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ArXiv cs.CV --Fri, 15 May 2020

1.Towards Understanding the Adversarial Vulnerability of Skeleton-based Action Recognition ⬇️

Skeleton-based action recognition has attracted increasing attention due to its strong adaptability to dynamic circumstances and potential for broad applications such as autonomous and anonymous surveillance. With the help of deep learning techniques, it has also witnessed substantial progress and currently achieved around 90% accuracy in benign environment. On the other hand, research on the vulnerability of skeleton-based action recognition under different adversarial settings remains scant, which may raise security concerns about deploying such techniques into real-world systems. However, filling this research gap is challenging due to the unique physical constraints of skeletons and human actions. In this paper, we attempt to conduct a thorough study towards understanding the adversarial vulnerability of skeleton-based action recognition. We first formulate generation of adversarial skeleton actions as a constrained optimization problem by representing or approximating the physiological and physical constraints with mathematical formulations. Since the primal optimization problem with equality constraints is intractable, we propose to solve it by optimizing its unconstrained dual problem using ADMM. We then specify an efficient plug-in defense, inspired by recent theories and empirical observations, against the adversarial skeleton actions. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the attack and defense method under different settings.

2.PENNI: Pruned Kernel Sharing for Efficient CNN Inference ⬇️

Although state-of-the-art (SOTA) CNNs achieve outstanding performance on various tasks, their high computation demand and massive number of parameters make it difficult to deploy these SOTA CNNs onto resource-constrained devices. Previous works on CNN acceleration utilize low-rank approximation of the original convolution layers to reduce computation cost. However, these methods are very difficult to conduct upon sparse models, which limits execution speedup since redundancies within the CNN model are not fully exploited. We argue that kernel granularity decomposition can be conducted with low-rank assumption while exploiting the redundancy within the remaining compact coefficients. Based on this observation, we propose PENNI, a CNN model compression framework that is able to achieve model compactness and hardware efficiency simultaneously by (1) implementing kernel sharing in convolution layers via a small number of basis kernels and (2) alternately adjusting bases and coefficients with sparse constraints. Experiments show that we can prune 97% parameters and 92% FLOPs on ResNet18 CIFAR10 with no accuracy loss, and achieve 44% reduction in run-time memory consumption and a 53% reduction in inference latency.

3.Robust On-Manifold Optimization for Uncooperative Space Relative Navigation with a Single Camera ⬇️

Optical cameras are gaining popularity as the suitable sensor for relative navigation in space due to their attractive sizing, power and cost properties when compared to conventional flight hardware or costly laser-based systems. However, a camera cannot infer depth information on its own, which is often solved by introducing complementary sensors or a second camera. In this paper, an innovative model-based approach is instead demonstrated to estimate the six-dimensional pose of a target object relative to the chaser spacecraft using solely a monocular setup. The observed facet of the target is tackled as a classification problem, where the three-dimensional shape is learned offline using Gaussian mixture modeling. The estimate is refined by minimizing two different robust loss functions based on local feature correspondences. The resulting pseudo-measurements are then processed and fused with an extended Kalman filter. The entire optimization framework is designed to operate directly on the $SE\text{(3)}$ manifold, uncoupling the process and measurement models from the global attitude state representation. It is validated on realistic synthetic and laboratory datasets of a rendezvous trajectory with the complex spacecraft Envisat. It is demonstrated how it achieves an estimate of the relative pose with high accuracy over its full tumbling motion.

4.Ambient Sound Helps: Audiovisual Crowd Counting in Extreme Conditions ⬇️

Visual crowd counting has been recently studied as a way to enable people counting in crowd scenes from images. Albeit successful, vision-based crowd counting approaches could fail to capture informative features in extreme conditions, e.g., imaging at night and occlusion. In this work, we introduce a novel task of audiovisual crowd counting, in which visual and auditory information are integrated for counting purposes. We collect a large-scale benchmark, named auDiovISual Crowd cOunting (DISCO) dataset, consisting of 1,935 images and the corresponding audio clips, and 170,270 annotated instances. In order to fuse the two modalities, we make use of a linear feature-wise fusion module that carries out an affine transformation on visual and auditory features. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments using the proposed dataset and approach. Experimental results show that introducing auditory information can benefit crowd counting under different illumination, noise, and occlusion conditions. The dataset and code will be released. Code and data have been made available

5.Recognition of 26 Degrees of Freedom of Hands Using Model-based approach and Depth-Color Images ⬇️

In this study, we present an model-based approach to recognize full 26 degrees of freedom of a human hand. Input data include RGB-D images acquired from a Kinect camera and a 3D model of the hand constructed from its anatomy and graphical matrices. A cost function is then defined so that its minimum value is achieved when the model and observation images are matched. To solve the optimization problem in 26 dimensional space, the particle swarm optimization algorimth with improvements are used. In addition, parallel computation in graphical processing units (GPU) is utilized to handle computationally expensive tasks. Simulation and experimental results show that the system can recognize 26 degrees of freedom of hands with the processing time of 0.8 seconds per frame. The algorithm is robust to noise and the hardware requirement is simple with a single camera.

6.Reinforced Coloring for End-to-End Instance Segmentation ⬇️

Instance segmentation is one of the actively studied research topics in computer vision in which many objects of interest should be separated individually. While many feed-forward networks produce high-quality segmentation on different types of images, their results often suffer from topological errors (merging or splitting) for segmentation of many objects, requiring post-processing. Existing iterative methods, on the other hand, extract a single object at a time using discriminative knowledge-based properties (shapes, boundaries, etc.) without relying on post-processing, but they do not scale well. To exploit the advantages of conventional single-object-per-step segmentation methods without impairing the scalability, we propose a novel iterative deep reinforcement learning agent that learns how to differentiate multiple objects in parallel. Our reward function for the trainable agent is designed to favor grouping pixels belonging to the same object using a graph coloring algorithm. We demonstrate that the proposed method can efficiently perform instance segmentation of many objects without heavy post-processing.

7.ZynqNet: An FPGA-Accelerated Embedded Convolutional Neural Network ⬇️

Image Understanding is becoming a vital feature in ever more applications ranging from medical diagnostics to autonomous vehicles. Many applications demand for embedded solutions that integrate into existing systems with tight real-time and power constraints. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) presently achieve record-breaking accuracies in all image understanding benchmarks, but have a very high computational complexity. Embedded CNNs thus call for small and efficient, yet very powerful computing platforms. This master thesis explores the potential of FPGA-based CNN acceleration and demonstrates a fully functional proof-of-concept CNN implementation on a Zynq System-on-Chip. The ZynqNet Embedded CNN is designed for image classification on ImageNet and consists of ZynqNet CNN, an optimized and customized CNN topology, and the ZynqNet FPGA Accelerator, an FPGA-based architecture for its evaluation. ZynqNet CNN is a highly efficient CNN topology. Detailed analysis and optimization of prior topologies using the custom-designed Netscope CNN Analyzer have enabled a CNN with 84.5% top-5 accuracy at a computational complexity of only 530 million multiplyaccumulate operations. The topology is highly regular and consists exclusively of convolutional layers, ReLU nonlinearities and one global pooling layer. The CNN fits ideally onto the FPGA accelerator. The ZynqNet FPGA Accelerator allows an efficient evaluation of ZynqNet CNN. It accelerates the full network based on a nested-loop algorithm which minimizes the number of arithmetic operations and memory accesses. The FPGA accelerator has been synthesized using High-Level Synthesis for the Xilinx Zynq XC-7Z045, and reaches a clock frequency of 200MHz with a device utilization of 80% to 90 %.

8.A multicenter study on radiomic features from T$_2$-weighted images of a customized MR pelvic phantom setting the basis for robust radiomic models in clinics ⬇️

In this study we investigated the repeatability and reproducibility of radiomic features extracted from MRI images and provide a workflow to identify robust features. 2D and 3D T$_2$-weighted images of a pelvic phantom were acquired on three scanners of two manufacturers and two magnetic field strengths. The repeatability and reproducibility of the radiomic features were assessed respectively by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), considering repeated acquisitions with or without phantom repositioning, and with different scanner/acquisition type, and acquisition parameters. The features showing ICC/CCC > 0.9 were selected, and their dependence on shape information (Spearman's $\rho$> 0.8) was analyzed. They were classified for their ability to distinguish textures, after shuffling voxel intensities. From 944 2D features, 79.9% to 96.4% showed excellent repeatability in fixed position across all scanners. Much lower range (11.2% to 85.4%) was obtained after phantom repositioning. 3D extraction did not improve repeatability performance. Excellent reproducibility between scanners was observed in 4.6% to 15.6% of the features, at fixed imaging parameters. 82.4% to 94.9% of features showed excellent agreement when extracted from images acquired with TEs 5 ms apart (values decreased when increasing TE intervals) and 90.7% of the features exhibited excellent reproducibility for changes in TR. 2.0% of non-shape features were identified as providing only shape information. This study demonstrates that radiomic features are affected by specific MRI protocols. The use of our radiomic pelvic phantom allowed to identify unreliable features for radiomic analysis on T$_2$-weighted images. This paper proposes a general workflow to identify repeatable, reproducible, and informative radiomic features, fundamental to ensure robustness of clinical studies.

9.Detection and Retrieval of Out-of-Distribution Objects in Semantic Segmentation ⬇️

When deploying deep learning technology in self-driving cars, deep neural networks are constantly exposed to domain shifts. These include, e.g., changes in weather conditions, time of day, and long-term temporal shift. In this work we utilize a deep neural network trained on the Cityscapes dataset containing urban street scenes and infer images from a different dataset, the A2D2 dataset, containing also countryside and highway images. We present a novel pipeline for semantic segmenation that detects out-of-distribution (OOD) segments by means of the deep neural network's prediction and performs image retrieval after feature extraction and dimensionality reduction on image patches. In our experiments we demonstrate that the deployed OOD approach is suitable for detecting out-of-distribution concepts. Furthermore, we evaluate the image patch retrieval qualitatively as well as quantitatively by means of the semi-compatible A2D2 ground truth and obtain mAP values of up to 52.2%.

10.A Semi-Supervised Assessor of Neural Architectures ⬇️

Neural architecture search (NAS) aims to automatically design deep neural networks of satisfactory performance. Wherein, architecture performance predictor is critical to efficiently value an intermediate neural architecture. But for the training of this predictor, a number of neural architectures and their corresponding real performance often have to be collected. In contrast with classical performance predictor optimized in a fully supervised way, this paper suggests a semi-supervised assessor of neural architectures. We employ an auto-encoder to discover meaningful representations of neural architectures. Taking each neural architecture as an individual instance in the search space, we construct a graph to capture their intrinsic similarities, where both labeled and unlabeled architectures are involved. A graph convolutional neural network is introduced to predict the performance of architectures based on the learned representations and their relation modeled by the graph. Extensive experimental results on the NAS-Benchmark-101 dataset demonstrated that our method is able to make a significant reduction on the required fully trained architectures for finding efficient architectures.

11.TAM: Temporal Adaptive Module for Video Recognition ⬇️

Temporal modeling is crucial for capturing spatiotemporal structure in videos for action recognition. Video data is with extremely complex dynamics along temporal dimension due to various factors such as camera motion, speed variation, and different activities. To effectively capture this diverse motion pattern, this paper presents a new temporal adaptive module (TAM) to generate video-specific kernels based on its own feature maps. TAM proposes a unique two-level adaptive modeling scheme by decoupling dynamic kernels into a location insensitive importance map and a location invariant aggregation weight. The importance map is learned in a local temporal window to capture short term information, while the aggregation weight is generated from a global view with a focus on long-term structure. TAM is a principled module and could be integrated into 2D CNNs to yield a powerful video architecture (TANet) with a very small extra computational cost. The extensive experiments on Kinetics-400 demonstrate that TAM outperforms other temporal modeling methods consistently owing to its adaptive modeling strategy. On Something-Something datasets, TANet achieves superior performance compared with previous state-of-the-art methods. The code will be made available soon at this https URL.

12.Large Scale Font Independent Urdu Text Recognition System ⬇️

OCR algorithms have received a significant improvement in performance recently, mainly due to the increase in the capabilities of artificial intelligence algorithms. However, this advancement is not evenly distributed over all languages. Urdu is among the languages which did not receive much attention, especially in the font independent perspective. There exists no automated system that can reliably recognize printed Urdu text in images and videos across different fonts. To help bridge this gap, we have developed Qaida, a large scale data set with 256 fonts, and a complete Urdu lexicon. We have also developed a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based classification model which can recognize Urdu ligatures with 84.2% accuracy. Moreover, we demonstrate that our recognition network can not only recognize the text in the fonts it is trained on but can also reliably recognize text in unseen (new) fonts. To this end, this paper makes following contributions: (i) we introduce a large scale, multiple fonts based data set for printed Urdu text recognition;(ii) we have designed, trained and evaluated a CNN based model for Urdu text recognition; (iii) we experiment with incremental learning methods to produce state-of-the-art results for Urdu text recognition. All the experiment choices were thoroughly validated via detailed empirical analysis. We believe that this study can serve as the basis for further improvement in the performance of font independent Urdu OCR systems.

13.The Information & Mutual Information Ratio for Counting Image Features and Their Matches ⬇️

Feature extraction and description is an important topic of computer vision, as it is the starting point of a number of tasks such as image reconstruction, stitching, registration, and recognition among many others. In this paper, two new image features are proposed: the Information Ratio (IR) and the Mutual Information Ratio (MIR). The IR is a feature of a single image, while the MIR describes features common across two or more images.We begin by introducing the IR and the MIR and motivate these features in an information theoretical context as the ratio of the self-information of an intensity level over the information contained over the pixels of the same intensity. Notably, the relationship of the IR and MIR with the image entropy and mutual information, classic information measures, are discussed. Finally, the effectiveness of these features is tested through feature extraction over INRIA Copydays datasets and feature matching over the Oxfords Affine Covariant Regions. These numerical evaluations validate the relevance of the IR and MIR in practical computer vision tasks

14.Dense-Resolution Network for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation ⬇️

Point cloud analysis is attracting attention from Artificial Intelligence research since it can be extensively applied for robotics, Augmented Reality, self-driving, etc. However, it is always challenging due to problems such as irregularities, unorderedness, and sparsity. In this article, we propose a novel network named Dense-Resolution Network for point cloud analysis. This network is designed to learn local point features from point cloud in different resolutions. In order to learn local point groups more intelligently, we present a novel grouping algorithm for local neighborhood searching and an effective error-minimizing model for capturing local features. In addition to validating the network on widely used point cloud segmentation and classification benchmarks, we also test and visualize the performances of the components. Comparing with other state-of-the-art methods, our network shows superiority.

15.Domain Conditioned Adaptation Network ⬇️

Tremendous research efforts have been made to thrive deep domain adaptation (DA) by seeking domain-invariant features. Most existing deep DA models only focus on aligning feature representations of task-specific layers across domains while integrating a totally shared convolutional architecture for source and target. However, we argue that such strongly-shared convolutional layers might be harmful for domain-specific feature learning when source and target data distribution differs to a large extent. In this paper, we relax a shared-convnets assumption made by previous DA methods and propose a Domain Conditioned Adaptation Network (DCAN), which aims to excite distinct convolutional channels with a domain conditioned channel attention mechanism. As a result, the critical low-level domain-dependent knowledge could be explored appropriately. As far as we know, this is the first work to explore the domain-wise convolutional channel activation for deep DA networks. Moreover, to effectively align high-level feature distributions across two domains, we further deploy domain conditioned feature correction blocks after task-specific layers, which will explicitly correct the domain discrepancy. Extensive experiments on three cross-domain benchmarks demonstrate the proposed approach outperforms existing methods by a large margin, especially on very tough cross-domain learning tasks.

16.Exploiting Multi-Layer Grid Maps for Surround-View Semantic Segmentation of Sparse LiDAR Data ⬇️

In this paper, we consider the transformation of laser range measurements into a top-view grid map representation to approach the task of LiDAR-only semantic segmentation. Since the recent publication of the SemanticKITTI data set, researchers are now able to study semantic segmentation of urban LiDAR sequences based on a reasonable amount of data. While other approaches propose to directly learn on the 3D point clouds, we are exploiting a grid map framework to extract relevant information and represent them by using multi-layer grid maps. This representation allows us to use well-studied deep learning architectures from the image domain to predict a dense semantic grid map using only the sparse input data of a single LiDAR scan. We compare single-layer and multi-layer approaches and demonstrate the benefit of a multi-layer grid map input. Since the grid map representation allows us to predict a dense, 360° semantic environment representation, we further develop a method to combine the semantic information from multiple scans and create dense ground truth grids. This method allows us to evaluate and compare the performance of our models not only based on grid cells with a detection, but on the full visible measurement range.

17.Flexible Example-based Image Enhancement with Task Adaptive Global Feature Self-Guided Network ⬇️

We propose the first practical multitask image enhancement network, that is able to learn one-to-many and many-to-one image mappings. We show that our model outperforms the current state of the art in learning a single enhancement mapping, while having significantly fewer parameters than its competitors. Furthermore, the model achieves even higher performance on learning multiple mappings simultaneously, by taking advantage of shared representations. Our network is based on the recently proposed SGN architecture, with modifications targeted at incorporating global features and style adaption. Finally, we present an unpaired learning method for multitask image enhancement, that is based on generative adversarial networks (GANs).

18.Structured Query-Based Image Retrieval Using Scene Graphs ⬇️

A structured query can capture the complexity of object interactions (e.g. 'woman rides motorcycle') unlike single objects (e.g. 'woman' or 'motorcycle'). Retrieval using structured queries therefore is much more useful than single object retrieval, but a much more challenging problem. In this paper we present a method which uses scene graph embeddings as the basis for an approach to image retrieval. We examine how visual relationships, derived from scene graphs, can be used as structured queries. The visual relationships are directed subgraphs of the scene graph with a subject and object as nodes connected by a predicate relationship. Notably, we are able to achieve high recall even on low to medium frequency objects found in the long-tailed COCO-Stuff dataset, and find that adding a visual relationship-inspired loss boosts our recall by 10% in the best case.

19.Do Saliency Models Detect Odd-One-Out Targets? New Datasets and Evaluations ⬇️

Recent advances in the field of saliency have concentrated on fixation prediction, with benchmarks reaching saturation. However, there is an extensive body of works in psychology and neuroscience that describe aspects of human visual attention that might not be adequately captured by current approaches. Here, we investigate singleton detection, which can be thought of as a canonical example of salience. We introduce two novel datasets, one with psychophysical patterns and one with natural odd-one-out stimuli. Using these datasets we demonstrate through extensive experimentation that nearly all saliency algorithms do not adequately respond to singleton targets in synthetic and natural images. Furthermore, we investigate the effect of training state-of-the-art CNN-based saliency models on these types of stimuli and conclude that the additional training data does not lead to a significant improvement of their ability to find odd-one-out targets.

20.Pedestrian Action Anticipation using Contextual Feature Fusion in Stacked RNNs ⬇️

One of the major challenges for autonomous vehicles in urban environments is to understand and predict other road users' actions, in particular, pedestrians at the point of crossing. The common approach to solving this problem is to use the motion history of the agents to predict their future trajectories. However, pedestrians exhibit highly variable actions most of which cannot be understood without visual observation of the pedestrians themselves and their surroundings. To this end, we propose a solution for the problem of pedestrian action anticipation at the point of crossing. Our approach uses a novel stacked RNN architecture in which information collected from various sources, both scene dynamics and visual features, is gradually fused into the network at different levels of processing. We show, via extensive empirical evaluations, that the proposed algorithm achieves a higher prediction accuracy compared to alternative recurrent network architectures. We conduct experiments to investigate the impact of the length of observation, time to event and types of features on the performance of the proposed method. Finally, we demonstrate how different data fusion strategies impact prediction accuracy.

21.Robust Visual Object Tracking with Two-Stream Residual Convolutional Networks ⬇️

The current deep learning based visual tracking approaches have been very successful by learning the target classification and/or estimation model from a large amount of supervised training data in offline mode. However, most of them can still fail in tracking objects due to some more challenging issues such as dense distractor objects, confusing background, motion blurs, and so on. Inspired by the human "visual tracking" capability which leverages motion cues to distinguish the target from the background, we propose a Two-Stream Residual Convolutional Network (TS-RCN) for visual tracking, which successfully exploits both appearance and motion features for model update. Our TS-RCN can be integrated with existing deep learning based visual trackers. To further improve the tracking performance, we adopt a "wider" residual network ResNeXt as its feature extraction backbone. To the best of our knowledge, TS-RCN is the first end-to-end trainable two-stream visual tracking system, which makes full use of both appearance and motion features of the target. We have extensively evaluated the TS-RCN on most widely used benchmark datasets including VOT2018, VOT2019, and GOT-10K. The experiment results have successfully demonstrated that our two-stream model can greatly outperform the appearance based tracker, and it also achieves state-of-the-art performance. The tracking system can run at up to 38.1 FPS.

22.3D Face Anti-spoofing with Factorized Bilinear Coding ⬇️

We have witnessed rapid advances in both face presentation attack models and presentation attack detection (PAD) in recent years. When compared with widely studied 2D face presentation attacks, 3D face spoofing attacks are more challenging because face recognition systems (FRS) are more easily confused by the 3D characteristics of materials similar to real faces. In this work, we tackle the problem of detecting these realistic 3D face presentation attacks, and propose a novel anti-spoofing method from the perspective of fine-grained classification. Our method, based on factorized bilinear coding of multiple color channels (namely MC_FBC), targets at learning subtle visual differences between real and fake images. By extracting discriminative and fusing complementary information from RGB and YCbCr spaces, we have developed a principled solution to 3D face spoofing detection. A large-scale wax figure face database (WFFD) with both still and moving wax faces has also been collected as super-realistic attacks to facilitate the study of 3D face PAD. Extensive experimental results show that our proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on both our own WFFD and other face spoofing databases under various intra-database and inter-database testing scenarios.

23.OctSqueeze: Octree-Structured Entropy Model for LiDAR Compression ⬇️

We present a novel deep compression algorithm to reduce the memory footprint of LiDAR point clouds. Our method exploits the sparsity and structural redundancy between points to reduce the bitrate. Towards this goal, we first encode the LiDAR points into an octree, a data-efficient structure suitable for sparse point clouds. We then design a tree-structured conditional entropy model that models the probabilities of the octree symbols to encode the octree into a compact bitstream. We validate the effectiveness of our method over two large-scale datasets. The results demonstrate that our approach reduces the bitrate by 10-20% at the same reconstruction quality, compared to the previous state-of-the-art. Importantly, we also show that for the same bitrate, our approach outperforms other compression algorithms when performing downstream 3D segmentation and detection tasks using compressed representations. Our algorithm can be used to reduce the onboard and offboard storage of LiDAR points for applications such as self-driving cars, where a single vehicle captures 84 billion points per day

24.Bayesian Bits: Unifying Quantization and Pruning ⬇️

We introduce Bayesian Bits, a practical method for joint mixed precision quantization and pruning through gradient based optimization. Bayesian Bits employs a novel decomposition of the quantization operation, which sequentially considers doubling the bit width. At each new bit width, the residual error between the full precision value and the previously rounded value is quantized. We then decide whether or not to add this quantized residual error for a higher effective bit width and lower quantization noise. By starting with a power-of-two bit width, this decomposition will always produce hardware-friendly configurations, and through an additional 0-bit option, serves as a unified view of pruning and quantization. Bayesian Bits then introduces learnable stochastic gates, which collectively control the bit width of the given tensor. As a result, we can obtain low bit solutions by performing approximate inference over the gates, with prior distributions that encourage most of them to be switched off. We further show that, under some assumptions, L0 regularization of the network parameters corresponds to a specific instance of the aforementioned framework. We experimentally validate our proposed method on several benchmark datasets and show that we can learn pruned, mixed precision networks that provide a better trade-off between accuracy and efficiency than their static bit width equivalents.

25.FaceFilter: Audio-visual speech separation using still images ⬇️

The objective of this paper is to separate a target speaker's speech from a mixture of two speakers using a deep audio-visual speech separation network. Unlike previous works that used lip movement on video clips or pre-enrolled speaker information as an auxiliary conditional feature, we use a single face image of the target speaker. In this task, the conditional feature is obtained from facial appearance in cross-modal biometric task, where audio and visual identity representations are shared in latent space. Learnt identities from facial images enforce the network to isolate matched speakers and extract the voices from mixed speech. It solves the permutation problem caused by swapped channel outputs, frequently occurred in speech separation tasks. The proposed method is far more practical than video-based speech separation since user profile images are readily available on many platforms. Also, unlike speaker-aware separation methods, it is applicable on separation with unseen speakers who have never been enrolled before. We show strong qualitative and quantitative results on challenging real-world examples.

26.On Learned Operator Correction ⬇️

We discuss the possibility to learn a data-driven explicit model correction for inverse problems and whether such a model correction can be used within a variational framework to obtain regularised reconstructions. This paper discusses the conceptual difficulty to learn such a forward model correction and proceeds to present a possible solution as forward-backward correction that explicitly corrects in both data and solution spaces. We then derive conditions under which solutions to the variational problem with a learned correction converge to solutions obtained with the correct operator. The proposed approach is evaluated on an application to limited view photoacoustic tomography and compared to the established framework of Bayesian approximation error method.

27.Subsampled Fourier Ptychography using Pretrained Invertible and Untrained Network Priors ⬇️

Recently pretrained generative models have shown promising results for subsampled Fourier Ptychography (FP) in terms of quality of reconstruction for extremely low sampling rate and high noise. However, one of the significant drawbacks of these pretrained generative priors is their limited representation capabilities. Moreover, training these generative models requires access to a large number of fully-observed clean samples of a particular class of images like faces or digits that is prohibitive to obtain in the context of FP. In this paper, we propose to leverage the power of pretrained invertible and untrained generative models to mitigate the representation error issue and requirement of a large number of example images (for training generative models) respectively. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed approaches in the context of FP for low sampling rates and high noise levels.

28.S2IGAN: Speech-to-Image Generation via Adversarial Learning ⬇️

An estimated half of the world's languages do not have a written form, making it impossible for these languages to benefit from any existing text-based technologies. In this paper, a speech-to-image generation (S2IG) framework is proposed which translates speech descriptions to photo-realistic images without using any text information, thus allowing unwritten languages to potentially benefit from this technology. The proposed S2IG framework, named S2IGAN, consists of a speech embedding network (SEN) and a relation-supervised densely-stacked generative model (RDG). SEN learns the speech embedding with the supervision of the corresponding visual information. Conditioned on the speech embedding produced by SEN, the proposed RDG synthesizes images that are semantically consistent with the corresponding speech descriptions. Extensive experiments on two public benchmark datasets CUB and Oxford-102 demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed S2IGAN on synthesizing high-quality and semantically-consistent images from the speech signal, yielding a good performance and a solid baseline for the S2IG task.

29.Classification of Arrhythmia by Using Deep Learning with 2-D ECG Spectral Image Representation ⬇️

The electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most extensively employed signals used in the diagnosis and prediction of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The ECG signals can capture the heart's rhythmic irregularities, commonly known as arrhythmias. A careful study of ECG signals is crucial for precise diagnoses of patients' acute and chronic heart conditions. In this study, we propose a two-dimensional (2-D) convolutional neural network (CNN) model for the classification of ECG signals into eight classes; namely, normal beat, premature ventricular contraction beat, paced beat, right bundle branch block beat, left bundle branch block beat, atrial premature contraction beat, ventricular flutter wave beat, and ventricular escape beat. The one-dimensional ECG time series signals are transformed into 2-D spectrograms through short-time Fourier transform. The 2-D CNN model consisting of four convolutional layers and four pooling layers is designed for extracting robust features from the input spectrograms. Our proposed methodology is evaluated on a publicly available MIT-BIH arrhythmia dataset. We achieved a state-of-the-art average classification accuracy of 99.11%, which is better than those of recently reported results in classifying similar types of arrhythmias. The performance is significant in other indices as well, including sensitivity and specificity, which indicates the success of the proposed method.

30.RegQCNET: Deep Quality Control for Image-to-template Brain MRI Registration ⬇️

Registration of one or several brain image(s) onto a common reference space defined by a template is a necessary prerequisite for many image processing tasks, such as brain structure segmentation or functional MRI study. Manual assessment of registration quality is a tedious and time-consuming task, especially when a large amount of data is involved. An automated and reliable quality control (QC) is thus mandatory. Moreover, the computation time of the QC must be also compatible with the processing of massive datasets. Therefore, deep neural network approaches appear as a method of choice to automatically assess registration quality. In the current study, a compact 3D CNN, referred to as RegQCNET, is introduced to quantitatively predict the amplitude of a registration mismatch between the registered image and the reference template. This quantitative estimation of registration error is expressed using metric unit system. Therefore, a meaningful task-specific threshold can be manually or automatically defined in order to distinguish usable and non-usable images. The robustness of the proposed RegQCNET is first analyzed on lifespan brain images undergoing various simulated spatial transformations and intensity variations between training and testing. Secondly, the potential of RegQCNET to classify images as usable or non-usable is evaluated using both manual and automatic thresholds. The latters were estimated using several computer-assisted classification models through cross-validation. To this end we used expert's visual quality control estimated on a lifespan cohort of 3953 brains. Finally, the RegQCNET accuracy is compared to usual image features such as image correlation coefficient and mutual information. Results show that the proposed deep learning QC is robust, fast and accurate to estimate registration error in processing pipeline.

31.Low-Dose CT Image Denoising Using Parallel-Clone Networks ⬇️

Deep neural networks have a great potential to improve image denoising in low-dose computed tomography (LDCT). Popular ways to increase the network capacity include adding more layers or repeating a modularized clone model in a sequence. In such sequential architectures, the noisy input image and end output image are commonly used only once in the training model, which however limits the overall learning performance. In this paper, we propose a parallel-clone neural network method that utilizes a modularized network model and exploits the benefit of parallel input, parallel-output loss, and clone-toclone feature transfer. The proposed model keeps a similar or less number of unknown network weights as compared to conventional models but can accelerate the learning process significantly. The method was evaluated using the Mayo LDCT dataset and compared with existing deep learning models. The results show that the use of parallel input, parallel-output loss, and clone-to-clone feature transfer all can contribute to an accelerated convergence of deep learning and lead to improved image quality in testing. The parallel-clone network has been demonstrated promising for LDCT image denoising.

32.Enhanced Residual Networks for Context-based Image Outpainting ⬇️

Although humans perform well at predicting what exists beyond the boundaries of an image, deep models struggle to understand context and extrapolation through retained information. This task is known as image outpainting and involves generating realistic expansions of an image's boundaries. Current models use generative adversarial networks to generate results which lack localized image feature consistency and appear fake. We propose two methods to improve this issue: the use of a local and global discriminator, and the addition of residual blocks within the encoding section of the network. Comparisons of our model and the baseline's L1 loss, mean squared error (MSE) loss, and qualitative differences reveal our model is able to naturally extend object boundaries and produce more internally consistent images compared to current methods but produces lower fidelity images.

33.Noise Homogenization via Multi-Channel Wavelet Filtering for High-Fidelity Sample Generation in GANs ⬇️

In the generator of typical Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), a noise is inputted to generate fake samples via a series of convolutional operations. However, current noise generation models merely relies on the information from the pixel space, which increases the difficulty to approach the target distribution. Fortunately, the long proven wavelet transformation is able to decompose multiple spectral information from the images. In this work, we propose a novel multi-channel wavelet-based filtering method for GANs, to cope with this problem. When embedding a wavelet deconvolution layer in the generator, the resultant GAN, called WaveletGAN, takes advantage of the wavelet deconvolution to learn a filtering with multiple channels, which can efficiently homogenize the generated noise via an averaging operation, so as to generate high-fidelity samples. We conducted benchmark experiments on the Fashion-MNIST, KMNIST and SVHN datasets through an open GAN benchmark tool. The results show that WaveletGAN has excellent performance in generating high-fidelity samples, thanks to the smallest FIDs obtained on these datasets.

34.W-Cell-Net: Multi-frame Interpolation of Cellular Microscopy Videos ⬇️

Deep Neural Networks are increasingly used in video frame interpolation tasks such as frame rate changes as well as generating fake face videos. Our project aims to apply recent advances in Deep video interpolation to increase the temporal resolution of fluorescent microscopy time-lapse movies. To our knowledge, there is no previous work that uses Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to generate frames between two consecutive microscopy images. We propose a fully convolutional autoencoder network that takes as input two images and generates upto seven intermediate images. Our architecture has two encoders each with a skip connection to a single decoder. We evaluate the performance of several variants of our model that differ in network architecture and loss function. Our best model out-performs state of the art video frame interpolation algorithms. We also show qualitative and quantitative comparisons with state-of-the-art video frame interpolation algorithms. We believe deep video interpolation represents a new approach to improve the time-resolution of fluorescent microscopy.

35.Detector-SegMentor Network for Skin Lesion Localization and Segmentation ⬇️

Melanoma is a life-threatening form of skin cancer when left undiagnosed at the early stages. Although there are more cases of non-melanoma cancer than melanoma cancer, melanoma cancer is more deadly. Early detection of melanoma is crucial for the timely diagnosis of melanoma cancer and prohibit its spread to distant body parts. Segmentation of skin lesion is a crucial step in the classification of melanoma cancer from the cancerous lesions in dermoscopic images. Manual segmentation of dermoscopic skin images is very time consuming and error-prone resulting in an urgent need for an intelligent and accurate algorithm. In this study, we propose a simple yet novel network-in-network convolution neural network(CNN) based approach for segmentation of the skin lesion. A Faster Region-based CNN (Faster RCNN) is used for preprocessing to predict bounding boxes of the lesions in the whole image which are subsequently cropped and fed into the segmentation network to obtain the lesion mask. The segmentation network is a combination of the UNet and Hourglass networks. We trained and evaluated our models on ISIC 2018 dataset and also cross-validated on PH\textsuperscript{2} and ISBI 2017 datasets. Our proposed method surpassed the state-of-the-art with Dice Similarity Coefficient of 0.915 and Accuracy 0.959 on ISIC 2018 dataset and Dice Similarity Coefficient of 0.947 and Accuracy 0.971 on ISBI 2017 dataset.

36.Generative Models for Generic Light Field Reconstruction ⬇️

Recently deep generative models have achieved impressive progress in modeling the distribution of training data. In this work, we present for the first time generative models for 4D light field patches using variational autoencoders to capture the data distribution of light field patches. We develop two generative models, a model conditioned on the central view of the light field and an unconditional model. We incorporate our generative priors in an energy minimization framework to address diverse light field reconstruction tasks. While pure learning-based approaches do achieve excellent results on each instance of such a problem, their applicability is limited to the specific observation model they have been trained on. On the contrary, our trained light field generative models can be incorporated as a prior into any model-based optimization approach and therefore extend to diverse reconstruction tasks including light field view synthesis, spatial-angular super resolution and reconstruction from coded projections. Our proposed method demonstrates good reconstruction, with performance approaching end-to-end trained networks, while outperforming traditional model-based approaches on both synthetic and real scenes. Furthermore, we show that our approach enables reliable light field recovery despite distortions in the input.