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ArXiv cs.CV --Wed, 12 Dec 2018

1.DeepV2D: Video to Depth with Differentiable Structure from Motion pdf

We propose DeepV2D, an end-to-end differentiable deep learning architecture for predicting depth from a video sequence. We incorporate elements of classical Structure from Motion into an end-to-end trainable pipeline by designing a set of differentiable geometric modules. Our full system alternates between predicting depth and refining camera pose. We estimate depth by building a cost volume over learned features and apply a multi-scale 3D convolutional network for stereo matching. The predicted depth is then sent to the motion module which performs iterative pose updates by mapping optical flow to a camera motion update. We evaluate our proposed system on NYU, KITTI, and SUN3D datasets and show improved results over monocular baselines and deep and classical stereo reconstruction.

2.Diagnostic Visualization for Deep Neural Networks Using Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics pdf

The internal states of most deep neural networks are difficult to interpret, which makes diagnosis and debugging during training challenging. Activation maximization methods are widely used, but lead to multiple optima and are hard to interpret (appear noise-like) for complex neurons. Image-based methods use maximally-activating image regions which are easier to interpret, but do not provide pixel-level insight into why the neuron responds to them. In this work we introduce an MCMC method: Langevin Dynamics Activation Maximization (LDAM), which is designed for diagnostic visualization. LDAM provides two affordances in combination: the ability to explore the set of maximally activating pre-images, and the ability to trade-off interpretability and pixel-level accuracy using a GAN-style discriminator as a regularizer. We present case studies on MNIST, CIFAR and ImageNet datasets exploring these trade-offs. Finally we show that diagnostic visualization using LDAM leads to a novel insight into the parameter averaging method for deep net training.

3.Adversarial Framing for Image and Video Classification pdf

Neural networks are prone to adversarial attacks. In general, such attacks deteriorate the quality of the input by either slightly modifying most of its pixels, or by occluding it with a patch. In this paper, we propose a method that keeps the image unchanged and only adds an adversarial framing on the border of the image. We show empirically that our method is able to successfully attack state-of-the-art methods on both image and video classification problems. Notably, the proposed method results in a universal attack which is very fast at test time. Source code can be found at this https URL .

4.Deep Learning with Mixed Supervision for Brain Tumor Segmentation pdf

Most of the current state-of-the-art methods for tumor segmentation are based on machine learning models trained on manually segmented images. This type of training data is particularly costly, as manual delineation of tumors is not only time-consuming but also requires medical expertise. On the other hand, images with a provided global label (indicating presence or absence of a tumor) are less informative but can be obtained at a substantially lower cost. In this paper, we propose to use both types of training data (fully-annotated and weakly-annotated) to train a deep learning model for segmentation. The idea of our approach is to extend segmentation networks with an additional branch performing image-level classification. The model is jointly trained for segmentation and classification tasks in order to exploit information contained in weakly-annotated images while preventing the network to learn features which are irrelevant for the segmentation task. We evaluate our method on the challenging task of brain tumor segmentation in Magnetic Resonance images from BRATS 2018 challenge. We show that the proposed approach provides a significant improvement of segmentation performance compared to the standard supervised learning. The observed improvement is proportional to the ratio between weakly-annotated and fully-annotated images available for training.

5.Grounded Human-Object Interaction Hotspots from Video pdf

Learning how to interact with objects is an important step towards embodied visual intelligence, but existing techniques suffer from heavy supervision or sensing requirements. We propose an approach to learn human-object interaction "hotspots" directly from video. Rather than treat affordances as a manually supervised semantic segmentation task, our approach learns about interactions by watching videos of real human behavior and recognizing afforded actions. Given a novel image or video, our model infers a spatial hotspot map indicating how an object would be manipulated in a potential interaction -- even if the object is currently at rest. Through results with both first and third person video, we show the value of grounding affordance maps in real human-object interactions. Not only are our weakly supervised grounded hotspots competitive with strongly supervised affordance methods, but they can also anticipate object function for novel objects and enhance object recognition.

6.Facial Expression Recognition using Facial Landmark Detection and Feature Extraction via Neural Networks pdf

The proposed framework in this paper has the primary objective of classifying the facial expression shown by a person. These classifiable expressions can be any one of the six universal emotions along with the neutral emotion. After the initial facial localization is performed, facial landmark detection and feature extraction are applied where in the landmarks are determined to be the fiducial features: the eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips. This is primarily done using the Sobel operator and the Hough transform followed by Shi Tomasi corner point detection. This leads to input feature vectors being formulated using Euclidean distances and trained into a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network in order to classify the expression being displayed. The results achieved have further dealt with higher uniformity in certain emotions and the inherently subjective nature of expression.

7.Coconditional Autoencoding Adversarial Networks for Chinese Font Feature Learning pdf

In this work, we propose a novel framework named Coconditional Autoencoding Adversarial Networks (CocoAAN) for Chinese font learning, which jointly learns a generation network and two encoding networks of different feature domains using an adversarial process. The encoding networks map the glyph images into style and content features respectively via the pairwise substitution optimization strategy, and the generation network maps these two kinds of features to glyph samples. Together with a discriminative network conditioned on the extracted features, our framework succeeds in producing realistic-looking Chinese glyph images flexibly. Unlike previous models relying on the complex segmentation of Chinese components or strokes, our model can "parse" structures in an unsupervised way, through which the content feature representation of each character is captured. Experiments demonstrate our framework has a powerful generalization capacity to other unseen fonts and characters.

8.Face-Focused Cross-Stream Network for Deception Detection in Videos pdf

Automated deception detection (ADD) from real-life videos is a challenging task. It specifically needs to address two problems: (1) Both face and body contain useful cues regarding whether a subject is deceptive. How to effectively fuse the two is thus key to the effectiveness of an ADD model. (2) Real-life deceptive samples are hard to collect; learning with limited training data thus challenges most deep learning based ADD models. In this work, both problems are addressed. Specifically, for face-body multimodal learning, a novel face-focused cross-stream network (FFCSN) is proposed. It differs significantly from the popular two-stream networks in that: (a) face detection is added into the spatial stream to capture the facial expressions explicitly, and (b) correlation learning is performed across the spatial and temporal streams for joint deep feature learning across both face and body. To address the training data scarcity problem, our FFCSN model is trained with both meta learning and adversarial learning. Extensive experiments show that our FFCSN model achieves state-of-the-art results. Further, the proposed FFCSN model as well as its robust training strategy are shown to be generally applicable to other human-centric video analysis tasks such as emotion recognition from user-generated videos.

9.Zero-Shot Learning with Sparse Attribute Propagation pdf

Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to recognize a set of unseen classes without any training images. The standard approach to ZSL requires a semantic descriptor for each class/instance, with attribute vector being the most widely used. Attribute annotation is expensive; it thus severely limits the scalability of ZSL. In this paper, we define a new ZSL setting where only a few images are annotated with attributes from each seen class. This is clearly more challenging yet more realistic than the conventional ZSL setting. To overcome the attribute sparsity under our new ZSL setting, we propose a novel inductive ZSL model termed sparse attribute propagation (SAP) by propagating attribute annotations to more unannotated images using sparse coding. This is followed by learning bidirectional projections between features and attributes for ZSL. An efficient solver is provided, together with rigorous theoretic algorithm analysis. With our SAP, we show that a ZSL training dataset can now be augmented by the abundant web images returned by image search engine, to further improve the model performance. Moreover, the general applicability of SAP is demonstrated on solving the social image annotation (SIA) problem. Extensive experiments show that our model achieves superior performance on both ZSL and SIA.

10.Towards Automatic Identification of Elephants in the Wild pdf

Identifying animals from a large group of possible individuals is very important for biodiversity monitoring and especially for collecting data on a small number of particularly interesting individuals, as these have to be identified first before this can be done. Identifying them can be a very time-consuming task. This is especially true, if the animals look very similar and have only a small number of distinctive features, like elephants do. In most cases the animals stay at one place only for a short period of time during which the animal needs to be identified for knowing whether it is important to collect new data on it. For this reason, a system supporting the researchers in identifying elephants to speed up this process would be of great benefit. In this paper, we present such a system for identifying elephants in the face of a large number of individuals with only few training images per individual. For that purpose, we combine object part localization, off-the-shelf CNN features, and support vector machine classification to provide field researches with proposals of possible individuals given new images of an elephant. The performance of our system is demonstrated on a dataset comprising a total of 2078 images of 276 individual elephants, where we achieve 56% top-1 test accuracy and 80% top-10 accuracy. To deal with occlusion, varying viewpoints, and different poses present in the dataset, we furthermore enable the analysts to provide the system with multiple images of the same elephant to be identified and aggregate confidence values generated by the classifier. With that, our system achieves a top-1 accuracy of 74% and a top-10 accuracy of 88% on the held-out test dataset.

11.Deep Reader: Information extraction from Document images via relation extraction and Natural Language pdf

Recent advancements in the area of Computer Vision with state-of-art Neural Networks has given a boost to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) accuracies. However, extracting characters/text alone is often insufficient for relevant information extraction as documents also have a visual structure that is not captured by OCR. Extracting information from tables, charts, footnotes, boxes, headings and retrieving the corresponding structured representation for the document remains a challenge and finds application in a large number of real-world use cases. In this paper, we propose a novel enterprise based end-to-end framework called DeepReader which facilitates information extraction from document images via identification of visual entities and populating a meta relational model across different entities in the document image. The model schema allows for an easy to understand abstraction of the entities detected by the deep vision models and the relationships between them. DeepReader has a suite of state-of-the-art vision algorithms which are applied to recognize handwritten and printed text, eliminate noisy effects, identify the type of documents and detect visual entities like tables, lines and boxes. Deep Reader maps the extracted entities into a rich relational schema so as to capture all the relevant relationships between entities (words, textboxes, lines etc) detected in the document. Relevant information and fields can then be extracted from the document by writing SQL queries on top of the relationship tables. A natural language based interface is added on top of the relationship schema so that a non-technical user, specifying the queries in natural language, can fetch the information with minimal effort. In this paper, we also demonstrate many different capabilities of Deep Reader and report results on a real-world use case.

12.Exploiting Kernel Sparsity and Entropy for Interpretable CNN Compression pdf

Compressing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has received ever-increasing research focus. However, most existing CNN compression methods do not interpret their inherent structures to distinguish the implicit redundancy. In this paper, we investigate the problem of CNN compression from a novel interpretable perspective. The relationship between the input feature maps and 2D kernels is revealed in a theoretical framework, based on which a kernel sparsity and entropy (KSE) indicator is proposed to quantitate the feature map importance in a feature-agnostic manner to guide model compression. Kernel clustering is further conducted based on the KSE indicator to accomplish high-precision CNN compression. KSE is capable of simultaneously compressing each layer in an efficient way, which is significantly faster compared to previous data-driven feature map pruning methods. We comprehensively evaluate the compression and speedup of the proposed method on CIFAR-10, SVHN and ImageNet 2012. Our method demonstrates superior performance gains over previous ones. In particular, it achieves 4.7 \times FLOPs reduction and 2.9 \times compression on ResNet-50 with only a Top-5 accuracy drop of 0.35% on ImageNet 2012, which significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

13.Proximal Mean-field for Neural Network Quantization pdf

Compressing large neural networks by quantizing the parameters, while maintaining the performance is often highly desirable due to the reduced memory and time complexity. In this work, we formulate neural network quantization as a discrete labelling problem and design an efficient approximate algorithm based on the popular mean-field method. To this end, we devise a projected stochastic gradient descent algorithm and show that it is, in fact, equivalent to a proximal version of the mean-field method. Thus, we provide an MRF optimization perspective to neural network quantization, which would enable research on modelling higher-order interactions among the network parameters to design better quantization schemes. Our experiments on standard image classification datasets with convolutional and residual architectures evidence that our algorithm obtains fully-quantized networks with accuracies very close to the floating-point reference networks.

14.Multichannel Semantic Segmentation with Unsupervised Domain Adaptation pdf

Most contemporary robots have depth sensors, and research on semantic segmentation with RGBD images has shown that depth images boost the accuracy of segmentation. Since it is time-consuming to annotate images with semantic labels per pixel, it would be ideal if we could avoid this laborious work by utilizing an existing dataset or a synthetic dataset which we can generate on our own. Robot motions are often tested in a synthetic environment, where multichannel (eg, RGB + depth + instance boundary) images plus their pixel-level semantic labels are available. However, models trained simply on synthetic images tend to demonstrate poor performance on real images. In order to address this, we propose two approaches that can efficiently exploit multichannel inputs combined with an unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) algorithm. One is a fusion-based approach that uses depth images as inputs. The other is a multitask learning approach that uses depth images as outputs. We demonstrated that the segmentation results were improved by using a multitask learning approach with a post-process and created a benchmark for this task.

15.Analytic heuristics for a fast DSC-MRI pdf

In this paper we propose a deterministic approach for the reconstruction of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast magnetic resonance imaging data and compare it with the compressed sensing solution existing in the literature for the same problem. Our study is based on the mathematical analysis of the problem, which is computationally intractable because of its non polynomial complexity, but suggests simple heuristics that perform quite well. We give results on real images and on artificial phantoms with added noise.

16.Deep RBFNet: Point Cloud Feature Learning using Radial Basis Functions pdf

Three-dimensional object recognition has recently achieved great progress thanks to the development of effective point cloud-based learning frameworks, such as PointNet and its extensions. However, existing methods rely heavily on fully connected layers, which introduce a significant amount of parameters, making the network harder to train and prone to overfitting problems. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework for point set feature learning by leveraging a nonlinear activation layer encoded by Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernels. Unlike PointNet variants, that fail to recognize local point patterns, our approach explicitly models the spatial distribution of point clouds by aggregating features from sparsely distributed RBF kernels. A typical RBF kernel, e.g. Gaussian function, naturally penalizes long-distance response and is only activated by neighboring points. Such localized response generates highly discriminative features given different point distributions. In addition, our framework allows the joint optimization of kernel distribution and its receptive field, automatically evolving kernel configurations in an end-to-end manner. We demonstrate that the proposed network with a single RBF layer can outperform the state-of-the-art Pointnet++ in terms of classification accuracy for 3D object recognition tasks. Moreover, the introduction of nonlinear mappings significantly reduces the number of network parameters and computational cost, enabling significantly faster training and a deployable point cloud recognition solution on portable devices with limited resources.

17.Learning Large Euclidean Margin for Sketch-based Image Retrieval pdf

This paper addresses the problem of Sketch-Based Image Retrieval (SBIR), for which bridge the gap between the data representations of sketch images and photo images is considered as the key. Previous works mostly focus on learning a feature space to minimize intra-class distances for both sketches and photos. In contrast, we propose a novel loss function, named Euclidean Margin Softmax (EMS), that not only minimizes intra-class distances but also maximizes inter-class distances simultaneously. It enables us to learn a feature space with high discriminability, leading to highly accurate retrieval. In addition, this loss function is applied to a conditional network architecture, which could incorporate the prior knowledge of whether a sample is a sketch or a photo. We show that the conditional information can be conveniently incorporated to the recently proposed Squeeze and Excitation (SE) module, lead to a conditional SE (CSE) module. Extensive experiments are conducted on two widely used SBIR benchmark datasets. Our approach, although being very simple, achieved new state-of-the-art on both datasets, surpassing existing methods by a large margin.

18.Classification-Reconstruction Learning for Open-Set Recognition pdf

Open-set classification is a problem of handling `unknown' classes that are not contained in the training dataset, whereas traditional classifiers assume that only known classes appear in the test environment. Existing open-set classifiers rely on deep networks trained in a supervised manner on known classes in the training set; this causes specialization of learned representations to known classes and makes it hard to distinguish unknowns from knowns. In contrast, we train networks for joint classification and reconstruction of input data. This enhances the learned representation so as to preserve information useful for separating unknowns from knowns, as well as to discriminate classes of knowns. Our novel Classification-Reconstruction learning for Open-Set Recognition (CROSR) utilizes latent representations for reconstruction and enables robust unknown detection without harming the known-class classification accuracy. Extensive experiments reveal that the proposed method outperforms existing deep open-set classifiers in multiple standard datasets and is robust to diverse outliers.

19.PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud pdf

In this paper, we propose PointRCNN for 3D object detection from raw point cloud. The whole framework is composed of two stages: stage-1 for the bottom-up 3D proposal generation and stage-2 for refining proposals in the canonical coordinates to obtain the final detection results. Instead of generating proposals from RGB image or projecting point cloud to bird's view or voxels as previous methods do, our stage-1 sub-network directly generates a small number of high-quality 3D proposals from point cloud in a bottom-up manner via segmenting the point cloud of whole scene into foreground points and background. The stage-2 sub-network transforms the pooled points of each proposal to canonical coordinates to learn better local spatial features, which is combined with global semantic features of each point learned in stage-1 for accurate box refinement and confidence prediction. Extensive experiments on the 3D detection benchmark of KITTI dataset show that our proposed architecture outperforms state-of-the-art methods with remarkable margins by using only point cloud as input.

20.Non-local Meets Global: An Integrated Paradigm for Hyperspectral Denoising pdf

Non-local low-rank tensor approximation has been developed as a state-of-the-art method for hyperspectral image (HSI) denoising. Unfortunately, with more spectral bands for HSI, while the running time of these methods significantly increases, their denoising performance benefits little. In this paper, we claim that the HSI underlines a global spectral low-rank subspace, and the spectral subspaces of each full band patch groups should underlie this global low-rank subspace. This motivates us to propose a unified spatial-spectral paradigm for HSI denoising. As the new model is hard to optimize, we further propose an efficient algorithm for optimization, which is motivated by alternating minimization. This is done by first learning a low-dimensional projection and the related reduced image from the noisy HSI. Then, the non-local low-rank denoising and iterative regularization are developed to refine the reduced image and projection, respectively. Finally, experiments on synthetic and both real datasets demonstrate the superiority against the other state-of-the-arts HSI denoising methods.

21.Unsupervised Degradation Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution pdf

Deep Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) have achieved significant performance on single image super-resolution (SR) recently. However, existing CNN-based methods use artificially synthetic low-resolution (LR) and high-resolution (HR) image pairs to train networks, which cannot handle real-world cases since the degradation from HR to LR is much more complex than manually designed. To solve this problem, we propose a real-world LR images guided bi-cycle network for single image super-resolution, in which the bidirectional structural consistency is exploited to train both the degradation and SR reconstruction networks in an unsupervised way. Specifically, we propose a degradation network to model the real-world degradation process from HR to LR via generative adversarial networks, and these generated realistic LR images paired with real-world HR images are exploited for training the SR reconstruction network, forming the first cycle. Then in the second reverse cycle, consistency of real-world LR images are exploited to further stabilize the training of SR reconstruction and degradation networks. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world images demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against state-of-the-art single image SR methods.

22.Coarse-to-fine: A RNN-based hierarchical attention model for vehicle re-identification pdf

Vehicle re-identification is an important problem and becomes desirable with the rapid expansion of applications in video surveillance and intelligent transportation. By recalling the identification process of human vision, we are aware that there exists a native hierarchical dependency when humans identify different vehicles. Specifically, humans always firstly determine one vehicle's coarse-grained category, i.e., the car model/type. Then, under the branch of the predicted car model/type, they are going to identify specific vehicles by relying on subtle visual cues, e.g., customized paintings and windshield stickers, at the fine-grained level. Inspired by the coarse-to-fine hierarchical process, we propose an end-to-end RNN-based Hierarchical Attention (RNN-HA) classification model for vehicle re-identification. RNN-HA consists of three mutually coupled modules: the first module generates image representations for vehicle images, the second hierarchical module models the aforementioned hierarchical dependent relationship, and the last attention module focuses on capturing the subtle visual information distinguishing specific vehicles from each other. By conducting comprehensive experiments on two vehicle re-identification benchmark datasets VeRi and VehicleID, we demonstrate that the proposed model achieves superior performance over state-of-the-art methods.

23.Automatic Feature Weight Determination using Indexing and Pseudo-Relevance Feedback for Multi-feature Content-Based Image Retrieval pdf

Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is one of the most active research areas in multimedia information retrieval. Given a query image, the task is to search relevant images in a repository. Low level features like color, texture, and shape feature vectors of an image are always considered to be an important attribute in CBIR system. Thus the performance of the CBIR system can be enhanced by combining these feature vectors. In this paper, we propose a novel CBIR framework by applying to index using multiclass SVM and finding the appropriate weights of the individual features automatically using the relevance ratio and mean difference. We have taken four feature descriptors to represent color, texture and shape features. During retrieval, feature vectors of query image are combined, weighted and compared with feature vectors of images in the database to rank order the results. Experiments were performed on four benchmark datasets and performance is compared with existing techniques to validate the superiority of our proposed framework.

24.A Main/Subsidiary Network Framework for Simplifying Binary Neural Network pdf

To reduce memory footprint and run-time latency, techniques such as neural network pruning and binarization have been explored separately. However, it is unclear how to combine the best of the two worlds to get extremely small and efficient models. In this paper, we, for the first time, define the filter-level pruning problem for binary neural networks, which cannot be solved by simply migrating existing structural pruning methods for full-precision models. A novel learning-based approach is proposed to prune filters in our main/subsidiary network framework, where the main network is responsible for learning representative features to optimize the prediction performance, and the subsidiary component works as a filter selector on the main network. To avoid gradient mismatch when training the subsidiary component, we propose a layer-wise and bottom-up scheme. We also provide the theoretical and experimental comparison between our learning-based and greedy rule-based methods. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach applied on several binary models, including binarized NIN, VGG-11, and ResNet-18, on various image classification datasets.

25.Identity-Enhanced Network for Facial Expression Recognition pdf

Facial expression recognition is a challenging task, arguably because of large intra-class variations and high inter-class similarities. The core drawback of the existing approaches is the lack of ability to discriminate the changes in appearance caused by emotions and identities. In this paper, we present a novel identity-enhanced network (IDEnNet) to eliminate the negative impact of identity factor and focus on recognizing facial expressions. Spatial fusion combined with self-constrained multi-task learning are adopted to jointly learn the expression representations and identity-related information. We evaluate our approach on three popular datasets, namely Oulu-CASIA, CK+ and MMI. IDEnNet improves the baseline consistently, and achieves the best or comparable state-of-the-art on all three datasets.

26.2.5D Visual Sound pdf

Binaural audio provides a listener with 3D sound sensation, allowing a rich perceptual experience of the scene. However, binaural recordings are scarcely available and require nontrivial expertise and equipment to obtain. We propose to convert common monaural audio into binaural audio by leveraging video. The key idea is that visual frames reveal significant spatial cues that, while explicitly lacking in the accompanying single-channel audio, are strongly linked to it. Our multi-modal approach recovers this link from unlabeled video. We devise a deep convolutional neural network that learns to decode the monaural (single-channel) soundtrack into its binaural counterpart by injecting visual information about object and scene configurations. We call the resulting output 2.5D visual sound---the visual stream helps "lift" the flat single channel audio into spatialized sound. In addition to sound generation, we show the self-supervised representation learned by our network benefits audio-visual source separation. Our video results: this http URL

27.Loss Guided Activation for Action Recognition in Still Images pdf

One significant problem of deep-learning based human action recognition is that it can be easily misled by the presence of irrelevant objects or backgrounds. Existing methods commonly address this problem by employing bounding boxes on the target humans as part of the input, in both training and testing stages. This requirement of bounding boxes as part of the input is needed to enable the methods to ignore irrelevant contexts and extract only human features. However, we consider this solution is inefficient, since the bounding boxes might not be available. Hence, instead of using a person bounding box as an input, we introduce a human-mask loss to automatically guide the activations of the feature maps to the target human who is performing the action, and hence suppress the activations of misleading contexts. We propose a multi-task deep learning method that jointly predicts the human action class and human location heatmap. Extensive experiments demonstrate our approach is more robust compared to the baseline methods under the presence of irrelevant misleading contexts. Our method achieves 94.06% and 40.65% (in terms of mAP) on Stanford40 and MPII dataset respectively, which are 3.14% and 12.6% relative improvements over the best results reported in the literature, and thus set new state-of-the-art results. Additionally, unlike some existing methods, we eliminate the requirement of using a person bounding box as an input during testing.

28.Deep networks with probabilistic gates pdf

We investigate learning to probabilistically bypass computations in a network architecture. Our approach is motivated by AIG, where layers are conditionally executed depending on their inputs, and the network is trained against a target bypass rate using a per-layer loss. We propose a per-batch loss function, and describe strategies for handling probabilistic bypass during inference as well as training. Per-batch loss allows the network additional flexibility. In particular, a form of mode collapse becomes plausible, where some layers are nearly always bypassed and some almost never; such a configuration is strongly discouraged by AIG's per-layer loss. We explore several inference-time strategies, including the natural MAP approach. With data-dependent bypass, we demonstrate improved performance over AIG. With data-independent bypass, as in stochastic depth, we observe mode collapse and effectively prune layers. We demonstrate our techniques on ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 for ImageNet , where our techniques produce improved accuracy (.15--.41% in precision@1) with substantially less computation (bypassing 25--40% of the layers).

29.Spectral-spatial features for material based object tracking in hyperspectral video pdf

Traditional color images only depict color intensities in red, green and blue channels, often making object trackers fail when a target shares similar color or texture as its surrounding environment. Alternatively, material information of targets contained in a large amount of bands of hyperspectral images (HSI) is more robust to these challenging conditions. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study on how HSIs can be utilized to boost object tracking from three aspects: benchmark dataset, material feature representation and material based tracking. In terms of benchmark, we construct a dataset of fully-annotated videos which contain both hyperspectral and color sequences of the same scene. We extract two types of material features from these videos. We first introduce a novel 3D spectral-spatial histogram of gradient to describe the local spectral-spatial structure in an HSI. Then an HSI is decomposed into the detailed constituent materials and associate abundances, i.e., proportions of materials at each location, to encode the underlying information on material distribution. These two types of features are embedded into correlation filters, yielding material based tracking. Experimental results on the collected benchmark dataset show the potentials and advantages of material based object tracking.

30.Learning Discriminative Motion Features Through Detection pdf

Despite huge success in the image domain, modern detection models such as Faster R-CNN have not been used nearly as much for video analysis. This is arguably due to the fact that detection models are designed to operate on single frames and as a result do not have a mechanism for learning motion representations directly from video. We propose a learning procedure that allows detection models such as Faster R-CNN to learn motion features directly from the RGB video data while being optimized with respect to a pose estimation task. Given a pair of video frames---Frame A and Frame B---we force our model to predict human pose in Frame A using the features from Frame B. We do so by leveraging deformable convolutions across space and time. Our network learns to spatially sample features from Frame B in order to maximize pose detection accuracy in Frame A. This naturally encourages our network to learn motion offsets encoding the spatial correspondences between the two frames. We refer to these motion offsets as DiMoFs (Discriminative Motion Features).
In our experiments we show that our training scheme helps learn effective motion cues, which can be used to estimate and localize salient human motion. Furthermore, we demonstrate that as a byproduct, our model also learns features that lead to improved pose detection in still-images, and better keypoint tracking. Finally, we show how to leverage our learned model for the tasks of spatiotemporal action localization and fine-grained action recognition.

31.Global Deep Learning Methods for Multimodality Isointense Infant Brain Image Segmentation pdf

An important step in early brain development study is to perform automatic segmentation of infant brain magnetic resonance (MR) images into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) regions. This task is especially challenging in the isointense stage (approximately 6-8 months of age) when GM and WM exhibit similar levels of intensities in MR images. Deep learning has shown its great promise in various image segmentation tasks. However, existing models do not have an efficient and effective way to aggregate global information. They also suffer from information loss during up-sampling operations. In this work, we address these problems by proposing a global aggregation block, which can be flexibly used for global information fusion. We build a novel model based on 3D U-Net to make fast and accurate voxel-wise dense prediction. We perform thorough experiments, and results indicate that our model outperforms previous best models significantly on 3D multimodality isointense infant brain MR image segmentation.

32.The Effects of Super-Resolution on Object Detection Performance in Satellite Imagery pdf

We explore the application of super-resolution techniques to satellite imagery, and the effects of these techniques on object detection algorithm performance. Specifically, we enhance satellite imagery beyond its native resolution, and test if we can identify various types of vehicles, planes, and boats with greater accuracy than native resolution. Using the Very Deep Super-Resolution (VDSR) framework and a custom Random Forest Super-Resolution (RFSR) framework we generate enhancement levels of 2x, 4x, and 8x over five distinct resolutions ranging from 30 cm to 4.8 meters. Using both native and super-resolved data, we then train several custom detection models using the SIMRDWN object detection framework. SIMRDWN combines a number of popular object detection algorithms (e.g. SSD, YOLO) into a unified framework that is designed to rapidly detect objects in large satellite images. This approach allows us to quantify the effects of super-resolution techniques on object detection performance across multiple classes and resolutions. We also quantify the performance of object detection as a function of native resolution and object pixel size. For our test set we note that performance degrades from mAP = 0.5 at 30 cm resolution, down to mAP = 0.12 at 4.8 m resolution. Super-resolving native 30 cm imagery to 15 cm yields the greatest benefit; a 16-20% improvement in mAP. Super-resolution is less beneficial at coarser resolutions, though still provides a 3-10% improvement.

33.Visual Depth Mapping from Monocular Images using Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks pdf

A reliable sense-and-avoid system is critical to enabling safe autonomous operation of unmanned aircraft. Existing sense-and-avoid methods often require specialized sensors that are too large or power intensive for use on small unmanned vehicles. This paper presents a method to estimate object distances based on visual image sequences, allowing for the use of low-cost, on-board monocular cameras as simple collision avoidance sensors. We present a deep recurrent convolutional neural network and training method to generate depth maps from video sequences. Our network is trained using simulated camera and depth data generated with Microsoft's AirSim simulator. Empirically, we show that our model achieves superior performance compared to models generated using prior methods.We further demonstrate that the method can be used for sense-and-avoid of obstacles in simulation.

34.PlaneRCNN: 3D Plane Detection and Reconstruction from a Single Image pdf

This paper proposes a deep neural architecture, PlaneRCNN, that detects and reconstructs piecewise planar surfaces from a single RGB image. PlaneRCNN employs a variant of Mask R-CNN to detect planes with their plane parameters and segmentation masks. PlaneRCNN then jointly refines all the segmentation masks with a novel loss enforcing the consistency with a nearby view during training. The paper also presents a new benchmark with more fine-grained plane segmentations in the ground-truth, in which, PlaneRCNN outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods with significant margins in the plane detection, segmentation, and reconstruction metrics. PlaneRCNN makes an important step towards robust plane extraction, which would have an immediate impact on a wide range of applications including Robotics, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality.

35.An Automatic System for Unconstrained Video-Based Face Recognition pdf

Although deep learning approaches have achieved performance surpassing humans for still image-based face recognition, unconstrained video-based face recognition is still a challenging task due to large volume of data to be processed and intra/inter-video variations on pose, illumination, occlusion, scene, blur, video quality, etc. In this work, we consider challenging scenarios for unconstrained video-based face recognition from multiple-shot videos and surveillance videos with low-quality frames. To handle these problems, we propose a robust and efficient system for unconstrained video-based face recognition, which is composed of face/fiducial detection, face association, and face recognition. First, we use multi-scale single-shot face detectors to efficiently localize faces in videos. The detected faces are then grouped respectively through carefully designed face association methods, especially for multi-shot videos. Finally, the faces are recognized by the proposed face matcher based on an unsupervised subspace learning approach and a subspace-to-subspace similarity metric. Extensive experiments on challenging video datasets, such as Multiple Biometric Grand Challenge (MBGC), Face and Ocular Challenge Series (FOCS), JANUS Challenge Set 6 (CS6) for low-quality surveillance videos and IARPA JANUS Benchmark B (IJB-B) for multiple-shot videos, demonstrate that the proposed system can accurately detect and associate faces from unconstrained videos and effectively learn robust and discriminative features for recognition.

36.Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks via Activation Map Compression pdf

The deep learning revolution brought us an extensive array of neural network architectures that achieve state-of-the-art performance in a wide variety of Computer Vision tasks including among others classification, detection and segmentation. In parallel, we have also been observing an unprecedented demand in computational and memory requirements, rendering the efficient use of neural networks in low-powered devices virtually unattainable. Towards this end, we propose a three-stage compression and acceleration pipeline that sparsifies, quantizes and entropy encodes activation maps of Convolutional Neural Networks. Sparsification increases the representational power of activation maps leading to both acceleration of inference and higher model accuracy. Inception-V3 and MobileNet-V1 can be accelerated by as much as $1.6\times$ with an increase in accuracy of $0.38%$ and $0.54%$ on the ImageNet and CIFAR-10 datasets respectively. Quantizing and entropy coding the sparser activation maps lead to higher compression over the baseline, reducing the memory cost of the network execution. Inception-V3 and MobileNet-V1 activation maps, quantized to $16$ bits, are compressed by as much as $6\times$ with an increase in accuracy of $0.36%$ and $0.55%$ respectively.

37.Supervised Deep Kriging for Single-Image Super-Resolution pdf

We propose a novel single-image super-resolution approach based on the geostatistical method of kriging. Kriging is a zero-bias minimum-variance estimator that performs spatial interpolation based on a weighted average of known observations. Rather than solving for the kriging weights via the traditional method of inverting covariance matrices, we propose a supervised form in which we learn a deep network to generate said weights. We combine the kriging weight generation and kriging process into a joint network that can be learned end-to-end. Our network achieves competitive super-resolution results as other state-of-the-art methods. In addition, since the super-resolution process follows a known statistical framework, we are able to estimate bias and variance, something which is rarely possible for other deep networks.

38.Deep Anomaly Detection with Outlier Exposure pdf

It is important to detect and handle anomalous inputs when deploying machine learning systems. The use of larger and more complex inputs in deep learning magnifies the difficulty of distinguishing between anomalous and in-distribution examples. At the same time, diverse image and text data commonly used by deep learning systems are available in enormous quantities. We propose leveraging these data to improve deep anomaly detection by training anomaly detectors against an auxiliary dataset of outliers, an approach we call Outlier Exposure (OE). This approach enables anomaly detectors to generalize and detect unseen anomalies. In extensive experiments in vision and natural language processing settings, we find that Outlier Exposure significantly improves the detection performance. Our approach is even applicable to density estimation models and anomaly detectors for large-scale images. We also analyze the flexibility and robustness of Outlier Exposure, and identify characteristics of the auxiliary dataset that improve performance.

39.Deep Density-based Image Clustering pdf

Recently, deep clustering, which is able to perform feature learning that favors clustering tasks via deep neural networks, has achieved remarkable performance in image clustering applications. However, the existing deep clustering algorithms generally need the number of clusters in advance, which is usually unknown in real-world tasks. In addition, the initial cluster centers in the learned feature space are generated by $k$-means. This only works well on spherical clusters and probably leads to unstable clustering results. In this paper, we propose a two-stage deep density-based image clustering (DDC) framework to address these issues. The first stage is to train a deep convolutional autoencoder (CAE) to extract low-dimensional feature representations from high-dimensional image data, and then apply t-SNE to further reduce the data to a 2-dimensional space favoring density-based clustering algorithms. The second stage is to apply the developed density-based clustering technique on the 2-dimensional embedded data to automatically recognize an appropriate number of clusters with arbitrary shapes. Concretely, a number of local clusters are generated to capture the local structures of clusters, and then are merged via their density relationship to form the final clustering result. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed DDC achieves comparable or even better clustering performance than state-of-the-art deep clustering methods, even though the number of clusters is not given.

40.Vision-based Navigation with Language-based Assistance via Imitation Learning with Indirect Intervention pdf

We present Vision-based Navigation with Language-based Assistance (VNLA), a grounded vision-language task where an agent with visual perception is guided via language to find objects in photorealistic indoor environments. The task emulates a real-world scenario in that (a) the requester may not know how to navigate to the target objects and thus makes requests by only specifying high-level endgoals, and (b) the agent is capable of sensing when it is lost and querying an advisor, who is more qualified at the task, to obtain language subgoals to make progress. To model language-based assistance, we develop a general framework termed Imitation Learning with Indirect Intervention (I3L), and propose a solution that is effective on the VNLA task. Empirical results show that this approach significantly improves the success rate of the learning agent over other baselines on both seen and unseen environments.