬇️

We present CLIPPER (Consistent LInking, Pruning, and Pairwise Error Rectification), a framework for robust data association in the presence of noise and outliers. We formulate the problem in a graph-theoretic framework using the notion of geometric consistency. State-of-the-art techniques that use this framework utilize either combinatorial optimization techniques that do not scale well to large-sized problems, or use heuristic approximations that yield low accuracy in high-noise, high-outlier regimes. In contrast, CLIPPER uses a relaxation of the combinatorial problem and returns solutions that are guaranteed to correspond to the optima of the original problem. Low time complexity is achieved with an efficient projected gradient ascent approach. Experiments indicate that CLIPPER maintains a consistently low runtime of 15 ms where exact methods can require up to 24 s at their peak, even on small-sized problems with 200 associations. When evaluated on noisy point cloud registration problems, CLIPPER achieves 100% precision and 98% recall in 90% outlier regimes while competing algorithms begin degrading by 70% outliers. In an instance of associating noisy points of the Stanford Bunny with 990 outlier associations and only 10 inlier associations, CLIPPER successfully returns 8 inlier associations with 100% precision in 138 ms.

52.Discriminative Localized Sparse Representations for Breast Cancer Screening ⬇️

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women both in developed and developing countries. Early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer may reduce its mortality and improve the quality of life. Computer-aided detection (CADx) and computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) techniques have shown promise for reducing the burden of human expert reading and improve the accuracy and reproducibility of results. Sparse analysis techniques have produced relevant results for representing and recognizing imaging patterns. In this work we propose a method for Label Consistent Spatially Localized Ensemble Sparse Analysis (LC-SLESA). In this work we apply dictionary learning to our block based sparse analysis method to classify breast lesions as benign or malignant. The performance of our method in conjunction with LC-KSVD dictionary learning is evaluated using 10-, 20-, and 30-fold cross validation on the MIAS dataset. Our results indicate that the proposed sparse analyses may be a useful component for breast cancer screening applications.

53.Targeted Self Supervision for Classification on a Small COVID-19 CT Scan Dataset ⬇️

Traditionally, convolutional neural networks need large amounts of data labelled by humans to train. Self supervision has been proposed as a method of dealing with small amounts of labelled data. The aim of this study is to determine whether self supervision can increase classification performance on a small COVID-19 CT scan dataset. This study also aims to determine whether the proposed self supervision strategy, targeted self supervision, is a viable option for a COVID-19 imaging dataset. A total of 10 experiments are run comparing the classification performance of the proposed method of self supervision with different amounts of data. The experiments run with the proposed self supervision strategy perform significantly better than their non-self supervised counterparts. We get almost 8% increase in accuracy with full self supervision when compared to no self supervision. The results suggest that self supervision can improve classification performance on a small COVID-19 CT scan dataset. Code for targeted self supervision can be found at this link: this https URL

54.FLAVA: Find, Localize, Adjust and Verify to Annotate LiDAR-Based Point Clouds ⬇️

Recent years have witnessed the rapid progress of perception algorithms on top of LiDAR, a widely adopted sensor for autonomous driving systems. These LiDAR-based solutions are typically data hungry, requiring a large amount of data to be labeled for training and evaluation. However, annotating this kind of data is very challenging due to the sparsity and irregularity of point clouds and more complex interaction involved in this procedure. To tackle this problem, we propose FLAVA, a systematic approach to minimizing human interaction in the annotation process. Specifically, we divide the annotation pipeline into four parts: find, localize, adjust and verify. In addition, we carefully design the UI for different stages of the annotation procedure, thus keeping the annotators to focus on the aspects that are most important to each stage. Furthermore, our system also greatly reduces the amount of interaction by introducing a light-weight yet effective mechanism to propagate the annotation results. Experimental results show that our method can remarkably accelerate the procedure and improve the annotation quality.