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ArXiv cs.CV --Thu, 9 Jul 2020

1.A study of Neural networks point source extraction on simulated Fermi/LAT Telescope images ⬇️

Astrophysical images in the GeV band are challenging to analyze due to the strong contribution of the background and foreground astrophysical diffuse emission and relatively broad point spread function of modern space-based instruments. In certain cases, even finding of point sources on the image becomes a non-trivial task. We present a method for point sources extraction using a convolution neural network (CNN) trained on our own artificial data set which imitates images from the Fermi Large Area Telescope. These images are raw count photon maps of 10x10 degrees covering energies from 1 to 10 GeV. We compare different CNN architectures that demonstrate accuracy increase by ~15% and reduces the inference time by at least the factor of 4 accuracy improvement with respect to a similar state of the art models.

2.SegFix: Model-Agnostic Boundary Refinement for Segmentation ⬇️

We present a model-agnostic post-processing scheme to improve the boundary quality for the segmentation result that is generated by any existing segmentation model. Motivated by the empirical observation that the label predictions of interior pixels are more reliable, we propose to replace the originally unreliable predictions of boundary pixels by the predictions of interior pixels. Our approach processes only the input image through two steps: (i) localize the boundary pixels and (ii) identify the corresponding interior pixel for each boundary pixel. We build the correspondence by learning a direction away from the boundary pixel to an interior pixel. Our method requires no prior information of the segmentation models and achieves nearly real-time speed. We empirically verify that our SegFix consistently reduces the boundary errors for segmentation results generated from various state-of-the-art models on Cityscapes, ADE20K and GTA5. Code is available at: this https URL.

3.A Multi-Level Approach to Waste Object Segmentation ⬇️

We address the problem of localizing waste objects from a color image and an optional depth image, which is a key perception component for robotic interaction with such objects. Specifically, our method integrates the intensity and depth information at multiple levels of spatial granularity. Firstly, a scene-level deep network produces an initial coarse segmentation, based on which we select a few potential object regions to zoom in and perform fine segmentation. The results of the above steps are further integrated into a densely connected conditional random field that learns to respect the appearance, depth, and spatial affinities with pixel-level accuracy. In addition, we create a new RGBD waste object segmentation dataset, MJU-Waste, that is made public to facilitate future research in this area. The efficacy of our method is validated on both MJU-Waste and the Trash Annotation in Context (TACO) dataset.

4.Superpixel Segmentation using Dynamic and Iterative Spanning Forest ⬇️

As constituent parts of image objects, superpixels can improve several higher-level operations. However, image segmentation methods might have their accuracy seriously compromised for reduced numbers of superpixels. We have investigated a solution based on the Iterative Spanning Forest (ISF) framework. In this work, we present Dynamic ISF (DISF) -- a method based on the following steps. (a) It starts from an image graph and a seed set with considerably more pixels than the desired number of superpixels. (b) The seeds compete among themselves, and each seed conquers its most closely connected pixels, resulting in an image partition (spanning forest) with connected superpixels. In step (c), DISF assigns relevance values to seeds based on superpixel analysis and removes the most irrelevant ones. Steps (b) and (c) are repeated until the desired number of superpixels is reached. DISF has the chance to reconstruct relevant edges after each iteration, when compared to region merging algorithms. As compared to other seed-based superpixel methods, DISF is more likely to find relevant seeds. It also introduces dynamic arc-weight estimation in the ISF framework for more effective superpixel delineation, and we demonstrate all results on three datasets with distinct object properties.

5.Deformable spatial propagation network for depth completion ⬇️

Depth completion has attracted extensive attention recently due to the development of autonomous driving, which aims to recover dense depth map from sparse depth measurements. Convolutional spatial propagation network (CSPN) is one of the state-of-the-art methods in this task, which adopt a linear propagation model to refine coarse depth maps with local context. However, the propagation of each pixel occurs in a fixed receptive field. This may not be the optimal for refinement since different pixel needs different local context. To tackle this issue, in this paper, we propose a deformable spatial propagation network (DSPN) to adaptively generates different receptive field and affinity matrix for each pixel. It allows the network obtain information with much fewer but more relevant pixels for propagation. Experimental results on KITTI depth completion benchmark demonstrate that our proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art performance.

6.Dynamic Group Convolution for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks ⬇️

Replacing normal convolutions with group convolutions can significantly increase the computational efficiency of modern deep convolution networks, which has been widely adopted in compact network architecture designs. However, existing group convolutions undermine the original network structures by cutting off some connections permanently resulting in significant accuracy degradation. In this paper, we propose dynamic group convolution (DGC) that adaptively selects which part of input channels to be connected within each group for individual samples on the fly. Specifically, we equip each group with a small feature selector to automatically select the most important input channels conditioned on the input images. Multiple groups can adaptively capture abundant and complementary visual/semantic features for each input image. The DGC preserves the original network structure and has similar computational efficiency as the conventional group convolutions simultaneously. Extensive experiments on multiple image classification benchmarks including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet demonstrate its superiority over the existing group convolution techniques and dynamic execution methods. The code is available at this https URL.

7.Transfer Learning or Self-supervised Learning? A Tale of Two Pretraining Paradigms ⬇️

Pretraining has become a standard technique in computer vision and natural language processing, which usually helps to improve performance substantially. Previously, the most dominant pretraining method is transfer learning (TL), which uses labeled data to learn a good representation network. Recently, a new pretraining approach -- self-supervised learning (SSL) -- has demonstrated promising results on a wide range of applications. SSL does not require annotated labels. It is purely conducted on input data by solving auxiliary tasks defined on the input data examples. The current reported results show that in certain applications, SSL outperforms TL and the other way around in other applications. There has not been a clear understanding on what properties of data and tasks render one approach outperforms the other. Without an informed guideline, ML researchers have to try both methods to find out which one is better empirically. It is usually time-consuming to do so. In this work, we aim to address this problem. We perform a comprehensive comparative study between SSL and TL regarding which one works better under different properties of data and tasks, including domain difference between source and target tasks, the amount of pretraining data, class imbalance in source data, and usage of target data for additional pretraining, etc. The insights distilled from our comparative studies can help ML researchers decide which method to use based on the properties of their applications.

8.KIT MOMA: A Mobile Machines Dataset ⬇️

Mobile machines typically working in a closed site, have a high potential to utilize autonomous driving technology. However, vigorously thriving development and innovation are happening mostly in the area of passenger cars. In contrast, although there are also many research pieces about autonomous driving or working in mobile machines, a consensus about the SOTA solution is still not achieved. We believe that the most urgent problem that should be solved is the absence of a public and challenging visual dataset, which makes the results from different researches comparable. To address the problem, we publish the KIT MOMA dataset, including eight classes of commonly used mobile machines, which can be used as a benchmark to evaluate the SOTA algorithms to detect mobile construction machines. The view of the gathered images is outside of the mobile machines since we believe fixed cameras on the ground are more suitable if all the interesting machines are working in a closed site. Most of the images in KIT MOMA are in a real scene, whereas some of the images are from the official website of top construction machine companies. Also, we have evaluated the performance of YOLO v3 on our dataset, indicating that the SOTA computer vision algorithms already show an excellent performance for detecting the mobile machines in a specific working site. Together with the dataset, we also upload the trained weights, which can be directly used by engineers from the construction machine industry. The dataset, trained weights, and updates can be found on our Github. Moreover, the demo can be found on our Youtube.

9.Evaluation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization: Protocol, Metrics, and Datasets ⬇️

Weakly-supervised object localization (WSOL) has gained popularity over the last years for its promise to train localization models with only image-level labels. Since the seminal WSOL work of class activation mapping (CAM), the field has focused on how to expand the attention regions to cover objects more broadly and localize them better. However, these strategies rely on full localization supervision for validating hyperparameters and model selection, which is in principle prohibited under the WSOL setup. In this paper, we argue that WSOL task is ill-posed with only image-level labels, and propose a new evaluation protocol where full supervision is limited to only a small held-out set not overlapping with the test set. We observe that, under our protocol, the five most recent WSOL methods have not made a major improvement over the CAM baseline. Moreover, we report that existing WSOL methods have not reached the few-shot learning baseline, where the full-supervision at validation time is used for model training instead. Based on our findings, we discuss some future directions for WSOL.

10.Robust Re-Identification by Multiple Views Knowledge Distillation ⬇️

To achieve robustness in Re-Identification, standard methods leverage tracking information in a Video-To-Video fashion. However, these solutions face a large drop in performance for single image queries (e.g., Image-To-Video setting). Recent works address this severe degradation by transferring temporal information from a Video-based network to an Image-based one. In this work, we devise a training strategy that allows the transfer of a superior knowledge, arising from a set of views depicting the target object. Our proposal - Views Knowledge Distillation (VKD) - pins this visual variety as a supervision signal within a teacher-student framework, where the teacher educates a student who observes fewer views. As a result, the student outperforms not only its teacher but also the current state-of-the-art in Image-To-Video by a wide margin (6.3% mAP on MARS, 8.6% on Duke-Video-ReId and 5% on VeRi-776). A thorough analysis - on Person, Vehicle and Animal Re-ID - investigates the properties of VKD from a qualitatively and quantitatively perspective. Code is available at this https URL.

11.Combating Domain Shift with Self-Taught Labeling ⬇️

We present a novel method to combat domain shift when adapting classification models trained on one domain to other new domains with few or no target labels. In the existing literature, a prevailing solution paradigm is to learn domain-invariant feature representations so that a classifier learned on the source features generalizes well to the target features. However, such a classifier is inevitably biased to the source domain by overlooking the structure of the target data. Instead, we propose Self-Taught Labeling (SeTL), a new regularization approach that finds an auxiliary target-specific classifier for unlabeled data. During adaptation, this classifier is able to teach the target domain itself by providing \emph{unbiased accurate} pseudo labels. In particular, for each target data, we employ the memory bank to store the feature along with its soft label from the domain-shared classifier. Then we develop a non-parametric neighborhood aggregation strategy to generate new pseudo labels as well as confidence weights for unlabeled data. Though simply using the standard classification objective, SeTL significantly outperforms existing domain alignment techniques on a large variety of domain adaptation benchmarks. We expect that SeTL can provide a new perspective of addressing domain shift and inspire future research of domain adaptation and transfer learning.

12.SLAP: Improving Physical Adversarial Examples with Short-Lived Adversarial Perturbations ⬇️

Whilst significant research effort into adversarial examples (AE) has emerged in recent years, the main vector to realize these attacks in the real-world currently relies on static adversarial patches, which are limited in their conspicuousness and can not be modified once deployed. In this paper, we propose Short-Lived Adversarial Perturbations (SLAP), a novel technique that allows adversaries to realize robust, dynamic real-world AE from a distance. As we show in this paper, such attacks can be achieved using a light projector to shine a specifically crafted adversarial image in order to perturb real-world objects and transform them into AE. This allows the adversary greater control over the attack compared to adversarial patches: (i) projections can be dynamically turned on and off or modified at will, (ii) projections do not suffer from the locality constraint imposed by patches, making them harder to detect. We study the feasibility of SLAP in the self-driving scenario, targeting both object detector and traffic sign recognition tasks. We demonstrate that the proposed method generates AE that are robust to different environmental conditions for several networks and lighting conditions: we successfully cause misclassifications of state-of-the-art networks such as Yolov3 and Mask-RCNN with up to 98% success rate for a variety of angles and distances. Additionally, we demonstrate that AE generated with SLAP can bypass SentiNet, a recent AE detection method which relies on the fact that adversarial patches generate highly salient and localized areas in the input images.

13.Delving into the Adversarial Robustness on Face Recognition ⬇️

Face recognition has recently made substantial progress and achieved high accuracy on standard benchmarks based on the development of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, the lack of robustness in deep CNNs to adversarial examples has raised security concerns to enormous face recognition applications. To facilitate a better understanding of the adversarial vulnerability of the existing face recognition models, in this paper we perform comprehensive robustness evaluations, which can be applied as reference for evaluating the robustness of subsequent works on face recognition. We investigate 15 popular face recognition models and evaluate their robustness by using various adversarial attacks as an important surrogate. These evaluations are conducted under diverse adversarial settings, including dodging and impersonation attacks, $\ell_2$ and $\ell_\infty$ attacks, white-box and black-box attacks. We further propose a landmark-guided cutout (LGC) attack method to improve the transferability of adversarial examples for black-box attacks, by considering the special characteristics of face recognition. Based on our evaluations, we draw several important findings, which are crucial for understanding the adversarial robustness and providing insights for future research on face recognition. Code is available at \url{this https URL}.

14.A Distilled Model for Tracking and Tracker Fusion ⬇️

Visual object tracking was generally tackled by reasoning independently on fast processing algorithms, accurate online adaptation methods, and fusion of trackers. In this paper, we unify such goals by proposing a novel tracking methodology that takes advantage of other visual trackers, offline and online. A compact student model is trained via the marriage of knowledge distillation and reinforcement learning. The first allows to transfer and compress tracking knowledge of other trackers. The second enables the learning of evaluation measures which are then exploited online. After learning, the student can be ultimately used to build (i) a very fast single-shot tracker, (ii) a tracker with a simple and effective online adaptation mechanism, (iii) a tracker that performs fusion of other trackers. Extensive validation shows that the proposed algorithms compete with state-of-the-art trackers while running in real-time.

15.On Learning Semantic Representations for Million-Scale Free-Hand Sketches ⬇️

In this paper, we study learning semantic representations for million-scale free-hand sketches. This is highly challenging due to the domain-unique traits of sketches, e.g., diverse, sparse, abstract, noisy. We propose a dual-branch CNNRNN network architecture to represent sketches, which simultaneously encodes both the static and temporal patterns of sketch strokes. Based on this architecture, we further explore learning the sketch-oriented semantic representations in two challenging yet practical settings, i.e., hashing retrieval and zero-shot recognition on million-scale sketches. Specifically, we use our dual-branch architecture as a universal representation framework to design two sketch-specific deep models: (i) We propose a deep hashing model for sketch retrieval, where a novel hashing loss is specifically designed to accommodate both the abstract and messy traits of sketches. (ii) We propose a deep embedding model for sketch zero-shot recognition, via collecting a large-scale edge-map dataset and proposing to extract a set of semantic vectors from edge-maps as the semantic knowledge for sketch zero-shot domain alignment. Both deep models are evaluated by comprehensive experiments on million-scale sketches and outperform the state-of-the-art competitors.

16.Synthetic-to-Real Domain Adaptation for Lane Detection ⬇️

Accurate lane detection, a crucial enabler for autonomous driving, currently relies on obtaining a large and diverse labeled training dataset. In this work, we explore learning from abundant, randomly generated synthetic data, together with unlabeled or partially labeled target domain data, instead. Randomly generated synthetic data has the advantage of controlled variability in the lane geometry and lighting, but it is limited in terms of photo-realism. This poses the challenge of adapting models learned on the unrealistic synthetic domain to real images. To this end we develop a novel autoencoder-based approach that uses synthetic labels unaligned with particular images for adapting to target domain data. In addition, we explore existing domain adaptation approaches, such as image translation and self-supervision, and adjust them to the lane detection task. We test all approaches in the unsupervised domain adaptation setting in which no target domain labels are available and in the semi-supervised setting in which a small portion of the target images are labeled. In extensive experiments using three different datasets, we demonstrate the possibility to save costly target domain labeling efforts. For example, using our proposed autoencoder approach on the llamas and tuSimple lane datasets, we can almost recover the fully supervised accuracy with only 10% of the labeled data. In addition, our autoencoder approach outperforms all other methods in the semi-supervised domain adaptation scenario.

17.Adaptive 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image ⬇️

3D face reconstruction from a single image is a challenging problem, especially under partial occlusions and extreme poses. This is because the uncertainty of the estimated 2D landmarks will affect the quality of face reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a novel joint 2D and 3D optimization method to adaptively reconstruct 3D face shapes from a single image, which combines the depths of 3D landmarks to solve the uncertain detections of invisible landmarks. The strategy of our method involves two aspects: a coarse-to-fine pose estimation using both 2D and 3D landmarks, and an adaptive 2D and 3D re-weighting based on the refined pose parameter to recover accurate 3D faces. Experimental results on multiple datasets demonstrate that our method can generate high-quality reconstruction from a single color image and is robust for self-occlusion and large poses.

18.Remix: Rebalanced Mixup ⬇️

Deep image classifiers often perform poorly when training data are heavily class-imbalanced. In this work, we propose a new regularization technique, Remix, that relaxes Mixup's formulation and enables the mixing factors of features and labels to be disentangled. Specifically, when mixing two samples, while features are mixed up proportionally in the same fashion as Mixup methods, Remix assigns the label in favor of the minority class by providing a disproportionately higher weight to the minority class. By doing so, the classifier learns to push the decision boundaries towards the majority classes and balances the generalization error between majority and minority classes. We have studied the state of the art regularization techniques such as Mixup, Manifold Mixup and CutMix under class-imbalanced regime, and shown that the proposed Remix significantly outperforms these state-of-the-arts and several re-weighting and re-sampling techniques, on the imbalanced datasets constructed by CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and CINIC-10. We have also evaluated Remix on a real-world large-scale imbalanced dataset, iNaturalist 2018. The experimental results confirmed that Remix provides consistent and significant improvements over the previous state-of-the-arts.

19.Winning with Simple Learning Models: Detecting Earthquakes in Groningen, the Netherlands ⬇️

Deep learning is fast emerging as a potential disruptive tool to tackle longstanding research problems across the sciences. Notwithstanding its success across disciplines, the recent trend of the overuse of deep learning is concerning to many machine learning practitioners. Recently, seismologists have also demonstrated the efficacy of deep learning algorithms in detecting low magnitude earthquakes. Here, we revisit the problem of seismic event detection but using a logistic regression model with feature extraction. We select well-discriminating features from a huge database of time-series operations collected from interdisciplinary time-series analysis methods. Using a simple learning model with only five trainable parameters, we detect several low-magnitude induced earthquakes from the Groningen gas field that are not present in the catalog. We note that the added advantage of simpler models is that the selected features add to our understanding of the noise and event classes present in the dataset. Since simpler models are easy to maintain, debug, understand, and train, through this study we underscore that it might be a dangerous pursuit to use deep learning without carefully weighing simpler alternatives.

20.Single-Frame based Deep View Synchronization for Unsynchronized Multi-Camera Surveillance ⬇️

Multi-camera surveillance has been an active research topic for understanding and modeling scenes. Compared to a single camera, multi-cameras provide larger field-of-view and more object cues, and the related applications are multi-view counting, multi-view tracking, 3D pose estimation or 3D reconstruction, etc. It is usually assumed that the cameras are all temporally synchronized when designing models for these multi-camera based tasks. However, this assumption is not always valid,especially for multi-camera systems with network transmission delay and low frame-rates due to limited network bandwidth, resulting in desynchronization of the captured frames across cameras. To handle the issue of unsynchronized multi-cameras, in this paper, we propose a synchronization model that works in conjunction with existing DNN-based multi-view models, thus avoiding the redesign of the whole model. Under the low-fps regime, we assume that only a single relevant frame is available from each view, and synchronization is achieved by matching together image contents guided by epipolar geometry. We consider two variants of the model, based on where in the pipeline the synchronization occurs, scene-level synchronization and camera-level synchronization. The view synchronization step and the task-specific view fusion and prediction step are unified in the same framework and trained in an end-to-end fashion. Our view synchronization models are applied to different DNNs-based multi-camera vision tasks under the unsynchronized setting, including multi-view counting and 3D pose estimation, and achieve good performance compared to baselines.

21.When Perspective Comes for Free: Improving Depth Prediction with Camera Pose Encoding ⬇️

Monocular depth prediction is a highly underdetermined problem and recent progress has relied on high-capacity CNNs to effectively learn scene statistics that disambiguate estimation. However, we observe that such models are strongly biased by the distribution of camera poses seen during training and fail to generalize to novel viewpoints, even when the scene geometry distribution remains fixed. To address this challenge, we propose a factored approach that estimates pose first, followed by a conditional depth estimation model that takes an encoding of the camera pose prior (CPP) as input. In many applications, a strong test-time pose prior comes for free, e.g., from inertial sensors or static camera deployment. A factored approach also allows for adapting pose prior estimation to new test domains using only pose supervision, without the need for collecting expensive ground-truth depth required for end-to-end training. We evaluate our pose-conditional depth predictor (trained on synthetic indoor scenes) on a real-world test set. Our factored approach, which only requires camera pose supervision for training, outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods trained with full scene depth supervision on 10x more data.

22.PathGAN: Local Path Planning with Generative Adversarial Networks ⬇️

Targeting autonomous driving without High-Definition maps, we present a model capable of generating multiple plausible paths from sensory inputs for autonomous vehicles. Our generative model comprises two neural networks, Feature Extraction Network (FEN) and Path Generation Network (PGN). FEN extracts meaningful features from input scene images while PGN generates multiple paths from the features given a driving intention and speed. To make paths generated by PGN both be plausible and match the intention, we introduce a discrimination network and train it with PGN under generative adversarial networks (GANs) framework. Besides, to further increase the accuracy and diversity of the generated paths, we encourage PGN to capture intentions hidden in the positions in the paths and let the discriminator evaluate how realistic the sequential intentions are. Finally, we introduce ETRIDriving, the dataset for autonomous driving where the recorded sensory data is labeled with discrete high-level driving actions, and demonstrate the-state-of-the-art performances of the proposed model on ETRIDriving in terms of the accuracy and diversity.

23.Marginal loss and exclusion loss for partially supervised multi-organ segmentation ⬇️

Annotating multiple organs in medical images is both costly and time-consuming; therefore, existing multi-organ datasets with labels are often low in sample size and mostly partially labeled, that is, a dataset has a few organs labeled but not all organs. In this paper, we investigate how to learn a single multi-organ segmentation network from a union of such datasets. To this end, we propose two types of novel loss function, particularly designed for this scenario: (i) marginal loss and (ii) exclusion loss. Because the background label for a partially labeled image is, in fact, a merged' label of all unlabelled organs and true' background (in the sense of full labels), the probability of this `merged' background label is a marginal probability, summing the relevant probabilities before merging. This marginal probability can be plugged into any existing loss function (such as cross entropy loss, Dice loss, etc.) to form a marginal loss. Leveraging the fact that the organs are non-overlapping, we propose the exclusion loss to gauge the dissimilarity between labeled organs and the estimated segmentation of unlabelled organs. Experiments on a union of five benchmark datasets in multi-organ segmentation of liver, spleen, left and right kidneys, and pancreas demonstrate that using our newly proposed loss functions brings a conspicuous performance improvement for state-of-the-art methods without introducing any extra computation.

24.PaMIR: Parametric Model-Conditioned Implicit Representation for Image-based Human Reconstruction ⬇️

Modeling 3D humans accurately and robustly from a single image is very challenging, and the key for such an ill-posed problem is the 3D representation of the human models. To overcome the limitations of regular 3D representations, we propose Parametric Model-Conditioned Implicit Representation (PaMIR), which combines the parametric body model with the free-form deep implicit function. In our PaMIR-based reconstruction framework, a novel deep neural network is proposed to regularize the free-form deep implicit function using the semantic features of the parametric model, which improves the generalization ability under the scenarios of challenging poses and various clothing topologies. Moreover, a novel depth-ambiguity-aware training loss is further integrated to resolve depth ambiguities and enable successful surface detail reconstruction with imperfect body reference. Finally, we propose a body reference optimization method to improve the parametric model estimation accuracy and to enhance the consistency between the parametric model and the implicit function. With the PaMIR representation, our framework can be easily extended to multi-image input scenarios without the need of multi-camera calibration and pose synchronization. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance for image-based 3D human reconstruction in the cases of challenging poses and clothing types.

25.SiENet: Siamese Expansion Network for Image Extrapolation ⬇️

Different from image inpainting, image outpainting has relative less context in the image center to capture and more content at the image border to predict. Therefore, classical encoder-decoder pipeline of existing methods may not predict the outstretched unknown content perfectly. In this paper, a novel two-stage siamese adversarial model for image extrapolation, named Siamese Expansion Network (SiENet) is proposed. In two stages, a novel border sensitive convolution named adaptive filling convolution is designed for allowing encoder to predict the unknown content, alleviating the burden of decoder. Besides, to introduce prior knowledge to network and reinforce the inferring ability of encoder, siamese adversarial mechanism is designed to enable our network to model the distribution of covered long range feature for that of uncovered image feature. The results on four datasets has demonstrated that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-arts and could produce realistic results.

26.Spatio-Temporal Scene Graphs for Video Dialog ⬇️

The Audio-Visual Scene-aware Dialog (AVSD) task requires an agent to indulge in a natural conversation with a human about a given video. Specifically, apart from the video frames, the agent receives the audio, brief captions, and a dialog history, and the task is to produce the correct answer to a question about the video. Due to the diversity in the type of inputs, this task poses a very challenging multimodal reasoning problem. Current approaches to AVSD either use global video-level features or those from a few sampled frames, and thus lack the ability to explicitly capture relevant visual regions or their interactions for answer generation. To this end, we propose a novel spatio-temporal scene graph representation (STSGR) modeling fine-grained information flows within videos. Specifically, on an input video sequence, STSGR (i) creates a two-stream visual and semantic scene graph on every frame, (ii) conducts intra-graph reasoning using node and edge convolutions generating visual memories, and (iii) applies inter-graph aggregation to capture their temporal evolutions. These visual memories are then combined with other modalities and the question embeddings using a novel semantics-controlled multi-head shuffled transformer, which then produces the answer recursively. Our entire pipeline is trained end-to-end. We present experiments on the AVSD dataset and demonstrate state-of-the-art results. A human evaluation on the quality of our generated answers shows 12% relative improvement against prior methods.

27.Making Adversarial Examples More Transferable and Indistinguishable ⬇️

Many previous methods generate adversarial examples based on the fast gradient sign attack series. However, these methods cannot balance the indistinguishability and transferability due to the limitations of the basic sign structure. To address this problem, we propose an ADAM iterative fast gradient tanh method (AI-FGTM) to generate indistinguishable adversarial examples with high transferability. Extensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset show that our method generates more indistinguishable adversarial examples and achieves higher black-box attack success rates without extra running time and resource. Our best attack, TI-DI-AITM, can fool six black-box defense models with an average success rate of 88.0%. We expect that our method will serve as a new baseline for generating adversarial examples with more transferability and indistinguishability.

28.Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Fast Attention ⬇️

In deep CNN based models for semantic segmentation, high accuracy relies on rich spatial context (large receptive fields) and fine spatial details (high resolution), both of which incur high computational costs. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture that addresses both challenges and achieves state-of-the-art performance for semantic segmentation of high-resolution images and videos in real-time. The proposed architecture relies on our fast spatial attention, which is a simple yet efficient modification of the popular self-attention mechanism and captures the same rich spatial context at a small fraction of the computational cost, by changing the order of operations. Moreover, to efficiently process high-resolution input, we apply an additional spatial reduction to intermediate feature stages of the network with minimal loss in accuracy thanks to the use of the fast attention module to fuse features. We validate our method with a series of experiments, and show that results on multiple datasets demonstrate superior performance with better accuracy and speed compared to existing approaches for real-time semantic segmentation. On Cityscapes, our network achieves 74.4$%$ mIoU at 72 FPS and 75.5$%$ mIoU at 58 FPS on a single Titan X GPU, which is~$\sim$50$%$ faster than the state-of-the-art while retaining the same accuracy.

29.A Free Viewpoint Portrait Generator with Dynamic Styling ⬇️

Generating portrait images from a single latent space facing the problem of entangled attributes, making it difficult to explicitly adjust the generation on specific attributes, e.g., contour and viewpoint control or dynamic styling. Therefore, we propose to decompose the generation space into two subspaces: geometric and texture space. We first encode portrait scans with a semantic occupancy field (SOF), which represents semantic-embedded geometry structure and output free-viewpoint semantic segmentation maps. Then we design a semantic instance wised(SIW) StyleGAN to regionally styling the segmentation map. We capture 664 3D portrait scans for our SOF training and use real capture photos(FFHQ and CelebA-HQ) for SIW StyleGAN training. Adequate experiments show that our representations enable appearance consistent shape, pose, regional styles controlling, achieve state-of-the-art results, and generalize well in various application scenarios.

30.3D Shape Reconstruction from Vision and Touch ⬇️

When a toddler is presented a new toy, their instinctual behaviour is to pick it up and inspect it with their hand and eyes in tandem, clearly searching over its surface to properly understand what they are playing with. Here, touch provides high fidelity localized information while vision provides complementary global context. However, in 3D shape reconstruction, the complementary fusion of visual and haptic modalities remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we study this problem and present an effective chart-based approach to fusing vision and touch, which leverages advances in graph convolutional networks. To do so, we introduce a dataset of simulated touch and vision signals from the interaction between a robotic hand and a large array of 3D objects. Our results show that (1) leveraging both vision and touch signals consistently improves single-modality baselines; (2) our approach outperforms alternative modality fusion methods and strongly benefits from the proposed chart-based structure; (3) the reconstruction quality increases with the number of grasps provided; and (4) the touch information not only enhances the reconstruction at the touch site but also extrapolates to its local neighborhood.

31.Placepedia: Comprehensive Place Understanding with Multi-Faceted Annotations ⬇️

Place is an important element in visual understanding. Given a photo of a building, people can often tell its functionality, e.g. a restaurant or a shop, its cultural style, e.g. Asian or European, as well as its economic type, e.g. industry oriented or tourism oriented. While place recognition has been widely studied in previous work, there remains a long way towards comprehensive place understanding, which is far beyond categorizing a place with an image and requires information of multiple aspects. In this work, we contribute Placepedia, a large-scale place dataset with more than 35M photos from 240K unique places. Besides the photos, each place also comes with massive multi-faceted information, e.g. GDP, population, etc., and labels at multiple levels, including function, city, country, etc.. This dataset, with its large amount of data and rich annotations, allows various studies to be conducted. Particularly, in our studies, we develop 1) PlaceNet, a unified framework for multi-level place recognition, and 2) a method for city embedding, which can produce a vector representation for a city that captures both visual and multi-faceted side information. Such studies not only reveal key challenges in place understanding, but also establish connections between visual observations and underlying socioeconomic/cultural implications.

32.Resonator networks for factoring distributed representations of data structures ⬇️

The ability to encode and manipulate data structures with distributed neural representations could qualitatively enhance the capabilities of traditional neural networks by supporting rule-based symbolic reasoning, a central property of cognition. Here we show how this may be accomplished within the framework of Vector Symbolic Architectures (VSA) (Plate, 1991; Gayler, 1998; Kanerva, 1996), whereby data structures are encoded by combining high-dimensional vectors with operations that together form an algebra on the space of distributed representations. In particular, we propose an efficient solution to a hard combinatorial search problem that arises when decoding elements of a VSA data structure: the factorization of products of multiple code vectors. Our proposed algorithm, called a resonator network, is a new type of recurrent neural network that interleaves VSA multiplication operations and pattern completion. We show in two examples -- parsing of a tree-like data structure and parsing of a visual scene -- how the factorization problem arises and how the resonator network can solve it. More broadly, resonator networks open the possibility to apply VSAs to myriad artificial intelligence problems in real-world domains. A companion paper (Kent et al., 2020) presents a rigorous analysis and evaluation of the performance of resonator networks, showing it out-performs alternative approaches.

33.Detection as Regression: Certified Object Detection by Median Smoothing ⬇️

Despite the vulnerability of object detectors to adversarial attacks, very few defenses are known to date. While adversarial training can improve the empirical robustness of image classifiers, a direct extension to object detection is very expensive. This work is motivated by recent progress on certified classification by randomized smoothing. We start by presenting a reduction from object detection to a regression problem. Then, to enable certified regression, where standard mean smoothing fails, we propose median smoothing, which is of independent interest. We obtain the first model-agnostic, training-free, and certified defense for object detection against $\ell_2$-bounded attacks.

34.Self-Supervised Policy Adaptation during Deployment ⬇️

In most real world scenarios, a policy trained by reinforcement learning in one environment needs to be deployed in another, potentially quite different environment. However, generalization across different environments is known to be hard. A natural solution would be to keep training after deployment in the new environment, but this cannot be done if the new environment offers no reward signal. Our work explores the use of self-supervision to allow the policy to continue training after deployment without using any rewards. While previous methods explicitly anticipate changes in the new environment, we assume no prior knowledge of those changes yet still obtain significant improvements. Empirical evaluations are performed on diverse environments from DeepMind Control suite and ViZDoom. Our method improves generalization in 25 out of 30 environments across various tasks, and outperforms domain randomization on a majority of environments.

35.Quantifying and Leveraging Predictive Uncertainty for Medical Image Assessment ⬇️

The interpretation of medical images is a challenging task, often complicated by the presence of artifacts, occlusions, limited contrast and more. Most notable is the case of chest radiography, where there is a high inter-rater variability in the detection and classification of abnormalities. This is largely due to inconclusive evidence in the data or subjective definitions of disease appearance. An additional example is the classification of anatomical views based on 2D Ultrasound images. Often, the anatomical context captured in a frame is not sufficient to recognize the underlying anatomy. Current machine learning solutions for these problems are typically limited to providing probabilistic predictions, relying on the capacity of underlying models to adapt to limited information and the high degree of label noise. In practice, however, this leads to overconfident systems with poor generalization on unseen data. To account for this, we propose a system that learns not only the probabilistic estimate for classification, but also an explicit uncertainty measure which captures the confidence of the system in the predicted output. We argue that this approach is essential to account for the inherent ambiguity characteristic of medical images from different radiologic exams including computed radiography, ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. In our experiments we demonstrate that sample rejection based on the predicted uncertainty can significantly improve the ROC-AUC for various tasks, e.g., by 8% to 0.91 with an expected rejection rate of under 25% for the classification of different abnormalities in chest radiographs. In addition, we show that using uncertainty-driven bootstrapping to filter the training data, one can achieve a significant increase in robustness and accuracy.

36.A Benchmark of Medical Out of Distribution Detection ⬇️

There is a rise in the use of deep learning for automated medical diagnosis, most notably in medical imaging. Such an automated system uses a set of images from a patient to diagnose whether they have a disease. However, systems trained for one particular domain of images cannot be expected to perform accurately on images of a different domain. These images should be filtered out by an Out-of-Distribution Detection (OoDD) method prior to diagnosis. This paper benchmarks popular OoDD methods in three domains of medical imaging: chest x-rays, fundus images, and histology slides. Our experiments show that despite methods yielding good results on some types of out-of-distribution samples, they fail to recognize images close to the training distribution.

37.Understanding Object Affordances Through Verb Usage Patterns ⬇️

In order to interact with objects in our environment, we rely on an understanding of the actions that can be performed on them, and the extent to which they rely or have an effect on the properties of the object. This knowledge is called the object "affordance". We propose an approach for creating an embedding of objects in an affordance space, in which each dimension corresponds to an aspect of meaning shared by many actions, using text corpora. This embedding makes it possible to predict which verbs will be applicable to a given object, as captured in human judgments of affordance. We show that the dimensions learned are interpretable, and that they correspond to patterns of interaction with objects. Finally, we show that they can be used to predict other dimensions of object representation that have been shown to underpin human judgments of object similarity.

38.Predicting the Accuracy of a Few-Shot Classifier ⬇️

In the context of few-shot learning, one cannot measure the generalization ability of a trained classifier using validation sets, due to the small number of labeled samples. In this paper, we are interested in finding alternatives to answer the question: is my classifier generalizing well to previously unseen data? We first analyze the reasons for the variability of generalization performances. We then investigate the case of using transfer-based solutions, and consider three settings: i) supervised where we only have access to a few labeled samples, ii) semi-supervised where we have access to both a few labeled samples and a set of unlabeled samples and iii) unsupervised where we only have access to unlabeled samples. For each setting, we propose reasonable measures that we empirically demonstrate to be correlated with the generalization ability of considered classifiers. We also show that these simple measures can be used to predict generalization up to a certain confidence. We conduct our experiments on standard few-shot vision datasets.

39.Labelling imaging datasets on the basis of neuroradiology reports: a validation study ⬇️

Natural language processing (NLP) shows promise as a means to automate the labelling of hospital-scale neuroradiology magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets for computer vision applications. To date, however, there has been no thorough investigation into the validity of this approach, including determining the accuracy of report labels compared to image labels as well as examining the performance of non-specialist labellers. In this work, we draw on the experience of a team of neuroradiologists who labelled over 5000 MRI neuroradiology reports as part of a project to build a dedicated deep learning-based neuroradiology report classifier. We show that, in our experience, assigning binary labels (i.e. normal vs abnormal) to images from reports alone is highly accurate. In contrast to the binary labels, however, the accuracy of more granular labelling is dependent on the category, and we highlight reasons for this discrepancy. We also show that downstream model performance is reduced when labelling of training reports is performed by a non-specialist. To allow other researchers to accelerate their research, we make our refined abnormality definitions and labelling rules available, as well as our easy-to-use radiology report labelling app which helps streamline this process.

40.Learning Speech Representations from Raw Audio by Joint Audiovisual Self-Supervision ⬇️

The intuitive interaction between the audio and visual modalities is valuable for cross-modal self-supervised learning. This concept has been demonstrated for generic audiovisual tasks like video action recognition and acoustic scene classification. However, self-supervision remains under-explored for audiovisual speech. We propose a method to learn self-supervised speech representations from the raw audio waveform. We train a raw audio encoder by combining audio-only self-supervision (by predicting informative audio attributes) with visual self-supervision (by generating talking faces from audio). The visual pretext task drives the audio representations to capture information related to lip movements. This enriches the audio encoder with visual information and the encoder can be used for evaluation without the visual modality. Our method attains competitive performance with respect to existing self-supervised audio features on established isolated word classification benchmarks, and significantly outperforms other methods at learning from fewer labels. Notably, our method also outperforms fully supervised training, thus providing a strong initialization for speech related tasks. Our results demonstrate the potential of multimodal self-supervision in audiovisual speech for learning good audio representations.

41.BS4NN: Binarized Spiking Neural Networks with Temporal Coding and Learning ⬇️

We recently proposed the S4NN algorithm, essentially an adaptation of backpropagation to multilayer spiking neural networks that use simple non-leaky integrate-and-fire neurons and a form of temporal coding known as time-to-first-spike coding. With this coding scheme, neurons fire at most once per stimulus, but the firing order carries information. Here, we introduce BS4NN, a modification of S4NN in which the synaptic weights are constrained to be binary (+1 or -1), in order to decrease memory and computation footprints. This was done using two sets of weights: firstly, real-valued weights, updated by gradient descent, and used in the backward pass of backpropagation, and secondly, their signs, used in the forward pass. Similar strategies have been used to train (non-spiking) binarized neural networks. The main difference is that BS4NN operates in the time domain: spikes are propagated sequentially, and different neurons may reach their threshold at different times, which increases computational power. We validated BS4NN on two popular benchmarks, MNIST and Fashion MNIST, and obtained state-of-the-art accuracies for this sort of networks (97.0% and 87.3% respectively) with a negligible accuracy drop with respect to real-valued weights (0.4% and 0.7%, respectively). We also demonstrated that BS4NN outperforms a simple BNN with the same architectures on those two datasets (by 0.2% and 0.9% respectively), presumably because it leverages the temporal dimension.

42.MCU-Net: A framework towards uncertainty representations for decision support system patient referrals in healthcare contexts ⬇️

Incorporating a human-in-the-loop system when deploying automated decision support is critical in healthcare contexts to create trust, as well as provide reliable performance on a patient-to-patient basis. Deep learning methods while having high performance, do not allow for this patient-centered approach due to the lack of uncertainty representation. Thus, we present a framework of uncertainty representation evaluated for medical image segmentation, using MCU-Net which combines a U-Net with Monte Carlo Dropout, evaluated with four different uncertainty metrics. The framework augments this by adding a human-in-the-loop aspect based on an uncertainty threshold for automated referral of uncertain cases to a medical professional. We demonstrate that MCU-Net combined with epistemic uncertainty and an uncertainty threshold tuned for this application maximizes automated performance on an individual patient level, yet refers truly uncertain cases. This is a step towards uncertainty representations when deploying machine learning based decision support in healthcare settings.

43.Guidestar-free image-guided wavefront-shaping ⬇️

Optical imaging through scattering media is a fundamental challenge in many applications. Recently, substantial breakthroughs such as imaging through biological tissues and looking around corners have been obtained by the use of wavefront-shaping approaches. However, these require an implanted guide-star for determining the wavefront correction, controlled coherent illumination, and most often raster scanning of the shaped focus. Alternative novel computational approaches that exploit speckle correlations, avoid guide-stars and wavefront control but are limited to small two-dimensional objects contained within the memory-effect correlations range. Here, we present a new concept, image-guided wavefront-shaping, allowing non-invasive, guidestar-free, widefield, incoherent imaging through highly scattering layers, without illumination control. Most importantly, the wavefront-correction is found even for objects that are larger than the memory-effect range, by blindly optimizing image-quality metrics. We demonstrate imaging of extended objects through highly-scattering layers and multi-core fibers, paving the way for non-invasive imaging in various applications, from microscopy to endoscopy.

44.Designing and Training of A Dual CNN for Image Denoising ⬇️

Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image denoising have recently attracted increasing research interest. However, plain networks cannot recover fine details for a complex task, such as real noisy images. In this paper, we propsoed a Dual denoising Network (DudeNet) to recover a clean image. Specifically, DudeNet consists of four modules: a feature extraction block, an enhancement block, a compression block, and a reconstruction block. The feature extraction block with a sparse machanism extracts global and local features via two sub-networks. The enhancement block gathers and fuses the global and local features to provide complementary information for the latter network. The compression block refines the extracted information and compresses the network. Finally, the reconstruction block is utilized to reconstruct a denoised image. The DudeNet has the following advantages: (1) The dual networks with a parse mechanism can extract complementary features to enhance the generalized ability of denoiser. (2) Fusing global and local features can extract salient features to recover fine details for complex noisy images. (3) A Small-size filter is used to reduce the complexity of denoiser. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of DudeNet over existing current state-of-the-art denoising methods.

45.Operation-Aware Soft Channel Pruning using Differentiable Masks ⬇️

We propose a simple but effective data-driven channel pruning algorithm, which compresses deep neural networks in a differentiable way by exploiting the characteristics of operations. The proposed approach makes a joint consideration of batch normalization (BN) and rectified linear unit (ReLU) for channel pruning; it estimates how likely the two successive operations deactivate each feature map and prunes the channels with high probabilities. To this end, we learn differentiable masks for individual channels and make soft decisions throughout the optimization procedure, which facilitates to explore larger search space and train more stable networks. The proposed framework enables us to identify compressed models via a joint learning of model parameters and channel pruning without an extra procedure of fine-tuning. We perform extensive experiments and achieve outstanding performance in terms of the accuracy of output networks given the same amount of resources when compared with the state-of-the-art methods.

46.AUSN: Approximately Uniform Quantization by Adaptively Superimposing Non-uniform Distribution for Deep Neural Networks ⬇️

Quantization is essential to simplify DNN inference in edge applications. Existing uniform and non-uniform quantization methods, however, exhibit an inherent conflict between the representing range and representing resolution, and thereby result in either underutilized bit-width or significant accuracy drop. Moreover, these methods encounter three drawbacks: i) the absence of a quantitative metric for in-depth analysis of the source of the quantization errors; ii) the limited focus on the image classification tasks based on CNNs; iii) the unawareness of the real hardware and energy consumption reduced by lowering the bit-width.
In this paper, we first define two quantitative metrics, i.e., the Clipping Error and rounding error, to analyze the quantization error distribution. We observe that the boundary- and rounding- errors vary significantly across layers, models and tasks. Consequently, we propose a novel quantization method to quantize the weight and activation. The key idea is to Approximate the Uniform quantization by Adaptively Superposing multiple Non-uniform quantized values, namely AUSN. AUSN is consist of a decoder-free coding scheme that efficiently exploits the bit-width to its extreme, a superposition quantization algorithm that can adapt the coding scheme to different DNN layers, models and tasks without extra hardware design effort, and a rounding scheme that can eliminate the well-known bit-width overflow and re-quantization issues.
Theoretical analysis~(see Appendix A) and accuracy evaluation on various DNN models of different tasks show the effectiveness and generalization of AUSN. The synthesis~(see Appendix B) results on FPGA show $2\times$ reduction of the energy consumption, and $2\times$ to $4\times$ reduction of the hardware resource.

47.NVAE: A Deep Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder ⬇️

Normalizing flows, autoregressive models, variational autoencoders (VAEs), and deep energy-based models are among competing likelihood-based frameworks for deep generative learning. Among them, VAEs have the advantage of fast and tractable sampling and easy-to-access encoding networks. However, they are currently outperformed by other models such as normalizing flows and autoregressive models. While the majority of the research in VAEs is focused on the statistical challenges, we explore the orthogonal direction of carefully designing neural architectures for hierarchical VAEs. We propose Nouveau VAE (NVAE), a deep hierarchical VAE built for image generation using depth-wise separable convolutions and batch normalization. NVAE is equipped with a residual parameterization of Normal distributions and its training is stabilized by spectral regularization. We show that NVAE achieves state-of-the-art results among non-autoregressive likelihood-based models on the MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CelebA HQ datasets and it provides a strong baseline on FFHQ. For example, on CIFAR-10, NVAE pushes the state-of-the-art from 2.98 to 2.91 bits per dimension, and it produces high-quality images on CelebA HQ as shown in Fig. 1. To the best of our knowledge, NVAE is the first successful VAE applied to natural images as large as 256$\times$256 pixels.

48.Low-dimensional Manifold Constrained Disentanglement Network for Metal Artifact Reduction ⬇️

Deep neural network based methods have achieved promising results for CT metal artifact reduction (MAR), most of which use many synthesized paired images for training. As synthesized metal artifacts in CT images may not accurately reflect the clinical counterparts, an artifact disentanglement network (ADN) was proposed with unpaired clinical images directly, producing promising results on clinical datasets. However, without sufficient supervision, it is difficult for ADN to recover structural details of artifact-affected CT images based on adversarial losses only. To overcome these problems, here we propose a low-dimensional manifold (LDM) constrained disentanglement network (DN), leveraging the image characteristics that the patch manifold is generally low-dimensional. Specifically, we design an LDM-DN learning algorithm to empower the disentanglement network through optimizing the synergistic network loss functions while constraining the recovered images to be on a low-dimensional patch manifold. Moreover, learning from both paired and unpaired data, an efficient hybrid optimization scheme is proposed to further improve the MAR performance on clinical datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed LDM-DN approach can consistently improve the MAR performance in paired and/or unpaired learning settings, outperforming competing methods on synthesized and clinical datasets.

49.Fine-grained Vibration Based Sensing Using a Smartphone ⬇️

Recognizing surfaces based on their vibration signatures is useful as it can enable tagging of different locations without requiring any additional hardware such as Near Field Communication (NFC) tags. However, previous vibration based surface recognition schemes either use custom hardware for creating and sensing vibration, which makes them difficult to adopt, or use inertial (IMU) sensors in commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) smartphones to sense movements produced due to vibrations, which makes them coarse-grained because of the low sampling rates of IMU sensors. The mainstream COTS smartphones based schemes are also susceptible to inherent hardware based irregularities in vibration mechanism of the smartphones. Moreover, the existing schemes that use microphones to sense vibration are prone to short-term and constant background noises (e.g. intermittent talking, exhaust fan, etc.) because microphones not only capture the sounds created by vibration but also other interfering sounds present in the environment. In this paper, we propose VibroTag, a robust and practical vibration based sensing scheme that works with smartphones with different hardware, can extract fine-grained vibration signatures of different surfaces, and is robust to environmental noise and hardware based irregularities. We implemented VibroTag on two different Android phones and evaluated in multiple different environments where we collected data from 4 individuals for 5 to 20 consecutive days. Our results show that VibroTag achieves an average accuracy of 86.55% while recognizing 24 different locations/surfaces, even when some of those surfaces were made of similar material. VibroTag's accuracy is 37% higher than the average accuracy of 49.25% achieved by one of the state-of-the-art IMUs based schemes, which we implemented for comparison with VibroTag.

50.Consistency Regularization with Generative Adversarial Networks for Semi-Supervised Image Classification ⬇️

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) based semi-supervised learning (SSL) approaches are shown to improve classification performance by utilizing a large number of unlabeled samples in conjunction with limited labeled samples. However, their performance still lags behind the state-of-the-art non-GAN based SSL approaches. One main reason we identify is the lack of consistency in class probability predictions on the same image under local perturbations. This problem was addressed in the past in a generic setting using the label consistency regularization, which enforces the class probability predictions for an input image to be unchanged under various semantic-preserving perturbations. In this work, we incorporate the consistency regularization in the vanilla semi-GAN to address this critical limitation. In particular, we present a new composite consistency regularization method which, in spirit, combines two well-known consistency-based techniques -- Mean Teacher and Interpolation Consistency Training. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on two SSL image classification benchmark datasets, SVHN and CIFAR-10. Our experiments show that this new composite consistency regularization based semi-GAN significantly improves its performance and achieves new state-of-the-art performance among GAN-based SSL approaches.

51.Self-supervised Skull Reconstruction in Brain CT Images with Decompressive Craniectomy ⬇️

Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is a common surgical procedure consisting of the removal of a portion of the skull that is performed after incidents such as stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI) or other events that could result in acute subdural hemorrhage and/or increasing intracranial pressure. In these cases, CT scans are obtained to diagnose and assess injuries, or guide a certain therapy and intervention.
We propose a deep learning based method to reconstruct the skull defect removed during DC performed after TBI from post-operative CT images. This reconstruction is useful in multiple scenarios, e.g. to support the creation of cranioplasty plates, accurate measurements of bone flap volume and total intracranial volume, important for studies that aim to relate later atrophy to patient outcome. We propose and compare alternative self-supervised methods where an encoder-decoder convolutional neural network (CNN) estimates the missing bone flap on post-operative CTs. The self-supervised learning strategy only requires images with complete skulls and avoids the need for annotated DC images. For evaluation, we employ real and simulated images with DC, comparing the results with other state-of-the-art approaches. The experiments show that the proposed model outperforms current manual methods, enabling reconstruction even in highly challenging cases where big skull defects have been removed during surgery.

52.README: REpresentation learning by fairness-Aware Disentangling MEthod ⬇️

Fair representation learning aims to encode invariant representation with respect to the protected attribute, such as gender or age. In this paper, we design Fairness-aware Disentangling Variational AutoEncoder (FD-VAE) for fair representation learning. This network disentangles latent space into three subspaces with a decorrelation loss that encourages each subspace to contain independent information: 1) target attribute information, 2) protected attribute information, 3) mutual attribute information. After the representation learning, this disentangled representation is leveraged for fairer downstream classification by excluding the subspace with the protected attribute information. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model through extensive experiments on CelebA and UTK Face datasets. Our method outperforms the previous state-of-the-art method by large margins in terms of equal opportunity and equalized odds.

53.On the Generalization Effects of Linear Transformations in Data Augmentation ⬇️

Data augmentation is a powerful technique to improve performance in applications such as image and text classification tasks. Yet, there is little rigorous understanding of why and how various augmentations work. In this work, we consider a family of linear transformations and study their effects on the ridge estimator in an over-parametrized linear regression setting. First, we show that transformations which preserve the labels of the data can improve estimation by enlarging the span of the training data. Second, we show that transformations which mix data can improve estimation by playing a regularization effect. Finally, we validate our theoretical insights on MNIST. Based on the insights, we propose an augmentation scheme that searches over the space of transformations by how uncertain the model is about the transformed data. We validate our proposed scheme on image and text datasets. For example, our method outperforms RandAugment by 1.24% on CIFAR-100 using Wide-ResNet-28-10. Furthermore, we achieve comparable accuracy to the SoTA Adversarial AutoAugment on CIFAR datasets.