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ArXiv cs.CV --Thu, 5 Nov 2020

1.Muti-view Mouse Social Behaviour Recognition with Deep Graphical Model ⬇️

Home-cage social behaviour analysis of mice is an invaluable tool to assess therapeutic efficacy of neurodegenerative diseases. Despite tremendous efforts made within the research community, single-camera video recordings are mainly used for such analysis. Because of the potential to create rich descriptions of mouse social behaviors, the use of multi-view video recordings for rodent observations is increasingly receiving much attention. However, identifying social behaviours from various views is still challenging due to the lack of correspondence across data sources. To address this problem, we here propose a novel multiview latent-attention and dynamic discriminative model that jointly learns view-specific and view-shared sub-structures, where the former captures unique dynamics of each view whilst the latter encodes the interaction between the views. Furthermore, a novel multi-view latent-attention variational autoencoder model is introduced in learning the acquired features, enabling us to learn discriminative features in each view. Experimental results on the standard CRMI13 and our multi-view Parkinson's Disease Mouse Behaviour (PDMB) datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms the other state of the arts technologies and effectively deals with the imbalanced data problem.

2.Graph Based Temporal Aggregation for Video Retrieval ⬇️

Large scale video retrieval is a field of study with a lot of ongoing research. Most of the work in the field is on video retrieval through text queries using techniques such as VSE++. However, there is little research done on video retrieval through image queries, and the work that has been done in this field either uses image queries from within the video dataset or iterates through videos frame by frame. These approaches are not generalized for queries from outside the dataset and do not scale well for large video datasets. To overcome these issues, we propose a new approach for video retrieval through image queries where an undirected graph is constructed from the combined set of frames from all videos to be searched. The node features of this graph are used in the task of video retrieval. Experimentation is done on the MSR-VTT dataset by using query images from outside the dataset. To evaluate this novel approach P@5, P@10 and P@20 metrics are calculated. Two different ResNet models namely, ResNet-152 and ResNet-50 are used in this study.

3.Fairness in Biometrics: a figure of merit to assess biometric verification systems ⬇️

Machine learning-based (ML) systems are being largely deployed since the last decade in a myriad of scenarios impacting several instances in our daily lives. With this vast sort of applications, aspects of fairness start to rise in the spotlight due to the social impact that this can get in minorities. In this work aspects of fairness in biometrics are addressed. First, we introduce the first figure of merit that is able to evaluate and compare fairness aspects between multiple biometric verification systems, the so-called Fairness Discrepancy Rate (FDR). A use case with two synthetic biometric systems is introduced and demonstrates the potential of this figure of merit in extreme cases of fair and unfair behavior. Second, a use case using face biometrics is presented where several systems are evaluated compared with this new figure of merit using three public datasets exploring gender and race demographics.

4.Channel Planting for Deep Neural Networks using Knowledge Distillation ⬇️

In recent years, deeper and wider neural networks have shown excellent performance in computer vision tasks, while their enormous amount of parameters results in increased computational cost and overfitting. Several methods have been proposed to compress the size of the networks without reducing network performance. Network pruning can reduce redundant and unnecessary parameters from a network. Knowledge distillation can transfer the knowledge of deeper and wider networks to smaller networks. The performance of the smaller network obtained by these methods is bounded by the predefined network. Neural architecture search has been proposed, which can search automatically the architecture of the networks to break the structure limitation. Also, there is a dynamic configuration method to train networks incrementally as sub-networks. In this paper, we present a novel incremental training algorithm for deep neural networks called planting. Our planting can search the optimal network architecture with smaller number of parameters for improving the network performance by augmenting channels incrementally to layers of the initial networks while keeping the earlier trained parameters fixed. Also, we propose using the knowledge distillation method for training the channels planted. By transferring the knowledge of deeper and wider networks, we can grow the networks effectively and efficiently. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method on different datasets such as CIFAR-10/100 and STL-10. For the STL-10 dataset, we show that we are able to achieve comparable performance with only 7% parameters compared to the larger network and reduce the overfitting caused by a small amount of the data.

5.Filter Pruning using Hierarchical Group Sparse Regularization for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks ⬇️

Since the convolutional neural networks are often trained with redundant parameters, it is possible to reduce redundant kernels or filters to obtain a compact network without dropping the classification accuracy. In this paper, we propose a filter pruning method using the hierarchical group sparse regularization. It is shown in our previous work that the hierarchical group sparse regularization is effective in obtaining sparse networks in which filters connected to unnecessary channels are automatically close to zero. After training the convolutional neural network with the hierarchical group sparse regularization, the unnecessary filters are selected based on the increase of the classification loss of the randomly selected training samples to obtain a compact network. It is shown that the proposed method can reduce more than 50% parameters of ResNet for CIFAR-10 with only 0.3% decrease in the accuracy of test samples. Also, 34% parameters of ResNet are reduced for TinyImageNet-200 with higher accuracy than the baseline network.

6.Deep Learning Framework to Detect Face Masks from Video Footage ⬇️

The use of facial masks in public spaces has become a social obligation since the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic and the identification of facial masks can be imperative to ensure public safety. Detection of facial masks in video footages is a challenging task primarily due to the fact that the masks themselves behave as occlusions to face detection algorithms due to the absence of facial landmarks in the masked regions. In this work, we propose an approach for detecting facial masks in videos using deep learning. The proposed framework capitalizes on the MTCNN face detection model to identify the faces and their corresponding facial landmarks present in the video frame. These facial images and cues are then processed by a neoteric classifier that utilises the MobileNetV2 architecture as an object detector for identifying masked regions. The proposed framework was tested on a dataset which is a collection of videos capturing the movement of people in public spaces while complying with COVID-19 safety protocols. The proposed methodology demonstrated its effectiveness in detecting facial masks by achieving high precision, recall, and accuracy.

7.SD-Measure: A Social Distancing Detector ⬇️

The practice of social distancing is imperative to curbing the spread of contagious diseases and has been globally adopted as a non-pharmaceutical prevention measure during the COVID-19 pandemic. This work proposes a novel framework named SD-Measure for detecting social distancing from video footages. The proposed framework leverages the Mask R-CNN deep neural network to detect people in a video frame. To consistently identify whether social distancing is practiced during the interaction between people, a centroid tracking algorithm is utilised to track the subjects over the course of the footage. With the aid of authentic algorithms for approximating the distance of people from the camera and between themselves, we determine whether the social distancing guidelines are being adhered to. The framework attained a high accuracy value in conjunction with a low false alarm rate when tested on Custom Video Footage Dataset (CVFD) and Custom Personal Images Dataset (CPID), where it manifested its effectiveness in determining whether social distancing guidelines were practiced.

8.Deep Multimodality Learning for UAV Video Aesthetic Quality Assessment ⬇️

Despite the growing number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and aerial videos, there is a paucity of studies focusing on the aesthetics of aerial videos that can provide valuable information for improving the aesthetic quality of aerial photography. In this article, we present a method of deep multimodality learning for UAV video aesthetic quality assessment. More specifically, a multistream framework is designed to exploit aesthetic attributes from multiple modalities, including spatial appearance, drone camera motion, and scene structure. A novel specially designed motion stream network is proposed for this new multistream framework. We construct a dataset with 6,000 UAV video shots captured by drone cameras. Our model can judge whether a UAV video was shot by professional photographers or amateurs together with the scene type classification. The experimental results reveal that our method outperforms the video classification methods and traditional SVM-based methods for video aesthetics. In addition, we present three application examples of UAV video grading, professional segment detection and aesthetic-based UAV path planning using the proposed method.

9.FDRN: A Fast Deformable Registration Network for Medical Images ⬇️

Deformable image registration is a fundamental task in medical imaging. Due to the large computational complexity of deformable registration of volumetric images, conventional iterative methods usually face the tradeoff between the registration accuracy and the computation time in practice. In order to boost the registration performance in both accuracy and runtime, we propose a fast unsupervised convolutional neural network for deformable image registration. Specially, the proposed FDRN possesses a compact encoder-decoder structure and exploits deep supervision, additive forwarding and residual learning. We conducted comparison with the existing state-of-the-art registration methods on the LPBA40 brain MRI dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that our FDRN performs better than the investigated methods qualitatively and quantitatively in Dice score and normalized cross correlation (NCC). Besides, FDRN is a generalized framework for image registration which is not confined to a particular type of medical images or anatomy. It can also be applied to other anatomical structures or CT images.

10.Effective Fusion Factor in FPN for Tiny Object Detection ⬇️

FPN-based detectors have made significant progress in general object detection, e.g., MS COCO and PASCAL VOC. However, these detectors fail in certain application scenarios, e.g., tiny object detection. In this paper, we argue that the top-down connections between adjacent layers in FPN bring two-side influences for tiny object detection, not only positive. We propose a novel concept, fusion factor, to control information that deep layers deliver to shallow layers, for adapting FPN to tiny object detection. After series of experiments and analysis, we explore how to estimate an effective value of fusion factor for a particular dataset by a statistical method. The estimation is dependent on the number of objects distributed in each layer. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on tiny object detection datasets, e.g., TinyPerson and Tiny CityPersons. Our results show that when configuring FPN with a proper fusion factor, the network is able to achieve significant performance gains over the baseline on tiny object detection datasets. Codes and models will be released.

11.Pixel-wise Dense Detector for Image Inpainting ⬇️

Recent GAN-based image inpainting approaches adopt an average strategy to discriminate the generated image and output a scalar, which inevitably lose the position information of visual artifacts. Moreover, the adversarial loss and reconstruction loss (e.g., l1 loss) are combined with tradeoff weights, which are also difficult to tune. In this paper, we propose a novel detection-based generative framework for image inpainting, which adopts the min-max strategy in an adversarial process. The generator follows an encoder-decoder architecture to fill the missing regions, and the detector using weakly supervised learning localizes the position of artifacts in a pixel-wise manner. Such position information makes the generator pay attention to artifacts and further enhance them. More importantly, we explicitly insert the output of the detector into the reconstruction loss with a weighting criterion, which balances the weight of the adversarial loss and reconstruction loss automatically rather than manual operation. Experiments on multiple public datasets show the superior performance of the proposed framework. The source code is available at this https URL.

12.S3-Net: A Fast and Lightweight Video Scene Understanding Network by Single-shot Segmentation ⬇️

Real-time understanding in video is crucial in various AI applications such as autonomous driving. This work presents a fast single-shot segmentation strategy for video scene understanding. The proposed net, called S3-Net, quickly locates and segments target sub-scenes, meanwhile extracts structured time-series semantic features as inputs to an LSTM-based spatio-temporal model. Utilizing tensorization and quantization techniques, S3-Net is intended to be lightweight for edge computing. Experiments using CityScapes, UCF11, HMDB51 and MOMENTS datasets demonstrate that the proposed S3-Net achieves an accuracy improvement of 8.1% versus the 3D-CNN based approach on UCF11, a storage reduction of 6.9x and an inference speed of 22.8 FPS on CityScapes with a GTX1080Ti GPU.

13.Handwriting Classification for the Analysis of Art-Historical Documents ⬇️

Digitized archives contain and preserve the knowledge of generations of scholars in millions of documents. The size of these archives calls for automatic analysis since a manual analysis by specialists is often too expensive. In this paper, we focus on the analysis of handwriting in scanned documents from the art-historic archive of the WPI. Since the archive consists of documents written in several languages and lacks annotated training data for the creation of recognition models, we propose the task of handwriting classification as a new step for a handwriting OCR pipeline. We propose a handwriting classification model that labels extracted text fragments, eg, numbers, dates, or words, based on their visual structure. Such a classification supports historians by highlighting documents that contain a specific class of text without the need to read the entire content. To this end, we develop and compare several deep learning-based models for text classification. In extensive experiments, we show the advantages and disadvantages of our proposed approach and discuss possible usage scenarios on a real-world dataset.

14.Video Generative Adversarial Networks: A Review ⬇️

With the increasing interest in the content creation field in multiple sectors such as media, education, and entertainment, there is an increasing trend in the papers that uses AI algorithms to generate content such as images, videos, audio, and text. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in one of the promising models that synthesizes data samples that are similar to real data samples. While the variations of GANs models, in general, have been covered to some extent in several survey papers, to the best of our knowledge, this is among the first survey papers that reviews the state-of-the-art video GANs models. This paper first categorized GANs review papers into general GANs review papers, image GANs review papers, and special field GANs review papers such as anomaly detection, medical imaging, or cybersecurity. The paper then summarizes the main improvements in GANs frameworks that are not initially developed for the video domain but have been adopted in multiple video GANs variations. Then, a comprehensive review of video GANs models is provided under two main divisions according to the presence or non-presence of a condition. The conditional models then further grouped according to the type of condition into audio, text, video, and image. The paper is concluded by highlighting the main challenges and limitations of the current video GANs models. A comprehensive list of datasets, applied loss functions, and evaluation metrics is provided in the supplementary material.

15.BGGAN: Bokeh-Glass Generative Adversarial Network for Rendering Realistic Bokeh ⬇️

A photo captured with bokeh effect often means objects in focus are sharp while the out-of-focus areas are all blurred. DSLR can easily render this kind of effect naturally. However, due to the limitation of sensors, smartphones cannot capture images with depth-of-field effects directly. In this paper, we propose a novel generator called Glass-Net, which generates bokeh images not relying on complex hardware. Meanwhile, the GAN-based method and perceptual loss are combined for rendering a realistic bokeh effect in the stage of finetuning the model. Moreover, Instance Normalization(IN) is reimplemented in our network, which ensures our tflite model with IN can be accelerated on smartphone GPU. Experiments show that our method is able to render a high-quality bokeh effect and process one $1024 \times 1536$ pixel image in 1.9 seconds on all smartphone chipsets. This approach ranked First in AIM 2020 Rendering Realistic Bokeh Challenge Track 1 & Track 2.

16.The Forchheim Image Database for Camera Identification in the Wild ⬇️

Image provenance can represent crucial knowledge in criminal investigation and journalistic fact checking. In the last two decades, numerous algorithms have been proposed for obtaining information on the source camera and distribution history of an image. For a fair ranking of these techniques, it is important to rigorously assess their performance on practically relevant test cases. To this end, a number of datasets have been proposed. However, we argue that there is a gap in existing databases: to our knowledge, there is currently no dataset that simultaneously satisfies two goals, namely a) to cleanly separate scene content and forensic traces, and b) to support realistic post-processing like social media recompression. In this work, we propose the Forchheim Image Database (FODB) to close this gap. It consists of more than 23,000 images of 143 scenes by 27 smartphone cameras, and it allows to cleanly separate image content from forensic artifacts. Each image is provided in 6 different qualities: the original camera-native version, and five copies from social networks. We demonstrate the usefulness of FODB in an evaluation of methods for camera identification. We report three findings. First, the recently proposed general-purpose EfficientNet remarkably outperforms several dedicated forensic CNNs both on clean and compressed images. Second, classifiers obtain a performance boost even on unknown post-processing after augmentation by artificial degradations. Third, FODB's clean separation of scene content and forensic traces imposes important, rigorous boundary conditions for algorithm benchmarking.

17.Registration Loss Learning for Deep Probabilistic Point Set Registration ⬇️

Probabilistic methods for point set registration have interesting theoretical properties, such as linear complexity in the number of used points, and they easily generalize to joint registration of multiple point sets. In this work, we improve their recognition performance to match state of the art. This is done by incorporating learned features, by adding a von Mises-Fisher feature model in each mixture component, and by using learned attention weights. We learn these jointly using a registration loss learning strategy (RLL) that directly uses the registration error as a loss, by back-propagating through the registration iterations. This is possible as the probabilistic registration is fully differentiable, and the result is a learning framework that is truly end-to-end. We perform extensive experiments on the 3DMatch and Kitti datasets. The experiments demonstrate that our approach benefits significantly from the integration of the learned features and our learning strategy, outperforming the state-of-the-art on Kitti. Code is available at this https URL.

18.Low cost enhanced security face recognition with stereo cameras ⬇️

This article explores a face recognition alternative which seeks to contribute to resolve current security vulnerabilities in most recognition architectures. Current low cost facial authentication software in the market can be fooled by a printed picture of a face due to the lack of depth information. The presented software creates a depth map of the face with the help of a stereo setup, offering a higher level of security than traditional recognition programs. Analysis of the person's identity and facial depth map are processed through deep convolutional neural networks, providing a secure low cost real-time face authentication method.

19.Crack Detection as a Weakly-Supervised Problem: Towards Achieving Less Annotation-Intensive Crack Detectors ⬇️

Automatic crack detection is a critical task that has the potential to drastically reduce labor-intensive building and road inspections currently being done manually. Recent studies in this field have significantly improved the detection accuracy. However, the methods often heavily rely on costly annotation processes. In addition, to handle a wide variety of target domains, new batches of annotations are usually required for each new environment. This makes the data annotation cost a significant bottleneck when deploying crack detection systems in real life. To resolve this issue, we formulate the crack detection problem as a weakly-supervised problem and propose a two-branched framework. By combining predictions of a supervised model trained on low quality annotations with predictions based on pixel brightness, our framework is less affected by the annotation quality. Experimental results show that the proposed framework retains high detection accuracy even when provided with low quality annotations. Implementation of the proposed framework is publicly available at this https URL.

20.Few-Shot Font Generation with Deep Metric Learning ⬇️

Designing fonts for languages with a large number of characters, such as Japanese and Chinese, is an extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming task. In this study, we addressed the problem of automatically generating Japanese typographic fonts from only a few font samples, where the synthesized glyphs are expected to have coherent characteristics, such as skeletons, contours, and serifs. Existing methods often fail to generate fine glyph images when the number of style reference glyphs is extremely limited. Herein, we proposed a simple but powerful framework for extracting better style features. This framework introduces deep metric learning to style encoders. We performed experiments using black-and-white and shape-distinctive font datasets and demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

21.Weed Density and Distribution Estimation for Precision Agriculture using Semi-Supervised Learning ⬇️

Uncontrolled growth of weeds can severely affect the crop yield and quality. Unrestricted use of herbicide for weed removal alters biodiversity and cause environmental pollution. Instead, identifying weed-infested regions can aid selective chemical treatment of these regions. Advances in analyzing farm images have resulted in solutions to identify weed plants. However, a majority of these approaches are based on supervised learning methods which requires huge amount of manually annotated images. As a result, these supervised approaches are economically infeasible for the individual farmer because of the wide variety of plant species being cultivated. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based semi-supervised approach for robust estimation of weed density and distribution across farmlands using only limited color images acquired from autonomous robots. This weed density and distribution can be useful in a site-specific weed management system for selective treatment of infected areas using autonomous robots. In this work, the foreground vegetation pixels containing crops and weeds are first identified using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based unsupervised segmentation. Subsequently, the weed infected regions are identified using a fine-tuned CNN, eliminating the need for designing hand-crafted features. The approach is validated on two datasets of different crop/weed species (1) Crop Weed Field Image Dataset (CWFID), which consists of carrot plant images and the (2) Sugar Beets dataset. The proposed method is able to localize weed-infested regions a maximum recall of 0.99 and estimate weed density with a maximum accuracy of 82.13%. Hence, the proposed approach is shown to generalize to different plant species without the need for extensive labeled data.

22.Hyperspectral classification of blood-like substances using machine learning methods combined with genetic algorithms in transductive and inductive scenarios ⬇️

This study is focused on applying genetic algorithms (GA) to model and band selection in hyperspectral image classification. We use a forensic-inspired data set of seven hyperspectral images with blood and five visually similar substances to test GA-optimised classifiers in two scenarios: when the training and test data come from the same image and when they come from different images, which is a more challenging task due to significant spectra differences. In our experiments we compare GA with a classic model optimisation through grid search. Our results show that GA-based model optimisation can reduce the number of bands and create an accurate classifier that outperforms the GS-based reference models, provided that during model optimisation it has access to examples similar to test data. We illustrate this with experiment highlighting the importance of a validation set.

23.Leveraging Temporal Joint Depths for Improving 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video ⬇️

The effectiveness of the approaches to predict 3D poses from 2D poses estimated in each frame of a video has been demonstrated for 3D human pose estimation. However, 2D poses without appearance information of persons have much ambiguity with respect to the joint depths. In this paper, we propose to estimate a 3D pose in each frame of a video and refine it considering temporal information. The proposed approach reduces the ambiguity of the joint depths and improves the 3D pose estimation accuracy.

24.DAIS: Automatic Channel Pruning via Differentiable Annealing Indicator Search ⬇️

The convolutional neural network has achieved great success in fulfilling computer vision tasks despite large computation overhead against efficient deployment. Structured (channel) pruning is usually applied to reduce the model redundancy while preserving the network structure, such that the pruned network can be easily deployed in practice. However, existing structured pruning methods require hand-crafted rules which may lead to tremendous pruning space. In this paper, we introduce Differentiable Annealing Indicator Search (DAIS) that leverages the strength of neural architecture search in the channel pruning and automatically searches for the effective pruned model with given constraints on computation overhead. Specifically, DAIS relaxes the binarized channel indicators to be continuous and then jointly learns both indicators and model parameters via bi-level optimization. To bridge the non-negligible discrepancy between the continuous model and the target binarized model, DAIS proposes an annealing-based procedure to steer the indicator convergence towards binarized states. Moreover, DAIS designs various regularizations based on a priori structural knowledge to control the pruning sparsity and to improve model performance. Experimental results show that DAIS outperforms state-of-the-art pruning methods on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet.

25.An Improved Attention for Visual Question Answering ⬇️

We consider the problem of Visual Question Answering (VQA). Given an image and a free-form, open-ended, question, expressed in natural language, the goal of VQA system is to provide accurate answer to this question with respect to the image. The task is challenging because it requires simultaneous and intricate understanding of both visual and textual information. Attention, which captures intra- and inter-modal dependencies, has emerged as perhaps the most widely used mechanism for addressing these challenges. In this paper, we propose an improved attention-based architecture to solve VQA. We incorporate an Attention on Attention (AoA) module within encoder-decoder framework, which is able to determine the relation between attention results and queries. Attention module generates weighted average for each query. On the other hand, AoA module first generates an information vector and an attention gate using attention results and current context; and then adds another attention to generate final attended information by multiplying the two. We also propose multimodal fusion module to combine both visual and textual information. The goal of this fusion module is to dynamically decide how much information should be considered from each modality. Extensive experiments on VQA-v2 benchmark dataset show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance.

26.CoT-AMFlow: Adaptive Modulation Network with Co-Teaching Strategy for Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation ⬇️

The interpretation of ego motion and scene change is a fundamental task for mobile robots. Optical flow information can be employed to estimate motion in the surroundings. Recently, unsupervised optical flow estimation has become a research hotspot. However, unsupervised approaches are often easy to be unreliable on partially occluded or texture-less regions. To deal with this problem, we propose CoT-AMFlow in this paper, an unsupervised optical flow estimation approach. In terms of the network architecture, we develop an adaptive modulation network that employs two novel module types, flow modulation modules (FMMs) and cost volume modulation modules (CMMs), to remove outliers in challenging regions. As for the training paradigm, we adopt a co-teaching strategy, where two networks simultaneously teach each other about challenging regions to further improve accuracy. Experimental results on the MPI Sintel, KITTI Flow and Middlebury Flow benchmarks demonstrate that our CoT-AMFlow outperforms all other state-of-the-art unsupervised approaches, while still running in real time. Our project page is available at this https URL.

27.Deep Image Compositing ⬇️

Image compositing is a task of combining regions from different images to compose a new image. A common use case is background replacement of portrait images. To obtain high quality composites, professionals typically manually perform multiple editing steps such as segmentation, matting and foreground color decontamination, which is very time consuming even with sophisticated photo editing tools. In this paper, we propose a new method which can automatically generate high-quality image compositing without any user input. Our method can be trained end-to-end to optimize exploitation of contextual and color information of both foreground and background images, where the compositing quality is considered in the optimization. Specifically, inspired by Laplacian pyramid blending, a dense-connected multi-stream fusion network is proposed to effectively fuse the information from the foreground and background images at different scales. In addition, we introduce a self-taught strategy to progressively train from easy to complex cases to mitigate the lack of training data. Experiments show that the proposed method can automatically generate high-quality composites and outperforms existing methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.

28.Learning Discriminative Representations for Fine-Grained Diabetic Retinopathy Grading ⬇️

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading causes of blindness. However, no specific symptoms of early DR lead to a delayed diagnosis, which results in disease progression in patients. To determine the disease severity levels, ophthalmologists need to focus on the discriminative parts of the fundus images. In recent years, deep learning has achieved great success in medical image analysis. However, most works directly employ algorithms based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which ignore the fact that the difference among classes is subtle and gradual. Hence, we consider automatic image grading of DR as a fine-grained classification task, and construct a bilinear model to identify the pathologically discriminative areas. In order to leverage the ordinal information among classes, we use an ordinal regression method to obtain the soft labels. In addition, other than only using a categorical loss to train our network, we also introduce the metric loss to learn a more discriminative feature space. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method on two public IDRiD and DeepDR datasets.

29.Realtime CNN-based Keypoint Detector with Sobel Filter and CNN-based Descriptor Trained with Keypoint Candidates ⬇️

The local feature detector and descriptor are essential in many computer vision tasks, such as SLAM and 3D reconstruction. In this paper, we introduce two separate CNNs, lightweight SobelNet and DesNet, to detect key points and to compute dense local descriptors. The detector and the descriptor work in parallel. Sobel filter provides the edge structure of the input images as the input of CNN. The locations of key points will be obtained after exerting the non-maximum suppression (NMS) process on the output map of the CNN. We design Gaussian loss for the training process of SobelNet to detect corner points as keypoints. At the same time, the input of DesNet is the original grayscale image, and circle loss is used to train DesNet. Besides, output maps of SobelNet are needed while training DesNet. We have evaluated our method on several benchmarks including HPatches benchmark, ETH benchmark, and FM-Bench. SobelNet achieves better or comparable performance with less computation compared with SOTA methods in recent years. The inference time of an image of 640x480 is 7.59ms and 1.09ms for SobelNet and DesNet respectively on RTX 2070 SUPER.

30.NAS-FAS: Static-Dynamic Central Difference Network Search for Face Anti-Spoofing ⬇️

Face anti-spoofing (FAS) plays a vital role in securing face recognition systems. Existing methods heavily rely on the expert-designed networks, which may lead to a sub-optimal solution for FAS task. Here we propose the first FAS method based on neural architecture search (NAS), called NAS-FAS, to discover the well-suited task-aware networks. Unlike previous NAS works mainly focus on developing efficient search strategies in generic object classification, we pay more attention to study the search spaces for FAS task. The challenges of utilizing NAS for FAS are in two folds: the networks searched on 1) a specific acquisition condition might perform poorly in unseen conditions, and 2) particular spoofing attacks might generalize badly for unseen attacks. To overcome these two issues, we develop a novel search space consisting of central difference convolution and pooling operators. Moreover, an efficient static-dynamic representation is exploited for fully mining the FAS-aware spatio-temporal discrepancy. Besides, we propose Domain/Type-aware Meta-NAS, which leverages cross-domain/type knowledge for robust searching. Finally, in order to evaluate the NAS transferability for cross datasets and unknown attack types, we release a large-scale 3D mask dataset, namely CASIA-SURF 3DMask, for supporting the new 'cross-dataset cross-type' testing protocol. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed NAS-FAS achieves state-of-the-art performance on nine FAS benchmark datasets with four testing protocols.

31.Face Morphing Attack Generation & Detection: A Comprehensive Survey ⬇️

The vulnerability of Face Recognition System (FRS) to various kind of attacks (both direct and in-direct attacks) and face morphing attacks has received a great interest from the biometric community. The goal of a morphing attack is to subvert the FRS at Automatic Border Control (ABC) gates by presenting the Electronic Machine Readable Travel Document (eMRTD) or e-passport that is obtained based on the morphed face image. Since the application process for the e-passport in the majority countries requires a passport photo to be presented by the applicant, a malicious actor and the accomplice can generate the morphed face image and to obtain the e-passport. An e-passport with a morphed face images can be used by both the malicious actor and the accomplice to cross the border as the morphed face image can be verified against both of them. This can result in a significant threat as a malicious actor can cross the border without revealing the track of his/her criminal background while the details of accomplice are recorded in the log of the access control system. This survey aims to present a systematic overview of the progress made in the area of face morphing in terms of both morph generation and morph detection. In this paper, we describe and illustrate various aspects of face morphing attacks, including different techniques for generating morphed face images but also the state-of-the-art regarding Morph Attack Detection (MAD) algorithms based on a stringent taxonomy and finally the availability of public databases, which allow to benchmark new MAD algorithms in a reproducible manner. The outcomes of competitions/benchmarking, vulnerability assessments and performance evaluation metrics are also provided in a comprehensive manner. Furthermore, we discuss the open challenges and potential future works that need to be addressed in this evolving field of biometrics.

32.Single Image Human Proxemics Estimation for Visual Social Distancing ⬇️

In this work, we address the problem of estimating the so-called "Social Distancing" given a single uncalibrated image in unconstrained scenarios. Our approach proposes a semi-automatic solution to approximate the homography matrix between the scene ground and image plane. With the estimated homography, we then leverage an off-the-shelf pose detector to detect body poses on the image and to reason upon their inter-personal distances using the length of their body-parts. Inter-personal distances are further locally inspected to detect possible violations of the social distancing rules. We validate our proposed method quantitatively and qualitatively against baselines on \rev{public domain} dataset\rev{s} for which we provided groundtruth on inter-personal distances. Besides, we demonstrate the application of our method deployed in \rev{a} real testing scenario where statistics on the inter-personal distances are currently used to improve the safety in a critical environment.

33.Multi Projection Fusion for Real-time Semantic Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Point Clouds ⬇️

Semantic segmentation of 3D point cloud data is essential for enhanced high-level perception in autonomous platforms. Furthermore, given the increasing deployment of LiDAR sensors onboard of cars and drones, a special emphasis is also placed on non-computationally intensive algorithms that operate on mobile GPUs. Previous efficient state-of-the-art methods relied on 2D spherical projection of point clouds as input for 2D fully convolutional neural networks to balance the accuracy-speed trade-off. This paper introduces a novel approach for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation that exploits multiple projections of the point cloud to mitigate the loss of information inherent in single projection methods. Our Multi-Projection Fusion (MPF) framework analyzes spherical and bird's-eye view projections using two separate highly-efficient 2D fully convolutional models then combines the segmentation results of both views. The proposed framework is validated on the SemanticKITTI dataset where it achieved a mIoU of 55.5 which is higher than state-of-the-art projection-based methods RangeNet++ and PolarNet while being 1.6x faster than the former and 3.1x faster than the latter.

34.Robust Super-Resolution of Real Faces using Smooth Features ⬇️

Real low-resolution (LR) face images contain degradations which are too varied and complex to be captured by known downsampling kernels and signal-independent noises. So, in order to successfully super-resolve real faces, a method needs to be robust to a wide range of noise, blur, compression artifacts etc. Some of the recent works attempt to model these degradations from a dataset of real images using a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). They generate synthetically degraded LR images and use them with corresponding real high-resolution(HR) image to train a super-resolution (SR) network using a combination of a pixel-wise loss and an adversarial loss. In this paper, we propose a two module super-resolution network where the feature extractor module extracts robust features from the LR image, and the SR module generates an HR estimate using only these robust features. We train a degradation GAN to convert bicubically downsampled clean images to real degraded images, and interpolate between the obtained degraded LR image and its clean LR counterpart. This interpolated LR image is then used along with it's corresponding HR counterpart to train the super-resolution network from end to end. Entropy Regularized Wasserstein Divergence is used to force the encoded features learnt from the clean and degraded images to closely resemble those extracted from the interpolated image to ensure robustness.

35.Noise Reduction to Compute Tissue Mineral Density and Trabecular Bone Volume Fraction from Low Resolution QCT ⬇️

We propose a 3D neural network with specific loss functions for quantitative computed tomography (QCT) noise reduction to compute micro-structural parameters such as tissue mineral density (TMD) and bone volume ratio (BV/TV) with significantly higher accuracy than using no or standard noise reduction filters. The vertebra-phantom study contained high resolution peripheral and clinical CT scans with simulated in vivo CT noise and nine repetitions of three different tube currents (100, 250 and 360 mAs). Five-fold cross validation was performed on 20466 purely spongy pairs of noisy and ground-truth patches. Comparison of training and test errors revealed high robustness against over-fitting. While not showing effects for the assessment of BMD and voxel-wise densities, the filter improved thoroughly the computation of TMD and BV/TV with respect to the unfiltered data. Root-mean-square and accuracy errors of low resolution TMD and BV/TV decreased to less than 17% of the initial values. Furthermore filtered low resolution scans revealed still more TMD- and BV/TV-relevant information than high resolution CT scans, either unfiltered or filtered with two state-of-the-art standard denoising methods. The proposed architecture is threshold and rotational invariant, applicable on a wide range of image resolutions at once, and likely serves for an accurate computation of further micro-structural parameters. Furthermore, it is less prone for over-fitting than neural networks that compute structural parameters directly. In conclusion, the method is potentially important for the diagnosis of osteoporosis and other bone diseases since it allows to assess relevant 3D micro-structural information from standard low exposure CT protocols such as 100 mAs and 120 kVp.

36.Surgical Data Science -- from Concepts to Clinical Translation ⬇️

Recent developments in data science in general and machine learning in particular have transformed the way experts envision the future of surgery. Surgical data science is a new research field that aims to improve the quality of interventional healthcare through the capture, organization, analysis and modeling of data. While an increasing number of data-driven approaches and clinical applications have been studied in the fields of radiological and clinical data science, translational success stories are still lacking in surgery. In this publication, we shed light on the underlying reasons and provide a roadmap for future advances in the field. Based on an international workshop involving leading researchers in the field of surgical data science, we review current practice, key achievements and initiatives as well as available standards and tools for a number of topics relevant to the field, namely (1) technical infrastructure for data acquisition, storage and access in the presence of regulatory constraints, (2) data annotation and sharing and (3) data analytics. Drawing from this extensive review, we present current challenges for technology development and (4) describe a roadmap for faster clinical translation and exploitation of the full potential of surgical data science.

37.Trustworthy AI ⬇️

Modern AI systems are reaping the advantage of novel learning methods. With their increasing usage, we are realizing the limitations and shortfalls of these systems. Brittleness to minor adversarial changes in the input data, ability to explain the decisions, address the bias in their training data, high opacity in terms of revealing the lineage of the system, how they were trained and tested, and under which parameters and conditions they can reliably guarantee a certain level of performance, are some of the most prominent limitations. Ensuring the privacy and security of the data, assigning appropriate credits to data sources, and delivering decent outputs are also required features of an AI system. We propose the tutorial on Trustworthy AI to address six critical issues in enhancing user and public trust in AI systems, namely: (i) bias and fairness, (ii) explainability, (iii) robust mitigation of adversarial attacks, (iv) improved privacy and security in model building, (v) being decent, and (vi) model attribution, including the right level of credit assignment to the data sources, model architectures, and transparency in lineage.

38.Affine invariant triangulations ⬇️

We study affine invariant 2D triangulation methods. That is, methods that produce the same triangulation for a point set $S$ for any (unknown) affine transformation of $S$. Our work is based on a method by Nielson [A characterization of an affine invariant triangulation. Geom. Mod, 191-210. Springer, 1993] that uses the inverse of the covariance matrix of $S$ to define an affine invariant norm, denoted $A_{S}$, and an affine invariant triangulation, denoted ${DT}{A{S}}[S]$. We revisit the $A_{S}$-norm from a geometric perspective, and show that ${DT}{A{S}}[S]$ can be seen as a standard Delaunay triangulation of a transformed point set based on $S$. We prove that it retains all of its well-known properties such as being 1-tough, containing a perfect matching, and being a constant spanner of the complete geometric graph of $S$. We show that the $A_{S}$-norm extends to a hierarchy of related geometric structures such as the minimum spanning tree, nearest neighbor graph, Gabriel graph, relative neighborhood graph, and higher order versions of these graphs. In addition, we provide different affine invariant sorting methods of a point set $S$ and of the vertices of a polygon $P$ that can be combined with known algorithms to obtain other affine invariant triangulation methods of $S$ and of $P$.

39.Do Noises Bother Human and Neural Networks In the Same Way? A Medical Image Analysis Perspective ⬇️

Deep learning had already demonstrated its power in medical images, including denoising, classification, segmentation, etc. All these applications are proposed to automatically analyze medical images beforehand, which brings more information to radiologists during clinical assessment for accuracy improvement. Recently, many medical denoising methods had shown their significant artifact reduction result and noise removal both quantitatively and qualitatively. However, those existing methods are developed around human-vision, i.e., they are designed to minimize the noise effect that can be perceived by human eyes. In this paper, we introduce an application-guided denoising framework, which focuses on denoising for the following neural networks. In our experiments, we apply the proposed framework to different datasets, models, and use cases. Experimental results show that our proposed framework can achieve a better result than human-vision denoising network.

40.Uncertainty Estimation in Medical Image Localization: Towards Robust Anterior Thalamus Targeting for Deep Brain Stimulation ⬇️

Atlas-based methods are the standard approaches for automatic targeting of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus (ANT) for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), but these are known to lack robustness when anatomic differences between atlases and subjects are large. To improve the localization robustness, we propose a novel two-stage deep learning (DL) framework, where the first stage identifies and crops the thalamus regions from the whole brain MRI and the second stage performs per-voxel regression on the cropped volume to localize the targets at the finest resolution scale. To address the issue of data scarcity, we train the models with the pseudo labels which are created based on the available labeled data using multi-atlas registration. To assess the performance of the proposed framework, we validate two sampling-based uncertainty estimation techniques namely Monte Carlo Dropout (MCDO) and Test-Time Augmentation (TTA) on the second-stage localization network. Moreover, we propose a novel uncertainty estimation metric called maximum activation dispersion (MAD) to estimate the image-wise uncertainty for localization tasks. Our results show that the proposed method achieved more robust localization performance than the traditional multi-atlas method and TTA could further improve the robustness. Moreover, the epistemic and hybrid uncertainty estimated by MAD could be used to detect the unreliable localizations and the magnitude of the uncertainty estimated by MAD could reflect the degree of unreliability for the rejected predictions.

41.Self-Adaptively Learning to Demoire from Focused and Defocused Image Pairs ⬇️

Moire artifacts are common in digital photography, resulting from the interference between high-frequency scene content and the color filter array of the camera. Existing deep learning-based demoireing methods trained on large scale datasets are limited in handling various complex moire patterns, and mainly focus on demoireing of photos taken of digital displays. Moreover, obtaining moire-free ground-truth in natural scenes is difficult but needed for training. In this paper, we propose a self-adaptive learning method for demoireing a high-frequency image, with the help of an additional defocused moire-free blur image. Given an image degraded with moire artifacts and a moire-free blur image, our network predicts a moire-free clean image and a blur kernel with a self-adaptive strategy that does not require an explicit training stage, instead performing test-time adaptation. Our model has two sub-networks and works iteratively. During each iteration, one sub-network takes the moire image as input, removing moire patterns and restoring image details, and the other sub-network estimates the blur kernel from the blur image. The two sub-networks are jointly optimized. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods and can produce high-quality demoired results. It can generalize well to the task of removing moire artifacts caused by display screens. In addition, we build a new moire dataset, including images with screen and texture moire artifacts. As far as we know, this is the first dataset with real texture moire patterns.

42.Rearrangement: A Challenge for Embodied AI ⬇️

We describe a framework for research and evaluation in Embodied AI. Our proposal is based on a canonical task: Rearrangement. A standard task can focus the development of new techniques and serve as a source of trained models that can be transferred to other settings. In the rearrangement task, the goal is to bring a given physical environment into a specified state. The goal state can be specified by object poses, by images, by a description in language, or by letting the agent experience the environment in the goal state. We characterize rearrangement scenarios along different axes and describe metrics for benchmarking rearrangement performance. To facilitate research and exploration, we present experimental testbeds of rearrangement scenarios in four different simulation environments. We anticipate that other datasets will be released and new simulation platforms will be built to support training of rearrangement agents and their deployment on physical systems.

43.Learning 3D Dynamic Scene Representations for Robot Manipulation ⬇️

3D scene representation for robot manipulation should capture three key object properties: permanency -- objects that become occluded over time continue to exist; amodal completeness -- objects have 3D occupancy, even if only partial observations are available; spatiotemporal continuity -- the movement of each object is continuous over space and time. In this paper, we introduce 3D Dynamic Scene Representation (DSR), a 3D volumetric scene representation that simultaneously discovers, tracks, reconstructs objects, and predicts their dynamics while capturing all three properties. We further propose DSR-Net, which learns to aggregate visual observations over multiple interactions to gradually build and refine DSR. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance in modeling 3D scene dynamics with DSR on both simulated and real data. Combined with model predictive control, DSR-Net enables accurate planning in downstream robotic manipulation tasks such as planar pushing. Video is available at this https URL.